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DLP: Motel Rendezvous

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Jormungandr, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Taking this and also the Kerrigan/Harry Potter in one, because I've sort of worked out how to mix the two.

    Will write when I have spare time.

    Edited because I'm a twat who mis-read.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2014
  2. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Don't you mean Kerrigan/Harry Potter?
  3. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Fixed. /10.
  4. Stalin's Pipe Organs

    Stalin's Pipe Organs Auror

    Apr 18, 2009
    Here's a challenge.

    Some vanilla Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood.
  5. Tommy

    Tommy The Green Ranger

    Nov 30, 2012
    In a bomb shelter, South Africa.


    Has to be insane.

    Where the fuck are you, the Fine Balance?

    ---------- Post automerged at 16:45 ---------- Previous post was at 16:36 ----------

    [4:39 pm] <Zeelthor> Hmm... Would be interesting for Harry to play along like he had gotten affected by the love potion, to see what she'd do.

    What he said
  6. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Sorry, Tommy. It's already been done. Though it's Ginny/Romilda with a side helping of Hermione/Luna.
  7. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    I promise you'll all like this one better than my previous.

    October 1996, a Saturday

    Harry stared out from the Astronomy tower, the moon reflecting bright enough to read by. The lake and valley beyond showed hints of their landscape in the darkness. No doubt, it was a stirring vista, but his mind was on his troubles.

    A voice behind him admonished, "I don't think you're supposed to be here, Mr. Potter."

    He turned to see the Astronomy Professor, a rather sour-voiced but modestly attractive witch stepping up towards him from the door to the staircase, letting it close behind her.

    "I'm... uh... allowed," Harry replied, "as Quidditch captain. Isn't that right, ma'am?"

    "It is. I suppose then I should say, 'I wouldn't expect to see you here, alone.' And please, don't call me 'Ma'am'- it sounds too much like 'Mum'. What brings you up to my tower, if not the romantic setting?"

    "Isolation. I used to go to the owlery to think, until I started thinking about what I was resting on. It's rather lost its lustre."

    The Professor grinned an acknowledgement, then suggested, "There are plenty of hiding places deeper into the castle."

    "I like looking down from a height. I get perspective up in the air." Harry harumphed. "And then there's the likelihood of being interrupted by others with a need to hide for more romantic reasons. At least up here I can usually hear them coming."

    "Not much for romance, are you?"

    "Not much, Professor. Not good at it, anyways. Girls... they make me anxious. You want to say something private to one and they'll cleave to their friends. You tell a joke to put them at ease and they won't laugh, even if they do a day later when someone else tells it. You say that you think they're attractive and they say you're a lump with no sense of decency."

    "These were the results when you tried chatting up prospects- is this recent?"

    "Not me, though I've seen it. My mates did. I saw them crash and burn so many times I've decided to save myself the grief. Besides, if I make a move on any girl at this point, it'll be treated like a national event. And then if I flub it... so much worse. I guess the headmaster and I have something in common."

    "How's that, Harry?"

    "Our mistakes are correspondingly bigger than most peoples', either from talent or being famously alive." Harry frowned. "Did you just call me 'Harry', Professor?"

    "I did." The Professor hopped up to sit on the wall, leaving her shoes behind and swinging her stocking-clad feet more like a girl than a serious-minded adult. "As you seem inclined to spill your heart into my lap, I shall not act as your Professor right now. You may, until we leave the tower this evening, call me Aurora."

    "Aurora? Lovely name, but isn't that the goddess of the dawn?"

    "Thank you, Harry. It is. I chose it when I started on my career as a star-gazer."

    "You chose it? What was your name in school?"

    The Professor cleared her throat in discomfort and then muttered, "Sheila."

    "I like--" Harry caught himself when he saw the Professor's pained expression. "... Aurora much better. In fact, I think I should change my name when I start a career, too."

    She cackled. "Good luck with that, Harry. I believe you will be overruled."

    Harry grinned. He gave her a sideways glance. "Pardon me for saying, but you seem nicer than you used to be."

    "You're not my student anymore. Now we're just co-habitants of this magical castle."

    "So we're like neighbors."

    Aurora agreed with a nod. "And as your neighbor, I'd like to offer this advice; there are many ways to spend time with friends without alerting the media. I suspect that, between your associations with the Weasley twins and the success of some of your adventures, that sneaking around isn't something new for you. Explain your situation and ask a witch to join you in an adventure, so long as they can keep a secret. Witches like secrets."

    He shook his head. "Honestly, I've kinda resolved not to bother. It seems so out of reach. I can't promise a girl anything for a future. I mean, shouldn't I be concentrating on--"

    Aurora waved a hand at him to interrupt. "You don't need to put on a courtship that will resound through the ages; just find a little love for yourself. Like a favorite pudding; you've earned the right to a little treat now and again, haven't you? Whether you truly are the Chosen One or are just tragically successful at making enemies, I'd say you're rather under-compensated in this area. You could use a little fun in your life."

    It was sound advice, and given without seeming to carry her own agenda which made Harry appreciate it all the more.

    Aurora continued, though her tone shifted to a more cautious one. "Harry, If you do decide to, discreetly, make some witch's dream of you come true, I'd expect that you'd bring her here, as so many others have in the past."

    "Oh- I wouldn't insult you like that--"

    "I wasn't warning you off, Harry. It's a suggestion. You should bring her up here."

    "And you won't mind? I've heard people say you terrorized them when they were caught up here."

    "Only after they were done..." He goggled at her in surprise, so she added, "Just imagine it- two young people, tangled together half-clothed and caught up in their passion- it's a moment worth watching." She hopped down and stood next to him, gazing out across the grounds as he had been. "I like to watch," she confessed, "I enjoy feeling as if I'm a part of their vulnerable moment."

    Aurora turned and gave him a mischievious grin.

    "Then I jump out at them. That's what I call fun. The real challenge is trying to hold in the laughter until they're well out of earshot."

    A giggle echoed up from a window below them, followed by the sound of ascending footsteps.

    She whispered, "Speaking of..." and gestured for Harry to sneak with her to the opposite side of the tower, away from the door.

    Harry had ducked behind the turn of the tower just as the door banged open. "Oh, look! Isn't it wonderful?" a joyful girl's voice cried.

    Harry turned to see Aurora finishing a Disillusionment charm- one that didn't actually extend beyond her waist. He pointed out her quite visible legs- he could tell then that she was panicking as the feet kept turning to face different directions.

    "Someone left their shoes," the joyful girl declared. "Is anyone else up here?"

    "Audrey, will you shush?" her deeper-voiced companion growled.

    Harry had extracted his Invisibility Cloak and now held it up like a rain tarp- most of him was concealed, except for the opening aimed towards Aurora's feet. A moment later, Harry felt a warm body push next to him, the legs placed to stand on either side of his left leg. He let the opening drop just as the young witch Audrey rounded the corner, faux-whispering, "Anyone here? Are we interrupting?"

    A small spark appeared in front of Harry's face. It popped up to the edge of the Cloak then turned into a wave dripping towards the floor, revealing the rest of Aurora's form as it traveled. Aurora then twitched her wand tip in a tight circle, and Harry could see a version of the bubble-head charm expanding around her face. It continued to expand until it enveloped both of them.

    Aurora whispered, "That's a trick I can do much better- like a bastardized Silencing charm, only it lets those within hear each other."

    "We can talk--"

    "Shhh!" she hissed. "You can whisper, and the filter effect muffles the sound to barely a breeze."

    "Understood," Harry breathed.

    By this point, Audrey was being embraced and tickled by her wizard companion, a tall, sandy-haired boy wearing the usual casual muggle wear. The lovers kissed, and the boy's tickles changed into slow gliding caresses, partly hidden under Audrey's jumper. The witch had calmed her giggles, now replaced with the sound of sighs and wet lips joining and releasing.

    Harry turned to look at Aurora, but she had her eyes locked on the snogging couple. He whispered, "When do we jump out?"

    "Ohhhh, not for a while yet. Trent - that is, Mr. Haugen - is a regular visitor. We're in for a show."

    Harry tilted his head in confusion. Aurora smiled and then carefully knelt down to the floor, wordlessly adding a cushioning charm to the cold stone with her thin wand. She looked up at Harry and beckoned him to sit as well. He crouched down and then resettled to sit on the Cushion with his back against the staircase's outer wall, as Aurora had done. He took a minute to assure that the Cloak covered them and then set his arms to rest on his knees.

    "Now what?" he muttered.

    "Uh, Harry? Chew on this." Aurora held up a sprig of greenery.

    Harry took it and popped it into his mouth, then said, "Tastes like mint. What does it do?"

    "It is mint, dear. If we're to stay this close, I'm afraid I must insist."


    Any further reply was trumped by Audrey letting out a gasp and a meaningful moan.

    The sound sent a shock through Harry's body, awakening a needful creature within him that had only been lightly roused to this point. The sudden swell of his erection seeking room in his trousers forced a grunt from him.

    He gazed up to follow the source of the sound stirring his loins. Trent was kissing Audrey's neck where her head had tilted back to expose it, and his hands... the far one was probably just holding himself steady but the closer one had slid beneath Audrey's skirted thigh, raising up her leg to allow his hand to slide along and cup her arse. It shifted to thread beneath the band of her damp knickers into an unseen probing that was eliciting another provocative moan from Audrey, repeated with every flick and fondle.

    The witch whined with need, "Ohhh, please, Trent. It's so--" She gasped. His hand had shifted angle.

    Aurora startled Harry by making a soft 'ooh' of eager interest. His face was already flushed but grew hotter still. He repressed a gasp.

    "Prof-- uh, Aurora. Shouldn't we--?"

    She turned to look at him, patiently, and with an amused expression.

    "Should... we..."

    Aurora shifted her position to hold her leaning body up by a straightened arm. Her other hand slid down to untie her robes, then snaked down and between layers of fabric. Her eyes drooped closed when her arm stopped reaching any further.

    "I... uhh..."

    "As a professor, it would be wrong for me to touch you, or for you to touch me, on body parts never exposed in public. I'm afraid you're going to have to take care of things for yourself. As I will for myself."

    She may have laid down the limits, but her leaning in to breathe in his ear and take an idle lick of his neck was straining... everything.

    Taking a last look to verify that Aurora wasn't trying to prank him, Harry shifted his position and reached down to unbuckle his belt. He took another look. Aurora had her eyes closed. He unbuttoned his trousers and unzipped. Aurora's arm was shifting beneath her robes and she was resting her head at his shoulder, taking short breaths that tickled his neck.

    Audrey cried out, prompting them both to look up.

    Trent had knelt down between her legs, the right one now bent to rest the foot on his shoulder as did fairly ruinous and delightful things to her privates with his mouth and fingers, if her gasps and cries were any indication.

    Harry couldn't remember when he had pulled his todger out from his briefs, but he was stroking it in time with Audrey's rhythm.

    "That's it, Harry. Share the moment. With them. With me."

    Aurora's low voice sent a different kind of jolt through his spine. At this point he felt like his privates were over-stimulated- too much pressure was building, and his cockhead wasn't getting the all-clear to let the fireworks happen.

    "Oh, Merlin," cried Audrey. Trent had let her slide down and straddle his body, and now she was poised to sit on his pelvis, where her skirt masked the shuffling of his hands to no doubt insert the proper weapon into her willing sheath. She dropped down and shrieked, earning a hand clapped over her mouth by Trent. They had stopped moving for the nonce while he gave her threatening look that she answered with a tearful nod.

    It seemed that she would resume her motion, but instead she crossed her arms at her waist. In a smooth and grand motion, she pulled upward to draw blouse and jumper over her head and away from her arms, revealing her heavy breasts, partly entangled with her unclasped bra. A second motion to toss it away and the lovers leaned in to share a kiss. They then lifted a hand to caress one of her breasts apiece. Audrey's pelvis began to rock.

    Harry had to stop stroking- his erection was as red and anxious as he was. He leaned forward, gasping a little in frustration.

    He felt a small, damp hand caress his left forearm. Aurora gently took hold of the hand and brought it up to her lips. He saw her tilt her head forward and then he felt her wet tongue dancing across his palm and between the joins of his fingers. She continued laving her way around his palm for a minute, then curled her tongue back into her mouth. She looked up at him while drawing her hand away from his, returning it to work between the folds of her robes.

    Harry couldn't stop staring into her eyes. His hand, somewhat greater in intelligence than its owner at the moment, wrapped his slickened fingers around his dick and resumed stroking.

    His breath tightened. So did hers. She moaned and bit her lip. He grunted and let out a growl. Her eyes opened wide and she nodded to him. His chest swelled and he felt the three second ping of an oncoming orgasm.

    Audrey grasped her left breast and shrieked.

    Trent grunted and lifted her up with his pelvis, spearing deep into her.

    Aurora's breath hitched into a restrained whine.

    Harry came last, but longest.


    The buzz of ecstasy abated, and Harry felt Aurora nudge him by the shoulder. He looked up to see Audrey and Trent still entangled, kissing and fondling, breathing heavily and grinning at each other.

    He felt the wash of a cleansing charm removing the sticky mess from his hand and the floor in front of him. Noting Aurora stowing her wand, he returned his equipment to its proper pouch, zipped up and buttoned his trousers.

    Aurora locked eyes with him and moved from kneeling into a crouch. Harry did the same and they rose to standing beneath his Invisibility Cloak with satisfying grace.

    It took them only a couple minutes to navigate around to the door to the tower stairs. Aurora stopped in front of it and turned to look up at Harry.

    She reached up a hand and drew his head down to hers. At the last inch, she tilted it and kissed him on the left temple. The kiss was warm and wet and it lasted for several intimate seconds.

    Aurora said, "A lover kisses your lips; a mother kisses your forehead. This is my way of saying more than 'Thank you', but less than 'I await our next encounter'. Understand?"

    Harry nodded.

    Professor Sinistra stepped out from underneath his cloak, grabbed the handle and swung open the door with a bang.

    "Who's up here?!" she bellowed.

    Though he knew she couldn't see him, he also knew that the grin and wink were for him.

    Last edited: Mar 4, 2014
  8. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    I'll do Harry/Romilda.
  9. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    Got a bunny for the Tony/Hermione one, if it hasn't already been claimed.
  10. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Go for it.
  11. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Justine/Harry. What if Justine hadn't met Thomas at Zero? There's also some mention in the books of Harry being paid to look for the club. Seems like an ideal place for the two to meet up.
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Here's an interesting request which may raise an eyebrow or two:

    Maleficent from the Sleeping Beauty and Lord Voldemort.

    Bonus points if Voldemort remains his canon, uncaring, asexual self.
  13. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Zeelthor challenged me to write Harry/Luna/Harley Quinn, thinking that I would find it too weird.

    You have never been more wrong.
  14. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    Stuck a little closer to the rules this time - only a thousand(ish) words, and much nearer the half hour limit.


    The brunette sat across the table from him was not his normal type, although Tony would be the first to admit that what that really meant was that she hadn’t been on the cover of Playboy. She was never likely to appear there either. Oh, she was easy enough on the eye, but she was never going to turn heads, and he had a certain standard with that kind of thing. Nonetheless…he flashed her one of his patented charming smiles, and poured some more wine. There was definitely something about her.

    “Have you had time to consider the proposal, Mr Stark?”

    She was annoyingly business-like though. If he didn’t know better, he’d say his charm wasn’t working on her, but that was impossible. “I skimmed it,” he said carelessly. “Looks kinda interesting, I guess, but I’m not sure it’s really my thing, you know? I’m more of an engineer, physics, that sort of thing. Genetics? I can give you the names of a dozen people with more interest in that than me.”

    She nodded. “We know. But none of those people have your intellect. You are a genius, are you not?”

    “Why Miss Granger, you flatter me,” Tony replied with another easy smile. She quirked an eyebrow at him.

    “Merely quoting your own company profile. You’re very fond of informing everyone.”

    “Why do I get the impression that you’re not convinced?”

    “Do you really want the list?”

    Tony sat up straighter in his chair, a little shocked. He opened his mouth to snap something sharp back at her, but closed it again. He sensed she would be even less impressed with a snarky remark than she already was. “You came to me, Miss Granger. That suggests something impressed you.”

    “I’m not on my own in this enterprise,” she pointed out. But then she inclined her head. “Your intelligence is not in doubt, Mr Stark. I do question your common sense. Your commitment.”

    “You don’t want to believe everything you read in the gutter press,” Tony said, allowing himself a laugh. It wasn’t the first time someone had doubted him due to his lifestyle – hell, Pepper did it on an almost daily basis. “If something catches my interest, I’ll see it through.”

    “I notice you didn’t address the issue of common sense,” Granger shot back, but she said it with a smile. A small one.

    “What do you take issue with? The cars? The women?”

    “Iron Man.”

    “I don’t see what my bodyguard has to do – ”

    “Please. You and I both know that the only person wearing that armour is you. Quite apart from anything else, you’re too egotistical to let anyone else wear it.”

    There was a moment of stunned silence, which Tony covered by taking a sip from the wine. It suddenly tasted a little sour, he reflected. How in the world could she have known that? Nobody else knew, nobody. “That’s quite an assertion. Even if it were true though – which it isn’t – what difference would me being a hero make to this endeavour?”

    “I know heroes,” Granger snapped. “I was married to one. None of them ever sought it out, because they know the truth of it. You’re just a thrill-seeker dressed up in a shiny suit.”

    She was cut off by Tony’s glass shattering as he slammed his fist down in anger. If it hadn’t been for the fact the restaurant was empty apart from them, it would have merited at least page three. Fortunately, he’d rented the restaurant for the entire evening. He’d felt privacy would be necessary. “I am not a thrill-seeker, Miss Granger. Not anymore. Just because I laugh and joke about it doesn’t mean I don’t understand the hell out there. Or maybe you hadn’t heard about my little holiday in Afghanistan?”

    She had the grace to flush, but she didn’t look away. “Maybe. But you remind me very much of an old friend’s godfather.”

    “I take it that’s not a good thing?”

    “He got himself killed through his stupidity and recklessness, so no. Not really.”

    “Why are you even here, Miss Granger? If you think so little of me, why approach me?”

    “You are a genius,” she said, offering what could have been a conciliatory smile. “And you’re friends with a god, so you shouldn’t be too surprised by what you see on this project.”

    “Your samples did suggest there was something a little…unusual,” Tony allowed. “Some sort of mutation?”

    “That’s what we want to know,” Granger replied. She hesitated, clearly considering her next move, and then she reached into her purse. Tony stiffened, force of habit, but relaxed when all she pulled out was a stick. “Do you believe in magic, Mr Stark?”

    “Sure, who doesn’t love a show?”

    “Don’t be flippant.” She flicked the stick in a certain motion, and his sunglasses stood up from their position at the table next to him. He watched in astonishment as they shimmered, and an exact duplicate appeared next to them, standing similarly, balancing on the arms. Another gesture with the stick, and the two pairs of glasses picked up a knife and a fork, and started fencing with them. When Tony managed to tear his eyes away, Granger was watching him carefully.

    “Oh, I’m totally hired. You’ve gotta tell me how you do that!”

    “Magic,” she said with a smile. “How that works…well, that’s what you’ve just agreed to work out. We know it’s a little out of your comfort zone, but…”

    “Heh, genetics,” he said dismissively. “Give me a week and I’ll be able to start work.”

    “That long? Your reputation is exaggerated.”

    “Nope. I’ll know the science by this time tomorrow. The rest of the week is to work out how to get you to laugh. You did say you were married, didn’t you?”

    She rolled her eyes. “Good night, Mr Stark. I’ll see you in a week. And…I am sorry for what I said. I may have misjudged you.” She stood to leave before he could respond to that, clearly a little embarrassed to have needed to apologise, and tucked her stick – her wand, he guessed – into a pocket which didn’t appear to be deep enough to hold it. Interesting, he thought.

    “Looking forward to it already, Miss Granger,” he replied.

    “Surprisingly, so am I. And it’s Hermione, Mr Stark.”

    “Call me Tony,” he called after her. “Or, you know, Iron Man. Whichever you prefer!”


    Writing this actually gave me the idea for a Potter/Marvel crossover, where the emergence of superheroes prompts the Wizarding world to reconsider the necessity of the Statute of Secrecy.

    Open challenge to anyone who wants it: Kariin Murphy and Dean Winchester.
  15. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Hermione is awfully insulting to not only someone she just met, but also someone she needs something from.
  16. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    I realize I'm throwing stones in glasshouses here, but I find the lack of smut disturbing. xD

    Speaking of disturbing and smut... Dresden/Kumori. (The necromancer from Dead Beat.)
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2014
  17. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    Yeah, I'm not entirely happy with it, but I didn't want it to turn into another two thousand word, entire evenings work like my fight club piece. It ran away from me a little as it was.

    Edit: aimed at Republic, not Zeelthor's complaint at the general lack of smut. Badly timed ninja is badly timed :p
  18. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Isnt the 500 words supposed to be the minimum, not max? And people actually care about the half hour thing?

    I say, if you have an idea, take the time to do it justice.

    ---------- Post automerged 03-06-2014 at 04:32 AM ---------- Previous post was 03-05-2014 at 08:21 PM ----------

    I may enjoy connecting these bits and pieces way too much. I'm thinking of combining and posting them, tbh.

    Harry stepped into his quarters, tired from a long day of work and ready for a shower and some shut-eye.

    He closed the door, threw his coat in the general direction of the coat rack, kicked off his shoes, and proceeded deeper into his penthouse, flipping lights open as he went.

    Reaching into the living room, he didn't open the light, only went straight through, headed for the door that lead to his bedroom and and bathroom.

    Halfway through the living room, his wand suddenly appeared in his hand and he spun around, aiming it at one of the far-side armchairs. A faint light emanated from its tip, slightly illuminating the invaded sitting there.

    "How did you get in without my wards picking you up?" He demanded.

    Instead of a reply, the invader rose, stepping fully into the light.

    What the fuck is it with hot chicks breaking into my stuff?
    Harry wondered idly to himself.

    "Harry Potter." A female voice, cheery and somewhat obnoxious, declared. Harry took a better look at the intruder. He recognized her now. Harley Quinn. He'd seen enough of her on the news or papers. She wore a red leather corset that even to him looked painful, her hair was caught in two pigtails, one colored blue and the other red, and for once her face was devoid of the trademark white makeup.

    "Harley Quinn." He said in reply, nodding slightly in her direction. Harley raised one delicate eyebrow.

    "So you know who I am?"

    "I've heard of you."

    "And you're not going to scream like a girl and run away, or scream at me and try to arrest me?"

    Harry sighed deeply, rubbing his eyes, and then run his hand through his hair, an unconscious gesture. What was it with Americans that made them think Harry's every waking thought had to be about them?

    "Listen here miss Quinn, you've never hurt me or mine, and you obviously have a reason for being here, so doing either of those would be rather rude. And honestly? Don't be offended, but you're not even on the top ten of the craziest people I know."

    This seemed to take Harley aback, for she blinked twice in rapid succession, and then regarded him for a long minute, as if in deep thought.

    "That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me." She eventually informed him.

    Harry blinked. Oka~ay.

    "You're welcome?" Harry tried, not sure how to respond to that. Harley took two steps closer to him.

    "Red is in love with you." She said suddenly. Harry's head reeled at the sudden changes in topics, struggling to keep up.


    Harley scowled. "Pamela?"

    "Oh. Pamela Isley. Yes, great woman. But I'm sure you are mistaken, last I knew she was dating my friend Neville."

    If possible, Harley's expression soured even more. Her resisted the urge to lick his lips upon seeing her unconscious pout.

    "Don't be ridiculous. She's only dating him to make you jealous."

    Harry blinked again. Pamela was dating Neville to make him jealous? That ... actually explained quite a few things, like Neville's, in hindsight not-so-subtle, hints.

    "Wow, okay. I didn't know that."

    "Obviously not." She sneered at him, taking another step forwards, bringing them close to touching distance.

    "But alright, assuming she is still in love with me. That is a problem for you how?"

    "Because Red and I had something good before she met you."

    Harry blinked again, thinking furiously. He exerted his considerable willpower to ward off images of Harley and Ivy together, as he didn't think that'd win him any points with Harley right now.

    "I'm sorry to hear about that. I didn't know, and Pamela didn't mention anything."

    Harley took some time in replying.

    "I don't blame you for this. Red will do as Red wants. It's always been this way."

    Despite her strong exterior, Harry could trace actual hurt in her voice. He resisted the urge to panic. Why did he have to deal with this at this ungodly hour?

    He reached for her slowly, to show that he was not being threatening. He put one hand on her shoulder, and with the other lifted her chin higher, to look her in the eye.

    "Don't feel bad, Harley. You're a beautiful and unique woman, and anyone would be lucky to have you. If Pamela wasn't into you, maybe you can convince her otherwise. If not, there are other fish in the sea, as they say. You don't have to worry so much."

    Harley regarded him with narrowed eyes for a second, not moving out of his hold, but with suspicion evident in her gaze.

    Eventually she must have found what she sought in his eyes, for the suspicion vanished from her gaze, and she answered. "Call me Harleen."

    "What?" Harry asked, confused.

    "My name. It's Harleen."

    "That's a lovely name, Harleen."

    Harleen closed her eyes and sighed.

    "I'm starting to see why Red fell for you. A girl could get used to this."

    Harry personally didn't see it. He didn't much that any regular bloke didn't do. He guessed it had more to do with the guys girls like Harleen usually hang around rather than anything he did.

    Suddenly he felt pain on the side of his head, and brought his hand up to rub the sore spot. She'd whacked him!

    "Ouch. What the hell, woman?"

    "No making me fall in love with you." She threatened seriously, waving a finger at him.

    "Merlin, fine. I'll try." He grumbled, rubbing the sore spot. She could bloody hit!

    "Now, why exactly are you here, if it wasn't to be seduced by my esteemed self?"

    "Who said it wasn't?"

    Harry's pre-prepared reply died in his throat. For an embarrassing second, he gaped at her like a fish, before he regained his bearings.

    "Harleen, you just said-"

    "I know what I said, okay?" She cut him off, and rubbed her eyes for a bit. "I came here planning to either kill you or seduce you. Either would get to Red." Harry didn't comment that apparently she'd been half-planning to kill him, safe in the knowledge that that plan had been scrapped.

    "To get to Pamela? Like she's trying to do with Neville?"

    "I guess." She said, not sounding very sure of herself at all. Harry's right had found its way to her other shoulder, and he rubbed her gently.

    "And what will you do now, Harleen?"

    She looked up at him. "I don't think I want to kill you anymore."

    Harry took joy in the words, knowing that he'd be feeling differently if they came from anyone else.

    "But I'm not sure if I want to fuck you to get to Red, either." Harry didn't allow his shoulders to sag at the stab of disappointment he felt. Really, not five minutes ago all he could think of was a shower and his bed. He can still do those things if Harleen just leaves.

    As he was thinking this, he missed Harleen's hands wrap around his neck. But he was jostled back to reality when her lips crushed onto his. Being rather a man of action, he forewent all though as he kissed her back, hands roaming her shoulders and back, getting familiar with her leather outfit and her uncovered skin.

    They broke apart after a minute, both breathless and panting.

    "What was that about, then?" Harry asked between breaths. Harleen didn't disentangle herself from him.

    "I want you for myself." She said. "I want to see what she saw, I want to feel what she felt, and I want to have what she doesn't."

    Solid reasoning
    , Harry thought.

    Harleen took a step back, and reached a hand to the fastenings of her corset. Merlin, it really must have been painful, for she practically spilled as soon as it was loosened, and not long after removed altogether.

    He hadn't been idle, and his shirt joined her corset on the floor. When they met each other again, both were naked from the waist up.

    Not long after that, Harry had to wrench his face from Harleen's, and hastily point his wand at the door.

    As he did that, the door opened slightly. Harleen turned to see what he was looking at, just in time to see a blond head poke in from the ajar door.

    The head looked around, and it spotted them, smiled brightly, long blond hair falling around it. The rest of her stepped into the room, and closed the door.

    "Luna?" Harry asked, rather annoyed at the interruption. Harleen didn't say anything, not at all embarrassed and rather entertained already. This had to be good.

    Luna waved at them with cheery smile. "Hi Harry! Are you in the process of intercourse?"

    Harry blinked as his mind was rebooting itself. Dealing with Luna had gotten slightly easier over the years, but she could still catch him off guard on occasion.

    "Yes." He replied slowly.

    "Great!" Luna cheered. "Can I join you?" Her face was so earnest, so happy, you'd think she was asking for a ride home.

    Harry didn't reply. Honestly? Luna was smoking hot, and if he said no he'd be lying, and he didn't want that.

    He turned to look at Harleen, raising an eyebrow. Harleen saw his expression, then turned to inspect the newcomer. Luna was wearing nothing but a sleeveless shirt and some jogging shorts, and neither left much to the imagination. Adulthood had been very kind to Luna Lovegood.

    Apparently, Harleen thought so too. "Sure." She replied, nodding with her head. Luna's face brightened visibly, and she started walking towards them, pulling her shirt over her head as she did so.

    "Just so you know," Harry said offhandedly to Harleen. "On the list of crazy people I mentioned earlier, Luna ranked an easy sixth."

    Harleen's smile turned predatory.

    "This is going to be fun."

    Merlin help me.

  19. Peace

    Peace High Inquisitor

    Aug 17, 2011
    My computer desk
    Best prompts ever! And here I was thinking the Harry/Ivy one should be continued, maybe at a party with Neville dropping some of those not-so-subtle hints and Harry just not getting it?

    Nice work Republic.


    Could I get another prompt. HP or HP/DC please.
  20. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    Hermione breaks Rons heart, with a Muggle.