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Batmafia #2

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Koalas, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. TerRaine

    TerRaine Squib

    Apr 16, 2014
    Well I know it might be hard to comprehend but I have a life outside this game and I had plans this weekend. I thought it would be courteous to inform people I saw their questions and would get to them when I had time. Every so often I'd glance at the thread on my phone to get an idea on how much I had to catch up on tonight or tomorrow.

    If you have a problem with that then please refer to the rules regarding whining about people having a real life. If you still have a problem there after you can always fold it up all fancy and stick it somewhere ^-^

    I am going to go eat dinner. Then I'm going to get ready for work.I will then sit down and figure out the thread if I am not exhausted. If I am? I will do it tomorrow.

  2. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Yeah, this is the response I expected from you.

    Thanks for fulfilling expectations to a T.

    Maybe if I feel like it I'll find relevant data. I do find it interesting when people cite RL but also check the thread often\post re RL. I guess my own stance is that if something serious is going on in RL don't post about it unless you can also post re the game.

    Oh the long lovely trend of people posting somethign to the effect of "RL BRB will post" and then doing it again and again. Wouldn't it be simpler if you didn't do all that nonsense unlese you were going to be AWOL for like 5 days or more?

    I'm curious at to who your scumbuddies are, if they would be so blatant as I think they have been.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:05 PM ----------

    Oh and personal scum story time, I did this because it was true like we all have real lives and stuff due or work or people to watch movies with and it helped me avoid answering questions.

    It's funny though when I could respond to one or so comment but not like the piles of questiosn that would help determine my alignment. Yay scum tactics.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:07 PM ----------

    And the other thought on my mind some of these characters like Nightwing or whatever I never heard of and are a bit light on interesting backstories. I hope Kalas will run this again but make all the roles more equal in terms of high profile names.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:09 PM ----------

    And P.S. If you do something as scum (such as mentioning RL) then that invalidates it for me as something not to comment on or address. So yeah, if you were in a game with me as scum and mentioned RL in any way as a reason to post later (which happens) expect it to be a point I pick on.
  3. TerRaine

    TerRaine Squib

    Apr 16, 2014
    Lyr either accuse me of breaking the rules of the game and get me kicked or shut the fuck up about it alright? I don't play these fucking things for you to harass me for having something other than this in my life. You go right ahead and PM Kalas.

    I gotta say you really lately take the fun out of playing for me. -_-

    I'll work on my post in the mean time...if I'm going to get kicked though have the courtesy to let me know so I don't waste my time.
  4. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    I'm sorry you feel that way.

    Take a deep breath and go look through your posts in Lexis game and even the filler game where you were an assassin, you do mention rl a lot in similar kinds of posts. And I have no town meta on you so I'm going by what I have.

    If you were town then post to answer questions rather then post to throw a fit.

    I have no belief on modkills for stupid reasons, Kalas already knows what I think about some of the rules in my QT.

    Again instead of further posts that are bereft of any game related anything than just comment, on the game state. Or you know vote someone.
  5. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Vote Lyrium

    Done because IMO accusing Terraine of faking RL is shitty after being warned. I did the same mistake and apologized for it and didn't know.

    I will answer your question later about possible coalignment of Terraine and Snow in more detail but gut instinct is that there isn't any evidence either way, but I need to look at it more.
  6. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Lyrium please respond to my questions. Still phone post, but there were a few of them you didn't.

    Also just yesterday I brought up rl and said I would continue posting when I could - guess what? I continued posting an hour later. RL happens. Just because you've never seen Ter as town doesn't mean he suddenly loses having a life as town. I think its very useful for a player to comment to say they can't post - when I did it earlier this game ir happened such that I hadn't even read to that point, but wanted to make things clear.

  7. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Can you restate the questions?

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 PM ----------

    MathBlade, are you voting for me as scum or for something else? It's unclear.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------

    Oh and P.S. nothing in this game is personal to me and neither is anything I say meant to be taken personally. I'm not sure if that translates or not but its a game. Within the game a lot is possible but what happens in the game stays in the game.
  8. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    I'm voting for you because I'm not sure who between the two of you is scum and accusing a player of faking RL is against the rules to me. So my vote is there for unsure of alignment and player courtesy. Just making a statement that isn't cool.
  9. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Let me be clear MathBlade and all else. Yes, I do think bringing up RL unnecessarily is a scum tell. Do I think that players obviously lie? No, I think that being scum can make people feel guilty and or pressure to be seen as posting without actually posting and it comes out in, "Hey I'm posting to post that I can't post until later post."

    Is this 100% true? No. However, in my experience it happens a lot more often with scum then with non-scum.

    Thank you MathBlade for telling me that was not cool through a vote. Your flip flop votes are interesting. If you suspected that someone could be scum based on the above reasoning, how would you phrase it so that it was a legitimate line of inquiry?

    Agent Q, can you restate all of your remaining questions? Or quote them? I would like to try to respond asap.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 PM ----------

    Here's another idea based off MB's interesting use of vote.

    If my play is that terrible as in anti-game or something then please do vote me. Like if I am voted for my bad play then that should teach me something about sucking as a player.

    If it weren't abundantly clear I am trying to be a better player so if its that bad (mb, ter, q, et al) then please go ahead and get it over with.
  10. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    And I am being clear to you. It may be possible people would lie about it but that is against the rules. I'm giving Ter benefit of the doubt that Ter isn't lying. I have clear evidence in the thread that you are accusing someone about lying about RL. I hunt inactives generally to try to get them to play.

    I did not flip flop. I stated why I think each of you could be scum. You've been acting more and more scummy since I called you town. IMO either one of you or Terraine is and your postings made me choose how I'd want the game to go forward.

    If I suspected someone was scum because they were faking RL and that's the only reason I would let it go. If I suspected someone was scum and faking and had other reasons I would use those other reasons. If it becomes egregious (more so than everyone else's RL) then I'd ask for a replacement in the thread indicating maybe they don't have enough time to play. If they come back they've learned not to do it again. If they don't come back they are replaced out with smeone who can play, problem solved. IMO there isn't a reason to be negative.

    The majority of the thread has said RL problems so I don't see Ter doing something the thread isn't doing in that regard.

    Is it still possible she's scum? Yes. But I've lost my town read on you.
  11. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Well, I'm going to drop the issue as per the rules but I have noted in my QT that players should refrain from mentioning RL in thread. Mention it to the Mods via QT since its relevant to them. In thread RL mentions especially by my scum suspects trips up my reads. Maybe its my weakness or issue since in games I've allowd RL mentions to make me go against my instincts and therefore bad things happened.

    I do apologize for playing in a way that may be seen as aggressive or in the words of scum in one of my games, "bitchy." I probably need to work on this aspect and be more analytical based.

    Sorry, TerRaine. If you're town then I do apologize, I suppose I'm trying very hard not to be tripped up by you in this game (as in last game where I didn't be firm) and that may be biasing me.

    GL, town.
  12. TerRaine

    TerRaine Squib

    Apr 16, 2014

    Time out.


    I Lost My Job.

    My entire department was outsourced in July. Lexis game? The day it started I found out I was turned down from a dream position of mine that I had more or less been told I had hours before I left to go camping.

    All my RL "excuses" during the duration of that game regardless of me being scum were because I was going out on interviews nearly every other day. If not that? I was spending hours pouring over applications.

    I am 3 weeks into my new job now.

    So yes. I use RL a lot because RL comes up for me A LOT in the past few months. You want to find scumtells in my game play more power to you. I was NOT going to sit here and grin while you call me a cheater in pretty much every game I played. This is why it's a touchy subject for me

    Now onto game things.

    I've had and still have my reservations on Sloth. We've tricked on another as scum one time a piece. I listed my reasons for finding him touchy in a previous read list. It's no where near enough to get my vote on him but it's enough for me to watch him closely.

    On the rainbow? I disagree with his read on you which is really the major change between the 2 rainbows. I do see why he put your where he did with his data I just don't interpret it all the same way he did

    I gave reads on 2 of the players in 165 o_o Are you even reading what I'm posting?

    Rubicon's....always hard for me to read. He's somehow found his way into each game I've been in but has been two once and third once. I need to go back and read the game in which he was scum to see if I can get a feel for what his play is like.

    I like that he's asking questions and pressuring people. I am keeping him at room temperature. Though I do agree with him on Quank.

    Atum since my last read...still got a town lean on him. He's supporting his vote with actual reasons not just throwing it at whoever or using it defensively which I'm seeing a lot of in this game I feel like.

    Snow is asking more questions than I am used to but there's still that floaty fluffy attitude going. I'd probably put him more towards a town read than a null but not super strong on it. I was a lil curious about the Fluffiness vote with no support.

    Strongest to weakest.


    Comes out of no where to defend Quank thugh doesnt give a reason for a while. When he does...

    It's kind of a fluff reason that no one can verify.

    His interactions with Quank are kinda null. There are very few and they seem carefully crafted to not draw attention.


    He has a scum read on Quank but provides no reasons other than look at what Terraine said. He's a better player than that.


    Find it odd he has had NO interaction with him at all.

    I am a little suspicious of MB defending him.

    Why is it weird there's a spread of votes and a lot of people find him scummy? It's D1 and all the scum are in play. Obviously there's going to be players people in town find scummy but are not putting their vote on right away. It's not like people are just randomly declaring Quank scummy with no support.

    She does provide an argument for his defense later...but when you start with this ...

    I've never played with him...there's no inherent bias. I just think he's been acting scummy and I highlighted why in earlier posts.

    As I said though. This is my weakest/barely there choice.

    THIS is the alignment question you avoided Quank


    Vote Quank
  13. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    On phone, will quote in ~2 hours. I would encourage you to simply reread, so that we can that we can get more discussion in today, tho, as I imagine it will take some back and forth and self quoting will detract from the amount of time I have to devote to this game.

    If I had someone posting too much about RL, I would say that I found it suspicious/suprising that they were taking that long to respond when they had promised to be able to. It would be rare that I would bring this up as something suspicious, as in my experience talk about RL is not affected by alignment. Thus, I would only mention it if it wad a contributing factor and only as part of a greater push,and being somrthing i would back off on easily, because it isn't grounds on its own, imo.
    The sorts of RL talks that I would generally use would relate to a long post which seems unreasonably contributive and filler without cause - this is probably just because the way I would deal with this is a quick mention excusing brevity/lack of response and saying when this will be fixed, but I know others approach this differently.
    Calling out people watching the thread in the way you did is something I'm psticularly opposed to, as my fora went so far as to ban this, because it forced players to go invisible/moderate their activity on other parts of the forum despite not generally being a valid result.
    Generally, if I see someone who is struggling to contribute because of out of game factors I'll be more likely to work with them, advising them to give quick impressions/reads and so on.

    Oh and I strongly disagree that people shouldn't mention it in thread. That is something that players do need to know and find quite useful, and notes like that keep interaction with the thread alive and make sure players aren't forgotten.

    I'm sorry to hear that, TerRaine :( I hope things improve.
  14. TerRaine

    TerRaine Squib

    Apr 16, 2014
    They have. I have my new job which I love and its actually put me closer to my friends so I get to see them more often ^-^

    I had a rough couple of months. I didn't post that for sympathy though. I just want to be honest and show WHY I got so bent out of shape then and now over the questioning of it. Pretty sure I blew up on Zenzao for it as well though I never said why.
  15. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Lyrium, I still really think you and Ter are both town.

    The theory that Quanksor may be town because of his role... Well, I don't have a strong grasp of this setup right now, and to be quite honest I have no idea what you are all talking about. But to clarify one thing, I don't think he's scum because of the stuff he said about mechanics and theory. I think he's scum because of his play since

    I do not get the impression at all that he is town trying to solve the game. I see signs of it from some of the others here... like his fluffiness. But not Quanksor.

    Would this role thing change my mind about that?

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:43 PM ----------

    MathBlade. :\
  16. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013

    I disliked his post 168, where he put no thought into answering the questions, for example ignoring a huge part of Nightwing's and Red Robin powers: townfirming people. For example, if Red Robin sees that Player A has visited Player B, if Player B is still alive in the morning, Player A is Town, since scum have no roles that target living people other than Bane and Killer Croc, and it is obvious if either is used.

    Before I placed my vote on him, he had posted no opinions on other players, and had put no thought into the game, as far as I had seen.

    And his last post hasn't made me feel much better about him. He says that Q gave a reason for voting him, when all I see as explanation is this.

  17. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    And most importantly:

    Or, put another way, could you respond to my criticisms/interpretation of your play, especially towards me, as covered in post 303.

    Basically I supplied why I thought a lot of your play was scummy/anti-town, and you responded to little of it. You responded well to some questions I fired off, but you never took the time to respond to my case on you.
  18. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    So right now I'm rereading the thread, focusing on one person at a time. Then I'll get to anything directed at me recently. And stuff.

    If I don't finish by 6AM then I'm calling it a night and will resume tomorrow afternoon. After that I have a couple of finals I need to sort of pay attention to for a bit.
  19. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Be suspicious. I don't really see a counter here or a question. I am town. My gut says Quanksor is town but there's arguments that can be made for him being scum. :/
  20. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    Just got back to this finally. Sorry for not being back yesterday, had to get my car battery replaced at like 10 at night 3 hours from home. Got everything sorted and I'm now back. I've caught up on the thread.

    Ask me questions. I'm not quite up to making proactive connections at the moment, running on 2 hours sleep so help me to help you by asking me questions.