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AYAW #2 - Return to Basics

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Riley, May 4, 2014.

  1. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    so we got 4 hrs to get lynch, i almost want to bltiz a mathblade lynch, but i dunno if we could get enough momentum
  2. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    No it's not we aren't close to a lynch as no one new is posting.

    I am stepping away I need to calm my head a bit.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:16 ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 ----------

    Last post: if you do you are d2 lynch as I am obv! town...I will flip town. You are seriously derping. Or you could use your "seer" ability tonight and then get true scum tomorrow.

    Okay that was last post before stepping away.
  3. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    then there was no need to unvote, what im saying is that your unvote was stupid and pointless

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:16 PM ----------

    also math, you are nowhere near obv!town

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 PM ----------

    if anyone is obv town at this time is lyrim
  4. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Ok, writing this quick...few hours till the deadline. And the leading wagon is still Maiden. Has anyone at least said why my argument is wrong?


    Let's look at #557:
    -Your ika read is...strange. You're reading him as Town despite the fact that the arguments you presented for him being Scum are much stronger than what you said for him being Town, which sums up to "gut feel + genuine rage" - adding to that the very good point that he's acting like in B&T (where he DID in fact, fake his rage - either that or he showed that he can use rage as Town or Scum). So why is he anything more than null to you?

    -To borrow a term from Rubicon, +1 for most of what you've said about Snow.

    ...Got bit by the bug, did you? =)

    Hm, I like a lot of the reasoning in your wall, don't agree with some, but I see: Null, Town, Town, ? (presumed Town), slight Scum, ? (presumed Scum), ?, Town, Null-Town, Null-Town, ?, Null.
    There's too much you leave open-ended here, not enough decisive statements. I want to see a clearer stance on these, so provide it.

    The best point I saw in your wall is Burkion - he's very likely Town. If he's not, his scummate has to be an extremely experienced player to be able to keep his cool on his own. It could be the case, but I haven't seen reason to believe so, and I've been looking.

    Maiden/Ika scumteam is almost 100% unlikely, even ignoring my belief she's Town: Yes, he could have been trying to townfirm himself by bussing his scummate, and it's been done, however, this is a game with 2 wolves and it's D1.
    It's way too early for scum!him to be resorting to this sort of drastic strategy and not even ika is smug enough to believe he can tackle all of us on his own from the start.
    One of them being scum is more possible and if Maiden flips scum against all possible odds, ika's 95% townfirmed in my eyes.

    (Don't Danke another man! D= )

    1- Yes. You do. Not sure what the point of that was except for more apologetic 'oh I just can't do it now.' Where else are you going to GET practice, exactly?
    As for Lyrium, a) she reads town higher than you; and b) I straight up asked her about it on the wall you're replying to in this post, what are you talking about?

    2- ...Alright that's it. Skip to 3 if you don't feel like being yelled at.
    So you're saying because you're so obvious a scum, you might not be one, and own up to your lack of contribution as part of it? And maybe that means you're Town?
    Ok, here are the scenarios given that:
    A: You're scum. It's "textbook perfect" we should lynch you.
    B: You're useless townie. You're not contributing, you're not trying to scumhunt, you're not doing anything but being a placeholder and a meatshield - and if you are Town, why would scum waste an NK on a lightning rod for ML? So we should lynch you.
    So answer me, which one hurts Town? A, or B?
    In the scenario where Maiden, Mathblade and you are all Town, and we were going to ML, why shouldn't it be you? The other two are at least trying, and they're about as new as you.
    tl;dr: Please change your attitude.

    3- Because you're the only one that hasn't bothered to at least justify the vote. You have made it clear, countless times, that you see her as Town, and you're only pushing her wagon in order to avoid being the one that gets lynched.
    The only reason Townies should lynch is because they think their target is scum (or have an overall strategy that involves a Townie lynched to get at scum I guess, do you have one of those?) and you've made it clear you don't. You just want to live. You're perfectly willing to lynch another possible Town (possible Seer) on no evidence.

    @ALL: why am I the only one pointing this out, guys??

    ...ok? Can you explain why?

    Ah. Finally, someone addressed my post in disagreement regarding the Maiden wagon. Someone who hasn't voted for her (or anyone) despite their apparent intention to.
    O...kay then.
    Fine. Tell me what about my case is weaker than the case for her being scum. Give examples. Citrus is at least saying "oh it's too late to change now" (...uh huh) so he can technically skate by with that.
    You're saying that even if there was a lot of time, your vote would stay (or, you know, go) on Maiden.
    Tell me why.

    ...if you know you will be missing the end of the Day, why haven't you voted?

    Rereading her posts...
    -Math has definitely tried to immerse herself in the game, at least. Engaging players, giving reads, pressuring her scumreads.
    -In 439, she went out of her way to answer Lyrium's questions, despite the fact she wasn't pressured to do so.
    -She's attempted to townread me twice for reasons no one would townread anyone - possible buddying after I lead the wagon last time?
    -The 3-scum fiasco...ugh, she's done this crap before, so I don't know how to take it. There's precedence to this sort of behavior in her Town game, but at this point I just find it...REALLY hard to believe. She may have learned to emulate it simply to look like her Townself. I don't see what about #453 swayed Rubicon, he's more than welcome to explain it. #463 is a headache.
    -#496's B seems like something her Town self would do after last game.
    -She's tunneling Maiden after she tunneled Lyrium...did she ever give a solid reason why she gave up on Lyrium? Aside from her telling her the 2-scum thing, like I did?
    -On Maiden, I already gave thoughts.

    Would be a HUGE point against her. Except she was scumreading Maiden too, teaming her with ika. It doesn't exempt here, but I'm also wondering what ika was thinking here.
    Additionally, I've given my thoughts on ika/Maiden.
    The more damning thing here is that she herself didn't point out her scumread of Maiden when replying to ika.

    I don't beleive Maiden is experienced enough a player yet to pull off a subconscious change like that and not try to draw attention to it, or it being more forced.

    Not sure I follow this, but I'll point out the numbers are only part of my case.

    It should be really obvious who I think at this point.

    ...This is from the first round, what are you saying?

    This is not as damning as TerRaine thinks, but it is damning. It's only D1 and the fact that you have it first billing would generally mean that it's your prefer option.
    ...Nope. (<Psychologist)

    Do so, that's a valid question, I found it strange too.

    Holy crap, did you just unvote and revote Maiden back-to-back with no explanation and at the slightest pressure?

    ...we can be friends. /friend request sent.


    @Rubicon: still waiting for that Snowvon case. Also, those 19 pairs you mentioned?

    @Lyrium: I asked you a question about Rubicon.

    I'm still saying Snowvon. And I'm still saying Maiden wagon is stupid as hell.
    However, Mathblade has made enough mistakes that even me, who is trying not to do the same thing as last game, think she's an acceptable alternative - at least I'm not convinced she'll flip Scum this time.

    Also, Citrus and Atum deserve a closer look tomorrow.
  5. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    sloth i have stated the 4 suspect over and over,

    i merly glanced though but im fairly confident iif we go though those 4 we will hit the scums.

    we need to find knowlage first, maiden hasnt been as spectacular whihc is why shes todays lynch. I read your case and can see the logic, now unless if we can blitz a wagon to somewhere else, this is all we have. I dont have much time left before i have to get ready for work so decide now.

    If you want me vote somewhere else pick one of the 4 ppl and vote, im not going to look back

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 PM ----------

    also sloth, most of the time your stuff gets regarded becasue they are huge ass walls,

    sometimes the best way to do it is be short and straight tot the point, like bulletpoints

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    ---------- Post automerged at 12:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 PM ----------

    also, i have sevral plans set-up if maiden flips town. Snow would be high suspect for merly just sheeping and math would be for fence sitting everything and everyone.

    Consider this: if maiden flips town, everyone should ios the voters and revaulate from there.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 PM ----------

    k i have to get ready for work see ya later
  6. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Sloth, what question about Rubicon? Repeat it if it's important.

    I wanted to conf!town Maiden but she hasn't given me anything to work with. Her readwall just kills me.

    Hey Maiden, I've been trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here since we both know what we know from pre-roll and you're response is to 180 on your read of me? Just wth.
  7. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Yeah, I've seen it. Most of the newbies. Have you ever given reasons why? I only recall you listing them.

    ...ika, what the hell? Yesterday after I gave my case you suggested Mathblade and I said I wanted to read through her posts. I have done so, given an analysis, and we have ~4 hours left, and now you're not changing your vote?

    It already is?

    To be honest, I don't intend to write walls. They just sort of happen. This is me trying to make it quick and dirty.
    Also, I doubt it, by this point any player that knows what they're doing knows to look at my walls. I'm not always right, but I generally have something worth following up on.

    /msg Riley Poole !xmafia votes

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  8. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    Updated vote count:

    Maiden (5) – ika, Snowvon, Rubicon, MathBlade, Citrus
    Snowvon (1) – Sloth, Maiden
    TerRaine (1) – LochNess
    Ika (1) – Dermon, TerRaine

    Not voting (3) - Burkion, Atum, Lyrium

    13 alive, 7 to lynch.

  9. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Sloth, I felt like it. And?
  10. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    the problem im seeing with this deadline looming is can we muster enough ppl to show up with votes...

    i got 10 mins before im gone and not many people have shown up. so the last thing i want to see is a scramble for votes (WIFOM city?)

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 PM ----------

    lyrim, would you be against a snowvon lynch?
  11. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    I'll put a vote on her if needed, I'm guessing that I'm not going to get the magical town stamp I was looking for.
  12. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    im gonna figure out if we can muster enough ppl to move votes. if anything i dont want a no-lynch scnario or a "scamble the votes"
  13. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    ika, no I would not be against a Snowvon lynch but at this point I think its highly unlikely.
  14. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    vote Snowvon

    lets do it lyrim, maiden is still not clear but im willing to let it slide atm
  15. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Vote Maiden

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 PM ----------

    Ika, with 1 hour and 51 minutes its highly unlikely. Keep your vote on Maiden. When she flips plus night kill, then more will be known.
  16. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    lyrim pick, i have to go, i need info on a lynch and one of those 4 is my suspects atm, maiden has been sitting at l-2 and im gonna go back if needed but we need to decide mine now

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ----------


    vote maiden

    should be l-1

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ----------

    lyrim, who should i check supposing i live to tommorow?
  17. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    ika, you've been dropping hints left and right and Idk if you just have some effing obsession with suicidal gestures but if your NKed for it then good work screwing town.

    I would say MathBlade or Snowvon? Idk though.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 PM ----------

    Updating, so next vote on Maiden hammers it and we enter twilight.

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    If Lochness or Burkion are replaced with Titus then we get a good player in the game who's town\scum reads are often point blank correct and now we also know her scumtells so that would be beneficial to town.
  18. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    omg if we get titus, i want to live, we can solve this game ez mode then.

    but alas, i bet i will be nked first

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    maybe if titus replaces in they will nk her first b/c she is more deadly then me at times....

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  19. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    We have Twilight after the hammer so we can do last wills so to speak.
  20. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    First question: I don't know why you are the only one. I have given up trying to understand why most people do things and have gone to looking for generic tells or general anti helpiness of town. You help me, I'm town, you're helping town, therefore likely town. You work against me or are rude to me, likely not town since I'm town. Pretty selfish logic but it's better than trying to go knee deep like some people do as I suck at that.

    About the Maiden logic: I see what you are saying I just drew a different conclusion from the same facts. If Maiden comes up town it adds even more townie cred to you.

    Being a psychologist, I would ask you to think WHY I am playing the way I am doing. Either I am a horrible town by making all these social interpretation mistakes while being town. Or I am a horrible scum by publically geting on the lynching block. EVERY game I have played with on these boards I've been on a day one lynch. I have NEVER made it beyond day one on the board games because people intentionally target me because my play is "weird". Because it is "weird" I am assumed scum when the only thing I do is help. Use your psychology degree please and just see that the odds of me being scum are slim to none...I'm literally begging here because it's all I got left. The more I try to explain the more it's going to be used as a hypothesis to lynch me some more. So if I'm aimed for D2 then I am but you have my reads.

    Also it wasn't at the slightest bit of provocation it was because I quite honestly can't decide who is more scummy. Like Lyrium I am attempting to give Maiden doubt as I'm also okay for an ika lynch but she keeps doing scummy stuff...:/

    Friend request accepted.
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