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Roll your Harry Potter Adventure!

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Andrela, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Let's say that I believe you, for the sake of consistency.
  2. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Good thing, too, because from what I saw the other rolls make for some damn interesting stuff.

    Stand by.

    Edit: Just so you know, I could have made it work with any of the rolls. The Weasleys would be the most troublesome, but not impossible. Arthur does work for the ministry.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2014
  3. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    QFT. 3, 5, 5, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 2. Most of that fits so perfectly - if only Flitwick and McGonagal/Snape/Dumbledore had been petrified, things would have been perfectly placed for a Death Eater coup. When I get more thumbs I'll up your Year 1 Rep.

    Will also edit this with the result of my roles in a bit.
  4. EkulTeabag

    EkulTeabag Seventh Year

    Jul 8, 2013
    Sandy, England
    Well, unfortunately, none of this meshed at all with my first year roll-your-own HP story, so I'm deciding that first year had a bunch of weird alterations that weren't worth making a story about, and might be revealed during the telling of this potential do-over.

    1, Who saves Harry from the Dursleys? Daphne and Blaise, because Harry is maybe a Slytherin, or just well connected and owed some favours. Maybe Blaise is a girl in this and they have marriage contracts or something. Or maybe they're just Hermione and Ron with different names, as happens too often in Slytherin stories.

    2, Terry Boot gets Riddle's diary, and is apparently willing to write in it, or perhaps does so to see if anything happens, as Harry did in canon.

    3, Kingsley Shacklebolt is the new Defense professor, meaning everyone gets a good education for once. Perhaps he's only got a year-long contract and will go back to full-time Auror duty by the end.

    4, Hagrid is petrified on Halloween, because perhaps Riddle think someone as fond of dangerous beasts as Hagrid might figure out it's a basilisk. Unfortunately, it doesn't kill him, only petrifies him. Either way, he's out of the picture.

    5, Dobby attempts to make Harry leave Hogwarts via non-lethal poison, hoping to send him to St. Mungo's by using a certain things that a school infirmary might not be able to treat for.

    6, Professor Snape is the second petrified victim, as perhaps Riddle has learned he was a Death Eater that switched sides before the war was over. Dumbledore might take over as Potions professor for the rest of the year, maybe. Or he'll just hire a substitute.

    7, Luna is the third petrified victim, as Riddle has learned that she is very close to Harry and hopes to use her to get to Harry. I think the Quibbler might get a bit less whimsical and far more serious because of this.

    8, Harry goes to the Centaurs in the Forbidden Forest looking for Firenze, as he helped him during first year figure out a few things about Voldemort, and thinks all this might somehow be connected.

    9, Harry gets a mind-link to Voldemort in the Chamber, becuase fuck if I know. The diary horcrux maybe "awakened" the scarcrux, letting Harry know what Voldemort is up to with far more clarity than canon did.
  5. Reptile3607

    Reptile3607 Third Year

    Sep 30, 2014
    Here it goes!

    IMPORTANT EDIT: Oops, didn't read many other peoples before posting, this is for the first one, not the new one by Xandrel.

    Harry is given his letter by Dumbledore, who decides better safe than sorry when it comes to the savior of the wizarding world. Harry makes a good first impression by setting fire to Dumbledores beard.

    He meets the Patil twins at Diagon Alley and instantly makes both Racist and sexist comments to them.

    Dumbledore buys him a pure white owl (much to his consternation) so he names it Destructovore the Flaming Fuckface.
    After a disheveled Dumbledore drops him off at the Dursleys, Harry uses Destructovore to poop on Dudley.

    On the train he meets Hannah Abbot- and surprisingly doesn't insult her. He is too busy breaking the window and climbing on top of the moving train, purely so he can try out the acid solution he made at the Dursleys.
    It works great, and he finds himself in an apartment with Blaise Zabini. They become friends. (The rules never say he can only meet one person...)

    Obviously, Harry is sorted into Slytherin.
    He immediately tries to turn Snape into a plant.

    On Halloween Harry decides to fire a dark mark into the sky, just cos'. ("I didn't know what it did, honest!")

    Dumbledore decides to try and force Harry to be more responsible by giving him the prophecy (because all the compulsions and mind control potions were having no effect at all.)
    Unfortunately Harry, having the attention span of a drunk beaver, is to busy trying to set fire to "smoke Trelawney" to listen at all.

    In the mirror he sees himself rich and powerful, and using this power to fuck with as many people as possible, and to blow stuff up.

    When he goes after the stone (3rd day of school) he tries, and fails, to ride an acromantula. (Hard level)

    That was fun.
    Soon... 2nd year.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2014
  6. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    (Or how Warlocke doesn't mind writing in present tense, when the story is just a glorified list.)

    Harry's letter is delivered by McGonagall, and not only is he apparently a wizard, but she is appalled at the way Harry is being treated and mutters something about 'having a few words' with someone named Dumbledore. Things are looking up for Harry Potter.

    In Diagon Alley he runs into a cute pair of twins that seem keen to have met him. "Hi Harry." "Bye Harry."

    There were no owls available and McG is partial to felines anyway, so Harry gets a cat with an unusual white and black speckled coat and yellow eyes. He names it Hedwig, it nips at his ear, and the universe breathes a sigh of relief because the balance has been restored.

    Su Li sits with Harry on the train. She's attractive and has no dialogue: Two things most eleven-year-old boys favor in a girl. So far, everyone he's met from his year has been a cute witch: Things are still looking up for Harry Potter.

    Harry convinces the Sorting Hat to place him in Ravenclaw, so he can be with Su Li and the less irritating of the Patil twins. This year could be the best of his (thus far shitty) life.

    Death Eaters attack the castle on Halloween. Snape seems to be phoning it in as he helps defend the students, but -Holy crap!- McG and Dumbledore will apparently only put up with so much shit before bringing the hammer down. The professors rout the attack, but there's nobody left to answer any questions, due to the perpetrators ending up in one of two categories: Escaped or dead. Things are not looking up so much as sideways, at the moment, for Harry Potter... but at least nobody with dialogue (nor Su Li) dies.

    Harry is told the full prophecy for Christmas. Boy, that 50p coin the Dursleys gave him is looking pretty good, right about now. Still, forewarned is four-armed, given the right transfiguration... or something like that - turns out, the Indian mind-expanding potion Padma gave Harry for Christmas (only slightly less illegal in Britain than flying carpets) has left him crunk off his ass: Wizard crunk.

    Crunk though he may be, a thoroughly underwhelmed Harry sees only his normal reflection in what, for all intents and purposes, looked like it was going to be a magical mirror. No swirls of color, no opposite-gender-counterparts, no alternate realities... not even any big-tittied mermaids doing some of that lesbian shit.

    Magic is kind of disappointing.

    No Harry Potter movies are ever produced. An undiscovered Rob Pattinson sits in a movie theater watching an aging Luke Perry play a sparkling ephebophile vampire with arch-mage level virginity, who macks on a girl with a personality disorder. "This movie is shite, mate; we're the only two guys here... Umm, wanna make out?"
    ...and the universe breathes a sigh of relief because the balance has been restored.

    Harry saves the Philosopher's Stone because, shit, it's gotta be easier to do that than to face a fully-restored Voldemort (and, knowing the prophecy, he'd like to avoid that situation until he can do more with his wand than turn buttons into misshapen buttons). Between himself, the Patils, and Su Li, the obstacles are fairly easy to overcome.

    The first two, in fact, are the easiest of all: Hagrid had spilled the beans to them about how to defeat fluffy, and Parvati had overheard a boring conversation about Devil's Snare which took place between Hermione Granger and (her sole friend) Neville Longbottom. Parvati had only listened because she was waiting to see if they made some kind of sad pact to marry each other if they were both still single at thirty: They did not.

    Harry handily bests the flying keys with natural seeker prowess... which would be great, if he were a seeker, but that isn't covered in these choices, as of yet, so who knows. One thing is certain, though: He did not have to endure the discomfort of swallowing and regurgitating a snitch. That would have sucked.

    The Ravenclaw girls collaborate their way to a slow but safe victory over the chess pieces (though Harry and Parvati are both of the opinion they should have tried simply flying across, Su and Parvati had vetoed that tactic, not wanting to risk smacking into some kind of anti-broom field, halfway over the board).

    The troll in the next room is already unconscious, but Harry postulates Su could have unleashed her martial arts prowess upon it: Turns out, though, that Su Li is a real person, not a racial stereotype - she doesn't know any martial arts. All of her muscle tone apparently comes from something she calls 'popping and locking'. Harry assumes she means 'popping locks,' and that he's spent the entire year eying up a secret cat burglar. But, hey, if it works for Batman and Spiderman, why not the Boy Who Lived?

    The potions riddle is handily defeated with Ravenclaw logic, and agreeable Gryffindor head nodding.

    Quirrell talks too much: Harry liked him better as a stuttering, incompetent, boob. The boy wizard would have preferred to use more stealth, in order to escape Quirrell's notice in the first place, but didn't know any magic to that end. Some kind of magical artifact would have helped... maybe something to make him invisible... or at least a cloak. A cloak that could make you invisible, yeah, that would have really fit the fuckin' bill.

    But he doesn't have one of those, so instead he could now consider himself more or less captured. :mad:

    Quirrellmort is baffled at Harry's stubborn and genuinely skeptical insistence that the Mirror of Erised is just a regular mirror, in which he sees a normal reflection. Frustrated, Quirrell eventually smashes Harry through the mirror, face first. While Voldemort is screaming at his flunky about rank stupidity and losing the stone, Harry feels an uncomfortably large lump form in his stomach. Quirrellmort stops trying to wring his own neck, in favor of wringing Harry's, but his hands turn to ash, swiftly followed by the rest of him.

    Harry passes out.

    A few days later, aided by 'Sluice-Rite's Patented eLAXir' and a second potion, meant to ease childbirth, he endures the discomfort of passing the -palpably more jagged than it looked- Philosopher's Stone. It really sucked.

    Why couldn't he have swallowed a snitch, instead? Shitting a literal brick? Not very magical.

    On the other hand, the combination of sympathy and cute girls has a magic all its own.

    (Or how Warlocke is seriously reconsidering writing in present tense, even if the story is just a glorified list.)

    Harry is saved from the Dursleys by Cedric Diggory and Nymphadora 'Bubblicious' Tonks. It would seem there's some sort of Hufflepuff alumni group that keeps an eye out for Hogwarts students living in the muggle world, and Tonks is mentoring the student-in-training, Cedric. Always two there are - no more, no less; a master and an apprentice.

    Harry spends some time with Cedric's family, enduring the older Amos's constant bragging on his son, then spends the last week of break at the Tonks home. He leaves the Diggory household with a wave to Cedric, and the the sentiment, "See you around, Cedric; I sure hope you don't tragically die at school or anything."

    Mrs. Diggory thinks that was awfully sweet of Harry, because the Wizarding World is completely fucked up and well beyond any kind of rational thought.

    After watching Lockhart make an ass of himself while fawning over Potter, and witnessing an impromptu bout of pugilistic aggression break out between Draco's dad and Arthur Weasley, Pansy finds a blank book among her school supplies.

    At first, she wonders if maybe Draco slipped it to her, and it's a diary of all his feelings for her. Turns out it's completely empty... just like his feelings for her. She's miffed, but keeps the book anyway, writing a lot about her opinions on more proactive forms of muggleborn integration (versus allowing the clueless berks walk around, well, clueless), her thoughts and feelings about her recent menarche, how Daphne's preposterously overgrown cow tits are making her and the other Slytherin girls look underdeveloped by comparison, what boys she's attracted to, and... this year is going to be a lot tougher than Tom had first imagined.

    Somewhere, a frustrated but relatively carefree Ginny Weasley is trying to diddle herself to Harry Potter fantasies, without being overheard by her numerous family members. She's obsessed, but definitely not possessed. Elsewhere, Harry is harboring misinformed fantasies about Su Li in her cat burglar outfit.

    Andromeda Tonks, having been made aware of Harry's living conditions (not to mention what went on during his first year) by her daughter, decides to take the open DADA position, in order to find out for herself just what is going on with Boy Who Lived, and the troubling events that surround him.

    At Hogwarts, Hagrid is confronted by the basilisk. His last thoughts are that it would make an adorable pet. Thankfully, he is merely petrified, due to having only seen the beast through the bottom of an upraised whiskey bottle.

    "I shouldn'a done tha'."

    Pansy is one of the first to see the petrified half-giant... and the enormous petrified tent in his trousers. Tom Riddle soon finds himself besieged by page after page of the confused scribblings of a pubescent witch. This year is going to be a lot tougher than Tom had first imagined.

    The same damned House Elf who had previously revealed he'd swiped all the letters from Harry's friends, now shows up and swipes Harry's wand, too. Harry complains to his head of house, but Flitwick can't do anything about a non-Hogwarts house elf.

    Instead, the diminutive charms professor takes Harry back to Ollivander, where the boy gets an undeniably more badass wand: Morning wood, 13 inches and respectably thick, with a core of angel hair (pasta) soaked in the blood of a vampire that had been mainlining heroin for a solid century! Rigid: A good wand for wreckin' shit up and just not givin' a fuck. :cool:

    Peeves is discovered to have been petrified (and there was much rejoicing).

    The Weasley twins subsequently get detention and points taken for sneaking into the hospital wing and balancing the petrified poltergeist on top of the tent in Hagrid's trousers, so as to create a disturbingly suggestive tableau, especially given the way the chaos spirit's face was distended in horror.

    Peeves is stuffed in an out-of-the-way closet, and Hagrid is moved to a curtained bed in the corner of the room; thus, the parade of girls with frivolous excuses for visiting Pomfrey, just to gawk, dwindles back down to nothing.

    Sadly, Luna Lovegood is the next victim of the Heir of Slytherin. She'd been locked out of her dorm that night, leaving her vulnerable. Questions are asked about why she was out at night, asses get wrekt, and when Luna is eventually revived, she finds there's been a crackdown on bullying in Ravenclaw.

    Harry is relieved to see that Su and Padma are just as surprised to hear about the bullying going on in the first year girls dorm as he is. 'Su Li may be a cat burglar,' he thinks, 'but at least she doesn't tolerate bullying.' :facepalm

    Harry finds himself amidst werewolves in the Forbidden Forest... and with a lump in his pants that has nothing to do with passing a Philosopher's Stone.

    One of the werewolves mentions that Hagrid tried to keep him as a pet, back in his school days, and that while Hagrid was bonkers, the half-giant's expulsion was still totally bogus. Another, particularly pathetic looking werewolf -rocking a creepy 'molestache'- starts to ask about open teaching positions for next year, but is cut off as the moon rises and they all begin to transform.

    Thankfully, Harry is rescued by what looks to be the same car that Ron kid flew into the Whomping Willow (supposedly he'd been locked out of Platform 9&¾, but Harry wouldn't know, because he was dropped off on the platform by Tonks and her mother). He cleans himself up, before telling the girls what he's discovered.

    Eventually, Harry ends up saving Pansy Parkinson from the Basilisk, though he can't help but wonder why he even feels compelled to do so; she isn't an exotic twin or a fit Asian cat burglar, nor is she one of his friends, or a friend's sibling... or even particularly friendly. Still, he's in the Chamber of Secrets, now, so he figures he'd might as well go for it.

    Thankfully, Harry is aided by several of the Hogwarts house elves, in part because they're impressed with the job he did cleaning up his own 'fear-soiled' underwear (though they would have gladly done it for him), after the werewolf encounter, and also because they're a tad eager to make a good impression with the Boy Who Lived, since Dobby has done such a bang-up job giving them a bad name.

    As such, they stole Harry's wand back from the wayward Malfoy elf and returned it to its rightful owner. Fawkes swoops in to blind the serpent, and Harry defeats Tom while dual wielding his wands, pistolero style.

    (Okay, Harry would have liked to defeat Tom by dual wielding his wands. In reality, Tom managed to steal Harry's new wand, but in his attempt to use it on its owner, the frankly foolhardy combination of materials experienced a 'critical failure.' The resulting explosion ended up destroying the diary, and Tom along with it.)

    This year had turned out to be impossibly tough, in more ways than Tom had ever previously imagined - not that he cared, now, since what remained of this portion of his soul had been reduced to refuse, littering the floor of an ethereal train station.

    In the end, though, Harry still has to rely on a last-minute sword delivery to finish off the basilisk.

    Harry is not sure how to feel about Pansy's gratitude and, quite frankly, naked awe (After all, she did wake up just in time to see him narrowly survive basilisk venom that had been introduced through a puncture wound big enough to slide a broom handle through - and that was after he slew it with a sword, all for her! Well, kind of.).

    He is sure of one thing, though... the upper portion of her hug is rather delightfully warm and soft (the word 'soft' possibly having been said out loud, since he could swear he heard Pansy happily murmur something to the effect of, "Suck it, Greengrass." as she stepped away and began smoothing the wrinkles from her robes).

    Nearly dying from the most deadly venom in existence really sucked. Why couldn't he have fallen from his broom and broken an arm, instead? It sure didn't feel very magical.

    On the other hand, the combination of boobs and a grateful girl's hugs felt pretty magical in its own right.

    Andromeda Tonks quits her teaching position, voluntarily, at the end of the year. The former Black, having been duly impressed with the way Harry Potter handled himself, had been strongly considering telling her daughter that she should think about dating certain younger wizards... in Ravenclaw... that had scarred foreheads, then realized the curse on the DADA post was badly affecting her judgment.

    She still calls her daughter, "Nymphadora"
    ...and the universe breathes a sigh of relief because the balance has been restored.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
  7. Arrowjoe

    Arrowjoe Auror

    Jan 27, 2011
    Vancouver, Canada
    That was the dumbest thing I've read in a long time.

    Can we please have more?
  8. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I read and read and read.

    And then I read some more.
  9. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    I blame Warlocke for this. And my shitty skills at writing. But mostly Warlocke.

    Despite the events of past year, Harry and Hogwarts managed to survive. Somehow. Let's just hand-wave it, shall we? Much easier that way. So let's see now...

    Apparently, just from sitting on the train with Daphne Greengrass, our young wizard managed to leave a lasting impression, so much that she roped in a fellow Slytherin, one Blaise Zabini (an entity of unknown gender), into raiding Harry Potter's prison and rescuing him. Naturally, they do this from the kindness of their hearts and absolutely do not offer Harry a parchment with chicken scratch writing to sign on. In his own blood. No, nothing like that at all. They used phoenix blood.

    So when they were done rescuing Harry and left him all on his own in Knockturn, just for shits and giggles, the time came for the Diary to be delivered into the hands of Lucius Malfoy's greatest nemesis: Pansy Parkinson herself.

    The girl was bonkers, and thoroughly intent on pillaging his son's chastity, so he opted for slipping her the diary, rather than trying to put one over Arthur Weasley. After all, the man worked for the Ministry's department for the misuse of Muggle artifacts, chances are he would spot the book and figure something was wrong with it. Besides, it's far easier to bribe people into voting against his anti-muggle bullying proposals.

    Not to mention he really didn't fancy the odds of pug-faced grandchildren.

    Harry, of course, was completely oblivious of what had happened and his life went on, more or less, uninterrupted. When he arrived at Hogwarts, he was greeted with the sight of the new DADA teacher and promptly let out a sigh of relief that it wasn't Snape. Not unless his hair fell off, he turned black and Transfigured his ugly self into someone else entirely. No. Nope. There he was, still sneering and scowling, dripping grease all over the place from his seat at the teacher's table.

    Many students thought to themselves they finally had a competent teacher, but alas, being an Auror does not qualify one for teaching children, and having to dodge through traps and spells flying all around the classroom does not constitute a safe learning environment.

    On the night of the 31st of October, something happens. Something magical and wonderful and sim- oh sorry, wrong floor/broom cupboard of Hogwarts. What I meant to say is that Draco Malfoy gets petrified. Well, it's still magical and wonderful, albeit not happening in a cupboard. Not at this point in the story anyway.

    Pansy, predictably, is shocked at the sight of her (unknowing and petrified, else he'd be screaming) beau's petrification. At first, the thought comes to her: she should scream. But then others would find them. And she wouldn't want others to interrupt this private moment, now would she?

    So alas (not really) no one finds the petrified form of Draco Malfoy until a full week later, when Filch stumbles across him in one of the supply closets, his robes disheveled, random hairs plucked out from his peroxide blonde wet mop of a hair, and much of his face slathered in... fluids. Yes. Fluids. Though some are distressed at the news of a petrified student, none are more perturbed than Pansy who just lost her very first boy-toy. Pooey.

    Dear Harry, blissfully ignorant little fellow that he is, is completely baffled by the slip of paper that suddenly pops onto his nightstand one morning, informing him of his instant expulsion and immediate need to evacuate from the castle. Our not-hero of the story scratches his head, still pulling away from that blurry daze of dreams not yet gone away, and wonders who Hedmustard Dobby is, before the paper slips from his hand and glides underneath his bed, whereupon it is promptly forgotten and lost forever more, as all things that end up beneath the bed tend to be. Until you wind up chasing that shiny quarter.

    When the second petrification happens, there is much cheer spread around, because really, no one likes Snape. Not even Snape. Especially not Snape. Unorthodox perhaps, but Dumbledore approves the Weasley twins' idea of charmed armors and Dungeons-into-meadows transfigurations in order to raise school morale, but he ends up putting his foot down upon seeing the stand with Snape voodoo dolls being sold for only a Knut, and already sold out. He really wanted one too.

    Huh, these rolls are getting silly now. Fudge. The Basilisk petrifies Fudge. I mean... how? What are the circumstances, not to mention the chances? Does the Minister of Magic have a secret fetish for traversing into girl's bathrooms in Hogwarts? Does he see the Basilisk's gaze reflected while inspecting his bowler hat's polished surface? Does that tie of his really go with the yellow socks and sandals?

    Since Fudge has been petrified, I have no fucking idea what happens to Hagrid or why he would still send Harry to the Forbidden Forest. Maybe he does this for kicks? Pretends he's so simple minded and keeps sending small children into places where almost certain death awaits them? He has to feed Aragog somehow, after all.

    Harry's in luck though, he happens across Unicorns. Who tell him nothing as they're just Unicorns and the best they can do is bestow him with a meaningful (or whatever passes as one with their kind) gaze and a near-skewering with their horns. They really do like virgins, just not in the way most people think.

    Poor Pansy. I forgot all about her, haven't I? Ah well, suffice to say that she dilly dallied a lot in the hospital wing, while always finding new ways to make sure Pomfrey was too preoccupied to notice her taking one hair at a time from Draco. The carpet matched the drapes. Huh, who would have guessed? Sadly for her, asking for help from a sentient Diary on how to brew Polyjuice potion, compulsion and numerous privacy spells while simultaneously pouring out her frustrations with how the experience always lasted too short - damn those refractory periods - didn't turn out to be such a good idea. Oops?

    Not to worry, Pansy dear, Harry's here. Completely by accident though, someone drip-drooped goo on the second floor and Harry just sort of slid into the girl's bathroom, happened to hiss "Open" in Parseltongue and fell through the hole. Along with the Bloody Baron, the Grey Lady, the Fat Friar and Sir Nicholas. They'll help you for sure.

    Except not really, what with not being to influence the physical world all that much. No matter, Harry is quick on his feet, they can be used as death-prevention, should the opportunity present itself. Don't see how that will prevent the Basilisk from gobbling him up, but oh well.

    Thankfully, he had that chap from Brutal Harry drop in for a spell and fire off his RPG at the ruddy big snake before popping back into his own world, thus leaving Harry with taking all the credits (we'll just say it was a strong Reducto spell, not like wizards can tell the difference or even know what an RPG is) for the deed.

    Along with the new-found infatuation/obsession from the girl that he inadvertently rescued - he didn't mean to! - from the... is that a Diary? A diary. Lovely. Yes. This simply isn't going to work. No one is going to believe a Hufflepuff that a diary possessed a girl and then made her do all those things throughout the school year.

    Pansy, eager to ingratiate herself with her heart's new string-puller, suggests they frame Draco Malfoy for the deed. Harry, being a Hufflepuff, and having suffered his fair share of mockery from all, but especially Slytherins, gives an appreciative nod to the idea, liking it more by the second. Of course, when confronted by Dumbledore, the truth does come out, but being a good sport that he is, Slytherin goes into negative score for House Cup points and Pansy is transferred to Hufflepuff herself, what with insisting on not being far away from her soul-bonded mate.

    Until next year.

    Oh god how much of this shit did I just write.
  10. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    High praise, indeed.

    That depends on if we get a third year of multiple choice mayhem, from Xandrel. :mrgreen:

    That is as it should be.

    ...and the universe breathes a sigh of relief because the balance has been restored.
  11. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    Who delivers Harry's letter? McGonagall.
    Who meets Harry at Diagon Alley? Cormac McLaggen.
    What is Harry's pet? Cat.
    Who sits with Harry on the train? Ron.
    Where is Harry Sorted? Ravenclaw.
    What happens on Halloween? Troll in the castle.
    What does Harry get for Christmas? A Time Turner.
    What does Harry see in the Mirror of Erised? His normal reflection.
    What are the Stone Defenses? Death Level (Dragons, Adult Mandrakes, Lava Rain in a Maze Room, Basilisk, Death Eaters, Restored Voldemort).


    Hmm. I could work with this. Give me a day or so and I'll edit something in.
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Warlocke, as you wish!

    Only 8 rolls this time, make 'em count!

    The changes begin when Harry turns aunt marge into a balloon.

    Roll Your Harry Potter Adventure - Year 3 Edition!

    Roll 1 - Where does Harry go after he escapes the Dursleys?

    1 * The Leaky Cauldron.
    2 * Hogsmeade.
    3 * The Ministry of Magic.
    4 * Godric's Hollow.
    5 * He leaves Britain.
    6 * Knockturn Alley.

    Roll 2 - What does Fudge say to Harry after the whole mess?

    1 * It's cool, no big deal.
    2 * Yeah, you're expelled.
    3 * We have to get you out of that muggle place.
    4 * Want to join politics?
    5 * Say, the Ministry vaults are awfully empty...
    6 * All hail the Dark Lord! DIE POTTER!

    Roll 3 - Who is the new Defense Professor?

    1 * Remus Lupin.
    2 * Augusta Longbottom.
    3 * Xenophilius Lovegood.
    4 * Severus Snape.
    5 * Hestia Jones.
    6 * Walden Macnair.

    Roll 4 - Which new subjects does Harry choose?

    1 * Divination and Care of Magical Creatures.
    2 * Arithmancy and Ancient Runes.
    3 * Care of Magical Creatures and Arithmancy.
    4 * Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures.
    5 * Arithmancy and Divination.
    6 * Divination and Muggle Studies.

    Roll 5 - What happens on Halloween?

    1 * Sirius attempts to get into the Gryffindor Common Room.
    2 * House Elves revolt.
    3 * Grindelwald escapes his prison.
    4 * Death Eaters attack Hogwarts.
    5 * Death Eaters attack Hogsmeade.
    6 * All of the above.

    Roll 6 - Who teaches Harry about the Patronus Charm?

    1 * The Defense Professor.
    2 * Dumbledore.
    3 * McGonagall.
    4 * Flitwick.
    5 * He learns it by himself.
    6 * Nobody, he does not learn it.

    Roll 7 - What creatures does Hagrid show in his class?

    1 * Hippogriffs.
    2 * Flubberworms.
    3 * Nundu.
    4 * Chimaeras.
    5 * Sphinxes.
    6 * Dragons.

    Roll 8 - How is the plot of the year resolved?

    1 * - Sirius is still on the run, Pettigrew escapes to rejoin Voldemort.
    2 * - Sirius' name is cleared, Pettigrew goes to Azkaban.
    3 * - Sirius is captured and Kissed by a Dementor, Pettigrew remains hidden as a rat.
    4 * - Sirius' name is cleared, but Pettigrew manages to escape.
    5 * - Sirius kills Pettigrew and then escapes.
    6 * - Pettigrew kills Sirius and then goes to rejoin Voldemort.​
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2014
  13. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Y u no wait until I finish year 2 :(
  14. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    You're not pressured, mate. Take your time :)
  15. Genghiz Khan

    Genghiz Khan Headmaster

    Mar 21, 2011
    Lel. Much lulz. Much awesome. I'll roll tomorrow. Writing a story on Tapatalk is not my idea of fun.
  16. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    YEAR 2​

    Summer vacations do not go very well for Harry. Upon returning to Privet Drive, it was obvious that whatever fear of God professor Mcgonagall had instilled in them was long since flushed out. His aunt, damn her to hell, seemed well aware that his lack of owl meant inability to send messages of his own volition. With that knowledge, she and uncle Vernon locked all his things in the cupboard and proceeded to lock him in his room.

    Literally. He would receive food, thankfully of adequate quantity, if not quality, at meal times through a cat-flap. Which was extra insulting because Rufus could come and go as he pleased. Thankfully, his feline companion preferred to keep him company, or just laze around the room.

    He could still receive letters through his window, thankfully. He waited until his friends send him letters, then replied with details of his situation.

    Unfortunately for him, the incoming owls were noticed by his uncle, who proceeded to bolt his window shut. Harry watched, unable to do anything, as his friends' owls pecked ineffectually at the window, before giving up and returning whence they came.

    He surrendered himself to a summer of boredom until a teacher noticed his absence in September the first, and got to re-reading his first year textbooks, if only to stem the boredom, and imagining creative ways with which to get back at the Dursleys in between attempts to get Rufus to not be such a lazy bastard.

    However, salvation came long before he expected it to.

    One day, about two months since his last missive to his friends, h heard commotion from below. Uncle Vernon's angry shouts, followed by his aunt's shrill shriek, followed by blessed silence.

    Having stuck his ear to the door, Harry easily heard Daphne's voice calling his name.

    "In here!" He shouted back. Immediately, he heard steps run up the stairs, so he took a few steps back from the door.

    "Alohomora" He heard a male voice incant, before the door clicked open by its own volition. Through it, Harry could see an adult man, well into his fifties, towering over Daphne by a good three heads.

    "Hi Harry." His friend greeted. "We came to get you." Harry, who couldn't quite contain his grin of enthusiasm, rushed and hugged her, eliciting a surprised squawk, before she hugged him back.

    A throat being loudly cleared interrupted them, and Harry let go of Daphne to look at the older man. He resembled her, faintly.

    "Harry, this is my father, Winston Greengrass."

    Harry blushed in embarrassment, stammering a greeting. Winston laughed before shaking his hand strongly and introducing himself. He explained that Daphne had told him of what happened to Harry and that they had both grown worried when her letters returned unopened. When they had contacted Harry's other friends and heard the same, they resolved to come check the situation out.

    Good thing, too.

    Going bellow, Harry saw his aunt and uncle, slumped on the hall, unmoving. He would have been disturbed if he couldn't see them visibly breathe.

    "What happened to them?"

    "They're stunned." Winston explained. "Should come to in a few hours. Or with a good slap." That was enough for Harry, and the three of them gathered his things and left Privet Drive. Winston drives them to their house in London, and Harry is a little embarrassed to ask why such a prominent wizarding family knows what a car is, never mind driving one.

    Harry happily accepts Daphne's offer to stay with her. While in their home, a decently sized suburban house with two floors, Harry gets to meet Daphne's mother, Ophelia, and kid sister, Astoria, who is not yet old enough for Hogwarts. Harry and Astoria hit it off, as the little girl drags him around excitedly to play this or that and he comes along, much to Daphne's amusement. The elder Greengrass sister took these opportunities to have Rufus all to herself. Harry gave her a stern lecture regarding who exactly owned Rufus, and warned her away from whatever dastardly plot she was preparing.

    They meet up with Blaise and Theodore in Diagon Alley, and gather their supplies. Apparently there's some kind of author's signing on the bookshop, so it is decided that only one person will go in, grab what they need, and come back out. Blaise is decided as the unlucky person to wait in the line, as the rest of them go through the rest of their shopping list.

    Harry's summer passes dizzyingly fast, and he can't believe the fun time he's having. A party is thrown in his honor on the Greengrass home, to celebrate his birthday. All of Harry's friends and acquaintances are invited. Cedric and his friends, some Ravenclaws Harry was friendly with, most of second year Slytherin, and some Gryffindors Harry knew personally from first year.

    During the party, Malfoy could not help but announce that his father had agreed to take up the Defense against the Dark Arts position at Hogwarts, and proceeded to explain how that old man Dumbledore must have finally come to his senses, and how he musn't be such a senile old bat, after all. On closer question, Draco admitted to not knowing the details pertaining his father's new employment, as he wasn't let in on the fact until after it was decided.

    Regardless of mr Malfoy's new job, Harry had a blast on his birthday. The guest room he was living in had to be magically enlargened to fit all his presents. The highlight of the night must have definitely been when, well after the party was over and almost everyone had left, Daphne walked up to him, gave him her present, followed by a lightning fast peck on the cheek before bolting out of the room.

    Girls were weird, Harry decided. But in a good way, maybe.

    September arrives, the newly minted second years arrive at Hogwarts after a quiet train ride, enjoy the opening feast, and classes begin.

    Professor Malfoy was a surprisingly decent teacher. He allowed no nonsense or misbehavior, and seemed to know his stuff. Occasionally, he would indulge on long-winded tirades about this or that aspect of the dark arts, but then seem to remember where he was and proceed on an equally long diatribe on why the Dark Arts are bad, to be avoided, illegal, etc etc.

    Having studied some recent history, Harry was well aware that the senior Malfoy was a former Death Eater, released under claims of Imperius manipulation. He also knew that he and Dumbledore never saw eye to eye, considering they'd been on opposite sides of battlefields a few years ago.

    Still, he realized that he can't possibly know what goes on the background, so he resolved to focus on his own business.

    That being, learning. Above and beyond studying, Harry vividly remembered what he saw in that Mirror, last year, and his vow to himself. To become that man, he needs to be able to use magic to an unprecedented level. That is why he threw himself at his studies like a man possessed, dragging his friends, kicking and screaming, into similar fits of academic fervor.

    He gave little mind to the growing rumors regarding this alleged Chamber of Secrets. Despite some vandalism on the walls or a frozen cat, he has better things to worry about.

    His single-minded determination is exactly why he is so surprised when Halloween strikes again. In some corner of the dungeons, the inert and frozen body of Draco Malfoy is discovered. Professor Snape is immediately called, as are the rest of the staff. Soon, the area is cordonned off. An investigation ensues, with a grief-striken professor Malfoy at its help, but the petrification confuses the student body that had so far been buzzing about the Chamber of Secrets. After all, the Heir was supposed to go after the muggleborns, right? Then why attack such a prominent pureblood such as Malfoy?

    Regardless of the why, this attack on the Malfoy scion led the eldest Malfoy into mood swings of either crushing despair or unbridled fury. When not stonily directing his classes, he was enacting furious searches all over the castle and questioning people for possible suspects. Harry himself had been suspected, and answered truthfully to all questions. Thankfully, the elder Malfoy seemed to write him off his list very quickly, knowing that he and Draco were on friendly terms, and moved on.

    In the midst of all this, Harry had finally managed to land his much coveted Seeker position on the Slytherin Quidditch team, though the recent petrification seemed to suck all the joy out of the game.

    Things seemed to have stabilised in the coming weeks. Harry should have known, really, that such peace was only a delusion and about to be shattered into a million tiny pieces.

    It was the second Quidditch game of his career, and he was well on his way to winning, too. His trusty Nimbus 2001, his birthday present from Malfoy himself, was sure enough giving him the edge he didn't really need against the Gryffindor seeker, and he was just outstretching his hand to catch the snitch.

    The moment his fingers closed around the snitch, he couldn't see. He couldn't describe it in any other way, his vision was gone. And not the blurry kind of grey that one got when one closed their eyes, either. Rather, it was complete and utter darkness, like he no longer had any eyes at all, or was not born with the ability to see.

    The elation over the victory was enough to stem the panic attack that threatened to grip him, and he directed his broom slowly downwards until he reached the ground. Amid the thunderous cheers of the Slytherin team and their housemates, it took Harry a good while to get anyone to listen to him. When his friends heard him, however, he was swiftly removed the festivities and rushed to the hospital wing, professor Snape not too far behind.

    Harry decided that since everyone else around him was panicking, he should be the one with the level head, so he kept his calm, even through madame Pomfrey's numerous spells and potions.

    In the end, professor Dumbledore himself arrived. He, too, directed his wand at Harry, to no visible effect. He, professor Snape and madame Pomfrey had a hushed discussion in the matron's office that Harry couldn't hear.

    In then end, all three came next to his bed. It was surreal to Harry, that he could not see them but he could tell they came merely by sound.

    "It would appear, mister Potter," his head of house began, "that you've been hit with a rather nasty Blindness curse."

    Harry resisted the urge to roll his eyes. No kidding, right?

    "Can it be reversed, sir? Will I be allright?"

    Professor Dumbledore interjected here. "I'm afraid, mister Potter, that the nature of the curse is unknown even to me. It resists all conventional efforts to reverse it.

    Harry didn't like the sound of that.

    "Sir? What will happen to me?"

    "In time, and with enough study, I am sure a cure can be found. For the immediate present, I fear, there is little we can do for you."

    "So that's it, then? I'm blind?"

    "If I may, Headmaster," Professor Snape interjected, "would you give me some time alone with mister Potter?"

    Dumbledore gave him his best wishes and left the Hospital wing with the matron.

    Dread filled Harry. Professor Snape had never been anything but professional with him, but his reputation was rather well-known.

    "Potter," His head of house began, tone firm "I do not deny that what happened to you is unfortunate. However, that is no excuse for you to whine about your lot in life."

    "With all due respect, sir, but I'm blind now."

    "So? You're not the first, nor will you be the last, to have lost his vision. It is not a debilitating injury. In time, perhaps you will regain your vision. In the meantime, I suggest you pull yourself together and find a way to operate normally. There are many spells and ways for someone without vision to not be disadvantaged. I suggest you and your little friends look them up. I'm warning you, however. I will not suffer a crybaby in my House. Am I understood?"

    Harry gulped. "Yes, sir."

    Harry heard the man rise and walk away.

    "Thank you, professor." He managed to say before the door was closed.

    The next day, Harry was discharged. His friends were understandably rather distressed over the news that he was now, and for the foreseeable future, blind.

    Living without vision was a completely new experience. First of all, Harry always needed a friend nearby to help him go places, not get lost, and not trip on stairs. He had to look up spells that allowed him to read a book without seeing it. Not an easy feat, and until he learned how to cast them someone had to read to him. All in all, Harry felt rather like a baby, needing to be taken care of, and he hated it.

    Hadn't he resolved to be strong, independent, and powerful? How was he supposed to be that, when he needed help not to walk into walls?

    His blindness was known by everyone well before he was discharged. It seemed to be treated like another of the Heir's attacks, which personally made no sense to Harry. He received dozens of well-wish cards ad many awkward pep-talks. At first, it felt uplifting to known his friends, acquaintances, and even random strangers, stood by him, but as days wore on it grew more and more irritating.

    With the loss of his Quidditch spot, he was left with plenty of free time to work out how to do things. Slowly and methodically, he learned how to live without his vision. The proximity spell that allowed him to sense walls and even some solid objects was becoming progressively easier to control. As weeks passed, he found himself less inclined to see, and losing that sense of panic when he woke up and couldn't see anything.

    He learned the power of touch. He learned how to recognize things by touching them, or hearing them. His hands were usually outstretched, fiddling with something, following a wall, or trying to assimilate a book with one of the hardest spells he had learned to date.

    The first time he touched Daphne's face, both were feeling rather awkward, but Harry could not help but smile as he connected what he felt with his fingers to what he remembered of his friends' face. His other two friends, being guys, did not react outwardly, but instead limited themselves to their usual encouragements.

    In all, if Harry hadn't had his friends to support him, he is certain that he would have slipped to rather dark place, mentally. As it were, he slowly managed to deal, and his blindness became yesterday's news to everyone as life at Hogwarts returned to normal.

    Or, as close to normal as can be, anyway. A student discovered a House Elf, petrified in much the same way the Malfoy heir had been, and immediately reported it. Professor Malfoy recognized the Elf as his own. Now the rumor among the students was that the Heir was somehow displeased with the Malfoy family and was striking out at them. That made little sense to Harry, who knew full well that professor Malfoy and his wife were in perfect health and would have been much more preferred targets if that were true.

    A few months after the house elf was found, another student was petrified. A first year, Luna Lovegood. Harry had only seen her very briefly along the halls. There was very little sense in the Heir's victims, if he were indeed the perpetrator.

    Harry did not much care about the rumors, or even the now frantic state of the castle and the Ministry threats of closing it down. He was working, as hard as he ever had, to overcome the drawbacks of his blindness. He could now, with the rest of his senses, get a sense of placement. Not exactly visualization, per se, but a sense of knowledge of what existed around him. The spells to achieve that were hard, and he had the constant support of Madame Pomfrey and several experts from Snt Mungo's. He could not describe his enhanced sense in a satisfactory way. It was one of those things that one had to feel to understand. One of the experts, a Healer Murphy, was an ex-Auror who had been hit with a Dark Curse and lost his vision. She had decided to turn to Healing, since her Auror career was effectively over. She was a huge help in Harry's coping process.

    His dream of power, and independence, did not look so faraway, any more. He could now go anywhere, and do almost anything that he could before, without help from his friends. He could avoid crashing into people as he walked, and did not need help on the stairs any longer.

    He was beginning to forget what colors were like. Visualizing certain things was becoming harder than he remembered. He had to touch things more and more to remember their form. Vision was slowly leaving him, even in his memory. Had he really spent most of his life with the ability to see? It seemed strange.

    Nowadays, he had done away with his glasses, and his eyes were always closed.

    In a surprising turn of events that Harry could describe as nothing but 'Coup', he and his friends bore terrifying witness to the Minister and professor Malfoy all but sacking the Headmaster, and shipping the groundskeeper, Hagrid, to Azkaban.

    Having learned of the history behind Hagrid's expulsion and wanting to figure out whether he truly knew what the monster was, Harry and his friends ventured into the Forbidden Forest, following the trail they often saw Hagrid take and knowing of the man's fascination with dangerous beasts.

    Harry was told by his friends that vision inside the forest was all but gone, but it was all the same to him. Where they were now blind, his ears picked up everything around them, and his magical placement sense was going haywire.

    In hindsight, going into the forest like that was a terrible idea. An acromantula forced them to split up, and Harry with Daphne ended up running for their lives, having lost all sense of direction.

    Suddenly, Harry could not hear the scittering of the Acromantula behind them. Next to him, Daphne had stilled.

    "Daphne?" He called.

    "Harry, there's something in front of us."

    "Is it dangerous?"

    "I ... I don't know."

    Harry figured that if whatever it was had been dangerous, they wouldn't be talking about it. He could not hear, whatever it was, but he could feel a presence in front of them. Ever since he lost his vision, he'd began to feel slightly more attuned to magic. He could tell a magical painting from a normal one. He beginning to be able to sense magic.

    The sense he got from the thing in front of him was ... contradictory? It felt very innocent, but at the same time aggressive, territorial.

    He slowly reached a hand out. A snout met him halfway.

    "It's a unicorn." Harry breathed in relief.

    Many fairy tales went around about unicorns. The first myth that got dispelled when anyone looked them up was that the unicorns were aggressive against males and friendly towards females. For that matter, the virginity thing was a myth, too. Unicorns were innocent by nature, true. What they could do, was sense morality. They were the stereotypical anti-dark creatures because they were aggresive against hostile, malicious creatures and friendly with innocent, happy, or simply good creatures.

    That it had not bore them with his horn was proof enough that he liked them. Harry and Daphne placed a hand on the creature's side and allowed it to lead them to safety.

    As it did, Harry heard the unicorn's voice inside his mind. He used the word voice, but it wasn't sound like human voice. It was more akin to a series of understandings, of images and facts that he knew came from his new friend. For example, he was informed that Blaise and Theodore were outside the forest by now, though Blaise had a broken leg, courtesy of a rather nasty trip.

    The creature haunting Hogwarts was a Basilisk, he suddenly knew, the king of serpents. Harry was suddenly reminded that he could speak to snakes, but that had never come up before now. Suddenly, the weird whisperings that he'd been hearing along the halls made more sense.

    He and his friends scramble against the clock to discover the entrance to the Chamber, with Professor Malfoy nowhere to be found and the heads of houses deep in discussion that none of them could interrupt.

    Through a series of lucky breaks, the three of them (Blaise being confined to the Hospital Wing) find the entrance and go in. Unfortunately, Harry is separated from his friends when Daphne is knocked unconscious by a falling stone and Theodore stays behind to take care of her. Being the most suited to proceed to the dark caves and with the ability to open the doors, Harry enteres the Chamber of Secrets.

    Revelation after revelation ensues. The Heir is none other than Lord Voldemort, acting through a magical diary. Said diary is in the nearly lifeless hands of one Terry Boot, second year Ravenclaw. Tom Riddle explains how poor Terry retrieved the diary from a bathroom, where its previous owner had thrown it, and proceeded to finish her work.

    After their argument, Harry hears Riddle unleash the Basilisk. He does not lower his head in fear. The Basilisk's deadly gaze has no effect on him, as he suddenly thanks his blindess for.

    He does, however, run like the deadliest snake in the world is after him. Which it is.

    Every little bit of progress that Harry had made in regards to his blindness was suddenly priceless. He could run without tripping, weave between columns without crashing, and duck to avoid the snake's tail without seeing it.

    Any spell he tried had no effect on the beast. What magic could he know that could hurt it? nothing, that's what. Magic would not aid him.

    At least, not directly.

    Managing to outrun the Basilisk after having lost it in a series of tunnels, Harry ran back to the entrance. The Basilisk was hot on his heals when he reached the part where Daphne had been hurt. Thankfully, Theodore had taken her out of there.

    The only really damaging spell he knew, the Bombarda, came really handy here. He slammed as many of it on the roof as he could. The fact that a rock had dropped had to mean that it was unstable, right?

    As the Basilisk rushed at him and screeched, Harry was thankful that he could not see what must no doubt be a terrifying sight. Just in time, the roof gave, slamming what must have been tonnes of rock on the Basilisk. Taking an adjacent tunnel, Harry returned to the Chamber.

    There, Riddle spat and seethed ineffectually. Harry ignored the transparent ghost, pocketed the Diary, shouldered the unconscious Terry, and headed out. As he left, Riddle vanished, no doubt back into the Diary. Harry could feel Terry's breath weaking, and tried to go as fast as he could.

    With a lot of trouble and many floating spells, he managed to bring Terry outside the staff room.

    After five minutes of insistent knocking and equally insistent ignoring of the teachers telling him to go away, someone opened.

    Professor Mcgonagall opened, looking livid and about to tear his head off, before she froze. He made for quite a sight, no doubt, with his clothes torn and full of dust and mud, Terry slung over his back and diary clutched in a deathly grip.

    It took half an hour until he explained what happened. WHen he did, professor Snape immediately grabbed the diary and rushed off the room, to destroy it. Five minutes later, some color returned to Terrys cheeks and he breathed easier, no doubt the result of the professor's success.

    That night, Harry went to an exhausted sleep on the hospital wing, ironically next to his also hospitalized friends.

    The next day, professor DUmbledore's reinstatement, professor Malfoy's removal and the groundskeeper's release were all announced. The mandrakes were almost ready to heal the petrified people, and the Chamber was closed for good.

    Most importantly, Harry had proven to himself that even though he was now blind, his dreams of power were not unreachable.

    tl;dr: 5,3,5, 4, 6, 4, 3, 3, 6
  17. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    Xandrel, I hope you're not out of ideas yet, because all seven years need to happen. This will make an awesome crackfic by the end. Or seventeen, if more people start writing.

    Harry Potter

    Your name is Harry Potter. You're not going to waste anyone's time by telling them about your crappy home life, you'll jump straight to the interesting parts.

    On your eleventh birthday you receive a letter inviting you to come study magic at some place called Hogwarts. Magic? It certainly explains a lot.

    Now, you've seen some weird stuff in your short life, (how many kids can teleport, or turn someone's hair blue?) but the man who delivers your letter still stands out. He's the largest man you've ever seen and when you live with Vernon Dursley, that's saying something.

    The giant, Hagrid, (turns out he's a rather nice guy) takes you to Diagon Alley for your magic shopping - if this place is normal for wizards, you wonder what they consider strange.

    You meet some bloke named McClogger in Fortescue's ice cream shop. Is it McClogger though, or McLagger? You're not sure. It's hard to understand what he's saying with a mouth full of ice cream.

    Hagrid tells you to go to Ollivander's on your own. You meet up later and he presents you with a rat the size of a kitten. You have mixed feelings about a pet rat, but you decide not to trade it for an owl just yet. You don't want to hurt Hagrid's feelings. For someone who looks like he could crush your skull with one hand, he's uncommonly gentle.

    The train ride is an interesting experience. That Daphne girl is as arrogant as any rich kid, but she wears it like a badge. You like her confidence. That chance meeting convinces you to let the Sorting Hat put you in Slytherin. After all, it can't be as bad as Hagrid described it. Slytherins probably just play it up as a joke or something, right?


    Okay, so maybe Slytherin has a slightly higher concentration of assholes than other Houses, but you don't mind. It builds character. Plus, Snape isn't openly hostile towards you. You have a feeling that things in Potions would be very different if you weren't in Slytherin.

    Everyone flips their shit when a Dark Mark shows up over the castle on Halloween - everyone but Slytherins, that is. Malfoy struts around the school with the air of someone who knows something that other people don't. He must have learned the Dark Mark Conjuring Spell from his father. You're pretty sure that Dumbledore knows who's behind it, but for whatever reason doesn't reveal it. Eventually the uproar dies down, although some of the younger Gryffindors start traversing the halls in groups, apparently expecting to be attacked at any moment. You find it amusing.

    The investigation you launch during Christmas fails to produce any results. You have no idea who or why gave you a Time-Turner, but you're not complaining. The ability to be in two places at once awakens the prankster in you and unlocks an ambition you didn't know you had. It must have something to do with what you see in the Mirror or Erised later. One look at the reflection and suddenly your fame isn't something irritating anymore. Now you want it to grow.

    End of the year is certainly interesting. Dragons, mandrakes, rain of molten rock, a basilisk and on top all that, Voldemort and his Death Eater buddies. Thank Merlin you have the Time-Turner!

    Time turns out to be a powerful weapon. By the end you have no idea if you're the original Harry anymore - the important thing is that you managed to get rid of most of the Death Eaters. The dragons ate a few, one tripped and couldn't get out of range of the lava rain within the safe interval, two had their heads exploded by a company of mandrakes and the basilisk turned several into statues. The rest fled.

    You got to the Stone before the resurrection ritual could be completed, so Voldemort is still a ghost for now. It's a shame the Stone had to be destroyed. You wouldn't mind some more gold in you vault. And immortality could come in handy too.

    Hey, all is not lost. Maybe Voldemort can give you some pointers the next time you meet. When he's not busy trying to murder you, that is.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
  18. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Republic, I'm wondering to myself at this point.

    Why is it that you are not turning this into a full fic, son?
  19. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    I plan to just unite all 7 years and post it as is.

    Writing it into a serious story would take wordcount and dedication that I just can't give, atm. So it will have to remain in summary form.
  20. Genghiz Khan

    Genghiz Khan Headmaster

    Mar 21, 2011
    Here's me praying you get the best dies rolls for it to work out for the fic.