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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    MMmm, that's fine. Didn't know if you'd decided you'd start it back up or not, yet. Beside, since I decided to do a Quest, I'd have used the regular setting.

    I only would have asked to use your ASOSS setting for a fic. I might still ask to do do a fic based on you ASOSS timeline later on, when your Quest's a bit longer. After that, I should be perfectly fine coming up with some ideas of my own.

    Anyway, gonna get to rereading tomorrow. Mayhaps by the time I'm done, we'll both be setting up our respective Quests! XD
  2. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Worm/Doctor Who

    When the Entities first visited Earth they found that humans were not the only intelligent species on the planet. Creatures from other worlds had already migrated to this one, some with Shards granted by other Entities, others without.

    When the first parahumans started to show up they were just a drop in the bucket to all the alien races on Earth, but they proved to be far more obvious to the native inhabitants. Now the Doctor has returned from the Time War to find his favourite planet embroiled in the machinations of beings he'd thought locked away from reality.
  3. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Terminator Plot Bunny:

    Due to a malfunction or another cause, the T-1000 appears in the year 1771 instead of 1991.

    It determines that since John Connor or any of his close relatives do not exist yet, and probably won't due to the butterfly effect, then its mission is no longer applicable.

    The T-1000 therefore decides to aid Skynet before it exists, by helping the American Revolutionary War, thus ensuring USA's existence and future creation of Skynet. The T-1000 also decides to speed up the human technological progress, so that Skynet will be created earlier and more powerful.

    So now you have a nearly indestructible, super intelligent, shape-shifting, emotionless machine with no regard for human life, deciding to aid in the creation of the United States of America. The Brits won't know what hit them.
  4. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Inspired by the Voldemort vs Orochimaru thread.

    In the distant past four wizards had a falling out. One of their number, a dark wizard, was defeated and cast out from the world with a magic now lost to wizarding kind, for the one who defeated him still named him friend.

    Bereft of his old life he searches around this new world, finding that while there is no magic there is something similar. The people who live in this land are barely more than savages, each holding allegiance only to his clan or tribe. Their abilities are useful though; in many respects they can mimic the magic of the displaced wizard, in others they are in fact superior. The physical abilities of these 'ninja' are far in excess of his own, though his magic provides adequate protection.

    Soon, he finds a new home amongst the natives of this world. He ascends to rule them as their Lord, introducing to them the idea of serfdom and, eventually, feudalism. He reigns as their king for his lifetime, expanding the borders of his realm to cover much of the forest that reminds him of England. After his death a crisis ensues, his sons and daughters battling amongst themselves for the right to the kingdom, which fractures into many parts.

    After many years the Kingdom of Salazar Slytherin is all but forgotten, but his legacy remains. Where in another world two ninja would come together to form the first Hidden Village, in this they already reign as Kings, the potent abilities of the wizard and ninja having come together as a power that is taken as a divine blessing upon those who are born to rule. To be born with both magic and chakra is to be a power unto one's own.

    Now, centuries later another man is sent to this world with a rediscovered spell. His name is Voldemort and he will rule this world, then he will find the way back to his Earth and conquer it anew. But first he must do something about that gigantic fox blocking his way.
  5. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    The Legend of Zelda, Paradigm Dusk.

    In a parallel world filled with shadow, a Twili Queen stands resolute before the encroaching Power that once threatened eradication for her people, and for those of the Light World beyond. For more than a century and a half she has watched her old Hylian friend age, have children, and gradually forget the darkness they had overthrown together so long ago.

    In all that time she has exerted influence upon the land of Hyrule for the hours of Twilight between the coming of Dusk into night, and Dawn into morning, suppressing the spread of darkness. The Dark Lord Ganon's soul finds itself caught outside of the confines of time, unable to be reborn so long as his Power is kept subdued, but the Queen Midna herself is weakening with the years.

    Soon she will die, and her protective efforts taken with her.

    Though it is difficult, she chooses a successor from her people and begins to instruct them in their duties to both realms, never knowing that her vigilant watch has slipped at last; Ganon has finally adapted his malice to a form suitable for rebirth - a strong willed Twili, Gandhi. He masks his burning animosity fully behind a guise of sorrow, pleasure, and humbleness.

    Queen Midna fades shortly after the birth of Link's latest descendant, assured she has made the right decisions in choosing the next ruler of her people.

    Over several years of effort Gandhi manages to reverse the process that Midna had performed, attaining Wisdom in his bid for extended Power. His hatred has not lessoned, but grown more refined, honed to an exacting edge as his thoughts sharpen; it is the Goddess Hylia and her descendant Zelda that he desires undone most of all in the world. He turns his attention to harnessing the Twilight in order to break her, and her ever-resolute Hero, for ever, by corrupting the youth with guile and deceit.

    The latest incarnation of Link grows up with another shadow only he can see, twice a day. It whispers to him of treasures, powers lost even to mythology, of a wider world than the castle and the forest, filling the boy's head with rumors and a will to explore. Eventually when Link is well into his teenage years he is guided away from the ancient relic he has always been destined to wield, the Mastersword sleeping eternal within the Sacred Grove, and lured instead toward another fabled blade, the long-lost Foursword hidden in another forlorn forest far away.

    The slumbering spirit of the Wind Sorcerer, Vaati, is kept subdued by Gandhi's remaining Power until such a time as that nightmare will serve his purposes.

    What would be impossible for one to accomplish is but difficult where four are concerned, and scattered far across the Gerudo desert lies the hundred shards of the Mirror of Twilight, the only permanent connection to the Twilight Realm and Link's second shadow. Link is urged to ignore the monsters beginning to rise near and far; for what else are the Hylian Knights for but to protect the realm? And slowly, very slowly, the precious Courage he should have borne is bled away so that his heart is hard and iron, resolved to attain Power first and foremost.


    EDIT: This is as far as I've written so far, after a couple of months of trying different ideas out. I thought it would be interesting to play with the concept of adjusting the Triforce-bearers respective strengths, pulling different pieces out of the timeline/mythos together, and creating a different take on the normal scheme of things- you still have the classic forces at work, but through a shifted lens.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2014
  6. gullibleoats

    gullibleoats Seventh Year

    Dec 12, 2010
    Inspired by newer chapters of Naruto.
    AU: Hokage! Sasuke.

    Team 7 confronts Haku and Zabuza in Wave. The mission goes sideways when Kakashi is incapacitated. Sasuke and Naruto are left to fend off Zabuza and Haku by themselves. The duo dispatch Haku. However, the full might of an A class nukenin is too much for them to handle. In the exchange, Sasuke activates his sharingan but it is still not enough. Naruto, high on demonic energy, manages to physically pin Zabuza down. He tells Sasuke to make the killing bow. He does.

    At 13, Sasuke – just like Itachi – activates Mangekyo sharingan. He burns down all of Gato’s forces. Sasuke comes home with an injured guilt-ridden Kakashi, a traumatized Sakura, and his dead teammate. He vows to make sure that Naruto’s dream is realized. Sasuke will become hokage.

    On the way back, Akatsuki members steal Naruto’s body. Keeping it in stasis for three years. The ninja world has a deadline to save itself.

    The Chuunin exam continues. Sasuke, with his new eyes, manages to fend off Orochimaru but he’s starting to feel the strain of its power. Sarutobi is mortally injured.
    It is Sasuke that accompanies Jiraiya to acquire Tsunade. Sasuke changes Tsunade’s mind, slightly different from how Naruto did. Tsunade notices that Sasuke’s Mangekyo damages him.

    She offers tutelage. Sasuke accepts. The village is finally unified again – Senju and Uchiha, not in the way anyone imagined.

    With the promised savior dead, it is up to Sasuke to fulfill Naruto’s legacy and change the world. All before Akatsuki and his brother set off a bomb that will devastate all life as he knows it.

    Hokage! Sasuke. Medic-nin! Sasuke.
  7. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    ASOIAF idea:

    Robert is pretty despondent and depressed after the war's over and Lyanna's bones return with Ned. As Lord Arryn presses him to marry Cersei to bind the Lannisters to the throne, he can't get the image of Lyanna out of his head, of what Rhaegar must have done to her. He drinks and whores as he tries to decide what to do. He doesn't care for the throne, for King's Landing, for any of that. As he drinks more and more, he hits upon an idea that seems quite reasonable and logical to him: He publically abdicates all claims and responsibilties to King's Landing, Storm's End, etc... naming Stannis Baratheon as his successor, as King on the Iron Throne, King of the Rhoynar the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, etc....

    And then he fucking legs it out of the city. Chaos reigns, people are flipping out, Jon Arryn is on the verge of a stroke and Tywin Lannister IS NOT AMUSED. Eventually people calm down somewhat, and between Tywin, Jon and Stannis certain compromises are hashed out (with much teeth gritting from ol' Stannis), resulting in a Cersei-Stannis marriage as the Kingsguard is finally disbanded and Jaime gets sent home, in exchange for the heads of Clegane & Lorch down to Sunspear. A tenative peace is had over the Seven Kingdoms as people react to the new state of affairs, yadayadah, who gives a shit because we're looking at things from Robert's perspective.

    He just goes on these hedge knight-esque, sell-sword-y adventures across Westeros and Essos with his warhammer and maybe occasionally collecting a drinking partner for a few weeks before they go their seperate ways. Rides across half of Westeros and goes to Winterfell where he just chills with Ned for a few months shooting the shit, before taking a ship to Braavos and doing his thing there before heading to Lys ("Pleasure slaves?") and doing the 360 tour deal. Maybe he becomes Lord Commander of the Golden Company. Maybe he meets and the Targaryen siblings. Maybe he becomes a blood-rider to Khal Drogo. Drunkenly instigates a slave revolt in Astapor and finds himself at the head of an Unsullied army? King of the Stepstones for all of a week? a foreign general on the Summer Islands? Travels to Sothoryos for shits and giggles?

    And all the while, news of his exploits go home to King's Landing, where Stannis grits his teeth at his brother's actions and Jon Arryn works through an increasing number of mini-strokes and heart attacks at every news bit.
  8. halfwaydecent

    halfwaydecent Fourth Year

    Feb 4, 2013
    I would read the absolute shit out of that story, as long as it is done right and not a total angst fest throughout the whole thing. The Incredible Adventures of Bobby B would be awesome and would certainly lead to some insane drunken adventures.

    I'm guessing this idea is meant to be pretty humorous so not everything needs to make complete sense, but only things I do not understand is why Clegane and Lorchs's heads were sent to Dorne. I can't imagine Stannis would really care too much about that. I also don't understand why the kingsguard is being disbanded.
  9. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    Rule of Law, for one. Stannis wouldn't care for child-killers and rapists and as much as he might dislike Jaime for his oath-breaking, he held similar thoughts in this regard when it came to loyalty to Aerys or Robert. And with Jon and Tywin pressing him now to marry Cersei, he'd probably try to extract some concessions out of it to see justice and the rule of law served.

    As for tone, I'm not sure. I'm thinking a mix of humourous, heartwarming and tearjerk in a 65-25-10 percentage. Part of the reason why he is doing the running away is because of Lyanna of course.

    As for a title: The Mad Stag.
  10. Mutton

    Mutton Order Member

    Feb 20, 2011

    I like it.
  11. halfwaydecent

    halfwaydecent Fourth Year

    Feb 4, 2013
    I like that ratio. It definitely couldn't be straight humor because of Robert's reasons for leaving, but I do like the emphasis on humor. I could definitely see Robert joining/ creating a sellsword army, which would certainly be interesting especially if he ever ran into Griff.

    I'm not too sure about the title however, considering the connotations that would come of that considering Robert's predecessor. Maybe something like the Black Stag (completely unoriginal and kind of a shitty nickname, I know), to be more in line with Brynden Tully as he disregarded his duty to go do what he wanted.
  12. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    The Wild Stag?

    Now that you brought that up, that has seperate potential. Hm... who could fill the role of Ciaphas Cain ably enough for it to believable that he's both a badass and a self-deprecating coward?

    Bronn? Brynden Tully? Renly Baratheon?
  13. Sn0rkack

    Sn0rkack Professor

    Aug 24, 2011
    Long Island - 631
    someone pls
  14. halfwaydecent

    halfwaydecent Fourth Year

    Feb 4, 2013
    The wild stag in my mind is much better. And I've never read Ciaphas Cain so I can't speak to much on his personality, but based on what I've read from on wikipedia Bronn seems to be the better choice because of his sense of self-preservation. Also, based on his minimal amounts of background info I think that there are a lot more things that you can do with his character.

    If Robert leaves KL early enough would he have a chance to meet up with Thoros and have some insane nights in Myr? If Thoros isn't already in KL by the time Robert leaves I can imagine that if him and Thoros met up with Robert having no one to keep him in check things would get out of hand quickly and it would be awesome.
  15. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    Like I said, Robert would have riding partners for brief amounts of time. I'd imagine he'd lose Thoros somewhere in the Riverlands.
  16. zomgcookie

    zomgcookie Second Year

    Jul 6, 2011
    Naruto Idea

    Naruto is sent away to grow up among the monks in the fire temple the night he has the kyuubi sealed into him. There he grows up learning fire temple philosophy, shaolin-esque taijutsu skills, secret monk ninjutsu, and what it means to have a family. Equipped with twin Dao swords and a large sealing scroll carrying a collection of sealing tools(think seal tags applied to oddly shaped metal instruments like the hiraishin kunai) a peaceful carefree Naruto escapes the temple the night before he is supposed to return to Konoha and become one of their killing machines.

    Naruto journeys the elemental nations, battling bandits/nukenin and spreading his special brand of philosophy while making allies. Naruto fights Gaara in river country evenly, until he absolutely thrashes him while going into kyuubi mode for the first time, causing word to get out to all powers that the kyuubi jinchuuriki is wandering the nations. Gaara makes a friend in Naruto and returns home vowing to make amends with his family.

    Cue ton of trips and journeys and love interests and ancient lost summoning contracts, artifacts of power, etc
  17. Ishaq

    Ishaq First Year

    Oct 26, 2013
    The "peaceful carefree" sounds very interesting. A Naruto, who doesn't like fighting at all, but does it nonetheless when it is necessary would be something new and interesting. You should definitely write that one!
  18. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    Sounds a lot like Sage but without the Rinnegan.
  19. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    As long as he doesn't have apprentices at age 10.
  20. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I was wondering which fictional character would be the most interesting to be transported into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

    However, interesting sometimes isn't enough. We need a person who can and will change things on a global scale, who will prevent a canon rehash scenario.

    We need Darth Vader.

    And make no mistake, we are not talking about Mannequin Skywalker, but James Earl Jones "Choke-a-bitch" Darth Vader.

    Some things to get out the way:

    1. We have to assume the "Star Wars" franchise was never created in the MCU. This is to avoid having to deal with "he's from fiction!" silliness.
    2. It has to be the Darth Vader at the top of his form, so before A New Hope.
    3. To throw the canon plot completely of the rails, I'd suggest transporting Vader around the events of Iron Man, perhaps a week after Tony Stark escapes the cave thanks to a box of scraps.
    4. There can be no confusion here: this is a dimension-travel story, he is no longer in the Star Wars universe. However, to make sure this thing isn't boring, he still has access to the Force.

    How is Vader sent in the first place? Well, it'd depend on the author. It can be an experiment gone wrong (from either side), or it can be the Force sending Vader to a place where he can do some good (or bad).