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Brass & Tax Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Prophylaxis, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Welp. Fuck. I'm 2 pages behind and didn't see blab's post, bleh.

    /me shrugs

    Don't paint me as scum because of somebody else's actions, it's annoying. Sloth is Sloth, and tbh what Rubi did was scummy to me at the time. It ended well, so I'm willing to drop it for now.

    Town reads,

    Fonti(obvious reasons)
    Titus(posting a lot and hasn't had any suspicious interaction)
    Rubi(early game was weird but eh it worked so I can't complain)


    Zennith has been purely defensive
    Sloth looked townish early on but Zeit's flip is making that seem shaky.
    Nermut has been silent and discussing purely mechanics, leaning scum on him.
    Ird bandwagoned early on Rubi, haven't seen much of him since, null.
    Ika, blehbleh don't remember his posts, he's been quiet since Zeit died, leaning scum.

    Think I got everyone.
  2. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Ok, while I wait for my points to be addressed by various parties…

    Not even when he’s had a full day to put this together?
    If not him, who do you think it could be? Who else would know the Parker and Mayor and whatever else crap? (God I hate that so much.)

    Keep in mind that he claims some sort of…jailed status? He might not be able to post.
    Though whoever it was they sent you a message from there already. “In jail, 50 word limit.” If it was sent at “the start of the Night,” and they’re still in jail, they might only be able to communicate through these messages, hence, no posts.

    Question: Why am I not scummy to you? I fully admit my play in D1 was not on par with my play last game.
    Plus, my experiences with people calling me Town and leaving it at that have not been favorable so far.


    Ok, let me stop you for a second. First, you’re welcome, I guess?
    Second, why do you assume I would know you usually come across as overly defensive? I don’t DO meta, I stated so in Avatar, because I don’t know most of the meta around here, it’s useless to me except for a few people.
    You’re not one of them, and I don’t know why you think you would be. We’ve played one game together, where I got lynched D1, and where you were scum and easily agitated. That’s the scope of my experience with you.

    Also, you’re right in that you suspected Irdium last night, well said. So where’s your vote? Did you have doubts? Other reads? What?


    …Seriously? Of my entire post, the one paragraph that could be remotely considered AtE was,
    And if you read it closely, you realize it’s not an appeal to emotion. Like the rest of my post to you, it was an appeal to common sense. As in, start using it. This has nothing to do with ‘feelings’, it’s meta, which you use left and right.
    Aside from that, this is just plain disappointing. You said you were processing my post, so I waited it out and expected something…valid.
    Did you just read the part directed at you? Even then, did you just ignore how I responded to every point I made against you with my reasoning? Or are you actually calling the entire thing AtE? I hope not, because if you can actually convince someone of that, this game is doomed.


    Ok, biggest scumread is Blab. The last time you spoke of him was in #164, and you were unsure then. Do you have a case on him now? Or is he just a vote because no one else seems scummier?


    Alright, I tried to avoid doing stupid question time, but Proph advised me to ask you lot this and not him:
    -What are neighbors?
    -What are masons?
    -What the HELL is Garcia? I keep seeing that tossed around, and I can’t find it in the wiki. I know I’ve heard it somewhere.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 PM ----------

    ...Goddamn ninjas. Catching up.
  3. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    @LuckyLee: I have written a response to you in post 177
    @Rubicon: you missed the question in that post, too.

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  4. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Currently, I strongly agree Rubicon is town, and I like the way you split your votes here
  5. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Vote Count 1.5
    (8 to lynch)

    Zennith (3): Titus, Titus, Citrus
    ika (2): fontisian, blab
    Irdiumstern (1): Sloth
    Luckylee (1): Rubicon
    blab (1): Luckylee

    Abstain (7): Zennith, ika, Irdiumstern, Custer, Riley Poole, Maiden, Nemrut
  6. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Do you know how hard it was to quote this properly because it was such a big fucking wall?

    I don't think you read my playstyle correctly in the games cited

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 PM ----------


    Wherever you did it, you skipped me in your post where you ranked people from scummy to townie

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    You skipped me as well
  7. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    @Sloth, I need to run down a few more things to be absolutely sure, compare with ika's note.

    I originally had ika pegged as an architect (can build shelter for himself and two others).... which basically allows them to chat together. Yet, ika would have been posting a journal article and sending me an anonymous message is a little much.

    Sloth, I don't use meta in determining my reads that much beyond personality. If you had a sudden tone shift from the other game, I'd consider that as scum. Yet you're open, not defensive, not manipulating and interrogating. It looks like Town who hasn't solved the game yet.

    @Anyone, if anyone has any relevant feedback they'd like to share, I'd love to hear it. Specifically, I'm looking for if "jail" exists.
  8. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014

    Neighbors are players that share a chat regardless of alignment. That's probably what Titus was referring to when he said Ika would cite "jail" as "neighbors"

    Masons are town-players that share a chat and know they are confirmed town between each other. They may also have the ability to "masonize" a vanilla town

    I don't know what the hell Garcia means, but if you cite it I might be able to shed some light on it

    And for the record, I didn't recognize the Parker stuff in the Avatar game but I knew what was being talked about this time around as it jogged my memory (I read that FM once some time ago)
  9. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Citrus, I have you as a weak town read for now. I'd probably be townreading you if it wasn't for that rolefish.
  10. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA

    In the interests of complete and total honesty, I must apologize for my absence Day 1. What was supposed to be just an afternoon larping turned into an afternoon larping, a night of Pathfinder, and then another day and a half of helping said friends move. I recently returned, so my bad for missing all of Day 1. [And yes, I realize that apologizing for lurking is seen as having a guilty conscience, but I [bold]HATE[/bold] when people lurk their way through games. It is a personal peeve of mine, being someone who watches these games primarily]

    Not going to get terribly detailed just yet, just gonna post my first impressions while I work on a more detailed upcoming post. SPOILERS ALERT: It's me explaining why I'm fairly sure that Zennith is scum.

    Things that I saw Day 1:

    [Bold]fontisian[/bold] is being a prolific and aggressive poster which I generally like, if not for the fact that I have consistently misjugded her in literally everygame I've seen her in. From what I can read, she's leaning town in my book, which probably means that she's scum. (As a side note, why is the F in fontisian never capitalized? For someone who gets so reactionary over their name being misspelled, it seems rather odd)

    Titus is once again doing that thing I loathe where she references things on other forums as if they were relevant and apply to this particular site's playstyles. Maybe they do and maybe they don't, but it seems peculiar to me that if you're trying to convince people of one thing or another, claiming that x is y because of how g acted in h on another site is probably not the best of ideas. Lack of common ground and all. That said, I do approve of your voting so far. Spreading your shots D1 to pressure and then lumping them together on Zennith is something that I would have done, so props for that. Null leaning town [assuming I can decipher what you're saying....]

    [bold]Rubicon[/bold] Your D1 opening post consisted of a PR claim and got all of my "Wut?" when I first read it. I wasn't sure if you were retard!Town, reckless!Scum, or anything. As your posts went on, you were very proactive and I'm going to guess that it was an attempt to get reactions outta people. My thoughts on you are either firmly town or incredibly devious scum. Too close to call, tbh.

    Blab and Luckylee are both doing that thing where most of their posts seem to be useless fluff, but blab is improving. Knowing Luckylee, this probably means he is Derp!Town again, which makes me want to lynch him so I don't have to read him post ever again.

    [bold]Sloth[/bold] is another very active player who seems to be driving discussion. I generally like that, and the fact that at one point your reads and my aligned kinda scares me. Putting on my Captain Obvious cape, Sloth and Font are likely unaligned pairs, and I would be interested in seeing who flips on what.

    Zeitgeist is modkilled confirmed scum, which means that I'm going to have to reread and look at the thread with that mindset.

    That said, my first impression of [bold]Zennith[/bold] was that of scum. IioA, being reactive instead of proactive, and rather desperate defense points to me that he's scum. Big post proving it incoming.

    Conclusion: I hate all of you, and I hope by the end of this post, y'all hate me just as much. Yes, I realize I didn't name everyone here, but these are the people that made a strong enough impression.

    And because players these days seem to rely heavily on meta, here's all you can find of mine. My first game STAR WARSII where I was scum. Notable accomplishments: Trading myself 1v1 to take out the cop, KaiDash. Lost that game. My second game A Hunt of Thrones, where I was town. Notable accomplishments include frustrating the hell outta Palindrome and being mostly ineffective. Lost that game as well.

    So in case it wasn't blindingly obvious, I haven't been playing this game in a long time. About 2 and a half years, so take from my posts what you will.

    Before I forget,
    Lynch vote: Zennith
  11. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Garcia is a rule that says you don't answer questions for others. Ex:

    Titus: "Citrus, what is your name?"
    ika: "His name is Citrus... duh!"

    That's Garcia.
  12. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    Psuedoedit: Custer cannot into using BBC code! *facepalm*
  13. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Mentioned it because I didn't know if you omitted it for a specific reason
  14. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Welcome Custer. You're going to have to try a hell of a lot harder to get me to hate you than voting my scumreads and saying I'm confusing. Although I don't like the fact you stated I was referencing stuff outside the game when I was just explaining stuff ika wrote.

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    Nope. Any relevant feedback to share?
  15. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Interview quote: "The other person didn't have too much to say but did say he can add people to the chat at night. If this is wrong I will correct it."

    Wouldn't that imply someone other than the author is the architect, if the author is speaking true? Right now I'm thinking Ika said that so Ika wouldn't be the one putting people together.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 PM ----------

    Not to my knowledge
  16. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Bold tags are just [ b ] now Custer.

    Citrus, that interpretation makes a lot more sense than overpowered ika as architect.
  17. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Considering we have a confirmed dead town vanilla, I don't think any role is overpowered unless they require more gold than they started with.

    I don't understand why Possum was killed N1. It kinda made sense to kill the lurker in Avatar, but why here? Can anyone shed some light on this? It's the second time I've seen it and I still can't really understand why such a decision would be rational. Does it imply scum have a soup power at all?

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    I'll be back later, crossing my fingers that there's posts from more than just Titus
  18. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Citrus, from the gold perspective, what ika did is NOT op. However, the sample role PM states that only one night/day action can be used unless otherwise stated. A journal article and architect is two actions, not counting the anonymous note I got last night.

    The kill night 1 is puzzling to me too. I agree that it is not a rational play. I could see scum doing it to basically take out a body and have no possibility of linking to them. It's a very defensive play IMO.
  19. Zennith

    Zennith Pebble Wrestler ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 21, 2009
    The Capitol
    High Score:
    Okay, it seems necessary to do this now before things keep going in the wrong direction and we lose a day's worth of discussion.

    The reason I believe that Citrus and Ika are unaligned is that the three of us are in the jail, with me as the jail warden capable of bringing people into the jail for three gold. It seems extremely unlikely that all three of us are of the same alignment. As I know I'm town, and am the warden of the jail, it falls to reason then that one of either Ika or Citrus are scum, and not the other.

    For the record, I tried to bring Titus in last night, but the action failed.
  20. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    Wjhy did you try to bring Titus in?