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Brass & Tax Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Prophylaxis, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    @Titus thanks

    What Rubicon said.
    "Well yeah, but the net effect of your post is that you defended Zeitgeist, while calling him a slight scum read. Which is pretty bad."

    Are you just making this up?
    a) where did I ever answer anything with something similar to "Huh, hadn't thought of that"?
    b) where did I ever not answer a question?
    c) where did I deflect?
    d) a scum role that benefits from getting lynched is a stupid role, because it means that when town plays to their wincon and succeeds, we get an detriment. That's like the ultimate bastard-role.

    I'm also trying to be polite, though I'm sorry for calling your answer stupid without explanation.
  2. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    I haven't. I was only explaining prior references. :sherlock:
  3. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    I meant in general.
  4. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    so, Riley, do you plan to interact with your scum-reads/scum-fears at all?
  5. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    Should I? Seems like the others are doing a good job of it already for the most part.
  6. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    Yes, because not doing it is anti-town.
    How am I supposed to read you if you don't vote and don't scumhunt and your scum-reads are self-admitted half scum-fears?
  7. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    Well, if you notice, only one set was scum-fears. The other is entirely based on opening remarks and Zeit's defense of Rubicon that lead to the point now where we've moved him to completely town status in the eyes of some. I'm more content at this time to let things evolve naturally. If I have a pressing question I'll ask it. As of right now, I don't. It's simple. Why complicate the first day with wild guesses when I can watch and tomorrow when we have a confirmed role I can make educated assumptions.

    I realize that you're going to jump on this as scum-firming myself almost certainly, but I'd like to point out that in the past when I've attempted to actively search in the first day or two I end up lynched myself because I ask poor questions. I'm trying to avoid that particular route.

    That said, I do have one question: What's your favorite Ice Cream everyone? I'm trying to decide for my grocery list and I want a new flavor other than Mint Chocolate Chip.
  8. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Root beer ice cream is pretty awesome.
  9. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Riley, please provide games of your meta if you are going to rely on it. This is the secondrequest.

    As a general matter, interacting with everyone is good. Scumreads cn townslip. Townreads cn scumslip. People cn confim your reads as right or wrong.
  10. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    I'm not relying on it at this point, you guys are. I'll happily oblige but it's pretty easy to sum up.

    Game 1-3 I was a newb and did the lay low tactic and tried to hide until outed.
    Game 3-5 I relied on readwalls to varying success.
    Game 6-? I'm trying to be more analytical about the game.

    I'm basically repeating myself here but why have we let the suspicions of Rubicon's original post fall by the wayside? Because Zeit offered what seemed like a reasonable alternative but I'm not convinced yet therefore they're in my scum team. I provided my reasoning for Citrus as well. I don't really know what more you want out of that. I'm waiting to see what happens. If you want to ask me questions go ahead but as of right now, I'm content to watch what's happening.

    Also, neither of you answered my question, unfortunately. That moves you up the list of scumliness.

    In case you're wondering, I'm totally serious about the Ice Cream question.
  11. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Rubicon's posts, even the first, look pretty damn town to me.

    I like M&M icecream or Chocolate. Pointless spam.

    Riley, I want links to your games so I can determine for myself!

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 PM ----------

    When you claim you have a scummy appearing playstyle = self-meta. Your most recent posts have self-meta.
  12. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
  13. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Riley, what do you mean by "Zeit offered what seemed like a reasonable alternative"?
  14. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I feel like this has been a pretty great Day 1, solely from the amount of content so far, and that deserves an equal amount of analysis. Fair warning: This is going to be long. I stopped at post 125.

    2: Starts off with a PR claim to cause reactions. Pro-town.
    23: Votes Zeitgeist, without giving reasons. Keeps up the power role confusion in his answers to Sloth.
    25: Dodges Zennith’s question about his vote and asks Zennith if he thinks Zeit is town. Not scummy, but dickish.
    30: Continues to pressure Zennith. Tries to turn my pressure around on me.
    75: Finally answers Zennith’s question, with some pretty good reasoning.
    77: Another response to Zennith, with a fairly ambiguous claim about Zeit.
    79: Fair questions to Zeit and a sarcastic response. Says he doesn’t like my post about Titus being obv-town, doesn’t bother to explain why. Calls Sloth’s terrible point good.
    81: Towny in the lack of self-consciousness, but it could be an act.
    108: Accuses Sloth of preemptively defending Zeit, which I agree with. There’s the usual annoyance with Luckylee and a push for more info from him.
    113: Good questions to Zennith and ika.

    Conclusion: If Zeit flips scum, I will probably clear Rubicon (though there is a very small chance of bussing). If he flips town, Rubicon’s only a slight town lean.

    4: Second on the Rubicon wagon saying “I really don't feel I have to justify this.” “Need more data from everyone though,” is a statement of the obvious, as is the part of the post addressed to me. Question to Rubicon feels over the top.
    10: Dodges my question about his reasons for voting for Rubicon and demands that I answer it instead. Adds a useless second to my vote count question.
    12: Asks Irdiumstern about his mafia experience, which is a slight scumtell in my experience.
    61: Claims that I answered the question he asked me instead of refusing like a petulant child to make him look bad. Shitty reasoning regarding Rubicon’s first post is shitty, especially the part about scumhunting and rolehunting being equally likely. How exactly does claiming an unspecified power role help rolehunt? Preemptively defends Zeit before asking Rubicon why he’s voting for him. Ok question to Titus, followed by a defense of Zennith.
    63: Setting up what I believe to be a mislynch on Titus as the only reasonable option for a pre-lylo day. You’ll notice that he never said anything like this about Lyrium’s double vote in ATLA.
    95: Pressure on Zeit, Rubicon and blab. If Sloth is scum, I expect one of those three to be scum as well. Since Sloth called me the only person townreading Titus, even though blab is also townreading her, blab is probably not Sloth’s scummate. It’s probably Zeit, because the part addressed to Rubicon sounds like appeasement.
    98: Weak response to my post is weak. I can rip it apart if you guys want, but I think the original points stand on their own.
    100: Attacks Irdiumstern for doing exactly what he should be doing.

    Conclusion: Scummy scum is scummy.

    6: Third on the Rubicon wagon. Repeats Sloth’s question, which is bad, but acknowledges that he’s repeating it, which is good. Encourages people to post, which is fillery, but better than Sloth’s complaints about the lack of information.
    9: Claims that Rubicon’s questions were odd but not necessarily scummy, and that he was investigating. Asks me some good questions. Towny mindset.
    17. “Citrus: How am I more suspicious in this than Fonti or Sloth?” reads like a deflection, but could be a legitimate newb question. Makes a joke about Luckylee’s history, which is fine as I believe that he was following that game. Assumes four scum, and points out the obvious that we aren’t going to accidentally hammer when 9 votes are needed.
    32: Points out issues with Zeit’s posts, buddies me a bit, and asks Rubicon why he’s voting for Zeit.
    39: Asks Titus a good question.
    43: Thanks Titus and calls on Sloth to post.
    46: Ask Titus how she’s confirmed town. Not a Titus teammate.
    74: Ok answer to Sloth’s question.
    86: Unvote from Rubicon makes sense. He seems to be looking to me when making his decision, which I’m ok with.
    89: Pressure on a lurker.
    97: A good point against me, and I like the skepticism.
    99: Good question to Nemrut.
    101: Readwall is good. “Also called me obvTown, which I find way too trusting or trying to get me on their side,” solidified my townread.
    103: Good questions for Citrus.
    107: Good answers to Citrus and pressure on ika.
    110: Another push for information.
    114: More good stuff.
    116-118: Ok dialogue with Zennith.

    Conclusion: Newbie scum tends to lurk, and Irdiumstern hasn’t at all. Instead, he’s been trying to figure out the game. Town.

    13: Attacks the speed of the Rubicon wagon, in manner that feels over the top. Fence sits on Sloth and Irdiumstern. Does not attack my vote at all. Demands that Sloth explain his vote. Asks me an incredibly shitty question (How would I know why Rubicon picked Nemrut?) that implies he thought Rubicon’s alleged abilities may have influenced that RVS vote.
    19: Tells people to calm down and stop throwing around votes, which is anti-town. Eases off of Irdiumstern in a way that feels like appeasement. Tells Irdiumstern that Sloth “voted along the same lines with you, with less reasoning and more zeal,” which is not true, as they initially had the same about of reasoning (read: none) with equal levels of conviction. Scummy.
    21: Anti-town role speculation. Why ask me instead of Rubicon why he voted for Nemrut?
    26: Puts Sloth and Rubicon as unaligned pairs, even though he really means he thinks one of them has to be scum, because Rubicon’s reaction was “quick.” Pushes Irdiumstern to answer his question. The whole post reads very awkwardly, as if he doesn’t really believe in the dichotomy he’s trying to create. It sort of points away from a Zeit/Sloth scumteam.
    33: More role speculation. Continues with the false dichotomy between Sloth and Rubicon. Actually makes a good point about Rubicon taking “refuge in audacity." I don’t know why, but I have the weirdest feeling he’s trying to buddy me.
    35: Continues telling Irdiumstern that he’s responding well, but that Zeit still has issues with him. Questions Sloth’s vote for Rubicon because of a lack of reasons.
    47: Flips the fuck out at “everyone” assuming Titus is town. The funny thing is, the only person who assumed Titus was confirmed town at that point was Titus herself. I have no idea who Zeit was getting angry at, and I suspect he’s scum upset at a possible confirmed townie. His example games of scum double voters are terrible, because in every case, the double voters were elected by the town.
    49: Supports Irdiumstern’s statement about Titus not being confirmed town.
    51: Assumes Titus’ attack was addressed to him for no reason. Guilty mindset.
    53: Calls Titus’ post 50 “manufactured,” even though it pretty clearly isn’t. Places a weird amount of reliance on meta that I’ve never seen from him before. Asks why Titus is reclusive about her role but doesn’t ask any questions about it.
    59: Answers the question I addressed to Zennith. Uses weird logic about Titus voting, and claims that Titus putting two votes on one person would “attract attention” (because that hasn’t already happened?), which is really weird. Admits that Titus is likely to be town, but still flips the fuck out at anyone calling her town.
    71: More meta, no answers to my question. Accuses Titus of being a possible Third Party, even after calling her likely town, which is an accusation far more likely to come from scum than from town.
    73: Claims he was angry earlier because “Titus knows that others will view her like ‘conftown’.” This reads like scum angry over the loss of a potential mislynch or fake anger. Tries to avoid confrontation with me by calling me town, and accuses me of being led around by Titus. Titus’
    76: Claims that he didn’t engage Rubicon because he didn’t want to encourage him, which I believe. “In case you are actually scum.” The word “actually” is a scumtell, and a way for Zeit to hedge his bets for when Rubicon flips town. Unaligned pairs.
    78: More out of place anger. Accuses Rubicon of sowing paranoia, which is incredibly hypocritical.

    Conclusion: Zeit is promoting paranoia, trying to be the voice of reason, faking anger, appeasing people who are attacking him, relying on faulty meta far more than I’ve ever seen from him, reacting defensively to posts that aren’t even attacking him, searching for a third party and studiously ignoring Rubicon. Lynch him.

    14: Asks about Early Hammers and attacks Irdiumstern. Nullish.
    16: Genuine desire to learn more about Titus’ role.
    66: Accuses Titus of deflecting and tells me not to mod-game.
    68: Ok reasons for voting for Iridiumstern, but I don’t like the way Citrus hasn’t reacted to the rest of the posts (both from Irdiumstern and from others).
    70: Asks Proph a question with a fairly obvious answer.
    102: More mechanics stuff and some ok questions for Irdiumstern.
    104: Pressure on Zennith, slight pressure on Sloth, and evidence that Citrus is thinking about flips. Kind of townie.

    Conclusion: A whole bunch of null and a bit of bad. Citrus is a slight scum lean.

    22: Fencesits hard and asks people to wait (for what, exactly?). Expresses confusion about Zeit’s post.
    24: Asks Rubicon why he’s voting for Zeit immediately after the vote. Possible Zeit teammate.
    28: Misinterprets or deliberately dodges Rubicon’s question.
    34: Pressures Rubicon some more. Calls Zeit less reactionary than Rubicon, which is not an alignment read. The bit about hoping Zeit is town is kind of towny.
    38: Asks Titus when he dodged a question, which implies that he believed Rubicon’s question about Zeit was not serious.
    42: Confirmation that he didn’t think Rubicon’s question was serious.
    45: Frustration and unnecessary derision towards Titus. Scummy.
    54: Sarcastic, defensive post.
    56: Derp logic regarding Titus double vote, with a heap of wifom.
    112: This was actually really good. I think he believes the points about absolute certainty, Zeit, Titus and Irdiumstern.
    115,117,120: Ok clarification on his reads and pressure on Irdiumstern.
    122: Ok question to Riley that might point to a Sloth/Zennith team.

    Conclusion: I liked post 112 enough that I bumping him up into lean scum territory until I have the time to reread his scum and town games.

    37: Confirms double voting mechanic. Votes for Citrus and Zennith. I think at this point, she could have just plopped both votes down on one person and not have it be questioned. Instead, she decided to split them, making it so she’s engaged with more people and so her reads are more open to criticism. I think was a towny move to make, and that a scum player wouldn’t have even considered splitting the votes.
    41: Says “Zennith, your responses to Zeit are overly defensive and assume things but provide little answers.” I’m guessing she was talking about Zennith’s responses to Rubicon?
    44: Good point against Zennith. The “I am abusing conftown status to not load the thread with questions but watch and learn,” reads like Titus genuinely believes she is townfirmed.
    48: Annoying post, but not scummy.
    50: Disappointment over not being confirmed town feels genuine.
    52: Clarification post.
    58: Ok reaction.
    62: Another Garcia of my question to Zennith before he has a chance to answer. The answer to Sloth’s question is fine.
    65: Filler, filler.
    98: A lot of good points, especially against Zeit.
    109: Ok points regarding the third party talk.
    124: Nice pressure on Riley.

    Conclusion: Taking both behavior and rolestuff into account, I would be pretty shocked if Titus is scum.

    40: Complains about the amount of activity, and sounds unusually self-conscious about his absence.
    111: More complaints about the large number of posts, even though they’re a good thing.
    125: Oh post 125. Take a close look at post 125. You’ll notice that ika address three people more than anyone else. In order from least to most me, Titus and Zeit. Now I understand why he’s talking to Titus, as he did it in the majority of his posts in ATLA, and I can get why he responded (mostly jokingly) to me. But why is commenting on every little thing Zeit’s done. Oh, and the majority of the post consists of Information over Analysis.

    Conclusion: Zeit’s teammate has been found. Let’s lynch them both.

    80: Typical Lucky post, but he seems to be trying to figure out Rubicon’s mindset. Towny.
    84: Herp derp, but genuine.

    Conclusion: Leaning town for now, but I’m going to keep an eye on him.

    82: Brings up the possibility of a third party without referring to Zeit’s posts. Only kind of scummy because it’s based on any actually mechanical thing.
    88 and 90: The thoughts about transferring gold to town power roles are from a town perspective. The lack of scumhunting is not so good, though I don’t think the caution is faked.

    Conclusion: I think the mechanics and third party talk is coming from a town mindset, though it’s still something to watch. Slight town lean.

    83: The lack of self-consciousness and saying he’s “pulling an Aekiel” when he knows Aek gets lynched a lot for his mechanics talk is good. Reaction to the Rubicon wagon mirrors my own, and the vote for Zennith is good. Other questions are meh.
    85: Good question to the Lee.
    91: Mechanics information that shows he’s putting a fair amount of thought into it.
    93: Good push for info from Nemrut.
    105: Confirm town read on blab.
    121: Has the same reaction to Zennith’s improved posting that I had.

    Conclusion: Blab is most likely town.

    Riley Poole
    119: Terrible reads, but the honesty in the first line (I've been trying to figure out what exactly to post here as my introduction to this game.) is genuine.
    123: Ok post, I guess.

    Conclusion: This is derp!Riley. Lean town for now. If he's scum, he'll screw up soon.

    Custer, Maiden, Possum: Nothing.






    Unaligned Pairs
    Sloth and Irdiumstern - Irdiumstern is new enough that he probably wouldn’t follow right behind a vote made by a scum buddy.
    Zeit and Rubicon – Zeit said if you are “actually” scum. If they were teammates, he wouldn’t have added that modifier.
    Sloth and blab – Sloth forgot that blab was also calling Titus likely town.

    Possible Pairs
    Ika and Zeit – Ika’s readwall focused on Zeit, Titus and a bit on me. The Titus part I’d expect, but since this is his first game with Zeit, I know why he focused so heavily on him.
    Zeit and Sloth or Sloth and Rubicon – Newbie scum tend to put exactly one scummate in with their lists of three suspects.

    Vote Zeitgeist

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ----------

    This should say I "don't" know why he focused so heavily on him.
  15. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    Switch Zennith and LuckyLee and give Rubicon a darker shade of green and you have my readlist. Want to lynch Zeitgeist or Sloth.
  16. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Honestly, no matter what I do, I always roll town and people always want to lynch me. Yes, ignore Titus and fontisian's defences of her ("only Titus assumes she's conftown": bullshit, since fontisian did too), or Sloth/Rubicon's interactions whereby Rubicon is always town, no matter what. Fontisian herself could easily be either derptown (unlikely, considering how smart she is) or smart!scum, judging from her readiness to believe Titus's claim and defend her. Lynch me, and you will all regret it. All of you will.

    Whatever. I'll never be scum in these games anyway. Go ahead and lynch me. I'll going to claim because I don't care anymore:

    Screw the rest of you. I'm out. I might be back later after my physiology classes, but yeah, I'm getting breakfast because I live in Australia unlike the rest of us and it's 9:30AM over here.
  17. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
  18. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    LuckyLee scummy because his two posts don't mesh, Zennith because meta.
  19. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    This is...
    I don't even.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:24 PM ----------

    "Screw the rest of you. I'm out."

    Yeah, literally, you just got yourself modkilled.
  20. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    So Zeit is town and ragequit before several players even posted? Are we just waiting for Proph?