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Pet Peeves v.9

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Syaoran, Jan 10, 2015.

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  1. golan

    golan Temporarily Banhammered DLP Supporter

    Oct 11, 2014
    Central Europe, for now.
    We're talking about Ron the Death Eater, not some petty rivalries.
  2. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
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    And I'm saying the worse I could possibly see Ron. :colbert:

    ---------- Post automerged at 16:00 ---------- Previous post was at 16:00 ----------

    No need to be an ass.
  3. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
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    I could link it, but the fic is in Polish. I doubt we're talking about the same thing. And it's old, so it may not have aged well anyway.
  4. ihateseatbelts

    ihateseatbelts Seventh Year

    Mar 28, 2014
    Where the mandem jam up to no good
    No worries. It's still a fair point; I can only imagine Percy being the sort to jump ship. Even then, it's a fucking huge jump.

    Ron's comment about the Squib cousin "we don't really talk about" makes me wonder, though... just kidding. :p
  5. Corvus Black

    Corvus Black Professor

    Jul 18, 2012
    No actually, you said that you didn't understand where the evil Weasley idea came from and so I pointed out something from canon that could have given a fanfic writer the basis for the idea that the Weasleys were stealing from Harry. I never said they were evil, yes Molly can be smothering at times but in no way is she - or any of the rest of the Weasleys (even Percy, who was just misguided but showed his good heart in the end) - evil.
  6. Goten Askil

    Goten Askil Groundskeeper

    Feb 27, 2015
    Evil!Ron makes me think I haven't read the same series as everyone else. I remember a Slytherin!Harry canon rehash where the First-Year duel was between Draco-Harry and Ron-Dean or Seamus and it was Draco who blabbered about a wizard's honor and Ron who ratted them out.

    A Malfoy's honor and Ron's cowardice, really?

    More in-topic, my pet peeves which I haven't seen mentioned when I was lurking:

    - Authors thinking that writing Google translations when Fleur talks make them look cool. Few things piss me off more than having to scroll down to the end of chapter to read a sentence which was initially meant to be in my mother tongue. I mean, everybody knows that Google translates sentences like shit, right?

    - The idea that the uniform can be anything but a black robe. I can tolerate a House crest or a tie, but each time I read the words shirt/skirt/knee-length socks, I want to strangle the film-makers. A bit more than usual, I mean.

    - Slytherin having some sort of hierarchy based on their parents' political power, especially when it would make an average seventh year bow before an 11-years-old.

    - People talking about the Dark Mark like it was common knowledge. Of course, having a tatoo of Voldemort's "I killed someone here" sign is pretty suspicious, but Sirius' reaction in book 4 makes it quite obvious that even the Order didn't know about the Death Eaters being marked during the First War. The Aurors probably didn't know before the Ministry admitted to Voldemort's return.
  7. Ghosthree3

    Ghosthree3 Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2012
    This is one of the reasons I only consider the first two movies to be good. The fact that everyone started wearing muggle clothing in the later films is something I can only attribute to laziness.

    Huh...I've never thought of it that way. I like that.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 PM ----------

    This might be a weird one but...disclaimers. Are these actually necessary? Or is it just something everyone sees people doing so do themselves. I thought the very nature of the site kind of implied no ownership and yet people like to post it at the top of every chapter. It actually annoys me.
  8. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Rorschac's Luna is OhPoo!Luna.

    If you ever see Luna say, "Oh Poo," in a fic (often because she's been denied nookie), then it has been written by someone who, somewhere along the line, read his rendition of Luna (or one of its many imitations) and was at least a little inspired by it.

    Straight up Evil? Unlikely, true.
    But Molly and Ron were definitely both judgmental, prejudiced, prone to hotheaded reactions, and didn't seem to care too much about who they hurt with their behavior (at least until well after the fact - the types of people who apologize for shit over and over, but always turn around and do it again the next week).

    Percy speaks for himself.

    Evil and unpleasant are two different things: Moody and, as much as it sticks in my craw, Snape are proof of that.
  9. crimson sun06

    crimson sun06 Banned

    Jun 21, 2013
    I think Molly and Ron are both extremely misunderstood characters. Molly is thought to be overbearing and overprotective towards Harry. But can you really blame her? She loves Harry like a son and with all the trouble he gets into her reactions to them can hardly be considered overreacting.
    She looks out for Harry like a parent is supposed to always keeping his interests and well-being in mind. One of the reasons I can't stand the Evil! Molly fics is they use these traits to bash her character.
    Ron at the core is just a regular guy with insecurity issues. He isn't like Harry and lets face it he isn't meant to be. He won't be going out of his way to help people and more often than not is happy to go with the flow.
    The fact that he goes against his nature to help his best friend shows his strength of character. Yes he has his flaws but they are hardly unforgivable. Ron bashers tend to amplify his bad qualities while completely ignoring the good in him creating a very one-dimensional character with none of the complexities the original had.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2015
  10. Stan

    Stan Order Member

    Aug 19, 2014
    Its not really a misunderstanding, or if it is, it is a deliberate misunderstanding. Harry's close relationship with the Weasleys generally stands in the way of Harry/Hermione or Harry/RandomSlytherinGirl, so they have his new girlfriend enlighten Harry in all the ways Dumbledore and the Weasleys have been taking advantage of him since his birth. They even deduce Molly and Ginny meeting Harry on the train platform and Ron barging into his compartment was some sort of convoluted plot to earn Harry's trust.

    And just to further reassure the reader that of course the canon ships are not taking place, Ginny slips Harry a little love potion (plus Ron attempts to rape Hermione in H/Hr fics) that obviously fails because Ginny has the intelligence of a two year old. Then Harry's chosen cock-sucker proceeds to put her down in the most demeaning (and ridiculous) way possible hence showing once and for all that the author's chosen love interest is obviously better than canon Harry's, because canon Harry is a bitch and of course the author's version of Harry is so much cooler.

    If an author can't put aside his ridiculous biases for certain characters and write them impartially and logically, then he shouldn't write at all.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2015
  11. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    I disagree on this last point. Unless we know that they have these biases, we have no chance to correct them.
  12. capo327

    capo327 Sixth Year

    Aug 31, 2005
    Well, that's often true, at least if you consider HBP and DH.
  13. Steelbadger

    Steelbadger Death Eater

    Nov 9, 2013
    United Kingdom
    I think it's been mentioned before but I'm pretty sick of people having 'mates' as opposed to being married, having significant others, having partners, wives or husbands. They also 'mate' with each other rather than have sex, make love or fuck.

    It basically reduces any romantic depth to that of a couple of randy bunnies going at it.
  14. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    Pretty sure that's a hangover from werewolf and alpha, beta and omega "dynamic" fics.
  15. Russano

    Russano Disappeared

    Aug 11, 2012
    Random recent peeves:

    Over usage of the ironic "my lady" or "my love". You know when someone pretends to all of a sudden be all courtly sounding or flowery. It works like...once, and then it becomes very old and terribly stilted.

    When a pairing has the two romantically inclined partners "take it slow" and not have sex, despite their characterization having them madly in love with each other already. It's especially bad in teenage characters, and almost equally in actual adults as well. He's hot, she's hot, they are in love, so why aren't they fucking.

    Also I'm hating it when authors jump the shark wtih a premise. From that immortal Harry search thread I started reading Voldemort's Last Spell, with Harry living from basically the dawn of humans onward, and the author made him freaking Wolverine out of nowhere.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2015
  16. capo327

    capo327 Sixth Year

    Aug 31, 2005
    Even worse, Harry starts calling everyone his age Miss or Mister Last-Name instead of using their first name. What teenager does that?
  17. Ayreon

    Ayreon Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 18, 2006
    We just discussed this point in this thread.

    I now imagine that the author's aunt Gladys is reading the story and she would get mad if there was any "funny business" going on. It's code for "they're totally fucking, but people I know in real life read this story so I can't write about teenagers having sex".
  18. golan

    golan Temporarily Banhammered DLP Supporter

    Oct 11, 2014
    Central Europe, for now.
    Oh my goodness, this crap creeped into HP fanfic writing, too?

    Because some people are idiots and have problems with people not old enough to drive having sex.
  19. Saot

    Saot Groundskeeper

    May 9, 2011
    I can think of at least five people I knew who did that for a while because they thought it'd be quirky and amusing to speak overly formally to friends.
  20. Russano

    Russano Disappeared

    Aug 11, 2012
    That was ages ago.

    Not writing sex doesn't bother me in the least, whethere its just not mentioned at all or you have wink wink they are totally doing it when I'm not talking about it.
    What bothers me is when you have a pair who have the emotional requirement - as in they are like already saying I love you and have their lives together planned out. THEN they start doing stuff, but stop midway, one of them says blah blah were taking slow blah, then the other one smiles and nods and says blah blah love you blah. Then they cuddle and the scene is over. The author is going out of his way to tell me they aren't having sex.

    What it is is bad characterization at that point.
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