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Roll your Harry Potter Adventure!

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Andrela, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    *looks at notes for Year 4*

    Ha ha ha, HA HA HA HA!
  2. Jeram

    Jeram Elder of Zion ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 27, 2006
    High Score:

    You had two roll fives for year three. Screwed up my rolls because I did 7, should've been 8!

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 PM ----------

    Roll your Harry Potter adventure! - Year 2 Edition

    Harry's year begins with a bang -- an accidental one. Oliver Wood and Katie Bell happened to be invisibly hooking up in a nearby park (it's exciting to do it around Muggles especially when they don't know you're there) when they overhear something odd; a kid bragging about how "Harry the freak" got locked up because his parents said so.

    Something about this seems familiar to Katie, so she and a reluctant Wood investigate -- to their horror, they find Harry malnourished and sad inside his own room. As proud Gryffindors, they have to save Harry, even if he is a Ravenclaw.

    Of course, as Harry never played Quidditch on the Ravenclaw team, he doesn't entirely recognize the two Gryffindors, but he's all too happy to be rescued. Listening to Oliver wax rhapsodic on Quidditch and Katie that's he should try out, it's settled! He had enjoyed his flying lesson in year one, and he certainly enjoyed watching the games.

    But things are a bit tense at Hogwarts with the new Defense teacher, Dolores Umbridge, a horrid woman with an inexplicable hatred for Dumbledore. She constantly tries to undermine the Headmaster's authority, and is known for giving attention to anyone that says a good word about him. Harry is unfortunately the focus of her attentions, as she is constantly trying to get him to come out publicly against Dumbledore.

    Harry demurs and tells the Professor he's far more interested in trying out for the team.

    Naturally, his talent gives him the Seeker position over everyone else, including the current Seeker, who isn't too happy about being replaced. The only one that came close to Harry was a girl a year above named Cho Chang, who seems nice and also quite pretty.

    Parvati is happy for Harry, despite him being on another House's team, but Padma thinks sports are stupid (a minority opinion even in Ravenclaw). Daphne secretly wishes Harry luck to defeat Malfoy, who was made Seeker too, because she hates him passionately, although can't admit that publicly.

    But there's a scare at Halloween, when Filch's beloved horrible cat Mrs. Norris gets petrified. It's weird and scary, but most people think it's a prank. Umbridge claims it's nonsense and more work of Dumbledore to trick people into thinking he's needed for protection.

    Harry for his part tries to avoid the politics, just using his Time Turner to study, sleep, and train for Quidditch. He is becoming quite the star athlete and pretty great at his classes, except for History, which is boring, and Defense, which is without content. At a game though, Harry gets knocked off his broom by a Charmed Bludger.

    Umbridge is apoplectic, proclaiming loudly that Dumbledore is at fault for allowing such an accident. Harry sighs but pretends not to hear anything. But when the next victim is found, things change.

    Professor Snape is discovered petrified, and Hogwarts becomes filled with terror. Umbridge wants to shut the school down, saying Dumbledore's paranoid attacks have gone too far. Daphne tells Harry that Slytherin is a mess, and duels have gotten out of control.

    Soon enough, a third victim is found, Madame Pince, which the Ravenclaws are seriously sad about. Umbridge brings in the Minister to inspect the premises, but the Aurors find nothing, so Dumbledore is permitted to stay as Headmaster for the time being.

    Harry wants to get away from it all, so he flees into the Forest for some time alone. He stumbles across a herd of beautiful Unicorns with their young; they seem angry to see him at first. But Harry shows that's he's no threat, and eventually the unicorns (cautiously at first) let him pet them. Then they begin to like him, and Harry goes back a few times, eventually bringing along Daphne and the Patils, who are very happy (especially considering the mess at Hogwarts).

    Then a message is displayed in blood: "HE LIVES FOR NOT MUCH LONGER, AND THE TRUE PUREBLOOD WILL RISE AGAIN". Nobody knows what it means, but Umbridge decides enough's enough and she heads off to find what Dumbledore's hiding with a group of Aurors. Harry sees them pass by the halls and secretly follows. Unfortunately they are ambushed and petrified by a giant basilisk, and Harry (terrified) hides until it vanishes into the girl's washroom.

    Harry discovers the secret entrance and walks down to find a comatose Zacharias Smith, a Hufflepuff he doesn't really know well. The spectre of Tom Riddle seems surprised to see Harry, but he's a bit pleased. "Wondered if anyone would find me before it was too late," he says. "I'm glad it's you, Harry. I've been meaning to meet you."

    Harry wonders why, but Tom tells him to pick up a diary fallen on the floor. When Harry reaches for it, he accidentally puts his hand through and suddenly, they are mentally linked. Harry gains the memories of a brilliant Slytherin murderer and Tom sees all of Harry's time traveling in one second.

    Riddle gets his bearings back first. "Harry," he says. "I think we shouldn't be working at odds." He gestures at Smith. "You don't really care about him, do you?"

    "I don't really know him," Harry admits. "But that doesn't mean you should kill him." For he already knows everything Tom did at this point.

    Tom's eyes narrow. "You can't stop me." And he tries to overwhelm Harry in his mind -- and the battle of wills begins.

    It is a brief but passionate war, but in the end Harry pushes the not-quite-real Riddle back into the diary. Smith recovers almost instantly. Harry picks up the diary and wonders if Riddle actually made any other Horcruxes as an adult like he had wanted. He writes in the diary, "See you soon!" and gets a furious burst of hatred.

    It makes Harry smile, and for a moment, his eyes glint red.

  3. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Dammit! Sorry, fixed it.
  4. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    You had BETTER not make it impossible for me to hook him up with Fleur.
  5. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I have the year 4 edition already written, actually.
  6. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Got some pretty awesome rolls for Year 3. Stand by.
  7. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Red haired avatar, standing by.
  8. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    YEAR 3

    Harry's summer went, in many ways, better than last year's. The Dursleys, partly out of fear of another 'attack' by mr Greengrass, and partly out of newfound sense of pity for his condition, had left him mostly alone. They'd even signed his permission slip without argument.

    Hell, Dudley seemed to be taking Harry's blindness harder than Harry himself. Maybe something in his disability woke some sense of kinship in his cousin, because Dudley put a lot of effort into trying to be civil, if not outright nice, to Harry. Which was weird, because Dudley had no idea how to be nice and the results were oftentimes disastrous and/or hilarious.

    Still, it was the sentiment that counted, and Harry appreciated it. When Harry showed Dudley his stash of Lemon Drops and allowed him to taste one, he could not order more fast enough for the big boy's liking.

    The sad part was that, since he was not at Hogwarts and could not use magic, all his magic-born aid was gone. His other senses were still heightened, but not as much as with the aid of spells. He had to get a cane-a cane!- to walk safely on the streets.

    Blindness came with some perks, Harry guessed. He was well aware of the smear campaign his aunt and uncle had ran him through for years, and knew of his reputation with the neighbors. However, who would hate a cripple like him?

    On the plus side, he must have been the only blind man on earth with a cat as his guide, rather than a dog. Rufus would walk next to him on the sidewalk and nudge him in certain directions, which Harry would follow. he really was a smart cat.

    Seeing him walk slowly on the street with his cane and his cute cat garnered him several sympathetic comments, a few conversations, and even a few apologies. For the first time, people his age, boys and girls he'd gone to primary school with, had come to him to talk. At first, it was simply to ask him what had happened, to which he'd given some bullshit excuse that he'd been cautioned to give by Healer Murphy. After that, though, and seeing no reprisal from Dudley, they came to him to simply hang out.

    Harry's (revised) stories of his new school were a hit with his new friends. Though he did not consider them anywhere close enough as his three friends from Hogwarts, it was nice to pass a good summer. They would go on long walks, drink various caffeinated drinks, visit London, etc. Harry had his first romantic experience that summer, when a girl called Maggie kissed him one night in a park, much to the amusement and cat-calls of the others. Harry let her, because Maggie was a decent girl, even though he didn't really feel anything for her. It changed little in their dynamic. Simply, they walked with hands clasped and when everyone was seated they would occasional sit really close or even kiss. It was a good time, and Harry didn't give it much thought. Both knew he would be leaving and not come back until next summer, and neither had any allusions that would be together during the year. As Maggie had said, they would "see what happen next summer".

    He was in constant contact with his magical friends, of course. Though he politely declined Daphne's invitation to spend the summer wit her, he did agree to visit often. He did, too, with mr Greengrass picking him up.

    His peaceful and fun summer was blasted to bits, however, when that she-devil, aunt Marge, had visited. Though uncle Vernon had mellowed out due to his blindness, it seemed to have the opposite effect on her. She would go on constant rants regarding his poor lineage, blame everything on his parents and, as she got more and more drunk, call them progressively worse names.

    It took all of Harry's self control not to blast her with accidental magic. And in the end, when his control snapped, he still retained enough of it not to blast her. He did the next best thing, and blew her up.

    Literally. As in, she expanded to the size of a balloon and floated away. That seemed to be enough to make his uncle forget that he was to be pitied, apparently, because he went in a rage and demanded that he bring her down.

    Harry did no such thing. Instead, he gathered his things, took Rufus and his cane, and simply left Privet Drive.

    He hailed the Knight Buss after a nearly disastrous encounter with a stray dog that had Rufus hissing up a storm. Without thinking, he decided to go to Hogsmeade. He would not impose on the Greengrasses again. He had his own money, and he preferred Hogsmeade to the Leaky Cauldron.

    When he arrived, a man was waiting for him outside the Three Broomsticks, where he planned to rent a room. He was guided up and into the best room available, a huge, luxurious room that had seen lots and lots of magic to make it that way. Most blessedly of all, a huge bowl of top-notch Lemon Drops rested on the living room table.

    There, waiting for him, was none other than the Minister for Magic. He was informed by the esteemed Minister that he was accused of performing magic in front of no less that 4 muggles, with several neighbors having witnessed the results.

    When Harry asked what his reprisal would be, the Minister laughed at his face. He waved off his concerns, saying that he would not be punished for a simple account of accidental magic. It would, however, go on record, and he should be careful because he was getting too old to lose control like that.

    Harry accepted everything the man said, sagging in relief. Before he left, the Minister informed him that he was welcome to stay in that room, at the Ministry's expense. He called it an early birthday present. Harry silently called it buttering up, but happily accepted.

    The rest of the summer passed in a blast. Though he was missing his muggle friends, his arrangement in Hogsmeade meant he could get someone to redo his charms and invite his friends over whenever he wanted.

    On Theodore's suggestion, he kept the cane, though he had it transfigured to something a little more stylish. He didn't exactly need it, but it helped, and people said it added style.

    His birthday came and passed and it was awesome, despite the increased paranoia regarding that escaped mass murderer. He received a dishwasher from the Dursley's, which was in no way useful to him but he sent back a thank-you note, knowing that it was the first ever expensive gift his relatives had ever given him. Daphne had, once again, given him the old peck-and-run tactic, though this time she aimed for his mouth. Harry accepted the quick peck and watched her bolt with amusement. His recent experiences had given him enough knowledge to see that Daphne liked him. Her kiss was proof enough. He decided to let her walk on her own pace. If she wanted to get together, he would not refuse, but he wasn't really sure if he felt that way for her, so he would not make the first move.

    September the first arrived, the train ride was a blast, and the new Defense Professor was announced at the start of the feast.

    What was it with professor Dumbledore and hiring ex-Death Eaters?

    Granted, this one was now a licensed ministry employee. Walden McNair. Harry had no idea of the politics or political pressure that led to his hiring, but assumed that it must have been notable, if the Headmaster had allowed it to happen.

    For his electives, Harry went with Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. They were the subjects that tied closer to his goals, and the ones that interested him the most.

    Professor McNair was on the low-end of decent regarding his teaching ability. He seemed to know some things and could follow a teacher's-planner well enough, but had little to no patience and his sharp, sometimes even outright rude attitude put-off many of the students.

    It was soon announced that Dementors would be guarding the castle. Harry shared everyone's apprehension, though he did not partake of the panic. His time was taken either by studying, of which he did a lot, or by his friends, and Daphne in particular. The girl had gathered her courage and asked him to Hogsmeade on a date, to which Harry happily agreed. They had good fun, though this new aspect of their relationship seemed to make everything more awkward at first.

    That is, until he fainted one day on the grounds, when a Dementor came within a hundred meters of where he and his friends were lounging.

    He immediately went to professor McNair, the DADA teacher, and asked to be given hints on the Patronus Charm. The professor laughed for a full minute, loudly and in darking bursts.

    He explained that the Patronus Charm was a highly advanced spell, well outside of Harry's ability, and sent him on his way.

    Harry looked it up further, learned everything that he could about it from books, then went back to the professor and presented him with the white mist he could produce.

    He must have impressed him, because the man agreed to show him to complete the spell.

    Or maybe he meant to torture him, because the man's idea of teaching consisted of taking Harry out to the grounds, near Hagrid's hut, and have an actual Dementor approach him. Harry lost count of how many times he fainted.

    Professor Snape had demanded to be present in all such tutoring sessions. Harry appreciated it, though he could not exactly understand why.

    In the end, several weeks later, it was the memory of his realization in the hospital wing, last year, that he was not helpless and that his goals were still possible, that allowed him to create Rufus' heavenly likeness and banish the Dementor advancing on him.

    Halloween arrived, and just as Harry expected, brought disaster with it.

    All the students were ordered to go to their dormitories and were shepherded there by the Prefects while all the teachers gathered and went to do something. Harry felt the Headmaster's presence, even all the way across the great hall. He was radiating power, and undeniable fury. Harry felt fear coursing through him. Dumbledore was a monster. A moral, grandfatherly monster, but a monster nonetheless. He could wipe out cities with a swipe of his wand if he felt like it, but he spent his years teaching students. The magnitude of Dumbledore's presence hit Harry with all the force of a bludger to the head, that Halloween.

    The students were not informed of what was happening while they stayed huddled in the Common Rooms. The castle would shake, occasionally, a scary event in itself, and they could hear faint booms reach as far down as the dungeons.

    The next day, the truth arrived via the Daily Prophet.


    Apparently, professor McNair had attempted to circumvent the wards of Hogwarts from the inside and allow several squads of resurfaced Death Eaters to infiltrate for a surprise attack, the goal of which no one knew. Thankfully, Dumbledore's wards were not fooled, and the alarm was sounded. Dumbledore himself had incapacitated half the Death Eater's before the Ministry Auror's arrived.

    Scary stuff. And was that really organized by his parents' betrayer? Sirius Black was not among those captured, but he was widely blamed by the Ministry as the instigator of this attack.

    In the wake of the attack, Hogsmeade visits were cancelled, which put an effective halt to his budding relationship with Daphne.

    Professor Remus Lupin was brought in to replace the, now in Azkaban, former professor McNair. Professor Lupin, Harry could tell safely, was a much, much better teacher. He was firm, but knew how to work with children and had a wicked sense of humor that inspired everyone to work with him. He was a great teacher.

    Curiously, a mail arrived to him one day, anonymously. Could it be more Collector's Edition Lemon Drops from his mysterious benefactor?

    As it turned out, it was something only slightly less amazing than that. It was a magical map of the entire castle that showed where everyone was at any given moment. Harry had heard the Weasley Twins bemoaning the fact that Professor Lupin had confiscated exactly such an item from them, a few days ago. Could they be one and the same?

    Regardless, as soon as he found a way to read the map (he charmed it so that it would reply to voice commands and give him to location of anyone he asked, or emit a 'ping' sound whenever people of a specific list approached), the map was an invaluable tool.

    The note that came with it was curious. " It is your rightful heritage", it read. Whatever could it mean?

    One day, he was dragged by Daphne to one of her Care of Magical Creatures classes, insisting that professor Hagrid had something special to show.

    That was an understatement.

    Easily as tall as an adult man and with a wing-span wider than Hagrid's hut, Norbert the Dragon was a fearsome sight.

    Dragon handlers were literally everywhere as professor Hagrid proceeded merrily with his class as if he hadn't brought a creature so dangerous as to merit its own classification in a class full of thirteen year olds.

    Despite the craziness of the professor, Harry had to admit that Hagrid knew his dragons and that Norbert was nothing if not pleasant, if one got through the whole 'giant winged serpent of fire and death' part.

    Near the end of the year, events spiraled out of control as they were wont to do every year on this period. Harry and his three friends were involved in a complicated turn of events that ousted professor Lupin as a Werewolf, Sirius Black as innocent and Peter Pettigrew as alive and well.

    The four of them were enough to convince professor Snape who suddenly burst into the scene, to hear what professor Lupin had to say. The Slytherin Head of House confirmed that Peter was alive and that he was the traitor. Unfortunatey, professor Lupin's transformation was enough to allow the vile man to escape.

    Regardless, professor Snape's account was enough to see Sirius' name cleared, and a manhunt to be begin against Peter Pettigrew. Said rat animagus was now heaped with the blame for the Halloween attack, though Harry, his friends, and the professors knew that that was impossible as Peter had been a rat all his time at Hogwarts.

    Regardless of the rat's escape, however, Harry suddenly had a godfather. Now a free man, the ex-convict awkwardly offered Harry a place to stay for him and Rufus, if they so wished to join him.

    Harry was not sure if he wanted to leave Privet Drive just yet-where things were looking up-, but he now had a link to his parents that he never had before, and a new person vying for a spot in his life and promising him endless amounts of Lemon Drops if he allowed it.

    Things ought to get more interesting.

    tl;dr: 2,1, 6, 2, 4, 1, 6, 4

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:13 AM ----------

    Last edited: Oct 26, 2014
  9. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Entertained? That'd be an understatement, sir.

    You've managed to find clever ways out of the roadblocks I've placed before you, like having a Death Eater as a teacher and having Harry not taking magical creatures as his electives.

    I'm impressed that you decided to make Harry stay blind, one would think Dobby would return his sight after the whole chamber mess was over. But I like it, it makes this more original that it would have otherwise been.

    I cannot await further installments!

    In other words:

  10. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Dobby is still under the ownership of the Malfoys, and you can be certain that Lucius keeps Dobby on a tight lease, after finding him petrified on Hogwarts of all places.
  11. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    Year 1:
    Looking back at it, Harry realizes his story really began that fateful day when they received an odd letter in the mail. He remembers the events quite vividly for two reasons: 1) It was the first time anyone had written to him and 2) His aunt and uncle turned ashen at the sight of it. The memory of their fear-stricken state still brings a smirk to his face.

    Unfortunately, they burn it before he gets a chance to read its contents. Harry sighs as he watches his potential (black)mail turn to ash, before returning dutifully to his chores. No use crying over spilled milk, as the saying goes. He’d just have to make a copy for himself before he gave them anything next time.

    The next few days see an increase in the number of owls around their neighborhood and, despite his uncle’s best efforts, Harry manages to get his hands on a letter while on a grocery run for his aunt. At first, he thinks this Hogwarts thing must be a joke. There’s no such thing as magic, after all, but if it can provoke a reaction from his guardians he might as well keep a copy for himself. He hides the letter and doesn’t reply. The owls don’t stop coming and Vernon takes up bird shooting as a hobby. He isn’t very good at it.

    One Wednesday afternoon, there is an incessant rapping on the door. Harry goes to open it, thinking its Mrs. Figg, the neighborhood’s crazy cat lady. She came a few days prior asking if Vernon had any luck with the owls. Harry thinks she wants to feed the dead to her cats.

    Aunt Petunia beats him to it surprisingly. Harry peaks through the glass behind his aunt and sees a woman sporting the oddest fashion sense. She’s wearing all black, despite the unbearable summer heat. Black hat, black robes and black shoes. Harry entertains the thought that she’s one of those “Goths” Petunia rants about.

    Angry words escape her and Petunia is chastised and even paler than before. It is Harry’s second smirk-inducing memory in how many days. He catches a few words at the end of the Berating of Petunia Dursley by Goth-Girl – “…damaging Hogwarts property!”

    Hogwarts – it sparks his memory about the prank letter, and Harry pops out from behind his statuesque aunt to regard Goth-Girl. “So you were the one sending those letters!” Harry says, pointing accusingly at Goth-Girl. “Could you please stop? Uncle’s dangerous enough without his gun, thank you very much.”

    A puzzled brow rises to greet his statement and Goth-Girl barges into the house, demanding to see his living quarters. Harry shows her without hesitation. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that.

    It turns out to be a great idea, as the cupboard bedroom simultaneously garners him sympathy from Goth-Girl and causes a twenty five minute long lecture directed toward Petunia. Harry adds in quips and comments throughout it, anything he thinks might add fuel to the fire. One particular comment makes the stern woman draw a stick from her robes and wave it around threateningly. Petunia cows. Harry asks what the stick is for and the woman – McGonagall – explains magic to him. Harry is skeptical about such an esoteric art, but concedes when Goth-Girl turns his bed into a tiger.

    Goth-Girl looks at the time and says they have to get going to Diagon Alley for some shopping. The tiger remains for the rest of the day, stalking Petunia to remind her to treat her cousin well from now on. Things are looking up for Harry!

    As they enter Diagon Alley, Harry realizes Goth-Girl isn’t a Goth. Black is just the norm for wizards and witches to wear. Got-McGonagall, brings Harry to the bank (run by these snarky, green midgets called goblins). He finds out he has gold – a hefty amount – and a million ideas begin to stir in his mind.

    “This should be enough for the year, Mr. Potter,” McGonagall says, placing little gold coins into a bag their Goblin provided. Harry protests, but McGonagall is adamant. “This money must last you until your seventh year, Mr. Potter. Practicing thrift would be prudent.”

    “Yes, Professor,” Harry replies, shooting his beautiful, beautiful money a longing look. He pretends to trip on the way out and grab a few fistfuls of Galleons to stuff his pocket with – just to be on the safe side. The Professor is none the wiser.

    Every few stores, Harry stops to stare at something interesting. Flying brooms? Amazing! Those pictures are moving! Wow, wizards can teleport!

    The walk to Ollivander’s, normally a two minute endeavor, becomes a twenty minute one with a stop made at every other store. In the crowd, McGonagall spots Cedric Diggory. He is respectful, honest and most of all, quiet. Things young Harry should emulate. Pulling a bit of weight around, she recruits the Hufflepuff to watch over her charge while she finishes purchasing his materials.

    “Hello there, I’m Cedric Diggory, 3rd year Hufflepuff,” he introduces with a charming smile and a hand.

    “Harry Potter,” Harry answers, shaking his outstretched appendage. Cedric’s eyes widen and he is awed, for a moment. He takes great delight in helping the boy-who-lived understand his fame, Hogwarts, the House System and Quidditch.

    It comes as a shock to Harry that he’s famous, but it does explain the not-so-subtle glances the folks at the Leaky Cauldron were throwing at his scar. Looking around, Harry spots a Pet Emporium and decides to make good use of his time. Cedric follows along to help him pick a pet.

    Not an owl, Harry thinks remembering his uncle’s newly-purchased, hunting rifle. Not a cat, Harry thinks remembering crazy Mrs. Figgs. In the end, it’s a tossup between a toad and a rat. The rat wins by virtue of possibly annoying Aunt Petunia more. He slips the attendant a gold coin and waits for his change in silver and bronze.

    Harry and Cedric return to their spot and await the return of Professor McGonagall. Purchases are passed to Harry and McGonagall leads Harry back to his house. His summer passes remarkably fast and soon it is September 1st. Harry finds himself aboard the Hogwarts Express (only an idiot could misinterpret Cedric’s step-by-step instructions), comfortably seated with the still unnamed pet rat in a cage.

    The train jerks forward, beginning the journey to Hogwarts, when the compartment door slides open. A dark-skinned boy asks if he can stay, and Harry nods in assent. Blaise Zabini was a pureblood of Italian descent was a well of information for the curious Harry Potter. Apparently, Harry himself was called a “half-blood”, even if both his parents were magicals. The whole concept escapes Harry, but he figures he’ll pick it up during his nine month foray into the magical world. If not…well, he’d just keep Blaise around to tell him the answers.

    Their chat, lasting the entirety of the trip, is punctuated by several interruptions. The first is in the form of a bushy-haired girl (Hermione) and a pudgy boy (Neville) looking for a toad. He finds Hermione bossy and Neville shy, but it never hurt to be civil. They leave as he promises to hand over any marauding pets he comes across. Blaise’s many friends also visit. It turns out he’s quite the social butterfly, always looking to make new friends.

    From their boat side view, Hogwarts looks amazing and magical, as the moon’s silver rays illuminate its outline. McGonagall – still wearing Black, Harry notes - greets them outside the Great Hall, explaining the Sorting and the Hogwarts Houses. Harry doesn’t particularly care for any of them. What will be, will be.

    “SLYTHERIN!” the hat screams and the students in green cheer louder than they had for the students before. “Great things await, Mr. Potter,” the hat whispers just as he takes it off and joins his House for dinner.

    To his delight, Blaise joins soon enough. Blaise seems to know anyone and everyone in the House, but introduces him to his closer friends - Theodore, Daphne and Tracie. They seem like a friendly bunch to Harry. More than a few people come up to him to introduce themselves – not all of them First Years. Apparently, being the boy-who-lived has its perks and Harry struggles to recall everyone’s names. Huh, guess he’d really have to keep Blaise around then.

    Among the introducers is Draco Malfoy, a stiff blonde that goes about the whole thing far too formally. Harry accepts because it can’t really hurt to have one more person on your side, can it?

    Classes begin and Harry takes to exploring the castle with his new friends. Occasionally, he’ll choose to go about it on his own and meet some people along the way. Being in Slytherin has only slightly diminished people’s fascination with the boy-who-lived. By the end of the first month, Harry has as many friends as Blaise – probably more – and he tries to make a little time for everyone, but prefers to stick with Blaise.

    Popular like he’s never been before, Harry feels good about himself. Things are definitely looking up!
    It lasts until Halloween.

    “AHHH!” Daphne’s high-pitched scream alerts Harry to the danger. He and Blaise run to her, and find a clammy old man grappling with the blonde.

    “Oy! Leave her alone!” Blaise yells just as he tackles the man. As the two grapple in the castle’s stony hallway, Harry whips his wand out and sends a spell into the man. Harry frowns as Petrificus Totalus hits and does nothing at all.

    Taking a page from Dudley, Harry walks up to the man and slugs him as hard as he can. This manages to knock the man away from Blaise. ”Use fire!” Blaise screams out frantically, eyes wide and pulse rapid. “He’s a corpse!”

    Incendio!” The man backs away from the magically conjured flames and they make it to the Common Rooms without further incident.

    Snape takes time to announce the new danger within the castle. “Fire is the most effective way to deal with these corpses,” Snape tells them. “Not to worry, Inferi aren’t dangerous unless in large numbers.”

    The next few days, Harry gets to practice Incendio several dozen times. He also learns a very important life lesson: “If in doubt, use Fire. If that doesn’t work, use more Fire.”

    Harry wakes up on Christmas morn to a mound of gifts awaiting him. Frankly, he’s a little stunned. Some of them he’s positive aren’t even from students.

    “Of course people give you stuff. You’re the boy-who-lived.” Blaise says over breakfast. “They’re grateful you got rid of the Dark Lord. Plus, having you use their products is practically an endorsement. They can only benefit from being in your good graces.”

    Among his gifts, he receives a pendant with an hour glass in the middle.

    Time, Mr. Potter, is a most valuable commodity – the note next to it says.

    For the first time, Blaise is left unsure of what the device is. Harry spends a good deal of time in the library figuring out the strange device. His increased attendance is noticed by bushy-haired girl, Hermione, he recalls vaguely.

    “Anything I can help you with?” she asks, sounding eager and far less bossy than before. Harry nods and shows her the thing. It’s no secret Hermione was topping all their classes. “Oh, I think I saw this somewhere around here. Give me a moment!” she heads off into the deep, uncharted territories of the library that Harry himself never ventured into.

    She returns a few minutes later with a book about magical devices and points to a page on Time-Turners. All Harry can think of as he reads the passage is: This could be useful.

    “These are Ministry regulated, Harry,” she says with a worried expression. “Maybe we should show a Professor?”

    The likelihood the Professors would take it away is far too high for Harry’s liking and he’s not about to give away an advantage. “We can’t.” Harry shakes his head. “They’ll take it away, and after the Inferi attack last Halloween…well, this could end up saving my life.” Hermione continues to look unsure and Harry senses she’s at the tipping point. “Promise you’ll keep this a secret Hermione.” he says pleadingly, grabbing her arm. “Friends keep secrets for their friends.”

    “Friends?” she perks up, eyes bright. “Do…do you really think of me as your friend?”

    “Of course,” Harry says. She promises to keep his secret. The next few months, Harry spends a few more hours in the week at the library. Hermione turns out to be very helpful in more than one way.

    During one of Harry’s nightly forays, he comes across a Mirror that shows him strange things. He sees a couple, one with messy black hair and spectacles, the other with fiery raid hair and green eyes, waving at him. He feels as if something is tugging at his heartstrings as he places a hand on the Mirror, gazing at the two intently. He should know them, but he doesn’t.

    He returns to the room a second night. And a third. And a fourth.

    On his fifth return, the Mirror is gone and his heart drops in his chest like a piece of him is missing.

    He continues to search for it, employing a pair of red-headed trouble makers who know the Castle better than anyone else. They search, far and wide, high and low, going through each room until only one is left. The Third Floor Corridor – the one Headmaster Dumbledore warned them off at the beginning of the year.

    The night as he leaves to visit this final room in his quest for the Mirror, his pet rat starts squealing noisily, threatening to give him away. Harry growls and stuffs it in his pocket to quiet the beast. Surprisingly, it works.

    He heads his way to the Third Floor where the twins eagerly await him. To be safe, Harry whips out his wand. So do the twins.
    The doors open and a giant, eight-legged spider greets them. Its fangs twitch excitedly as it stalks forward menacingly. Acting on instinct honed by weeks on Inferi-hunting, Harry screams out “Incendio

    Purifying blue flames shoot out of his wand, engulfing the creature. Waves of heat roll over them and the twins avert cover their eyes from the sudden intensity. Harry doesn’t. He looks on, and watches the Acromantula wither and die, until nothing is left but ash and dust.
    “Blimey Potter,” Fred (or is it George?) says, “remind me never to get on your bad side.”

    The three walk over to the trapdoor tentatively. One of the twins lift it open and darkness conceals the room below. Harry lifts his wand and sends out another Incendiary Spell, not particularly willing to risk going in blind again after the Acromantula.

    Blue fire surges downwards and lights up the room, revealing a slimy plant with pulsing red vines. “Looks like Devil’s Snare,” Fred mutters.
    “Devil’s Snare isn’t red,” George answers.

    Devil’s Snare or no, Harry’s fire burns it to a crisp anyway. Plants are plants and they die when fire hits them.

    The next room after that is filled with plants as well, hedges this time. A narrow, twisting walkway cuts through the middle. “Incendio,” Harry goes again. The fire served them well for the past two rooms.

    A horrible shrieking reached them and a burst of wind blasted out from the maze, sending the fire spiraling back towards them. “Shite!” Fred and George scream, ducking for cover, even as Harry hit the floor. A layer of sweat coats his back as the fire passes dangerously close. A few of his hairs may have been singed.

    “Not trying that again,” Harry says, narrowing his eyes determinedly. A fierce rain had begun over the room, drenching the plants and killing what little fire remained.

    The three trudge their way through eventually managing to determine the right path. The twins make liberal use of the Point-Me Charm and Harry decides to learn the spell by next year. Maybe over the summer would be good?

    The next thing barring their entry is a stone chess set, each piece taller than the average man. One of the twins nearly gets skewered trying to get past it and Harry’s fire doesn’t affect them at all. They have no other way through but to play. Harry plays a decent game of chess and the twins offer a pair of extra eyes (and heads) to offer insight in the game. A combination of sharp, tactical play and risky gambits snag them a hefty material advantage when the chess pieces played their trump card. The white knight, one of the last threats, slashed their pawn in half then moved again, before their supporting bishop could counter.

    Harry’s teeth grind against each other and his he feels like strangling the creator of this game – that bloody cheat! Well, two can play at that game. “Fred, George, stand back.” he says, and the twins share a look before reluctantly stepping away from the board. His own piece, a bishop, was on the fourth rank. “Queen to h8,” Harry orders calmly, watching as the enemy Knight moved once, twice, peeling away from his side of the board.

    The way is clear.

    Then he ran like there was no tomorrow. The moment he did, white pieces sprang to life, chasing after him with stone weapons and without hesitation. Harry manages to luckily get over the edge before the closest unit, a pawn, can run him through with a sword.
    “You okay there Harry?” George calls out.

    “Yeah!” Harry answers, giving the chess pieces a wary look. “Wait for me here, I’ll go on ahead!”

    “Right-o,” Fred says with a thumbs up. He pulls out what looks like a map and Harry briefly wonders what it’s for before heading further towards his goal.

    He enters the next chamber, and grins, delighted, when he spots the mirror. Rat pet squirms in his pockets and makes his way out, scurrying into the dark recesses of the room. Harry stands in front of his beloved mirror once more, staring longingly into the face of the two strangers.

    “Ah, Harry Potter. We meet at last.”

    Harry nearly jumps. Instead, he turns around really quickly.

    “I-Professor Quirrell?” Harry asks, a bit stumped. What was the stuttering DADA professor doing here?

    Quirrell laughs, really laughs. This isn’t the nervous chuckle he uses when speaking of vampire or the awkward chortle when he makes a lame joke in class. This laugh is chilling, a hint of malice layered over it.

    “Oh no, Harry, this isn’t Professor Quirrell.” Quirrell-but-apparently-not-Quirrell says. He turns slowly around and Harry comes face to face with a strange, noseless man. “I am Lord Voldemort!”

    Harry steps back instinctively, and finds himself in the arms of a chubby, rat-faced man he’s never seen before. “Ah, Peter, nice of you to join us,” Voldemort says, stepping forward with slow, graceful steps. Peter nods to the Dark Lord solemnly and that is the last thing Harry remembers.

    A few days later, he wakes up to Dumbledore’s kind face. “What-what happened?” He coughs from the dry itch plaguing his throat and gives Dumbledore a grateful look when the man offers a goblet. That gratitude turns to hate as he tastes its contents – some foul-tasting potion.

    Dumbledore merely chuckles at his reaction. “Forgive me, Harry. I fear I’ve endangered your life.”


    “The Mirror it shows you your greatest desires. I should have warned you to stay away, maybe then you would not have been in danger that night. Voldemort was after a magical object powerful enough to restore his body. You managed to stop him, thankfully.”

    Harry frowns at the Headmaster. “Voldemort? But he’s dead!”

    Dumbledore smiles, the twinkle in his eyes not quite there. It’s a heavy, weary smile, but a kind one nonetheless. “Not quite, Harry. Voldemort, he is no longer human enough to die. His followers, like Professor Quirrell last night, will seek to find ways to bring their master back.”

    “What about that other fellow?”

    Dumbledore’s smile reverses. “What other fellow, Harry? We only found Quirinius down there.”
    “Voldemort, he called the man Peter.”

    “Peter?” Dumbledore adjusts his glasses and peers at him. “Are you sure?”
    “I’m positive, sir.” Harry says.

    “Hmm, very well. I must look into this. I will leave you to rest Harry, and bother you no longer with such grim affairs.”

    He turns to walk away, but Harry calls out before he can. “Sir! How,” Harry swallows, his throat continues to choke him, “how did Quirrell die? How did I stop Voldemort?”

    Dumbledore turns to regard him, and smiles brightly. “Love, Mr. Potter.”

    It’s a strange answer, but Harry doesn’t mind. Dumbledore was crazy anyways.

    He also doesn’t mind all the visitors he gets. If anything, he’s even more popular now. As Daphne hugs him later that day, the distinct scent of lemon wafting through the air, Harry finds he doesn’t mind at all.

    In fact, things are definitely looking up once again.

    Letter? McGonagall
    Diagon? Cedric
    Pet? Rat
    Train? Zabini
    Sorting? Slytherin
    Halloween? Inferi
    Christmas? Timeturner
    Mirror? Family alive and well
    Stone? Hard –Acromantula, Mutated Devil’s Snare, Storm in Maze Room, Cheating Murderous Chess, Competent Quirell +Wormtail
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2014
  12. Vulcan

    Vulcan Groundskeeper

    Oct 16, 2014
    Harry Potter - Year 1

    Usually Pomona Sprout was too busy with her greenhouses to take part in the introduction of the new muggleborn students to the Wizardling world. But Minerva was worried that the letters sent to Harry Potter were left unanswered, and Pomona agreed to visit the boy.
    It was a rare occurence when the Herbology teacher wanted nothing but hex somebody black and blue (the last one was when she learned about the fate of poor Alice Longbottom), but listening to these horrid muggles insulting James and Lily Potter in front of their son seriously tested her resolve.
    Perhaps, it's for the best that I agreed to visit Harry. If it was Hagrid, we'll need a squad of Obliviators to clean up the mess.
    Pomona was pleased to see the bad treatment did nothing to quench the boy's natural curiosity. He asked million of questions, and she did their best to answer all of them. The only stumbling point during their journey was meeting young Draco Malfoy at Madame Malkin's. Sadly, his belief that Hufflepuff is inferior House was not uncommon. Pomona did their best to undo the damage by telling Harry about the famous Hufflepuff alumni, including the current head of DMLE, Amelia Bones, but she feared the damage was already done.

    * * *

    Harry tried to grab the toad, but his new pet easily avoided the attempt to grab him and once again ended up perched on Harry's head.
    I wish I had taken the owl instead... Then again, it's not like I have a lot of friends to write to.
    Daphne Greengrass giggled looking at the toad's antics. For a moment her Ice Queen persona disappeared, pleasantly surprising Harry.
    Harry met Daphne when he boarded Hogwarts express and was looking for empty compartment. The girl wasn't gawking at his scar like people in the Leaky Cauldron, so he decided to stay despite less than warm welcome. When his toad made an appearance, it was enough to break the ice.
    "Sorry," Daphne said when she stopped giggling, "it's just everybody expect Harry Potter to drag his pet Unicorn to the castle, or tame a Dragon to make a great appearance. Nothing against toads, but they went out of style years ago. I hope you got the discount for him."
    "Actually, I did. I've overheard that nobody wanted to buy that toad, believing that he is poisonous or something. When I pointed it out to the shopkeeper, he was happy to get rid of Gamakichi for half a price."
    "Gamakichi? That's his name?"
    Harry shrugged, "That's what was written on his cage... Hey, Gama! Where do you think you are going?!"
    "Colloportus!" Daphne intoned, waving her wand in complicated pattern, and the doors to the compartment closed before the toad could escape.
    She already can do magic? Damn, I have a long way to catch up.

    * * *

    Harry's Sorting was an unpleasant surprise to Albus Dumbledore. He agreed to Minerva's suggestion that Pomona Sprout is better choice of messenger than Hagrid, but sadly the boy's unfortunate upbringing left a mark that few hours with Pomona couldn't erase.
    Dumbledore wasn't cruel; he certainly didn't want the son of James and Lily to suffer. But it was proven again and again that nothing can be as effective as Blood Wards. Fidelius Charm failed to protect Potters once, and he wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.
    As least Harry wasn't a part of young Malfoy's clique, instead choosing Greengrass heiress as his friend and ally. Greengrasses were famous for their neutrality, but still Dumbledore asked Severus to make a discreet check if they are trying to fill his head with pureblood supremacy nonsence. Much to Headmaster's relief, it wasn't the case. While young Daphne insisted on him looking presentable and using proper table manners, it was hardly a reason to worry.
    The Potions Master continued to keep a close watch on Harry Potter. He confirmed that the boy was above average in Potions (with miss Greengrass and miss Granger tied for the first place), had nothing of his father's pranking tencencies and the work ethic that was almost Hufflepuffish.
    Perhaps something good can come out of his Sorting, if Severus was able to realize that Harry isn't a copy of James Potter.
    The Headmaster smiled benevolently and reached for the dish with lemon drops, when the intruder alarm went off.
    "To the Great Hall, Fawkes!"
    Dumbledore and his phoenix disappeared in the flash of fire.

    * * *

    Harry Potter was wandering through the castle alone. His toad was exploring the greenhouses, Daphne Greengrass was in the library with her new friend Tracy Davis. Harry wasn't upset; he was glad nobody could distract him. He had a lot to think about.
    Again and again he saw the masked figures who barged into Great Hall during Halloween feast, the sickly green color of the Killing Curses. He was glad to be a Slytherin; nobody saw diving under the table as a sign of cowardice. He remembered Professor Flitwick facing three Death Eaters at once and showing them that he isn't a dueling champion for nothing. McGonnagal transfigured two tables into tigers and ordered the big cars to attack Death Eaters. Encouraged by the Heads of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, the rest of the Professors started to send stunners at the intruders. Only Professor Quirrell once again demonstrated his incompetence by fainting.
    When Headmaster Dumbledore appeared in Great Hall in a flash of fire, Death Eaters knew the battle was lost. One of them lost his arm to Flame Whip, two of his friends were taken out by the giant stone fist rising from the floor.
    After the battle was over, the captured Death Eaters taken by Aurors and the uninjured students sent to their dorms, Harry was invited to Dumbledore's office. The old wizard apologized to him for the breach in security. Harry used the opportunity to ask why Voldemort was after his family. The Headmaster tried to avoid the answer, but Harry was nothing but presistent. Ignorance isn't bliss when you are faced with assassination attempts.
    The Prophecy...
    Harry left the meeting with Headmaster with a bad taste in his mouth. His family was killed, all because of the words of some fraud (he heard enough about Trelawney and her drinking habits). Hitler of the Wizardling World wasn't as dead as everybody believed. He had the army of minions, happy to do the job for him and turh The Boy-Who-Lived into The Boy-Who-Died.
    Angry beyond reason, Harry kicked the door of the unused classroom and it opened.
    Hw left the classroom two hours later with a dased look. The deceitful Mirror of Erised offered him exactly what he always wanted: his older self and the recognition he is going to receive after defeating Voldemort for good. Fame for something he really did, and his parents' killer out of the picture.
    Was he a stupid Gryffindor like Weasley, he most likely could have been trapped by the Mirror. But Slytherin House teaches you to be more aware of your surroundings, always expecting a hex or prank from the narrow-minded students who believe you are Dark just because of your Sorting. So Harry was able to notice the inscription on the gold frame.
    "I show not your face but your hearts desire..."
    Harry Potter knew the image in the mirror was nothing but a dream, but he intended to make the dream come true. He wasn't Slytherin for nothing.

    * * *

    I can't believe I'm doing something so... Gryffindorish.
    He tried to talk to the teachers about the thief, but Dumbledore was out of Hogwarts, Snape came down with dragon pox after dealing with Hagrid's illegal Norvegian Ridgeback, and McGonnagal simply dismissed his concerns. Harry suspected the Transfiguration Professor was still angry because he wasn't Sorted into the House of Lions.
    Harry managed to get past the challenges, relieved to see Cerberus asleep and Troll already knocked out.
    After solving Snape's logical puzzle and passing through fires he saw Quirrell standing in front of the familiar mirror and trying to figure out how to get the Stone.
    Damn, I hate to be right.
    Harry aimed the wand at the turban-covered head and fired his strongest spell, which happened to be Banishment charm. Quirrell overheard the spell and started to turn but wasn't fast enough. The banisher hit him straight into the temple.

    * * *

    When Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts, he realized the false summon to the Ministry was just a distraction. Fearing the worst, he asked Fawkes to flame him straight to the Mirror. He was met with a gruesome picture; Quirrell lying in the pool of his own blood, and pale Harry Potter puking his lungs out in the corner, his wand forgotten. Before he could comfort the boy, the wraith of Voldemort left Quirrel's body and tried to attack Harry. Fawkes immediately left Dumbledore's shoulder and forced the wraith to retreat through the wall.
    "Excellent job, Fawkes," Dumbledore said, knowing his spells couldn't stop Tom's malevolent spirit from leaving. "Now let's take young Harry to the infirmary. He's been through a terrible ordeal." The magnificent bird chirped in agreement.
    Once again Dumbledore was convinced that the Blood Wards were a necessary evil. Hogwarts' defences were legendary, and yet he wasn't able to stop Death Eaters from sneaking in, or detect that his Defence teacher was possessed.

    * * *

    Slytherins won the House Cup once more thanks to the last minute points Harry got 'for pure nerve and outstanding courage'. Even Draco Malfoy planned to tease Harry about his 'Gryffindorkish' tendencies, but was silenced by the Prefects. It was a relief; Harry already got an earful from Daphne for risking his life. He made a half-hearted promise to be more careful next time.
    Daphne answered, "I'll believed it when I see it."
  13. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010

    Year Two:

    Things are definitely not looking up for Harry.

    Bad news, he’s going back to the Dursley’s. Good news, he has a new room in the form of Dudley’s former 2nd bedroom. Worse news, it’s a prison with metal bars. Fucking metal bars. McGonagall’s tiger did not inspire as much fear as Harry hoped it did.

    Uncle Vernon busts out his rifle as open season on owls begins. Thankfully, he’s still a poor shot as ever. Harry doesn’t want to be the one to explain to his friends why their owls disappeared. The owls are smart though, and soon learn the best time to deliver Harry his letters is during the brief window where he tends to the lawn.

    The only problem is, he doesn’t have enough time to write responses – not without the owls risking their lives. He needs more time…

    Oh, right.

    Harry reaches for the Time-Turner hanging from his neck and gives it three spins. The world stops. Then, slowly, matter moves as time drags things backward. Faster and faster everything goes until the world stops again.

    Harry finds himself in the lawn, three hours prior, and grins happily. He heads to the park to read and respond to the bundle of letters in his hands.

    He begins each letter with: “Muggle relatives keeping me hostage. Send for McGonagall ASAP.” He has to repeat this message for the twenty three letters he’s received so far, before writing a friendlier response to each person in question. Three hours pass quickly and he heads back, keeping hidden until his past-self time-travels.

    The moment past-Harry disappears, present-Harry walks forward and attaches each of the letters deftly to the corresponding owls. The whole affair is done within a minute and with no owl casualties. All in all, a job well done.

    As Harry watches the last owl fly away, he briefly wonders about his pet rat. Pet rat, who scurried out of his pocket during the chamber incident, had yet to return to him (not that Harry had high hopes for its return). The fact that Harry still refers to pet rat as pet rat, instead of giving it a name, shows how attached he is to the pet rat.

    A few more days pass and Harry diligently requests for help. At least one of his friends would look into it right? Right?


    One lazy morning as Harry counts the number of square tiles in his bathroom, piggish squeals are heard downstairs. A few moments later, McGonagall barges into the room, looking absolutely livid.

    “Good afternoon, Professor McGonagall!” Harry greets calmly. Oliver Wood and Katie Bell titter behind her nervously. “How’ve you two been?” he asks cordially. Wood, he knew, was the Gryffindor Keeper and Captain, while Bell was a Chaser.

    “Pretty good, Potter. Er, sorry we’re late. Thought you were joking about the relatives thing.” Oliver says, gesturing sheepishly to the steel bars.
    “I’m just glad someone actually took that seriously.” Harry says.

    “We’re taking you out of here, Mr. Potter! Hurry up and pack now.” McGonagall says, muttering curses on his relatives. The rest of Harry’s summer is spent lodging in the Leaky Cauldron. Its two months more in the magical world filled with unsupervised exploring and non-life-threatening adventures. If Harry decides he needs a bit more gold in his pocket and a bit less in his vault, well, there’s really nothing anyone can do about that. By the end of break, he knows every shopkeeper and peddler and they know him. Really, who doesn’t want the boy-who-lived hanging out in their shop? It’s practically an endorsement.

    He meets up with a whole slew of his Hogwarts friends, not necessarily all at the same time. He looks forward the most to seeing Daphne, Blaise, Theodore and Tracy again though. Blaise and Daphne recount all the news (gossip) he’s missed out on. In particular, he hears of a scuffle between Mr. Malfoy and the Weasley’s. Apparently, they had a heated argument on Mr. Malfoy’s latest choice of profession – teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts.

    “It’s most undignified, fighting in the streets like muggles,” Blaise tells him. “They should’ve drawn their wands like true wizards.”

    “Any of you ever heard of a Headmaster Dobbeyez?” Harry asks, showing them a letter with barely legible handwriting. “Keeps sending me pamphlets on other schools.”

    “Nope,” Daphne says, “it’s not too uncommon, but Hogwarts is the best school there is. Why would anyone want to leave?”

    Harry also agrees with that. He can’t find it in himself to blame this “Dobbeyez” for trying. What school wouldn’t want to teach the boy-who-lived?

    It’s Harry’s best summer to date so when Harry boards the Hogwarts Express that year, he can’t help but think that things are looking up.

    They get an interesting mix of firsties, including the last of the Weasley Army, Ginny. When the Twins introduce her one day, all she manages is a “meep” before ducking away. The rest of the year, Harry spots her (usually alone) writing in her diary. She’s writing every time he sees her, which isn’t all too often to begin with. She’s strangely subdued for a Weasley, but that’s none of his business.

    Harry tries out for the Quidditch team and gets to be Seeker, despite Malfoy’s contribution of Numbus 2001s. The Captain wants to win more than anything else and a broom only goes as fast as its rider wills. Malfoy at least gets to be Chaser.

    Mr. Malfoy proves himself a competent instructor. It’s a refreshing change after Quirrell. The only complaint you could have about the man was his tendency to focus too much on the last two words of their subject over the first two words. Harry doesn’t mind learning a bit more about the Dark Arts, especially when he learns of the strongest fire spell, the Fiendfyre.

    A vocal exchange between Malfoy, Draco and Weasley, Ronald end up with both in detention and the whole class discovering Mr. Malfoy was a former Death Eater. What’s up with Dumbledore’s hiring policy?

    “He got off free,” Blaise says, “claimed the Imperius Defense.” The Mind Control spell, Harry recalls Mr. Malfoy telling them. Wizards just kept getting cooler. Why on earth did he return to the Dursley’s again?

    “How’d he get this job then? I can’t imagine he and Dumbledore see eye to eye on a lot of things.” Harry says.

    “Probably got the Ministry involved.” Blaise shrugs. “Mr. Malfoy was one of the Minister’s biggest supporters during the last election.”

    Harry doesn’t mind Mr. Malfoy’s a Death Eater. He just hopes he doesn’t try to kill him this year. Is a peaceful year too much to ask for? (It is.) As Halloween approaches, Harry feels optimistic about the future.

    It lasts until Halloween.

    Harry wonders if Halloween is a sapient being. He also wonders if Halloween hates him.

    While returning from Nearly Headless Nick’s Death Day Party (because really, ghosts need friends too and it can’t hurt, can it?), he stumbles upon a statue of Professor Flitwick. It’s a marvelous piece, very lifelike and real, except he finds out it is Professor Flitwick. That’s a shame too, since Harry liked the diminutive ¼ Goblin Charms Master.

    “The Chamber of Secrets is Open – Enemies of the Heir, Beware.”

    The atmosphere at school becomes noticeably gloomy. Kids shoot furtive glances and start roaming the halls in packs.

    “He was a Dueling Champion,” Blaise says, gripping his wand tightly as they head to DADA (suddenly the most popular class for some reason). “He’s known for being one of the fastest draws in the world. If something can petrify him that fast, what hope do the rest of us have?”

    A few days later, Peeves becomes the second member of the “Stoned Club”. People are panicking more now. What the hell kind of magic can kill the dead (fine, petrified; close enough)? They’re dead for a reason!

    Harry remains calm throughout the Great Panic of ’92. He’s got his nifty Time-Turner and the promise of a bad ass fire spell to pull him through the year. Dumbledore finally agrees to restart the Dueling Club. The Death Eater duo is assigned to teach them and Harry can’t fault the logic. Whatever’s doing this must be using Dark Magic, and Death Eaters ought to know something about that.

    A duel with Malfoy ends up with Harry talking to a snake. The moment people start with the hushed whispers and accusatory glances, Harry knows something’s wrong.
    “You’re a Parseltongue!” Blaise exclaims in a hushed tone once they reach the privacy of their Dorm.

    “A Parsel what?”

    “Honestly Harry. How can you be so smart about some things and remain so utterly clueless about others?” Daphne says with an exasperated sigh. Harry is decidedly less popular outside Slytherin by the end of the week. Malfoy and his posse start tagging along him and getting all chummy. Harry finds their behavior strange, but he’s not about to turn away the friends that he has left.

    His Christmas pile is considerably smaller this year. He also doesn’t get a second Time-Turner (although he does get an Invisibility Cloak from Mystery Man). It makes sneaking around exponentially easier.

    Poke-poke-poke. “Harry Potter, sir.” Poke-poke-poke. “Harry Potter, sir.”

    Harry opens his eye groggily. The clock’s just hit 9AM. What? It’s Christmas and he feels like sleeping in. So sue him.

    He stares at the floppy-eared creature he recognizes as a House Elf. “What is it?”

    “I is Dobby, sir. Harry Potter must be leaving Hogwarts!”

    Harry buries his head back in his pillow. “Go away.”

    Poke-poke-poke. “Harry Potter, sir.”

    Jesus, this thing just can’t get a clue, can he? “Why do I have to leave? I like it here.” Harry’s voice is muffled by his pillow, but the House Elf understands anyhow.
    “Harry Potter is in danger at Hogwarts!”

    “What’s new?” Harry pulls up his blanket around him. “Last summer, my psycho uncle used courier owls as target practice. He was probably hoping to get lucky and have the bullet hit me instead.”

    “You is not understand, Harry Potter sir. This danger it-it. No. Bad Dobby! Dobby has said too much!” Bang! Bang! Bang!

    Harry wants to curse at the Elf because the racket he’s causing makes it impossible to fall back asleep now. He prefers the Elf talking over banging. “Dobby, please go away.”

    The head banging stops. “Harry Potter sir, Dobby can help you find nasty, nasty heir.”

    Harry sits up, visibly alert. “I’m listening.”

    “There is a creature in the forest, sir. A large, dangerous beast which lurks among the trees.”

    “The Forbidden Forest?”

    “Yes, sir.” Dobby nods eagerly.

    Harry frowns. “I could get expelled going in there.”

    Dobby grins almost maniacally. “That’s the point,” goes unsaid, and the Elf pops away.

    Harry lets his head fall. It was Christmas. Did he really want to go investigate? He recalls the small pile of gifts he has and decides that he does. Whoever is giving him a bad rep is also hurting his popularity. Harry Potter will not stand for it.

    Armed with Wand, Cloak and Time-Turner, Harry ventures forth. The highlight of his trip is when a dragon nearly crushes him. On instinct, he turns back the Time-Turner and runs back. Why on earth was there a Dragon in the Forest!? Who would be crazy enough to…Hagrid, of course.

    When Harry visits the jolly half-giant later that day for a cup of tea and a slice of rock cake, he brings up the subject of the dragon.

    “Oh, tha’s Norbert.” Hagrid says happily, “Glad cha’ met him already, Harry. Was gonna introduce ya’ one o’ these days.”

    The discovery doesn’t help Harry at all. Dragons don’t petrify people, they roast them. Admittedly, it is pretty cool to see a fire-breathing lizard up close, but Harry has other problems at the moment.

    More and more people join the “Stoned Club” and the threat of Hogwarts closing becomes apparent as Minister Fudge and his bowl cap visit with increasing frequency (mostly to yell at Dumbledore). Professor Sprout’s assurances that she’s growing a fresh, quality batch of Mandrakes (magical marijuana maybe?) does not help. It’s during one of Fudge’s trips that he falls prey to the Chamber’s creature and Magical Britain is thrown into pandemonium as a school crisis goes national. Doomsday prophe-oh, sorry, Seers, take to the street, screaming bloody Ragnarok and Armageddon and a dozen other end-of-the-world scenarios.

    Hagrid get’s arrested and Hogwarts is closing. All-in-all, it’s been a shitty year for Harry Potter and he is pissed enough to do something incredibly stupid. Like look for the Chamber of Secrets. The Twins, even with their magic map, are of no help in the search.

    “It only shows you what the creator’s recorded.” Fred tells him.

    “Chances are, they never found the Chamber either.” George adds.

    A day before Hogwarts is due to close, a final victim is taken hostage – Ginny. It leaves the Twins quite distraught. “Her bones shall lie in the Chamber of Secrets forever,” Harry reads and in that moment, he’s struck by inspiration.

    “Fred, George, I’ve got an idea.”

    Half a time turn later, they find themselves in the past. They take turns diligently watching Ginny on the map, tracing her steps until she suddenly disappears.

    “Isn’t that Moaning Myrtle’s haunt?” Harry asks.

    “Yeah,” Fred answers.

    “Harry!” a high-pitched giggle-squeal reaches his ear as teenage ghost-girl floats around the triad.

    “Hello Myrtle,” Harry says, giving her his most winsome smile. “Did you see a girl pass by recently? It’s very important we find her.”

    “Red-hair like them?” Myrtle nods to the twins.


    “Passed not five minutes ago. She was hissing something by the sink.”

    “Hissing?” George repeats. “Like a snake?”

    “Exactly like a snake.” Myrtle answers.

    “Go on Harry, work that magic tongue of yours.” Fred says as Harry tries to speak snake. He must be lucky (or is it unlucky?) because the sink actually does open up. The slide down is filled with grime and slime and Harry makes a note to burn his robes after all is said and done.

    The three stop when a note lands in front of them. “Get House Elves,” Fred reads and a blast of fire hits the ceiling, forcing the three apart. Harry gets separated (again) from the Twins. He’s starting to see a pattern emerge during their end-of-year adventures.

    “Hang in there Harry!” George calls out through the rubble pile. “We’ll get the Hogwarts House Elves to help you!”

    Harry finally reaches the final chamber and finds Ginny subdued and supine on the wet floor. “She won’t wake you know.” the pale boy besides her says. “I’ve always wondered how you did it, Harry Potter. How did a baby defeat the greatest student to have ever walked these halls!” he gestures grandly to the walls.

    “Not too many people go down here.” Harry informs him, “Greatest student doesn’t really say much, does it?”

    The boy glowers at him, unappreciative of his snark. “My name is Tom Riddle.”

    “Wait, so you’re not Voldemort?” Harry says happily.

    “No, I am. Speak to me Slytherin! Greatest of Hogwarts Four!”

    “Food! Food!” Harry hears the serpentine whispers.

    “The beast of the Chamber is a snake?” Harry asks. “How unimaginative.”

    “Not just any snake, Potter. The king of snakes, the Basilisk!” the boy proclaims proudly. “Now prepare to die, Harry Potter!”


    The House Elves arrive in force, armed with fanatic zeal and all manner of kitchenware. Dobby leads the charge with his scream of “For Harry Potter sir!” Harry can almost find it in himself to forgive the bugger for bothering him on Christmas morning (and almost getting him killed by sending him to the forest).

    The Elves are fighters and Harry can see why wizards enslaved them. They go about everything with a scary mix of viciousness and dedication that would be dangerous left unchecked. Tom is completely stunned by the turn of events and Harry takes the opportunity to turn back time to remind past-Harry, Fred and George about the elves.

    Fast forward the time skip and present-Harry watches past-Harry time turn (again) to warn past-past-Harry about the elves. Time travelling can get confusing. Harry decides he’ll have to keep better track of all his selves next time as he pulls off his invisibility cloak before Tom notices past-Harry is gone.

    “Impossible,” Tom mutters as the House Elves drive their weapons deeper and deeper into the scales. The Basilisk looks like a pincushion with all the blades sticking into it. There’s a particularly large concentration on its face, around the eyes. Tom’s eyes flicker to Harry, an angry fire burning behind them. “It’s too late for the girl!” he says vehemently. “Soon I shall take form and you will know true pain, Harry Potter!”

    Harry grabs the nearest House Elf and shoves the diary into her surprised arms. “Bring this to Headmaster Dumbledore and explain that Ginny Weasley is in Chamber of Secrets, possessed by that.” He gives Tom a triumphant smirk.

    Not two minutes later, Tom disappears and Fawkes, Dumbledore’s Phoenix, brings Harry and unconscious Ginny to the Headmaster’s office.

    “Lemon drop?” Dumbledore offers and Harry pops them like an addict. He’s absolutely starving right now and candy’s better than nothing.

    A partly sugar-high Harry’s tale is marked with vivid gesticulations. Dumbledore’s smile grows heavier and heavier as it progresses, though it never does quite leave. “Harry, I am very proud about how you handled this.” he says. “And for that, I think it’s best if you keep your Time-Turner. It’s served you well.”

    The Year ends with both the House and Quidditch Cup in Slytherin Hands, both largely thanks to Harry. He’s popular as his pre-Heir-of-Slytherin days. The rest of the school finds it hard to hold a grudge over the complete domination of Slytherin considering Harry did have to fight a sixty foot basilisk after all.

    “You’re making a habit out of this.” Daphne says on as the train reaches the staion. There’s more than a touch of worry infused in her tone. “Getting into danger that is.”

    Harry shrugs. “I’ve managed to come out on top so far. But I promise I’ll try not to get myself killed next year.”

    Daphne rolls her eyes. “I’ll believe it when I see it.” she says as she hugs him goodbye.

    Things are looking up for Harry Potter.

    TL;DR: 2-1-5-6-3-2-5-6-4
  14. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Edit: actually, Republic makes a good point. I'll take this down for now and edit it later.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
  15. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    I hate to ask this again, but what is the re-roll option? A null roll? So you basically only have 5 options for these rolls?

    Edit: What is the 'Unknown, Interrupted' roll? The Task wasnt even announced before the interruption?
  16. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    The Re-Roll means you have to roll again that particular roll.

    Yes, it is supposed to be interrupted before being announced.
  17. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    So it's one roll slot taken by a fat load of nothing?
  18. blogwraith

    blogwraith Squib

    Nov 23, 2014
    Year One​

    Severus Snape is the lucky member of the Hogwarts Faculty to introduce Harry to the Wizarding World. Professor Snape leaves Harry in Madame Malkin’s to be fitted for robes whist he hurries himself to get the rest of Harry’s supplies and end this onerous task as quickly as possible. Harry meets Draco Malfoy who drones endlessly about the usual garbage. Draco brags about how Snape is one of his father’s employees before dismissing the potion master by saying that even half-bloods have their uses.

    When Harry recounts this encounter to the professor, Snape’s reactions vacillate between non-committal and intense. Harry is disheartened to learn that Snape is from the same house as the poncy little Dudley clone. Harry wonders pet the professor picked for him. Snape informs him that although students MAY bring a pet with them, it is not a requirement. Harry starts to throw a tantrum, after all it’s his gold and he should be able get whatever he wants that’s allowed and Snape is just as bad as the Dursleys and…..Snape relents and takes him to Magical Menagerie. Harry spies a white rat nibbling on something in the middle of a serpents’ terrarium. Harry calls out that he wants it. Snape tries to tell him that rats aren’t even on the allowed familiar list, but the boy is adamant about taking the rat, Socrates, with him. Upon exiting the pet store, Snape muses that at least a rat will annoy the boy’s family. Harry becomes sullen and small and seeks confirmation that he will indeed have to return. Snape considers the boy and the homelife he himself had intruded upon and states that only an idiot would return him there.

    Harry happily spends the remainder of his summer at Spinner’s End, helping Snape with his potions and hearing at first horrible but then more moderate things about James and at first glowing but then moderate things about Lily. Snape drops off Harry at 9 ¾, escaping with minimal small-talk with the Weasleys. Harry spends his train ride with another muggle-raised boy, Dean Thomas. Harry & Dean hit it off and Harry is much impressed with Dean’s sketches and tales of his family. Dean is impressed with Harry’s, relatively, extensive knowledge of the Wizarding World and pet Socrates. When it comes to Sorting, Harry neither wants to be sorted into Gryffindor (which Snape hates) or Slytherin (which Draco is in) and so gets sorted to Ravenclaw. Dean follows him.

    Harry & Dean enjoy their studies and make a bit of name for themselves as the smallest and tallest children in their year respectively. Initially Harry is troubled by frequent nightmares, but Snape supplies him with Dreamless Sleep Draught on the sly to help him get by. Harry enjoys hearing about how Snape humiliated Draco in his first potion’s class and praised Hermione, “AT LEAST half-bloods and muggleborns have their uses.” During the first flying lesson, Terry Boot hurts himself and has to be taken to the infirmary. Zacharias Smith picks up Terry’s Donatello Ninja Turtle action figure and starts making fun of it. Harry steps up to stop him and you know where it goes from there. After Harry & Dean accept Zacharias’ challenge to a wizard duel, Padma informs them that it’s probably a trick. Harry sees the reason in this and instead of going to the trophy room where faculty is waiting for them, he goads Dean into joining him exploring the 3rd floor corridor where the faculty ISN’T. Harry & Dean briefly encounter the Dementors guarding the trap door, before Harry passes out and Dean drags him to safety. Questioning Professor Snape about the Dementors gives the duo two useful pieces of information; the ministry preferred method of dealing with Dementors is the Patronus Charm and the Snape preferred method of dealing with Dementors is leading them to someone you don’t like so that that person gets the soul-sucking and you get off scott-free.

    The Halloween feast is interrupted by Quirrel’s announcement that Inferi are in the castle. Harry sees that Hermione is missing when this is announced. Padma tells him that her sister told her that Ron something awful about Hermione in charms and that Heromione’s been in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom ever since. Harry & Dean grab Ron and all three go to find Hermione to save her from the Inferi. An Inferius is already in the bathroom trying to get at Hermione’s brains. Harry jumps on its back, Ron bashes its skull in with repeated application and dis-application of Wingardium Leviosa on a sink and Dean takes out its legs with repeated application of Diffindo. Outside the bathroom, even more Inferi are shambling & crying out for brains. Hermione recites Inferi weaknesses. Ron reminds Hermione she’s been casting a Blue-Bell Flame spell almost constantly since he met her. Dean runs Harry & Ron through the severing charm and Ron runs Harry & Dean through the knockback jinx. The quartet make their way through a horde of Inferi until they meet up with McGonagle, Flitwick and Snape, who inform that Inferi have been mostly defeated from the rest of the castle. Upon hearing the harrowing the tale, the teachers start deducting and awarding points until Dean points out that he’d rather go to McDonald’s than get points. Harry agrees, but Hermione balks. Harry tries to point out that Ron’s probably never been to McDonald’s and would appreciate muggle cuisine. Hermione hardly considers McDonald’s cuisine and says she’d rather go to a museum or an opera or the London Library. Dean pipes up that he’s heard the National Gallery is holding an exhibit on Albrecht Durer carvings. Harry happily puts forward that they go to the National Gallery and then McDonald’s. The kids cheer. McGonagle muses that Professor Snape knows the most about the muggle world out of all of them and so he grudgingly agrees to take them. The kids cheer again.

    This Christmas comes with presents. The most notable is a rock with a note. “Your father allowed me to study this and now that you’re of a responsible age, I believe this belongs to you.” Harry fusses about with the rock until his departed parents appear to him. It is a tearful and touching reunion and although Harry doesn’t want it to end, James tells him the wisdom traditionally passed down from dead Potter to living Potter. The dead are best to enjoy the land of dead and living are best to enjoy the land of the living. Call again, but not too frequently. Exploring the castle, Harry & Socrates come across the Mirror of Erised. Within it Harry sees himself as unstoppable and all-powerful, protecting his friends and dealing vengeance unto his enemies. Professor Dumbledore advises Harry that while protecting one’s loved ones is laudable and punishing those who have wronged them is understandable, it is important not to allow either impulse to overwhelm the enjoyment of making and maintaining friendships in the first place.

    Spring Semester is quite enjoyable. Harry excels as Seeker, even though his broom keeps acting up. Snape provides Dean with materials and advice on how to make his sketches move. Until one fateful night, when Harry awakens from a nightmare even Dreamless Sleep can’t squelch and with horrible bleeding from his scar. Harry & Dean sneak out of Ravenclaw Tower into Snape’s quarters to warn him about it. Snape springs into action, pulling out Plague Doctor masks (will they protect against a Dementor’s kiss? Better than nothing), casting weatherproofing charms and handing out bottles of Seven League Supplement (haste potion). Snape knows it’s impossible to dissuade Harry from foolishness, but he tries to warn off Dean. Dean refuses to abandon Harry. They race past the Dementors into the trap door. Dean gets pretty banged up by the Whomping Willow awaiting them below, but so do the chasing Dementors. Snape tries a Meteolojinx Recanto on the Hailstorm Maze Room awaiting them past the Willow, but to no effect. Sanpe’s weather-proofing charms offer some respite from Hailstorm. The maze is difficult and the hail isn’t slowing down the Dementors half as well as Snape had hoped it would. He drops the wounded Mr. Thomas, causing the boys to wonder if Snape actually would leave them to Dementors. Snape casts Reducto at the maze walls and orders the boys through. At the end of the maze Snape sees a room with filled with Animated Swordsmen in various states of damage. Speed was his ally in the first two rooms and will serve him here. Running past the statues, casting Reducto judiciously at those in his way and leaving those in his wake to tangle with the still pursuing Dementors.

    In the final room, Quirinus Quirrell ponders the Mirror at its center and Bellatrix LeStrange holds a wand on our heroes. Bellatrix mocks Severus and Snape deflects by pondering if her presence here was a recent development or another example of a decrepit ministry saving face above all. The villains laugh and Voldemort beneath Quirrell’s turban tells Snape that he’s been causing problems for his vassal all year. Snape offers his apologies and Harry Potter to placate his master. Bellatrix holds her wand on Snape, but her eyes are on Voldemort, unveiled from the turban and approaching the boy. Voldemort grabs Harry with the usual result. In the shock of the moment Snape stuns Bellatrix. Snape, his two wounded charges and an immobilized Dark Witch await rescue from the rest of Hogwarts senior faculty.

    When Dumbledore explains the year’s climax to Harry, in addition to mentioning his mother’s love protection in stopping Voldemort once more, he also explains that for the protection to still hold he must spend the summer with his mother’s family and not Professor Snape. House Cup goes to Ravenclaw, even though Snape seems to have done all the heavy lifting.
  19. blogwraith

    blogwraith Squib

    Nov 23, 2014
    Year 2​

    Fear of Snape has led to this being the least horrible summer at the Dursleys yet. Harry gets Dudley’s second bedroom and a bunch of discarded toys, most of which aren’t even that broken. Harry tries to work on his own potions experiments, with Socrates as his assistant, but the first time he gets any positive results he gets a warning about under age magic. He trades letters and phone calls with his dorm-mates and generally stays out of his family’s way until the end of summer when Professor Dumbledore himself arrives to deliver Harry to 9 ¾. Vernon tries to put his foot down and tell Dumbledore that Harry won’t be going back to that freak school where he’ll die a freaky death like his freak parents, but Dumbledore blows him off by telling him that Hogwarts is the safest place for young witches and wizards to be. Harry ponders this apparent untruth as he remembers the events of the previous year differently than does the Headmaster. At 9 ¾, Dumbledore makes his way through a clustering of wizard families unable to pass through the barrier. Dumbledore uses a complicated counter incantation to break through the barrier, allowing everyone entry.

    Harry’s first big surprise at Hogwarts is that his new Defense Professor is Bellatrix LeStrange! No, it’s just her sister, Andromeda Tonks that looks like her. Professor Tonks’ lessons focus on mental and healing magics. Harry’s second surprise is his invitation to Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington’s Death Day celebration, in which he learns that since no one survives the killing curse he is actually a ghost. It seems like a sly joke perpetrated by Sir Nick and unwittingly backed by Professor Binns until Harry exits the Death Day party and sees his lifeless body in the hallway. Harry quickly re-enters his body and starts taking deep breaths. Nick offers to help him in his haunting should he so desire. Harry’s reply is cut short by murderous voices leading Harry to the site of a petrified Mrs. Norris underneath a bloody scrawl. What seems like the rest of the Hogwarts residence soon joins Harry. Draco cruelly taunts the muggleborn students. McGonagle grabs both boys and drags them to the Defense classroom, where Filch, Dumbledore and Tonks join her. She demands answers from Draco about what he knows. She demands Dumbledore fire Hagrid. Draco stammers that his father told him about the Chamber of Secrets, based on things that his grandfather had said. Dumbledore tries to assure McGonagle that Hagrid has his complete confidence and questions Harry about why he was there. Harry tries to avoid telling them about following a murderous voice, but McGonagle and Tonks unnerve it out of him. Dumbledore sends Filch with Mrs. Norris to get Snape started on the petrification remedy. Tonks starts work on blood analysis of the crime scene.

    Dean’s year is off to a lonely start. Harry’s busy either being dead with the ghosts or at quidditch practice/games, Michael’s either annoying obsessed with talking about quidditch or annoyingly obsessed with talking about girls, Terry’s become a reclusive goth scribbling in his journal, and Anthony is even more studious than last year. He gets roped into Heir of Slytherin speculation more out of boredom than anything else, given a thousand years any and every one might be a descendant for crying out loud.

    During Ravenclaw’s first quidditch match, Harry gets hassled by the rogue bludger. Dean’s convinced that Malfoy jerk’s behind it, but Ron comes in and tells them that he found out that his brothers were behind the stunt all along. Dumbedore congratulates Ron on coming forward and tells him that his brothers are on especially thin ice since he already knows they were behind the King’s Cross fiasco. Dean suggests such honesty should be rewarded with McDonald’s, but Dumbledore laughs him off. During Harry’s hospitalization, a McGonagle-holding-a-confiscated-camera statue is floated in. This casts even more suspicion on Hagrid and leads to his prompt arrest.

    In Dueling Club, Terry Boot calls out Zacharias Smith. Terry’s brutality makes it distressingly one-sided. Zacharias refuses to concede. Terry casts a Serpentsortia. Harry stops the snake in loud Parseltongue before Tonks banishes it. Harry learns the connotations of Parselmouth. Before he can explain himself to Zacharias, Harry finds both Zach and Nick petrified. This puts a damper on Harry’s hauntings. Harry decides he’ll use the family jewel to call forth the one spirit he’s sure will know something about the Chamber, Salazar Slytherin himself. A grateful Salazar quickly offers the information that the culprit is a basilisk, but tries to bargain for freedom on Earth in exchange for providing the location of the Chamber. Harry repeats the Potter wisdom about keeping the living and dead realms separate. Salazar screams that he can’t go back and lunges at Harry, forcing Harry to send him back to the netherworld. Harry dutifully reports his findings to Dumbledore.

    The order is given that students should start carrying mirrors with them to check corridors and to travel in pairs. Harry resumes haunting and learns a little about the Christian faith from the Fat Friar. When Hermione and Penelope Clearwater get petrified, quidditch gets cancelled. Dean sees spiders making a beeline for the Forbidden Forest and since Harry has nothing better to do, he follows Dean following the spiders. The boys get attacked by Acromantulas and saved by Centaurs. The Centaurs argue about getting involved in human affairs and how bright Mars is.

    Terry Boot is taken to the Chamber. Hogwarts is going to be closed. Professor Tonks grabs Harry because she’s cracked the case and needs Harry to open the Chamber. Dean again refuses to let Harry go it alone, but this time the Professor gets him in a Petrificus Totalis and doesn’t fall prey to sentimentality. Inside the Chamber, Riddle calls forth the basilisk and orders it to attack the boy-who-lived. Tonks casts Conjuctivitus on the basilisk and enters a psychic battle with Riddle. Even blinded the basilisk goes after Harry and manages to graze him. Harry runs, rolls in the muck trying to mask his scent, but the basilisk homes in on the vibrations. While running through the Chamber, Harry sees a bisected circle within a triangle carved at numerous points on the walls. Eventually he finds himself in a room with an actual sword in a stone. Having nothing to lose, Harry yanks it out and hacks at the basilisk with it for all he’s worth. He struggles with the venom but still prevails. Harry stumbles back to the main chamber, dragging the sword behind him. He sees the professor and the shade in a funny face contest. He sees Terry dying on the floor. And he sees the diary that Riddle claimed was the cause of all this. Harry hacks the book in twain and plunges into darkness.

    Harry again awakens in the hospital wing. Terry Boot had recovered in time to drag a dying Harry and a brain-fried Tonks back to the surface. Lucius Malfoy shows up to berate Dumbledore’s incompetence in time to hear how everything went down. Lucius seems perturbed by the notion of a Dark Lord Riddle, and agrees to bring up giving Harry a special award to the school and at the next Board of Governors meeting and speak up for the exoneration of Hagrid at the next meeting of the Wizengamot. Terry vaguely remembers seeing Lucius somewhere before, but then he lapses into self-pity. Dumbledore gives him a nice speech about reaching out instead of spiraling within, and Harry promises that next year he’ll be less self-centered and more attentive to those around him. Dumbledore mentions to Harry that only the truly courageous could wield the sword and asks him if he may study it. Harry considers the sword and considers Dumbledore and shoves it blade first into the center of the Headmaster’s office. Professor Snape is unable to cure Sir Nicholas. Harry goes to the best ghost expert he knows, Professor Binns. Professor Binns studies Sir Nicholas and asks Harry if he’s been a good professor. Harry awkwardly responds in the negative. Professor Binns decides that his last act should have some value. Binns chants and gesticulates. Nick fades back into unlife and Binns fades further away. Just and the point that Binns fades completely and Nick regains consciousness, a bright shaft of life pulls a fully materialized Binns upwards. A sight that only the dead, and Harry, can bear witness to.
  20. Vulcan

    Vulcan Groundskeeper

    Oct 16, 2014
    Harry Potter - Year 2.

    Harry expected the summer with Dursleys to be awful, but not even in his worst scenarios he expected the appearance of the crazy House Elf. After he explained that the vague warning isn't enough to stop him from going to Hogwarts, Dobby decided to take matters in his own hands. Masons left Privet Drive in very bad mood. Vernon, purple with anger, was extemely pleased to read the Notice from the Improper Use of Magic office. Harry ended up locked in his room, with bars on the windows to prevent escape.
    Harry was somewhat glad that Gama used the chaos to escape. He clearly got good survival instincts for a toad. Harry knew Dursleys were petty enough to kill his pet.
    Harry was imprisoned until September 1, when the Hogwarts representative (who happened to be Snape) Apparated to Privet Drive to find out what happened to the missing student.
    "I knew you were twisted jealous hag, Petunia," he said with a sneer after unlocking Harry's door with a silent spell, then Vanishing the bars on the window, the locks on the door and the flat cap. "I never knew you'll be so stupid."
    Vernon started to turn colors (he couldn't do more because of incarcerating spell), "Now listen to me, you..."
    "Vernon don't!" Petunia cried out, fear in her eyes. Oblivously, she knew Snape before.
    "Let me explain something to you," Snape's wand was dangerously close to Vernon's throat. "If something happens to Potter, there will be a lynch mob of witches and wizards after you. But they'll never find you," he hissed, black eyes burrowing into Dursleys, "because I'll get to you first!"

    * * *

    Unlike Dursleys, Snape listened to Harry's story about Dobby without his usual scepticism. He explained about the barrier to between platforms 9 and 10 closed by House Elf magic, and Ron Weasley using the opportunity to steal his father's flying car to make grand appearance.
    Harry couldn't believe even Weasley can be so stupid.
    "If he broke the Statute of Secrecy, shouldn't he be expelled?"
    "I wish," Professor Snape said, "but Headmaster is all about second chances, especially if it's his favorite Gryffindors. He let a student get away with attempted murder before..." He caught himself. "But that's not important now. Prepare youself Potter; we are going to Hogwarts."
    Apparition was just as unpleasant as before, but Harry managed to see the last three students' Sorting. The red-haired girl, another Weasley, looked upset when the Sorting Hat yelled "GRYFFINDOR!" Harry wondered why until he noticed not-so-subtle glances at him and reddening of her cheeks.
    Another fangirl, he thought with disgust.
    Harry was even less pleased when he learned that toad-like woman is going to be their next Defence teacher. Daphne explained that Dolores Umbridge was Minister's Undersecretary, oblivously sent to Hogwarts to find dirt on Dumbledore.
    "Dammit," if Harry was a Gryffindor, he'll be banging his head on the table. "And I thought Quirrell was bad."

    * * *

    Thanks to Umbridge's 'teaching', the elder Slytherin students always could earn pocket money by offering the pointers to the younger Snakes. Harry wasn't going to miss any chance to get the real training; it was much better than blowing his Knuts and Sickles on Chocolate Frogs. Harry partnered with Daphne and , her friend Tracy to practice what they learned. Harry was especially good with Disarming Charm, though he doubted this particular spell could be useful in the battle with Voldemort.
    Halloween Feast ended in another disaster; caretaker Mr. Filch found his cat petrified, and the ominous writing on the wall about Chamber of Secrets. Harry was happy nobody was going to blame him for this incident; Neville Longbottom has the misfortune to be the first to stumble upon a petrified cat, and nobody bought his excuses about the Deathday party of Nearly Headless Nick.
    "Do you really believe Longbottom can be a Heir of Slytherin?" Harry asked Daphne, after dragging her to the abandoned classroom where nobody could overhear them.
    "Nah, but I'm not going to stand up for him. If Dumbledore likes his Gryffindors so much, let him deal with this mess."
    Harry agreed; while Longbottoms and Potters were long-time alies, Neville said nothing to defend him when his fellow Lions were accusing Harry of being 'Dark' because of his Sorting.
    Now the shoe is on the other foot, Harry thought with a sneer worthly of Snape.

    * * *

    Dolores Umbridge saw the incident with Filch's cat as Dumbledore's attempt to gain more publicity. She even tried to get Hagrid arrested, since he was involved in another Chamber incident fifty years ago, but half-giant had a solid alibi.
    Neville Longbottom suddenly found himself a focus of Umbridge's attention. Any scathing remark or prank against him was seen as an 'cruel attack on pureblood scion'. Nobody talked about Umbridge's detentions, but poor Longbottom found himself even less popular than before. Every Potions lesson ended up with him blowing up cauldrons, and he was a regular resident of the Hospital wing.
    Harry could feel sorry for him, but he had problems of his own. Somehow his wand ended up stolen. Harry was worried; the wand could be used by Heir of Slytherin to implicate him. He went straight to Snape, who informed Headmaster. Dumbledore summoned two Hogwarts elves and asked them to search Hogwarts.
    Harry wasn't even surprised when the elves dragged back the bound and gagged... Dobby. He was in horrible condition. Harry didn't know if it was because of 'Bad Masters' ordering Dobby to punish himself, or Hogwarts elves roughed him up. To be honest, he didn't care. Nobody steals my wand and gets away with it!
    Dobby was turned to the Commitee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures and quickly executed.

    * * *

    "Can you believe it?" Daphne was brandishing a letter like a sword. "My father checked the House Elf registrers. Dobby was Malfoy's House Elf!"
    "You mean Malfoys can be behind this Chamber of Secrets? DRACO is the Heir?"
    Daphne shook her head, "I can't imagine Draco as Heir. He'll never be able to keep it a secret. But he knows SOMETHING. I wish I had some Veritaserum."
    Harry asked, "Can't you brew it?"
    "Veritaserum is a Ministry controlled potion. You've heard what happened to Know-It-all Granger after she was caught brewing Polyjuice? If she wasn't a Gryffindor, I bet she'll be expelled."
    Harry smirked, "Weasley, Longbottom, Granger... That's certainly not the best year for Gryffindors.
    "Maybe Karma exists and they are paying for Dumbledore's favoritism."
    Daphne's words echoed in Harry's head, when they found Professor McGonnagal in the middle of corridor. She was petrified, just like Mrs. Norris.

    * * *

    "You must do something!" Dolores Umbridge yelled at Headmaster. "It's your fault Cornelius was petrified! You want to be the next Minister of Magic, don't you?"
    The visit from the Minister was another disaster; both Cornelius Fudge and his bodyguard Auror Dawlish were petrified.
    Professor Sprout reminded the toad-like woman that Dumbledore was offered the post of the Minister of Magic several times. Every time he refused.
    "You are the Defence Teacher," Professor Binns mumbled, surprising everybody. "According to Hogwarts Charter, it's your prime responsibility to deal with the dangers to the school."
    It looked like even a boring ghost was fed up with Dolores Umbridge.

    * * *

    Harry was bewildered by the blonde Ravenclaw, Luna Lovegood, who hinted that he must go to the Forbidden Forest if he wanted to survive the encounter with the Heir. All his attempts to find out more were met with a vacant smile.
    "I think you should listen to her," Daphne said. "Ignore the idiots who call her 'Loony'. Lovegoods were related to Olivanders, and everybody knows that Olivanders had a touch of Sight."
    He didn't expect anything from the trip to the Forbidden Forest. He was wrong. Harry met the dying old Unicorn who granted him the greatest gift - Unicorn's Horn, freely given.
    Harry was still staring at the beautiful horn, when he was surrounded by Centaurs. One of them escorted Harry back to Hogwarts, while the rest of them gave the Unicorn a proper burial.

    * * *

    "Master Harry!"
    Harry was woken up by one of the Hogwarts elves, Floppy. The little creature looked frantic.
    "What's the matter?" he asked, still half-asleep. "Anybody else was petrified?"
    "No, master Harry! But we knows where the Chamber is! Floppy can lead Great Harry Potter there!"
    After Hogwarts elves caught the thief Dobby, Harry realized that the elves were hugely underestimated, visited them in the kitchen and asked them to look for any clues who can be behind the petrifications. If any other student asked them, the elves could easily ignore him, but he was 'The Great Harry Potter'.
    Harry quickly dressed up, grabbed his wand from the nightstand and the Unicorn's horn from his trunk, "I'm ready, Floppy. Let's go."
    Floppy led him to the girl's bathroom, infamous because it was haunted by the ghost of Moaning Myrtle. Harry had to admit it was the last place anybody will look for the entrance Salazar's legendary chamber.
    I'm lucky the Heir forgot to lock the door.
    The descent to the Chamber through the pipe was a bumpy ride, but Harry had no bruises because he casted the spell to slow the fall. He noticed the shed snake skin, oblivously belonging to Slytherin monster, bu decided to pocket it for studying later.

    * * *

    Harry marveled at the power exhibited by the army of Hogwarts elves. Not only they managed to banish the Basilisk into the wall of the Chamber, despite the blindfolds they wore for safety, they used the cans of paint to render the beast's deadly eyes useless.
    Tom Riddle raised Ginny Weasley's wand to send the Killing Curse at the pitiful creatures who dared to defy HIM.
    "EXPELLIARMUS!" Harry yelled, and Tom Riddle lost the wand.
    "Master Harry!" Floppy pointed out at the Basilisk, who already recovered from the attack. Harry's grip on the wand tightened. He waited for the Basilisk to come close and open his mouth to attack.
    "DEPULSO!" Harry Banished the Unicorn's horn straight in the Basilisk's mouth, and was barely able to dodge the huge snake's strike. He knew the Basilisk was as good as dead; Unicorn was a symbol of purity, his horn was like a poison for the creature as evil as Basilisk.
    Not waiting for Riddle to regain his wand, Harry used the semi-Dark Flame Strike curse on the black diary laying on the stone floor nex to Ginny Weasley's corpse. His strength left him, and he didn't see Tom Riddle writhing in agony, Basilisk dying from poison, and the solemn House Elves taking 'the Greatest Wizard Ever' to the hospital wing.

    * * *

    The end of the year was much better than the beginning. Hagrid wasn't able to keep his mouth shut about the Unicorn donating his horn to Harry, which made all the talk about Boy-Who-Lived being Dark wizard just as ridiculous as the speculations about Longbottom being the Heir of Slytherin.
    Harry' Potter's Special Award for Services to the School replaced Tom Riddle's award in the Trophy room. The amount of points Harry got guaranteed another House Cup for Slytherins. The corpse of the Basilisk was sold to the Goblins, the sum of Galleons was substantial even for the old Pureblood families.
    Dolores Umbridge was sacked; even Cornelius Fudge didn't bother to defend her, citing the 'inability to deal with the harassment against Purebllod scion properly' (oblivously, Madame Longbottom learned about the treatment of her son, and she wasn't a witch you want to cross, Minister of Magic or not).
    Ron Weasley blamed Harry for the inability to save his sister, but nobody shared his opinion. Not even his brothers, especially after they saw the Basilisk's carcass.
    "Ignore Ronniekins-" Fred (or George) said.
    "- he was dropped on his head as a baby -"
    "- you avenged Ginny - "
    "- and we'll prank the Hell -"
    "- of anybody who tries to say otherwise."
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2014