So, they completely cut off any way to progress the story in a meaningful manner, and now they're asking someone to take over? Someone doesn't have their priorities straight.
If someone does take over, it will probably be trash, but I recommend that person disregard the last chapter and start from the one before.
The author is a she, not a he, and she's not offering for someone to take over, but granting permission should somebody so desire. As far as the author is concerned, the story is done. That said, I agree that the ending was far too abrupt - it would make an excellent breakpoint for ending the current arc of action, but overall? Ugh.
I don't see how. I understand Voldemort being dead may have put a few people off, but you still have Tom Riddle WITH the Stone.
Spoiler Normally that would be fine, but we spent twenty-four chapters developing Harry and Voldemort's relationship, and Voldemort's character development only for him to be killed off without a hint of foreshadowing. It's a complete waste to replace him with this younger version of him. There's plenty of fics out there with diary Tom Riddle mentoring Harry without having to go through twenty-four chapters. For any fic, it's an interesting idea. For this fic, it's an insult.
Well, maybe someone should go post this in that "bad ending" thread if you all feel so strongly about it, heh. I don't mind as much, since this is the end of the story and not the climax or prep for a sequel (from what I understand this is it as far as the author is concerned). So ending it like this isn't gimping the rest of the story, b/c there is no rest of the story. That said I do agree 100% that it needs an epilogue of some sort. Summarize what happened afterwards at least, as this was a bit too left hanging for my tastes.
Even though the fic is over for the author, in my head I still see it as abandoned instead. There's 24 chapters of world building and the final chapter is really just the start of the conflict (the meat of the story), so I can't consider this a finished fic, even if it is. IDK what I'm saying, but it really is a shame that an interesting fic like this went down in such a way.
I know what you're saying, IBG. If it wasn't for the A/N I'd have been expecting another chapter. One reason why I think an epilogue could give us that feeling of closure, even if we still wouldn't find it a good or satisfying end. It'd at least feel over, heh.
Nice story, 4/5 Your top hats sleek and tall, For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat And I can cap them all.
The The Carnivorous Muffin is doing a sequel to the Hit the Ground Running here:
There's a snowball's chance in hell that I'll read that after the train wreck of an ending the previous author left. The last time I was this disappointed and angry at an ending was Unsong Hero.
Pretty much this. There were 2 reasons I read this story. Initially because it was a Voldemort in Harry's head fic which I really like the idea of and have been unable to find much of. Later because I really enjoyed the way the writer wrote Voldemort as well as his interaction with Harry. Now that that's gone this story has no appeal for me.
Oh god, looks like the author got a little pissy at us and left a note telling us how she was writing a "very different story" than what we thought over here at DLP. Of course that obviously negates just about any and all criticism of both the story in general and the ending in particular. We should have been aware that the author wanted to fuck up an otherwise good story with a shitty ending, our mistake. I guess we can't argue against such bulletproof logic. She also left us other gems like: While I really don't have a problem with the author making fun of us, I'll have to disagree on it happening the other way around. Most of the reviews here are pretty darn serious and actually provides constructive criticism rather than merely "raging."(Not my own obviously) It's perfectly fine to disagree with reviews but this just drips of condescension and disregard of reader feedback. The fact that Tozette is apparently happy that a significant portion of her reader base has 'left' is pretty baffling to me but what do I know. And since you're probably reading this Tozette, I'd love a response on exactly what kind of story you were writing and how you rationalized the ending? I'm honestly curious and will try to keep an open mind.
I saw that earlier today, but figured I'd rather not give the cunt any satisfaction by resurrecting the thread about her fic. Say what you like, but she is a cunt. People had valid complaints on how suddenly it ended, how anti-climactic, and even she said something about that being there all there is, and now it's back and claiming "Aha, you fell for my ingenious plan where I pretend to be retarded, aren't I clever?" whereas those people are the poor saps who simply couldn't understand her grand vision. tldr cunt
I wonder if she grasps that her story might get admin-bombed, as the folks back at the FF get pissy about authors posting just AN's and tend to report the shit out of it? I chuckled at her 'rant' not in a bad way as it was rather mild compared to some we had already seen. So whatever. The ending was abrupt but I would rather do with an abrupt ending then no ending at all. What gets me is the AN(c.24) justification for the ending. About it being planned, envisioned. I feel it wasn't needed, as a rule I'm against authors explaining things in the AN. You either convey it in story or not.
Are you little shits really that sensitive? Lol. Suggesting she should be reported to get her fic taken down just because she said a bad thing about DLP is a shitty thing to do--that's reserved basically exclusively for plagiarists. Whatever happened to 'Harden the fuck up'? Odran's right, it's not worth the time.
By lashing out and calling her a cunt all you're doing is confirming her opinion of the forums. It's largely this kind of reaction which is behind the perception of this forum which still lingers in the fandom, a perception which generally refers to the forum as it was about 5 years ago. Yes, the author ended their story extremely abruptly, to the point where it feels like she's gone "rocks fall, everyone dies". It's more of a covered-up abandonment than a natural ending. It's badly paced because it wasn't built up to properly. The fic set up certain expectations (7 year AU; long term development of Harry as an AU of his canon self under the influence of Voldemort; a realistic, balanced and interesting development of the Malfoy family's nature and allegiances through pre-war and war periods, influenced by their proximity to Harry) and then suddenly veered off path. No, saying "it's not that type of fic" is not a valid defence. There is no type of fic where pulling an ending out of nowhere is good writing. Further, if readers have developed expectations from reading a fic, it's because the writer has created those expectations through the pacing, tone and content. If "it's not that type of fic" then the author should not have written it as that type of fic. However, none of this justifies having a tantrum about it. Just register your constructive criticism and move on. The author can choose to learn from it or not.