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WIP 0800-Rent-A-[Redacted] by brainthief - T

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by Dark Minion, May 31, 2015.

  1. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    He's not going after Voldemort, he's using his knowledge to alert authorities of imminent attacks, thereby saving literally hundreds of innocent lives that had no part in his current predicament.

    It doesn't take a huge messiah complex to do this. One just needs to not be a pitiable shitstain of a human being.
  2. IBG

    IBG Seventh Year

    Nov 11, 2007
    I think you're overestimating the amount of people who would rush to do all he did. I'm certain I'd be trying to find out how I got there and work out a place to live/money/necessities/who would likely be sympathetic to me before it even occurred to me, let alone spend my time compiling a list of attacks and risk myself going into the Ministry and exposing myself before even thinking about it.

    In fact I'm dead certain that I at least would happily and vindictively watch the whole world burn, but in that regard I am probably just an asshole.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2015
  3. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    I refer you to this part of my post:

  4. deathinapinkboa

    deathinapinkboa Minister of Magic

    Aug 24, 2006
    Democratic Republic of The Congo
    Iris is a good name for a female Potter. It's funny because her name is Iris, but she can't see.
  5. JoJo23

    JoJo23 Unspeakable

    Mar 22, 2008
    Dont really get a lot of the complaints here. Its well written, and the cast remain in character for the most part. Im enjoying it.

    My only issue, is of course, what happens now? There are a dozen great "Harry goes to an AU" fic that sort of pitter out after the reactions have settled down around the point the story really ought to begin.

    For that reason I wont be reviewing just yet.
  6. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    I think the main problem is how the author portrayed the Order. They way Harry was brought in was downright torture, and they brought him here with the full knowledge that the majority of people who travel this way are killed. They brought him to this world with literally nothing, not even the clothes on his back, and right away demand to know everything he knows about Voldemort. The first thing Dumbledore does is greet Harry in a jovial tone, with no hint of guilt or anything.

    It is only after Harry asks how he can get back do people show guilt. And even then it’s a transient thing. They feel guilty for the length of the conversation, but immediately lose that guilt once Harry tries to get out of the Great Hall. No one objects when Dumbledore locks the door and forces Harry to stay. No one objects when Dumbledore ties him to the chair and forces the truth detector on him.

    The dude just went through an incredibly traumatic experience, just learned that there was probably little chance he would ever see his loved ones again, and was tied to a chair and interrogated by the people who caused all this to happen. There is no uproar and no one even has a half-hearted objection.

    And when Dumbledore informs Harry that he has no rights, he is not a citizen and has no money, no one offers to help him. No one feels guilty that they brought him here without nothing and expect him to live without nothing.

    The author focused too much on only Harry and Dumbledore, and not enough on the other people in the room. They were relegated to being merely spectators, instead of humans with emotions and morals. Every subsequent meeting went worse, especially with Moody. Had some of them, like Molly Weasley, thrown in some sort of objection at his treatment, the story would be much better.

    Harry seems to be the only one in the universe aware of the full ramifications of what happened to him. He was ripped from everything he knew and loved and thrown into a place where people apparently don’t see him as human, but he’s still expected to be the hero. Even Bones treated him horribly, after he saved her life.

    Hell, everyone in this universe is apparently an asshole. Even Ollivander and Dobby. And even with all his anger, Harry takes all their shit without doing anything about it. Ollivander increased the price of his wand by 6x. That’s retarded and no one would agree to that price. It’d be like going to a cell phone store, looking at all the options and finally agreeing on a phone with the salesman, only for the salesman to ring the phone up and say, “Oh since you made me work so hard for you, this $200 dollar phone is now $1,200. Also, fuck you.”

    The part with Dobby was just fucking stupid. First, Dobby immediately takes an antagonistic tone with Harry without provocation. Dobby is nothing like that. He would only become like had Harry treated him like the Malfoys did. Second, a house elf blackmailing him? How low can Harry go? Again, he lets himself be pushed around with no retaliation. Dobby was never that fucking intelligent. He didn’t think like a human, he doesn’t have ‘cunning’. He directed a bludger at Harry because he thought that might get him out of Hogwarts. He blocked off Platform 9 ¾ because he didn’t think of the myriad other ways Harry could get to Hogwarts. He used magic at Privet Drive because he thought that Harry getting expelled was a better option than going to Hogwarts to get an education which actually might serve to help him. What did he think, that if Harry didn’t go to Hogwarts he’d be safe? No, he’d be in just that much more trouble.

    In short, Dobby is a fucking dumbass. He doesn’t have the intelligence to think of shit like this, or to even think of ways to get out of the oath he and Harry swore. His thinking is simply not that complex, it’s very straightforward and doesn’t account for any variables.

    I understand that the author is trying to turn cliches on their head, but it’s going too far. She’s making assholes out of characters who shouldn’t be, and creating way too many problems for Harry, because apparently angry angst is all he/she can write.
  7. James

    James Unspeakable

    Jan 22, 2015
    Narf: I am in awe of your rant review.
  8. IBG

    IBG Seventh Year

    Nov 11, 2007
    I'm sorry but if you think the cast remain even slightly in character then you either haven't read the books or you haven't read the story.

    The only one even slightly in character is Moody, and a very, very extreme caricature of his canon self at that. You realize the Order here is torturing and threatening a verifiable hero with methods and punishments that amount to worse than anything they did to all the Death Eater's combined in canon?

    Honestly, who do you really think is in character in this story?
  9. Hachi

    Hachi Death Eater

    Sep 5, 2010
    In the Zone
    Yeah, I managed to finish reading it, it's pretty shit. Narf's objection at how the Order is portrayed rings particularly true.

    It's like everyone is going out of their way to make Harry's life shit, because reasons.

    2/5 at most.
  10. JoJo23

    JoJo23 Unspeakable

    Mar 22, 2008
    They havent tortured him. They found themselves in an awkard situation that they couldnt win and pulled out a spell that they hoped could change the tide. Dumbledore did crazier shit in canon. Recall that they have no idea what Harry is, they seem to think its possible he may join the Death Eaters, Dumbledore is keeping him close for that reason.

    I agree with narfs point about the rest of the order being static and not doing anything during discussions.
  11. Dr. Strange Lulz

    Dr. Strange Lulz Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Dec 26, 2006
    On Melancholy Hill

    Solid technical writing, but a disaster in execution.

    This is another of those stories where things just get worse and worse for the hero, to the point that in the end you're almost grateful that the story is over.

    Someone mentioned the theory before, but the real downer is going to be when Amanda is revealed to be Tonks

    Sorry, but I have better shit to do with my time than read about a dude getting shit on for 150k words.
  12. IBG

    IBG Seventh Year

    Nov 11, 2007
    Lol how is Dumbledore keeping him close? The only thing preventing him from contacting Voldemort is his morals, while Dumbledore is doing everything in his power to drive him to them. If he can get to Ollivander's and meet Amelia Bones without Dumbledore even having a clue of it, then he could easily meet Voldemort. So it seems like the Order has a very good trust in the fact that he won't join them, which is a moot point given that it was established in their first meeting.

    I would define what they're doing to him as torture. He's been disfigured heavily, they knew the process used to call him in would be extremely painful if he even survived it, and now they're blackmailing him while he has to deal with the fact that he will never see his loved ones again.

    I cannot think of anything crazier Dumbledore did in canon, unless you're prescribing fanon interpretations such as Dumbledore intending the Dursleys to torture Harry so that he would look up to him as a mentor and be willing to give his life for his friends. Unless you truly think all of Harry's misfortunes were some kind of master plan engineered by Dumbledore then nothing is even near this level, and even then that's not as bad because Dumbledore actually intended a happy ending for Harry (the happiest possible ending he could have, in fact).
  13. Dr. Strange Lulz

    Dr. Strange Lulz Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Dec 26, 2006
    On Melancholy Hill
    Wait, what?

    Dumbledore's plan was for Harry to die (And stay dead). Plain and simple. The end.
  14. invinoveri

    invinoveri Fourth Year

    Aug 29, 2012
    Read to chapter 3 -- 'Lack of food in his childhood had left him short and perpetually skinny' :facepalm
  15. IBG

    IBG Seventh Year

    Nov 11, 2007
    Go read the book.
  16. JoJo23

    JoJo23 Unspeakable

    Mar 22, 2008
    yeah, but that was accidental.
    Im not talking fanon, he had an elaborate plan that involved, among other things, Harrys death. Seems you are doing something similar here, assuming this is all Dumbledore's fault. All he's done so far is 1. cast a spell to summon a hero, 2. Question him (for which he apologized) and 3. force him to take a job in hogwarts. Dumbledore in this reality was pushed into a tighter place than in canon, his canon plan would now no longer work.
  17. noura62442

    noura62442 First Year

    Sep 5, 2014
    Wasn't Dumbledore's entire plan based on Harry being hit by the Avada Kedavra ,getting rid of the horcrux but leaving Harry alive? Also, how exactly is it accidental if they know for fact that all previous summonings either left the victim dead or gravely injured?
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
  18. JoJo23

    JoJo23 Unspeakable

    Mar 22, 2008
    Oh yeah, Im just saying it was a pretty desperate plan. I didnt think they had summoned anyone before?
  19. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    I'm late to the party. Sorry for any spoilers in the following:

    Narf: nails much of what's wrong. There's really nobody worth Harry's saving in this cuntish world and we the readers are given no sense of why he should even try. The OC is iffy and inconsistent. Iris is distant. Even fucking Dobby is irredeemable. Worse, Harry seems incapable of holding a civil conversation with anyone, even a magical portrait, that doesn't devolve into tedious, antagonizing bullshit.

    What bothers me about the Order is that nobody in this world seems to have any morality whatsoever, yet they don't act consistently. Even if we take the contrived crap du jour thing at face value--Harry hasn't any rights, fine--even if he were just a magical creature in their eyes, a glorified Kneezle who happens to be able to hold a wand and the occasional angsty conversation, sane people with a shred of decency don't treat animals that horribly. They'd feel at least a twinge of sympathy for the other party.

    And this matters. If the Order really are so horrible as they show by how they treat Harry, then why even bother with the pretense, the lie detector and affable conversation? Screw it, just mind-rape the non-entity, rip every last secret from his dimensionally challenged skull, dose him to the gills with Veritaserum, torture and wring out every last useful datum, and then pop a hole in his head, bury the trash, and repeat the ritual with some other unsuspecting nobody from another of the infinite universes.

    Because they can. They're either a bunch of sociopaths or they're not. Pick one. The author hasn't.

    Look, I get the Butcher formula: pile a ton of shit on your lead. Once he swims up and gasps half a mephitic lungful, dump a larger pile. Make him suffer, then make him suffer some more. But you gotta give some hint of a payoff down the road, a sense that fighting fate is worth the trouble. Shit is tolerable when there's a hope of a decent (much less 'crowning') moment of awesomeness to come, a zombie tyrannosaurus, whatever. Otherwise, it's just torture porn.

    Harry's motivations in this story are inconsistent and all over the map, which is another part of why I (and I suspect many) can't identify with him. He doesn't give a shit about the Order or Dumbledore, risks himself to stick it to Dumbledore, then goes out of his way to rescue the latter from a horrible fate? He doesn't care about the Wizarding world, yet devotes hours to learning Divination solely so he won't suck as a teacher and so he can do right by the students in a subject he doesn't even really believe in? Why? He saves Amelia ostensibly to have Dumbledore and the Order arrested (removing the most strident opposition to Voldemort in the world), yet rages when she won't go out and arrest all the Death Eaters tout de suite?

    Until the author figures out what Harry's about and starts cluing the readers in on same, then I think the story is going to languish in the 2/5 to 3/5 DLP space. It's too bad, as there's potential here. The author clearly has decent command over technical aspects of writing, a fair hand at writing dialogue, and a good bit of originality--just not a sense for how to craft a good (and internally consistent) story.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
  20. theronin

    theronin Order Member

    Jan 17, 2013
    Pers, I don't think you're entirely correct in saying that he doesn't care at all about the world. He clearly goes out of his way to warn Bones about upcoming attacks, helps his counterpart, and gets upset when the first attack isn't completely stopped. That said, I agree with most of what you and Narf wrote. The story is kind of all over the place, but it's at least entertaining enough to waste a few hours on.

    I am going to hold off on rating until the school year actually starts, but for now I am leaning towards 3/5.