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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    Battlestar Galactica

    During the opening Cylon attack, Apollo's bluff with the EM generator doesn't work and he and the newly minted President are killed.

    Basically Battlestar Galactica if Adama went down Helena Cain's path. Unfortunately I can't see any other end in this but death.
  2. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    ASOIAF / Captain Planet crossover

    The five magic rings are scattered around Westeros and bring their users the powers of fire, water, wind, earth, fire and heart (which basically controls people's emotions). Depending on who gets them, the plot of the series may end up being radically different.

    I'm thinking Melisandre gets the Fire Ring, Balon Greyjoy gets the Water Ring, Eddard Stark gets the Wind Ring, Cersei gets the Earth Ring and the Heart Ring goes to Margaery Tyrell.
  3. redlibertyx

    redlibertyx Professor

    Oct 25, 2011
    To be honest Cersei — and perhaps Balon Greyjoy and/or Melisandre — would've probably been on Captain Pollution's team. It looks like you're going with a more symbolic approach than an actual Captain Planet/ASOIAF crossover, so I won't quibble too much (and honestly that's probably a good policy; it's such a crack-y idea I'm not sure it would work).

    But as a thought experiment this is how I think a Gaia of 'Planetos' would work things out:

    Earth: Howland Reed
    Fire: Daenerys Targaryen
    Wind: Harrold Hardyng
    Water: Davos Seaworth
    Heart: Tommen Baratheon

    Rings of Pollution:
    Deforestation: Tywin Lannister
    Super Radiation: Hallyne the Pyromancer
    Smog: Walder Frey
    Toxics: Euron Greyjoy
    Hate: Cersei Lannister
  4. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Good suggestions.

    Yes, the plan was to scatter magic rings around Westeros and have them influence events. The actual Captain doesn't have to be present.
  5. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Assassins Creed OC story involving one of the Creeds assassins/instructors returning from a grievous wound back to the field after five years as he's tasked to finally kill Juhani Otso Berg, the same mission he failed when he was wounded. Semi-redemption/revenge story that also focuses on the main storyline, that of ultimately killing Juno.

    Inspired by me wanting to explore the AC world just little bit and work on my action scenes of which are fair few would have to be written.
  6. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Not so much a plot bunny as it is a concept that I would like to develop. Am interested in pursuing the idea of a crossover between DC and Percy Jackson. I would take Young Justice, which has both, Wonder Girl, a daughter of Zeus and protogé of Wonder Woman and Kaldur, a champion of Atlantis, both easy gateways to Percy Jackson and the Greeks angle, the former more than the latter.

    Mechanics wise, it can work, mist explains a lot, and the DC side can very well benefit from some power tweaking and Wonder Woman especially had always a terrible grasp on Greek mythology, so, updating it with the Percy Jackson lore would be pretty good.

    Problem comes with the fact that there is no story there. I have no conflict. I guess one possible plot point could be season 2 of Young Justice, where the Reach has come and this draws the attention of Camp Halfblood, but I really wouldn't know what to do.
  7. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    Mad Max/Fallout

    They would fit together really well except we don't really know much of the Fallout universe outside of the US
  8. redlibertyx

    redlibertyx Professor

    Oct 25, 2011
    I think Mad Max and (Judge) Dredd could really work as a crossover too. I have no idea what the plot would be (go from point A to point B, kill loads of bad guys in the middle?) but it just screams awesome.
  9. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    This is a food for thought idea for ASOIAF. Initially, I questioned what would have happened if Rickon Stark had lived past the invasion of Dorne, and had married a Targaryen instead of Jeyne Manderly. Specifically, Elaena Targaryen? How would that play into the Blackfyre Rebellions, the future of the North and the genealogy of House Stark.

    Well, after some timeline comparison, that possibility didn't quite fit the bill. A shame too, as a I wrote a few hundred words on the possibilities, discussing Starks in King's Landing under Daeron the Young, Baelor the Blessed and Aegon the Unworthy. After that, I tried a different possibility, of Jonnel Stark being the Stark in question. But the timeline wasn't quite right, so instead I went with an OC son for Rickon Stark, moving Barthogan Stark from Cregan's son to grandson. Much of the ideas held prior still hold weight, regarding a Stark in the South. Here, we go with the supposition that when Cregan enforced the Pact of Ice and Fire, he did so quite quickly, pushing for Barthogan (his new found heir after his son's death) to marry Elaena Targaryen.

    Daeron would have agreed to remember the Pact, owing to Cregan seating his father as King and Rickon fighting bravely for him in Dorne. In recognition of these factors (and against Elaena's wishes), he announces the marriage proclamation, intended for when the two parties would be of age around the early 170s, which unfortunately causes a a stir after Elaena births two bastards to her cousin Alyn Velaryon. Due to the quick succession of kings during the betrothal period (Daeron - Baelor - Viserys - Aegon), their marriage period sees Barthogan briefly acting as Master of Laws in the capital for a year or two, before resigning in protest to Aegon making untoward advances towards Elaena.

    When a daughter is born months later in Winterfell, she shares her mother's Targaryen colouring far more than her father's Stark heritage, making her suspect and souring House Stark greatly on their newfound ties to House Targaryen. Their reversal of fortunes continues after Daeron the Good becomes king, favoring more and more the Dornish (an insult to Barthogan's eyes, owing to his father and grandfather's sacrifices). So when the Blackfyre Rebellion occurs (around the same time as the Skagosi begin acting up and Dagon Greyjoy has his reavings), there's a serious consideration towards neutrality, as the Starks dislike Daemon Blackfyre (owing to his favouritism by Aegon) but also respect him as a warrior, while disliking Daeron (for his Dornish sympathies and scholarly roots) while respecting due to their shared distaste for Aegon.

    I've not got much more than that on mind so far, as this could really go any sort of way it might want to. But below is an incomplete attempt and cataloging all the extended Stark family in this situation. It has some additions and changes from my Seven Kingdoms Quest (on hiatus) and swaps around some of the people in canon with different partners. It is incomplete, particularly in relation to the fates of various Starks which might change the genealogy significantly.

    Finally a a sidenote, regarding Elaena's Longwater children. They would be alive in this setting, and would be very notable Daeron loyalists. In either decision for House Stark, they'd come across quite noticeably as foils or character interactions.

    So... yeah.

    Altered Stark Genealogy at time of Blackfyre Rebellion

    • King Torrhen Stark (married to Wynona Manderly)
      • Lord Benjen Stark (married to Lyarra Locke)
        • Lord Ellard Stark (married to Myranda Karstark) (replaces Theon Stark from Seven Kingdoms)
        • Lord Rickon Stark (married to Gilliane Glover) (replaces Eddard Stark from Seven Kingdoms)
          • Lord Cregan Stark (married to Arra Norrey, Alysanne Blackwood & Lynara Stark) (born 100 AC)
          • Children with Arra Norrey (married 120 AC):
            • Rickon Stark (married to Jeyne Manderly) (born 125 AC) (killed in Dorne in 157 AC)
              • Lord Barthogan Stark (born 153 AC) (married to Elaena Targaryen) (current Lord of Winterfell)
                • Cregard Stark (born 173 AC)
                • Torrhen Stark (born 173 AC)
                • Daena Stark (born 175 AC) (suspected bastard of Aegon the Unworthy) (potentially betrothed to Aerys I if Targaryen-Stark alliance happens)
                • Rhaena Stark (born 176 AC)
                • Jeyne Stark (born 178 AC)
              • Sansa Stark (born 156 AC) (married to Lonnel Stark)
                • Alysanne Stark (born 185 AC)
                • Robyn Stark (born 190 AC)
              • Serena Stark (born 156 AC) (married to Roland Redfort)
                • House Redfort of Redfort
          • Children with Alysanne Blackwood (married in 131 AC):
            • Sara Stark (married Benjicot Blackwood) (born 132 AC)
              • House Blackwood of Raventree
            • Alys Stark (married Talman Manderly) (born 133 AC)
              • House Manderly of White Harbor
            • Raya Stark (married Harlon Hornwood) (born 135 AC)
              • House Hornwood of Hornwood
            • Mariah Stark (married Malcolm Mallister) (Born 138 AC)
              • House Mallister of Seaguard
          • Children with Lynara Stark (married in 140 AC):
            • Jonnel Stark (married to Robyn Ryswell) (born 144 AC)
              • Lonnel Stark (born 155 AC) (married to Serana Stark)
                • Alysanne Stark (born 185 AC)
                • Robyn Stark (born 190 AC)
            • Edric Stark (married to Wylla Fenn) (born 148 AC)
              • Aregelle Stark (married Osric Umber) (born 170 AC)
                • House Umber of Last Hearth
              • Aranna Stark (died from fever) (born 175 AC)
            • Lyanna Stark (married Karlon Karstark) (born 150 AC)
              • House Karstark of Karhold
            • Brandon Stark (married to Alys Karstark) (born 165 AC)
              • Rodwell Stark (married Myriame Manderly) (born 185 AC)
              • Beron Stark (married Lorra Royce) (born 186 AC)
              • Arsa Stark (dies from fever as child) (born 190 AC)
        • Lord Bennard Stark & Margaret Karstark
          • Benjen Stark (marries Dalla Ryswell) (born 105 AC)
            • Elros Stark (joins the Night's Watch) (Born 130 AC)
            • Arianne Stark (marries Roderick Dustin) (Born 132 AC)
              • House Dustin of Barrowton
          • Brandon Stark (marries Arsa Wull) (born 106 AC)
            • Branda Wull (marries Corlos Norrey) (born 130 AC)
              • House Norrey
          • Elric Stark (joins the Night's Watch) (born 110 AC)
          • Lyanara Stark (married to Gawain Glover without issue until 138 AC) (marries Cregan Stark in 140 AC) (born 120 AC)
            • House Stark of Winterfell
      • Karl Stark (marries Morrigan Mormont) (goes into exile in Essos)
        • House Torstark
      • Sam Stark (joins the Night's Watch)
      • Marianne Stark (marries Ronnel Arryn) (killed by Jonos Arryn)
        • House Arryn of the Eyrie
      • Mya Stark (marries Rowe Umber)
        • House Umber of Last Hearth
  10. crimson sun06

    crimson sun06 Banned

    Jun 21, 2013
    Have an idea for a Naruto fic inspired by Matrix. It's a modern day world, peaceful and prosperous and progressive. The world would've been perfect if not for the actions of a terrorist group led by a mysterious and enigmatic man named Naruto Uzumaki. His motivations are unclear as his only aim seems to sow the seeds of chaos and destruction wherever and however he can. The basic premise is that Madara succeeded in executing his Moon's eye plan creating a world of peace. A few led by Naruto and Sasuke are the only ones who know the truth and are fighting to break the genjutsu. The only way to break people out of it is by causing violent deaths in the dream world. But the only ones who survive it are the chakra adepts. The rest of the story focuses on gaining allies by breaking the shinobi out and then bolstering their efforts in saving the world.
    Last edited: May 25, 2015
  11. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Post-WMF Kvothe dumped into Westeros. That would be awesome: he's got just the right amount of powers to disrupt major events and be a very valuable asset to anyone who can gain his support, but nowhere near enough to destroy conflict or render himself immune to danger.

    He also has just the right temperament to end up rapidly involved in big events: arrogant, thirsty to prove himself, talented and aware of it, mild heroic tendencies, rubs powerful people the wrong way and holds grudges.
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    So, these are criteria then? Fine with me!

    Here is a list of some potential characters from other works of fiction who could be transported to Westeros.

    Their shall be the Song of Ice and Fire.

    Who - Abilities

    Robin Hood - Obviously his superior archery skills
    Captain Jack Sparrow - Luck. No, I'm not kidding. His power is luck. See the movies.
    Frankenstein's Monster - Durability, physical strength, extended lifespan.
    Zorro - Sword fighting, hand to hand combat.
    Sherlock Holmes - Superior intellect, chemistry knowledge, etc.
    Count Dracula - He's a goddamn vampire.
    Buffy Summers - She's the Slayer. Might be too OP, I'm not sure.
    Blade - Half-vampire, various martial arts and sword fighting.
    Hellboy - Superior physical strength and durability, being a demon from another dimension.

    And just because:

    Parasoul Renoir - Martial arts, fencing, strategy knowledge, has a living umbrella which can spit goddamn napalm.
    Last edited: May 28, 2015
  13. BitMyFinger

    BitMyFinger Banned

    May 31, 2013
    Deep in the Heart
    Okay, so that actually made me think of ESB Luke. Like if he got transported in the middle of the Dagobah scenes. He's impatient, wants to be a Jedi and prove he is his father's son, talented but doubts himself, heroic tendencies, doesn't fit in with Westeros and would probably rub people wrong. He's just starting to develop his force powers.

    But his lightsaber would make any combat laughable. So let's say it broke on the way there. It could also be a good way to play with the Lightbringer myth.

    Just a crazy thought, but he can only fix his lightsaber when he becomes fully in tune with the Force > Thereby accepting his place as a Jedi with their ideals > One of their ideals is having no wives.

    Luke Skywalker is Azor Ahai.
  14. R. E. Lee

    R. E. Lee Groundskeeper

    Nov 3, 2012
    Heroes/Dresden Files

    After the explosion at Kirby Plaza, Sylar finds himself transported to an alternate world. In this world there are no enhanced humans such as him, but there are other with powers even greater. Sorcerers, wizards, faeries, vampires, gods... So many he can learn from. So many powers he can steal. And the Hunger beckons.

    The story could have a Sylar prologue and interludes, but would primarily be Dresden on a case where people connected to the supernatural keep dying with their skulls cut open and their brains removed.
    Last edited: May 28, 2015
  15. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    I just watched the new Tomb Raider trailer. I'm liking this enough that I might go ahead with a Tomb Raider/SG1 crossover bunny I posted a while back.

    I'm pretty sure I would bring the SG1 timeline forward rather than move the Tomb Raider timeline backwards (the reboot canon puts Lara's DoB at 1992). This ties in better with the close relationship between UK and US special forces due to a decade of Iraq and Afghanistan. It also give me an excuse to push the Russians out of the picture.

    The downside is that Lara (so far) doesn't appear to have any connections to the intelligence community. I guess we'll see in the new game but it's not going to be odd if Lara finds proof that she's not insane only to be this time stopped by the government instead of Trinity so it could potentially come in there.

  16. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    A Tale of Two Queens - Frozen/ASOIAF crossover

    In the process of creating her ice palace Queen Elsa is transported to Westeros north of the Wall on the exact moment Daenerys' dragons hatch.

    It doesn't stop there.

    Both queens begin having visions featuring each other. These come in the format seeing through the other person's eyes.

    Naturally, both Elsa and Dany will be curious who the other person is, especially after learning of fire-breathing dragons and magic ice powers respectively.

    And Elsa's arrival north of the Wall is not without consequences either. Especially when the Others are involved.
  17. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:

    The world united following John's supposed attack on humanity. The Soviet Union didn't collapse in the late 80s and early 90s. And, in 1996, the governments of Earth working together activate the Stargate for the first time.

    John has spent the last decade exploring the universe, witnessing the Goa'uld, and trying to figure out what he is in terms of the universe (partially ascended perhaps?)
  18. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Worm / Tumblr fusion

    [FONT=&quot]“Please don’t post pictures of helicopters. My dad died in a helicopter accident and seeing them triggers me.”[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]“Ooh, did you trigger with super-strength? Flight? Eye-lasers?”[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]“No, I just feel really [FONT=&quot]upset[/FONT].”[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]“Well that’s the lamest power ever, Samantha. Why don’t you shut the fuck up?”[/FONT]
  19. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Has anyone here ever considered a scenario in which Middle Earth replaces Essos by an act of divine intervention?

    Imagine Westeros and Middle Earth interacting!

    It could be set a year before Lord of the Rings and a year before A Game of Thrones respectively.
  20. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Middle Earth would shit all over Westeros, I would think.