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Brass & Tax Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Prophylaxis, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    He might not end day, and we have a couple hours before he gets back online either way.

    Would like to hear from Maiden, who seems to be viewing the thread.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:40 PM ----------

    Unvote, Vote: Sloth for now
  2. Maiden

    Maiden Muggle

    Mar 16, 2014
    Your mother's house
    I'd like to hear your logic behind this. What makes you so sure?
    I can see why you would say Sloth, as it still seems like there was some serious bandwagoning going on because of Rubi's original post, but judging by your first few posts, I'd say that the same can be said for you.

    I'm mainly curious about your logic on Zennith and Zeit.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 PM ----------

    My apologies. I'm trying to read through all of this and make sense out of it.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:47 PM ----------

    I have literally 0 experience beyond reading the wiki pages and asking 10000 questions to Prophy and Bill Door (my mentor). Currently, I'm still reading through all of this and thinking about it.
  3. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    This reaction feels off.
  4. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    .../me rolls

    blab:Scum reading me because my 2 post don't mesh well which is by far the most irritating thing I've seen in a while :/ Nullish. His scumminess list switches me and Zennith, so thats something of a soft defense. Unsure atm.

    Zeit/Sloth:I don't even know where to get started on these two, Sloth is… well a decent noobie. He has been posting a lot and defending himself decently. Town read.

    Zeit:Bleh I don't really know what to makes of his posts yet, gonna give it a retry after a reread.

    blab, top scum reads and why. Explain how my two post don't mesh well too.
  5. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    For one thing, I think after my Fire & Ice game you would be more concerned about Titus' scum play? Less willing to call her "obv-town" this early. For another, the role stuff is pretty questionable: You're mod-gaming and you should know you're mod-gaming.

    I'm also a little uncomfortable that you're letting me slide so easily. :p
  6. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011

    Funny, I was going to say the same about yours.

    Calming down for a moment. The only thing Zeit quoted that he was not allowed to was the ability description and the warning about only being able to use one active ability per day/night cycle. If he didn't quote those things verbatim from Proph, then he's fine. The use of "Night" instead of "night," though, makes me think he copied that from his qt. So, we're probably fucked. Thanks Zeit.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 PM ----------

    You mean the game where I was vaguely uncomfortable with Titus the entire time and where her behavior was significantly worse then what we have here? The game in which Titus was genuinely scumhunting, because there were two scum factions? That game?
  7. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Yeah, that's the one.
  8. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Please stop posting. Mod decision forthcoming.
  9. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Bleh, anyone can hold reservations based on my recent scum meta. Not getting lynched about 5 games in a row as scum is pretty good.

    Zeit, if you are town, we need to talk post game, or I will just draft a message for you. There is no reason to get yourself modkilled when you are a PR. Part of me thinks this is fake and derp scum given role and alignment are revealed on death. We will see. No point in voting Zeit anymore since the mod will likely kill him. If you are accurate, people could give you gold and out the entire scumteam by just bugging the obvtowns. This seems waay too op unless the scums have a ninja.

    Baker vote: ika

    Ika's wallpost is worded as if I am town. Ika wouldn't asssume I m town o early.

    Fonti, swap Sloth and Zennith. Riley needs to move down a few pegs.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 PM ----------

    Sorry didn't see that mod.
  10. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Vote Count 1.3 (counts all votes until post 156)
    (9 to lynch)

    Zeitgeist (3): Rubicon, Titus, fontisian
    Zennith (3): Titus, Citrus, Sloth
    Rubicon (2): Zeitgeist, Luckylee
    Sloth (1): blab
    Nemrut (1): Irdiumstern
    Irdiumstern (1): Zennith

    Abstain (6): ika, Custer, Riley Poole, Maiden, Nemrut, Possum


    This is over the line and constituted a quote of a role PM/QuickTopic as per rule 9.

    For anyone in the future, I strongly recommend that you summarize or paraphrase your abilities and flavor when claiming - refer to the claiming rules in the OP.

    Flavor will go here when I'm inspired to think of something, but for now:

    Zeitgeist has been modkilled Day 1 for PM quoting. He was Richard Grey, Mafia Wiretapper.

    It is now Night 1. Night 1 will end in 24 hours.

    As a note: Zeitgeist quoted his role PM due to a misunderstanding. He did not intentionally quote it to be modkilled.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2014
  11. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    I'm thinking our lurkers might have more to play here than is originally known but I'm not sure what the next step is. I could think of 50 ways to break them out but I just cannot figure it out.

    Alpha Vote: Zennith
    Baker Vote: ika

    I'd like to get some feedback here.

    I cannot see the point of Zeit flailing like that unless he AND Zennith were scum. The motion of Zeit's vote to save obvscum Zennith was obvious.

    Zeit moves his vote to Rubicon just after Zennith got a second vote on him, leaving a wagon on someone else higher than Zennith. Quite telling if you suppose that scum don't bus day 1.

    I really like Rubicon town.

    Citrus/Sloth/Fonti/Zennith/ika/Anyone else who cares - I'd like feedback on this.
  12. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    It's N1, Titus.
    And yet ANOTHER day gets cut on me. -__-
  13. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    It is still Night 1. Please don't post.
  14. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Something or another.
  15. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Day 2

    Daybreak dawns, as rush hour is ready to begin.

    One person did not show up for work today, however. Partying late at night? Road accident?

    Apparently it's something more serious - a couple of gunshots to the face, the perpetrator untraced.

    It looks like the police will be working overtime.

    Possum has been shot between the eyes. He was Ruth Hall, Town Vanilla.


    As you tune in to NPR on your commute to work this morning, you hear an insightful interview:


    An item has been placed in stock.

    Watch for 1 gold (A player may target another player at Night and watch them. Watching a player lets that player see anyone that targets them.)

    You may buy items by paying gold equal to the price, in your personal QT. I will then tell you if you've successfully bought it or not.

    It is now Day 2. With 14 alive, it's 8 to lynch!

    Refer to the Info Board for updates.
  16. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Vote ika

    Reads, ika. Do you have them?
  17. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    @Titus I'm still judging both Sloth and ika as more scummy than Zennith.
    That said, I can see a Zeitgeist/Sloth/ika/Zennith team, look at it. I'm not sure if Zeit would move his vote solely because one of his scummates got two votes. It was very early and two votes isn't that dangerous.
    Rubicon town sound reasonable.

    @Rubicon+fontisian: Explain yourselves about the reactions. Exactly what felt off about them?

    @LuckyLee: top two scumreads are Sloth and ika, Frisians cases on them are very good.

    Vote: ika

    I'm picking ika over Sloth for two reasons:

    1. Sloth is actually playing the game (engaging players, forming opinions) even if he is scummy.

    2. Zeit's either-or-scum fabrication between Sloth and Rubicon. The town-read on Rubicon is very strong and it makes no sense for Zeitgeist to say that if Sloth is his partner. It could theoretically be thoughtless posting or distancing, but that would be really convulsed distancing.

    Explanation of "two posts don't mesh well"
    Also the interview is obviously ika. Why did you put yourself in the possible scumteam?
  18. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Alright, let’s do a quick walkthrough:
    For the love of—I was only gone a few hours!
    WHY is the Day always cut short when I’m not here?

    …SIGH. @Zennith
    Here’s how it escalates.

    #24: Rubicon votes Zeit, and sensibly, you ask why. We should ask people why they vote and refusal to explain reasoning on anything at all is scummy to me, even as part of a grander strategy.
    #28: Wording spiked somewhat as defensive: “I don’t think you know,” Why that? Why not “I don’t know myself, I don’t have enough data to peg him one way or the other, so I don’t know what you’re seeing that seals the deal.” Seems like he sprung a trap on you and you’re trying to backpedal clumsily.
    #34: Slightly NOU, but otherwise ok.
    #38, #42: Irrelevant, possibly forced obliviousness. I don’t see what question you dodged myself, but it’s possible Titus refers to the NOU in #34.
    #45: This is where you snap and convince half the group you’re Scum. There is nothing here but defensive, hostile, NOUSUCK.
    #54: Passive-aggressiveness and sulking, when instead you could be scumhunting and pointing out why other targets are the real scum, not you.
    #56: Half-baked, very poor attempt at doubtcasting. This coming from someone who already feels Titus could easily be scum.
    #112: Come back starts – somewhat plausible explanations, over 50 posts later, meaning you had time to leave, cool off, regroup and decide how to best help/fool us. At least you’re scumhunting now. The obvious newbie target, but I have considered the same for Irdium.
    #115: Builds up on #112, picks up momentum. Explanation for Zeit…eh, could be plausible, but doesn’t work for me (especially now that he’s confscum). Playing much better/more carefully.
    #117, #119, #122, #130, #137: Smug, capitalizing over newbie. Nothing particularly relevant. Faded into the background more now that he’s swayed some people, posts come fewer and farther in between, despite still observing, possible danger, prod for more active playing.

    You’re certainly less scummy now that you’re actually scumhunting, but you’re still the most obvious scum.
    So you suspect me, and since you supposedly see Irdium there, are we a team? Or are you with Fonti in that we’re an unaligned paired? If so, where does your vote fall?
    Who’d be the possible third in your eyes?


    Can’t. Just went over all your posts. You’re right on this one.
    However, while you don’t exactly keep the focus on the role, most of earlier posts read like massive trolls unhelpful to Town.
    Specially #23, where I actually missed your point about RVS because of your annoying games of ‘Titus do this’, and ‘maybe you don’t!’ – I’ve only just now read it. I don’t know if that was your intention by posting like that but it’s annoying as hell.

    That’s true, but as mentioned above, I hadn’t noticed your (correct) argument about RVS buried under your…strategy. So when you finally started posting in a way that didn’t make me roll my eyes, I noticed that was a strong enough Town move to shift the heat somewhere else.

    Noted. She was pretty rabid about defending you against my suspicions, but that doesn’t mean much. Who’d be her partners, in your opinion?


    a) Right here:
    Not exactly what you said, but, yeah, ‘something similar.’
    b&c) fall back to the post you originally quoted regarding this. The note on defending Zeit (still weird) seemed like deflection.
    d) Don’t be sorry, I’m not easily insulted. Always explain. There’s no bigger scumtell than not explaining (yeah yeah, I maintain I planned to). However, I disagree with you: This setting is mysterious and complicated (I can see why Prophy made it flip-on-lynch) and it seems like every setting the mods make up new roles or at least place twists on known ones. I’m not assuming anything (like, the double-vote belonging to Town). However, I have mostly dismissed this idea now that Rubi seems more town to me.


    …The hell? Icecream questions…?
    Yes, it’s a ‘D1’ question, for those beginning posts before things get serious, but as Rubicon plainly stated, his first post got rid of that stage. What’s the point in trying to drag us back?
    But you know what? Wine sorbet, first choice. Mint second.

    My turn: What have you gained of relevance by asking this?
    If the answer is nothing (I’ll be surprised if it isn’t), what IS the point of trying to drag us back? (Because there’s no argument against this)
    (I’ve also been waiting for you to answer Rubicon on #153.)


    #154: …Ok, now I’m annoyed.
    One last time I’m addressing these.
    Fonti, you’re being mule-headed, refusing to let go of your first fairly weak reads, exactly as I did with Titus. Either that or you know exactly what you’re doing and are scum in the guise of tunneler (though props to you, I don’t think so).

    If I say I didn’t feel the need to justify my vote, it’s because my reasons were obvious. And they were, when you realize everyone and their mother called Rubi out on his weird-as-fuck choice. In asking for more data, I’m encouraging more talk so I can read people, which is what Towns are meant to do. Are you being so willingly obtuse you don’t see that?
    And my questions were not over the top when I’m asking them. I’m an aggressive Town until things have died down to less players. It’s no different than what I did before.

    This goes back to what everyone is calling my “jumping in the Rubicon wagon.”
    For the record, I cannot believe I have to explain this to you people:
    Who did I vote for in my first game? Lee. I wasn’t scum, so I wasn’t following any wagon, despite the fact everyone thought I was at the time. Surely I realized how it would look, and did it anyway. Why? Because I thought he was acting scummy.
    Who did I vote for in my second game? Titus. I wasn’t scum there either, clearly. No one else had voted for her at the time, if I recall correctly. Why did I do it? Because I thought she was acting scummy.
    This time, who did I vote for? Rubicon. Why? Because I thought he was acting scummy. I always vote for whoever seems scummiest to me at the time, and I give zero fucks about wagons or what others think of my vote, much less who else has voted for my target. I always just go with what makes sense to me.
    Let’s also take a closer look to that ‘second on the wagon’ bit. You do realize that means I supposedly jumped in a ‘one-person wagon’ right? Does that even count as a wagon? Either way – that’s the stupidest thing. I jumped on a wagon? If I had been the fifth, or sixth, person jumping in, I might have seen your point. But this? This is a stretch. A huge one.
    And apparently I’m the only one that sees that.
    (Who was the first person to call it a wagon anyway? Was it the confscum? It was, apparently. Granted, not necessarily relevant, but I’m seriously wondering if he just planted the idea in your heads and you didn’t stop to question it was only a full wagon when we got the third vote)

    More crap, more crap, already addressed…if I had a dollar for every time I’m accused of defending someone with me having no clue what they’re talking about…At least it’s Zennith this time, what a change.

    There’s a difference between saying we should lynch her, and saying that unless we’re sure of her alliance, it’s for the best of the Town to lynch her off, and you know it. You know I’m ok sacrificing a possible Town to get rid of a scum-weapon. The entire endgame of Avatar was based on it.
    And of course I didn’t offer to do the same thing to Lyrium. WE chose her. Because she was coming off as Town to EVERYONE. Titus got her role by chance and you’re STILL acting like there’s no other possibility but Town for her. (This was before Zeit’s blow out, which clears Titus in the same was as Rubicon, meaning mostly, but not completely, hence I’m not deleting it.)

    Well, ok, so long as you keep an eye on my scumreads, whatever. But I didn’t say you were the only person townreading Titus. You were the only one Townfirming her (which calling her obstown is). There’s a difference, and I don’t believe for a second you don’t know that’s what I meant.
    Blab, and everyone else as far as I know, has only Townread her. Feel free to correct me.

    To #98. …Well gosh, ain’t that familiar. And not sure how #100 counts as an attack.
    As it is, all of this revolves around a sort of strong beginning argument, and thousands of little things twisted to fit your perspective.

    Jesus, Fonti.
    Here’s the bottom line: If once the game is over, it’s revealed you’re not, in fact, scum, I want a goddamn apology. You have a better idea about how I think than most people, except maybe Zeit (and only because he had full access to my thought stream on that QT, not because of his alignment), and you honestly think I would be this obvious if I were Scum? Put one of my supposed ‘scummates’ as a read because ‘that’s what newb derp-pe-derp scum do’ despite how often you pointed it out to me and mocked it? I would openly ‘coach my mates’ and ‘defend them’? I’d ‘follow a wagon and not have prepared reasons’? Are you insane?

    This is not a joke. Blab is just met me so what he thinks of me matters as much as what a dying ant thinks of me. But you, I’m honestly insulted you would seriously entertain the notion I’d be so fucking boring.

    On the rest, good points. Hadn’t been paying attention to ika, though now I should. Citrus always reads as Townie to me, but I know how dangerous he is. I’ll figure out exactly what my next move would be tonight.


    …Serious bandwagoning? What? It was 3 votes.
    Have you caught up yet? What are your thoughts?


    Ok, you’ve had 24 hrs of no activity. Give a read on everyone you can.


    As far as I can tell, in #101, the scummiest thing you had to say about me was my “mentoring of Zennith”, and you asked me about it. I have since answered that, what are your comments?
    You’ve been trying to stir up discussion, which is a pro-town move, but it feels like you’re trying to do sleights of hand, waving it in different directions so we don’t really look to you too much: You just seem to pick random targets (‘hey, citrus, fonti or sloth?’ ‘possum, blab or luckylee’ – note that these are valid questions being asked of bizarre targets, some of which are just now gathering their footing, reading, and yet to post. There’s stirring up conversation and there’s screaming out random crap. You’re just screaming out random crap). And then there’s the prodding of ika, which came off a little too scumbuddy for my liking, and which he was quick to respond.

    …Also wait a freaking minute, #116: What do you mean “other than Fonti”?
    I just noticed this, what do you MEAN? My VOTE was on Rubicon. Later on I changed it to Zennith. On Fonti, I only ever said she was stretching and trying to fit circle me as square scum.
    She’s been scumhunting the entire game. Her logic on everyone but me has been pretty strong. She’s been adamant and stuck to her guns.
    Even now I think she’s just being a muleheaded Jareth to my Jean Valjean. I have never once called her scum.

    Where did you get this idea from? Why in the hell would you assume that I would find someone tunneling me to be scum? In what world is that not the sort of thought that Scum themselves would have?
    This is a slip.

    Explain why it isn’t.
    Lynch Vote: Irdiumstern


    You’re my weakest read one way or the other right now, and that alarms me. You’ve had a passive, laid-back attitude. Your biggest read wall was simply to say that you mostly agree with Irdium.
    What’s more noteworthy is that in Avatar, you were far more involved. In Dresden, you played in a similar manner as this, until the end.
    Ask your top scumreads a question. Pressure them.


    As for possum…his death feels like OllieK’s last game.

    Ugh. Finally, I’ve been rereading the posts from yesterDay more closely now that I actually can, and…yeah. My play has been crap up till this point.
    I’ve been distracted in RL, and unable to properly focus. It’s not an excuse, it’s a truth I intend to rectify Today.

    So, with Zeit out as scum, I’m probably on some people’s hitlists next. Let’s see if I can change that.

    If it comes down to me being lynched next, I’m not too worried. At this point, I know a few ways I can help Town best.
    As always, I have a plan.
  19. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Why. Why would you do this.
  20. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    that is what my autocorrect changed fontisians into.