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Naruto Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Fluffiness, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Pozzai

    Pozzai Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Hahaha, I wondered what that was about. I thought you were like "yeah so town should definitely follow me here" (invite).
  2. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    I don't like how Titus and Newcomb are both on TMNT ewwww
  3. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Back from work .. kinda big post time .. have fun readin it (not used to quoting so i will abstain from that one in this post.

    First things first .. the answer to your question Atum:
    I lied there! I actually scimmed over the thread for a minute or two, didnt see anyone talking about it and posted before rereading everything, because i felt at the time it might be useful to say with several newish palyers in the game and stuff like that. But at this point it does not even matter anymore because the game is alive and doing well so far.

    Time to write about some ppl and what i think about them, and why .. and maybe ask a question if i feel like it.

    while i do believe his first posts could be done by either allignment i do like his initial thougt process in post #40.
    I dont think it would be doable .. and i dont see any way town would actually profit from it (or at least profit from it more than ghost could).
    I do think for a new player joining a crowd of people that know each other and believe they are able to read each other due to other games they played with each other considering to start of from game mechanics before moving on makes some sense.

    But at the end of the day reads are way more important than the mechanics because having a claim and some mechanics around it doesnt matter that much if you have neither town nor mafia reads in the game and thus cant reevaluate a possible play. (fakeclaim chance on day one pretty low with most roles.)
    His thought process there still felt in a way similar to mine and therefore towny.

    Not sure about her DOB statement in the first post .. just because .. well she was pretty townread in her champions mafia game .. but if banks would have been dob town could have won. With ppl having some trouble reading her a post like that might be preemtively trying to get newish palyers on her side if that ever occurs.
    I get scumread sometimes for IIoA .. mostly as mafia :D
    The other interactions are not allignment indicative yet. Just poking around having some fun.
    I do like the TMNTurtwig read, didnt think about that.

    Banks: He wants to rolehunt with me .. tell you what if you are able to guess my role within 16 tries (or rather one try where you can give 16 rolenames) i will reward you by not calling you a mexican for a week!
    Other than that nothing of importance yet, i think.

    When you deleted my name and put in friends .. did you do it to explicitly exclude me or because first you didnt care about the other people and then realized it would be unmannered but you didnt want to keep our hidden love a secret?
    Other than that nullread, nothing scummy or rly towny .. but only two posts so far anyway.

    Really split about you. I do like that you tried to point me out, pushing on a player that you dont know (and is new to forum mafia) is rarely a bad idea to get some reads on them. i do believe the way you did it felt kinda clumsy to me, but that doesnt matter.
    You did not really give a lot of real information/reads out thus far (i think), which i kinda expected you to do after that start to be honest, that made your start so half assed :(. I am not sure what to think of your Danzo comment (he was not really towny in the manga i agree), but in some cases of a head to head at the end of day 1 and a completly split town (with mafia trying to influence it the way they want it to be), i do believe knowing a confirmed town lead the kill is a possible play on day one (after that you dont know if danzo is alive so you risk losing a lynch)

    First i felt he could do what he is doing as either allignment (helping a new player without giving real information is not a bad way to get on their good side, but it also can just be genuine).
    Then i read post #46 and #50 and i rly dont like it. Not knowing about the daychat because hey i am town and i dont know that the mafia can talk to each other during the day. That for me is jsut soo easy to put in as mafia just to get a little bit of towncred.

    To be fair i might need other people to tell me if Titus is known for such behaviour as town (or mafia) since i lack the history with her to know it and it can be genuine .. but it just lights some alarm bells for me. So please help me here if i am completly off.

    Ok 2,5 out of those are just me bantering with friends .. but i only did a fast read of pages 4-7 at this point .. need to go indepth to feel like talking about other people .
  4. Banks

    Banks Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Mafia Chat
    Wolfy post.
  5. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    i am around for another 40 minutes or so before i have to sleep .. just in case someone wants to talk to me in real time and stuff (i know some ppl prefer this way of reading others over big posts.
  6. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Jan Banks -- We seem to have a similar thought process. Where do/did y'all play?

    It is kinda weird how similar it is.
  7. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    But you're the one with off reads! Specifically, Newcomb and Titus.


    ---------- Post automerged at 17:31 ---------- Previous post was at 17:30 ----------

    I've spent a little while catching up and I'm going to post before I read Jan's wall because I'm impatient.

    Vote TMNT

    Newcomb, Zenzao, fontisian, MathBlade, and Titus are town in order of surety. I saw some Atum townreads being tossed around (by Math and fonti, I think), and I suck at reading him on my own so he'll be my weakest townread after Titus.

    Math and Titus, I'm pretty sure you're both town, so. Try to hug it out or something.

    (I meant to post this before my last post but oh well.)

    ---------- Post automerged at 17:32 ---------- Previous post was at 17:31 ----------

    Definitely the second one.
  8. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Okay, so I finished up my game setup post. If you're in the camp that thinks these are just noise, feel free to ignore, but if not I'd love some feedback about if I'm thinking about the roles correctly, what I'm missing, etc.

    I really doubt I'm saying anything too novel, and I'd stake a lot on a random group of 4 of you being able to come to the same conclusions I'm coming to, so I don't think this can really hurt us.

    So my read is that as town, we probably don't need to focus too much on hunting this guy? Like he's mostly trying to avoid attention because the explicit goal is surviving to the late game. I guess it's just kind of a chaos-y role in general because both town and wolves have to be like "... unless Player X is actually Tobi" in every chain of reasoning?

    Not really sure how to approach this role.

    Okay, so to me this seems like the wolf team's heavy hitter. Like, the biggest +town equity swing in the game would be if Orochimaru failed a poison on N1, because that would lead to a Day 2 scum lynch and a mass claim that would immediately clear like 5 or 6 people, right?

    This seems like a really powerful role, though. Like, you can't really claim to save yourself from a lynch, because then you just die for free. It makes rolehunting super profitable for wolves, so we do whatever we can do prevent that... while still being helpful to each other, somehow?

    Kinda meh. Learning dead player's role probably helps with wolf POE for NKs, poison, etc. Oh, shit, and I just thought of this: can't even mass claim if we kill Orochimaru b/c of this. This setup REALLY doesn't want a mass claim.

    First power seems pretty straightforward. Not sure how the second really works in practice, though. Seems like you'd have to have some very specific information, and I'm not clear how the wolves would get it.

    This role seems so OP. No flips, we're completely in the dark. And not only do wolves know who the town is (minus Tobi I guess, but they still have to kill him so whatever), but they know what our most powerful role is doing every night and we can never trust Naruto completely. Also they can talk in QT all the time so if Naruto checks a wolf they KNOW and can coordinate EXACTLY how they're gonna handle it. Bleh.

    Should be a really powerful role, except that with Tobi/Sasuke, he can't trust his checks. The shared QT is an interesting twist - could use it, or even fake using it, to have Hinata relay checks and maybe even draw a bad poison check.

    Still probably our most potent weapon as town.

    See above. Not sure how knowing Naruto's identity will play. I mean it's not like she can be like "hey Naruto check me" in the thread. Can she? Maybe if multiple people do it? Can hard-defend Naruto if he's getting a dangerous amount of votes.

    What you see is what you get. I mean, if he's alive at 4 players left, then there can be, what, 1 wolf or 1 wolf + Tobi? So not an auto-win, but powerful if it comes into play.

    Some useful info in guessing and being wrong - eventually. Like in very specific cases, if we need to know if someone is/isn't Role X, and Role X only, could be very useful. Obviously puppeting is cool if you hit, but if you know enough to hit correctly, then can't wolves figure it out too? If if you know enough to hit a wolf, isn't it better to just say "hey check it out this dude is a wolf."

    Seems like a scattershot power tbh, but I could be missing something here.

    Cool power, but a lot depends on the user. Unless there's an outed wolf, it's going to come down to that person being a good player.
    Self-explanatory. Does he get a message if he's targeted and his extra life removed? I mean because then he could be like "hey guys I got shot at last night." But then what does that tell town... could have been Tobi, a NK, poison... Bleh.

    Again, a lot depends on the user making a correct kill. Although now that I think about it, the real benefit of this power is being able to alert the town that they got the last two wrong - that's concrete information, there.

    Cool that power can't hurt town - barring something crazy like Ino puppeting Orochimaru - although again, feels like kind of a crapshoot.

    Saves us from a No Lynch, which is... good, I guess? Seems like another crapshoot power, like it all depends on how good this player is. I mean it's nice to know that at least on D1 even if we tie or there's no lynch there will be someone who's 100% town making the call.

    Once per game makes this, like... how do you know when to use it? I guess he can claim and then be safe for a night? Kind of a rattlesnake for wolves. Probably some strategy with another townie fakeclaiming Neji that I'm not seeing.
    Nice power in that he can't really hurt town too much if he guesses wrong. I mean the only scum that would really benefit is Guren. Among the town, he'd be looking to hit Naruto or Sakura for sure, and then maybe Ino... would this power work on Tsunade and give her two QTs? That would be interesting.

    Can kind of act like a watered-down cop - if she QTs you, a townie would have no reason not to roleclaim, so a wolf would have to fakeclaim. Then again if she checks a wolf they can just NK her :/

    Or wait, am I thinking about this wrong? Like, if she QTs you, do you get a PM from the mod saying "Player X (Tsunade) has sent her slugs to you"? Or do you just know it's Tsunade? The second version makes this a little safer, but then unless she hits Jiraiya she can't tell her partner who she is.

    If she checks a townie who has info - like Naruto (oh man, Naruto-Hinata-Tsunade would be great to all have going at once) - then she can fakeclaim Naruto and hope to draw a bad poison.


    Maybe it's just the view from the ground, but looking at this backwards and forwards it really seems like scum has so many tools to fuck us over, and ours have so much left to chance / a single player's choice.

    Question about Mafia in general: are games supposed to be set up so that if you ran them 1000 times with different players, scum would win 500? Or is that not an inherent value of Mafia?
  9. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    This is my first forum game ever .. started playing some resistance with friends about a year ago .. and then started to play video mafia at the start of december last year and it was time consuming to say the least (i am in the triple digits on videomafia games).

    Aaand what part of our thought process do you believe to be that similar? just curious
  10. Banks

    Banks Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Mafia Chat
    I like math here. The progression and confidence feels townie. Also I happen to agree on her scum reads.

    Zenzao making that post to the new guy could be a helpful townie but I see it as a potential pocket attempt if it turns out new guy is town. A bit speculative but a thought for later day rereading.
  11. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    During Batmafia there was also a Souper, and we all tried crumbing our roles to each other but it didn't really work out too well for town.
  12. Banks

    Banks Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Mafia Chat
    Sup bby girl. Have you read or nah? If you haven't read then I'll let you sleep.
  13. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    have read most .. rly tired after work (and only sleeping 5-6 hours in 2 days) .. but i swapped my shift and should be back around 6pm instead between 8-10pm .. so i might get to catch up and have a in depth read (or two ) then.

    just ask me whatever. if you can link a post i can just reread it to give you my full opinion .. if your question is more generalized well i will give you what i have at this point (the last 2 pages are mostly a blur right now but that is fine i will reread them if your question feels worth it!

    ---------- Post automerged at 23:44 ---------- Previous post was at 23:43 ----------

    that is my shift tomorrow i am speaking about (being in europe but not everyone might know that)
  14. Banks

    Banks Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Mafia Chat
    Wow this game is actually active I didn't realize it at first. Jan your first post was odd af. There is no flips so leaving seer cover is useless. I think you probably are off to bed by now we can catch up later.

    I gotta turn off people's signatures or something it makes things insane to read.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 PM ----------

    Honestly don't have anything much atm. I haven't formulated my own real concrete ideas yet. I need to get everyone's name down and such and decide what I think is going on.

    How do you feel abuot the game so far is the forum world over whelming? Under whelming? Do you think you have played townie? Do you think you have found any scum?

    What are you putting the most effort of into the game. These questions would be a good thing to discuss.
  15. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    irst i felt he could do what he is doing as either allignment (helping a new player without giving real information is not a bad way to get on their good side, but it also can just be genuine).
    Then i read post #46 and #50 and i rly dont like it. Not knowing about the daychat because hey i am town and i dont know that the mafia can talk to each other during the day. That for me is jsut soo easy to put in as mafia just to get a little bit of towncred.

    To be fair i might need other people to tell me if Titus is known for such behaviour as town (or mafia) since i lack the history with her to know it and it can be genuine .. but it just lights some alarm bells for me. So please help me here if i am completly off.

    ^^Phone posting while in swtor

    ---------- Post automerged at 14:48 ---------- Previous post was at 14:48 ----------

    FYI Titus is my sister so she
  16. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    i missread some stuff before the game and as i said that paragraph was prepared beforehand.
    it would not be useless because hinata would know naruto died and could tell the rest (or soft some stuff) ... but she knows anyway and can get it out of his reads if need be .. so yeah it is completly useless.
    whatever before the game i thought it to be smart, ok? i might not be at my fullest capacities right now or ever for that matter.

    and no .. i will never sleep if i can keep you from working instead!
  17. Pozzai

    Pozzai Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    There is no flips, but there is a town that knows who the 'cop' is, and as such could give the information in the case there were seer covers.

    Jan is correct in saying that since the scum team knows who was checked, it doesn't help town to put out seer cover though.

    ---------- Post automerged at 23:50 ---------- Previous post was at 23:50 ----------

  18. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    I would have been good as a Souper that game :) :$

    Be back soon
  19. Banks

    Banks Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Mafia Chat
    Wait shes your sister but you lack experience with her? I'm confused.
  20. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    I quoted your post of thoughts I agree with.

    It was that 46 and 50 felt off. Like Titus being manipulative