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Stories that you've written in the last year, but haven't posted

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Anarchy, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    This is a thread for talking about fics or ideas you've tried to write in 2014, but have never posted. This can be for many different reasons, such as the idea not being a good one (or deep enough to actually write a dedicated story to), being of substandard writing quality, or just getting bored of the story. Or, perhaps you're just a compulsive writer like me, who can never do anything more than write a couple thousand words snippets, which may be enough for a prologue, but then get distracted.

    I'll go first. I converted over to using google drive at the beginning of 2014, so I'm just going to summarize. Most of my stories usually fall into a few categories: an idea to pair two characters up (Luna/Harry starting from the Slughorn Party), a specific whatif scenario (Harry's name NOT coming out of the goblet of fire), a crossover idea (Harry Potter being a magister of the Tevinter Imperium). Anyways, I usually get an idea, and write a few thousand words about it.

    Just to give a taste; I've posted 2 stories in the last year (I think) and not even to FFN, just the WBA here, and maybe about 10,000 words total. Yet I've got 316,500 words logged on google drive.

    A brief summary of the junk I've written:
    -3 SVM crossovers. About 5 chapters total
    -7 ASOIAF crossovers (all with HP). Two of them are over 25k words each, and all involve some sort of Harry/Dani interaction. If they were good (or edited) I may have posted them, but since they're not, I haven't.
    -3 Harry/Bellatrix one shots
    -1 Harry/Andromeda one shot
    -3 Harry/Luna stories. Sadly, nothing more than 8k words.
    -4 Crime solving Auror!Harry story.
    -One Auror!Daphne story (after watching too much Castle)
    -3 stories involving Rowena Ravenclaw
    -2 timetravelling Harry stories without a gimmick
    -5 Crossovers with MTG (all involving Chandra... go figure)
    -8 worm fics. Only 2 are crossovers amazingly enough. One of them has 30k words, but it's a colossal task getting anywhere in that plot.
    -1 Last of Us story.
    -1 Diablo 2 crossover.
    -6 Firefly crossovers (including the second chapter of my only decent story)
    -1 DA;O story. I'm sucker for Morrigan.
    -2 Vampire!Harry stories. I'm determined to eventually write a good one. I've got ideas, but I always get sidetracked.
    -18 Harry/Daphne stories. 'nuff said
    -3 chapters to the second year of my Bonfires story
    -2 Dresden files stories. One, where Harry takes up Marcone's offer and ditches Murphy early on (who is my least favorite character). Also, another where he decides to use Lasciel's power to save his daughter, rather than Mab's. Standard stuff.
    -6 warcraft fics. two of them are quite long, two of them are one shots, two are a mess. All crossovers because I'm boring.

    This does not include the various outlines and small paragraphs I've written with just ideas and no content.

    A couple notable stories I've started that I would like to get around to doing more with:
    -1 story I labled sidekick!Ron. Includes stuff like Ron being there with Harry to defeat Quirrell, him managing to clear the rocks in book 2 to help Harry and rescue his sister, him going back in time with Harry to rescue Sirius, him helping Harry prepare to fight Dragons. Pretty much just just being a good friend, instead of being lazy, sloppy, cliche, w/e. Eventually, he starts to take things too far, and get's a bit too violent with his hatred of Death Eaters. It's one of those things we're I slowly wanted Ron to become a Villain trying to do the right thing.
    -1 story labled Tonks/Fleur. I wrote too much of this. Pretty much a whatif fleur wanted to be an english auror, rather than work at gringotts. I actually liked my writing in the one. I'm not sure why I haven't posted it to be honest
    -1 timetravel story. Harry goes back in time and acts as young Harry's guardian angel. He's the one that makes it so canon is canon. All those weird things in canon that people question, he's what makes it happen. Like, Hagrid getting to Harry out on the shack island, or the part where Molly talks out loud about which platform the express is at. It is more interesting than it sounds.
    -I rewrote the first 18 chapters of "on the wings of a phoenix", and removed all the annoying stuff like all of the Ginny content. Obviously, I can't post it, but now I reread my rewrite instead of having to reread the subpar original. (for the record, I did get permission to continue the story from the author about 5 years ago.)
    -1 decent Harry/Fleur story. This is what I'm currently writing, and I've written quite a lot for it. I don't want to say too much on it, other that the whole purpose behind the exercise is to show that a relationship can be built between them without using gimmicks (such as gaining James Potters memories, Veela bonding, or making Harry older), while taking place with Harry still at Hogwarts. So far I'm quite satisfied with what I've written, but I don't want to be a tease and get peoples hopes up, since I do recognize that my writing is average at best.

    As for why I haven't posted any of these, I'll give an example. For instance, I wrote 30k words for a GoT story, where Harry offers to find Viserys an army, so he doesn't have marry off Dani to Khal Drogo. The cost (which Viserys thinks is impossible) is a dragon in exchange for his sister. So he travels to Asshai and find a dragon in the wilds, and takes Dani on as his apprentice, and teaches her a lot of fire spells, because dragonslol. Also, he builds something I called a skyhorse (imagine a wooden horse (or dragon) that flies like a broom) Obviously the idea is pretty absurd and I'm surprised that I wrote so much for it, but I think I find some sort of entertainment writing these absurd stories, rather than reading them.

    Anyways, feel free to post your own writing shortfalls in here.
  2. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I've been trying very hard to focus on my "main" story, What You Leave Behind, because as a reader I know the value of a story having a consistent update rate.

    However, I have a few stories I cheat on WYLB with.

    Not Fade Away: His Dark Materials / The Dark Tower crossover. Lyra and Will grow up, have regrets, and go down the rabbit hole to see each other again. The dimension travel characteristics of Dark Tower and HDM are startlingly compatible in terms of the literal/figurative ratio, and the importance of symbols. Like, you could make the argument that they already take place in the same conceptual universe. I have a ~5K word outline and the first scene written.

    The Warrior-Poet: Knights of the Old Republic, starts after Taris. Female Revan, something gets knocked loose in her head and Revan's voice starts whispering to her. Internal conflict, "am I good, or am I evil?" Creative Force power use. Revan/Bastila. I have ~3K written, but I'm not quite sure where it's going. I don't want it to be a rehash of the game, where they go to every planet.

    Hill of the Golden Dawn: Worm post-epilogue one-shot. An ordinary college student from Earth Aleph thinks he recognizes a girl in his Econ class. She's ordinary, standoffish, and he has a sneaking suspicion she might just be the most famous/terrifying hero/villain in the world. Really plays around with the mystique of Khepri. This one I'll probably give in to and write; I just really like the idea.

    The Dark Side of the Moon: Slytherin!Luna. Fingers are itching to write this, but I'll probably be able to resist.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2015
  3. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    Like Newcomb, I'm focusing on my main project right now, but there are a few I'm developing along the way.

    1. A dark romance, so to speak. Post DH, involving a rather villanous Harry. Love Interest POV.

    2. A possible epilogue/one shot sequel to one of my finished stories, dealing with how a greatly outnumbered Order , deprived of their leader (Harry) might deal with an army camping at their gates, which has been deprived of their leader (Voldemort).

    3. Another post DH story starring Unspeakable!Harry and a twist inspired by the Truman Show (and I pretty much just told you the plot right there).

    4. Crossover with Gothic video game series, starring Harry and Sirius in the Colony. I actually posted a short scene in WbA, but it's basically nothing.

    5. Post 5th Blight Deep Roads adventure in Dragon Age universe, starring the Warden.

    6. Another DA idea, about a traveler turned captive of a dragon cult, turned reaver, turned Warden's companion, turned a pain in the ass of a powerful demon.

    So yeah, plot bunnies abound. I have anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand words written for each of them, but who knows if they'll ever be posted anywhere. Right now, I want try and finish Lesser Evils, which is my first novel-length fic that has a chance of getting anywhere.

    edit: Taure may just hijack this thread.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2015
  4. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    I haven't written anything solid in years, mostly just ideas. One day I want to finish my story Gone on fanfiction.net. A Harry Potter story where he is forced to join Voldemort or watch all his friends die.

    My other ideas are even more ambitious and I don't think I have the talent yet.

    - HP is convicted of killing Cedric in the TWT. He goes to Azkaban in the beginning of his fifth year. Dumbledore knowing Voldemort is to free the prisoners and kill/recruit Harry decides to gamble everything. He makes a bargain with Grindelwald, frees him from prison and they both break into Azkaban and free Harry. Of course this makes Dumbledore into a "dark lord" in the terms of the public, loses everything and is on the run all over Europe with Harry and Grindelwald.
    I have the beginning chapters up to the break out scene but I'm just not good enough to write a badass Dumbledore.

    - HP/Lily fic. Based off a Japanese novel. Lily wakes up in Ginny's body after the incident with Tom. Decides to start helping her son but begins to notice certain differences she has in Ginny's body. She is better at the DADA then before, has a difference sense of humor... and she thinks her son is attractive.
    I'm just not sure where to start this one, due to the fact of how long it would be. Lily/Ginny would change things, but the romance would not happen until year 5-6.

    - HP/DF Merge: Harry Dresden at age 16 is forced to attend Hogwarts. He meets 14 year old Harry Potter who he helps change the world.
    The undertaking on this one would be huge as well. The magic system would have to be changed in both worlds to make it flow better. I was thinking of using more of the world with Dresden with wands being a "modern" invention and America being more old fashion and less secretive.

    - HP/Wheel of Time merge/crossover: Put HP characters into the WoT world with some aspects of HP. Mostly... I want to make WoT less sexiest and better romance.

    -HP/DF crossover: On an workcase, HP ends up being transported to America, where he meets Harry Dresden after hearing the name in a battle with a vampire. In his procession is a book about death magic passed through blood. In the discovery of magical America, he learns that Voldemort may not be gone as he thought. Turns out Tom Riddle was just an angry boy who happened to find a powerful coin... a coin that has found its way into someone even more powerful. Someone who is willing to declare war on the old wizards by teaming up with the red court vampires.

    -What if Voldemort found out one of his Horcruxes were stolen by Black? When Harry and Dumbledore go to retrieve the horcrux that night, they are transported to Lord Voldemort. He wants his horcrux found and returned, and makes Harry a deal for Dumbedore's life... Oneshot that could lead into a much darker 7th year

    The reason I have not posted any of these stories is:
    1) Most of these would be 200,000 words long or more. I do not have the energy or planning to write something this long (mostly procrastination).
    2) I often come up with ideas, but don't have the complete story, such as the mentor!Dumbledore. I have no idea on what they are doing in Europe other than adventuring, ruining Voldemort's plans and trying to find allies.
    3) I procrastinate and never end up actually writing anything but plot ideas.
    4) I want to write something small and complete to make me think I can do something bigger.

    Most of all, I need someone I can talk to about these ideas and work with. Help me develop them into an actual full plot so I can start writing.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2015
  5. Nerox

    Nerox High Inquisitor

    Jan 29, 2012
    Stop that.

    Honestly though, I would probably read all of those if they were posted. There is 99.9% garbage on FF.net, so I am grateful for every enjoyable drabble I can find.

    Edit: Lindsey, I would probably sell my soul for more awesome mentor!Dumbledore stories...
  6. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Not nearly enough said. I have so many questions. Like, 18 separate plot ideas involving Harry/Daphne? 18 sex scenes that could take place whenever? Seriously. 18. That's... a lot. The same version of Daphne in each one, or a fresh take?
  7. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I don't have anything to add to the thread, but holy shit, this is such a cool premise. Just the potential of Harry interacting with Dumbledore and Grindelwald at the same time is great. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.
  8. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Honestly, a few of them are repeat ideas, like say I wrote an idea I had in march, 6 months later, I suddenly get another idea, but then I realize halfway through that I already wrote something almost exactly the same. But, it's mostly what you'd expect, couple contract ideas, some snobby!daphne, a stalker!daphne, a whore!daphne, and a story where her and tracey place bets on who can get the best date for the ball... dumb ideas like that. Nothing I'd ever publish, for sure
  9. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    This isn't comprehensive, but it does illustrate... I dunno, something.

    The Wand-Whisperer - story originally about Harry but now about Leann (Katie Bell's friend in HBP) eventually becoming the apprentice to Garrick Ollivander. Begins prior to Harry's 3rd year, ends after Ollivander's retirement post-Deathly Hallows

    Harry in Space - 10 years post-Voldemort and none of the trio are married. Harry is fed up with his fame and decides to fund (and train to join) a space venture conceived by Hermione and Luna that's meant to leverage magic working with technology to enable FTL travel. The crew is almost all wizards or squibs, and they find themselves the country bumpkins blundering into an active interstellar war of colonization akin to the Age of Sail. So, of course, they capture a much more sturdy vehicle and become space pirates.

    Cyberpunk Potter - inspired by Xandrel's thread asking if such a story existed, it goes into how magic was squeezed out and undermined by technology, pharmaceuticals and cynicsm. 500 years from now, the last Potter lives in the infrastructure way down below. It's inspired also by Moebius' the Incal, which was a big Fifth-Element-like graphic novel originally serialized in Heavy Metal back in the 90's.

    The Sorcerous Seven - Another DLP thread inspiration, it's the Seven Samurai recast with Potter characters filling the roles of the Seven, to help save British magical society from a goblin war. The goblins have been trying to kill Harry for fifteen years over what happened in their bank, which makes him the expert that Minister Malfoy needs.

    Gingersnap - basically a 'redeem Ginny' story that remakes the last two books as if Ginny was as awesome as she should have been in canon. Ideas from this are being seeded into Holly Polter

    Lost and Founders - a period piece that covers the founding of Hogwarts; meant to be written with an eye to historical accuracy (but still readable)

    Merlin's Beard - why Merlin is important; he lived in the 6th century, was doped with Draught of Living Death only to rouse himself in the 1500's because of a vision of the future where the world was openly dominated by wizards into a horrible totalitarian mess; thus it's up to him to convince the current magical population to adopt the Statute of Secrecy. No one would believe he's Myrddin (not that they have his story right anyway) so he transfigures into a pre-teen and gets into Hogwarts. This also helps him catch up on modern life and language.

    The prehistory of magic - conjecture on how magic and magical creatures came about, starting 10,000 years ago.

    Zihuatenejo - this is a Tangent for the Spiral Path and the reason I haven't been able to make progress on the main story. Hols and Nat go on honeymoon and meet up with two old crooks named Andy and Red, who help Holly heal emotionally from 'Six Hours'. As usual, their story doesn't take the easy path to get there.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
  10. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Let's see.

    AU-war HP story that features a post-Voldemort Harry working as an Auror. Only stuff crops up from the past and shit gets real. Probably ready for WbA. Then again, I've tinkered with it for aaages.

    HP/MTG crossover where Harry lands in Innistrad, near Thraben before Liliana breaks the door down.

    A DF short-story featuring Susan. I really liked the idea, but it never worked.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
  11. The-Hyphenated-One

    The-Hyphenated-One Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Sep 5, 2006
    Lindsey please write this, best premise of 2015

  12. Thyestean

    Thyestean Slug Club Member

    Jun 11, 2012
    Quite a few, but unfortunately I get quite busy and don't work on them and by the time I get back I have some new idea that I want to try.

    1. Recursion: Harry doesn’t know the meaning of recursion. So why does he take a recursive leap into a room where magic is bound by the mind. (Room of requirements piece that I keep losing interest as I can't figure out a way to make a solo protagonist interesting, no dialogue..etc.)

    2. Flitwick short story that follows his rise to becoming the world champion.

    3. Some original shit that always remains unfinished.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
  13. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    As a big fan of Diablo I really would like to see this.
  14. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    An outline for a gigantic, three-arc story, A Sound of Madness. I'm probably never going to actually write it (and if I do, it'll be vastly different from what I've currently got down), so I have no compunctions about revealing it here.

    The Wizarding World has for a long time been a coalition of corrupt, brutal dictatorships. Dumbledore and Grindelwald team up as in canon - but this time it's to be freedom fighters (terrorists). Albus works behind the scenes while Gellert is the charismatic leader and powerful general. Near the end of WWII, the revolution is flagging - so they enact their last ditch emergency plan. Albus "steps up" to defeat Gellert, who is quietly shuffled away into Nuremgard, preserving the power and personality of the Elder Wand and leaving the remains of their unearthed spy network intact. Time passes and Albus grows old. Along comes Tom Riddle, magical prodigy and gifted orator. Albus sees a second chance and recruits him for a second go at the revolution - this time, starting at home. They have a good go at it, but a spy in their midst brings them down near the cusp of their victory (not sure who yet - most of the Maurader's generation supported Riddle). Meanwhile, Harry Potter was born.

    The first arc starts as Harry graduates from Hogwarts and starts a job as a Ministry Bureaucrat. Eventually, the story would progress to Harry being recruited by Dumbledore for a third go at the revolution - the end of the first arc would culminate in Harry somehow finding the Resurrection Stone and reviving Riddle. The second arc would explore the beginning of the war and end with Albus, Harry, and Tom breaking Grindelwald out of Nuremgard. The third arc would be incredibly bloody.

    In an alternate version of the story, Harry and Malfoy team up to take their own stab at overthrowing the government. Meanwhile, Albus Dumbledore and his posse are also making their final attempt, leading to hilarious and tragic outcomes as two different factions vie for power against the juggernaut.
  15. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    I publish everything I write, so nope. Because I'm not an arsehole who enjoys watching people starve while I have a stockpile of bread hidden away.
  16. Steelbadger

    Steelbadger Death Eater

    Nov 9, 2013
    United Kingdom
    I'm so very glad it's not just me. Not quite the same, maybe 150k words but still. More stories than I'm likely to be able to finish in a decade.

    Here's a few that I had planned out:

    Harry Potter - A Song of Ice and Fire: Harry turns up in Duskendale while Aerys is being held and gets dumped into the same cell for months. We then see Aerys' descent into madness and the run-up to Robert's Rebellion through the eyes of Harry who has to come to terms with Aerys' growing insanity, eventually Harry sees Aerys for what he is and helps the rebels. Harry/Ashara Dayne ship.

    Dumbledore Memoirs: Dumbledore's actions throughout canon framed as a posthumously published set of memoirs. Basically came about after I got frustrated with how shit Dumbledore's characterization usually is. The focus is on Dumbledore's internal battle and his own past.

    Elfling Harry: After trying so very hard to find something readable in the Harry Potter - Lord of the Rings genre I kinda went 'wouldn't it be funny to combine cynical hard boiled Harry with the stupid fluffy Harry becomes a baby elf genre?' Harry turns up in Middle Earth and the inventive swearing begins.

    Fleur's a bit of a Bitch: An attempt at writing a GoF romance between canon Fleur and Harry. Fleur really is just a stuck-up bitch. This came from a single line I dreamed up concerning 'Veela Allure'; "Allure?" she scoffed, "Please, zese little boys do not require my 'elp to act like imbeciles."

    An Oedipus Harry Fic: A vague attempt at Harry/Lily by having Harry lose most of his memory when he travels back in time. Not intended to have a happy ending. Didn't really think about the story at all beyond the beginning and end.

    Another HP - LotR crossover: More fleshed out than Elfing Harry. Dumps Harry in Middle Earth but he remains largely ignorant of the larger scale events. He just meets peasant humans and figures it's a nice, comfortable, safe and wizard-less medieval setting. Until his hidden house in the Westfold gets trampled by Saruman's army on it's way to Helm's Deep. Harry/Éowyn ship.

    A Mass Effect Thing
    : Based on the common 'alternate first contact' fic. The change this time is that humanity is expecting star-trek style humanoid aliens (as they got in canon) and instead has their first contact with the Hanar. An exploration of how first contact can possibly work between two such different races.

    A Grindelwald Era Timetravel Fic: Harry travels to WW2 to kick some Grindelwald ass and steer Tom Riddle towards the light (or just kill him if the situation calls for it). Mostly a vehicle for me to form a narrative for the Grindelwald war.

    Duel: In an attempt to improve my rather lacklustre writing of combat scenes this was a one-shot of the Dumbledore - Grindelwald duel. Not actually written the duel yet...

    A Meeting of the ICW: A reaction to all the 'Wizarding Britain is a backwater' fics. Basically it's Harry and Hermione preparing for and presenting a case to the ICW for aid. Lots of world building and background for other wizarding nations in the form of Hermione-dumps. Turns out people are arseholes everywhere.

    That's not counting Peradventure (Harry/Bella in as painfully accurate to canon history as I can manage), Seconds Apart (Draco is boy who lived minus Draco squee) and Harry Potter and the Sun Queen (Harry drops onto Yamatai unexpectedly and gets beaten up by island crazies with Lara) all of which have been posted in some very limited form either here or on FFN.

    I also wanted to do a HP-DA:I crossover where Harry is the Inquisitor and really was sent by Andraste/the Maker but managed to resist putting pen to paper.
  17. apoc

    apoc The Once and Ginger King DLP Supporter

    Aug 24, 2012
    People's Republic of California
    Fuck it, just started posting but I have a ton of writing that will likely never see the light of day until I go over every inch of them with a fine tooth comb so that people won't make funna me.

    Tick-Tock - HP AU, Post-series: Harry Potter comes to in Malfoy Manor with no recollection of the past week, the dead body of Lucius Malfoy bleeding on the floor, and a bloodstained knife in his hand. In his pocket he finds a note from himself, telling him that he has twelve days to live and three men to kill before then. He must race across the globe fending off unknown enemies and wizarding law enforcement alike in an epic quest to find out what the bloody fucking hell is going on.

    25k words done, International spy thriller/conspiracy/murder mystery

    Sunlight Through A Bloody Mist - Naruto AU, OC-centric, parallel to canon: Sho isn't a prodigy, nor does he have a bloodline limit, a bijuu in his gut, Clan techniques, or a wise mentor. If he were born in Konoha, he would likely be nothing more than a mediocre ninja. But he was born in Kiri, The Bloody Mist, where death is cheap and the strong rule. In the face of a world far more dangerous than he is, Sho must learn that the best someone like him can do is try to survive by any means necessary. But mere survival will not be enough when civil war looms on the horizon and Kumo warships sail south.

    40k words done, Kiri-centric side story to Naruto canon, AU only because Naruto's overall plot is dumb and needs to be brought down to a more realistic level. Runs parallel to Naruto canon plotline but rarely interacts with it. Lower power-scale than canon Naruto.

    Blood Feud - DF side story, OC-centric: Anthony Rojas is just another alchemist trying to get by in Los Angeles, selling drugs by day and magic by night until his local wizard drags him into her investigation in exchange for a date. He's tasked with tracking alchemical drugs spreading through the nonmagical underground and before he knows it Anthony's caught up in a turf war between the powerful new kids on the block, the Red Court, and the heavily entrenched White Court as they duke it out for control of the city. With little more than an alchemy lab and an old shotgun, he must find a way to end the fighting between the two sides, peaceful or otherwise, so he can finally get on with his date.

    15k words done, Urban fantasy with a touch of Breaking Bad. Side story, follows DF canon, occurs just after Storm Front.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
  18. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA

    If someone is interested, they are welcome to use this premise. I don't know if I have the ability to give it the justice it deserves. I can give the writers my notes.

    Or, if no one wants to write it, I can try if people want to help me. I only have a faint outline of what I want to happen but never hammered out the details of the trip to Europe/anywhere else. I do not have an ending to this story and would love to get some ideas pitched on where the story should go after breaking out. I will keep working on the outline. If i feel its complete enough, maybe I will start writing.
  19. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    You have the ability, it just takes practice. I wish I still had a copy of my own first fanfic, just so I could demonstrate how big the difference is between "The Adventures of Nicolae Edward Volante" and now.

    The key is to give it a go. You probably won't be happy with it. You probably won't finish it. But the next idea you give a go will be better, and the one after that even better still.

    This process will certainly be helped with feedback. WBA is a start, but actually I find IRC a lot more useful because, as you're chatting in real time, you can cover so much more stuff. It doesn't just help you refine your idea and develop your plan, it helps motivate you too, because talking about your idea immerses you in it and you start thinking about it more, getting excited to write.

    Without those IRC conversations (largely with MattSilver) I probably wouldn't have written half of what I have.
  20. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    I remember my first fic was "A Four Letter Word" where Harry lost his virginity to Ginny and realized it gave him a power boost every time he had took someone's cherry. It wasn't terribad but I inevitably took it down from FF.net.

    As for things I've written I haven't posted:

    Harry gets trapped in an abandoned warehouse in Hogsmeade with Death Eaters surrounding him post-DH.

    Harry/Hermione romance after Hermione chases Ron with the birds during DH.

    A second chapter to my InspectorGadget/HP crossover from Harry's POV.

    3/4 Chapters to WaFatYB, Minister's Daughter and An Alternative Prophecy.