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Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Zeitgeist, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Ok, I'm just going to answer this briefly and simply:
    Are youinsane?
    If you noticed, I never once bothered asking why you thought I would be scumbuddies with Fonti, or even why you think I scum, mostly because I assumed that if you had anything of actual substance to say, you wouldn't be doing random pointless doubtcasting.
    And lo and behold.
    How many times have I said that I was on the fence on Bill? How many times have I said that Bill had more townish rings than Prophy? How many times did I do it before #168?
    Two to that last question. I went back and counted.
    Do not ever pretend to speak for me again. Post quotes, direct lines, but if you somehow make it through this Day, you don't get to speak for me unless you can actually back it up.

    As for your points in Fonti, I'm actually waiting for her response in it. Congrats, I'm fairly curious. Meta is still the biggest damper on this game.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ----------

    Prophy, depending on Fonti's answer, I want your exact thoughts on these last few posts.
    I haven't voted GoH for a reason, and it probably won't be to you, but depending on your thoughts, we could maybe agree to a common GoH vote.
  2. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Sloth, I get that question a lot.

    Of course, what I am saying is that there is no "random pointless doubtcasting". Project much? You never actually said what makes you think Bill Town. There is nothing. Nothing. No scumhunting at all until Prophy and I begged it out of him.

    Of course, that is beside the main point I was even making. I was saying that the whole Bill/Titus scumteam is an utter farce and you should feel stupid for letting Fonti take you on that ride. Your insistence on glossing over on Bill Door is absolutely why I think you are scum. You also need to protect Fonti. So yeah. Duh probscum. Or b, I just don't really give a fuck. Fonti's obvscum.

    Meta isn't a damper. Meta by itself is wifom. If someone says something untrue about meta, uses meta in a manner where if true wouldn't be a defense or acts like something true doesn't exist, that's the point to pounce. Hence why I started bouncing on Prophy.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:47 PM ----------

    ***boucing on Prophy = pouncing on Fonti. God damn brain error.
  3. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    While we're waiting, Fonti--explain this. What made you decide I was town? I'd like to hear it.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------



    #150, #233. #257.

    If anyone relevant actually has something to say to me about the above, let me know. Otherwise, waiting on you Fonti, and then on you, Prophy.
  4. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Currently trying to comprehend Titus's case on fontisian and failing.

  5. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Fonti it is, then.

    In the meantime, Vote Tally
    Titus: Sloth (#144), Fontisian (#233), Citrus (#243) - 3 votes
    Bill Door: Prophylaxis (#85), Titus (#172) - 2 votes
    Prophylaxis: Lyrium (#173), ika (#208) - 2 votes
    Citrus: Bill Door (#154) - 1 vote

    For the record, Bill has yet to explain why he's still voting for Citrus (and why he's a better target than Titus).
    And has ika been around all day? He hasn't explained why he voted on Prophy out of nowhere, as well as suddenly changing Bill to the 'unknown' status despite previous posts that blatantly state him as scum.
  6. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Then please give me a question or something so I can at least focus on the confusing parts rather than repeating the obvious over and over again and just having it go straight over people's heads.

    Sloth, your question is simple as well. All three scumfucks can't sit on my wagon.
  7. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Breakdown of Titus's Case on Fontisian.

    I have a question -


    Keep in mind that fontisian has no knowledge of the history between you and ika.

    How in the world is "trying to twist ika's desire to settle my alignment early" aggression? Like, full stop, this is why your posting gives me headaches.

    I have no actual idea what "twisting ika's desire to settle my alignment early" means. I see fontisian inquiring about a word choice by ika, and you're interpreting it as "twisting".

    I was under the impression that fontisian was just inquiring about ika's word choice - she didn't even vote ika.

    I'm having trouble seeing scum!font defend scum!Bill like that, though, if they were buddies. Her progression on the Bill read was good and felt natural. I would expect font!scum to bus Bill!scum out of the gate.

    Uh, no.

    She asks Citrus about Bill Door and me, who were the prime focuses of the thread at the time.

    Her thought process during that first page, I think, was "I'm seeing Citrus just comment about mechanics; how come Citrus isn't talking about the gamestate?" I don't see the attacking of Citrus at all.

    Ugh, this is why I'm having so many problems parsing your posts, Titus. You say things that are either factually incorrect, or make no sense.

    Prophy then does his gambit of voting for a player to be his lump who provided no content. Easy thing to do to draw reactions. It's textbook to say what the fuck it makes no sense. - OK.

    Someone who doesn't know or trust Prophy naturally cuts off that gambit. - Who cut off the gambit? Fontisian reacted to it in a way I would expect from town!font, which was the final piece for me to townread font.

    Someone who knows Prophy as town gambits rarely and does so with a reason let's Prophy continue his gambit.

    Can anyone comprehend this post? I'm not getting it.

    So Fonti, being the expert on Prophy... doesn't trust his alignment to be clear in his gabmit... no Fonti wants control over this town and votes to Lynch Prophy.

    How does voting me = "wants control of this town"?

    It's a total overreaction post.

    I see it as natural. fontisian flipped out at me lumping Ollie and voted me, demanding an explanation.

    What the fuck was that MIGHT come from suspicious town. - See above.

    Yet, she doesn't have the same reaction to Prophy's naked ish vote on BillDoor.

    Why would she react the same way to a naked vote on Bill Door (keep in mind that she *knows* my stances on naked votes) to a totally weird lump vote on Ollie? It makes no sense.

    Substantiate this with quotes.

    I see the meta comparison as a natural progression, as I've said to you many times in this post.

    This is.. kind of fine.

    I have no idea where you're getting this from, though.




    Someone providing content =! a read on them, though.

    Well, you know how hard mafiascum players can bus. Remember Does Bo Know in Ryuk in the Protagonist? I was townreading your slot up until Elyse and Tajun convinced me.

    (Does Bo Know cast the first vote on his scumbuddy and hard bussed Day 1)


    How is she buddying me? She's declaring me as a townread, sure, but she's nervous because I have tricked her as scum before. That's totally natural.

    For the third time:


    I swear this is all a whole bunch of buzzwords.

    ....But this is actually a decent towntell, though. Finally extracted that.


    I'm actually wondering at this point if fontisian/Titus are distractions, and we should focus on the {Bill Door, Nemrut, Citrus} cluster.
  8. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Bill, get back in here if you're town.

    Sloth, I am still somewhat shocked that your posts have been decent so far and read as town or at least as Sloth trying hard to be town. I'm waiting for the other ball to drop.

    Oh and you missed my post. I operate on feels. I admire players who can do analysis the way Lexi can but its something I need to work on myself.

    I did explain my reading on Prophy. His strange white knighting of Fonti is what is giving off weird vibes.

    I enjoy asking controversial questions and fake wagons. Controversial questions sometimes lead to people revealing their true thoughts. Fake wagoning is fun when other people (scum?) jump onto the wagon without any reasons as to why.

    Therefore, its possible that one of the people I've been saying is scum is someone who is strong town to me but I'm keeping that close to the chest until further explication is needed which will be closer to end of day when all the lurkers have posted.

    I'm just going to say I have this strange gut feeling that fontisian is holding back. This doesn't necessarily mean she's scum but there's a false note somewhere there in her words. Like a purposeful null read.

    Prophylaxis is somehow clustered with Titus and Fontisian. I can't make sense of it and having reread all 14 pages and feeling down due to the no roles flip, I just collected how people voted:

    Voting Pattern so Far
    Bill: Deadline Vote Ika, Deadline Vote Citrus,

    Ika: Lynch Vote Titus, Lynch Vote Bill Door, Deadline Vote Titus, Deadline Vote Bill Door, Lynch Vote Prophylaxis, Deadline Lynch Prophylaxis,

    Titus: Lynch Vote Ika, Lynch Vote Fonti, Lynch Vote Ika, Lynch Vote Bill Door, Deadline Vote Bill Door,

    Fonti: Lynch vote Ika, Deadline Vote Titus, Lynch Vote Prophylaxis, Deadline Vote Titus

    Prophylaxis: Lynch Vote Bill, Lynch Vote Bill,

    Citrus: Deadline Vote Titus,

    Sloth: Deadline Vote Titus,

    Lyrium: Deadline Vote Prophylaxis

    Sloth, want to check me on these? I feel like I missed one but can't go through all that again till morning.

    If anyone has questions I'm on for a bit, instead of pointing to post # just ask again.
  9. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    Alright, so, programming done for now, if anyone wants to play Snake/breakout in MIPS assembly, just let me know and I will happily provide my shitty excuse for a waste of a weekend. How the fuck did y'all manage to write fourteen pages in this time? I'm gonna do my best to catch up. Someone let me know if I miss anything.
    Also I think I saw something about no reveals on flip. Sigh. As my contribution, instead of immediately posting a read-post about everyone, since the thread is full of them and I'm kinda awful at them, I'll post a series of questions that anyone can feel free to answer and discuss to generally advise each other.
    1. Are there any circumstances except a lynch bandwagon in your opinion under which the cop should role reveal?
    2. What is the use, if any, of Iroh's firebreathing ability? (this is less a discussion question and more a 'please explain' thing)
    3. Does Sokka's ability prevent assassinations? (this is a question to zeit.)
    4. Should the Cabbage Merchant scream every night, or not? This is something I'd appreciate being discussed because I was trying to figure out the advantages/disadvantages: it seems pure advantage /not/ to shout, since it decreases the knowledge available to the scum, and lowers their chance of a successful assassination match. Anyone have good cons?
    edit: shit, also, can we get on the Joo Dee voting thing already? Because I think if it gets assigned at random there's a nearly 1/4 chance of scum getting it and that seems like a really bad idea.
  10. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    ok i am home and going to read though all this fun jumbled mess.

    i did a quick glancethough already but i need to look back and gether all the quotes and everything. A lot has changed though....
  11. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    Oh, and I went back to the start to look over roles and saw:
    And, uh, it's 12:47 AM on March 10th 2014, so I'm.... not gonna post anymore? IDEK
    edit: holy shit I'm an idiot sorry
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2014
  12. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Schro, it's 12PM so EST noon not midnight.
  13. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    If a Guest of Honour is not determined and a lynch is not made, Long Feng the Grand Secretariat will make both decisions for Ba Sing Se. Of course, he can queue decisions and change them right until the end of the Day.

    Also, here is the current, official voting tally. Unofficial tallies are fine, but the official one should always be the one that's trusted. All formats that are formatted incorrectly have not been counted (mainly because I use "Control+F").

    Guest of Honour Vote
    ika: 1

    fontisian: 1

    Bill Door: 1
    Bill Door

    Prophylaxis: 2
    Titus, Prophylaxis

    Nemrut: 1

    Lyrium: 1

    7 votes needed to assign Joo Dee

    Yet to vote: Caligula, Lexicat (silverlasso), Lyrium, Schrodinger, Sloth, Zircon

    Lake Laogai Vote
    Proph: 0 (+ 1)
    Lyrium (D)

    Bill Door: 1 (+ 1)
    Prophylaxis, Titus (D)

    Titus: 0 (+ 2)
    Sloth (D), fontisian (D)

    7 votes needed to send somebody to Lake Laogai

    Yet to vote: Bill Door, Caligula, Citrus, ika, Lexicat (silverlasso), Nemrut, Schrodinger, Zircon
  14. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Working on my response to Prophy but I saw this had a few more posts.

    Schrodinger, unless the mod left out cabbage guy being a one-shot, he should scream every night. It prevents a fakeclaim from scum. I could see a manipulative town player withholding towards the end of the game, but given we aren't massclaiming I'd rather have a role that can't be claimed by scum effectively in the early game. That seems to be the whole purpose of that role.

    I'm not going to answer when the cop should reveal. To do so is anti-town and would encourage the scum to create said scenario. However, the cop should crumb their results.

    To ask a question to the mod, it must be bolded. So I'll ask your question

    Does Sokka prevent assassinations?

    Normally, I'd ask you to put such a question in your QT but the mod has been sorta absent from them.

    Schrodinger, you do need to provide content. Saying I suck is not a valid excuse.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 PM ----------

    Mod, the setup says that Jo Dee would be assigned randomly if no plurality is reached? Is this a change? If so, why as no role seems to indicate such a change?
  15. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Last edited by Schrodinger; Today at 09:52 PM.

  16. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Elect Guest of Honour: Lyrium

    I'd rather that a town player, Long Feng, make the decision over it being random. It's more consistent with the roles.

    That we're tied for both Joo Dee and the lynch and have about 11 hours left in the day is frustrating.
  17. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    I know, I'm working on it.
    Zeit? You're giving me mixed signals here, buddy, and last time that happened... well. Let's just not give me mixed signals, okay?
  18. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    The Chieftain's Son doesn't prevent Assassinations, unfortunately. He only stops Night-Kills. And I meant that the Grand Secretariat determines the Laogai Target, not the Joo Dee vote. It was a typo. Joo Dee is randomly allocated, as the OP states.
  19. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    He edited to add the part about him being sorry. I was watching the thread.

    Schro, don't just ask mechanics related questions then. Since you are probably reading the last 14 pages with some fresh eyes - you might notice a pattern or something.
  20. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    Shit, guys, stop posting for a sec so that my posts make sense. The 'I know, I'm working on it" was to titties about needing to provide content, for reference.