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Batmafia #2

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Koalas, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    I resent the Charisma thinh as well. It is true though. I have an utter lack of Charisma as town.

    Just because I hate something doesn't make it false.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:38 AM ----------

    Math's wall of errors testing 1 2 3

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 AM ----------

    Mathbladde is trying to force the evidence into me being scum rather than any actual scumhunting. Lyrium's allegedly claimed Riddler, mechanically highly likely to be scum, yet she gets two fucking counterwagons in both me AND Quank.

    It's time for me to prove that point but I think scum just won't vote Lyrium....

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:55 AM ----------

    Math, just to prove my point, if I am town who is scum?

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:56 AM ----------

    Wall from pc time now.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:57 AM ----------

    Can someone post please... I want to post my wall on a fresh post?
  2. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Here is a post.

    I'm at a movie so no more talking for me.
  3. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    #1555 - Qqqq says Lyrium hasn't been town until now?

    #1556 - I say Math has been town, until now.

    #1571 - Math says I am accusing her of being town and suddenly flipped.

    #1574 - I state no. I said Math has no prior scum games.

    https://forums.darklordpotter.net/showpost.php?p=780278&postcount=1881 - TerRaine correcting Mathblade on context of my statement

    #1924, Math admits error

    #1926, accuses me of stalling on generating reads based on town!Lyrium, despite Lyrium and I already discussing a Town!Lyrium world leads me towards Zenzao, Atum, Citrus and her as scum.

    #1928, she claims she's skimming

    #1968, tries to sell Citrus not reading the thread as townie and just shoving his read at everyone as town... despite that's what got Sloth lynched. She also throws in that I am known for suboptimal action in the context of last night. I wasn't even in the game last night.

    #1970, Rubicon moving to a null despite the fact he "scumclaimed". Math's big reason for me being scum is that I "scumclaimed". Both our posts were obviously jokes but Rubicon gets credit because he's just agreeing with Mathblade to lynch me.
    #1974 This starts to reveal highlight a general pattern. Rubicon voted Lyrium over me once, and Math moves Rubicon to her scumreads. Mathblade starts pushing Qqqq as scum, based on similar post styles. Math started the day voting Quank. She said I wasn't scum because I didn't fit into that team. I goaded her into voting me to get the wagon off of town Quank. Now, all her reads seem to center on ME being scum. If she thinks someone might get off the hook, she starts to telegraph her reads. She's going for the easy lynch. She's protecting Lyrium but refuses to link to why. Multiple players cannot figure out why.

    By God I am not going down without a fight.

    Math's approach is to cause all my townreaders to fear getting mislynched themselves to not actually vote the allegedly claimed scum in Lyrium based on the most simple course of actions. Her reads are largely those who are willing to lynch Titus are town. Those that are not are scum. There is no discussion. You know who she was previously doing that on... Quank.

    #1062, I joke about being Riddler.
    #1066, Math realizes its a joke and says, she's prefer to keep her role to herself thanks.... She pushes me as Riddler...
    #1072 I highlight she skipped to Riddler and not scum.
    #1074 she uses two primary scumteam excuse

    #1087 Math's scumteams center around Quank (who she isn't voting), rather than Snowvon, who she is voting Riley. Voting Riley isn't voting Quank. Math's vote on me triggered me to be the largest wagon.

    Math's pattern is clear.

    Pick an easy mislynch target. Tunnel they are scum. I shut down the Quank wagon and spent my charisma so Math tunnels me.
  4. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    Riley ():
    Snowvon ():
    Aekiel ():
    Citrus ():
    Lyrium (4): TerRaine, Quanksor, titus, Qgqqqqq
    TerRaine ():
    Qgqqqqq ():
    Rubicon ():
    titus (5): citrus, atum, His fluffiness, Riley, mathblade
    Atum ():
    His fluffiness ():
    Quanksor (3): Malakittens, Kento Kraitos, Zenzao
    Mathblade ():
    Zenzao ():
    Kento Kraitos ():

    Not Voting (3) Snowvon, lyrim, Rubicon

    15 Alive, 8 to lynch

    Mod notes:
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2014
  5. TerRaine

    TerRaine Squib

    Apr 16, 2014
    1. fontisian replaced by Riley - you ranked him as a town lean in 1780

    2. Snowvon - active end of D1 and ranked as town lean 1780

    3. Aekiel replaced by Malakittens - Low activity but can be seen hovering in the people viewing the thread

    4. Citrus - low availability but you don’t think he’s scum

    5. Lyrium - active

    6. Sloth - dead town

    7. TerRaine - active Town

    8. Qgqqqqq - is one of the more active players in this game

    9. Vesvius replaced by Rubicon - active end of D1

    10. Nemrut replaced by house replaced by titus - Active start of D2

    11. Atum - active end of day 1 841

    12. His fluffiness - active start of D2

    13. Quanksor - no posting but can be seen hovering in the people viewing the thread and was active within a few hours of D2 start

    14. Schrodinger replaced by Mathblade - active end of D2

    15. Zenzao - low availability but you don’t think he’s scum also post at start of D2

    16. Fishy Justice - Dead town

    17. Kento Kraitos - active

    Your scum list as of 1780 has Q/Titus/Rubicon (all active)

    The only 2 low active are Mala and Quank both of which I can often SEE at the bottom of the thread even if they’re not posting and one of which posted within hours of D2 starting. So again…I don’t see scum missing an action as being more likely than RB succeeded.


    Math come on think about this statement....you say you know she'd town (because Meta)....but she is doing things that ping you as NOT town. Actions that in fact lend themselves to another not town role in this game...

    If you have a kitten and you notice it has feathers, its swims flies AND waddles as well as quacks...MAYBE you're wrong about it being a kitten???
  6. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    The last part seems to apply to Citrus getting a sudden and inexplicable townread. (Townreading him because he happens to tunnel on town... WTF.)

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 AM ----------

    I think it's pretty obvious Lyrium and Math are scum together. Citrus could be dumb town or scum... then there's Zenzao. That's the answer probably. I just keep coming back to that.
  7. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Earlier in day you pressured someone for saying Croc was RB when the simplest explanation was not used. (Prior post quoted earlier)

    And yes. I do. Killer Croc not using action requires 0 people to overlap on actions. Let's take a look at all the exact specifics that have to happen for a Killer Croc Role Block.

    1) Target Fishy Justice (or Player X if bus driver) and Green Arrow targets Killer Croc AND Green Arrow doesn't even crumb anyone as possibly being killer Croc. Thus requires 3 coincidences:
    -- Green Arrow identifying Killer Croc AND not doing anything about it AND scum team aiming at Fishy Justice or player X.

    The other option is Quank as Killer Croc but I would expect more tunnelling of Quank today if Quank was Killer Croc.

    Now let's look at the alternatives:
    1) Killer Croc inactive and scum targeted Fishy Justice. This requires 1 coincidence and is therefore simpler. (Or 2 coincidences if bus driver)
    2) Killer Croc intentionally did not act to try to deceive Green Arrow. This makes sense as well because it gives scum more information to screw with people's heads. I would limit information at EoD. This again requires no overlap of actions.
    3) Scum team hit Fishy Justice's target with a nk with penguin. It makes sense for the scum team to send penguin on the nk as they would come up town on any investiagtion and have protection. This requires only 2 coincidences.

    Therefore yes I wholeheartedly believe that it is simpler that Killer Croc was not roleblocked and instead Fishy Justice either did his awesomeness and found us Penguin or Killer Croc just wasn't used.
  8. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:

    The marriageable age in Vatican City is 13.
  9. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    --- By Terraine board being shitty

    Math come on think about this statement....you say you know she'd town (because Meta)....but she is doing things that ping you as NOT town. Actions that in fact lend themselves to another not town role in this game...

    If you have a kitten and you notice it has feathers, its swims flies AND waddles as well as quacks...MAYBE you're wrong about it being a kitten???


    Terraine for the love of God shut up here. Lyrium is town. I have given plenty of reasons. Anything else I could give would be ANTI TOWN especially since she doesn't want me to defend her. :/ So if you get her to L1 I will hammer but the town will probably be doing one of the biggest facepalms of all fucking game.


    @Titus: IMO you are desperate and clutching at straws.
    Citrus was not a sudden town read. I've been town reading him for almost all day if not the whole day. Your entire wall is about trying to make a Lyrium/me/Citrus team fit but you call it a me trying to make things fit. How ironic.

    Titus you've been caught NOT doing something by me in your town meta and caught doing something by Mala as scum meta. AND you only explained away one of the jokes not both. AND if you were making the entire read wall a joke incredibly scummy for it AND you are trying to guess my role for the Riddler because you want me gone.

    I have also said I am willing to die for what I believe. You on the other hand seem to be doing anything to live. If you start a tunnel on me I will hammer myself and this game will be so broke and your lynch should happen tomorrow. I won't defend myself from the flash lynch. You and me 1v1.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:18 ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 ----------

    What are you referring to? This is 1555.

  10. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    I will be out for most (if not rest) of the day/night so I'm giving you guys heads up as well as letting obs chat know and that if you need official VC they will be doing it. I might be able to pop in during break but other then that i'm going to be out
  11. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Can someone explain to me the benefits of speculating who did what with a souping 3P lurking about.
  12. TerRaine

    TerRaine Squib

    Apr 16, 2014
  13. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    @ika: Thanks for the heads up! :)

    @Terraine: I have given more than that. I'm not defending Lyrium any more per her request but IMO wow....

    Because .... reasons. I really recommend you move on or the Riddler will pick up on certain things here....Terraine I'm begging here.

    I agree with your response to Snowvon though.
  14. TerRaine

    TerRaine Squib

    Apr 16, 2014

    I did what? I'm confused. Where did I pressure someone for saying Croc ws RBed and why would I do that? i think he was RBed? Can you point me out because I think something is being lost in communication here.

    But all the players you think are scum were AROUND. It makes no sense to think he wouldn't act.

    Why would they crumb that with the Riddler in the game? One of your reasoning for discounting a RB is GA not wanting to die today.

    Asked in my QT. If croc's ability is activate and the target for assalt is redirected by Booster the new target is still eaten.

    We can't tunnel someone who isn't here.

    As I said none of the people you have as scum were inactive. With your reads this doesn't work.
  15. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    I believe I responded to all of these instances in that post. Could you please reiterate those you don't feel I responded to?

    I contend that I am mirroring Titus no more than is natural - no more than I am mirroring TerRaine, or Lyrium you, and so on.

    And no, it doesnt mean you don't suspect them. But it certainly means that on balance you think they're fine.
  16. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US

    It was you and I think Q at the beginning of day 2. Damn machine ate my post and I don't have time to find the goddamn post again.

    Again agree to disagree. IMO best to save Croc for when you want to create confusion. If I was scum (which I am NOT) I would have argued not to use his powers yet. Especially if Croc is not suspected.

    They'd crumb for a 1-1 trade. If I was Green Arrow and thought I had hit someone I'd be screaming someone is scum and trying to get them lynched hard core. If I happened to die for a 1-1 trade that IMO is pro town.

    Oh...Well that eliminates one possibility. IMO Scum still didn't use the ability and Lyrium is not scum. Because REASONS.

    Yes you can...Makes for a really boring slow day but then they get lynched.

    And yes it does. If they agree not to use Croc's power and Penguin does the kill. THIS IS WHAT I THINK HAPPENED!

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:41 ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 ----------

    You haven't responded to any so just go back to the post because those aren't arguments.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:58 ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 ----------

    Seriously we have 2 days plus five hours...Why are we pushing for a lynch Friday/Saturday? We could lynch on Sunday...I just want to make sure we get Titus scum and stop focusing on other inane bullshit.

    Time until Sunday, December 21, 2014 at 10:00:00 PM (St. John's time)

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:06 ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 ----------

    @Citrus/Rubicon/Lyrium -- What do you think of Malakittens? I really can't read her which scares me. Logically she is buddying me and therefore likely scum and a Titus/Q/Mala team makes sense in my brain.

    In my heart though I want Malakittens to be town. I keep flipping back and forth on her in my head. Fuck waffling. This is annoying the crap out of me.

    I have to get back to work but I would like some thoughts on her I could understand.

    The bunny hops away to go get work done.

    I must get more carrots aka do coding.
  17. TerRaine

    TerRaine Squib

    Apr 16, 2014
    Because we want twilight. The purpose of twilight is for town to discuss the flip and plan accordingly. If a lot of players cannot be here for Sunday (I'm pretty sure at least 3 can't) then twilight loses it advantage.

    It's a trade off. Which is better for town? More faces at Twilight to discuss the flip or an extra day or 2 for a limited amount of players to be in D2.

    I would personally prefer the earlier end and be here for twilight tonight. I don't see there being much else we're going to suddenly uncover that we haven't yet with the info we have. Activity has gone down and maybe it's because people are busy or maybe they've just run out of things to say with what D2 has given us. I think its a combo.

    So yes....I'd prefer more info at this point and having more people here to discuss that info before N2 begins
  18. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    What does this refer to?

    I don't quite get the obsession with twilight either, tbh. Why is it so valuable? We cant discuss night actions, and pretty much anything else can just wait to be said the next day - except the lynched, who doesn't need people to be around and should be saying it anyway. I mean, more time to discuss is always valuable, but I'd probably prefer it to be in daytime, when the pressures still there and we can help move towards the correct lynch.
  19. Kento Kraitos

    Kento Kraitos Muggle

    Nov 14, 2014
    Newly found land, Ca-na-da
    I'm here, and can be active for a while tonight.

    Let me know when you have time to chat. I have a few questions for you.

    Come out and play orange person.

    Why is it you believe Citrus to be scum? I can't remember you giving an explanation for it.

    What is up?
  20. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011

    - His voting pattern: he finds a reason to vote someone near the start of each day, then fades into the background, while staying on the wagon
    - His 'PoE' from day one and things like his vote count analysis seem pretty empty to me -- if there's some depth or purpose to all that analysis, he hasn't demonstrated it yet.
    - He occasionally pops in to catch up and answer questions, but isn't really a part of the conversation.
    - Indicators that he isn't reading the thread: not reading Ter's posts about Zenzao, asking about why people suspect Lyrium

    What's your Qgqqqqq read Kento?


    I'm leaning town on mala right now.