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AYAW #2 - Return to Basics

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Riley, May 4, 2014.

  1. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Again he thought you and Ika were scum. He abandoned a maybe for a sure thing. Very town to do that. This post is also inconsistent. Either you believe Rubicon is scapegoating me or you believe I'm scum. This wagon is easy because it was already explained with numerous arguments prior to this point which Ika tried to wash away by saying the magical word/idea "gambit". So yes I did it quickly but because I believe in my heart of hearts it is the right thing to do.

    ---------- Post automerged at 16:13 ---------- Previous post was at 16:12 ----------

    Furthermore he is also taking back his volunteering of being hung the next day if he was wrong. If he was town he shouldn't care if he hangs but yet he vigorously defended himself and has said he is done scumhunting.

    What town in their right minds is EVER done scum hunting....None...Scum scum scum.
  2. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    That's the problem. A scumslip (if someone actually believed what they wrote) is a sure thing while his read on ika would naturally be a maybe given Rubicon is familiar with ika's penchant for gambiting.

    Stop using the heart of hearts and other melodramatic language on forums. You lose the corresponding body language and thus makes you sound less believable.

    Also, ika does the thing where he posts a bit like a spoiled brat. He focuses more on emotion. If he feels like the town has took the ball and gone home, he will stop. This isn't his "caught scum" game. Look at Brass Tax. There he was jovial and had a tone of cooperating, even when the game was over for him. Why? Because he could WIFOM everything.
  3. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    "Scumslips" are always maybes because to determine if it is a scumslip you have to interpret it. And he followed his definitive logic. Rubicon is town. I will give you that it is a very very very likely maybe but it is sure a hell of a lot more worth following logs of demonstrated posts versus one post or one phrase interpretation.

    And if ika plays like a spoiled brat we treat them like a spoiled brat. Town should punish spoiled brats. Not let them run free to get whatever they want. And if your ONLY argument that ika is town is meta then I can use that and square it by saying he got caught can't do that again.

    And I will be melodramatic when I feel it is appropriate because that is how I communicate. I won't stop being who I am because you don't want me to do that.
  4. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Nah, you don't vote players based on their attitude. Otherwise, you'd be lynched ten times over already. People were giving you a fair amount of leniency in the early game because of your personality making you lynchbait. I am telling you the negative effects of your actions using melodramatic words. If you persist, there is naught I can do.

    Scumslips are not maybes. Something may or may not be a slip, but if something is a scumslip then the person making it is scum. Similar to a townslip in that regard. Again, disagreeing with a scumslip is not the point. Rubicon could have said something as pointless as "TerRaine said the word blue 25 times by page 273, therefore she scumslipped". If that is a scumslip FRPOV, then he should be pushing TerRaine. Yet, nothing he does pushes her at all. It's strategic.

    Also, you're ignoring the sudden shift by Rubicon from ika leaning town at the end of day 1 to suddenly scum day 2. That doesn't occur naturally, especially if familiar with his personality.

    It is not just meta that ika is town. Town ika gambits. Look at cost benefit scenario leaving meta out. ika gains plenty for the town if his gambit is successful and has a low chance of failure. It's one of the few gambits I'd endorse in his position. Second, he has been scumhunting the entire game. Look at the exchanges between me and ika towards the end of the day.

    ika has three clear choices that would save his skin; Rubicon, TerRaine and you. If ika is scum, two of those must be town. He picks those two. We cooperate and the game gets a lot easier for him and his buddy; whoever that is. Yet, he persists in pushing Citrus. There is only one rational reason. He believes Citrus is scum. As either alignment, ika's play may not appear rational but he doesn't make the game any harder on himself than necessary. If ika was scum, he'd start talking about emotional disparities (but in much more common sense terms).
  5. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    I am always going to play this game as me. If I get d1 lynch in every future game because of it then I do. I am me and I don't change me to make others happy. Otherwise I'd be a miserable train wreck trying to be straight and trying to be feminine when I'm not which leaves me empty and clueless on how to act. The only thing I got for me is that I know how to be me. You can think I suck at this game all you want but I'm always going to be me and I always think my plays are the right ones when I make them. If I get lynched for personality then that's fine I just try a few more times and if D1 lynches happen after about 4 or 5 more games I take the hint and leave the board and stick to IRC mafia where there it is balanced and even and sometimes I win/lose.

    Uhm..No he actually gains nothing as town is learning nothing from what he is saying as he is not believed because of how scummy he is acting. "Rubicon is scum because of personality/meta" "Ika is town because of personality/meta" Your entire argument if ika was scum he'd.... is meta.

    We're obviously talking in circles..anyone want to jump in here and add anything useful otherwise I'm going to sign out here so town can catch up and see the Ika/Titus scum.
  6. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    We are not. You are dismissing the words you do not want to read.

    What benefit does ika get by claiming seer on day 1? As scum, nothing with a huge downside. As town, he gains a fair amount, if the seer lives. That's not meta at all.

    You also ignored the last paragraph entirely.

    You are ignoring that which doesn't fit with your narrative. That's not good play at all.

    Oh and never assume I am asking you to deny who you are. Ever. I'm telling you what will get you lynched in the future. Whether you listen, well that's your choice.
  7. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US

    Ika's entire play was antitown so the benefit is it matched his play just calling him out on it. I did not ignore your last paragraph I labelled it all as meta by explicitly quoting the last sentence.

    Yeah you kinda did. You said I'd be lynched for my personality if I didn't stop. Well I'm saying bring it honey because I am town and will flip town.

    <<All posts after this point will be read after Pi Rivendell logs out of Skyrim>>
  8. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Of course calling him out is beneficial. I told him that his giving up is not helpful numerous times. There's a difference between calling out and lynching. Town players do things that are anti-town. See Mathblade in Brass Tax.

    Let's move on. Why is Rubicon town besides him agreeing with you that ika is scummy? If Rubicon is scum, and ika is town, scum!Rubicon would have no problem getting on your wagon.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:24 PM ----------

    I have got to go now. Catch you later.
  9. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    I don't think he actually thinks I'm scum, he's just annoyed I'm not letting him control me / he was irritated yesterday and it affected his play
  10. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    I agree he doesn't think you are scum.

    ---------- Post automerged at 21:25 ---------- Previous post was at 21:20 ----------

    Two more for a lynch and one more if ika keeps his word. We have less than 24 hours to lynch and tomorrow is a US holiday. Any help to guarantee lynch would be appreciated.
  11. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Great you guys vote Rubicon. You got your lynch.
  12. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Rubicon just isn't happening...Move on. If you aren't going to vote ika at least do something helpful for town, like a read wall. Otherwise you're being just as scummy as he is.
  13. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    …Ok, the game in the last…20 posts or so has devolved into a back-and-forth between Titus and Mathblade I’m not bothering to read, since it feels a little less mafia-geared and more sister-argument. -__-
    I’m just going to skip those. If any of it was relevant, feel free to turn it to me directly.

    I can’t tell exactly what you’re saying here, but I think it is that you don’t think ika’s scum, after all the info you’ve gotten since this roll started? (And comparing it to pre-roll?)
    What would scum!ika have done in this situation then, in your opinion?

    I got that part actually, it’s this that made me uncomfortable:
    Basically risking the Seer over a town conf (which would likely be the next NK, so it’s not really a lot of information.)
    Not to mention the second one gives a Scum result, we lose the Seer, since I can’t think of a reason for Townies to say someone is scum.

    Titus, I’m not liking how you haven’t addressed some questions made of you, like a) the Citrus bit I pointed out, and b) the askance about you assuming ika was seer and how it affected your plan – In #919 you seemed to be saying you knew he wasn’t but were playing along for his gambit? Why not just not address it at all, making your plan more credible? Address them please.

    Is this only for Rubicon? Because I gave my analysis on #889. Feedback?

    Wait, stop. How sure are you of this? I’ve been wondering for the longest time. I can’t make heads or tails of what she’s trying to say, but I’m not sure she’s doing it on purpose.

    Seriously Titus, I address most of what you bring up about ika before you bring it up on my #889 analysis. I left the floor open for anyone to give feedback on it, you’re welcome to as well, but don’t act like no one’s offering counters.

    …You make it so hard to even try to talk to you. -_-

    are you reading? i fucking said 99%, i would be able to figure titus sooner or later if she is scum
    Yes, I was listening, I know what you said, 99% certainty is still a pretty fucking huge number to give that early on her entrance.

    A) mass WIFOM. ask cirtus about our last big FM off site, someone did that as a vigilant and was able to live for sevral days.
    I like to think I know a fair bit about WIFOM, and what you did was so over the top of course no one would believe it, I don’t see how it was a legitimate NK-magnet for you.
    Also, this doesn’t address the most important part: Why you thought Citrus was Seer, which, if you read my analysis, is what clinched my vote on you.

    again wrong, you dont know jack shit. I easily flips moods on stuff, untill you get your head straight about that NVER SAY YOU FUCKING KNOW.
    …Christ. Very mature, bravo. I can see newbies coming back in throes for a chance to get to play with you again. Calm the fuck down.
    Now, where the hell did I say I knew you were faking it? I clearly stated the indication of it was there and, going by everything else compiling, that made the possibility more likely. Nothing more.
    I have never said this is definitely what’s going on, and when I’ve said this is probably what’s happening, I haven’t done it out of nowhere and with nothing to back it up. I always explain my reasoning. What the hell do you do except say “no, fuck you, you’re wrong”?

    + again it comes back to the stupid fucking question: WOULD A WOLF DO THAT DAY FUCKING 1 AND THEN KILL THE SEER?
    I went over my possible theories on analysis. I notice you’ve yet to address anything in that section. Why is that?
    I actually not sure how likely I found all of that, but that’s why I wanted to see you react to it. You haven’t, you’ve ignored it. Which I guess is a reaction on itself.

    Ika, give me a case for Rubicon/Citrus being scum together. I’m not sure what to think of your individual cases, they’re not very strong, though. I’ll take a closer look.
    However, what do you have connecting them?

    …Has that ever worked? I’m curious, since it hasn’t every time Tish used it, I’m not sure why you’d use it.

    I already sort of did – the answer’s more than likely not. Unless she lied about not keeping up, but I really doubt it because of RL.
    If she still did it with c in mind, it means that her partner was someone she trusted to have been able to identify the Seer when they met at Night (so, again, not a newbie. And not ika, based on what I said about him already.)
    As of now, I have no particular reason to think this is the case, but I still want answers to the questions.

    Also, reads?

    ^Yo. You didn’t say it exactly, but you didn’t list her as Town or Scum, and given your wording I assumed.
    Given that assumption, I’d like you to tell me why you felt Lyrium was Town.

    Aside from removing any shadow of a doubt to his alignment, lynching scum!ika allows us to step back and look at all his interactions in hopes of seeing who could be the partner. I think your strategy might be better suited for a revealless set-up?
    But presuming we would go with it, who would you suggest toDay’s target be?

    Bitchin’. Look at my Danke, losers. Look at my danke and then at your dankeless lives and WEEP at the pointlessness of your existence!
    Ok, serious now. Posts #439, #441, and slightly on #463.
    As said, she gave up because we were Town after we corrected it…which again, seems like extremely weak reasoning to townclear anyone.

    Math, it’s less than 24 hours into D2, why would be lynch at this time?
    Titus’ vote would only put ika at L-1, and then he’d hammer, he’s stated it plainly.

    Wait, Mod DOES confirm Seer upon death—he did it with Lyrium, remember? And once we know she’s Seer, we would have known any reads she gave in the ‘sharing circle’ were accurate. The mod doesn’t have to confirm those reads, confirming Seer in death is enough to confirm them. Was that what was confusing you?
    Also…are you sure, on that second paragraph? Every time you bring this up, I walk away feeling bewildered. I’m not trying to be mean, it’s just the truth.

    Alright, fair enough. Like I said, it wasn’t a scumtell, it just seemed assholish.
    And yep. She’s the most womanly woman I’ve ever met. Rawr. :D

    1- That’s an interesting choice of words there. Why did you use it? Not being independent implies he was being told what to do, but scum have no Daychat so that couldn’t be the case. I don’t think mentors would tell him exactly what to do easy. Explain what you meant.

    2- I…guess? I’m not sure how this explains not seeing any of the others as likely based on your reasoning.

    This is as good a time as any for a Rainwall.


    -Burkion. I’m comfortable leaving squarely as Town. Aside from it being a waste of time to think on him when he’s been gone most of the game, I’ve brought up how if he’s scum, then the scum team is crippled and it would be showing in most players – you’d have to be extremely experienced scum to not show any cracks, and given my reads on the veteran players, it’s unlikely. The only option could have been that he was ika’s partner, given his constant foul moods and meltdowns, but I already mentioned that ika wouldn’t have carried out his seer claimed with Burk as his partner, as he’s both new and not around.
    That said if one of the experienced players flips scum, and there’s no deducible connection between them and other players, Burk could be the partner. Again, very unlikely.

    -TerRaine. Basically, I’ve known her for what feels like my entire life at this point. I know how she thinks, and I know how she lies.
    I’m seeing her making some clumsy movements, but they’re not dumb movements. She’s being a newbie, getting her feet wet and making mistakes any of us would have made (“well, fuck,” not questioning Rubicon). Most importantly, she’s trying, she’s scumhunting, following up on her leads with smart questions. I like her walls in #562, because I can follow her reasoning, even if I don’t agree with some of them.
    She also hasn’t backed down when pressed, trying to be polite but snapping at ika of his tantrums, plus that “too bad” that she directed at Titus, which was basically her polite way of saying “why should I give a shit what you think?” – A scum!Ter would not respond with annoyance, she’d maintain a polite façade to lull people. Town!Ter would not give a fuck.
    (If anyone compares us to Titus/ika, I will dropkick you.)

    -Rubicon. …This one’s complicated.
    What I’ve seen here is what I’m used to from a Town Rubicon – a hell of a lot of nitpicking, with most of his questions leaving me wondering if he just wants to see if they can be answered rather than care about the answer at all. A lot of pushing on my initial Town-clear of Citrus, and some level that I believe was him knowing what I was doing, but feigning like he didn’t in an effort to catch me as possible scum. I might be overthinking it, but it does seem like something he does.
    He’s had some scummy movements: Refusal to answer questions on Ness (he later fixes this, and I believe his reasoning), hyper-defensiveness over 1 vote (is that normal for him?), defense of Snow? (then again, I defended Maiden, so possibly just wanting to avoid ML?). Titus pointed out how he didn’t pursue Ter’s ‘well fuck,’ and his defenses against it are…weak, almost nonexistent. It relies on him and Ter being partners, and I just don’t believe see that for reasons above. However, if he alone is scum and just pointing out the Ter thing before following ika…it’s possible, but would be extremely clumsy of him, I don’t think he’d make that sort of error.
    Despite initial defense on Ness, pressed her over Ter vote (distancing?) and seems to be pressuring and pursuing Titus + ika – while the team make no sense in my eyes, his questions are valid and counters are accurate.
    Strangely, he hasn’t delivered on several things: his 19 unaligned pairs, or his analysis of Titus+ Ika interactions.

    -Atum. I agree that he generally seems Townish.
    Of course, he’s new and I could be misreading him.
    Went from ‘never agreeing with my reads’ to seeing me as strong Town literally from one post to the other.
    Didn’t vote Maiden, despite insistence she was Town, called on it and simply stated he didn’t understand the voting mechanics.
    His #811 was…very thorough on Maiden.It was interesting. I didn’t follow how the reasoning was stronger than my case, but I could see the effort and the fact he believed it.
    Liking his moves D2 so far, asking really smart questions. And answering them well too.

    -Citrus. Weakest of my townreads. A lot of conflict here.
    He’s had a fair share of Towntells – The exchange with Dermon I mentioned at the start, 3 wolves, anger at Snow over fake-claim, his exchange with Rubicon. A lot of it can arguably be faked – the Dermon bit even staged. This feels like paranoia speaking, so I’m not sure what to make of it.
    He did two big things against him: He started and lead the Maiden wagon, and despite his claim that my argument had more or less swayed him, decided to keep his vote on her because “there was no time” (there were a little over four hours at the time). I’m wondering if he just didn’t want to stop the lynch.
    Second, his reasoning on Dermon. I won’t say more because I want to say what he says about it.

    -Dermon. He’s claimed RL move two Days in a row now, which is fine, but annoying – his post count is in the 30s, and apparently he won’t be back for the rest of today.
    He’s made some odd choices which he’s been called out on (swapping Ter for Maiden, some odd wording in his arguments, lots of nullreads, etc).
    Much like Atum, I generally get a newbie vibe off him, not a scummy one: I haven’t seen him do anything particularly damning, mostly staying in the background and trying to contribute, sticking to his reads and following up on them. When he did something strange, I liked the answers he gave, more or less.
    Of course, he’s new and I could be misreading him.
    Didn’t vote Maiden, though he might have switched the vote if he had been around near Day End.

    -Titus. Replaced Ness, who posted very little and left due to RL complications. I voted her because her apologetic nature struck me as suspicious, but I was probably wrong about that.
    Ness voted on Citrus over his note to dermon, which Rubicon called valid (?), and then switched to TerRaine for reasons I thought were valid, which Rubicon brought into question. (?)
    After that Titus took over, she’s been far more active and trying to catch up. Her plan was…I still don’t think it was a good idea, but we’ll never find out. With her limited knowledge of how the game was going, I could see her just thinking it was for the best, but now that she’s caught up, she still seems to believe it was a good idea. Either I’m missing something (and I admit to have been confused by her and mathblade talking about it), or maybe she doesn’t want to own it up as a scummy idea. This makes no sense with Lyrium dead and with her having an out in just saying ‘oh I hadn’t read yet.’
    Her defense of ika strikes me as strange, but she probably genuinely believes it, as I don’t believe they could be a scumteam. She’s definitely worth watching and pressing for answers.

    The scums, I’ve gone into detail on already.

    Mathblade’s the lesser read. I’m trying to figure out if I’m making the same mistakes, but seeing Titus think her play strange herself makes me think I might not be off this time.
    Still, I’m nowhere near ready to lynch her before the other 2.


    P.S. Happy birthday, Riley!

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 PM ----------

    Ok, guys, I'm off for likely the rest of the night. See you around, happy Saturday. Hug your mothers tomorrow.
  14. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    The mod confirms the Seer's death not their results.
    Titus's plan requires that the results of the scan be shared.

    E.G. Pretend Lyrium said she was targeting player X.
    Lyrium gets revealed as seer (which happened).
    Player X is not conf! town. In every hypo Titus presented Player X was. Hence my problem with it.
    We do not and cannot know the results of the target that night because she got it at night and did not have time to communicate it.
    She did not have any true "scans" to confirm because she'd target a player and get the results the next day...Except she was dead.

    It was in response to Titus saying that I'm trying to deceive you. I was suggesting that Titus needed to step away and think for a moment because I'm not trying to deceive anyone in anyway...A) I'm horrible at it and B) There's way too much shit in this game right now. Like I said, it's my opinion scum hunting is the correct play and to keep it pure and simple.

    ---------- Post automerged at 22:55 ---------- Previous post was at 22:52 ----------

    And about the less than 24 hours it will be Mother's Day. People will be online a lot less and I'm trying to secure some kind of information for town. People have had a LOT of RL issues this game without a holiday in the middle. I'd be a lot more comfortable if people were posting but that isn't the case.
  15. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    1: It's a point I've mentioned at least once or twice now. Some of Dermon's early content from D1 looked like restatements of things other's had said. Best example off the top of my head is pointing out that ika's early play seemed forced to him as compared to that of the first roll. Rubicon made the same comparison earlier. Later on he makes better points, some I agreed with and others I didn't but still original analysis, but that came after my post.

    2: The question wasn't who do you think the seer is. It was who do you hope isn't the seer. The perspective I took in answering was, who'd be least able to effectively manage the role of seer. Dermon gave me more to work from in regards to how he played than the people I mentioned so at the time I thought that he was fit that description best. Well, best after myself, but it would have been weird to "hope" I wasn't the seer.

    @Sloth: You said not to get ika to L-1 since he'd hammer it. Why not? What are you looking for out of toDay other than hopefully more participation?

    ---------- Post automerged at 22:59 ---------- Previous post was at 22:55 ----------

    Mathblade I think the idea is that the seer isn't supposed to get NK'd N1. If we did all pretended to give results but Lyrium's had been a real one, if she died say N2 or by lynch, then we could just look back and see who she cleared. Or at least that's my understanding. It's kind of a moot point now though so I think we can drop it now.
  16. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Woo back on a computer.

    I'm pretty late, but I feel like I should mention: I honestly did think Lyrium was suspicious, but for some reason I never once took the time to think that she was the Seer. It just didn't occur to me, I was too set on town vs. scum.

    People I think may be scum (read: I've been getting weird vibes from)... ika got me thinking about my stupid dream post. I can't get the idea out of my head that either Rubicon, ika or Citrus is scum. Highly doubt both scum are somewhere in that group.

    I don't want to say ika, because it sort of invalidates all the anger he's been tossing around and it'd be really hypocritical if it turned out to be an act. Even for a game, that would be pushing it.

    Out of Citrus and Rubicon, I'm leaning more towards Rubicon. Only slightly. Although most of the things that bother me appear to just be his play style, like Lyrium. One thing that's keeping me from voting him is how he was actively defending me. I can't think of a reason for him to do that as scum.

    Vote: Citrus

    I just wanted to get this post in because I've been gone practically all weekend.

    @Dermon: Honestly, I haven't really paid it any attention. Without the Seer, does it really matter anymore? Didn't the plan rely on the Seer at least surviving one Night?

    Also make sure to lock your doors and windows. I'm attracted to unguarded apartment buildings.

    ---------- Post automerged at 00:35 ---------- Previous post was at 00:34 ----------

    There was a lot of MathBlade/Titus exchanges, is it relevant enough that I should read through it? At a glance it looked to be a lot of "I'm right!" "No I'm right!"s.
  17. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    When did Dermon say he wouldn't be around for the rest of the day??
  18. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Backing up a few steps... When ika started talking about checking people yesterday, I figured it was a gambit -- really, it's a gambit no matter what his role:

    Villager: Hoping to WIFOM the scum into shooting him. This is pretty unlikely to work. He risks outing the real Seer if they counterclaim or give themselves away by acting awkward in response. Seer: Hoping to WIFOM the scum into not shooting him. This is much more likely to work just because a real Seer is very unlikely to actually do this. Werewolf: Hoping to draw out a counterclaim or role-slip of some kind from the Seer.

    Overall, ika's play yesterday was town -- I guessed that it was one of the first two, probably Villager and ika was just doing something dangerous. On the other hand, when he said he was REALLY claiming Seer that was weirder, because it's definitely risking a CC. This could be consistent with ika thinking Citrus was the Seer however, since he would trust Citrus not to counter.

    However, the fact that Lyrium flipped Seer makes it a LOT more likely that one of the scum players was able to pick up on something about her play. This points especially at ika, Citrus, Titus from my perspective. On top of this, the fact that Lyrium was shot instead of ika, Citrus, Titus, Sloth, or me makes me think the team isn't newbie-newbie. Considering ika explicitly said he was REALLY the Seer and not joking yesterday, he needed to be wagoned at the start of today to figure out whether the experienced scum in the group was him.

    Another question is whether this game has daychat. If not, TerRaine's analysis from yesterday was really good. Even with mentoring from Bill Door, it's impressive if she made that up herself in her first mafia game. This is 50% of why I didn't vote her first today - her post about the night kill truly is bad enough on its own to make me move her out of my town pile, but weighed against the Seer gambit, I settled on voting ika first and pressuring her separately.

    I think the fact that ika has been active, scumhunting, aggressive, etc. are signs that he is town by meta. The above quote might be a good sign since if he spotted Lyrium's role because of a reaction to his gambit, he would know what I was talking about. If we assume ika and Titus aren't both scum, I trust Titus less at the moment.


    Unvote, Vote: Citrus

    Citrus, ika actually made a very good point about you knowing there was no chat before the game started. There WAS time between, he set a countdown timer and everything. It's not something I would have assumed. And "the fuck is wrong with you?" is super defensive if you're just going to say "because I asked".

    Titus also jumped to the assumption ('And there was no pregame on the reroll...'), which is also weird since she wasn't there at the time and didn't even know the game had re-rolled until I mentioned it to her.

    Lyrium's town-read on him, or...?

    Why do you think this, though? Lyrium being a reasonable NK means it could have been a lucky shot, but jumping to 'I honestly think it was a lucky shot' is weird.

    So... you feel really sure ika is scum but DON'T want to lynch him, and would rather lynch someone more likely to be town whose flip would give you more information? Or in simpler terms, you'd rather lynch town than scum? Explain.

    I think this is probably true.

    Unlikely pairing based on your analysis, considering the suspicion Snowvon has been getting. (And wasn't a lot of that suspicion coming from ika? Why would he do a risky gambit AND bus?) Also, I think IRC is a different beast: It's easier to avoid attention in irc as long as you don't obviously screw up. I'm skeptical he could hold up to the amount of pressure and attention he's getting here as well as he has? He's probably just town and not aligned with anyone.

    Question: Let's say Lyrium is Seer and checks <player X> as scum. Is Lyrium supposed to real-claim the guilty and get player X lynched, or hypoclaim like everyone else and try to get another check in?

    If you're town, I look forward to absolutely blowing your mind post-game. :p

    I use my vote strategically, and I think about how I want the day to go. I do NOT always vote my top suspect, or even the most obvious person. Instead I vote the person that I think voting for will be most informative. I wanted ika to be wagoned at the start of today for his gambit/claim so... you can probably work it out.

    Usually when people accuse others of 'setting up trains' they mean something like doubtcasting people or trying to chain mislynches for later. If you just mean pointing out scummy things and pressuring different people and planning to lynch one of them at some point, yup, I'm doing that.

    I was saying it's not newbie-newbie (though not because of anything to do with the Maiden mislynch). The point is we look at a stronger player, most likely you or Citrus. I don't think ika would have hit Lyrium for being a threat in this scenario.

    Correction - this is a poor meta reason to read Citrus one way or another, since he spent a good amount of your WIFOM game tunneling me and saying I was confscum (or something). It's a really WEAK reason. It's also unexpected for you to use a surface-level meta defense of Citrus instead of analyzing his play.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:58 AM ----------

    That said, this may top Lyrium's happiness reads for the strangest justification someone has given for a vote on DLP. :p
  19. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    I'm saying this once:

    Titus, if you truly think im town and you trust me, you will do the following:

    Quit your little pissing contest with your sister
    Deal with rubi being possible scum tommorow
    Vote cirtus

    vote cirtus

    Everyone else:

    if you still decide to flip me, fucking lynch cirtus tommorw after i flip town.
    if you trust rubi as town, at least listen to his logic on why im/was town and cirtus is a better target after this huge piss-off.
  20. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012

    (with 11 players alive, 6 votes are needed to lynch)

    ika (3) - MathBlade, Atum, Sloth
    Citrus (3) - ika, Snowvon, Rubicon
    Dermon (1) - Citrus
    Rubicon (1) - Titus

    Not Voting: Burkion, Dermon, TerRaine

    Day 2 ends at this time

    (powered by obs)
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