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Dumbest, most headslappingest plotpoints or events in fanfiction

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Knoq, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    This coming from a guy who's been doing nothing but talking shit for two months to provoke reactions. :rolleyes:

    PotDK has problems. First year is rather bland, but the story improves after that, hitting its highpoint in years 4-5. Year 6 is interesting too, in introduces some cool plot points, plus the whole mess with Lucius at the end was pretty sweet. However, when I was reading year 6, I couldn't shake the feeling that the author would end up writing themselves into a corner and I was right.

    Year 7 has been a disappointment so far. It shows nothing we haven't seen in the fic before and honestly, I don't see what kind of conclusion it should be heading towards. I guess at the end Voldemort will finally rule supreme with Harry at his side. Or maybe shit will hit the fan and Harry will turn on Voldemort, which should lead to his grisly demise, because with how powerful Voldemort is in the story, no human being has any business even thinking about defeating him.

    All that said, Prince is among my favorites, because the good, imo, outweighs the bad. It's a unique take on HP-verse and let's not forget Voldemort's best line:

    "(...)what's the point of holding the world in your hand if there's no one worth showing it off to?"
  2. Zennith

    Zennith Pebble Wrestler ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 21, 2009
    The Capitol
    High Score:
    Pretty much this. Getting sick of your holier than thou shit, knoq.
  3. Knoq

    Knoq Temporarily Banhammered

    Jul 29, 2014
    Hurray legit discussion. And yeah, I agree. One of the issues was a certain consistency regarding grammar/spelling errors. That has been fixed but unfortunately hasn't been edited out. Oh well. One continuing thing I had and have issues with is how continously Harry is fucked up. Like, I don't think he HASN'T been in recovery from some major injuries/maltreatment in quite some time. Oh and not to mention the odd cycle that disrupts the school year, which is admittedly odd. Things accelerate and get developed quite quickly and sometimes it seems rushed and odd. Key point is the 4th year, which ends up IIRC, with the plot basically done by Christmas. Or half way, can't remember. Such a big ass fic.
    Oh god yes, I might re-read those for fun. Mostly because I haven't read the fic in a while period.
    It seemed that way, what with Hermione having to fucking bail and leave country, a major War General being killed in addition to a major Intelligence Officer snuffing it. Although I do have to say, to Mizuni's credit, I haven't seen a better depicted "Villainous" Lucius Malfoy done in a long time. That was in fact, an amazing arc, from start to finish, and was exactly what I would really expect from Lucius. It was delicious.
    Well, at this point it has wholly developed it's own plot and isn't leeching off of the Original Works much if at all, minus of course certain dues and such that any fanfic has to use. Also, I'm guessing its a different ride to read this fic one chapter after another than reading the updates. Although, the fight scene was odd, and a lot of the rest is putting the reader in the points where they get to see politics happen and be made. It's an interesting view point for the story. We will just have to see how it turns out.
    It will be the best done Voldemort Victory fic the fandom has ever seen if this happens. I'm rooting for it to be completely honest. All that work, that achievement, that brilliance. I just generally think that kind of stuff should be rewarded and shown through accomplishment. But this feeling almost never applies to Skeletor/Mr.Burns/Cartoonish Pure Stupidity Villains. I kinda want to see where this bad ass motherfucker is going with this. So to speak.
    Yeah, well it was kind of the same way in the Series. Same with Dumbledore, althought that touches on another complaint that I have. Dumbledore in this series isn't shown to be nearly as powerful as he should be. That scene with the German Aurors should have either have involved ten times that many, throwing around somewhat nastier spells than usual, or should have involved a Dumble-stomping.

    With Voldemort though, most of his opposition isn't the kind you would ever expect to beat him or stand an Icicle's Chance in Hell anyways. On Contrast, that fight Voldemort had with that "Leader of a Certain Magical Realm"? Damn, that was awesome. Showed Voldemort ISN'T invincible, and that there are in fact other Combatants of his caliber. Which, to me, put him on the BadMotherFucker League even harder. Like, that handful of Magical Warriors who are armies unto themselves, and for the most part, the mere mortals do best to stay the hell out of the way when they throw down.
    Yeah. Even psychopaths like showing off. It's half their thing really. Also, I have to admit, this is probably the fic that got me into Voldemort/Dark Victory more than anything, and slanted my views towards any such fics. And I want to see a Final Showdown between Voldemort and Dumbledore. Maybe even a revitalized Dumbledore who has been given some Elixir by Flamel, so a Dumbledore in his prime.

    I desperately want it to be semi-formalized, with both combatants agreeing to a time and a place, maybe even a secret face to face before it. Maybe even both of them have a real exchange, with Dumbledore going back into Britain and seeing what has happened, what has become of this and that, maybe sneaking in, Voldemort letting him more or less or simply not acting immediately on finding out he is back in the country.

    Then Dumbledore goes back, and just as he leaves, he gets a letter from a House Elf, just a general notice that Voldemort knew he was there.

    Then Dumbledore decides to duel him. To have it out, once and for all. And he prepares his Order and what remains of his allies. No official news gets out, but the rumor mill compensates. Enough so that the chosen city basically evacuates, both of them consent to a barrier preventing either of the two combatants from leaving until one is dead or incapacitated. This is it. One way or another.

    Thank you. For a decent post to discuss with. :)

    Also, she needs to wrap up a certain story line regarding a Horcrux. Its gotten old, managed to stay interesting, but AAAAAAAHHH, its gotten so insanely annoying. :fire

    And I hope she keeps it going past the school years and doesn't try to wrap it up just because of the school years.
    ....have you um, you know. Actually read...like...I don't know.

    Anything on this site at all? Ever!?

    I have never seen a forum, a community, in which that very specific criticism is the most hypocritical and most pointless to levy. Ever. Holier Than Thou practically defines discourse here. At least the good bits. The moderate bits are basically discussions on tastes, and the worst bits involve people having absolutely horrible taste. The best bits, by and large, in terms of quality of posts and effort put into them?

    Holier Than Thou tones of discussions and posts. Excluding of course, the fics themselves.

    This isn't necessarily a bad thing, or even really negative. Its just that, well....its a little odd to see that particular criticism come up unironically.
  4. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    I'll give you one thing, Knoq. When you're not being a dick, you actually make (some) sense.

    I swear that after all those years, I'm still seeing affect/effect mixed up in the fic and it annoys the fuck out of me.

    That, we can agree on.

    I really want see Voldemort have his epic win in the end, because I don't feel like he's the villain of the story. He's just a very villan-like antihero. Plus, I love a good BAMF.

    Agreed. It was one of the highlights of Book 6.

    I suppose any resolution will involve Dumbledore somehow. He's still Dumbledore, he won't just lie down like a bitch and let Voldemort have it all.

    Surprisingly, my pleasure.

    I'd rather see Harry finally find his balls and have ragesex with Luna. I was more invested in the werewolf storyline than I care to admit. I'm not a H/Hr hater, but if Harry does hook up with someone in the end, Hermione would be such a cop out. Even Natalie is better suited for that role. Harry still has some canon-ness in him, but he also has a high kill count.

    You and me both. I'd love a years-after epilogue-ish chapter or two.
  5. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    Harry Potter And The Elemental's Power By: Raul Fictitious A story about Harry in Slytherin house wielding the elder wand and the powers of an elemental. Features annoying Weasley's, an OFC, a flawed but good Dumbledore, an indifferent Snape and lots and lots of twists.
    Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Adventure - Harry P., OC - Chapters: 61 - Words: 406,365 - Reviews: 3,761 - Favs: 4,359 - Follows: 4,135 - Updated: Jul 17 - Published: Mar 8, 2008 - Status: Complete - id: 4118383

    So I started reading this story a few days back. It's not exceptional or even very good but at the start I thought it might end up in Almost Recommended.

    I thought the author had done elemental powers well, I enjoyed the interactions between Harry and the OFC who was a fire elemental (and I normally hate OCs), got infuriated that they couldn't see they liked eachother, I enjoyed the fact the author made Voldemort more dangerous to match super!Harry and I enjoyed the fact that the canon plot was completely blown out of the water and thus very difficult to predict what was about to happen.

    It was all ruined however by the author doing some pretty dumb things.

    For starters, the author personified 'Evil'. The 'Evil' apparently made the Deathly Hallows and is the source of all dark magic. If you use too much dark magic he takes over your body! So basically the author used this to make a massive OOC Voldemort who no longer wants to subjugate everyone, instead he's gone Grindlewald and decided that only magicals are fit to rule in the process destroying the Statute of Secrecy. He then razes the entirety of London.

    Next is Harry himself. He started out as a slightly rude and snarky kid. It was enjoyable to read most of the time but eventually he gets more assholish and unbearable. I had hoped he would grow up a bit but instead he's a massive dick to everyone all the time.

    When Voldemort takes over the UK, he does so by most of the Ministries in the world backing him... for some reason. Not really sure why, they just do. The goblins too, they for some reason have decided to trust Voldemort to not stab them in the back when they're no longer useful to him. He also takes over the UK using the special 'wild' dragon that are 20 times larger than normal dragons and have only been seen a handful of times in history. It was never made clear exactly how he managed to capture these near unkillable beasts and Portkey them into London to smash the place up, but hey, he did!

    Also, Beaubaxtions is apparently a school for pureblood snobs. Not sure where the author pulled that one from but all of the main characters apparently hate all them Frenchies.

    So anyway, the first half of this story was readable, the second half was shite.
  6. Genghiz Khan

    Genghiz Khan Headmaster

    Mar 21, 2011
    I concur, sir. I, however, stopped reading at the part where
    the muggle world gets involved. After he travels to his wreck of an ancestral mansion.
    That just utterly ruined it for me.
  7. Ghosthree3

    Ghosthree3 Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2012
    Is that the one with the really obvious Mary Sue and an irritating Harry?
  8. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    She's hardly a Sue.

    Nobody fawns over her, she doesn't know the answer to every problem, she doesn't push canon characters out of the way, she's no more special than any other shared protagonist role, she's not given the special treatment by everyone and she doesn't have tonnes of unnecessary powers or titles.

    If that's your major problem with the story then you're barking up the wrong tree, really.
  9. Cruentus

    Cruentus Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jul 25, 2006
    Any story that crosses with Black Lagoon and has a rating of T is going to be shit. I highly doubt Petunia was such a good catch for the Russian mafia that Fry Face would put up with her two brats. Roanapur being portrayed in any way favorably is bullshit. That city is a cesspit where you can literally do anything you want as long as you have the money to get away with it. This includes people going on running gun battles with the U.S. military and child prostitution for fun and profit. What little of my SoD that was left from Petunia just letting Harry and Dudley wonder around town all happy go lucky was shredded with Revy actually putting up with them. This is the same woman, I remind, that enjoys going on killing sprees and just flat out killing anybody who annoys her enough...or gives her a good enough fight.

    Her even bothering to acknowledge two random messenger brats was eyebrow raising. Actually being in anyway nice to them was SoD breaking.
  10. Ghosthree3

    Ghosthree3 Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2012
    I honestly wasn't 100% sure if she was or not. I couldn't make it past the first 4-5 chapters (or something like that). I just remember getting that feeling she was going to be a really big one and it was one of (not the only) reasons I bailed.
  11. Genghiz Khan

    Genghiz Khan Headmaster

    Mar 21, 2011
    She wasn't a Sue. I don't think there is a canon love-hate of the sort depicted in the fic. I actually quite liked it, tbh. Had he not gone the direction he did, the fic was shaping up to be a pretty refreshing read back in the day.

    Of course, it has been a couple of years, now.

    God, the nostalgia of those days. Makes me wanna read Taking Control by fake a smile. Back in those days when things were simpler.
  12. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    The Cupboard Under the Stairs wasn't exceptional, or maybe even worthy of Almost Recommended, but I thought the author had potential and it was the first time I had read Abused!Harry without wanting to rip my own hair out.

    Its sequel however, Hermione's Book Nook, has ruined any good expectations I had for the author and the story. The story isn't even out of the summer holidays yet and it has crammed every cliché imaginable into the story.

    Overly helpful goblins - check
    Potter fortune - check
    Harry discovering he owns half of Diagon Alley - check
    Letter from Harry's parents in his vault - check
    Sirius being cleared and Pettigrew being arrested - check
    Lords and Ladies - check
    Horribly transparent manipulative Dumbledore - check