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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. thejabber27

    thejabber27 Groundskeeper

    Jan 4, 2012
    HIMYM/DW crossover plot bunny.
    The Steel Moth,
    Several months after the pineapple episode of HIMYM Barney is at work, it's Aloha week and he's bored. But not all is well at Atrucell. behind the scenes people are going missing while researching a mysterious new insect that produces a steel like cocoon.
    The Doctor (10th) lands in staten island for coney dog see's a couple get abducted and follows them to an underground layer filled with giant metal boxes and explores.

    Barney gets a call down to the R&D floor to help form a sales pitch for the new steel thread to the army, takes a wrong turn and sees one of the insects putting someone in a metal box cocoon as the insects are about to attack him a pineapple gets thrown in the way as the doctor saves Barney, they start running and a bit of exposition occurs as we see one of the metal boxes open to reveal a cyberman.

    The doctor analyzes the insects to reveal it's a new kind of cybermat which is meant to blend in with an organic coating to appear as skin. From there it's a race against the clock to stop the shipping of the insects to military bases all over the world. The organic coating makes the cybernats very susceptible to an EMP and the Cybermen open a dimensional rift revealing New Mondas as they declare war on the earth as legions of cybermen descend to earth. Part one ends with the doctor getting a call from Jack Harkness, Torchwood four has made contact with him and their location is New Mondas.

    Part two picks up with a playing of a distress message from Torchwood four, Talking about a sarcophagi that was found in Russia 2003. Jack asks the Doctor for help to save them and the doctor begrudgingly agrees. Barney goes with the Doctor saying that he's gonna need some help. Arriving at the location of the signal Barney and the doctor see Torchwood four in ruins and discover they were researching a piece of a black hole generator when they were swept away to new Mondas. The Doctor makes a remark about the eye of harmony and
    Barney remarks that is sounds like a plot by the portuguese. The doctor and Barney are captured by the Cybermen and are brought in front of the Cyber Leader.

    The Cybermen are planning to use earth as a testing ground for their new black hole generator and that the obsolete lifeforms were of no consequence to them leaving the Doctor and Barney to be "upgraded" The Cyber Leader goes off to lead the main army to earth.

    The Doctor and Barney escape The doctor constantly talking to himself about both how did the Cybermen tear a rip in dimensions and how did they reverse engineer a full black hole generator out of a tiny piece like torchwood four had. they come to a halt as they find the lab containing the black hole generator and a piece of a scavenged tardis console.

    The doctor is perplexed by this discovery and quickly gets to work saying that if they can reroute the power from the generator they can snap the dimensions back in place and fling all the cybermen back with it. A cyber controller with a squad of cybermen enter the lab as the doctor is working and Barney distracts them with paradoxes though this has minimal effect on them.

    The Cyber leader is heading on number ten downing street as the doctor finishes his work. The cybermen start fading back into their own dimension as Barey and the Doctor race back to the tardis before the dimensions close.

    The coda shows the Doctor and Barney having a coney dog with Jack Harkness (both talking about picking up women) and how Barney can't wait to do this again. The Doctor sadly tells Barney that because of the after affects of the dimension closing that there will be a small time reset and it will be as if nothing happened in this small period of time and that he won't remember him.
    Barney then asks for a small favor since he won't remember it and he needs closure and whispers into the doctors ear as you see him smile.
    We flash to "The Pineapple Incident" the tardis appears in front of the window and Barney sneaks in placing the pineapple in he room undetected.

    Bit more of a synopsis I guess.
  2. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Ladies and gentlemen, this must be created.

    Buffy in the MCU would be just awesome.

  3. golan

    golan Temporarily Banhammered DLP Supporter

    Oct 11, 2014
    Central Europe, for now.

  4. One-Eyed Othinus

    One-Eyed Othinus Third Year

    Mar 25, 2014
    My country isn't a country; it is winter.
    I swear I have seen that plot bunny elsewhere.

    Anyway, sounds good. IIRC, the one suggestion I saw proposed a point of convergence after the fight with Tojo and Oga destroyed Ishiyama High, to give an excuse to the cast to go to Kuoh Academy. But yours seem to make more sense if Oga needs a fighting chance against the superweight of DxD but without curbstomping.

    There isn't any problem in HsDxD canon with the existence of the Pillar Squad. Heck, even the tissues Furuichi uses to summon them can be handwaved as another form of contract. The Solomon Company as well: IIRC, their goal was to provoke Satan and Baby Beel into engaging in a never ending war to make Earth a battlefield, right?(a bit fuzzy) Their plans is somewhat similar to the Old Satan Faction's, who want(ed) the current Satans of the Underworld to be overthrown and restart the war against the Angels and Fallen Angels. Either the two groups would be affiliated, or the Old Satan Faction control the Solomon Company behind the scenes.

    To be honest, most of the mechanics of Beelzebub's Demon World can seamlessly cross with HsDxD's Underworld. I only see two problems: 1) in Beelzebub, there is only one Demon King and Baby Beel is a prince. In DxD, there are four rulers of the Underworld, each sporting the name of theur ancient predecessors now dead. 2) The existence of the Seven Sins, which kinda contradicts DxD about the original Satans being dead.
  5. Ven Arima

    Ven Arima Slug Club Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Okay for some reason I've been craving a good, quality Naruto/A:TLA/LoK fic, ending up in me having these two little plot bunnies bouncing around in my head for hours now and have only beginning to create a rough outline of the both of them.

    The Last Sage (Naruto/A:TLA): Long ago, before the creation of the Avatar cycle, there were a select few individuals capable of connecting to and harnessing the power of nature itself, traveling the world spreading peace and wisdom. With the disappearance of the Avatar and the increasing escalation of the Great War, the world is slowly falling out of balance and the only other person capable of fixing it is a man lost to the pages of time. The Avatar isn’t the only one capable of saving the world, believe it!

    So essentially what we have here is Naruto s ending up in the world of Avatar with no connection whatsoever with Kurama and, although having chakra, cannot manipulate the elements with it as that would be stepping into the domain of the spirits and the Avatar, meaning that he's just got his skills and chakra to support him. He can still enter Sage Mode, but that's as far as power-ups get and he can't simply do anywhere because, well the world is in turmoil due to the War. So spiritually calm places or places untouched by war = Sage Mode! Anyways, with the Hundred Year War going on, Naruto does his best to spread peace and end the fighting, which only leads to more fighting.

    I was thinking of having Naruto arrive sometime around the last fourth of the War, where the Fire Nation is beginning to finally make the final push towards Ba Sing Se. He tries to no avail to broker peace between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom (and the rest of the world). When that fails he advises the Earth King, who listens to him out of great respect due to his status as a Sage (who are revered almost as much as the Avatar for both their wisdom and strength), which ends up making the Earth Kingdom much more efficient in their defense. When the Siege of Ba Sing Se begins, he encounters General Iroh and his son, and through his advising the defense holds and the Fire Nation withdraws. It is unclear whether he had a direct hand in the death of Prince Lu Ten.

    With the Earth Kingdom relatively secure and preparing for a long overdue counter-attack, Naruto begins traveling the world in an effort to unite all those free from the Fire Nations banner to band together in an effort to defeat the expanding nation and to search for the Avatar. He finds the Avatar and co. on Kyoshi Island. Hi-jinks ensue.

    I'm trying to finish the outline and have already started a rudimentary Chapter One. I even came up with this possible other alternative fic/sequel that I find just as interesting as the last.

    The Last Sage: Equality (Naruto/LoK): A rumor! Benders all over the world have been disappearing. Hushed whispers! A revolution is coming. Beware the Masked Man. Republic City, the crown jewel of the United Republic, will be the center stage of an act that will shake the world to its core. The new Avatar will be tested as never before…but not alone.

    Basically, badass modern benders, a truly dangerous and boss Amon, a more relevant and terrifying Equalist threat, competent Order of the White Lotus, and lots of shenanigans. Fire Ferrets anyone?
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2015
  6. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Not that I'm not a fan of anything Buffy-related, but how fucking big do they think her tits are? Jesus. What's up with people?

    Buffy/RWBY crossover needs to happen for obvious reasons. Not sure what we'd call Buffy's team, but they just need one more member to make the even four. :p
  7. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Would you say that her boobs are really buffy?
  8. Cyclops

    Cyclops Unspeakable

    May 12, 2007
    Cleveland, OH USA
    Sasuke Uchiha is dead. The trauma of the Uchiha Massacre was too much for his young mind to comprehend and he just couldn't deal with reality.

    His death at a young age causes many changes to the timeline:

    1. So much of Naruto's actions in canon were to show up Sasuke. What would Naruto be like if he never had Sasuke as a rival?

    2. With the object of their obsession dead, Sakura and Ino aren't useless fangirls. Now that they aren't competing for Sasuke's affections, and the cloud of his death weighing on them, they take their training more seriously.

    3. With one less person the team placements are different.

    4. With the Sharingan no longer in Konoha, Orochimaru doesn't invade during the Chuunin Exams.

    More than any other character, the removal of Sasuke would greatly change the landscape.
  9. Sn0rkack

    Sn0rkack Professor

    Aug 24, 2011
    Long Island - 631
    ^ to the post above.

    Why not just have Itachi kill Sasuke? Why bother with the other angle? If anything having Itachi really kill Sasuke could be used as a motivating factor for Naruto and I guess Ino and Sakura. Hell, everybody in the series could use some motivation.

    3. Sai. Duh.

    4. Orochimaru's a cunt and would probably invade just cause
  10. Cyclops

    Cyclops Unspeakable

    May 12, 2007
    Cleveland, OH USA
    Itachi killing Sasuke works too, of course. But I just thought it would be hilariously ironic for Itachi going through all of that trouble to keep Sasuke alive only to have his methods backfire and Sasuke dead anyway. I always did think that a million things could have gone wrong with the way Itachi 'protected' Sasuke.
  11. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    Easy, just have Sasuke kill himself like a week later. He decides he just can't deal with the trauma and throws himself off a building or something.
  12. Nazgoose

    Nazgoose The Honky-tonk ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter DLP Gold Supporter

    Mar 16, 2011
    High Score:
    This would just be hilarious. So much work on Itachi's part just for Sasuke to say, "Fuck it," and throw himself off a building.
  13. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    Only for an ANBU to come out of nowhere to catch him.

    Seriously though Naruto without Sasuke as a rival is probably worse off in terms of strength. They push each other. Most other rivals get outclassed rather easily.

    Seeing as Ino had the highest grades in their class I don't think we can say she didn't take being a ninja seriously without saying every other rookie but Sasuke wasn't serious. Ino's never been useless. She's simply not a combat ninja. She's a support ninja.

    Orochimaru would certainly still attack. His attack had nothing to do with Sasuke. He attacked because he wanted to destroy Konoha. Tagging Sasuke was just something else he needed to do in the area.
  14. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    In fact, without Orochimaru revealing himself in the forest, the Invasion probably would've been a lot worse.
  15. golan

    golan Temporarily Banhammered DLP Supporter

    Oct 11, 2014
    Central Europe, for now.
    No idea, why they don't use explosive clones!
  16. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    If you've seen Band of Brothers you know it ends with them thinking they're about to be redeployed to the Pacific and then that gets scrapped when they drop a pair of cukes on Japan. So with that in mind i was toying with the idea of what if the US never had nuclear weapons leading to Easy Company and the 101st parachuting into Japan.

    If I was to write that I would have to go over the declassified invasion plans, it would be a lot of work.
  17. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Read this. This is what would have happened if nuclear weapons were not available.

  18. Sechrima

    Sechrima Disappeared

    Sep 30, 2010
    NRW, Germany
    Idea for a pretty epic Elder Scrolls fic based on my latest (and best ever) playthrough, set after the events of Skyrim:



    This is a tale of Hrikvar, otherwise known as Dovahkiin, Ysmir, Stormblade, Arch-Mage, and Lord of Castle Volkihar.

    By divine blood, by bitter struggle, and by dark rite, he has become a legend of Skyrim, a hero to his people, and an ominous menace for enemies abroad.

    In the otherworldly realms of Oblivion, the Daedric Princes Molag Bal and Hermaeus Mora vie for control of his draconic soul. Seducers and Xivilai march in an unholy war against Seekers and Lurkers – an eldritch furore amid toxic libraries and under burning azure skies. The Princes unleash the full might of their hosts against each other, determined to win control over the last son of the Dragon God of Time.

    Azura, meanwhile, plots her vengeance against the Dragonborn Nord, seething over his foul corruption of her Star. She calls back to Tamriel her greatest champion and pawn – an immortal godslayer – and sets him on the path to a deadly encounter. And he comes not alone to do battle with the kin of Akatosh, rather in his wake a fleet of Tsaesci warships unfurls its sails on the wind. The serpents of Akavir return at last.

    In Alinor, the Aldmeri Dominion makes ready for a renewed war against the Mede Empire, but so too does High King Ulfric of Skyrim, intent on beating the elves to the Imperial City. As the Stone-Fist marshals the Stormcloak armies for an invasion of Cyrodiil, Ulfric forges a crucial alliance with Hammerfell. Accordingly, the Redguards mobilise on the border with High Rock, prepared to knock them out of the Imperials’ war effort. Rumours spread that a true sword-singer has come forth to lead the Ra Gada campaign.

    After a year-long meditation in Labyrinthian, Hrikvar begins to seek out and bind all the dragons in Skyrim to his will. Barrows empty in his wake as hordes of draugar rise to serve him. Lesser vampires flock to his banner, drawn by his promises of blackened sun and helpless prey. His loyal Blades follow him everywhere, the Nords among them learning the Thu'um from him.

    The cold deepens, and the days grow short.

    It is Frostfall, and Hrikvar is at the height of his power. As he gazes down from the Throat of the World, sitting atop the back of an undead wyrm, he sees the last remnants of what his Dragonborn predecessors built crumbling into the void. He remembers an empty throne in Sovngarde… and then he remembers who he really is.

    He Shouts a tear in time, and calls for it. The wyrm beneath him shivers as the Brass God returns.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2015
  19. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    As-yet unnamed WoT/ASoIaF mesh. A few major WoT characters in place of major Song characters, most unchanged, but in particular Rand al'Thor is standing in for Aegon Targaryen, eventually growing up learning about his heritage under Tam al'Thor(Jon Connington) and fulfilling the prophecies of the Prince Who Was Promised, returning to reclaim his birthright - but the awakening Saidin in his blood, sometimes controllable, more and more often not, encourages him to delay conquering King's Landing in lieu of ending the Winter King beyond the Wall in the Land of Always Winter(see Great Other meets The Dark One, in a frozen Blight) to lift the taint upon Saidin that destroyed Great Valyria.

    The two aspects of Rand - the man, who is not unkind, daring in his own rights, and the Dragon Reborn, who is colder, sterner, willing to sacrifice wholesale to attain his goals, the side who awakens with Saidin invoked - clash over what to do in Westeros often. He can not rule with his power running mad in his veins, but that will not stop him from hating the duty to avenge Valyria's Doom and destroy the Winter King first and foremost.

    With the power-forged sword Lightbringer in his hands and hunting the White Walkers(Myrdral, Fades), he chances upon a group of deserter rangers of the Night's Watch lead by Matrim Cauthon(who is iffy on if he stands in for Mance).

    I think I've done it more justice in actual story than I have here.

  20. Nerox

    Nerox High Inquisitor

    Jan 29, 2012
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.