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Everything Else Video Games Thread [Spoilers]

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Erandil, Oct 28, 2013.

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  1. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    Looking forward to actual Witcher 3 gameplay content.

    Otherwise its the first E3 of the new generation so I'm looking forward to exciting stuff.
  2. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    Impressions from E3 judges week is meh from Jeff at Giant Bomb - as in, nothing mind blowing.

    That doesn't include announcements, only the games that'll be on the show floor.

    It should be noted - if you don't know him - he's heavily into shooters.
  3. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    That's why you go to E3 for new announcements and surprises.
  4. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    No, that's why we WATCH E3 (why i watch it, love the conferences) but it's also a place where soon to be released and altrady announced games shine.

    If they can't or aren't doing that, and it's only the conferences, why are Microsoft and Sony paying exorbitant amounts of money for something they can do themselves?

    Especially Sony...
  5. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    Frankly, if you're not press, you probably shouldn't be going to E3 in the first place. If you want to play new and interesting games at a show, you should go to PAX.
  6. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    You can't go to E3 unless you're press, developer or publisher related. It's not an 'open to the public' show.
  7. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    It does a pretty shitty job of stopping people from doing that anyway.
  8. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    It's not 'banned' afaik, but frowned upon. I'm sure people sell their access etc
  9. Legacy

    Legacy Death Eater DLP Supporter

    Dec 19, 2010
    Out of curiosity, does anyone on DLP play warframe?
  10. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    Tried it on ps4,it put me in some tutorial where there was a portal in the room that just sent me to the start and nothing of interest i could do in there to 'proceed'...
  11. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Been playing Crusader Kings 2 lately, mostly with that Game of Thrones mod, and am constantly being surprised by how things happen. In one game, I took to playing in the Crowned Stag era, where Robert had just won the rebellion and been, well, crowned.

    I chose to play as Roose Bolton and just amass power, fabricate claims on all the lands around me, conquer them and slowly aim to overthrow the Starks. But man oh man, the hilarious shit that happened just had me laying back and watching everything come apart without doing much to instigate it.

    It started off with Howland Reed fighting Benjen Stark, for some reason, in a duel and killing him. Ned Stark then imprisons Howland and executes him, but Reed's lands rebel because there was no trial. Not even a year into his reign, Robert executes Jaime for some reason, Tywin rebels and proclaims himself King of the Rock, Cersei keeps inviting me to plot with her, to kill Robert, no matter how many times I refuse. Meanwhile I've killed off Ramsay before he killed Domeric, Roose's trueborn son, and fathered four more children with Bethany. All off a sudden, Catelyn Stark wants to have an affair with Roose, I say fuck it and go for it, she passes off two of our children as Ned's, with him none the wiser, and I start killing off the legitimate children so that my son and daughter are the only remaining 'Stark' children.

    Stannis has married some no-name woman, has three sons with her and they're all fucking doing fantastic, while Renly married one of the princesses of Dorne, with four stillborn children so far into their marriage.

    Anyhoo, things went on further and I now hold most of the North, aside from Winterfell, Bear Island and Karhold, as my own either through outright lordship or as vassals. The best part is the southron lords don't give a fuck what's happening up north because they have troubles with Daenerys, Viserys and Aegon who landed in the Stormlands and Dragonstone.
  12. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    Just finished first playthrough of transistor... Beautiful game.
  13. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Another round of CK2 with the same AGoT mod, although this time I played as Ned during Robert's Rebellion.

    As before, this game seems intent on tearing me apart with hilarity.

    Pushing aside the fact that I get the 'unmarried heir' popping up as soon as I start the game, a day or two after I get a proposal from Tywin for Cersei and Benjen to wed, to which I agree, and then proceed to assassinate Jaime, in order to prevent any incestspawn bastards.

    The rebellion itself doesn't last long and I find it amusing that my allies are doing anything but marching on King's Landing, so Ned ends up besieging the place - despite Robert, Stannis and a few others lingering in the countries near it with over 250k strong armies - with his 40k Northerners. Aerys gets imprisoned and summarily executed, while the rest of the Targs are banished across the sea to Essos.

    Now, due to the ToJ event, Robert has to remarry and who does he pick? Rhaelia Targaryen, who somehow manages to pop out four kids, a mix of boys and girls with silver and black hair, before she dies due to poor health, and Robert remarries again, this time to some Hightower girl.

    Meanwhile, back in the North, Catelyn is still not with child, so I imprison and execute her (cheaper than a divorce anyway), so my problem is now finding a suitable wife for Ned. Naturally, I want to go for Ashara Dayne, but there's a pesky little issue of her husband being alive, so I take care of that first and marry her. Both her and Ned have around 120% fertility, and they just keep popping out kids over the upcoming years, 9 daughters and 2 sons by the end of Ned's life (he dies when he's 70 years old and due to old age and following that Ashara dies due to depression from his death).

    But I'm forgetting to mention that Jon Arryn died during the rebellion and some non-Arryn whelp got temporarily titled as Warden of the East, which didn't last long at all, as Robert took that from him and granted it to Ned, solely because they were friends.

    Right after that happens, Tywin and Mace Tyrell rebel against Robert, proclaim themselves King of the Rock and Reach respectively, get smashed to bits by Robert and me, get sent to the Wall and Ned gets proclaimed Warden of the West and Reach.

    Life is good.

    I think the most amusing part of this particular round was when Cersei flirted with Ned, and then plotted his death when he refused her, only to ask him to join in a plot to kill his brother, her husband, a year or two later.
    Last edited: May 27, 2014
  14. Brukel

    Brukel Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Mar 19, 2012
    New Zealand
    Did you find you had more events/ immersion playing as Ned compared to the Boltons?

    I've only ever played as counts and dukes and messed about for a few years before taking the Lord Paramountcy from whoever, but I never felt that much happened when I played as the Raynes in the Westerlands or Conningtons in the Stormlands after becoming Lord Paramount. The only time anything really happened was in the Riverlands where I was rebuilding Harrenhal and killing any Frey or Tully I could find and most of that consisted of my characters bleeding themselves out trying to end the curse.
  15. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Much more. Probably because the position of Lord Paramount carries that kind of baggage. I mean, I had those "rightful imprisonment" pop up so goddamn often I could barely take my eyes off the screen.

    Right after this game playing as Ned, I tried playing as Robert during the rebellion and after I get him crowned, but holy fuck, the amount of shit that keeps happening, or rather the amount of shit that Robert gets to be aware of as King, is staggering.

    I'll probably lay off the more recent time periods when I play the mod again, might try my hand in the Dance of Dragons, as either Aegon II or Criston Cole if possible.

    If I do go back to playing the more recent stuff, I'll probably pick A Clash of Kings and have at it as Stannis.

    Huh, didn't try that yet. Instead I've given a shot at rebuilding, or recolonizing as it were, Summerhall and that place is just sinkhole for funds and armies.
  16. Brukel

    Brukel Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Mar 19, 2012
    New Zealand
    Oldstones and Harrenhal (takes years and years to finish) are probably my favorite things to do, its a shame that Castamere isn't in ruins, seeing as post rains it's just a province without a castle. But yeah the Riverlands are a lot of fun. I'm thinking about playing as Renly in the Crowned Stag next actually.

    I've never bothered with the newer scenarios aside form one where I made Jon lord of Whiteharbour after having Randal Tarly raise him. Funnily enough Robb still managed to rebel (independence), after Caitlyn killed Ned and ran off with Littlefinger, and lost his head. Between Robb, his children and Bran and Rickton who were all equally retarded we ended up with Stannis, the third son of Sansa and Joffery (outed as a Waters, but his siblings weren't, weirdly enough) inheriting Winterfell.

    Oh and Jon married Rosamund Lannister and was deliriously happy until he died at 70 with his wife killing herself to join him a week later.
  17. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013

    See, this is the stuff, the little things that make me come back and play this game, over and over. I remember playing as a Bolton (yet again, I know) in the Bleeding Years, and the lord there starts without a wife, I think, so I found myself with a Lannister wife shortly after, who turned out to be the most awesome woman in this game that I've seen so far.

    Right after the wedding, the bedding and the ceremony over, next morning my Bolton gets an event that says that one of the men in my court tried to sleep with my wife. What did she do? In the yard, she put him in stocks, while she was daintily eating an apple and waving me over to tell me what happened. Naturally, I proceed to flay him and a month later my wife informs me she's pregnant.

    I think my character had about eight or nine children with her and when she died he refused to remarry, nearly killed himself, for 4-5 years and I just couldn't do it to him, I never bothered remarrying and just focused on exterminating the Starks.

    One thing that keeps happening, no matter who I play or what time period it is, is that my sons' wives keep flirting with me. I just... what is wrong with them?
  18. Brukel

    Brukel Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Mar 19, 2012
    New Zealand
    Had another one where Cat had like 3 bastards with her Septon as well, mind you she was married to Brandon who had like 16 or so, including one with Cersei and another with Ashara who was married to Viserys. Aside from Cersei the Lannisters seem to make really good wives or husbands, my characters always seem to fall in love at the bedding and they go on to have really good kids.

    The flirting happens in the main game a lot. I had one king of Ireland father the next 4 generations of kings without anyone realizing that their sons were in fact their half-brothers once.
  19. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    She always did like going to the sept a tad too much for comfort. Now we know why.

    I want to say that's a lot, but I actually had one game where Robert had over 30 of them, so yeah. What a pair of man-sluts.

    Maybe it's coded into the game that way. I'll have to test this out.

    That must have made for some pretty awkward dinner conversation when they bring up the resemblance.
  20. pidl

    pidl Groundskeeper

    May 27, 2009
    Last time I played I managed to get the Iron throne without actually trying.
    Started as Ned in the Greyjoy rebellion (which is hilarious, since you don't have any ships), arranged an 'accident' for Edmure so I could get the Riverlands, married Robb's son to some random woman with good stats and next thing I know she somehow became Queen.

    Most wtf moment was Catelyn managing to reach the ripe old age of 94...
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