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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) IV

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Sep 1, 2013.

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  1. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Your wish is my command.

    I can tolerate a lot of things in fanfiction (though barely) but the one thing I hate the most is rehashing canon. With that in mind, I always try to be as original as possible in my plot bunnies. It doesn't always work, but I try.

    As I have been thinking what I could introduce to the Potterverse to absolutely prevent canon rehash in any way, a particular crossover came to my mind.

    Worldwar: In the Balance is an alternate history and science fiction novel by Harry Turtledove.

    The plot of the book begins in late 1941, while Earth is torn apart by World War II. An alien fleet arrives to conquer the planet, forcing the warring nations to make uneasy alliances against the invaders.

    After arriving in Earth's solar system, the Conquest Fleet's essential personnel are awakened from cold sleep after a twenty-year journey originating from Tau Ceti II.

    Fleetlord Atvar is busy making final preparations for the invasion of Earth, expecting a rapid victory over the primitive beings that populate the planet. He is interrupted by a communications officer who reports that radio emissions are emanating from Earth.

    Atvar refuses to believe the report since the most recent intelligence, gathered from a probe that visited Earth in the 12th century, indicates that the inhabitants are a pre-industrial species.

    The Conquest Fleet reaches Earth orbit in December 1941 and begins surveying the planet. They are shocked to find that in the course of only 800 years the inhabitants have moved from a primitive agricultural society to an industrial civilization.

    The Race's technology has hardly changed in more than 50,000 years and other known intelligent species are similarly slow to evolve.

    Now, of course, you may be asking: "What the hell does any of this have to do with the Magical World?"

    I'm glad you asked, because while on the Muggle side World War II is happening, the war against Grindelwald is happening in the magical world. In fact, Gellert will not be defeated for another four years, so he's still at the top.

    In 1941, Tom Marvolo Riddle is still at Hogwarts, I believe he is in his third year (though I may be mistaken, feel free to correct me).

    I'm thinking that while the Magical World was able to stay hidden during World War II, it was only barely.

    Here's an interesting question: What if the invasion of the Race breaks the Statute of Secrecy?

    Let's look at the situation to see how would it happen and what would be the consequences.

    First, the Race (being the slow and careful species they are) take six months in Earth's orbit to debate if they should invade Earth or not given the unexpected situation. Finally, on May 30th 1942, they detonate several atom bombs above the Earth's atmosphere in an attempt to disrupt human communications and the invasion begins.

    The Race simultaneously establishes bases on every continent except Antarctica. Everywhere, humankind falls back in the face of a seemingly unstoppable nemesis.

    Wizards, of course notice the invasion as well. I'm guessing places like the Planet Room in the Department of Mysteries in the UK has noticed the Conquest Fleet earlier, but having no capability of space travel could only observe.

    There is no doubt that Grindelwald will use this situation to his advantage.

    Upon seenig that the muggle states such as Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, United Kingdom and United States of America are forced to cooperate to fight the invaders, Grindelwald and his supporters reveal themselves to Adolf Hitler and other muggle leaders, offering help in repelling the aliens from Earth.

    Clearly, other magical nations are not happy about what Grindelwald has done, but the cat is out of the bag now so Grindelwald's counterparts reveal themselves to their respective muggles, offering help as well. I'm not sure who was the Minister for Magic in 1942, but he or she contacts Winston Churchill.

    The Race of course have no experience with magic and are totally taken by surprise, nothing even remotely similar as magic existed on their planet or the other two planets they have conquered.

    There's a problem though, the reason the Race has not have had magic, is because certain planets are magical while others are not. Earth is obviously a magical planet and when the Conquest Fleet arrived close enough to it, many Race soldiers felt a certain kind of power in themselves. That's right, magic aliens.

    Sure, they don't have any training or magical education, but there are factions on Earth which are tired of wizard/muggle supremacy.

    A secret meeting happens when the representatives of Goblins contact the Race and offer their services and knowledge regarding magic.

    So, the situation is as follows: World War II and Grindelwald's War are brought to a halt. Muggle nations set aside their differences to defend Earth from the invaders. The Wizarding nations help their muggle counterparts, with Grindelwald's army joining the Nazis (and Grindelwald slowly making plans to replace Hitler) and Dumbledore having no choice but to help the Minister for Magic work with Churchill. The Goblins betray Earth and join the Race, so this means another Goblin Rebellion.

    Meanwhile, the Race Colonization Fleet is on route to Earth and will arrive in the 1960s, expecting Earth to be already conquered.

    Of course, such a crossover would require more than just this basic setup, this is a story which must focus on the entire world, more than several factions and would be such a massive tale that I'm not sure it's possible to do.

    But hey, it's fun to think about.
  2. redlibertyx

    redlibertyx Professor

    Oct 25, 2011
    That cat is already out of its bag; muggle leaders — like the British Prime Minister, for instance — are informed about the magical world. What Grindelwald and his allies could do is offer the magical world's open assistance. Which happens to have no real affect to the plot of your story.

    Could be interesting to see which side the giants fall on.
  3. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I'm not sure that Grindelwald revealed himself to Hitler in canon.

    But yeah, I worded it incorrectly, I meant they reveal themselves to the entire government, not just the head.
  4. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    I can tell you what would happen if someone actually wrote this monster. There would be bitching and moaning that Harry isn't in every single scene. Just look in the "Emperor" thread in the library. The ironic thing is that Marquis Black is one of maybe four authors I can think of capable of pulling it off.

    I'll say that a goblin rebellion is an awesome concept, made even more attractive by the fact that it seems to be incredibly rare compared to others, but in this case it would be overshadowed by everything else.

    It's one of your worse plot bunnies, imo.
  5. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I get that most people prefer Harry to be the protagonist, given that the entire Potterverse revolves around his adventures.

    However, I myself have never felt the need to limit myself to just Harry. There's only so much stories involving him that can be done (and have been done).

    I know I'm in the minority in this, but I believe there's a lot of other interesting characters in canon that can be explored as protagonists, not just Harry.
  6. Knoq

    Knoq Temporarily Banhammered

    Jul 29, 2014
    Yes. Except Dumbledore technically accepts the application before Voldemort even goes to the interview. The reason Dumbledore accepts is...well, remember in Philosopher's Stone, where Harry asks if Dumbledore is crazy? And the kinda say he is a little nuts?

    What if he actually was rather batshit. Powerful and brilliant, but a little batshit too?

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 AM ----------

    The Potterverse is bigger than just Potter himself and has utterly massive story potential besides him and his specific story.
    That's less about Harry not being everywhere and more the premise being used and made into something a little stupider to begin with. The whole thing is a mess.
    Meh, a Goblin Rebellion only works if, somehow, some country around the world allowed them to have wands and such, and then used those wands in countries that didn't allow them wands in order to expand wand rights. Otherwise, its a curbstomp waiting to happen. Again.

    EDIT:Also, holy freaking shit I just read that. A Worldwar Crossover with Harry Potter? Hmmm, only works if the Lizards have Wizards of their own. Although I once did a post about why The Race should have won, even with their stated incompetence and inflexibility, just because of what they had and where they landed. Although Wizards and Portkeying large containers would handily get around that.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2014
  7. CrackedMind

    CrackedMind Chief Warlock

    Jul 17, 2011
    I like The Emperor, it's a guilty pleasure for the most part. My biggest problem isn't that Harry isn't the main focus of every chapter, it's that we have chapter after chapter of Ford and the OC non-magical characters that would be more at home in a Halo fic than a Harry Potter one. Some of the OCs are interesting, like Josephina. Ford and his soldiers, at least to me, aren't.
  8. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    That was my point. ;)
  9. Knoq

    Knoq Temporarily Banhammered

    Jul 29, 2014
    The only way I could read something like it, is if it was basically a demonstration of how brutally effective magic is, and wasn't some dumbass story about how "Muh Purebloods" are utterly retarded about Muggle Weapons and such. Just because. No, bigotry is no excuse for how Potter Wizards get portrayed half the time, and no, had Wizards begun enchanting and using Muggle Weaponry towards lethal ends, MuggleBorns and sympathizers would not have an intractable advantage.

    Especially when most Halfbloods and adult Muggleborns are still loyal to the Magical World itself, even under heavy persecution. Hell, Voldemort could have forced Unbreakable Vows down Muggleborn throats instead of breaking their wands. Same difference in the end.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but The Emperor is basically about Harry joining a Muggle Millitary or something, and Purebloods flail helplessly. Or something. Someone said it had to do with the old Wizarding British Empire, but that wouldn't help Harry at all, given how the Aristocracy dominated the old British System pre-WWI, and its unlikely that that would have changed too much.

    Another Bunny.


    The Beginnings of the first Voldemort War.

    Voldemort is still somewhat heavily involved in general terrorizing with his Death Eaters, and this house is a Muggleborn Family, after this house, they will move on to some Muggles. As he is terrorizing and lightly torturing the muggleborn witch and wizard, occasionally alternating to inflict some pain and terror upon three small children, the pleas of the father have mostly fallen on deaf ears. In the original timeline, who knows if the father managed to get the full sentence out, or if Voldemort laughed it off along with his Death Eaters, but this night, that father manages to get it out. He offers his soul, his magic, and that of his family and all future descendents, to Lord Voldemort, essentially offering to tie his bloodline to Voldemort's, in exchange for their lives and relative safety of course. He even offers to keep his "filthy mudblood children" from polluting Hogwarts.

    Voldemort listens. He actually stops. His Death Eaters, his oldest and most loyal that night, quickly and near instantly follow suit. They know their Lord's most damaging secret. They suspected the instant they knew his name, one or two even knew of his heritage before Voldemort did. Privilege of power and family knowledge. They follow the Dark Lord, because he is the Dark Lord. They only care about the creed because he tells them to, and its convenient. They follow the man. He could tell them to take Muggle Concubines and raise the children as their own, and none would hesitate even if some would doubt.

    The Mudblood father speaks again.

    "A seg-segregated school would work. Or just homeschooling. P-please. Anything. Just let us live and remain part of this world of wonder. Even as second class citizens. Even as slaves. Please."

    Voldemort thinks. And then he speaks.

    You could stop here and describe the war and its effects from here.

    ~8 years later~

    Lord Voldemort is victorious. His army grew larger and those sworn to him, one way or another, slowly began to truly have weight of numbers. The Ministry had collapsed a month ago from a lack of employees due to post abandonment and attrition. Neither the Ministry nor Dumbledore could never figure out how to track or trace which Muggleborns had sworn themselves to Voldemort, even as the number of Muggleborns that made it to Hogwarts trickled to nothing. Neither he nor the Ministry could track where they were going and where they disappeared to, since usually there families disappeared with them. Without a trace. And many halfbloods with Muggleborn parents, also began disappearing or turning traitor. Albus Dumbledore has died, two months ago, during a battle in Birmingham, killed when James Potter and three bystanders joined the fray and cast Killing Curses, combined with facing down Voldemort and two of his Lieutenants.

    And now, the last members of the Order of the Phoenix had surrendered. This one day, they were given the option to honorably surrender. And all but three did so. Mad-Eye Moody, Aberforth Dumbledore, and Remus Lupin. Mad-Eye and Aberforth, for different reasons, were known to be determined to the end, and Remus Lupin was last seen torturing another werewolf for the whereabouts of Fenrir Greyback.

    And now. To rebuild.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2014
  10. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    Knoq, you can totally read Emperor then. Mage superiority is the foundation of how Harry rises to power.
  11. Knoq

    Knoq Temporarily Banhammered

    Jul 29, 2014
    And yet Voldemort is killed like a punk. Somehow. Yeah....
  12. Nazgoose

    Nazgoose The Honky-tonk ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter DLP Gold Supporter

    Mar 16, 2011
    High Score:
    But he isn't.
  13. Mutton

    Mutton Order Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    Emperor should just be its own bloody universe with OCs. It gains nothing but baggage from being Harry Potter fanfiction.
  14. Nazgoose

    Nazgoose The Honky-tonk ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter DLP Gold Supporter

    Mar 16, 2011
    High Score:
    I'll agree with you on that. At this point, it would be simple enough to remove the Harry Potter elements. Only a few sections would need rewriting (and perhaps an extended introduction into the magical world) to turn it into an Original Work.
  15. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Fic where Harry gets sucked into the Sorting Hat (payment for Gryffindor's sword) and he finds an entire fairy tale medieval world inside. This world seems to be ruled by a cruel absolute monarch.

    Basically, evil Hat who rules a pocket dimension world into which he abducted the three Founders after Salazar left. He wants to add Harry to his collection. Harry has to escape, and maybe runs into the Founders along the way.

    Crossover twist: the universe within the Hat is the Frozen/Tangled universe. When Harry escapes the world inside the Hat, he brings Elsa out with him.
  16. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    By payment for Gryffindor's Sword, you mean in the Second Year? Because this could also be used during DH with all the sword shenanigans happening then.

    Great idea anyway!

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:59 PM ----------

    Time Travel bunny, inspired by a certain book called The Last Day of Creation.

    In 2014 the Unspeakables find an unknown magical artifact which looks like a big, black obelisk with a human-sized hole carved in.

    Anything thrown into the hole, vanishes without a trace and never returns.

    After years and some heavy-duty spellwork, the Unspeakables discover that this is a magical doorway to the past.

    There are some issues though.

    First, the travel is always one way and there is no possibility of returning to the future, because even if you found the obelisk in the past, it would send you to an even earlier time.

    Second, there is no way of changing how far back you are sent, as the doorway always sends you around a hundred and fifty years into the past, plus or minus several years.

    Two people entering one after another might end up several months or even year apart, and not always in order of entering the obelisk, the second person might actually be the one arriving earlier.

    Finally, the obelisk, being imprecise, does not send you to the same exact location you departed. Just like with the date, you might arrive anywhere in a ten mile radius from where you left.

    Even with all these issues, the Unspeakables are very excited by the discovery when it turns out the obelisk seems to operate using methods very different from time turners, suggesting that it will not have the problems a time turner has like unbirths and so on.

    Surely, such a method of travel will allow one to safely repair the mistakes of past? Why, by going ~150 years to the past, one could not only prevent Voldemort, but also Grindelwald and many other tragedies!

    This is what Head Auror Harry Potter contemplates when he learns of the Obelisk. He could undo all the wrongs done in the past.

    Sirius, his parents, Dumbledore, all of them could be given better fates. But, he'd be basically abandoning his own life, he'd be abandoning Ginny and his children! By the time he would see the people he knew, he'd be an old man! And not to mention he'd be an outsider, giving another Harry a better life, not himself.

    Harry enters the Obelisk without saying goodbye. Why bother if they are not going to remember it?

    He arrives in 1859, 155 years into the past and about two miles from the Ministry.

    And he sees that things are very wrong. For one, he sees the Dark Mark above a burning muggle building.

    Harry investigates things, goes to Diagon Alley, the Ministry and eventually to Hogwarts.

    At Hogwarts, he meets Dumbledore, which is impossible because he shouldn't be born for another 22 years. He also meets Voldemort, or rather what would Tom Marvolo Riddle look like if he never became the Dark Lord.

    Harry also meets Grindelwald and even people like Xenophilius Lovegood and Gilderoy Lockhart at Hogwarts.

    Naturally, he's very confused and demands to know what is going on.

    He learns that when he originally went back to the past, he managed to alter history enough to make sure that Grindelwald and Voldemort never became an issue. However, this caused other dark wizards to rise to power and eventually cause some major wars. In the New 2014, Dumbledore (who was alive thanks to Harry) went back in time to prevent these others dark wizards from rising to power.

    The situation repeated itself several times and became more and more chaotic as it turns out that all these possible futures created by the Obelisk share a common past.

    Soon very strange people started appearing. The aforementioned Tom Marvolo Riddle (who was a Gryffindor) being the least odd. For example, nobody expected it when the Dark Lady Ariana Dumbledore arrived and started murdering muggles with Fiendfye and casting Dark Marks around.

    What's worse, nobody knows who might appear tomorrow.

    Harry is horrified by all the information, as the situation seems hopeless.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
  17. A.K.$J6-J5

    A.K.$J6-J5 Seventh Year

    Jan 26, 2014
    Then he has to find and destroy the obelisk to stop more from coming through
  18. Rhaegar I

    Rhaegar I Death Eater

    Jul 8, 2013
    Right behind You...
    I'm smelling an awesome badass team. Head Auror Harry, Dumbledore, Good Tom Riddle, and assumably other people all working together to defeat at least one Dark Lady.
  19. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    That might not be so easy though. There may be people who will guard the Obelisk with their life.
    And at the same time, chaos reigns as more and more people arrive from different timelines.

    This is a summer blockbuster in the making.
  20. A.K.$J6-J5

    A.K.$J6-J5 Seventh Year

    Jan 26, 2014
    A half baked plot bunny
    What if Alberforth dies or lands in a come?
    Arianna hates Albums
    Gellert flees like canon
    Albus is racked with guilt

    Not sure where this would lead to...
    Maybe Albus won't travel around the world or Learn the 12 uses of dragon blood
    Or maybe he learns darker magics

    2nd plot bunny
    What if instead of obeying the Dursleys Harry becomes the black sheep of the family, similar to Sirius as a child, and when he finds out about magic he becomes like Tom Riddle (cross between Tom and Sirius-mortifidele) or Albus Dumbledore, a prodigy
    Instead of being Hermione's friend he beats her and becomes top of the class
    Ron or Seamus is his James potter (Hermione is Ron's Lily?) And Neville can be Pettigrew and slowly become remus
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014
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