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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Quagsire was the plan, since it resists Rollout. It is male, though, so Attract would have been an issue. Would have.

    But it won't have to be, because hard work and perseverance has paid dividends!

    And on that note...

    I did run on back to Azalea Town to get my Charcoal. Headbutted a tree, and it's Spearow. A Level 5 Spearow. I realize here that no matter what pops down that tree next, I can't do anything to weaken and catch it without killing it.


    I also remember that I didn't catch anything outside town on Route 23 when I passed through earlier. Never even ventured into the tall grass. Hoppip can be had there, and I step in and (after chasing away a couple of Rattata) catch Cotton the Hoppip.

    ...But she's Level 8 and has no offensive moves. No matter. A little switch-leveling grinds her up to 10 and she learns Tackle.

    Back to the tree. The Spearow are out in abundance this morning, but soon enough down comes a female Heracross. After a couple Tackles and more than a couple balls, she's mine. Strong, sexy young (at least young-looking) lady with a horn. This is the easiest and most appropriate Pokemon nickname I've ever had the come up with. Androssi the Heracross is going to beat Whitney's sorry ass.

    Once I've trained her, since she's only Level 4. But, Heracross! She probably ate the Aipom that I was rather expecting to get stuck with here.


    Surt the Quilava - Level 23
    Barnabas the Quagsire - Level 22
    Androssi the Heracross - Level 4
    Cotton the Hoppip - Level 10


    Archimedes (Hoothoot)
    Charlotte (Spinarak)
    Pharos (Togepi)
  2. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    I'm so depressed my Pancham didn't get Mold Breaker. Just encountered one with it now.

    ---------- Post automerged 05-02-2015 at 12:56 AM ---------- Previous post was 05-01-2015 at 08:28 AM ----------

    After defeating the 1st gym we moved on to Camphrier Town by way of Route 5 where we had already caught the aforementioned Pancham (Heracles). A visit to Parfum Palace after an invasion by a giant Snorlax sleeping on a bridge caused myself and Shauna to team up as we were tasked to locate the owners Furfrou. In the commotion I encountered a Honedge aptly named Aegis, who after a brief trial run was ultimately boxed.

    We found furfrou after a game of corner the wild beast and made our way on to battle the Snorlax after it was awoken by the Poke Flute we received from the Palace owner. In a fit of rage it attacked and A critical hit laden Karate Chop from Pancham reduced it into the red after a moment of terror and three Pokeballs later we were the proud owner of a Snorlax named Ajax (I'm really into greek mythology atm, let's just let it slide)

    Along Route 7 we encountered a Roselia in the grass, Ajax got his first test run and succesfully did the job as we captured Daisy, she was sent to the PC and at this rate will likely never leave it. A brief skirmish as Serena and I paired up against Tierno and Trevor combined with beating the shit out of anything in our way has seen our Pokemon level up a reasonable amount.

    My dream of an Axew was destroyed in the form of a Whimsur and we chose to run away than actually battle it because I was that disappointed.

    Thankfully after reading up on how to evolve Pancham, the first Pokemon we found on the route to Ambrette town was an Absol. I wasn't paying attention as I named it and accidentally hit the enter button instead of the Upper Case. So instead of Snow we welcome ssn to the PC box for eternity, or until Pancham hits level 31, then he can stay our for the required three minutes.

    Just hit Ambrette town and paired up with Serena to go searching for some lost professor (Really want Sandile as Krookodile is the greatest Ground type ever and a fucking badass, much like Haxorus but not as awesome)

    Holy jesus I'm a Unova Fanboy.


    Soul - Braixen (M) lvl 23
    Friar - Pansage (M) lvl 21
    Gaius - Wartortle (M) lvl 22
    Icarus -Pidgeotto (M) lvl 20
    Heracles - Pancham (M) lvl 20
    Ajax - Snorlax (M) lvl 18


    Ssn Absol lvl 15
    Daisy - Roselia lvl 14
    Barnabus - Bidoof lvl 4
    Jane - Bunnelby lvl 6
    Aegis - Honedge lvl 15


    Taryn - flabebe lvl 11
  3. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    You have potential Aegislash rotting in your box? For shame. Also, Excadrill and Garchomp are both better than Krookodile in my book, but it's pretty awesome in its own right.

    And now, onto my own business.

    Training the Terrorcross took a little while due to the whole low level thing, and saw me backtracking all the way to Violet City and working my way back westward as the wild Pokemon levels scaled up. Most of the grinding eventually did take place on the route between Ilex Forest and Goldenrod City, though, and once Androssi hit 19 and learned Brick Break it was time to get to work.

    Androssi don't like other ugly bitches, and slaughters everything in Whitney's gym. The whiny brat of a Gym Leader stands no chance, though I do take the precaution of popping a couple X Speeds against Whitney's Clefairy in order to avoid being flinchlocked by Stomp against Miltank. I expected a OHKO, didn't quite get it. Whitney's Super Potion can't repair all the damage, though, and a second Brick Break cruelly puts down Miltank.

    Baww more, Whitney. And hand over that damned badge.

    I draw some strange looks on the streets of Goldenrod with my swaggering Heracross drenched in blood and milk, a mangled set of udders hanging like a grisly war trophy from her horn.

    Ahem. On to Ecruteak. The team starts expanding here.

    On Route 36, I catch Frazier the Sudowoodo via interact. I doubt I'd use Sudowoodo in any event since pure Rock is pretty ass, but the lack of Rock Head seals the deal. Being able to spam no-recoil Wood Hammer might have given me something to think about.

    A couple steps northward into Route 37, and Comet the Stantler comes aboard. Santa's other reindeer need some love too, damn it. But not enough love to escape being box bait.

    I meet Bill in the Pokemon Center and backtrack to Goldenrod to receive Orpheus the Eevee. He remains in the active group with a Soothe Bell attached to grind happiness as I proceed through the run. In the end I'll Rare Candy him into an Espeon, but I'm in no rush to do it now.

    First, I head into the dance theater and own a Rocket. That earns me the dual reward of a geisha's favor and a Surf HM. Taught to Quagsire to replace Water Gun, like a bawse.

    Barnabas gets to test out his new toy right away as I go to the Burned Tower and beat on the douchebag again. Silver provides no challenge whatsoever this time around. Nothing to catch here, as the entire wild encounter roster is Gen I.

    Now I need to prepare to dump truck Morty. And on that note, eastward to Mt. Mortar. Pick up the Shadow Claw TM and head into the mountain. Quick trip to the Mahogany Town exit. On Route 42 before entering the town, I step into the tall grass and snag Juno the Mareep. Mostly to get the Ampharos line out of first encounter eligibility before heading towards the Lake of Rage to get what I'm targeting here.

    Proves unnecessary, as the first encounter on Route 43 is Erebus the Girafarig. Pain in the rear to catch, too, as I nearly exhaust my Poke Ball supply. But with only two remaining in the bag, he submits to capture. Girafarig is fun, and tailor-made to pack Morty's shit in.

    I go back to Ecruteak and grind Erebus up quickly in the Burned Tower.

    Morty and his gym can't do shit, though his Gengar provides a token amount of annoyance due to outspeeding Girafarig and putting him to sleep once via Hypnosis. He also lands a Sucker Punch, but due to Gengar's poopy physical stats it doesn't pose much threat despite being Super Effective. Gengar gets exorcised with a Psybeam that same turn, and the rest is cake.

    Four badges down. Onward to Olivine. Next time.


    Surt the Quilava - Level 24
    Barnabas the Quagsire - Level 24
    Androssi the Heracross - Level 23
    Erebus the Girafarig - Level 27
    Orpheus the Eevee - Level 5


    Archimedes (Hoothoot)
    Charlotte (Spinarak)
    Pharos (Togepi)
    Cotton (Hoppip)
    Frazier (Sudowoodo)
    Comet (Stantler)
    Juno (Mareep)
  4. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Probably going to box Pidgeotto in the near future and only bring it out for flight purposes, the other 5 are pretty set, unless I get a Solosis on whatever route that is (one away from it now). Always wanted to use one and Honedge was a bit boring the last time I had him in squad which was the last Kalos save I had.

    Then there's the Lucario you get. Juggling my team will be annoying soon enough.
  5. Oment

    Oment The Betrayer DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2011
    Jumpluff learn all the spores and are pretty weak offensively. there's an argument to be made to use it as capture Pokémon.

    No less than she deserves, but man, can I get some of your luck? Heracross rocks.

    Visceral, and completely appropriate.

    Fly is borderline superfluous in Kalos due to the layout, the smooth loading, the relatively straightforward main routes and the shortcuts Strength enables.

    On to my run:

    Cut is taught, and almost immediately after running into the Route 116 grass again, I get a Marshtomp. It's too solid a Pokémon not to evolve into at this point of the game.

    Mudkip → Marshtomp, 0 evolutions available.

    An errant Wingull is saved, Devon parts are returned and it's off to level the newest 'mon. Gelare needs help killing everything, unfortunately. I decide to level him up a bit before embarking on the next part of this journey. The rest he'll get from other encounters, and I can't say I'm at all enthused by the available selection in the Granite Cave. He hits level 11 and learns Headbutt, which is a bit more powerful. And can't miss. And has a chance to flinch the opponent.

    Cut really does suck.

    Off to Dewford after fighting the two rich trainers on route 104 again and collecting some of the things behind the Cut-able thorns. I also make Lacus not learn Bide, because Bide in a Nuzlocke is asking for trouble.

    Old rod get, not that I'll be using it. Probably. Might need a throwaway Water-type for Dive later on. Get a free Silk Scarf I toss on Gelare and great ball collections are the hippest thing around now. Capital letters definitely optional. Can't get to Steven yet, so time to hit the Gym. Lacus has work to do.

    Yawn. Mud pervades the gym as Lacus stomps her way through. Detect prolongs quite a few fights, but all fall. Brawly lhimself ands two hits on the Marshtomp, and wastes one on Leer. The other does a paltry 25 % damage. I'm more annoyed by the lost Oran Berry. Roxanne was harder, and I had type advantage on her. Oh well, second badge.

    Knuckle Badge attained. +1 evolution available.

    I deliver the letter and decide against using a capture in Dewford and environs for now. Maybe I'm defying the odds a little, but I got three Abra in nine Pokémon in the Granite Cave. I'll aim for Route 110 and hopefully an Electrike, though anything except for Minun and com-Mons goes, frankly.

    I hit the beach and all the trainers thereon. With the Silk Scarf and Headbutt, Gelare is actually surprisingly effective. I might actually decide to evolve him down the line. I do have an evolution to spare for now and depending on the catch, perhaps nothing to use it on. We'll have to see. I pick up ten Soda Pop – six from the rewards, the rest bought – from the Seashore House and accompanying gauntlet, all the while grumbling about the mild inconvenience of having to buy them one by one instead of just by the dozen.

    More Team Magma. Memo: Numel stink against anything watery, and Lacus is borderline overleveled for this point of the game. Maxie's speech is as melodramatic as I remember it being – at least the music is appropriately awesome.

    Contests are still mind-numbing. Nothing changed there. Oh well, I get the free Pikachu and promptly bench her. Gift Pokémon and all that. Gelare Headbutts several of the local Pokémon into submission and hits level 17, overtaking Shakti in the process.

    After encountering just Zigzagoon and Electrikes, plus a lone DexNav'd Minun, during the levelilng up, I find a new Pokémon in the Route 110 grass, one I'd forgotten about being there. Going to Bulbapedia tells me I apparently hit a 4 % chance to find my new Pokémon.

    Solmyr the Voltorb caught at level 13. Next capture at level 23.

    It comes with a free Static ability, which is probably the better one overall. It'll probably make the cut, but I'll take it for a test roll later, since my batteries are about to die at this point.


    Lacus the Marshtomp (F): level 22
    Shakti the Whismur (M): level 16
    Gelare the Zigzagoon (M): level 17
    Solmyr the Voltorb: level 13

    Next capture: Solmyr @ level 23.
    Evolutions: 1 available, 1 used (Mudkip to Marshtomp)
  6. Oment

    Oment The Betrayer DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2011
    The first fight I get into gives Lacus a free Oran Berry from the opponent's Plusle using Bestow. I did not know this was a move. Then the follow-up Minun uses Switcheroo, switching her Oran Berry with Lacus's. And then, as she is faster and I missed a Mud Shot (grmbl 95 % accuracy), another Switcheroo returns her original berry to her, and Lacus gets Plusle's berry back. She cares not for the switching and crits the next Mud Shot before a berry can be eaten.

    I apparently don't get to keep the Berry. Shame. Free berries are good. Berry, berry good even.

    I detour over route 103's eastern half and encounter a Lass with a Roselia. Luckily, Solmyr leads and it has Eerie Impulse. I lower the Roselia's Sp. Attack by four stages and switch Lacus in, hoping that it was enough. The incoming Mega Drain takes 30 % of my hp away still, and I nope the fuck out of there. Gelare ends up killing it, and yay for 1500 xp over three Pokémon I suppose? I really need something to deal with Grass-types. Linoone is still an option...

    Plusle and Minun are rather good on the experience, and multiple repeatable trainers use them. Solmyr is level 20 by the time I progress further onto route 110, and Lacus hits 25 on a Youngster's Poochyena. This should be overleveled enough to brute force May.

    Slugma melts to Lacus, and the Charm special move on Gelare ends up coming in incredibly convenient against the Grovyle. Unfortunately, it doesn't help against Mega Drain, but since the AI is an idiot, that is used just once. Gelare was still left on 2hp. Solmyr sends a Charge Beam or two into Wailmer, and done. I get a bunch of alien antennae for beating her.

    Have I mentioned I need something to deal with Grass-types?

    The initial Mauville things are done. You know, beating asthmatic kids, getting a bike, things like that. I pick the Mach Bike for now and take Cycling Road down to Slateport. Granite Cave needs more exploring, and I've changed my mind on the Pokémon in the cave, especially since Aron are available in the basement. Zubat'd get rid of my Grass-type problem, too.

    En route, I pick up level 22 on Solmyr, and Voltorb apparently learn Electro Ball. Demolishment of trainers ensues, and I nearly overshoot by getting to level 23 too early. I don't, though, and a Zubat gets shocked to death to enable my next capture.

    Neela the Aron caught at level 11. Next capture at level 21.

    Female, which is annoying because I had a male name picked out. Oh well. I don't like a Lonely nature on my Aron, even if it's only denting the massive defences. I do like Rock Head. I foresee lots of Take Down in the future. She's given the Quick Claw and it's time for more training.

    Who the fuck gave a Tuber's Zigzagoon on the route 109 beach Surf? Ugh.

    In preparation for the Gym and future pursuits, I end up buying Bulldoze, which promptly gets taught to Lacus and Neela. Of course, my ideas of using the latter in the Gym are nullified once a Volt Switch takes out nearly 2/3rds of her hp – and that's the first Pokémon in the Gym doing that. Time to let the Water/Ground type go to town. More to the point: time to let the massively overleveled Water/Ground type go to town.

    There's only one reason Wattson doesn't get threeshot. Magnemite runs Sturdy, and the follow-up Super Potion heals it to full. Mildly inconvenient. Lacus kills everything and gains a level in the process. At this rate, I'll end up with a Swampert for Norman.

    I don't think I mind that at all, but we'll see. I do need to start spreading experience around a bit more.

    Dynamo Badge attained. +1 evolution available.

    In dealing with more Grass-types, Gelare hits level 20. Evolution cancelled for now. Neela is also closing in on level 21, and as such, I progress the story rather than going to Verdanturf. The selection is better (read: more anti-Grass) up here, and it's the first Pokémon in the Fiery Path that I have to capture.

    Ash the Numel caught at level 14. Next capture at level 24.

    Simple nature and a Timid (-Atk, +Spd) nature. Speed is actually her fourth stat, leaving both defences behind. This should probably take care of most Grass-types once she gets some levels in her, but I'm now developing a bit of a weakness to Ground as well. Great.


    • Lacus the Marshtomp (F): level 29
    • Shakti the Whismur (M): level 16
    • Gelare the Zigzagoon (M): level 20
    • Solmyr the Voltorb: level 24
    • Neela the Aron (F): level 21
    • Ash the Numel (F): level 14
    Next capture: Ash @ level 24.
    Evolutions: 2 available, 1 used (Mudkip → Marshtomp)
  7. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Stomping around on a badass Rhyhorn nets me my first encounter in Ambrette town as we encounter a Sandile (JESUS YES), Ajax stands at the front only to be immediately switched because a 1HKO would crush my soul. Icarus comes to the fore and a Tackle later has whittled Sandile down enough that he is easy pickings for my great ball. Iago joins the team, or is actually sent to the PC Box with my full intention to withdraw him later.

    We reach the cave and our first battle pits us against a Cubone, Ajax Tackles away and sends him to sleep with Yawn. Once asleep a Poke Ball does the trick and Hamlet enters the PC as well, never to be seen again. We emerge from the path with ease as Gaius lays the smacketh down on whatever Pokemon we face off against as we come face to face with a Team Flare grunt that Ajax pwns with two Chip Aways and 2 OHKO's to a Houndour and some other thing.

    Heracles then proceeds to stroll through through the next battle and we then encounter two grunts, creating what should be a 2 on 1 battle until Serena appears out of nowhere and begins to help out. Except her Espurr is kinda useless against two fighting types and gets taken out by the second turn. Heracles takes out Scrafty with a barrage of Arm Thrusts and a Work Up followed by a 5 hit Comet Punch (STAB ftw) nets a KO to the Croagunk on the opposing team.

    We rescue the researcher, I take a Jaw Fossil for my troubles and after I return to the Fossil Lab I bring Gluttony the Tyrunt back to life, who also goes to the PC and is part of my "Why do I have to choose army"

    Feeling confident I sprint to Cyllage City Gym and make my way through the trainers as preparation. With a side consisting of a Pancham, Squirtle and Pansage I have no troubles as Heracles OHKO's Amaura after a Work Up + Arm Thrust and 2HKOs Tyrunt with two Karate Chops.

    We acquire Bolt the Electrike with my first run into the next route and some mini-skirmishes vs Flare Grunts sees me into the next town where I'll have to stay for a bit after slacking off on the grinding.

    Major problem atm is picking my 6th Pokemon after I just boxed Icarus

    Recall Icarus, or go with Bolt, Iago or Gluttony.

    Love Krookodile bu Mega Manetric seems like it'd be kickass. Then there'll be the Lucario we get because Soul Bond or some sort of plot device.


    Gaius (M) - Wartortle lvl 27 w/ Torrent
    Soul (M) - Braxien lvl 28 w/ Blaze
    Friar (M) - Pansage lvl 24 w/ Gluttony (Have a Leaf Stone from Route 8, might see if it learns anything over the next 1-3 levels that would be handy before evolving)
    Ajax (M) - Snorlax lvl 25 w/ Immunity (Bummed)
    Heracles (M) - Pancham lvl 27 w/ Iron Fist
    Bolt (M) - Elektrike lvl 22 w/ Lightningrod

    PC Pokemon
    Barnabus - Biddof lvl 4
    Jane -Bunnelby lvl 6
    Daisy - Roselia lvl 14
    ssn - Absol lvl 15
    Aegis - Honedge lvl 15
    Iago - Sandile lvl 16
    Hamlet - Cubone lvl 16 (Should've called Yorick tbh)
    Gluttony - Tyrunt lvl 20
    Icarus - Pidegotto lvl 23​
    Last edited: May 6, 2015
  8. Oment

    Oment The Betrayer DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2011
    Yes, you should have. :colbert:

    I think the monkeys learn Acrobatics at some point, which is a really good move. Wait for that, maybe?


    First thing after getting Ash: kicking other trainer's asses. She nearly dies to a lucky Rock Tomb from a Sturdy Aron, but hanging on with 2hp seems to be a thing this run. I thought she'd survive a regular one on 55 % hp because neutral damage, but I was nearly proven wrong. Aggronite get as well. It's going to be tricky to figure out which Pokémon I want to be able to Mega-Evolve.

    No I do not want Solmyr to learn Self-Destruct.

    On to route 113. Ace Trainers are starting to make their appearance. I don't like that. Also, May, there's a house with a heal just around the corner. Why they put a free heal here, I'll never know.

    Fucking Koffing. Or rather, fucking Self-Destruct. Note to self: proceed with caution and Neela up front. One of them explodes on her, and she takes a grand total of four damage. It'd probably kill Solmyr and Ash and put a decently-sized dent in Lacus. Relatively speaking, since Lacus has over 10 levels on the Koffing for now.

    Professor Cozmo can go stay with Team Magma for a while, I'm off collecting ash on route 113. I only just now notice that there are small ash particles falling in battle. Cool attention to detail. Eventually, I have enough for a Blue Flute, and that's the Sleep status condition taken care of.

    A double battle versus Azumarill and Roselia. There is literally no combination in my team that's actually good against this, and I have to hope there's no crits anywhere. I luck out when the Azumarill decides to use Helping Hand on Magical Leaf, and double Electro Ball takes care of that. Iron Head puts paid to Roselia a turn later. Potential crisis averted, then reactivated a fight later when I forget Dragon Rage is a thing on Gyarados. Poor Solmyr goes down to deep, deep red. Ash hits level 24 on a random Swablu a few minutes later.

    Aeris the Swablu caught at level 17. Next capture at level 27.

    Full hp Premier Ball. Who cares about strategy in capturing Pokémon. Male, by the by, to continue with the apparently genderflipped names. (They're not in my naming theme.). Definitely the Pokémon I wanted here, and I quite like my current potential team, even without a sixth. No real weaknesses to shore up except for ground, a good spread of attacking moves... Maybe something to kick Ghost or Dark.

    Into Meteor Falls and a fight with random Reddit user #43425, or Tabitha., and a random Grunt. The Koffing Self-Destructs on turn 1, doing a grand total of 7 damage on Neela. I love quadruple resistances. The rest of the fight is about as easy, but again, I am horribly overleveled. I go to Mauville by May Express, and head up Mt. Chimney for round two against Tabitha. Except for the exploding Koffing, it's second verse, same as the first. Heal up and it's time for Maxie.

    The Mightyena does no damage to me, Roaring Ash away after getting burned on a Lava Plume and Roaring Solmyr away after eating an Electro Ball. In comes Lacus to get free experience, and Maxie inexplicably sends out Camerupt instead of Golbat. Not complaining, Camerupt goes down after a crit Bulldoze. Golbat is electrocuted in two acts as Solmyr cares not about your silly confusion.

    Bloody hell, the random trainers are starting to use Pokémon like Hariyama now? This one's six levels lower than Lacus, but it puts up a very good fight. Of course, Experts are annoying like that.

    Moomoo Milk! By the dozen, too. I'll have some. And with that, it's time for the Gym. The trainers there are... Well... It's a Fire gym and I've a vastly overleveled Water-type in Lacus and a decently leveled Ground-type in Ash. Figure out how the trainers went for yourself. Flannery herself isn't hard either, though I do get a small scare when she whips out Sunny Day on Torkoal and my next Mud Shot misses. No Solarbeam though.

    Heat Badge attained. +1 evolution available.


    Lacus the Marshtomp (F): level 34
    Solmyr the Voltorb: level 28
    Neela the Aron (F): level 28
    Ash the Numel (F): level 26
    Aeris the Swablu (M): level 21
    Gelare the Zigzagoon (M): level 20

    Shakti the Whismur (M): level 16

    Next capture: Aeris @ level 27.
    Evolutions: 3 available, 1 used (Mudkip → Marshtomp)

    Probably a load of evolutions next time. Might even hit the cap.
  9. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Yeah, waiting for lvl 34 with Grass Knot and Acrobatics and then it can move up to Simisage status.

    Forgot the next gym was fighting and Pangoro+Snorlax don't mix with Fighting types. Have to evolve Braxien and Psybeam Korrina to death it seems.
  10. Oment

    Oment The Betrayer DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2011
    Joy. Dad's up next. I decline May's offer and go into the desert. There are several things I want there, not least all the goodies lying around on the ground. Ash gets Strength for now on account of upgrading the old Tackle. Annoyingly, Zigzagoon can't learn Strength – it's Linoone only. Oh well, Strength is a decent enough move.

    Sandstorms hurt only 3 Pokémon in my team, and one of those is HM fodder Gelare. The Sandslash trainers have around here, on the other hand, are annoying. Sand Veil makes attacks miss, Poison Sting and Sand Tomb cause a lot of gradual damage, and they run Dig too. Stallers, the lot of them.

    While refighting one of the Ace Trainers just above the desert, Lacus hits level 36.

    Marshtomp → Swampert, 2 evolutions available.

    Fighting isn't exactly a good matchup either at the moment. Aeris knows no flying moves and I don't think I can get any before beating the next Gym. Unless I want to blow a Heart Scale on Peck.

    Yeah, no.

    Enter the Gym, and Neela starts taking care of the trainers. Multi-hit moves don't exactly do a lot of damage, and even a Zangoose's crit Slash only does 13 damage (on 80-ish hp). Level 31.5 for her now. I'ma go get a Lairon before the Gym Battle.

    And on the last trainer I used to level Neela to level 32 – one of the Plusle trainers around Slateport– Ash's Earth Power leaves the opponent Minun alive with a sliver of health. Copycat happens, crits and that, as they say, is that.

    R.I.P. Ash the Numel. She was hoist by her own petard.

    Aron → Lairon, 1 evolution available.

    Luck had to run out at some point, and this punches a pretty nasty hole in my plans. I've an idea or two for replacements, but they don't tick the boxes as neatly as Camerupt would have done. At least Neela's defences are sky-high now. Time to take out those two Slaking.

    150 base hp, 100 base defence. You're not denting that with most anything you have. The smart money is to get them down via their lower special defence (65), but that has other problems associated with it in typical runs, and here... Let's just say Solmyr would probably fizzle and Ash just died. Lacus doesn't exactly have the most powerful special attacks on her. We'll just take the other route.

    It takes quite a few turns, but Neela just outlasts the opponents. If a Slaking's Feint Attack (neutral damage) does just over 1/5th of your hp, you've got it made. Norman annoys me by ordering a few Yawns, but the Blue Flute stops that.

    Balance Badge attained. +1 evolution available.

    Surf! Finally. I'll keep the sea route trainers for the new Pokémon I scrounge up, and during some random repeatable battles to get Aeris's level up, Solmyr hits level 30.

    Voltorb → Electrode. 1 evolution available.

    Aeris hits level 27 not too long after, and I abscond to the Fiery Path. I throw up a Repel mainly to make sure I don't run into Machop (too evolution-heavy, can't trade for Machamp), Numel (let's not repeat history), and Slugma (about that Ground weakness of mine... Let's not get a second quadruple weakness in.) Whichever other Pokémon I DexNav into first is the winner.

    Mirlanda the Grimer caught at level 15. Next capture at level 25

    It's the usual shitty stats, aka a -Atk +SpA nature, the worse ability and all that rot. Still, I've never actually used Grimer or Muk, so we'll see how this works out. I go jump through Steven's hoops now, get myself a Latios that'll only get used for Soaring purposes way down the line and, more importantly, get myself a Mega Bracelet. That'll be seeing use at some point.

    Lacus the Swampert (F): level 37
    Solmyr the Electrode level 31
    Neela the Lairon (F): level 33
    Mirlanda the Grimer (F): level 15
    Aeris the Swablu (M): level 28
    Gelare the Zigzagoon (M): level 20

    Shakti the Whismur (M): level 16

    Ash the Numel (F): level 27. Hoist by a Copycat-ed Earth Power.

    Next capture: Mirlanda @ level 25.
    Evolutions: 1 available, 4 used (Mudkip → Marshtomp → Swampert | Aron → Lairon | Voltorb → Electrode )
  11. Oment

    Oment The Betrayer DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2011
    Risen and LT2000 - you still alive? I feel kinda bad for being the only one dumping posts. :(

    But dump I shall:

    Training, training, training. Mirlanda hits level 25 on Sea Mauville, even taking care of some of the opponents along the way herself. Defences aren't too high, but that's nothing generous helpings of Soda Pop can't stop.

    Ciele the Tentacool caught at level 20. Next capture at level 30.

    Might be a while before I go level her, though. The upcoming Pokémon aren't exactly high on any list of Pokémon I want, even in a limited capture setting. Yeah, sure, Tropius is a good HM slave, but I have an adequate Pokémon for that. Tentacool is pretty good – Tentacruel are pretty bulky Water-types and at the very least, I now have a Dive user.

    Normally, anything accessible after point X has appropiately-leveled Pokémon. Route 119 has trainers with Pokémon around level 28-30 or so. Wandering onto route 123 and trying to sneak into the Berry Garden, however, raises the ire of an Aroma Lady with a level 36 Vileplume. Level 36. Sure, it's no Slaking, and if you have a halfway decent Flying-type, it's dead in two turns – I still have a Flying-type without a Flying-move. Mirlanda is pretty decent against a Vileplume, especially after Eerie Impulse lowers the SpA by half, but it still took ages.

    More training, lots of Pokémon and me unhappy Solmyr doesn't have Thunder because perpetual rain on route 119. I eventually reach the Weather Institute, and go play whack-a-grunt with Team Magma. Oh, and this:

    Swablu → Altaria. 0 evolutions available.

    Now this I can get behind. Dragon Breaths for everyone! Especially Team Magma. And May, mustn't forget May. Aeris takes care of everything and gets taught Fly as a reward. Finally a Flying-type move.

    Fly has a totally awesome animation by the way.

    Time to get access to the Gym. Devon Scope, get, and the poor Kecleon uses Camouflage when Altaria is in the air for a Fly attack. Oops? More importantly, Swampertite get, which means it's time to start going to town with Mega Evolutions. Not that it's needed – still overleveled – but sometimes, you just need overkill. Like what's going to happen to the Fortree Gym with Solmyr and Neela, and to a lesser extent Lacus – who knows Rock Slide – and Aeris.

    Winona always felt like a bit of a letdown Gym Leader to me. She's in between Norman and his Slaking(s), and Tate and Liza. I played Emerald when I was younger. The former was pretty annoying, even with just the one Slaking. The latter two were brutal – game-ender brutal for Nuzlockes possibly. I do recall one nasty thing about her from my first playthrough: her Altaria runs Earthquake. That put a dent in my Magneton – luckily it had Sturdy.

    Five attacks, four dead Pokémon. Lacus's Mega Evolved Rock Slide two-shots Altaria through Cotton Guard and Solmyr fried the other three Pokémon. I get TM19 Roost and the badge for this.

    Feather Badge attained. +1 evolution available.

    Wait. Roost? Not Aerial Ace? [checks Bulbapedia]. Aerial Ace is a buyable TM in Mauville. I'm an idiot. I bought Bulldoze at that very TM vendor too!

    I do some backtracking to get some levels in Ciele already, even though I actually haven't decided if I want a sixth Pokémon, or which I'll take for it. The evolution rule is a real annoyance – I've got seven evolutions already primed. The available no-evolution Pokémon aren't exactly good either, and good final evolutions are only available in the Victory Road, I think. There's also training to think of, though rebattling old trainers makes that a bit easier, albeit tedious.

    The trainers start becoming more and more powerful now – fully evolved Pokémon are no exception and some of them are quite nasty. The bright side, of course, is that it's a lot of experience, which leads to:

    Grimer → Muk. 0 evolutions available.

    Lairon can hold its own against some fully evolved Pokémon. Grimer... not so much. I'll get an Aggron later.

    After demolishing May, again, I drop 160k on four TMs that might or might not get used. It's not like I need the money anyway – I still have over 10k left after refilling the healing items. Lacus gets Stone Edge and I toy with the idea of dropping Giga Impact or Hyper Beam on some of my Pokémon. Not yet, though.

    Lacus the Swampert (F): level 42
    Solmyr the Electrode level 42
    Neela the Lairon (F): level 39
    Mirlanda the Muk (F): level 39
    Aeris the Altaria (M): level 41
    Gelare the Zigzagoon (M): level 20

    Shakti the Whismur (M): level 16
    Ciele the Tentacool (F): level 25

    Ash the Numel (F): level 27. Hoist by a Copycat-ed Earth Power.

    Next capture: Ciele @ level 30.

    Evolutions: 0 available, 6 used (Mudkip → Marshtomp → Swampert | Aron → Lairon | Voltorb → Electrode | Swablu → Altaria | Grimer → Muk)
  12. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Alive, but I haven't touched the game in a while. SMT: Nocturne has its hooks in me deep, in addition to work.
  13. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Busy with uni at the moment Oment, just finished the 4th gym last night so might make an update tomorrow/Thursday.
  14. Oment

    Oment The Betrayer DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2011
    Mirlanda hits level 40 on a wild Pokémon. Gunk Shot is physical? Screw the 80 % accuracy, that's going into the moveset, even if her nature is -Attack. The animation for it is up there for the 'WTF were they smoking' award, though.

    Mount Pyre. I love the music here, both inside (nice and creepy) and outside (groovy). It's also apparently not done to wear alien antennae on your head inside. You can't tell me what to do, Dad. [Colbert]

    Time for plot. Whack a few grunts, drown Courney's Camerupt, Fly to Slateport, whack more grunts, teleport via plot coupon to Lilycove, enter the Hideout... The usual part of the game you're glad you have Fly on your Pokémon, basically. Time's a-wasting, there is important stuff to be found in that hideout.

    Team Magma Grunts withdraw their Pokémon? That's a new one for me. I'd also forgotten about the horde battle – too bad Solmyr has Discharge. (And then I forgot to switch Solmyr out for Courtney and her Camerupt. Turn wasted, I suppose.) The levels of the bosses are creeping up on my Pokémon's.

    You can Fly from the AreaNav screen. Consider my mind blown.

    Neela takes care of much of the Mossdeep Gym's trainers because she'd not been getting a lot of levels recently. I'm not allowed to evolve her, so once she hits 42, I mash the B button. Onwards to Tate and Liza.

    I lead with Lacus and Aeris, sending the latter up into the Sky to dodge Lacus's Surf. Aeris moves first, Tate's Solrock goes second and sends up a Sunny Day. Surf barely reaches 1/3rds damage on Lunatone, but crits on Solrock.

    I switch Lacus out – if there's Sunny Day, I'm placing good money on Solarbeam being in Solrock's arsenal – and switch Solmyr in. Aeris's Fly sends Solrock into the red and Solrock dumps a Solarbeam on Solmyr. I focus my efforts on Lunatone for turn 3 – Solrock will get healed, and a combined Electro Ball + Dragon Pulse is just enough to polish off the ineffective moon. (All it did was trying to put Aeris to sleep twice.) Solrock dies two turns after – its Psychic sent Solmyr uncomfortably low (a crit would have done it in) but I've the faster Pokémon.

    Mind Badge attained. +1 evolution available.

    TM04 Calm Mind. I remember this one – a vitally important move in my Firered Nuzlocke. I guess we'll need that because the world is ending. Naturally, this means it's time for a detour or few – time to go pick up some items here and there, including a Wide Lens, the Eviolite, multiple TMs, and the Shell Bell.

    The advantage of keeping Neela a Lairon for one level longer shows itself: she picks up Double Edge on level 43 instead of sometime later.

    Lairon → Aggron. 0 evolutions available.

    And that brings the proportion of my team that can mega-evolve to three-fifths, and it would have been more had Ash not perished. (Of course: you get that one in the postgame only.) I also take the time to level Ciele up to level 30, meaning I can catch a new Pokémon.

    Thant the Duskull caught at level 30. Next capture at level 40.

    Time to continue the story. Gelare gets benched for the first time since catching him way back when and Ciele learns to Dive. Onward, to victory!

    Or the Pokémart because I am not in the mood to deal with goddamned Golbats. Repels, get in my bag.

    Oh, hello there Earthquake TM, how nice of you to be on the main path. You will see use. Bye bye Bulldoze on Lacus and Neela, and hello to the wrecker of teams. It might also make it onto Aeris's moveset, but I'll have to check that later.

    It goes without saying that Maxie is no contest at all. Groudon is released, and the creepy-as-hell Drought theme enters the game. Joy.

    I open the Cave of Origins up, but before going down, I have some preparations to make. Specifically: I'm going to spend one Heart Scale and buy a few X Special Defence. Who cares if the world is ending: preparations are essential.

    Lacus the Swampert (F): level 47
    Solmyr the Electrode: level 46
    Neela the Aggron (F): level 45
    Mirlanda the Muk (F): level 44
    Aeris the Altaria (M): level 47
    Ciele the Tentacool (F): level 30

    Shakti the Whismur (M): level 16
    Gelare the Zigzagoon (M): level 20
    Thant the Duskull (M): level 30.

    Ash the Numel (F): level 27. Hoist by a Copycat-ed Earth Power.

    Next capture: Thant @ level 40.

    Evolutions: 0 available, 7 used (Mudkip → Marshtomp → Swampert | Aron → Lairon → Aggron | Voltorb → Electrode | Swablu → Altaria | Grimer → Muk)
    Last edited: May 14, 2015
  15. Oment

    Oment The Betrayer DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2011
    Groudon and stuff.

    Into the Hoenn Core we go. I am not sure if capturing is a must, but the point is moot as I just consider it a must-capture anyway. Not that I'll be using it, but just a must capture. Aeris is pretty much the only thing that stands between Primal Groudon and the end of my Nuzlocke. And the world, but who cares about that silly little thing.

    I am really not all that happy that Aeris has a +Def – SpDef nature right now. The only thing Primal Groudon has to damage him is a boosted Lava Plume (Precipice Blades and Earthquake are Ground, Rest is the fourth move) working off 150 base SpAtt. A crit from that will hurt.

    Groudon is stupid and leads off with Earthquake and Precipice Blades (x2) while I boost stats and fire a Dragon Pulse. 25 % damage, this might take a while. It Rests the next turn, and a Dragon Pulse plus Fly bring it to about 60 % hp. An opportunistic Dusk Ball utterly fails, and Groudon Rests again. In the lava, the mighty lava, the titan sleeps tonight?

    Two Dragon Pulses throw him into the yellow, and a Fly throws him to 25 %. I try Sing – that's the move I Heart Scaled onto Aeris – but Groudon is faster and Rests first. I decide to burn my random X Speed, and Aeris now outspeeds it. A Lava Plume draws first blood a turn later, dealing 26/132 damage, meaning I cannot drop below 80-ish, or I run the chance of getting crithax'd.

    My heart skips several beats when Dragon Pulse crits, leaving Groudon asleep (from Sing) and on barely 5hp or so. Two Dusk Balls fail to even shake once, and the Lava Plume Aeris cops when waking up Burns, necessitating a Full Restore. Luckily, Groudon doesn't use Rest (Earthquake), and Sing hits the next turn.

    Two shakes, and Groudon's nap was just one turn. Sing starts defying the odds in hitting three times in a row, but this nap, too, was just one turn. Worse: I got to the last shake of the Dusk Ball I threw. Worst: Groudon wakes up to use Rest.

    Loud swearing occurs.

    I start bringing in others during Groudon's Rest. I lose the buffs on Aeris, but this isn't going anywhere. Mega-Evolved Neela's Earthquake does nearly 50 % damage, making it a good switch-in. Lacus's Earthquake would do even more, but runs the risk of outright critting it to death. Maybe removing Bulldoze was a bit too opportunistic, but she still has Mud Shot.

    Speaking of, the first Mud Shot also succeeds in lowering Groudon's speed, making Aeris consistently faster again. A bit of back and forth brings us to the deep red and asleep zone once more. Time to chuck a ball, and the next two fail without as much as a shake. The wake-up doesn't see Groudon use Rest, and Sing sends it back to sleep again. The next Dusk Ball does not fail and Lacus, Neela, and Aeris all get a level.

    Total costs: two X Special Defence, one X Speed, one Lemonade, one Full Restore, one Leppa Berry to replenish Dragon Pulse PP, nine Dusk Balls, one Heart Scale. That could have been a lot worse. Not nearly as lucky as my first playthrough - I might've had a low-yellow no status first Ultra Ball capture or something similarly unlikely - but I'll settle for this. Aeris gets Earthquake now instead of Sing, after the long, long, long, long, long pseudo-cutscenes.

    You get TM83 Infestation for answering a creepy man's question about who's the cutest one of all in Hoenn. Social commentary in my Pokémon games? Say it ain't so. Anyway, time for the last gym before all sorts of sidequesting. Water-type. I think we all know what happens now, so I'll spare you the gore. Suffice it to say Solmyr gets two levels and Mirlanda gets one.

    Wallace, you flamboyant Water-master you. Luvdisc leads with Sweet Kiss, and I really have to wonder why anyone would kiss a pile of goop. It does stymie Mirlanda for three turns. Next up, the Whiscash. Aeris stops both those types, but I opt for a mirror match typewise, because that's just as effective. The Gym would be ruined in real life after three Earthquakes, but now, the only thing that's ruined is Wallace's Whiscash.

    Milotic comes out. Had I not rolled Mudkip, Milotic was very high on the list of Pokémon to potentially get. Solmyr's Discharge sends it to 55 % health and Paralysed, while the Hydro Pump I get in return does 50,4 % damage. Not enough. Take a 150 power attack, will ya. Sealeo versus Neela up next. I forget Water is resistant to Steel, making Iron Head damaging, but not lethal. Sealeo Encores, so I ram it some more and it faints.

    Oh, why not, I've used four of my five Pokémon already, so let's make it five for five. Live a little dangerously and trust in the Yache. Of course, Seaking apparently doesn't run Ice Beam, so the point is moot.

    Rain Badge attained. +1 evolution available.

    So, from the top of my head, I have available to me – apart from the repeat battles – pretty much anything that's not route 124/125 in the east. That should be plenty to train Pokemon #6. Welcome to the party, Thant. I'm sure you'll fit in nicely. Yes, he's getting the Eviolite. I just taught him Toxic, at least for leveling up. I'm sure you get the plan.

    Lacus the Swampert (F): level 48
    Solmyr the Electrode: level 48
    Neela the Aggron (F): level 46
    Mirlanda the Muk (F): level 45
    Aeris the Altaria (M): level 48
    Thant the Duskull (M): level 30

    Shakti the Whismur (M): level 16
    Gelare the Zigzagoon (M): level 20
    Ciele the Tentacool (F): level 30

    Ash the Numel (F): level 27. Hoist by a Copycat-ed Earth Power.

    Next capture: Thant @ level 40.

    Evolutions: 1 available, 7 used (Mudkip → Marshtomp → Swampert | Aron → Lairon → Aggron | Voltorb → Electrode | Swablu → Altaria | Grimer → Muk)
  16. Oment

    Oment The Betrayer DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2011
    Time to to run around the region and level Thant to the point that he can take care of himself. I collect the National Pokédex as well, so non-Hoenn Pokémon start showing up now as well. The repeat trainers are also stocking powerful Pokémon in general – though it helps that I start out against the pair of Ace Trainers on Route 111. It takes very little time for Thant to evolve, thanks to those generous heaps of experience.

    Duskull → Dusclops. 0 evolutions available.

    Last evolution of the game and Thant immediately becomes the best Special wall in the party before the Eviolite boost, and he's close to Neela's defence after the boost. Sure he does shit for direct damage, but that's what Toxic and Confuse Ray are for. Sure, powerful attacks still hurt when they hit, but an equal level Gyarados's Aqua Tail does 50 % damage on him in the rain. That's pretty decent.

    I also somehow blunder into Spiritomb in Sea Mauville and I had no clue how I did that at the time. It Mementos itself on turn 2. I guess that point is moot. At least I didn't have to capture it – Thant got level 40 from the battle.

    Alagar the Wingull caught at level 20. Next capture at level 30.

    Not as if it's likely I'll be doing that, but formalities. Collect all the money in the storage hold and onwards to the next sidequest, followed by training, training, training and did I mention training already?

    At some point during the training, Solmyr apparently came down with Pokérus as well. Cute.

    With everyone at level 50 or 51, it's time to go into Victory Road. The remixed music here is glorious.

    Ugh, Flash is convenient in the lower basement. No matter, the darkness is not as annoying as in earlier games. The trainers boast powerful Pokémon, but the coverage moves on some of them are sorely lacking. I'm looking at you, Throh, using Bulk Up five times while Toxic whittles you down.

    I come across Wally after a frankly annoying fight with a pair of Brains and Brawn. We mirror our leads, only Aeris has six levels on his Altaria, and I threw around some TM fun before entering victory road. Even a decent defensive Pokémon like Altaria has trouble standing up against a quad-effective Ice Beam. Sorry Wally, but my dragon beats yours. Solmyr's fight against Delcatty goes much the same, thanks to a crit.

    I know it's a throwback to his fight in RSE, but Roselia and Magneton? They should really have done Roserade and Magnezone, which might actually be a bit of a challenge. Both get two-shot: Mirlanda's Strength is barely not enough to OHKO Roselia, and Leech Seed thankfully brings it out of potential healing range. Magneton has Sturdy, so despite copping an Earthquake from Neela – Mega Evolved no less – it lives.

    As much as I'd like a Mega-off, that seems a bit of a very bad idea, so I'll settle for starter v starter. I was tempted to go with Thant, just to stall the thing to death, but that seemed a bad idea on an offensive powerhouse. As it stands, two Psycho Cuts – the latter of which crits – send Lacus into deep red. Too bad the first Earthquake already did that to Mega Gallade.

    A bit more training, and I am ready to face the Elite Four. My team, in order of acquisition:

    Lacus the Swampert: level 55. Serious, Torrent, and Sitrus Berry. Stone Edge/Earthquake/Ice Beam/Waterfall. The backbone of the first half of the game, Lacus is just all-round solid. Can switch in on basically anything that isn't Grass or extremely powerful. Notable achievements include wiping the floor with every Gym before Norman and melting all of Team Magma's Camerupt.

    Solmyr the Electrode: level 55. Bashful, Static, and the Shell Bell. Light Screen/Hyper Beam/Thunderbolt/Electro Ball. Fast as lightning, but Electrode have shit for coverage options. Ran Hidden Power Bug for a while, but I opted to go with Hyper Beam. Light Screen's fairly useful at times. Despite lack of coverage, a valued member of the team with a possible 225 power attack after STAB.

    Neela the Aggron: level 55. Lonely, Rock Head, and Aggronite. Stone Edge/Iron Head/Brick Break/Earthquake. Aggron are Aggron are Aggron: you're not winning any prizes for speed or special – even though it can have hilarious coverage off its shit SpAttack – but watch out for the 360kg dinosaur slamming into you. Tanked more Self-Destructs and Explosions than I can count. She's the one who'll hopefully do that fucking Metagross in. Brick Break over Double Edge to gain more of an edge against Sydney and to nuke any screens that might have popped up.

    Aeris the Altaria: level 56. Lax, Natural Cure, and Expert Belt. Dragon Pulse/Earthquake/Ice Beam/Fly. Tanker of Groudon, slayer of May, and time-saver extraordinaire, Aeris has been consistently awesome since evolving. Also a very good doubles partner due to eating at most neutral damage from the area of effect attacks I ran. When in doubt, I tend to fall back on him or Lacus due to general awesomeness. Expert Belt gives him just that tiny bit more oomph.

    Mirlanda the Muk: level 55. Modest, Sticky Hold, and Wide Lens. Toxic/Brick Break/Gunk Shot/Return. Less effective than a Weezing, but surprisingly decent, despite being a Poison type in a generation that doesn't have all that much Fairy. Nature is a big hindrance, but she'll tank things efficiently enough, and maybe even Toxic them. What more can I ask for?

    Thant the Dusclops: level 56. Careful, Pressure, and Eviolite. Night Shade/Fire Punch/Toxic/Confuse Ray. I love staller-types, and Dusclops with Eviolite does it so, so well. Also hits surprisingly hard with the Fire Punch, but he's not going to be winning any prizes for fast, fearsome, and furious face melting. The ideal time to switch him in is when you know the Elite Four has already used their allotted healing. Keep calm and watch them slowly wither away under poisons pernicious.

    Let the games begin.
  17. Oment

    Oment The Betrayer DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2011
    The Elite Four

    With plenty of Full Restores, Full Heals, Hyper Potions and the odd leftover Moomoo Milk in my bags, it's time to challenge the Elite Four.


    I like that they continued the distinct visuals of XY – it adds flavour. Sidney's Mightyena was expected, and though it crits a Crunch, Aeris handily deals with him in two Dragon Pulses. I keep Aeris in for Shiftry as well (why, Sidney, why Shiftry?), and Ice Beam – since Fly's been Intimidated – forces a Full Restore that does nothing but delay the inevitable. Twice.

    Sharpedo is a Water-type. I think we know the answer to that. Solmyr is faster, one-shotting it. The next Absol (why Absol?) is duly Thunderbolted twice. All that remains is Cacturne – Mirlanda would like to have words with the plant. Annoyingly, Gunk Shot misses the first time, wasting valuable PP. The second one is a one-shot, as should be expected. Sidney down without too much of a hassle.


    Dusclops. Fucking Dusclops. I lead with Aeris, again, because I wasn't paying attention. I pay for it by getting Confused. A Future Sight is readied after my follow up Dragon Pulse fails to go through. The second try succeeds, and Dusclops commits seppuku with Curse. Out comes the Dusknoir, and I throw Lacus at her. Double Earthquake barely kills it, and crit Hex + crit Future Sight dent her for about half health.

    Did someone sacrifice something? I've been getting crit far more up until now than regular statistics would suggest. Variance, I suppose.

    Sableye enters the fray, and I'm fresh out of Fairy type moves. No problem, I'll just throw half a ton of angry dinosaur at him. He gets in one hit (Fake Out for 3 damage) before Neela Iron Heads the ghost into oblivion, and Banette suffers the same fate. Twice. The latter one gets in a fairly powerful Shadow Ball – reminding me that Steel is not resistant to Ghost in this generation. I've been playing a Black 2 randomized run, so I had sort of forgotten that. Word to the wise: including legendaries may look like fun, but it's not if you're dodging level 12 Azelf, Tornadus and Cresselia.


    It's a crying shame the intro blizzard does not freeze the path, but oh well. Glacia was the most disappointing member in the original generation, because Hoenn has shit for Ice-types. Even Phoebe had more diversity. It's not exactly better here, though there are significant move differences. She leads off with Glalie while I send out Thant for his Elite Four debut. There's a reason I taught him Fire Punch. The Ice-type sets up Hail first, and pays for it by getting burnt. The turn 2 Crunch does a whopping 14 damage.

    That's a super effective 80 power move working off respectable (80) attack. I am pleased with this. A Defence down is procced, but I keep Thant in versus Froslass. I do need to heal after a crit Shadow Ball, but two Fire Punches take care of the first Yuki-onna. The second Froslass receives a faceful of Iron Head. In comes Walrein, and I decide to go with Thant.

    34 damage on a Blizzard. Not bad, though still three-shot territory with the Hail falling down. My Moomoo Milks are an unfortunate casualty, but Toxic goes off. Glacia is wise to the Toxic and uses Full Restore while it's in the yellow, but I have the follow-up Toxic waiting. Twice. The Walrein is also down to Surf only due to Pressure, and midway through Thant's third health bar, he has to start resorting to Body Slam or Sheer Cold. Ouch.

    Speaking of ouch, the second Glalie runs Freeze-Dry, and guess who just sent his Water-Ground type in. A crit would have been a one-shot, but as it stands, Lacus gets frozen, immediately thaws, and Stone Edges Glalie down to 4hp. Mixed results there. Mirlanda cleans up the mess.


    This room is where I will learn how fearsome the Pokémon League can truly be. Well then, time to see if my dragon is made of better stuff than Drake's five dragons. Aeris does a repeat of the Wally debacle, but I forgot one thing beforehand. I didn't equip a Yache berry, and Aeris nearly pays the price for it. 6 hp left and Frozen against Kingdra, after his own Dragon Pulse does the same to the Water/Dragon-type.

    Angry rampaging dinosaur time, using the free heal-up turn to switch Neela in. Kingdra cops one Earthquake while Yawning, and then I get caught out by the AI. Flygon comes in, ignores the Earthquake and I'm left with a sleeping, not at all rampaging, dinosaur. Luckily, I have another Ice Beam user on the team, so Lacus comes in, eats an Earthquake and I get ready for the inevitable OHKO.

    Except for freaking Supersonic. Full Restore is used, and a Hyper Potion as well after Flygon crits EQ. Supersonic hits again afterwards, but this time, I win the coin flip. Thant can hopefully take care of the other Flygon – and here I was thinking Drake ran a Gyarados, not dual Flygon. I give this Flygon a taste of her teammate's own confuse shenanigans after tossing Toxic on it. She ded.

    I'm in a bit of a pickle against Salamence. Neela is asleep, Lacus is on 20 % health, Solmyr and Mirlanda don't have the defences, Aeris is suicide and Thant copped a Screech. Lacus comes out, getting Hyper Potioned immediately. Dragon Rush does 40 % damage, meaning I'm at the mercy of the crithax gods to hope Dragon Rush doesn't crit, but it doesn't. Ice Beam does its job. Mirlanda glomps the Kingdra. That was legitimately tough.


    Joy. Steven. Skarmory, at least, is far easier than most of what I've faced recently. He does manage to set up Spikes while tanking two Electro Balls, and in comes the Aggron. Lacus has something to say about that, but unfortunately, Steven's Aggron has Sturdy. Fortunately, that means he'll blow healing on this guy. Lacus also tanks the Earthquake like a boss, taking very little damage at all – 35 % on a crit.

    In comes Cradily, and I send out Aeris to counter her. It probably has something Rock-y, but unless it's Stone Edge or Rock Wrecker, I feel safe. It's Ancient Power, which actually deals more than half damage. Change of plans, Thant comes out to Pressure-stall it. Mutual Confuse Rays happen, and eventually, Steven uses another Full Restore to cleanse the Toxic and confusion. I reapply Toxic and take this time to heal Lacus and Aeris. Out comes the Claydol.

    Joy. Reflect, and Thant's Special Defence falls under Claydol's first Earth Power. Too bad it doesn't get another one off between confusion and Night Shade. Armaldo is up next, and I am very, very, very glad for that. Lacus gets the go for this one, but Waterfall doesn't exactly do a lot of damage behind Reflect. No matter, it wears off after the first turn anyway. One Pokémon left.

    Mega Metagross. Not going to lie; this beast of a Pokémon was in the back of my mind when I started this run. I took four casualties on this thing in my regular file – though I was perhaps a bit underleveled and not at all prepared. This time, I did come prepared. Mega Aggron takes a paltry 30 damage from Meteor Mash and 35 from Giga Impact. Earthquake two-shots the Metagross. [​IMG]

    Damn, Lacus features heavily in the credits. Five Gyms, the fights against May, Maxie, and Wally, a few other random features... Aeris is a distant, distant second.

    The post-credits fight against May is... One-sided. Solmyr (Swellow), Lacus (Magcargo), Solmyr again (Wailord), Neela (Raichu), and Aeris (Mega Sceptile) all OHKO their opponents. All May got off was a Thunder Wave with Raichu.

    End scene.

    And now, onward to the Delta Episode. This'll be fun. Let's see if I can make it to the second Elite Four without casualties.
  18. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Most of this is off Memory so onwards and upwards.

    We cruise into Shalour City, after emerging through Glistening Cave without a capture from there we head to The Tower of Mastery where I encounter the gang and learn more about Mega Evolution. It's at this point I battle Serena but it's a stomp as we're 5+ level above her league, the main catchpoint though is going to be Working around Korrina due to a team which isn't all to flash against Fighting (Snorlax and Pancham) Whilst I take out the trainers around her Pancham reaches the required level and given that he'll be useless in the battle anyway I take out Absol and a few battles later welcome Heracles the Pangoro to the team.

    New Evolution
    Pancham -> Pangoro lvl 32​

    Soul (Delphox) via Psybeam and Psyshock tears Korrina apart and all worries are allayed as I skip over catching a Pokemon in the next route in order to go back and hopefully catch a Skrelp (Dragon/Poison evolve? Fuck yes)

    Rumble Badge Obtained - Badge #3​

    Before we leave Shalour though we go to receive our mega-equipment and her Lucario turns traitor and joins my team, we then proceed to wreck with a 5 hit Bone Rush stomping her own Lucario into the dirt and Seth joins our team

    New Capture - Seth the Lucario w/ Lucarionite​

    After we emerge from the route we arrive in Coumarine City and am challenged by Serena after a brief run in with Dianthia and Sycamore, once again Serena gets utterly stomped, this time by Gaius (Blastosie) and Friar (Simisage) who have both evolved over time that I honestly forget.

    As of ten minutes ago we just walked out of Coumarine City Gym, which was set alight with Soul's Mystical Flame tearing apart the opposition.

    Coumarine City Badge Obtained - Badge #4​

    Into the Badlands we go with an upgraded Pokedex and team of ass kicking brilliance :sherlock:


    Soul the Delphox (M) lvl 40 w/ Blaze
    Heracles the Pangoro (M) lvl 37 w/ Iron Fist
    Gaius the Blastoise (M) lvl 37 w/ Torrent
    Seth the Lucario (M) lvl 35 w/ Steadfast
    Ajax the Snorlax (M) lvl 33 w/ Immunity (Dropping fast)
    Friar the Simisage (M) lvl 37 w/ Gluttony

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 AM ----------

    Think I'll run a Fire Red one after this, which'll be hard as hell most likely.
  19. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    So in an effort to actually play through Alpha Sapphire, rather than just giving up part way through, I'm starting an N^2.

    We start off moving in to town, as always. I look at a clock, look at the neighbour, and then go and finally investigate the screaming coming from the long grass. Some fat bloke in a labcoat is being chased by a wild dog. I steal his pet, releasing a Mudkip.Who goes for a tackle, and lands a critical hit.

    Out of fear, the man gives me his pet, who after slaughtering the wild animal is called Khorne.

    Khorne drags me north, where we find the neighbourhood girl again. At this point, Khorne lowers his head, and smashes her pet lizard into the ground, repeatedly, whilst it gives me a funny look. We then head off on an adventure, smooshing and drowning all the children and wild animals in our way.

    Eventually, Khorne hits level 15 just outside the Whismur cave, and then the next encounter is a Skitty, at level eight. Skitty has significantly worse stats than Khorne did, and will not be joining the team for long. As such, he's called Ulric, because he'lll soon be obsolete. Ulric then helps out murderising local beasties, including some gang members. They swear vengeance, I think, but it's hard to understand them when their mouth is full of mud.

    Khorne hits level 17, and we go back and sit outside the rock gym. I open the letterbox, and Khorne spits water through the letterbox until they're all dead, and Khorne evolves into a derpy Marshtomp. We take the badge and TM, then head off to Dewford, where we repeat the technique. Then, it's off to the much smaller cave to find a man about a letter. He gives me another magical move machine (that I still can't use), and then I head off again to a beach resort, to give submarine plans to the man building the sub.

    Another encounter with some aquamafia, followed by a woman slutdropping repeatedly in front of a beauty contest. But I am twelve, and so ignore it.

    We head further north, fighting May again. Ulric is actually of some use here, putting her Grovyle to sleep, attract it, and then yelling at it until it faints. It takes quite a while. Doing this takes Ulric to level 17 and a bit, so we're nearly at the next capture. Ulric gets dropped to the back of the party, and Khorne kills the rest of the obstructions between here and Mauville.

    We get to Mauville, pick the mach bike, because gotta go fast, and go back to the cave on Bewford island, because I'm pretty sure that most of the stuff in the deeper levels wouldn't be as useless as Ulric was. Ulric levels up against a zubat, and the next encounter is a female Aron. Ulric lures it in with his prettyboy body, sends it to sleep, and thus Basth the Aron joins the team, at level 11. We'll be heading back to Slateport to try and beat some sense into the sunbathers next.

    Khorne, level 24, Marshtomp
    Ulric, level 18, Skitty
    Basth, level 11, Aron.
  20. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score: