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AYAW #2 - Return to Basics

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Riley, May 4, 2014.

  1. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    plz say something townish
  2. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    As have I, because with 2 scum (and the chances an AWOL player is scum), it's much much easier to PoE than to just suddenly find the scum.

    The problem with doing that is you scum read him, then when multiple players were stating they would block such a lynch (Titus + me), you moved on to someone else - me. I don't like this because I think you saw me as the easiest candidate for a mislynch/best target for pressure. Are you ignoring the irony in that statement, that you think I'm scum trying to mislynch you after town reading Ika?

    Also, I think you're strong enough of a player to accurately read me. Your waffling on your read of me + the fact that you're so strongly convinced I'm scum necessitates that you're scum because I don't think you would honestly follow this process of thought as town.

    It's the fact that you were fairly slow to vote in general, as I recall. You weren't advocating for lynches, you were watching the flow of the game. Which makes sense considering who was lynched, because they weren't you or your scummate obviously.

    What, two moments of clarity one after the other? After moments when I locked horns with you? Yeah no.

    There are two takes for how you started the day based off your perception of the "mod confirmation":

    1) Scum, buddied me because you were worried it was obvious
    2) Town, stated it because you believed it

    But once other didn't take your perspective on it, you dropped it. Vs. see how Mathblade was about how she viewed mod confirmation of certain players via replacement? Note how she didn't drop the idea even after a few players told her she was wrong? That's belief in the idea. You didn't have much at all, yet it was enough for you to townread me after being sure beyond any positive doubt that I am scum? From you Rubicon, I don't buy that.

    I never said I thought she was defensive, it was a leading question. What I did notice was how extremely active she has been in the first half of the day vs. her previous contributions. + in light of Titus scum reading her. Makes me wonder if she night killed Titus and is trying to take control without Titus in her way/put up more solid play before someone else can call her out.

    Honestly, if you flipped town? First off I'd be pissed as fuck with myself + it means I just T v T dueled someone into the ground with me like I did with Riley in the previous game. With that in mind, I don't think this is happening here.

    But if you flipped town, my thoughts would be on TerRaine/Snowvon/?Burkion+Mbond?/maybe Atum. I'm still fairly solid on town reads for Sloth and Mathblade.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:56 AM ----------

    Actually my gut is telling me if you flipped town, I think it'd be a Atum/? scum team. I'll have to think about it more/look for why, but that's what my gut is telling me

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 AM ----------

    Well hello mbond!

    Have you at least read through the thread?

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 AM ----------

    Nobody and nothing? >.>
  3. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US

    I find it interesting that only people I view as townies responded to the idea of modconfirmation

    Furthermore no one responded to this, https://forums.darklordpotter.net/showpost.php?p=724431&postcount=1335

    It's almost like I found out scum's plan to split the vote and to help us to not lynch scum and then Rubicon started a flame war with Citrus to try to bury it or Citrus started one to bury it. You can agree or disagree but at least read and respond.

    Atum also acknowledged that he's not really a commitment on anything which really really irks me and is a scum move. I even told him earlier to commit to something and it's okay to be wrong, which he seemed to take to heart. To see this from Atum is really really shocking at this point in the game..There needs to be some definitiveness in what you see here. If you're nervous or unsure that's what your QT is for.

    Rubicon, I will get to your questions about why I thought it was all "gut" after this post.

    That being said I am actually going to suggest an Atum lynch for a couple of reasons:
    1) I think he's scum
    2) Almost everyone who I think is town believes he is scum or at least questioned some of his scummy behavior.
    3) A Rubicon Citrus lynch is very unlikely considering the current stances and we stand a 50/50 chance of choosing the wrong one if either of them are scum. From a probability standpoint Atum is one likely to get town the most information, even though Rubicon and Citrus continue to have their "I'm right mine's more right" moments.
    4) I still think Rubicon is more scum that Citrus but at the same time we have to focus on what is best for town and my "gut" has been wrong more times than right and we need to focus on town consensus and not my "wants" that this argument end and Rubicon and Citrus get back to scum hunting.

    For now I will keep my vote on Rubicon since he seems more scummy until we have agreement that we have an Atum lynch. Rubicon already said he is against it in no uncertain terms but I think that this may be a good approach for town to get the ball rolling with only a few hours left a good compromise lynch.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:19 ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 ----------





    For Rubicon's read wall:

    I agree he's been scumhunting, but volume of posts doesn't always indicate town versus scum. It's the quality of the content. Titus usually posted novels and I used the same argument to mention she is scum and she got killed by the wolves. It's your opinion that it's too similar to previous games, and I extremely dislike meta as an argument. I agree with you he's town but it's because he's been right on the lynches so far and takes a concrete stand on things (both facts).

    Honestly, yes there was a long post after twilight but we have to remember it was at night. Scum buddy could have easily said to Atum something like "You haven't really been taking a stand on anything...Take a safe stand on Maiden then get back to being a wallflower" It is a fact that it was a long post but it did absolutely nothing to help town in any of its arguments and IMO useless so it seems more like "I'm trying to be town I'm trying to be town" than actual town. You're peppering in your opinions to try to make facts fit your agenda (which admittedly I had a bias to town) but I think you need to reassess why you have almost everyone else as town. The scum has brilliant plays here and I'd expect it of an experienced scum player not from a new player to the boards and a person who hasn't been here.

    I could go on but it is more of the same idea in every posts...Sprinkle one fact maybe and then use emotion for the rest of it.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:30 ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 ----------




    @Riley: Current vote totals please.
  4. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Uh, I scum-read you last game and only changed my read because I picked up on the fact that your paranoia about me was genuine. That's not the case here, because you're scum. You've played two games with me, right? Should Custer and Moridin have been convinced I was scum in Brass & Tax because there was no way for me to read them wrong? Should Zennith have been convinced I was scum in WIFOM City for calling him out on his bad play?

    You have been playing scummy all game, evading questions, not scumhunting, your switch on to me was terrible, your reaction to me calling you town at the start of today was awkward, you declined my invitation to do the thing scum would never be able to do (and still haven't done it) also known as scumhunting -- have you interacted with anyone else today? And even the explanation you give above is bad because you've played enough games with me to know it's bullshit.

    And as for this:
    As Shaw said, those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

    Ugh. Your 'gut'.

    Do you agree one of us should be lynched today? It makes no sense to lynch Atum if people think he's my buddy.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 AM ----------

    MathBlade, people already explained why your idea doesn't work. Titus couldn't have had pre-game chat since she replaced in later, but LochNess could have. Dermon could have. Clearing Delphine is closer to working, but still falls short for one of the reasons I changed my mind about Citrus having to be town - namely, Riley didn't specifically say the wolves used their chat, just that they had the opportunity.

    There isn't much to say in response to you saying me & one of my town-reads are scum conspiring to split the vote.

    No. If you think there's scum inside me/Citrus, you need to resolve it today. If you think Atum is my buddy, you lynch me first. (And why is it unlikely?)
  5. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US

    Yes other people explained why they thought it couldn't...It doesn't explain whether you thought it would work or not. I mean if I post an argument that says Person X is scum and person Y defends players are going to want to hear their opinion. I was trying to see if someone believed it but I am guessing the overwhelming silence is problematic.

    And yes there's a lot to say about the split the vote plan! E.g. I'm not scum but it seems like a good scum tactic or I'm not scum and this is a shitty idea because of ABCD...There's a whole shit ton to say and I am not surpised you stayed silent and continue to do so when your plan is working.

    Your bluntness astounds me. You said it yourself that your votes rely on strategy and sometimes you don't vote your top pick. What the hell gives you the right to strategize and I can't choose my scumspect that most helps town?

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:31 ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 ----------

    And simple Monty Hall Problem for you and Citrus. :p Google it.
  6. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    I guess it's an okay strategy, at least in late game? Pretty much irrelevant theory discussion here though.

    bleh. I'm not trying to be rude MathBlade, but I'm not interested in being carried along through this game as a mislynch candidate while people ignore my reads and "compromise" on lynching people I think are town. Either lynch Citrus for being scum, or lynch me so I can prove I'm not bullshitting.

    I know the Monty Hall problem, but I don't see what you're getting at.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 AM ----------

    ~ Vote count ~

    Atum (2) – Sloth, Monochrome
    Rubicon (2) – Citrus, Mathblade
    Citrus (1) – Rubicon

    5 to lynch. Deadline in a little over 3 hours.

    The following people need to vote ASAP:

  7. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US

    So if I read your argument above you only want to play if people see you as town? Hell if there was a division on my scumminess I'd want to play more to convince people I was town and to leave a history of reads.

    The idea is this..There are three doors, Atum, Citrus and you. There's a host that knows what is behind every door. At least one of which is a genuine "car" or what you want...Some have it a mix but for now we keep it simple. Player picks a door. The host reveals a door that is obviously a non car. Then asks do you stay with your proposed option or do you switch to the new one? Mathematical odds say you switch to the new one but different mafia interpretations say you keep the old one. It all depends on the Atum flip though and whether there is a car or not. That flip would help determine what the proper play is...So rather than a 50 /50 shot I can gain additional info to make the decision.

    However if we can't lynch someone I think is scum the safer play is to no lynch because of the fact that scum is controlling who is eligible to lynch due to activity. (See argument above you did the equivalent of "meh" on...) That split between you and Atum has me freakin puzzled and the only reason I can come up for Atum's WallFlowering and your shit is that it is a scum team.

    ---------- Post automerged at 13:13 ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 ----------

    You know what...fuck it...Time to vote Atum and hope to god town tries to follow suit before the end of the day.

    Vote: Atum
  8. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    We both know I've already done that, MathBlade.

    Sloth: Are you writing a post?
  9. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    i overslept sorry + am posting in class. we're NOT no lynching. what the heck is the current vote count

    mb89 is a better compromise lynch than Atum js
  10. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA

    Rubicon (1) – Citrus,
    Citrus (1) – Rubicon
    Atum (3) – Sloth, Monochrome, MathBlade

    With 9 alive it’s 5 to lynch.


  11. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Atum (3) – Sloth, Monochrome,MathBlade
    Rubicon (1) – Citrus
    Citrus (1) – Rubicon

    I think...And I am agreeing with you and it isn't a good compromise vote? Explain please.
  12. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
  13. TerRaine

    TerRaine Squib

    Apr 16, 2014
    Think hes with a patient.

    ...ugh I have no idea where do go with my vote -_-
  14. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    unvote; vote citrus
  15. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Vote Citrus with me! He's scum.
  16. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US

    Your vote was on Atum, Sloth Atum and so to go towards a lynch I put mine on Atum as compromise....Now you move your vote to Citrus WTF???!
  17. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    That's actually exactly my point. Why do you think there's only 1 scum in the 3? The whole point of it is to show connections.

    (Scum often try to find ways to not be connected to their buddies in case caught. One of those ways could be distancing.)

    The fact that it's 'short' doesn't bother me, it's the fact that it's not very thorough. A lot of very general sentences + stuff already said.
    I like your point on Atum, it's actually a good point.

    About Rubicon/Citrus - Your case on them is by far the most detailed and where the focus of your post is.
    Ok, here's my question: Given that Titus was hardcore tunneling Rubicon yesterday, getting in the way of the Citrus-lynch, that Rubcon was reading Titus as possible scum (and has blatantly stated he would have tried to get her lynched if still around), do you see Rubicon as shooting her last Night?
    If so, why? Don't you town-read Math in this very post for the first reason alone?

    I won't call this a slip, but just... -__-

    Ok, my thought is to keep this as a last resort, only to be used if we absolutely cannot decide on a lynch - though if we can't, I'd say we have bigger problems to think about.
    I don't like the idea of NL because it gives scum far too much control over the game and they can use that against us, whereas every lynch and mislynch narrows the noose around their neck further.

    To the second, personally, I like his answers - especially the one about townreadings. I believe he has been doing that, and scum have no reason to, especially with the only PR, the Seer, dead by D2.
    That last sentence about Lyrium, though, is a good point and made me frown. She is saying Town, not Null, but she's saying lean!Town. I nitpick things like that. Rubicon?

    Er, that vote was before I presented my argument, I think. Correct me if wrong.
    Also, it's one of my potential teams, not the only one.

    I was pretty wrong about ika.

    I really like this post, it's the most complete one I've seen from either Rubi or Citrus, and I don't think it comes from Scum.

    I will say that you shouldn't paint Atum as town yet. I'm revisiting my case on him and noticed a few things - I think he warants at least a closer look.
    Regarding his Maiden case, that post itself was long and tried to analyze Maiden, and it was a big reason I Townread him at first. Looking back on it now, it still kinda is, but I'm still unsure what about it convinced him over my argument.
    It's the timing of the post that makes me do a double-take: It was posted at Night, and made well over an hour after Riley called it (so he can't say he was ninja'd by him). Given the length of it, I'd say he probably started writing it after Night fell, too.
    I don't understand why he'd post it then, or why he wouldn't simply post it at Daybreak for me to read. You say this is a Towntell, but to me it seems like anxious desperation to get it out there and be towncleared by me (the on he calls 'the most townfirmed' in D2) and others, something I can see a newbie scum doing.
    Titus mentioned Atum reminded her of her own play, and given that I can see Titus writing something like this as scum/sk, I'm wondering if Atum did too.
    He's not leaning Town as of now.

    Why if Delphine is Town? Are you thinking one of them HAS to be scum?

    I agree with the underlined, but what do you mean 'play-with-your-reads' game?
    Also, show me how Rubicon hasn't been scumhunting. From what I've seen, he's asking questions (relevant and random), following up on them, and making out-of-the-blue statements, exactly as he always does. I need you to show me things to back up the statements you make.

    He actually voted for Maiden and was vocal about it being the best lynch even with my argument. He only unvoted to avoid early hammer. Shouldn't you know this if you reread the thread for reads?

    So you think he spent a while working the ika wagon, and then decided to change onto you later on? Why would scum do that, rather than ensure ika gets lynched? Would be a risky gamble to try to turn the train on you at that point.

    Why didn't you just reread and iron out the issues before posting? You weren't being pressured by anyone to do so.

    I don't do bias: This has been a common trend for me both in obs and the games.
    Also, my first post in D3 had an analysis of her posts, and other players have given their own thoughts on her status, you find nothing solid there?

    That wasn't exactly what I was waiting to hear, but the second half makes sense for a newbie player, town or scum. There are better targets for now.

    OVerall, this post didn't really give a lot of answers regarding the issue with Ter, or at least not any that would be apparent had he been reading the thread. Part of that argument was even dissuaded immediately.

    Atum, you haven't done any scumhunting toDay. You've basically responded and then sank back into not doing much at all.

    ((Out of game note: Sorry, I get you're busy, it's still something to point out.))

    Can you tell me what exactly makes you fine with it?

    Apparently I like saying 'think it through'
    Anyway. Redacted = pressure vote. "It's obviously a presure vote."
    At the time, I had Atum as somewhat Town because of the D2 analysis, whereas before I had him as probable Town (my past reads support that).

    I explained what I didn't like about his very first post and immediate vote, plus I wanted to press him and see how he'd react, given my changes in reads. Never really intended to keep my vote on him for that long, but he took forever to reply. Even then, it was not the best reply to me (sounded like backpedaling, apologetic statements always do to me), but I have bigger scumreads.

    The reason why it's nothing like the Loch vote is because I voted on her for what I saw as an unnecesary defensive first post that popped up as soon as the game started - she later explained it and I accepted it. On the other hand, Atum's post was uncharacteristic in that it had a quick vote and by his own admission he didn't read the post of the person he was voting for, on the basic idea of "Titus was right all along!" - that's scummy.

    The last thing was the bit about "when TR is sassy/frustrated, it makes her town, but if Atum does it, he's maybe scum?" which actually made me blink.
    Here's why it's wrong: Ter was 'sassy/frustrated' because she was tunneled by Titus who proceeded to ignore everything she said despite how polite she was about it (I believe it, because I've been there, and because we all saw it. Tunnel-vision Titus = useless hindrance to Town), so I completely believe those reactions. On the other hand, I said Atum seemed 'sassy' (mocking/smug, I'd say) towards players that were being trained and with no reason to be.


    (Also, I don't see the point of a pressure vote if you're going to go ahead and say is a pressure vote, hence REDACTED.)

    Your only post is useless. Do you have anything to say?

    Busy day. -__-

    Riley, is there a vote count?

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 PM ----------

    NVM on that, riley.

    TerRaine, why haven't you voted?

    Delphine, just a few posts back, you were saying that you followed Citrus' logic, but not Rubicon's. Why did you leave the largest wagon to move to Citrus'?

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 PM ----------

    Also, Vote Citrus.

  18. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    We need to lynch today
    And the mbond/burk slot is really irritating me. And we need to resolve me/Rubicon because we do not want to be stuck figuring it out at lylo or some other late point

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 PM ----------

    How many of us are around right now, 4 of us?
  19. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Oh, given recent posts and the analysis I did for the Citrus-Atum-Snow bit, Atum's not Town to me, Null leaning Scum at best.
  20. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Already responded, would have shot her for being Seer but not for putting me as "leaning town but wary". As scum, I would have just tried to work with her until I won her over.

    Also I kind of object to even describing that post by Lyrium as a read wall considering for half the names listed she doesn't even put a read.

    I was going to answer this but I realized it makes more sense to ask him.

    Atum: Why did you post the case about Maiden during night?

    Two scum inside Citrus, Delphine, Snowvon, MrBond. I think Citrus is scum. If Delphine is town, I would pick MrBond over Snow for the second.
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