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WiFom City: The Spirit Tunnels

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Titus, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I'm fully aware that you weren't being serious. That doesn't make your vote any less of a cop out, and you know it.

    You didn't give a precise opinion on Mathblade. Are you going to? A precise opinion on Lyrium would also be acceptable.

    Elaborate on the what you expected from Rubicon.

    Funny how you felt the need to justify your question to Von, when I never asked about it.

    Why did you include this disclaimer?
  2. Maiden

    Maiden Muggle

    Mar 16, 2014
    Your mother's house
    Agreed. Judging by the last game, Rubicon does like to make a splash.

    @everyone: There are a lot of familiar faces here, but I don't know a couple of you. Tell me about yourselves, strangers. :3 Mafia experience, general playing style, etc.
  3. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    hai fonti! and everyone else...

    My opinion on something is? ^.^
    but if you meant about the game then:

    Snowvon wrote "I don't know" but also voted Rubicon which I find oddish. I also want to know how to have a bouncing avatar.

    Rubicon's post in response to Snowvon's voting him is very light weight.

    Sloth, Mathblade, Fontisian - the first three posters. One of these is a Braineater?

    Citrus and et al, fyi: If this derails into massive wall posts on mechanics and meta gaming then I will troll hard.

    Also, I really don't get "I'm not afraid of being blackmailed at all." I'm assuming that at this point no one is blackmailed because its the first day and the blackmailer would get their first action at night.

    Day lasts 72 hours and no one can make me do anything. I'll vote when I'm ready to vote.
  4. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Why? It's not like you had a lot to catch up on, we're less than a page in.

    It's a standard D1 post, so not much to say on it.
    She did them in Dresden as scum, and didn't in Avatar.
    However, in Avatar that was 12 hours into the game and 100 posts strong - she had a lot of info to work off of.
    Conclusion: my read on her is exactly 'meh' right now, and I'm in no hurry to figure her out.
    If she had continued her posts in that vein after, say, 10 or so hours, I would have pressured her, but Tish's already gotten on that so no need.


    ...I really don't.
    What exactly are you saying? My obvious joke of a vote against the MOD when it was the first vote/post and there was zero data to work with is a cop out, because...what?
    What would you have called a Town move there? Voting for someone at random? You're thinking Rubi there not me.
    Not voting at all? Could have done that, but again, I was joking. It'd be different if I had decided to vote Titus at this point, when others have spoken, but not then. You're not making sense.

    On Mathblade, I'm waiting for her to answer my question. However, I don't think she's scum, I think she was just playing along.
    The reasoning I said she might scum was ridiculous (I called it so), and obviously not serious: I was making fun of you who used similar reasoning to call me scum last game. You really didn't pick up on that?

    As for Lyrium, look to my response to Citrus.

    I prodded him on doing nothing reactionary. His reaction was to react/vote. I expected him to vote on me out of principle. I'm hoping he has more of a reason, but it's not unlike him not to give it.

    I'm curious to see whether he keeps his vote or not, but again, stand back and observe.

    And it's not funny at all: I brought up in response to this,
    I prodded Rubi for a reaction, but why did I have 'nothing to say about it'? Because Snow has my attention more.
    I generally hone in on the people I haven't played with before and prioritize them over the others because I don't know what to expect.

    Anyway, Tish, we've had a bit to get accustomed to the game, so.
    Why am I scum? There's more to it than the ridiculous vote by now, right?
    Who's pinging on your radar aside from me?

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 PM ----------

    ...Ah, ninjas, my old nemesis. We meet again, you crafty bitch.
  5. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Because I read up to that post on my phone and immediately wanted to vote sloth. Then a bit later on my computer logged in to post and saw new posts voting and posting about sloth. Hadn't decided whether I wanted to be a third vote this early on sloth as I wasn't entirely confident, decided to go for it but wanted to clarify I had that opinion before your post. I'm comfortable with the number of votes on sloth right now

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 PM ----------

    1) I wanted to post the mechanics thoughts I've had before game started. That should be it for awhile
    2) not commenting further on my blackmail comment
    3) no blackmail til a scum is lynched/dead and submits a night action
  6. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    I looked at the OP and voted for Rubicon because he's #1. That was my thought process to a T.

    It's just a gif.

    One completed game, but I died the first night so it's kind of nothing.
    I've been told I'm really nitpicky? Something unpleasant.
  7. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    This is my third DLP mafia game.

    In the first two my play style could be described as sheep, derp, ADD lol.

    What about you, Maiden? How's it going?
  8. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Vote Sloth

    This wagon has my vote.

    And my sword.

    And my axe.
  9. Maiden

    Maiden Muggle

    Mar 16, 2014
    Your mother's house
    This is my second game. My first was a bust. We lost, because of a talented and crafty scum. Hmph. *not bitter (exceptitotallyam)*

    What are your reads thus far?
  10. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Fonti -- I agree. I just think town's vote is best placed with a lurker. It was more a general statement. Towards the end of day one (in game terms) if we don't have consensus that'd be my argument. A scum play here would be to lay low and not really post. Most high volume posters are town.

    It was a joke vote to get the conversation going. Lynching a mod of mafia cannot have a true purpose. I was just teasing Titus for starting the game late. Just trying to be humorous. It was a literal vote, hence a vote, but it has no real influence or purpose hence unvote. A bit of 1984 flair if you are into that sort of thing.

    And sorry you had to wait on a reply. Had dinner with my family tonight and had to run some errands.

    I think that covers everything that needed to be covered. If I missed something let me know and I'd be glad to answer.

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:53 ---------- Previous post was at 19:51 ----------

    Just missed this sorry. I've been in about 10-15 mafia games on boards/other mediums. Considering this board has a very unique flair I consider myself new on this board but not to the game in general.

    I'm 28 year old mathematician who loves graph theory. One of these days at the risk of boredom for the group, I may just pull a Ducky and explain how graph theory relates to the game of mafia and other social networking.
  11. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014

    "Fonti -- I agree. I just think town's vote is best placed with a lurker. It was more a general statement. Towards the end of day one (in game terms) if we don't have consensus that'd be my argument. A scum play here would be to lay low and not really post. Most high volume posters are town."

    Explain this please. Specifically, the claim that most high volume posters are town.

    Do you really believe this?

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------


    Decided I shouldn't be that lazy
  12. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Hm. Not a lot of activity in this one. It makes it really annoying to try and spot anything. -__-

    So far all I got...

    Mathblade: Playful, wants to focus on lurkers. Doesn't think any of the current posters to be scummy? Neutral.

    Maiden: Hasn't said anything of her own yet, possibly trying to buddy me by agreeing about Rubi, very unlikely given my stance with the votes, plus I can't imagine she doesn't agree. Her bubbly way of expressing herself is in tune with last game, but still jarring to me. Neutral.

    Snowvon: New. Vote on Rubicon is suspicious, despite fair enough answers, but hasn't changed it. Neutral, worth keeping an eye on.
    Nitpicky is good around here. Welcome.

    Lyrium: Somewhat defensive/confrontational play in tune with playful persona. Second is similar to scum game, but first is more solid Town move in my eyes. At the very least she's not sheeping anyone right now. Neutral, leaning Town.

    And then there's the rest...

    Tish: I've caught her lurking several times and has yet to respond to my responses. I'm not sure how diligent she is about my being scum, however, she seems to have taken an extraordinarily ridiculous reason to vote for me and played it like damning proof.

    Citrus: Mechanics question, standard, felt the need to declare he hadn't finished reading, yet still felt good about his choice to vote on half-knowledge. Strange. Voted on me because he 'immediately wanted to.'

    Rubicon, Prophy,: These sort of blend with the last sentence on Citrus'. All they've done (aside from Rubi's hello) is literally vote for me and say "this sounds about right." There's nothing on either of them otherwise.

    And the others haven't posted yet, even though I saw some looking at the thread. Hope that changes soon.


    @Lyrium, Snowvon, Mathblade, & Maiden: please give a short, quasi-read wall on everyone, on the style of this post. I know there's little to work with, but try anyway.

    @Tish, Citrus, Rubicon, Prophylaxis: ...wow. I actually have to address this wagon because it's picked enough steam to be over halfway to a lynch.
    And that's really concerning. I really don't like the speed with which it just picked up out of the blue in less than a page....And all without a single read from most of you. Only Tish brought something up, and I've already said what I think about that particular 'case'.
    So while we're waiting for Tish to answer her questions, I'll ask you the same:
    Give a case. One of you 4 is scum (I have to assume no more than 1 would jump on this while covering themselves so badly), and if I'm lynched toDay, I intend to do so with an idea of who.
  13. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    I did finish reading, I just wanted to mention I was willing to vote you before reading Font's post. As I stated in my previous post.

    Immediately wanted to because of your posting, if you needed clarification
  14. Maiden

    Maiden Muggle

    Mar 16, 2014
    Your mother's house
    Wall post based off current info:

    Rubicon: Was a little surprised by his neutral first post, but his immediate vote for Sloth is not out of character. Nullread.
    Citrus: Discussing game mechanics; nothing really of note other than a pressure vote on Sloth.Nullread
    Sloth: Pointless first post, only SLIGHTLY scummy, but I'll trust that it was a joke. I would say that his wallposts indicate productivity, but Sloth literally always has giant posts.Nullread
    Fonti: Seems to be scumhunting. slight townread
    Lyrium: Pointless first post; not really scumhunting, some talk about game mechanics; no signs of productivity. slight scumread
    MathBlade: First post, I'm guessing is a joke?--theory about lurkers, which I agree with. slight townread
    Prophy: First post is a vote to Sloth. Pressure? Bandwagoning? Come to think of it, if Sloth does get lynched and rolls over town, it'd be wise to look into Fonti, Citrus, Prophy, and Rubicon. slight scumread
    Snowvon: Random vote for Rubicon; hasn’t said much of use, though he did answer my question. nullread

    No current posts from: Caligula, Zennith, and Sesc. Haven’t seen them online, and it’s too early to tell if they’re lurker!scum.
  15. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Maiden, this is a revealess set-up, there are no flips upon lynch/death.
    Thanks for answering.


    Fair on the first paragraph.
    On the second, I didn't. I asked for a read, Citrus. Why am I scum. Answer.
  16. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    There are no flips in this game

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 PM ----------

    Your posting style feels...different. It's more forced
  17. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Yes I do. Town has to figure out more information than scum. I believe therefore town players would require more posts than the average. Titus though is an anomaly because she's just hyper. I sometimes borrow from that as well.

    Sloth I tried but most of this is pretty empty. :/ Way too little going on here to get anything but null. There's some trending but these ideas could change very quickly as people post.

    1. Rubicon -- No read yet. No info really. Leaning scum because of the Sloth bandwagon. But because less than 10 words, nullread. If posting doesn't pick up before the end of day one, more of a scum read.
    2. Citrus -- Using Meta for a Sloth lynch. Back and forth on this one. Not enough experience with Sloth or Citrus to read one way or another. Best I can tell is that Citrus is trying to be an influence. Nullread.
    3. Sloth -- Not sure if it is towny-vengeance at being accused or if something is going on. Something feels off but it may be because this first day is going weird. I don't think Sloth is scum but am monitoring the weirdness of it and would be open to arguments.
    4. fontisian -- First to suggest Sloth but I don't really see much going for when he/she suggested it. Slight scumread but not enough to go on.
    5. Caligula -- N/A no posting yet. If no posting later then scummy.
    6. Lyrium -- A lot of random topics not contributing to who help the town figure out who is scum and who is not. This seems scummy to me as scum would want town to control the lynch then add when it is wrong.
    7. Prophylaxis -- General bandwagoning/sheep. Not sure what to think here. Too little posting. Nullread, leaning scum.
    8. Snowvon -- Townish I guess? Really hard to tell much of anything.
    9. Zennith -- Nada nil no idea due to lack of posts.
    11. Maiden, mentored by Bill Door -- Trying to start conversation maybe this will help her figure out who scum is? Not quite sure what Maiden is doing yet. I'm guessing town for now til I get a clearer picture.
    12. JKLM, replaced by Sesc prior to start -- No posts so no idea.
  18. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    What do you mean by this? Titus is an anomaly and thus posts a lot regardless of alignment?

    Wouldn't scum just post a lot to hide as town then, if it's that predictable?
  19. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    Official Vote Counter 1.2

    (7 votes to lynch)

    Sloth(4): fontisian, Rubicon, Citrus, Prophylaxis

    Rubicon(1): Snowven

    not voting (7): Caligula, Lyrium, Zennith, Maiden, Sesc, sloth, MathBlade

    Can scum choose to kill themselves at night?

    The setup doesn't say anything about not allow them to, so I'm going to say yes. However all scums must be in agreement.
  20. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Vote: MathBlade

    Considering the game that MathBlade was recently following and just got out of something about her noob "lurkers are scum" argument really pings me wrong and there's the bit of a slip.

    Next highest on my list of potential Braineaters: Sesc. The replacement has a 99.9% chance of being evil.

    Game started 2:14AM (EST for me) and its now almost 24 hours in. Would love to hear more from everyone.

    Questions for townies to answer and only townies:

    1. In a reveal-less setup, how long will it take for town to know that its on the right track? I can think of a few scenarios in which players can attempt to confirm the existence of the dead town or the dead Braineaters. Give one.

    2. If you did die toDay what would you do as the first member of the dead?

    3. If you absolutely had to eat a part of the human body, which would you pick and why?

    4. Give one town-ish read and one scum-ish read and then tell me why the opposite could also be true.