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Naruto Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Fluffiness, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Banks

    Banks Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Mafia Chat
    Alright finally I'm caught up.

    This week long day makes me really lazy cause I'm a natural procrastinator. I will say I don't fully expect to be right on some stuff. I need to figure out who I can ask meta questions too. .

    Is anyone besides myself, jan, and Pozzai new to this forum?

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:41 AM ----------

    I feel likethis post is going to merge which really sucks but oh well.

    I think pozzai is LESS mafia than I thought before. I liked his responses to fonti specifically these quotes:

    This one to fonti was like "hey wait a minute wtf this doesn't add up"

    His response to me was okay:

    I liked this one less. I would quote some of his interactions but this post is going ot be long enoguh as it is. Suffice it to say early pozzai wasn't really game solving and I hated it since then hes come out a bit more game solvey.

    I liked Jan until he got into the big talk about whether or not that four mafia team with him fonti/pozzai was real I think titus too. I thought that was weird as fck. I need to reread specifically that a bit later.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 AM ----------

    I feel likethis post is going to merge which really sucks but oh well.

    I think pozzai is LESS mafia than I thought before. I liked his responses to fonti specifically these quotes:

    This one to fonti was like "hey wait a minute wtf this doesn't add up"

    His response to me was okay:

    I liked this one less. I would quote some of his interactions but this post is going ot be long enoguh as it is. Suffice it to say early pozzai wasn't really game solving and I hated it since then hes come out a bit more game solvey.

    I liked Jan until he got into the big talk about whether or not that four mafia team with him fonti/pozzai was real I think titus too. I thought that was weird as fck. I need to reread specifically that a bit later.
  2. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Banks -- Your copy paste is messed up and pasting the same thing three times. Look forward to reads. It is showing Jan thoughts repeatedly.

    I think it is weird because I think she comes from a place of knowledge knowing Titus is scum and then adds in the maybes later. She also tries to compliment me to get me to feel better about her.
    Titus -- You are scum. Don't know how the devil plays in.
  3. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Holy shit that re-read took a long time. Math, you said you re-read the whole thread every game night? That's... impressive.

    Here's where I'm at.

    I tried to boil down my thoughts on everybody to just a few sentences. I would be happy to expand on literally anyone, although if you ask about some people (Banks, Xanidrel) I don't have a ton more to offer.

    People I don't want to lynch today:


    Unlike the rest of the low-post count people, the little content he has provided has made complete sense to me. Pretty much how I'd expect a townie that has tons of RL distractions to be posting.


    Kind of like Typhon+; not a ton of content, but especially the later stuff has been engaging. Plus, #124 seems like something you'd naturally pick up from a town PoV and something you'd have to really train yourself to notice from a scum PoV.


    A lot of good work in posts in the #400-#500 range. Seems to see the thread from the same perspective I do. #417 (pointing out that Pozzai seems more interested in defending / arguing than figuring things out) and #490 (pointing out that Zen's not doing a whole lot other than popping in to poke MathBlade) were good observations.

    The Waco Kid

    Pretty much in a mind meld with me, except for the Titus stuff, which seems to be meta-based and I can't really comment on. Well-reasoned points like #776 carry a lot of weight with me.


    Has only gotten better. Around the mid 700's there's some very solid interactions, especially later with the clarified case against TMNT and trying to bring insight to the Titus/MathBlade kerfuffle.

    People I don't see any reason to lynch today: (slightly different than "don't want to")


    Has on two occasions stepped in to try to break things up (me/MathBlade and MathBlade/Titus) with "stop it you're both town." Tough to see the +mafia equity in that move. In posts like #421 and #648, while the reasons (on Von and Zen and Qg) are concise and not explained heavily, they demonstrate a consistent vibe that what's written is strongly believed. I'm aware that fonti is considered an extremely good player and could probably easily represent that as mafia, but it's kind of all I have to go on.


    A thin read. I mainly think there are better lynches. I really wasn't a fan of the whole "hey I found a scum role!" thing when the reasoning behind that specific role was so... well, I don't think I ever actually got the evidence. Later posts are better IMO: in the 600's there are some where I'm thinking the same thoughts. (676, and 685).


    I think people are reading too much into him letting Titus off the hook (which he did.) I might have done something similar; not everyone can be a bulldog at all times, some people have a personality where you're really trying to understand the other person's POV and that's what his comment to Titus read as, to me. Obviously lack of content is a problem, and it sounds like it will continue to be so. I really don't see a world where he's the best lynch today, though.


    I don't have much on him, mainly because a lot of his stuff has been kinda inside baseball-y and based on knowing the other players. Mainly this is "have agreed with a few of this thoughts, and hasn't done anything obviously bad that I can see."

    I really have no idea, but I have concerns


    The number of things she writes where I can't wrap my head around her starting point, or why her starting point is a Big Deal to her, keep piling up. Seems to be a very interaction-oriented player: "You are here, and you are scummy - you're scum." Which would kind of explain the Titus thing. She makes some good points - like the fact that Zen does almost nothing but pop in from time to time poke Math - but she also hits the some notes over and over. Like, the Titus thing almost feels like performance art - yelling at us that we're crazy. It could very well be genuine, but a quiet yet insistent voice is saying that her style right now would be great cover as a wolf.

    Still. I think in the end, right in this moment, my gut says no. My gut says "don't lynch." Oh look, this one ended up being super long. How appropriate.


    I don't know what to make of his "fuck this, I'm outta here" thing yesterday. Frustration with Math in posts like #591 feels genuine, but when those are the majority of the posts he's making, that feeling starts to fade. I'm not sure I like how he followed Titus onto the Math/TMNT train. I felt better about his early stuff when he was asking questions and thinking out loud, like #375.


    So, yeah... I've got nothing. The longer Banks goes without posting anything useful, the closer I get to suggesting that we policy lynch him. Could 3P Banks slank along and pop in from time to time with some bursts of insight and make a legit run at this? No idea, because I have no data to go on, and that's frustrating.

    "Would you say we'd be venturing into a zone of danger?"


    As much as I liked my conversation with Pozzai, it exemplified something I've seen a lot of him doing ITT: lots of take, very little give. There is a ton of arguing and debate about what constitutes what. Not quite semantics, but close. A post like #423 is just so overly-explanatory. I think that was the point where I thought "yeah, I'd be okay if he got lynched." Points in his favor: people were pushing him and pressing, so it's not like the explanations came out of nowhere. But, it's like... where did he move on from there? Even as far in as #772 he's making a big post where he even quotes fonti saying he's not solving the game... but that big post itself is not very game-solvey at all. He does things that keep him out of the red zone for me: like #759, that's engaged and thinking about if/then scenarios that feel townie.


    I had an instinctive town read on him, but I think that was just because he was agreeing with me in the early going. He's thought the way I've thought at times and he's brought up objections that make sense to me (like #854 with a good point about "scum rules" being context dependent), but the bulk of his posts don't commit to any particular opinion and are more informative and pondering than really going for a certain goal or objective. I could see a scum player making the kinds of posts he's making.

    I am at peace with your death


    Hey Socrates, if you really wanted to Slayer's it up, hinting at it and then straight up telling people you were doing it seems kind of dim - usually things that are called "gambits" work better if you don't tell people you're doing them. I hope part of your master plan is me being okay with you getting lynched today and willing to push for it if TMNT does anything remotely towny, because that's where we're at. Titus quote: "I am not casual anything." Then why post sloppily, like you haven't read the very things you're currently responding to closely, over and over? I don't buy it.


    Hang on while I find that .gif of Tom Cruise going "HELP ME, HELP YOU."


    Broken down into a readwall:

    The Waco Kid





    Still think we have to lynch TMNT given everything that's happened up to this point. Still voting for him.
  4. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Why can't I sleep? :(

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:11 ---------- Previous post was at 03:10 ----------
    Newcomb -- Game night = the phase after a lynch or no lynch. And yes I do.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:16 ---------- Previous post was at 03:11 ----------

    Omg the paragraph about me is hilarious. And glad you see the light about Titus. You realize that if Titus is scum Fonti is a liar because she said she knew Titus's role and she said it is town.

    I believe Fonti knows Titus's role but lied about it being town.
  5. Banks

    Banks Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Mafia Chat
    Belh that sent too early.

    I think that Zenzao is a wolf this game. I thought that everything he has said has been skating by/saying things to say them without passion or feel. He isn' concerned about the lynch and yeah I'm into it. I feel pretty strongly about this and glad to let you guys know I have found the first wolf this game or mafia or w.e. we call it.

    I will be quoting some of his posts in a minute.

    Citrus is weird. I can't give him the town read hes getting from others.

    Kinda think that fonti is more town than not but this chick gets to hang out in my yellow land because of the game. You can be town once I have more concrete info.

    Newcomb is like my favorite town of all the town that ever towned. I love almost everything he posts almost every time he posts.

    The waco kid has been pretty town but not as much as him.

    Kalas/Atum I think could be scum but I'm not 100%

    I think oggggg/xandel don't even pingo ut my radar and I just read the whole thread. If I left someone out its a bad sign. Oh typhoon because hes been afk sucks your phone got stolen. If thats mafa slank cover thats fucked up.
  6. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
  7. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Why couldn't fonti know the role Titus was softing, but Titus was lying about it? Surely those two things are independent of each other.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 AM ----------

    Btw thanks for joining us, Banks! That readwall I just posted was prior to reading your entrance a few posts up, FWIW.
  8. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Highly unlikely. No reason for something in his frustrated posts. Zenzao is probably town just pissed that I was scum in WH11 and what I did and was venting at me rather than actually thinking to read me.

    Atum I am pretty sure is not scum. I want more than a could I want reasons why you believe things.
  9. Banks

    Banks Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Mafia Chat
    Belh that sent too early.

    I think that Zenzao is a wolf this game. I thought that everything he has said has been skating by/saying things to say them without passion or feel. He isn' concerned about the lynch and yeah I'm into it. I feel pretty strongly about this and glad to let you guys know I have found the first wolf this game or mafia or w.e. we call it.

    I will be quoting some of his posts in a minute.

    Citrus is weird. I can't give him the town read hes getting from others.

    Kinda think that fonti is more town than not but this chick gets to hang out in my yellow land because of the game. You can be town once I have more concrete info.

    Newcomb is like my favorite town of all the town that ever towned. I love almost everything he posts almost every time he posts.

    The waco kid has been pretty town but not as much as him.

    Kalas/Atum I think could be scum but I'm not 100%

    I think oggggg/xandel don't even pingo ut my radar and I just read the whole thread. If I left someone out its a bad sign. Oh typhoon because hes been afk sucks your phone got stolen. If thats mafa slank cover thats fucked up.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:21 AM ----------

    yeah idk why I can't send in my posts easily its kind of annoying. I'm glad you're around can you talk to me about citrus and zenzao specifically?

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:24 AM ----------

    bah these posts I'm making are like delayed or something.

    Man I need to know more about zenzoa I'm pretty fucking convinced that dude is scum.

    I'll link it up in a minute

    Newcomb I think you're town.

    I'm going ot make a list here a minute.
  10. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Too much confidence.

    Fonti as a power role acts different and conservative in a way and aggressive in another. This reeks of confidence and the other sentence as a buffer. If she had read what Titus had softed she wouldn't call attention to the possibility Titus softed in the thread as it gives role guessers good and bad a chance to hit her. Fonti as an acolyte sure as hell wouldn't out the cop like that.

    The only way Fonti has 100% confidence is that if Fonti and Titus are scum together. Which pretty much clears Pozzai by virtue of Fonti early push. Which based on Fonti staying pretty quiet on TMNT They are likely town.

    Fonti doesn't do bullshit cases unless she has to. Titus does all the time.
  11. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    That's... Thats a little too much meta for my brain right now. I'm fried from typing up that reads post, will consider with fresh eyes tomorrow.
  12. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    I will start with Zenzao first.

    The last game Zenzao and I played was a flip less game with standard mechanics tried and true. The town leader backed us into a corner because of the bomber. It is a setup called which hunt.

    I was forced to scum claim and spent 4 or 5 or something like that real life days doing nothing but fucking with the majority of town's heads that they town firmed the final scum until end game and then lynched him at the end.

    Between that and CYS where I was third party and made up an alternate universe to get the confirmed cop lynched in order to hide a cult existing (it was a bastard game) He has a right to be a little butt hurt.

    I think RVS'ing him was the straw that broke the camel's back.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:34 ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 ----------

    Citrus on the other hand when he has real life issues posts a certain way. It is like a recognizable pattern after playing with him for a while. When he is here he is hunting so he gets a pass more so than a strong town read I have on others.
  13. Banks

    Banks Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Mafia Chat
    Town circle

    People outside that can apply for entry by making good posts I like.

    Guy who lost his phone and have no clue about them.

    People who won't be getting into the town any time soon.

    Guy everyone thinks is a wolf and they can't all be mafia

    Lock Wolves

    No real order in the groups. Minus the top town groups.
  14. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Banks -- What makes you suspect Zenzao scum?

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:41 ---------- Previous post was at 03:40 ----------

    And better yet Titus town WTF.
  15. Banks

    Banks Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Mafia Chat
    His posting style. I'lllinke to it. I haven't tried isolating anything. Is that hard to do on the forums? I'm in the middle of a video mafia game. Once its over I'm goign to make my case then go to bed.

    Essentially I think that he is saying just enough to get by and not pushing anyone he is playing soft in my opinion.

    I'll put it out.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:43 AM ----------

    Initially his first post was wolfy as fuck but 2nd read through was better especially later on he seemed to be more game solvy than anything else. I could be wrong on this one but I like it especially for today.
  16. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    If you want a specific post the number at the upper right of a post is a link. Copy it and change the number if needed.

    I am not brave enough to do video mafia. You would see me sneeze the entire time. It would be bad :$

    To get an ISO go up a level and find the thread name. To the right is a number of posts. Click it. Then a list of users will come up with numbers of posts beside them. Click the number.

    If looking for a specific post by a user search this thread is your friend.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:47 ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 ----------

    Titus is female and my RL Sister :) and scum but I will love her anyway.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:49 ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 ----------

    good luck in your video mafia game!
  17. Banks

    Banks Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Mafia Chat
    Oh that was real that she is your sister I forgot about that. I thought it was a joke.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:52 AM ----------

    Oh that was real that she is your sister I forgot about that. I thought it was a joke.

    can you link a post where you scum read her or talk about your scum read on her? Also are you voting her?

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 AM ----------

    @fonti talk to me about the meta of the people in this game. Specifically who reads who for what. Who has played with whom. Who you know a lot. I need this info thanks.

    The breadcrumb talk is hilarious btw.

    Snowven kinda meh. I might have him too high on my list.
  18. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    I am better off talking about the read since I have been scum reading her for most of the game. There was one point where I unvoted her considering Fonti's point about the role and then really thought about what Fonti said and both their plays and decided that was impossible for her to know Titus's role. Then I went back to scum reading her.

    Overall the beginning is the main driving force that made me suspect her. The beginning is so opportunistic of Zenzao being but hurt/OMGUS'ing and she just says it was awkward and gets away with it. Awkward is how 99% of people describe me. I keep working towards being understood more but saying that is like saying I am breathing. It is a non explanation and a way to sneak on a vote. In two posts I had multiple people saying I am scum. I am known to flail under d1 pressure because I am very much an evidence based player I look at events and keep asking why until I get a suitable answer. I am pretty handicapped until a NK then I can see why someone did that.

    Furthermore what is damning is Fonti subtly suggesting that the push on me comes from a genuine place then later one when it is clear I won't be lynched asks me to not tunnel Newcomb and then Titus. Newcomb was to gain trust as I said I would not lynch them and their actions looked like it could be coordinated at that time. Later on my read shifted. But Fonti was trying to start the drama and have me be lynched and then asking to stop the drama is WTF worthy. Especially by claiming she knows Titus's role. Which implies to scum there is evidence if they look hard enough. Oh and look who else said someone softed -- Titus said that Newcomb softed. Normally I wouldn't mention it but the cat is out of the bag so no harm in repeating. I don't buy any of that coming from a townie perspective.

    If someone soft claims DON'T fucking out them.

    Then in 80 Fonti moves to TMNT another reason TMNT was probably being set up.

    Anywho that is the first 80 posts for Fonti and Titus coalignment (with some references to posts later than that) I could write more but then I would be accused of spam so I think I will stop for now.

    Fonti and Titus are scum together. And I am scared.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:22 ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 ----------


    The post where Fonti says Zenzao's push comes from a valid place essentially egging Zenzao on without actually giving an opinion on me.
  19. Banks

    Banks Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Mafia Chat
    Man I'm really salty we just got hosed in a game. I'm going to make my zenzao case when I wake up because I'm not sure I can be objective. I was right last game and I was tunneled and I would convince myself I'm right again even if the iso doesn't produce that info.

    I will be very active in this game tomorrrow and plan on killing a mafia.

    Mathblade. What is your read on me? Do you have one?

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 AM ----------

    I'm going to sleep.

    Jan address something besides that shit tier 4 mafia team thing.
  20. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    My read on you now is that you are Tobi.

    You are being very "I am going to catch a mafia" Look at what I can do so I must be town type attitude. Each time I have seen it is 3P or scum and I don't see you fitting with Titus or Fonti and you seem very lone wolf.

    The question is whether you will town side or not. If you are not Tobi then you are town. In short my read is not group scum. 3P then town in that order.