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Almost Recommended VI

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 9, 2013.

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  1. IBG

    IBG Seventh Year

    Nov 11, 2007
    Ah I probably just misinterpreted some old posts I guess. I just remember reading some posts when I signed up and being like "holy shit these guys are harsh". I don't think it was for bad recommendations but I do remember hammers being dropped on people that routinely made dumb posts.

    Anywho in the interests of getting us back on topic, Dracula Rising is an alright timewaster.

    Summary: 'Redo' of Heir of Dracula. Wrong BWL. Seven year old Harry Potter, born a vampire, runs away from home and stumbles upon Verona, one of Dracula's original mistresses. He is brought to Castle Dracula, where he unlocks the powers and memories of his ancestor... The mortals will tremble before Count Harold Dracula... Vampire!Godlike!Harry. M for Gore

    It's not library material by any stretch but if you feel like reading a Super!Harry fic then you could do worse. Chapters are of a good length, the Potter's aren't turned into ridiculous villains, the writing is pretty decent and there's some stuff I haven't seen before. The catch is that there hasn't really been any decent conflict yet and Harry kind of seems like he might just single-handedly walk over whoever ends up opposing him anyway.
  2. Deplore

    Deplore Seventh Year

    Mar 22, 2011
    I remember that story. It was spat subpar in the beginning and only went down. Characters were way off, super-Harry abounds, cliche galore, various character bashing and then there's the fact that the author pretty much implied that a minor (Harry) has sex with those Dracula mistresses.

    This story is only good when you're shitfaced drunk or higher than a weather balloon...otherwise you'd have to resist the urge to scoop out your eyeballs.
  3. melior

    melior Seventh Year

    Oct 25, 2011
    Here's a sticky for you to check before suggesting a story:


    In other words, that story has already been posted for review, and it's in the Trash Bin. With a bit of Google-fu you can dig up the thread:


    Actually, Googling for ["fic name" site:darklordpotter.net] is probably a better first step than checking the rejected submissions (and the built-in site search, which I always seem to have trouble with). If you're lucky the title will be sufficiently unique that you won't have to look through too much.
  4. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    If you want to be extra careful, you can use the story id from fanfiction.net to search:

    5664828 site:forums.darklordpotter.net

    Which gets you this.
  5. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:

  6. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    I enjoyed it.

    Then again, it was Harry/Pansy that was completed and didn't come off as though it was written by a particularly idiotic chimp, so my enjoyment of it was pretty much a given.

    The only sour note is that the author seems to be of the school of Harry/Pansy story writers, specifically of one-shots and short stories, who seem to feel this inexplicable fucking need to pair Draco with Hermione, as though those two can't possibly find anyone else in the entirety of existence, simply because Harry and Pansy have taken each other out of the dating pool.

    Bleah. The consolation here is that the pair never actually appear 'on screen,' so it's moderately bearable.

    Otherwise, not a bad way to kill a few minutes. [​IMG]
  7. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Why the fuck isnt Stalking Harry Potter in the Romance section of the Library? It's well written with almost textbook execution and interesting characters. Not to mention that it's way better than half the shit already in the Romance section.
  8. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    I'd give it a 2/5. I feel it belongs here, not the Library. Couldn't do more than skim it, and even then I didn't finish it.
  9. 0jordinio0

    0jordinio0 Seventh Year

    Jun 6, 2012
    I gotta ask. Why the hell would they make a story where a fully grown adult Harry buys from a second hand shop. I honestly kinda closed it down after we were told he bought second hand underwear - that is fuckin' nasty.

    This is one of those stories where he has tons of money too if I remember right. You'd think after being embarrassed so much by Dudley's cast offs he wouldn't ever want second hand shit again.

    I have to agree with Tomato on this. The technical writing aspect of the story is pretty good but other than that it doesn't deserve much. 2/5 is the best I could give it after that second hand underwear crap.
  10. TripticWriter

    TripticWriter Groundskeeper

    Nov 28, 2006
    To be fair, if you had kept reading for just a little longer you had see that he didn't actually bought second hand underwear. And even if it was a little bit weird and heavy-handed, I actually can see canon Harry going to second hand shop even if he doesn't have to. I am not a fan of the idea, but it didn't felt that far-fetched to me.

    Still, the story while solidly written doesn't appeal to me. I am just not a fan of Harry/Pansy. I don't know why but, I always imagined her as really ugly.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2014
  11. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Yeah, I don't quite follow either. It seems to be consistent though, along with no mention of Ron whatsoever, unless it's to disparage him somehow, while seemingly not bothering to mention seven years of "mudblood" shot her way from Malfoy.

    Anyhoo, a decent few one-shots (and one fic that's not a one-shot) about Harry/Pansy:

    What We Thought We Knew
    Words Written on Hands
    Quidditch in the Rough, or How Potter Got His Groove Back
    The Pursuit of Happiness
    Catching Pansy
    Choosing My Confessions
  12. samkar

    samkar Temporarily Banhammered

    Jul 26, 2010
    Difficult to say. IMHO this is a textbook case for guilty pleasure. It has some tropes and some characterizing is dubious so it might be just on the wrong side of 3/5. But in my case I'm curious where the story will go and the good sides still overweight the bad sides.

    P.S. About Draco in this story. I usually dislike him having a bigger role in a story but in this case it doesn't annoy me. He feels a bit like Ron's role as comedy relief while still feeling "in character".
  13. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    The Potter of Thedas

    So far it's eight chapters, all written in a light-tone, even if some of the things brought up aren't exactly all that jape-worthy. It's written from Harry's POV and strangely enough, I'm not bothered by it.
  14. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    Oh, hell yes. I'm checking this out. Need to get into DA fanfiction.
  15. Daidalos

    Daidalos Fourth Year

    Mar 23, 2011
    If you're looking for HP/DA fics, I can recommend A Marauder of the Wounded Coast, a ficlet featuring Sirius Black and the cast of DA2. The snippet is part of Arsinoe de Blassenville's collection of short stories from the DA-verse.
  16. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    Thanks. I'll check it out.
  17. 0jordinio0

    0jordinio0 Seventh Year

    Jun 6, 2012
    https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10024900/1/Harry-Potter-and-Type-Moon - I've been following this lately. It features Harry as a child finding the discs for the visual novels of Tsukihime and Fate Stay Night. Some hints about Zeltrech if I remember right having put all this into play.

    Harry's only sense of happiness in his childhood because of the Dursley's is these games. He gets so drawn into the characters that they seem real to him and his magic sort of splits his mind in a way in order to follow his desires. And he develops a sort of 'second' personality kind of thing in that characters from both visual novels take up residence in his head.

    Shiro, Archer, Rin, Gilgamesh and more. They all influenced him during his playthrough of the games in some form or manner. And the forms they take in his mind try to get him to follow their line of thinking. Like Shiro wanting him to become a 'hero' and Gilgamesh influencing him into a rage when Dudley finds and breaks the games that meant so much to him because they were 'the possessions of the kings chore boy' as Gil calls him.

    It isn't great, but it's amusing as a guilty pleasure and the author's technical writing aspects are good and his dialogue flows pretty damn well. You just have to overlook the few anime-esque moments that occur.

    Edit: Nevermind the newest chapter killed it for me. So much crack and rampant stupidity.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2014
  18. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio

    This Pansy is a character who...
    A: Spends a lot of time in denial about certain things.

    B: Has a sort of scatter-shot and manic thought process that skips from a deliberate misconstruing of the subject, to a flight of fancy that she follows for a while, to finally getting down to business.

    And, C: Tends to approach people and situations with a sort of 'force field' of catty, sarcastic, and sometimes outright insulting (false) bravado, until she either relents because she's ready to admit she already knows better or has the situation spelled out for her in ways she can no longer push away with her defense mechanisms.

    She'll state something in her inner monologue, go on about it for several paragraphs, often with a side journey into something almost entirely unrelated, then finally admit that the premise she's just been beating to death in her head isn't actually true in the first place.

    In this case, she thinks that Harry Potter buying underwear at a secondhand store is totally disgusting; then goes into a tangent where she thinks the underwear model on the package might be Oliver Wood; then runs with that thought for a while, creating an entire scenario where Wood ducked out of the fight against Voldemort to go someplace safe and model underwear; then she more or less abandons that line of thought and mentally admits that the underwear, while being sold in a secondhand store, isn't actually secondhand at all, but is in fact just irregular (an unused product with factory-produced imperfections, sold at a reduced price); then she concludes that it's still lame that Harry is buying flawed underwear out of some kind of misguided and unnecessary sense of frugality, which is only really gross in that it offends her sense of style and her expectations of how someone with means and any taste whatsoever should choose to live.

    *whew* Exhausting.

    I never watched Sex and The City, so I could be way off base, but just imagine this Pansy as a combination of Carrie Bradshaw and the social pariah daughter of a suspected Nazi collaborator, with the inner monologue of a mayfly on caffeine.

    To borrow an anime term, she's a tsundere with a chip on her shoulder and an inner voice that's neurotically prone to turning momentary flights of fancy into full-blown mental tangents.

    These kind of frenzied mental gymnastics are vaguely (vaguely) reminiscent of the Pansy Parkinson featured in bk11's stories, On Being and Nothingness and Embargo-O, except those two seem prone to being more openly manic, with fewer whimsical inner road-trips.

    I could go on at length about interpretations of Harry where he goes either way: Either retaining many of the constraints or habits that were beaten (metaphorically or literally) into him at the Dursleys, OR consciously and deliberately casting them aside, OR simply unconsciously shedding them like an outgrown skin once he's no longer under the Dursleys' control.

    Instead, I'll simply refer to my own real life observations. I happen to have been acquainted with a married couple who survived through America's Great Depression. They were children, during that event: One of them quite well off, with live-in servants, the other not so much...

    They went on to get married, open their own business, and become considerably well off as adults. They lived around here, but also had a winter home in a warmer climate - which was apparently their only extravagance.

    Otherwise, they were very tight-fisted with money: Bad tippers and cheap gift-givers, who never threw food away even if it had long since expired. They were very averse to the notion of wasting anything even a little.

    Like so many people of that era, they always lived with the notion in the back of their heads that their money and good fortune could be stripped away at any moment, especially if they weren't careful with it. Arguably, the one who had grown up with live-in servants hadn't even personally suffered anything remotely approaching poverty during The Depression, but they saw it all around them and it stuck with them for the rest of their lives.

    When I met them, they were decades removed from that crushing poverty, which one of them hadn't even really experienced, yet the specter of that event followed them and affected their behavior every day.

    It happens. Sometimes an event in one's life can affect their behavior for years after the fact, even if that behavior is as seemingly unnecessary as buying from a thrift store when you have the money to wear nothing but bespoke suits.

    Yeeeeeah, that's actually 'Didn't read closely enough' crap. :?

    If I had a dollar for every time that happened...
    Better luck next time; right?
  19. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:

    I thought irregular meant that Harry had such a big cock that he needed special underwear that gave it space.
  20. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    That would be the bespoke that Warlocke mentioned...

    "I'm sorry Mr. Potter, these trousers aren't designed with enough fabric."

    "Do a custom job, then- and no zippers or velcro; that stuff rubs badly. Although... could you maybe set up a quick-release button system or-- hell with it. Show me your kilts."
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