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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) IV

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Sep 1, 2013.

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  1. someone010101

    someone010101 High Inquisitor

    Aug 7, 2012
    Muggles can't identify a wizard on the street.

    A wizard can imperius random muggles and promote random infighting.

    Some muggleborns would probably join the Muggles.

    Any wizard - muggle war would look a lot like a civil war.
  2. Rhaegar I

    Rhaegar I Death Eater

    Jul 8, 2013
    Right behind You...
    Oh vey.

    Do you know what happens in an all-out Magic vs. Muggle Fight?

    Nukes. Lots and lots of Nukes.
  3. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    What are the muggles going to nuke? Themselves? A nuke on Diagon Alley is still a nuke on London.

    Unless, of course, you are implying that Dark Wizards use the Imperius to force muggle governments to nuke each other, which I suppose is possible.
  4. Rhaegar I

    Rhaegar I Death Eater

    Jul 8, 2013
    Right behind You...
    Either that, or someone on either side being especially stupid and/or desperate.

    Also, there's always the Schools, which as I understand them are in remote locations. Hogwarts is somewhere in rural Scotland, [the French school] is in the Pyrenees, and so on.
  5. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    We are not doing wizards vs. Muggles. (Needless to say, wizards would win).

    That aside, I'm not aware that any location of Beauxbatons was ever given (unless it was at Pottermore recently?) -- the best we had was a dish made for their students that was typical to southern France, and a warmer climate, judging by their clothing.
  6. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    A Plot Bunny, to bring the thread back on track.


    Harry does not reach the Ethereal King's Cross station. The reason is detailed below.

    Each time Harry dies, he is reborn in the past in his younger body, but his memories of past lives are erased. However, with each rebirth, some things remain. Not full memories, but some flashes or gut feelings. Harry will sometimes get a feeling of deja vu when while meeting someone who was a major part of his past lives.

    That is not all.

    The rebirths have another side effect as well. Each time Harry is reborn, a small 'disruption wave' is sent through the probability itself (due to the fact that his rebirths are improbable themselves). The changes are very small, almost microscopic (a coin toss here, a lottery number there). However, they develop into bigger divergences as they accumulate.

    One important rule is that only the things happening after Harry is born are affected by the disruptions. So everything before his birth remains fully canon.

    Examples of initial changes:

    Timeline 1 - Canon up until Harry dies. Instead of arriving in the ethereal King's Cross, he is reborn.

    Timeline 2 - First rebirth. No major changes. Harry sometimes gets a deja vu or 'an instinct' to like or dislike someone. For example when he sees Draco Malfoy for the first time, he instantly feels as if he should despise the boy. The disruption wave doesn't change anything obviously noticeable. Harry still dies as in canon and is reborn.

    Timeline 3 - Second rebirth. Harry's reaction to meeting people from his past lives are stronger. He takes an instant liking to Hermione and Ron and an instant dislike to Quirrell. He does not trust the Diary in any way. However, he still eventually dies by Voldemort's hand and is reborn. The disruption prevents the incident with the boa constrictor in the zoo.

    Timeline 4 - Third rebirth. Harry lives through his childhood feeling as his future is going to be very important. He only feels pity and ambivalence towards the Dursleys, though some feeling of unfairness remains. Upon seeing Hagrid, Harry reacts as if he saw an old friend, though he does not understand why. Upon seeing Draco, he barely restrains his anger, not understanding why he hates the boy so much. Meeting Quirrell is quite the event. The disruption changes Luna Lovegood's name to Selene, however no major consequences happen due to this.

    I'm thinking that eventually the disruptions and Harry's personality would grow to be unrecognizable from canon to such a point that it is anyone's guess how the world looks.

    Some possible disruptions:

    - Arthur Weasley does not win the lottery.
    - Krum gets the Snitch earlier and Bulgaria wins.
    - Creevey brothers are born muggles.
    - Harry does not go to the Deathday Party.
    - Harry grabs the Cup before Cedric and disappears alone.
    - Harry consumes Romilda's love potion.
  7. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    To be honest, it sounds kind of meh. I mean, to properly establish the whole premise, you'd need to at least mention some of the past timelines and how the little changes took place, which would most likely result in a lot of skipping and glossing over things and not everyone will like that. Then, when you finally arrive at the timeline you want, you're in an AU anyway, so you might as well write that. Harry's foreknowledge from his past incarnations would eventually grow to a point where he could just brand himself a time-traveler, which is essentially what he is anyway.

    Another way this could go is to show how Harry keeps dying and being reborn, but that's Grundhog Day and probably been done, not just in a humorous manner, like Rorschach's Blot's fic. Maybe focus on the futility of Harry's efforts. I guess that could work, as a oneshot perhaps.

    But you're still the king of bunnies, Xandrel :p
  8. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Harry has no foreknowledge. Having a 'bad feeling' about someone is not what I'd call knowledge. And you can ignore gut feelings in any case.
  9. Gallowwalker

    Gallowwalker First Year

    Dec 15, 2011
    Rowling said that it was near Cannes in an old interview.
  10. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    So, Xandrel, when I read your latest bunny thing, I made this:


    The Journey through the castle to the North Tower was a long one. Two years at Hogwarts hadn't taught them everything about the castle, and they had never...

    "Harry?" Hermione asked, as Ron was panting after a strenuous climb of the stairs. "Are you sure this is the right way?"

    Harry shook his head, stopping at one of the tiny landings of the spiraling steps. "Sorry?" he asked, and then glanced to the side. "I think it should be somewhere near," he replied as his brain caught up with his friend's words. "I just..."

    "This looks about right," Ron said, shrugging. "There definitely should be a better shortcut, though. It's taken us ages already."

    "I should have picked some other subject," Harry said, seemingly out of the blue, but that was the thought that seemed to be constantly tingling in his mind since the early morning. "I hate the idea of having my life foretold. It's as if you choose to never stray from a certain path."

    "But," Hermione started, and covered her mouth. "Oh, that means you actually..." she muttered under her breath. "But that's it - Why didn't you? You'd probably want to discount Arithmancy, but while it has roots in Divination it's nearly unrecognizable now, and even if it seems messy at first," Hermione sounded as if she was quoting someone, "it should be an exciting change of pace from other classes..."

    "I don't know about changing my classes, because of some weird feeling... McGonagall wouldn't like the indecisiveness." Harry said uncertainly as he took a few steps on the stairs upwards. "I didn't even think about it being a choice before we came up here."

    "Maybe you're a seer?" Ron grinned and slapped Harry's shoulder lightly. "Cheer up - it means you're going to ace the class." He paused. "What is going to happen in the classroom, o seer Harry?"

    Harry closed his eyes and took a breath. "Death," he said, as if that was a simple, straightforward answer anyone would give in this situation. "She's going to predict my death."

    Ron jolted back, his feet slipping the stair and landing on the lower one with a loud slap. It echoed in the stairway, leaving behind uncomfortable silence.

    With their sudden stillness, the distant chattering of other students reached them from a few flights ahead.

    Harry coughed. "Ah, it seems that we're nearly there already," he said.

    Ron and Hermione kept silent.

    Harry fidgeted. "I think I'll go and ask McGonagall if I could change the class, after all," he finally muttered, and turned on his heel to walk back downwards. "She'll be glad to hear that I'm dropping Divination, I think." He exhaled, and as if something heavy had just fallen from his chest, and a smile came back to his face.

    "You know," Harry glanced back at his friends. "I think that any sort of change is a good thing."

    Hermione opened her mouth to speak, but Harry beat her to it.

    "Don't worry about me," he said cheerfully. "Everyone dies in the end, but I'm sure I'm not going to kneel over on the way to McGonagall." He chuckled. "Don't think she'd let me get away without homework today, either."

    "Harry!" Hermione suddenly shouted. "When you choose Arithmancy instead, ask her to clarify the rules about my timetable."

    "Eh?" Harry said, rather eloquently.

    "And, please, hurry up, because otherwise you're going to miss half of the introduction." She instantly closed her mouth and her eyes widened. "Oh now, I messed up."

    "Don't worry about it." Harry winked. "You need to lighten up. I believe that everything is going to turn out just fine, given enough time." He took a few steps downwards. "I'll try to hurry," he threw the words upwards and ran off.

    Ron blinked. "Are you as confused as I am?" He asked, looking at Hermione expectantly.

    She sighed. "I don't know exactly what happened, but McGonagall is going to kill me for telling too much."

    "You're not making sense, either way," Ron pointed out calmly.

    "And he said given enough time," Hermione muttered under her breath. "He's doing it on purpose," she fumed slightly louder.


    "Let's just go to the Divination," Hermione said. "We'll try to get an explanation from him afterwards."

    "But what about Harry?"

    "He's going to be fine," Hermione said in a sad tone. "He looked really happy at Arithmancy for some reason. But I still can't understand what did he meant by change. Even after this conversation."

    Ron glanced upwards. "Is this a Muggle thing? Because I didn't understand any of that talk."

    "Let's go, Ron," she urged him, pushing forward.

    "Wait, wait," Ron started again. "You didn't have Arithmancy yet, and I've been with Harry since morning - when have you two...?"

    "After the lesson, Ron."

    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
  11. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Excellent! I'd like to see that expanded and continued.
  12. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    Well, I could write a short story about Harry, messes with unknow time travelling sprinkled with even bigger timey-whimey mess of Hermione's timeturner and sprinkle some thoughts on Arithmancy, but with my recent unproductive writing times, I doubt I'd finish it in anything resembling a decent time.

    Thus, low chance of me starting anything more.

    (And like it always happens with some ideas, I might spend the weekend obsessively planning some story I'll put on the pending shelf.)
  13. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Well I would be glad to see that story, even in idea form.
  14. Icura

    Icura Muggle

    Apr 8, 2014
    So like I had this random plot bunny. A Harry Potter/Game of Thrones crossover. So I wrote up a little snippet. Not sure what to think of it.

    ~o~ ~o~ ~o~

    Stannis Baratheon was not a religious man. He was a hard and bitter person, forced to see the truth of the world from a young age, such that he only believed what he could see. So when he saw the impossible, he did not discredit it, despite how his instincts rebelled against the concept. He rationalized it. However, logic and reasoning could only go so far.

    Lying on the bed in front of him was a thin, frail young boy with hair as black as midnight and a face that reminded him of the past. The only blemish was a scar—a birthmark—on his forehead of a lightning bolt. The boy couldn’t have been older than six and ten, but he knew the truth. It was the very same truth that had kept him up all night, watching the boy grow older.

    Watching the boy that was his blood.

    Born of his loins, this boy was a Baratheon through and through. That made it sound normal. That made it sound rational. However, it was far from normal.

    A few nights before, his wife came to his bedchambers in the dead light of the moon, a rare occurrence even with her duties as the Lady of Dragonstone. It was a surprise—though he couldn’t tell if it was a good one or a bad one—but he accepted it nonetheless. That was, until he saw that she was not alone.

    He knew well that his brother, Robert, would have jumped at the chance, but for him, it was harder. It was difficult for him to condone what essentially was adultery, but could it really be called adultery? If it had only been Lady Melisandre, he wouldn’t have been seduced, but he allowed his guard to fall since his Selyse was there. And then, he had given them both his seed.

    Stannis closed his eyes, breathing in the sea’s air that floated in through the open window. He wouldn’t have been disturbed if that had been the only event. Before the night was out, the Red Lady was pregnant with his child, a pregnancy that only lasted a single day. A child was born the next night under his watch and to the ceaseless prayers of his wife. That woman had even wept tears of joy for a child of her husband’s that was born not to her womb. It was the height of insanity, yet his eyes and ears did not lie.

    It had only been a single night. The noon’s light was upon Dragonstone, but he paid it no attention; his gaze was on that child on the bed below. He had watched the boy grow, from an infant to that of an older teenager, in the span of one moon. Stannis watched the breath rise and fall from the boy’s chest.

    Slowly, the second Baratheon brother rose to his feet and slid out his sword, the blade squealing in protest of leaving its sheath. He flipped the sword and raised it over the boy, such that the blade’s tip was pointed at the child’s heart. There was no denying that the boy was of his blood, but this was no son of his. How could he even think of such an abomination of magic to be his?

    But still, would one of his sons have looked like this, if they had survived instead of being conceived as a stillborn? The more he looked at the boy, the more resemblance he could spot.

    “Only the intent of magic can be judged.” Slowly, but surely, he pulled back his blade. “And the punishment must fit the crime.”

    Like how Targaryen used dragons, magic—in and of itself—could only be judged by its wielder. Sorcery was neither good nor bad; it was simply a tool. The birth of the child, no matter how abnormal, was no negative act on the child’s part.

    Stannis sheathed his sword and sat back down into the chair. He cupped his hands, pressing them against his forehead. The words that the Red Lady had said came back to him. That she would give him a son. He had thought those were empty words, spoken in the intimate moment to spur his arousal, but it had turned out to be true, wasn’t it? The boy in front of him was of his blood, but was he his son? In the eyes of all laws, this child was indeed his son, a bastard born out of wedlock. However, this was not a normal situation at all.

    What was he to think? What was he to do?

    Stannis growled in frustration.

    He should have pulled out.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2014
  15. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    That last line was lulzy. However, the Bunny itself is quite good. It would be interesting to see it developed. Since it is obvious that you have skill in writing, perhaps you should try?

    In the meantime, a Bunny of my own, partially inspired by an addition to the Alternate Potter Worlds list.

    Voldemort was born a few years before Lily and James. His rise of power takes place during Harry's Hogwarts years.

    Before anyone asks: Yes, Voldemort is the only person from canon born later (just assume his parents were born later as well, not a big deal). Everyone else, like Abraxas Malfoy or Rubeus Hagrid are born normally and therefore attended Hogwarts long before Riddle did. Myrtle is going to be alive, Hagrid was never expelled and so on.

    A short (possible) timeline, to help visualize things:

    1956 - Tom Marvolo Riddle is born. Instead of living through World War II, he lives through the Cold War and the Red Scare.

    1959 - James Potter and Lily Evans are born.

    1967 - Tom Marvolo Riddle begins at Hogwarts. Instead of being told about the magical world by Dumbledore, it is instead Minerva McGonagall who visits Tom. She does not let him go to Diagon Alley alone. At Hogwarts, after he is sorted to Slytherin, he impresses his housemates with his parselmouth abilities.

    1970 - James Potter and Lily Evans begin at Hogwarts.

    1975 - Tom Marvolo Riddle graduates Hogwarts. When he applies for the Defense Position, Dumbledore refuses and tells him to come back in a few years. Here, Dumbledore doesn't know as much about Tom as he did in canon.

    1980 - Harry Potter is born.

    1988 - After travelling for years, eliminating possible opposition and gathering forces, Lord Voldemort arrives at Hogwarts and asks for the Defense Position once more. Dumbledore, who has heard about Riddle's 'adventures', refuses once more. Furious, Riddle curses the position and leaves.

    1991 - Harry Potter begins his first Hogwarts year with the First War being at its height.

    Of course, this timeline is far from complete, but that is the basic prompt.
  16. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    That is actually pretty awesome. I've never seen this idea before.
  17. Icura

    Icura Muggle

    Apr 8, 2014
    Maybe. I don't quite have the best track record for fanfiction, but I am pretty interested in the idea.
  18. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Obviously, the best way to have a good track record for fanfiction, is to make more fanfiction.

    I'm sure DLP will be able to help you, if you ask nicely :awesome

    ---------- Post automerged 04-13-2014 at 10:25 AM ---------- Previous post was 04-12-2014 at 09:14 PM ----------

    Anyway, this.

    A Harry Potter / W.I.T.C.H. fusion.

    (No knowledge of W.I.T.C.H. is required)

    The Magical World is just that, an entire world called Metamoor. It is separate dimension from Earth, accessible only to those capable of wielding magic, that is wizards and witches. It is not divided into countries, but instead contains a single, unified nation with a single king.

    Many years ago, a powerful dark wizard called Lord Voldemort caused the disappearances of the royal couple and took over the capital city, Meridian. With his loyal knights called the Death Eaters, the Dark Lord planned to create a great army which he would use to invade Earth and enslave all the muggles.

    To prevent Voldemort spreading his tyranny to Earth, twelve most powerful wizards lowered a Veil over the planet, separating Metamoor from Earth to even magical people. However, in time, the Veil became weaker and Twelve Portals have been opened between Metamoor and Earth, creating a series of passageways for the desperate refugees tired of Voldemort's iron fist rule.

    Usage of these portals further weakens the Veil, creating a possibility in which it may completely vanish. To prevent such a scenario, Guardians of the Veil have been created. Equipped with rare magical artifacts and wielding magics of untold powers, the Five Guardians worked for generations to prevent the Veil from collapsing. However, the portals could only be kept locked from outside, so the Guardians had to live on Earth permanently.

    Quite naturally, Lord Voldemort was displeased with both the Veil and the Guardians protecting it. Lacking the knowledge about magics used in the creation of the Veil, he is unable to erase it himself. What's worse, thanks to the Veil he is unable to send his great army to Earth or to send someone to eliminate the Guardians. Because while sometimes one or two Death Eaters are able to slip through the Portals before the Guardians lock them, it isn't enough to make a difference.

    However, while he is prevented from attacking Earth, the Dark Lord has maintained his rule over the magical world for the last 160 years.

    There has also been a side effect of the Guardians living on Earth, they had children with the native muggles. Twelve years ago, Guardian James Potter married a muggle Lily Evans. A year later, their child Harry Potter was born.

    Unknown to the Potters, a Prophecy was told in Meridian by one of Voldemort's royal seers a few months before Harry was born.

    "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... born from a Guardian and a Muggle, born as the seventh month dies ... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies ..."

    Horrified at hearing about his downfall, Voldemort executed the seer and all who heard the prophecy at the time. He was not aware however that a rebel spy, Severus Snape, heard it as well. Snape immediately went to Albus Dumbledore, the leader of the rebel group Order of the Phoenix and told him of the prophecy.

    Voldemort however was not about to wait for this Chosen One to destroy him and instead decided to himself travel to Earth, alone.

    The Dark Lord emerged from one of the portals before the Guardians could lock it and found the Potters. After a long battle, he killed James and decided that it would be a waste of magic to kill Lily, instead offering to spare her if she left. She refused and Voldemort killed her as well.

    Finally, the Dark Lord cast the Killing Curse at Harry and it all ended. The curse turned on its caster and Voldemort was no more. Albus Dumbledore found Harry alive near Voldemort's corpse and the Magical World rejoiced.

    Harry was dubbed the Boy Who Lived, the Veil was erased (since it was no longer needed) and the Wizards and Witches could now live free and travel to the Earth as they pleased.

    Harry himself was raised in Metamoor by Dumbledore, who felt responsible for the boy.

    However, as you probably figured out, Voldemort is not truly gone. Instead, his spirit was trapped on Earth, unable to fully use magic to return to Metamoor and regain physical form. Having no other alternative, Voldemort was forced to travel aimlessly, possessing muggles and steal their life force.

    Ten years after Voldemort was defeated, Harry Potter travels to Earth with Dumbledore to learn more about it. The Horcrux in Harry's scar sends a magical signal to the Dark Lord, allowing him to find Harry. He does so and immediately attempts to possess the boy. While he fails, it is enough to restore his physical form, however as a duplicate of Harry. Happy with his new form, Voldemort decides against returning to Metamoor and instead focuses on taking over Earth.

    Dumbledore recognizes what has happened and immediately wants to reactivate the Veil to prevent Voldemort from ever calling upon his army (which in the Dark Lord's absence disbanded, but they're there). Cornelius I, the new King of Metamoor disagrees with this decision and the Veil is not recreated. Having that possibility out of the picture, Dumbledore instead finds the descendants of the last Guardians (who have either died or disappeared) and decides to train them to eventually face Voldemort.

    Of course this won't be so easy, given that Voldemort's Horcruxes are scattered all over Metamoor and the Dark Lord himself is gathering supporters among muggles and any wizards who he manages to recruit.

    With Harry, there are also Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood and Ron Weasley. All descended from the Guardians and all about to begin their training and their duty.
  19. FreakLord

    FreakLord Professor DLP Supporter

    Feb 13, 2011

    If I was a mod, I would have banned Xandrel from this thread. Just saying.
  20. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I love you too ;)

    Also, coming soon: HP/Aveyond Crossover. Will probably the longest thing I've written, ever.
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