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Batmafia #2

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Koalas, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US

    Q this worries me. This is a horrible idea on so many levels. If prompted I can explain but I think explaining is anti town.

    Ugh my gut says Quanksor is town but everything on paper says scum.

    And Mala messing up the links is my bad. I forgot to tell her DLP uses a different coding system so she ended up linking to the nth most public post on the forum :$ Sorry babe.

    I just really don't like Sloth's readwall here and before I liked him as town :/

    Just really turned around here.

    Fuck it time to go with gut.

    Vote Sloth
  2. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Who are you even answering to here? I feel like everyone's brought up against you, and I find it hilarious that despite the overwhelming majority telling you to cut the crap, you still act like you're the one playing the game correctly.

    That's cute and all, but how about you reply to anything I've asked of you in that post, rather than what I challenged Riley to back-up?
    What about what I asked you about Snow? About Snow-Ter? About your not-jabs? Anything?

    You learn nothing.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 PM ----------

    ...Why. The hell would you say ANY of this out loud?
    Where is the benefit? Explain. Right now.

    Answers later.

    Vote Count, please.
  3. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Riley ():
    Snowvon (1): Nemrut
    Malakittens ():
    Citrus ():
    Lyrium ():
    Sloth (5): Citrus, Zenzao, His fluffiness, Quanksor, MathBlade
    TerRaine (1): Malakittens
    Qgqqqqq ():
    Rubicon ():
    Nemrut ():
    Atum ():
    His fluffiness ():
    Quanksor (5): Riley, Fishy Justice, Snowvon, atum, Kento Kraitos
    Mathblade ():
    Zenzao ():
    Fishy Justice (1):
    Kento Kraitos ():

    Not Voting ( 4 ) TerRaine, Lyrium, Rubicon, Q

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:43 PM ----------

    I think.

  4. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Vote: Sloth
  5. Kento Kraitos

    Kento Kraitos Muggle

    Nov 14, 2014
    Newly found land, Ca-na-da
    Sloth voted Rubicon.
  6. TerRaine

    TerRaine Squib

    Apr 16, 2014

  7. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    I thought I had put that in, but apparently not.

    Riley ():
    Snowvon (1): Nemrut
    Malakittens ():
    Citrus ():
    Lyrium ():
    Sloth (5): Citrus, Zenzao, his fluffiness, Quanksor, MathBlade
    TerRaine (1): Malakittens
    Qgqqqqq ():
    Rubicon (1): Sloth
    Nemrut ():
    Atum ():
    His fluffiness ():
    Quanksor (5): Riley, Fishy Justice, Snowvon, Atum, Kento Kraitos
    Mathblade ():
    Zenzao ():
    Fishy Justice ():
    Kento Kraitos ():

    Not Voting ( 4 ) TerRaine, Lyrium, Rubicon, Q
  8. TerRaine

    TerRaine Squib

    Apr 16, 2014
    .....how is it you noticed Kento telling you about Sloth voting Rubicon but you missed Rubicon voting Sloth?
  9. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Oops. That should be
    Sloth (6): Citrus, Zenzao, His fluffiness, Quanksor, MathBlade, Rubicon

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:56 PM ----------

    Ninja'd by TeRraine.
  10. Kento Kraitos

    Kento Kraitos Muggle

    Nov 14, 2014
    Newly found land, Ca-na-da
    Also sloth in addition to TerRaine's question I posed one to you a while back, much more off the topic.

    Why did you ask if I had a mentor?
  11. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Or it means that I'm on to something that you're not seeing. We're not going to be playing the what-ifs game, thanks.
    I'm focusing on what I notice while speed-reading the game, and I AM asking questions to try and see if something pops up that can be beneficial to Town. That has always been my play.
    That's ultimately all I have to say about that, if it's not good enough for you...well, I can promise you it'll affect my actions in no way whatsoever.

    Wait, what? Citrus?
    And most of what I did with Lyrium was reply to comments directed at me. Look, you either want me to play the game or don't. And playing the game involves catching up and replying.

    Yep, I did not ask anything of Lyrium that she then proceeded to ignore, just bitched mindlessly at her.

    ...no, you idiot. -__-
    You don't get to ask me specifically to give my opinion on the Ter/Lyrium thing after it had been dropped, and then turn around and say I'm stirring things up about it for some reason. That's not how it works, what are you even saying here?

    It's like people aren't interested in the Riddler here. Do you not think she might be? Why?\
    And why should I only scumhunt?

    K, why is Snow town?
    Why is fluff town?

    I'd actually love to read an updated, compiled list, since most of what you have is scattered. Please.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:11 PM ----------

    Nothing more to it than what it is. I can see Rubicon attempt to wave off suspicion by flatly stating the truth and making it sound ridiculous.

    'Cept that just saying "Oh, I'm absolutely scum, totes magotes," doesn't immediately mean that "haha, he's right, so ridiculous," when the reasons why I brought up the possibilities haven't been addressed.

    Really that reaction makes me feel the possibility of Rubi being scum to be stronger than before.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 PM ----------

    Why did you apologized for this later?
    Granted, it's true, you're seeing it as a threat because you want to see it as a threat and to make me look bad.
    Yet you backed off really quickly as soon as someone else pointed out why you were wrong.

    (Outside of game: Thanks, I appreciate you saying that.)

    Really, no thoughts on that whatsoever? Agree, disagree, you're a retard Sloth, etc?

    Well how about one of the leading trains. Remind me what your case on Quanksor was? You can just point me to the posts.

    Explained above.

    Show me the posts that swayed you, please.

    Fair nuff.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:22 PM ----------

    (Quick congrats to Citrus over his finals, btw)
    (And to Fonti too. Woo-hooo, half-assing essays!)

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:24 PM ----------

    I didn't say Lyrium was scum?

    So far I have some connection between Snow-Fluff I want to explore.

    - Rubicon could work in there too, as I'm going to have to retrace his steps and see where he fits. Rubi, who did you replace again?
    - Aekiel was replaced by Mala, I believe, so I'm waiting for her to catch up to see if I can do something there.
    - Thinking about Quanksor at this point is not really relevant given the way this day is developing. If he makes it to D2 alive...well, that probably says something.

    Honestly, Lyrium not being scum doesn't affect things much.

    Why were you asking? where is your team?

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 PM ----------

    ...yeah, I'm gonna ask you to elaborate on how it is anti-town, honestly. Not seeing it, and I feel like you're just making a mistake here. Otherwise I'm all for this plan.

    No comment on the gut-thing.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 PM ----------

    To judge your play by the correct standard. Still think you're mostly town, but you've sorta slipped through the cracks lately.

    Where do your reads stand?
  12. Quanksor

    Quanksor Muggle

    Nov 9, 2014
    Airstrip One
    Well, since you asked so nicely :D
    The answer that immediately jumps to mind is, if I do not say *something*, I will be mislynched.
    There are some other reasons bouncing about in my head, but not very good ones.
  13. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Hey Fluff, speaking of, where do you stand?

    Also can you link me to one of your scum games?
    (I cant remember which of the newbies has had previous experience outside of DLP and which haven't.)

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 PM ----------

    That's not what I asked.
    I'm asking why would you outline the outcomes for the Riddler like that. Outlines he might not have thought about and now might consider when making a move.
    You know. Like telling someone of a trap. Like freaking fluff got dangerously close to yesterday.
  14. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    What do you mean where do I stand? If it's about mentors, I don't have one.

    Also, other than that filler game we were both in, this is my first game, so I unfortunately can't link any scum! me games to you.
  15. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Hm. Ok. What's your case on me?

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:41 PM ----------

    Ok, guys, I'm off to eat and then to barista for a few hours. I may check in tonight, but if not, I'll be around in the morning.
    You wanted me to pay more attention, well, I'm trying now.
    Answer my questions.

  16. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    That's okay.

    Still, your approach to doing so is noticeably different than last game.

    (shrug) What if she did? You said it wasn't a scum tell for her. I'd venture to say it's probably not a third party tell either, even if she is the Riddler. Her actual tells point pretty clearly toward her being town.

    I think you brought it up in the middle of your post to Lyrium when you quoted her apology to Ter and said "apologies are meaningless unless you actually do something to change your bad habit." Which, coming pages after they'd both moved on, gives me that impression. I asked about your read to see whether you were doing so because you felt is was genuinely alignment-indicative, Lyrium-scum attacking Ter-town. Apparently not.

    I've been focusing on groupscum, especially since I assume groupscum are interested in killing the Riddler themselves.

    First, tonality. Snowvon is calm and good-humored under pressure as opposed to guilty or evasive. Even as a third party in CYS, he seemed like he was hiding something at first, because he was. When I called him out as scum, he was evasive.

    Second, he's ticking all my boxes for genuine scumhunting. He's talking to all the players, calling people out, being responsive in back-and-forths, putting forth original theories, analyzing posts, taking strong positions, etc.

    Third, #479 is exactly what I thought about your post, which means he's probably reading the game from the same general POV as me.

    his fluffiness is a town read up until the last few pages. The thing is, some of posts especially early on show a paranoia about other players that comes more easily to town. He's also quite active (top of the post count list) and he feels like he's trying to get a grip on the game.

    Lately I've been bothered by the way he's handling vote counts and trying to get us to consolidate votes... it's 'helpful' and some newer scum players like to look 'helpful' to seem more valuable and pro-town. But I don't think that's strong enough to shift my read yet.

    I'll probably drop one before deadline in case I get shot.

    Anyway Sloth, I'm voting you because you're playing differently than you do as town, you're focusing on weird things, your scumhunting doesn't feel genuine to me, and you're pushing a narrative in which I and several of my strongest town reads are scum. That strikes me as you being manipulative and trying to shape the conversation to benefit you.

    This is (hopefully) my only long post today since I have a fuckton of work I need to do.
  17. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Because it's easier to see the error of your ways when someone else points them out? I'm not trying to make you look bad in regards to something OOG because that's really mean. Which I was getting close to being.

    I dunno. Waving around the modkill wand in the game thread as opposed to in your QT just seems really counterproductive and mildly threatening.

    Not really.

    Quanksor was a leading wagon, for a bit.

    None of his posts (at least before page 17) had any sort of town mindset that I could see. He spent a lot of time OMGUS'ing Zenzao and talking about massclaiming. He only has like seven posts, go check them out if you have a minute.

    159, 189, 224, 283, 298.

    ---------- Post automerged at 18:58 ---------- Previous post was at 18:51 ----------

    This feels really opportunistic.

    ---------- Post automerged at 18:59 ---------- Previous post was at 18:58 ----------

    Like, at least tell me what changed your mind.
  18. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Alright, I've skimmed the thread as I could since my last post on page 19, there are bits and pieces that have stood out and then been subsequently forgotten by the time I come in to continue, so I'll just throw out what I do remember and then I'll try to go over the most recent couple of pages in-depth rather than begun again from page 14(where I left my analysis off last time) to present.

    Sloth's absence finally being explained(via TerRaine) gives him some leeway in the lack of posting regard, but I still don't like those early posts or the content filling them. I also don't like his recent admission to ignoring his Scumreads to pressure townreads. Nobody I remember from CYS(or Riley's Dresden games) practiced that kind of Scumhunting. That coupled with his first few posts, as well as his acceptance of being modkilled if requested(being a lone Side-Scum in a game of 15 other players he wouldn't be harming the main Scum team by being removed), is pointing Riddler to me.

    I'll point out that my meta on Sloth is extremely lacking. And after screwing up on Fonti last game(who we all should have pegged as Definitive Scum after her public Daykill and character unearthing), I'm not trusting words from the horse's mouth any more.

    Regarding HF - there were bigger fish to fry(see Sloth, and Quanksor, maybe Riley/Rubicon). I marked his actions as something to look into and then real life ate my time by and large.

    I just... how does this make sense? I'm baffled.


    What the hell, man.

    General opinion ATM
    Sloth - Definitive Scum, either group, leaning heavily toward Riddler. Substantial shift in play according to Rubicon, odd behavior according to several others, anti-town behavior toward Scumhunting by and large IMO.
  19. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Hey Zenzao, one time Sloth was like super amazing stealth lonescum (as you can tell by the quote in his sig) since his partner was basically AWOL and got modkilled, but then Sloth voted himself as a "look at me would scum vote themselves?" gambit:

    and MathBlade hammered:

    then this happened:

    and town won. ngl i'm still cackling.

    So yeah that's about all the meta you'll need.
  20. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    That implies a mind change. Been saying all along in my gut Quanksor is town. Since we are consolidating I am voting for the person I think is scum. Calling consistent play opportunistic is just weird.

    ---------- Post automerged at 16:16 ---------- Previous post was at 16:14 ----------

    OMG that game was hilariously frustrating. Pretty much Sloth did a good job of shooting down my arguments and so I pretty much made a last ditch effort and Sloth didn't Unvote because of the board fucking him over. IMO Sloth shoulda won that game.