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The Walking Dead

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Cyclops, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. LilC16

    LilC16 Second Year

    Sep 28, 2010
    Yeah, wasn't really surprised that happened to her. Had that cop pegged the moment he tried to be the 'good/meak guy'.

    Dat ninja zombies though. Usually when zombies pop up, people aren't looking in all directions like that priest was. Now I know how the rest of world got infected. Not from those slow as shit zombies, but these super fast ones.
  2. Pure Infinity

    Pure Infinity High Inquisitor

    Dec 19, 2012
    That scene with the nail... I hope Gabriel got a tetanus shot before the apocalypse...

    Overall, a solid episode. It's nice that the show didn't focus too much on one group at a time - I really don't like that. I prefer to keep up with everyone throughout the episode - makes it so I don't spend the hour going "that's great, but you ended with a cliffhanger last episode, and I want to know what happened with that."

    Rick has really turned into a calmer, more composed version of Shane at this point. With Darryl acting like Rick did back in season 1 and 2 - if that makes any sense.

    With Team GREATM seemingly about to head back to the church, and Rick and co. about to reunite with Beth and Carol, it looks like the whole group is going to get back together soon. Of course, I'm expecting that someone will die.

    Also, where the hell is Morgan in all this? They showed him in the season premier, like he's the big reveal this season, and then they leave him to show up later? Seriously? Maybe I was spoiled when they immediately gave the Governor an arc after revealing he was back, but I expected them to have done something with him within six episodes after his reveal!

    In any case, really good episode. Next episode is the mid-season finale, so I expect great things.
  3. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    To be honest I don't expect to see Morgan until the season finale next March. It was a post-credits teaser saying that hey he's out there, but yeah, will be a while.

    Lots of set-up this episode but it did it well. Good juggling of a lot of storylines. I think Glenn/Tara/Rosita's little adventure won it for being a bit lighthearted and fun. Glenn did his leader-y step up thing by scouting Rosita, who got to show off some skills she picked up, and then Tara. Oh Tara. You beautiful unicorn with a yo-yo. Live forever, please. You deserve a harem of Veela girls for your troubles.

    Walker Kill Of The Week, maybe Year, was Daryl with the classic "rip off its head so you can beat some other guy's head in" kill. Genius, really. And hey, Maggie threatening Abe, always fun.

    I'm worried as all fuck for next week's finale. You just know shit's going to go wrong. If Beth dies I'mma invent a time machine and go back to slap the shit out of the writers the moment they think of the idea.
  4. Ash'Ura

    Ash'Ura Totally Sirius

    Dec 10, 2009
    My favorite part had to be the face Rick made every time Daryl and Tyrese suggested a peaceful resolution. The "You know this shit is gona come back and bite us in the ass, right?" face.
  5. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    I love Rick's expressions, his "Everything is telling me to kill this fucker but for some reason I'm going to listen to Daryl and etc and back down and then I'll be even more pissed off when someone I think is one of us dies."

    Also, Sasha seriously? Let's turn our back to a hostage who is not properly tied up and is also a police officer. Tyreese sounds a lot like Dale and Herschel (Peace is the way, kumbaya.., maybe all a cannibal needs is a hug) so one of the siblings seem like they should be down for the count.

    We should make our anyone but "rick, daryl, maggie, glenn" plz God list.
  6. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    I think Sasha did it because it was what Bob would have wanted to. It was her way of dealing and accepting his loss.

    Plus Noah even vouched for the guy as one of the nice ones. Its just too bad the guy was so manipulative and smart, he was playing everyone he talked to I think.

    My main gripe is with the ninja Zombies. Seriously how the fuck does a zombie sneak up on you after giving a 360 check? Plus they always moan don't they?

    Anyway unless the priest is going to change, I'm ready for him to die even though it might mean losing another Wire alumni.
  7. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Why would they trust Noah at all? Like, I still don't trust Noah. He almost got Daryl & Carol killed. Trust no one till they prove themselves beyond a shadow of a doubt or are the old crew.
  8. Viewtiful

    Viewtiful Groundskeeper

    Jan 9, 2010
    And if you have the inclination to trust someone, only do so if the situation demands it. It's not like Sasha was doing something super important by trusting him there, she was just needlessly putting herself at risk to create more drama. It's just sloppy writing.

    This is why they need to listen to Rick and just murder everyone they meet, he needs the kills to catch up with Carol anyway.
  9. Dethklok

    Dethklok Order Member

    Apr 16, 2008
    The power of Christ compels him not to tell you.
    I fucking hate you, Gabriel.

    For reals.

    ...and I'm a little bit surprised. That cop fight was like watching two Terminators go at it. Maybe it was because they were fighting in a tight hallway.

    And Beth, honey? Not the best time to grow a pair.
  10. Viewtiful

    Viewtiful Groundskeeper

    Jan 9, 2010
    Rick hitting someone with his car is now my favourite moment of the whole show.

    And hey, Maggie finally remembered she has a sister. Excellent timing.
  11. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    I kind of laughed at Maggie's reaction like she never mentions her sister(I don't think they've had any scenes together since the prison and then its like she suddenly remembers Beth exists only to find her dead.

    Rick was such a badass this episode. He reminds of all the best parts about shane.

    Why did Beth stab Dawn in the shoulder. Would have thought she'd have learned enough to go for the neck or something.

    I thought Carol had internal bleeding?
  12. Himuradono

    Himuradono Professor

    Feb 3, 2008
    Oh yeah, great timing there, Maggie. All it took was Michonne telling you your sister is alive. You know, the one you didn't mention for some time now. Meh.

    No, I'm sorry, but the whole scene(Beth is alive) was meh. Like, whatevah! There was no buildup, Maggie literally did nothing to search for Beth, hadn't mentioned her once in the last two episodes. Wasted potential.


    Was it shocking? Yes. Did it make any sense? For a certain value of sense. Did it surprise me? Yes. I'm even upset but in the end it seems a bit over the top.

    And it wasn't even a proper shiv but some scissors. Riddick's crying somewhere because of that.

    Gabriel must be drinking some primo stupid juice because the shit he pulled deserves a Darwin Award.
    But hey, on the other hand, the actor's pulling his weight.

    On the matter of Rick propelling the guy forward and then shooting him. Well, it was one of the better scenes of the last few episodes. Pretty powerful stuff, character-wise. We all knew Rick had it in him to be ruthless but that execution was pure heart of stone and undiluted cold blood. I actually thought he was going to drag him back to the others but what do you know, he shot him.

    Overall, it was a great episode and felt much longer than the 40min. it lasted. But the Beth bit was just... disappointing.

    It smelled of assisted suicide to me.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2014
  13. Cyclops

    Cyclops Unspeakable

    May 12, 2007
    Cleveland, OH USA
    Tyreese and Daryl are lucky Rick isn't the kind of person to say "I told you so." Rick wanted to stealth attack the hospital, they wanted to try a peaceful way; Rick didn't want to take that cop hostage, Daryl stopped him. If they would have listened to him from the start Beth would most likely still be alive.

    Maggie suddenly cares about Beth again? Too little, to late. Her ignoring Beth's existence made me like her a lot less than I used to.

    I really don't like Tyreese and Gabriel. Those guys are too stupid to live. Was Tyreese this much of a pussy in the comics? I can't remember.

    I'll miss Beth. I think she still had more potential as a character, unlike some other characters.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2014
  14. Ash'Ura

    Ash'Ura Totally Sirius

    Dec 10, 2009
    I wasn't really bothered by this because they never came across as particularly close, even in season 2. It's always felt like they only gave a shit about each other because they're obligated to as family.

    Tyreese isn't a pussy in the comics or the show. He's a lot like Rick was in the earlier seasons. Just an average guy desperately trying to hold onto what little is left of his humanity in the wake of anarchy. Only, he isn't burdened with the responsibility of leadership and keeping several people alive, so he's still maintained quite a bit of his humanity. However, this is a zombie apocalypse and people don't really like a guy who isn't willing to do what's considered necessary to keep loved ones alive.

    Anyway, considering that most people had already guessed that it would be either Beth or Carol who would kick the bucket sometime this season, Beth's death didn't come across as too much of a surprise. I'm glad that it was Beth, rather than Carol though. Carol's been too much of a beast to be killed by a goddamn car. She ain't no bitch nigga like Bob.
  15. Pure Infinity

    Pure Infinity High Inquisitor

    Dec 19, 2012
    To be honest, I feel completely different about Maggie and Beth. I mean, obviously they're close. Maggie is a pragmatic person - she had no way of searching for Beth, no way to deal with the situation. Was she supposed to take off across Georgia to look for her, dragging Glen with her? Obviously not. So what - should she cry and sob about it? Hell no. Darryl told her Beth is probably alive - she could trust him on that. But there wasn't much she could do.

    To me, it was obvious the whole time that Maggie cared about Beth. Why wouldn't she? Just because they didn't show a bunch of fluff scenes with Maggie and Beth hanging out and bonding doesn't mean the viewer can't fill it in. Yeah, I wasn't exactly invested in the sibling relationship between the two, but I never doubted that they were close.

    There was never a point in the series where I felt that Maggie and Beth weren't close. Mainly because the show never pointed and said that they weren't close. If they had, I would see where the stance that "Maggie and Beth aren't close" is coming from.

    That said, they probably should have had more build up for Maggie's discovery - just to make it a bit more emotional when, just as they're about to reunite, Beth dies. In any case, I figured Maggie was worrying the whole time, just off screen. A lot of stuff has been happening this half of the season - and although I can think of a few scenes that could have been replaced with a quick "Maggie is worried about Beth" scene, I don't think it was entirely necessary.

    In the end, I felt Maggie's reactions made perfect sense.
  16. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    The same Pragmatic person who refused to believe that Glenn was dead despite all evidence pointing to it? At the very least she wanted to confirm that he was actually dead. So you can't say that it was because she didn't expect Beth to survive.

    Heck she even chose to go to DC while Beth was still somewhere out there.

    My headcanon says that the two weren't siblings and it works better if that role was designated to Daryl.
  17. LilC16

    LilC16 Second Year

    Sep 28, 2010
    This show has so many inconsistencies that it's ridiculous, but hey, plot.

    I was a bit shocked, and then disappointed with Beth's death. That assisted suicide, for that's what it had to have been, came out of left field to me at first. Then I thought back to that scene where Beth was going to try and go out with a bang before Carol was brought in, and it makes a tiny bit more sense. If anything deserved more attention this season, it was whatever was going on through that girls head when she decided to stab someone with fucking scissors. I get she was down in the dumps, but she's been built up to be stronger than to let it stop her. I'd rather her get taken out by a ninja zombie.

    The thing that bugs me with Maggie is that there never was a scene where she was even conflicted about leaving for Washington without even seeming concerned for Beth. Or any dialogue at all about Beth. It was hard to buy that grief without it, and it's kinda sucks that they thought they could sell it. Off-screen doesn't work with a scene with as much build up as this one.
  18. Kai Shek

    Kai Shek Supreme Mugwump

    Jun 24, 2006
    I don't think Beth's scene was 'just' assisted suicide. Beth didn't seem to have any such plans until Noah was forced to go back to the hospital, and I think she knew that if she were to be shot, there was no way in hell Rick and crew were going to let it go.

    I saw it as her sacrificing herself for Noah, in the same way that he did for her early on in the season when he accepted a beating for her. Perhaps she knew she would die, but I think more than likely she just wanted to break the peace to get Noah out of there.

    I agree about Maggie. I assume her grief and worry were off scene, but it would have been nice to have at least one scene about it. Perhaps when they were on the road, she could have had a scene with Glenn.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2014
  19. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    So I notice they are making the Walkers slower/thiner and weaker. I wonder how they are going to keep going?

    Make them deal with massive herds of them? Have them continue to just be a minor threat and focus on other humans?

    As we have seen, a lot of the walkers are quite literally melting and falling apart.

    Peak Zombie population would have been maybe 4-6 months after it started, ever since them more would be destroyed everyday than would of been created.

    Infact running the math, is 97-99% of humans were turned, then if every survivor killed 100 Walkers, the out break is done. Now some dont kill many or any, and others have killed far more, but really, if you include the massive amounts killed by the army in the first months (napalming Atlanta) and the atritiion of them through melting and being destoryed. There should be noticeably less Walkers.

    Hell lets say Woodbury and the Prison never got into fisticuffs and both stayed as independent communities of survivors, then they could have theoretically cleared out the entire area for miles around of all walkers and then of just needed a few look out for herds coming through which would have been very easily dealth with.
  20. Kai Shek

    Kai Shek Supreme Mugwump

    Jun 24, 2006
    Human's have been the main problem for awhile now. Even Bob's death comes down to the fact that Gabriel fucked up and got him bit.

    They do seem to only kill when they have to, rather than killing to clean up. For example, the shit with the fence at the prison. That couldn't have been hard to clean up if they kept someone on it daily in rotation, but they seemed to only do it when they were threatening to bring the fence down.