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AYAW #2 - Return to Basics

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Riley, May 4, 2014.

  1. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    I think it's okay to say that yes Fonti's my mentor.
  2. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014

    503: Atum's read on me has been null for nearly the entire game. I've been scumread by the majority and slightly townread by a few, but he's literally the only one with no opinion of me. At this point in the game, I'd like to know at least which way he's leaning. It's weird that even after being asked directly for a read of me (multiple times), he still doesn't say anything.

    667: He justifies the Maiden wagon by saying that her contributions weren't as useful as he'd like. And in the same post he even points out the same could be said about me, but he decides I'm town because feelings.

    1188: Atum's reaction to Titus pressuring him to vote one of his top scumreads is kind of interesting. He gets pretty defensive -- there were only two other votes on her, it's not like anyone was going to magically pop in and provide the appropriate number of votes to lynch. But that's a strange thing to worry about if you're scumreading someone.

    1269: Apparently it's much easier for him to vote TerRaine with Titus out of the way. He was scumreading her for a while, but the reasoning he gave in this post alone feels fake and it's vague at best.

    1491: Decides on a Rubicon/MathBlade team, but says "better suspects?" I don't see him going after anyone at all.

    I'm leaning scum. Still kind of want to lynch Rubicon after Citrus' flip + Rubi didn't get wolfed in the Night. The TerRaine NK definitely seems like more of a safe!kill instead of taking out one of the more influential players.

    This is so painful. Fuck scum for getting shitdicking lucky N1.

    @Atum: Fonti's a fun gal. Make sure to give her a flower to show your appreciation.

    ---------- Post automerged at 00:53 ---------- Previous post was at 00:48 ----------

    Come to think of it, I'd think Fonti would be pushing you to scumhunt more aggressively. God knows she isn't babying you.
  3. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    @Snowvon: I think I outlined my shifting view of your alignment already so I'm not sure if you missed it but I thinn that addreses that part of your post.

    I really don't want to turn TerRaine into the same hassle Maiden turned out to be but suffice it to say I had the intention of tunneling, real life got in the way and I abandoned the attempt for the time being. Then the wolves NK'd her making it a moot point.

    Considering some of the reasons you've given for voting or not voting or whatever, I really don't get why it's you pointing out that I haven't scumhunted you yet because of 'feelings.'

    It's interesting I'd think that you point out my hesitation voting TerRaine when I can look back and see the dilemma you faced choosing between Rubi and Citrus. You fail to mention that I vacillated between a wagon on ika and a single vote on TerRaine and ika was my higher scumread. I wasn't aiming to NL so I'm not sure how my reaction was strange.

    1491 is a response to TerRaine questioning me for supposedly townreading her after I started the game by voting her. I was correcting that misconception. It was not a post to Mathblade, so Rubi/Math are the "better suspects"

    So yeah, I think your reasons for leaning scum with me are either misunderstanding or...something, but thanks for the content.

    Since I've got you here, who are you thinking as a scum team and who's probably town?
  4. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Atum, did you answer this?
  5. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    I thought I did. If not: I write most longer posts in spurts, since I have other obligations that occaisionally force me to abandon the game. I started writing the post during Twilight, got called away at least twice midway and posted it. I lost track of the time for Nightfall and when I realized my mistake decided to PM Riley to apologize rather than compound the error by apologizing in the thread. So it was unitentional.
  6. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    All, this is a potential MyLo situation. If MBOND is modkilled and we lynch town it is game over. If we lynch town and modkill happens 5 people left. Then after the night kill, it will be 4 people left and 2 of them are scum. So we have to get this right, all together, everyone. This is why we need to lynch the scummiest player which right now is Atum. He himself admits he's scummy but puts the word town after it.

    Defensiveness and when and how you do it can be a scum tell. For example, your defensiveness now brings up alarms because you didn't do it when you were voted in day 3. But now one vote from the supertownie awesome bitch I am has you panicked into defense mode. Why? It's because you have this feeling that you have to live and you weren't scared of the lynch because Rubicon and you had the votes split on two people like I called out. The only thing you had to do was to stop one person from voting Atum. Luckily for you Delphine/Monochrome made a mistake and panicked and did your job for you.

    Also self awareness while great to the human race, it's more self awareness of your scumminess that is being referenced here. For example you say my saying certain people are town "reads as buddying" but then you have a definite belief that I'm scum. Those sentences don't jive. If you honestly believed I'm scum then a couple of things would be happening...

    1) Mathblade you're trying to buddy player X or you have buddied player X and this is an example of why you are scum. But the language is noncommittal even now.
    2) Your vote would be on me. Instead you're keeping your options open looking for a good mislynch anywhere not wanting to be connected to a game ending shitstorm that will happen because I'm so obviously fucking town leading the lynch against me is a friggin scum tell and you know it.
    3) If you were town you'd be wanting to vote the player that plays the scummiest. It's how town wins. It's interpreting "pro-town" and "anti-town" actions and whether they are scummy or not.

    The reason is because this is a retaliation play. I'm scumhunting for who I think is right and you try to deflect it off as conf!bias, say I'm scum, and then don't even vote for me, trying to keep your options open for potential mislynches because no one in their right mind right now would lynch because I am TOWN.

    And yes I believe people are modconfirmed...The reason is this. Keep in mind I'm paraphrasing since copy pasting from QTs is the only way I could "prove" it and that is illegal: I complain about modconfirming Titus to Riley in my QT before the death. Then Riley admits he can't lie. So yeah...Fucking mod confirmed in my book based on the question I asked. And based on the question I asked it mod confirms the replacements too. But yeah normally I'd agree that I and the dead town are the only ones I confirmed town but not when it's in my fucking QT.

    Also I never once had it between Sloth and Citrus...Citrus and RUBICON oh yeah. Citrus lynch pretty much sealed that for me. However you are more scummy that he is out of the pair which is why my vote is on you. Rubicon is probably your scumbuddy because he gave you that "softball" question and he brings up mbond again to try to make it mislynch and lose. If I analyzed you and Rubicon the way Sloth did his top scumspects I'm guessing there's little to no interaction between the both of you throughout the game. Sloth is the person who I have suspected is town from day one when he corrected my wolves mistake. Have I been a little too sure? Maybe...But I sure am not buddying him. We have different reads and talk out our opinions. Something town can't do with you because you never really give anything concrete, which is another fucking scumtell.

    It's your first game here understood. I just think you drew the short end of the stick and got scum. Unfortunately it happens. It sort of is my first day on this board too since the other days town went apeshit crazy and lynched me super early so I never really got to play. Being a prominent town figure with the game on the line is super scary to me. If I lead this lynch and I'm wrong it could be argued that I failed the town in the endgame. However, I see that it's a game and if I'm wrong then I'll just keep this as learning to watch out for conf!bias and examine the plays of the true scum. It's the only way I get better is by doing something I can learn from.

    So I'm saying this is MathBlade's last stand...Are you with me for Atum is scum???! Let's do this TO-GETH-ER!!! *Picks up a banner that auto-magically appeared that has Atum is scum on it and hoists it up high*
  7. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    @MathBlade: I think maybe you're confused about how tis game works. I think that you might be a wolf. I think that you have been buddying Sloth, and setting up votes on players you think can be percieved as scummy. I know for a fact that right now you're aiming
    for a mislynch. The reason I'm hesitant about you is because I've seen conf!Town players do many of these things this game. Like you said, we can't really afford to mislynch here, so why would I vote you, at the start of D4, with little input from other players? Especially when I know I won't follow up with solid interaction given tve fact that I started posting at night and needed to sleep. I'll add that Sloth claims your behavior looks like buddying as well, though he argues that it's your usual play.

    Your points about defensiveness and self-awareness really just highlight the subjective nature of those things, especially given the fact that for the second you're just wrong since I can't be aware of being a wolf since I'm not and the example you give is a really poor paraphrase and entirely counter to the opinions I've offered thus far.

    Here's my problem with you, if you're town, reading my fledgling attempts at refuting your argument as to my alignment and simultaneously pointing out inconsistency in your play, then from my perspective you have no
    Intention of listening to arguments or acceptimg opinions counter to your own. If we weren't so close to losing at this point I'd make the argument that your tunnel vision here is more detrimental to Town than helpful, but like I said we can't lynch a townie now and I've got the time to help figure out who's a wolf now.

    The modconfirmation thing I'll take your word for for now, but I still don't get.

    Then your points about me and Rubicon. First you claim that Citrus' flip "sealed" something for you, which I interpreted as the belief Rubicon is scum. You reference a "softball" question but I'll need you to specify which because if it's the one you're talking about then I'm fairly certain that was actually Monochrome's originally. Then you try to you an analysis you haven't even made as evidence in a case that I'm scum with Rubicon. For the record I'm pretty sure that there is interaction between Rubicon and I D1 given his tunneling of me and that it only stops when he either thinks I'm town or thinks further questioning would point to him being scum. You've misunderstood my buddying point I'm talking about stuff like you getting all excited when your reads aligned and similar interactions. Also, could you try going back to ika and seeing how certain you were then and maybe get better now? Nothing says you can't learn and do better mid-game, no need to wait until you force a mislynch and we lose.

    Please address the points/questions about you in #1497.

    One more thing. The point of being a Town player, especially this late in the game is not just to lynch the scummiest player. We're trying to lynch a wolf. ika has already shown us that anti-town play does not equal scum in this or any setup. So while I may interpret behaviors as scummy, until I think they add up to a player actually being scum, in my mind they aren't, thus the hesitance/indecision you cite. At this point I don't see how being decisively worng is better than beig indecisive.
  8. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    [intending for this to be a series for every living player]

    Firstly, MathBlade

    In 1107, you're "confident Citrus is town."

    In 1290, your reads switch to something like TOWN Dermon Burkion TerRaine Sloth Snowvon Citrus Atum Rubicon SCUM. Rubicon case is kinda weak/weird, not sure what you're getting at

    I don't understand why in 1335 (and iirc you brought this up in a later post as well), you seemed concerned that a Rubicon/Atum pair in particular wouldn't vote each other, but not about Citrus/Atum. Atum had expressed the "there's 1 scum in Citrus/Rubicon" back in 1235. What about Atum's play indicated to you that he wouldn't buss Rubicon specifically if momentum went that way?

    In 1488, you say "1) Rubicon pretty much tunnelled Citrus all day yesterday even had a flame war. I think he's scum to but at least my reasons that have been posted previously are shit." Uh, is this a slip? ...what were you trying to say?

    Why didn't you try to engage Atum more yesterday before voting him?

    Why are you so sure Snowvon is town? You and Atum are the only living players I've seen that aren't visibly frustrated by his lack of contributions of content.

    What do you expect from Rubicon-town that you're not seeing right now?
  9. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    At what point do we actually need to solve the mbond issue? We're getting pretty close to the end here, it'd be nice to have that taken care of.
  10. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    ^ errr, i meant to delete these 2 things, was mostly pt of a line of questioning i decided not to pursue due to rereading

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 PM ----------

    rereading and answering my own question**
  11. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    You're welcome. Now use that content to decide if you want to lynch me or not. Otherwise I want it back.

    Yeah, I don't do team analysis. I have a hard enough time finding one scum.

    Rubicon, perhaps. He's an adventure and a half to figure out, and if players like him are still alive past the third night then something is probably up. Plus his reactions to my last vote on him were backwards and kind of silly. But his reactions to having just one vote on him at all have always been weird, at least in the few games I've played with him.
  12. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US

    Which one is it??? Am I confused or am I a wolf? MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND! And bullshit on the mislynch and you know it. If I was going for a mislynch I would have fucking switched the moment you put pressure on. NO ONE has cast their vote but me. If I was scum like I said before I would keep my vote from being cast anywhere so I could hammer. This is fucking endgame and all the scum has to do is fucking mislynch ONE more time and this game will be fucking over and I will be so disappointed in town I will curl up into a ball beneath my blanket and go town you fucking derped so badly this was definitely a newb game.

    The softball question is https://forums.darklordpotter.net/showpost.php?p=725157&postcount=1496 and https://forums.darklordpotter.net/showpost.php?p=725185&postcount=1499 and https://forums.darklordpotter.net/showpost.php?p=725208&postcount=1504

    Rubi scum is not scum hunting but is instead asking questions that try to let Atum explain everything away. Don't let him please...Make him scum hunt or tunnel or something. He's still "reading the thread" BULLSHIT. People need to make a fucking stand. This is the moment we win or lose this entire game and dammit if we townies lose I want it known that I went down fighting to the very last word, very last character, and very last signature for this game.

    I think any interaction between you and Rubi was planned. It's the only thing that makes sense. As I have already explained in numerous readwalls the chat thing and so we'd need two players that discussed at the start of the game how they were going to fucking play it and I think you two were brilliant at it. You deserve a compliment especially if you and your scumbuddy can pull of this mislynch.

    Yes I get excited when my reads match other townies but that is because of personal meta I am not sharing in game. And yes I try to make friends in the game. It's a GAME! I try to enjoy it and compliment people and make newbies feel welcome but let them know when they mess up. My entire play has been open and transparent and giving newbies advice. Granted Citrus did correct me when I fucked up and made it harder for newer newbies to play but this c'mon...This is all about the newbie so WE HAVE TO WIN.

    I have been learning this entire game. And it is always the right play to lynch the scummiest player. In my post prior I explain it. Ika taught us that ANTI-TOWN != SCUM but SCUM = SCUM. So yes we should always lynch the SCUMMIEST player. You are saying that to try to divert attention off of yourself and manage to lynch the most protown player by doing so. And that will be you right up up until that noose hits one of our necks because I am not moving my vote off of you. AT ALL. PERIOD. If this is conf!bias scum deserves a fucking emmy.

    And about 1497, I already addressed the relevant items in the conf!bias and the confirming. I will not address the "weakness" of statements in your eyes because you are scum. There is literally no way for me to make you come out and say yeah I'm scum. The arguments are meant for other players. Not you. I may write it as if I am talking to you but the arguments I put here are for town to do the right thing. Is there something else you want me to address because to be honest the longer the posts the harder it is to make sure I don't miss a point you want me to capture. I am an open book that you can check out from the library and read over and over on repeat. This sure as hell can't be said about you.

    About 1107 reads evolved throughout the game. I should have trusted my thought at the beginning that Citrus was town but some of his play seemed off and caused me to change my mind incorrectly. It was a mistake. I made a mistake. :( I just hope to get better to where they happen less.

    About 1290 yes my arguments can seem weird. They always do...Putting arguments into "normie" speak is very difficult for me. I understand code and numbers better than I do human beings.

    For 1335 I was more concerned about Rubicon/Atum because they were my top scumreads. Should I have been concerned about Citrus/Atum yes? The argument holds true for any scum. I just used my top reads in it. And low and behold they are still here.

    And it is a good scum play to mention that there is scum were scum exists. It gives the illusion of scumhunting. One scum plays deflector (in this case Rubicon of Atum) and Atum 'pretends' Rubicon is scum. This way it looks more valid to the onlooker but is pretty common in two scum teams. They usually get afraid that if they both town read each other that it'd look to defensive/buddying and if they both scum read each other one might get lynched so scum play takes a middle ground.

    Atum's play wouldn't allow him to be a busser. He's been wish washy on every play. The fact he's even putting pressure on me now should be sending off alarm bells in your head. Citrus mentioned he was pretty sure I'm town, so did Lyrium, and Terraine was getting on board with this line of thought that Atum was scum and I am town before death. Why do you think Snowvon who is the ONLY person who explicitly called me potential scum before Atum went all Mathblade is scum after pressure is still in this game? It's because they want to get rid of the townie players and I laid a fucking trap for them by saying who I was coming after. So if they night killed me Atum would have been lynched then Rubicon.

    1488 was a typo. I was trying to get a post in before night lynch and didn't notice the typo until night. Rather than break the rules and post in night to correct it, I just let it go as most people got the intonation as to what it was supposed to be. The corrected version is below with the underline as to what it is supposed to be.

    "Rubicon pretty much tunnelled Citrus all day yesterday even had a flame war. I think he's scum to but at least my reasons that have been posted previously aren't shit."

    This is case of should have waited til daybreak but I was really hyper and wanted to catch Atum at being scum so I rushed the postings.

    Snowvon is town because of the reason he's been able to stay around in this game. He only brought up the Rubicon/Citrus one is scum recently (relative term) and had me in his scum readings and then realized I was town and dropped it. Snowvon gave the most chance of a MathBlade mislynch for Atum to seal the game.

    I would expect either a vote or a declaration of scum or longer more effort based scumhunting like the beginning of the game. Instead he's pitching really easy questions to Atum like "here buddy...make yourself look more town." I don't have that because I don't have a scumbuddy.

    @Snowvon: Keep digging keep asking questions....You will see what I see that this is Rubicon/Atum.

    ---------- Post automerged at 16:04 ---------- Previous post was at 16:03 ----------

    Well answered anyway because I didn't see that. :p I'll answer any questions you guys want just ask...Because I'm town...I am leaving myself open for interrogation and I have faith that town will see me as what I am a townie.

    ---------- Post automerged at 16:06 ---------- Previous post was at 16:04 ----------

    @ALL: AND FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE DON'T PUSH THE MOD ABOUT MBOND! I know I normally hunt lurkers but I am doing my damn best to make sure town has enough chance to live beyond today and if he kills mbond then we put this mislynch and lose on ourselves.
  13. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:12 PM ----------

    Unfortunately, Mbond has not met with the posting requirements and has invoked the three strike rule by not only not posting but not responding to PMs. therefore I have to remove him from the live list.

    Mbond98 was the werewolf. replacement for Dermon.

    Day is still on.Day ends at this time.
  14. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    @ RILEY: WTF???!!!
  15. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    @Mathblade: I'd like to see how this affects your theory as to me being scum please.
  16. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Okay I'm seriously pissed off here...I can't post what was in my QT but seriously...This is crap. :/ Now there's one wolf left which is good but now ya'll should be coming at me for claiming mod conf when I honest to god in my QT would make you understand why. If you lynch me go for Atum...But I am going to fight kicking and screaming so that you don't lynch me.
  17. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Vote: Rubicon

    Maybe. Maybe.
  18. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    I don't fucking know right now. I'm emotional and overreacting right now. At instinct you're still my first candidate but I need to fucking calm down and think about this. I'm going to go play some Skyrim and come back in an hour or two.
  19. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Also where has Sloth been.
  20. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
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