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Plausible crossover points?

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by SKsniper128, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. SKsniper128

    SKsniper128 Fifth Year

    Jan 3, 2008
    North-East Coast U.S.A.
    I've been trying to put pen to paper on a Harry Potter/Valkyria Chronicles idea I have, but I just can't seem to hit on any method of getting Harry from 1980's Magical Earth to the 1935ish Europa.

    So far I've played with:

    • MoD Harry walking through the Veil in the Department of mysteries in search of the next great adventure, the three artifacts allow him to use the Veil as a doorway to Death's Realm and since death is universal he can use it like a 'Hub' to go anywhere - but a Harry that's nearing Nicolus Flamel ages of old would just breeze through any challenges that the Empire could feasibly present.
    • Harry aged 20ish is placed into stasis prior to some sort of magical calamity that somehow simultaneously wipes out all existing modern technology on a Global scale while killing enough of humanity to 'reset' the stage for the titular Valkyria to come into power. The Empire then digs the magically preserved Potter out of whatever hole/ruins he ended up in after thousands of years of being stuck in a crystal.

    As you guys can see both ideas are rather sub-optimal, so I'm fishing for some suggestions. Any ideas would be great, thanks.

  2. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    Well you could go with the good ol' time-turner incident, mysterious magical explosion, luna doing some cooky experiment or anything like that.
  3. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    There are a few prime crossover points. I think you're losing something by having Harry crossover well post-Hogwarts. In almost every universe a fully qualified HP wizard is ridiculously OP... crossing Harry when he's still a teen gets around this nicely, and also means it'll be closer to the Harry we know. Often post-Hogwarts Auror Harry is generic action guy.

    With that in mind...

    Prisoner of Azkaban, time turner goes wrong. This'll be a Harry and Hermione crossover.

    Goblet of Fire, second task. Harry goes into the lake and gets sucked into a mysterious underwater passage.

    Goblet of Fire, graveyard. Harry grabs the portkey just as Voldemort's spell hits it, causing the portkey to go wonky.

    Order of the Phoenix, Department of Mysteries. The veil is one choice but not the only one. That place is packed full of weird stuff.

    Half-Blood Prince, the Cave. Voldemort has hid his horcrux in another dimension, the portal to which is in the cave. Harry and Dumbledore go on an adventure.

    Deathly Hallows, when Harry dies. Train station etc.
  4. SKsniper128

    SKsniper128 Fifth Year

    Jan 3, 2008
    North-East Coast U.S.A.
    You do raise some good points, and I do agree that a fully qualified HP wizard is rather OP in most settings that don't already have people with similar traits.

    I like the HBP idea with Voldemort hiding his horcrux in another dimension, but the same issue of HP wizards are ridiculously OP comes back in force when you stick Dumbledore into the mix as well.

    The thing is, I don't really want the uncomfortable loose ends that would occur with HP jumping universes with Voldemort still alive endangering his friends. I figure sometime immediately after Voldemort's death (and before the epilogue) would strike a decent balance. Harry has some experience in fighting and survival, but he's still missing that final year of schooling, so he's still working with at best a Sixth year's knowledge of spells.

  5. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    This is insanely cool and I have never seen it done. Well done!
  6. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    The Department of Mysteries pulls a special time turner from somewhere and gives it to Harry so he (and possibly Ron and Hermione) can go back in time and prevent Voldemort's rise, only it's untested and given that Harry is the protagonist, something must go wrong. Cue Harry and the gang ends up in the required world.
  7. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Chamber of Secrets: something was under the secret, under-the-castle chamber itself, awoken by the "sacrifice" of the basilisk (which was, originally, a guardian meant to stop the evil being released).

    The manipulative/malevolent being possesses/merges with a female character, from an abducted student (from Hermione to Pansy, to Daphne to Lavender) to a lured character (Tonks, Rosmerta), and works on world-domination.

    Maybe throw in a reverse Dracula vibe in there, with her seeking out Harry -- every queen needs a king, after all.

    Goblet of Fire: an assassination attempt in the Second Task somehow results in Harry and Fleur being shunted into a parallel place, Half-Life "Xen"-style.

    What passes for a second here is a year there (time differential): while only roughly ten or so seconds have passed in the Lake with them out of "phase"...

    When they return, not only are Harry and Fleur physical adults into their mid-to-late twenties, but they're also a bit odd mentally and socially because they were the only sapient beings "there" for such a long time.

    They spent pretty much most of their days just trying to survive in a death-world: one thing lead to another over a long period of time, being the only humans there and all, and...

    Lily Apolline Potter.

    As well as having to re-adapt to life on Earth, everyone has to deal with the Tournament and Voldemort, the rapid change in relationships with their friends, and their young daughter.

    The Ministry Debacle in Order of the Phoenix. Obvious is obvious.

    Quidditch match goes wrong: one of the Slytherins' dirty tricks would have been unintentionally lethal to Katie Bell, and Harry risks his neck to save her, suffering grievous injuries in the process.

    This act/divergence is a spring-board for any relationship development between Harry and Katie (especially complicated by a debt that she feels she owes him -- none of that fanon "Life-Debt" cliched shit, though).

    One of Harry's yearly challenges goes horribly wrong; he succeeds, but suffers brain-damage that alters his personality or inflicts significant memory loss.

    On killing the Basilisk, Harry is Determined by a divine parent -- said parent is unable to ignore the fact their offspring just offed something that would have killed many more abled heroes his size.

    Given that it's Greek mythology, Lily and James could still be his parents by birth and blood, but the god's or goddess' essence could have mingled in Harry another way.

    I had a few random ideas/snippets on this idea with Artemis over at SpaceBattles.

    James actually did get "over" Lily in their Seventh Year: he matured, moved on, and found a lovely girlfriend.

    Lily, in the meanwhile, realizes that she'd fallen in love with James after he started to use his brain a bit... and now it was too late.

    He let her down gently after she tried to ask him out, and is a close friend of the Potter family, which is a bitter pill for her.

    Eventually, James and his girlfriend get married and have a kid: "Aunt" Lily is named as godmother, and "Uncle" Sirius as godfather.

    Then tragedy strikes: a year or so later, the wife is accidentally murdered in a crossfire between the Aurors and Death Eaters (she was a "proper pureblood who married a pureblood, traitor or not -- they didn't really have a personal issue with her).

    James grieves, and Lily supports him and sort of works her way out of the friend-zone and into a more awkward spot.

    Thus, when "Harry" enters Hogwarts, he has a broken and grieving father; a "sort-of" aunt that's also a pseudo-mother trying to awkwardly break clean from the friend-zone, etcetera.

    Tonks survives the Battle of Hogwarts: Remus doesn't.
    Yeah, there's a fic or two on FFn based on this premise, but it's still a good one.

    Harry, in his taken-seriously duties as godfather, and Tonks, mentally beaten-down after everything that's happened, gravitate towards one another: as a result, Harry's relationship with Ginny slowly breaks down and causes shockwaves through the family.

    Luna and Harry begin dating after Slughorn's Party.

    Harry is born a metamorphmagus, a gift from his father's side of the family.

    Hermione Tragedy: In an effort to cripple Harry's emotional support, Voldemort targets Ron and Hermione with a few of his "Dark Creatures" -- the former escapes by accident/chance, the latter doesn't while on holiday with her parents.

    Forcibly sired, a seriously messed up-in-the-head Hermione is now obsessed with "reuniting" Ron and Harry ("her boys") by hunting them down and turning them.

    Veela are cruel, utterly alien beings compared to humans: Harry is hunted down by a clan of veela -- veela have a "Dark Creature" classification for a reason.

    They don't think like humans do; they're pretty much alien at the core. Their motivations and goals are different, etcetera.


    And, of course, Harry goes into Slytherin, or into Ravenclaw.
  8. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Ehr... do any of these actually crossover with other settings/fictional universes?
  9. Glimmervoid

    Glimmervoid Professor

    Dec 21, 2011
    A strange wardrobe found in the Room of Requirement.
  10. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Oh, my bad: I didn't read the OP properly; thought he meant divergences from canon.

    Well, I suppose any of those could be used as a vehicle to splice in with a different setting.

    Hermione? Vampire, the Masquerade, etcetera.
  11. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of Hermione going nutters over Harry and Ron in the turning, and Veelas being Dark creatures that hunt Harry for whatever reason. Could make for an interesting premise, so long as one avoided the pitfalls of cliches.
  12. Ferdiad

    Ferdiad Unspeakable

    Oct 23, 2011
    Limerick, Ireland
    My first thought was a Kill la Kill crossover...
  13. Starfox5

    Starfox5 Seventh Year

    Aug 27, 2014
    I'd consider "fusioning" the Harry Potter world into the Valkyria Chronicles. So, there's a magical world that hid from the rest of the VC world. Hogwarts can be in any VC country you like. You don't even have to adapt that much - we do not really see much distinctive modern technology (Computer, mobile phones, etc.) in canon HP. Most of the technology we see should be present in VC already.
  14. Vulcan

    Vulcan Groundskeeper

    Oct 16, 2014
    Pre-Hogwarts 'Harry Apparated to the roof while escaping Dudley and his gang'. In your story, he can Apparate somewhere else.