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Naruto Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Fluffiness, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    I am voting with Atum, don't you think I am resetting? Your histrionics at ridiculous. Cool your jets.

    You have 4 solid town reads of mine in your scum block. Waco and TMNT are the only reads I have agreed with you on and one turned out to be wrong. I have been discussing my reads with someone, who has given me a fair bit of latitude by investigating you I return the favor.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:31 PM ----------

    I will be back in an hour and a half, but I want reasons why you would bet your life on all those people being town.
  2. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    No. I refuse to cool my jets with you Titus. I am pissed off angry and frustrated with you. Either you are derping so hard that I have no words for or this is a gambit over my repeated protests to not fucking gambit so I guess it is the first one.

    Secondly I fucking sheeped you on TMNT because there was no way in hell I would convince you otherwise and no one was online at the time to back me up. You did not agree with me. That was me giving you a bit of faith.

    However I need a damn smacky hammer of repeated smacks to get you done with this mess and back to Waco.

    Yes our reads differ. There is this thing called discussion. I hear it helps clear those up. Explain how they are town reads rather than fucking voting me for disagreeing with you.

    ---------- Post automerged at 17:42 ---------- Previous post was at 17:37 ----------

    An hour and a half may break the post length barrier. I need at least two please for all the shit I need to find and notes from my QT Titus.
  3. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    You want a discussion Math, put forth why your town reads are town reads. Then I will reply. Your refusal only further suggests this is the right path.
  4. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Titus fuck you for this time sink I am working on it now but seriously. After this game I am taking a long break from mafia because I can't deal with this shit.

    ---------- Post automerged at 17:50 ---------- Previous post was at 17:49 ----------

    And 20:00 Pacific time is a nice round time to be done with it. And I am ignoring the thread until then.
  5. Banks

    Banks Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Mafia Chat
    Interesting response Pozzai. What if I told you I was town? How owuld that effect your read?

    I'm going to vote a mafia in the next 12 hours. I hope others will join me.

    With that in mind can Waco, Typhoon, Q, Zenzao, and Snowvon talk to me about who they believe acted the oddest with Rubicon as well as moving their vote off TMNT at EoD post claim or better yet moving onto them?

    There is the possibility of multiple correct answers as well as bonus points for reasoning and quotes.

    Prize for guessing correctly is 20 town points redeemable for nothing of monetary value.

    Others not listed should chime in after at least 3 of the above have weighed in.

    Still really busy at work.

    Banks out Back to your regularly scheduled Titus vs Mathblade fighting.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------



    ---------- Post automerged at 08:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:08 PM ----------

    lol 20 image limit interesting.
  6. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    So starting around 2550. Typhon saying he'll get back to thread, Titus vote hopping, Q starts deconstructing some of Waco's posts on him. Titus votes Waco. Q continues deconstructing, votes Waco himself.

    Pozzai indifferent on Waco lynch (yuck), big ol dirty Typhon post at 2627 giving a decent extended read on Typhon, Titus likes this post (you could have just linked me this Titus). Post 2635 Titus puts up a potential scum team, Waco almost immediately doubt casts it, Math gets on the Waco train, Typhon comes back with a null(?) read. Then the whole Jan interaction which is.. ugh.

    Typhon posts readwall. Q and Waco biggest scum with Q preferred. No vote. 2662 feels weak. 2675 Waco starts posting again, don't like the mechanics mess up. At all. Waco gets angry at MB then directs it at Q. More anger at MB, falls back on what he did in previous games, an argument I detest. Kinda like 2683, it's reasonable. Don't like Waco's wall. His main scum criteria appears to fall under post count. And then 2712 throws away my good will with defensiveness.

    There's definitely a case for a connection here.
    The Waco Kid give a current detailed read on Typhon
    Typhon the same
  7. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    oh god work

    I'll do it tomorrow, Banks.

    ---------- Post automerged at 21:24 ---------- Previous post was at 21:24 ----------

    wait, when is the deadline again

    ---------- Post automerged at 21:25 ---------- Previous post was at 21:24 ----------

    oh gross, Day ends right as I'm getting home from work

    whatever, I'll look at Rubicon posts now

    ---------- Post automerged at 21:58 ---------- Previous post was at 21:25 ----------

    Okay, I definitely won't be able to go through /everyone's/ posts and see how they interacted with Rubicon, so I ISO'd only him and made note of his interactions (and I used the fun format I've seen Prophylaxis use, where | is a more direct interaction and - is a passive mention). It's just a neat way to see it physically.

    Rubicon's interactions look like this:

    fontisian: ||||-----
    Snowvon: |-
    TMNTurtwig: |------
    Newcomb: |-
    Zenzao: -
    MathBlade: ||||||---
    Atum: --
    Titus: ||-------------
    Citrus: |--
    Kalas: |||
    Jan: |||---
    Banks: ||||||---
    Typhon: |-
    Qgqqqqq: |----
    Pozzai: ||------
    The Waco Kid: |--

    He mentions Titus a /lot/, but has the most direct interactions with Banks, MathBlade, and fontisian. Based on End Games, one thing I know about scum!Rubicon is that his townreads are usually honest. I was freaking out once he flipped scum in EG because his townreads and mine overlapped a lot, but then Irene happened and Titus and town all lived happily ever after minus the scumteam. Something I don't know is whether he prefers to act normally with his scumbuddies, or try to ignore them (I could check EG but that sounds like a lot of work so I won't unless someone really wants me to).

    He had a couple of naked votes (on Pozzai and Q) that he doesn't explain until prodded. I find the Q vote to be the weirdest because he literally has no interactions with or mentions of Q before he made the vote.

    I still don't understand this post:

    Or even if MathBlade got it.

    And then going back to Rubicon being honest about his townreads:

    He's townreading Atum, Waco, fontisian, Newcomb, MathBlade, and Titus. So. I think this is decent but weak supporting evidence for Waco being town? Assuming Rubicon hasn't changed up his scum meta too much. If he did slip a buddy in there, it would be Waco, as I definitely think the rest of the list is town.
  8. Banks

    Banks Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Mafia Chat
    Snowvon I think the first post you addressed was Rubiscum trying to seem like he "got" something a townie was doing to try to make the townie feel smart for being clever and himself look less scummy when that person outs it later and he can be like "ha i knew and didn't do anything about it" even if he didn't know and wouldn't have done anything about it.

    I read that as a reaction towards a townie.
  9. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Works for me.

    As for moving votes off of TMNT after they claimed, wouldn't it be weirder to not do so? Unvoting/switching to No Lynch is the natural response when someone claims Judge.
  10. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    What about you moving off Xandiel to TMNT no questions asked?
  11. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    We already went over this.

    Look at that, a townread asked me to revote a mutual scumread and explained why. I went with it, because I was and still am townreading this person and therefore didn't think the wagon was being pushed by scum.

    And then Judgeclaim and forced No Lynch votes, so we didn't even get to make that wagon happen. That slot still died, though, so all's well that ends well.
  12. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Before I get to the townread posts that are a complete waste of everyone's time involved....

    There is one post between Xanidel (who became Rubicon) and Waco I found back when I was compiling this but I am holding it back for the sake of the question.

    I tried to use posts from both day one and day two here in my defense of all of these people. This is also a limited selection of what I could find under a time crunch of two hours. I mean it when I say I will die for them as I expect to die a heroic death tonight at the hands of scum that will have to kill you with the NK which means they will have to poison me today. Otherwise one of us will be here, and if I can convince you or the thread, this will become the ultimate town block. You like those right? Good. If scum manage to kill me with poison tonight then my townie brethren will taken your shattered mind and reconstruct it into something useful unless you are also NK'd. I am completely operating under the assumption scum know my role even if you don't and therefore only have a few limited hours in order to convince this thread not to eat itself alive and to go after the true scum. THAT is why your bullshit is so damaging because instead of being able to calmly and rationally explain my Waco case like I was before to Banks, Kalas, and Von seeing the light I have to deal with this. I have faith in my fellow townies to win this game and fucking listen when I say NO ONE on this list (with maybe the exception of Q as that is a pure strategy read with a dash of town read, unlike the others which are HUGE TOWN READS. If any of my HUGE TOWN READS ever vote each other I will dash out a bunch of smacky smacky in obs for you to see later. ) Q is not lynchable today because that is who the obv scum wants.

    TMNT -- The judge duh. Not justifying this with any source posts required. If you make me cite sources here I will cry more than I already have tonight.
    Fonti -- The NK duh. Not justifying this with any source posts unless required. If you make me cite sources here I will cry more than I already have tonight.
    Titus -- Tsunade duh. Not justifying this with any source posts unless required. If you make me cite sources here I will cry more than I already have tonight.
    Banks -- Attacker of Rubicon and all that is unholy.

    POST 2716 This. OMG. THIS. This is also for Jan not being scum as well. There is no reason for a Jan if he was scum to EVER help us to determine what was already painfully clear, we hit the poisoner. The entire town team would have to have the sole purpose of deceiving us that the poisoner is dead. Just NO. I refuse to consider even the slightest HINT that Banks is scum.

    Further more, if he was actually 3P Banks is by and large a strategist. The more he posts I can tell he is thinking about who should do what when where why and how.

    However in case that doesn't convince you. Here's a few more posts to hit the road.

    POST 1433 Points out Rubicon's wolfiness and it is EXACTLY the same as what he did in the game where I was Tia in.

    POST 2245 Again. Another post linking Jan and Banks as town TOGETHER.

    Newcomb -- Town newb of skill.

    762 This is the main post that started me thinking here was HOW he pressured Pozzai day one. He has started with this pressure when he interrogates people and never lets up. He is like a good sane rabid dog in that manner.

    30 This post based on how I have an overwhelming feeling of him being townie makes sense. He continues asking questions in this manner even after being pressured. I am not citing all the posts where he does this because it would be a mile long.

    40 Balls of STEEL. He will stand against anyone here. he thinks things through. Analyzes them and then posts a response.

    Post 2431 Preventing town derp at every opportunity he can.

    Jan -- Preserver of the right thing.

    POST 1785 Defender of the derp and pressurer of the poisoner. Points out Fonti's derpage.

    POST 1764 Investigating the scenarios and attempting to figure out where things are.

    POST 2214 Attempts to steer Banks straight and true. Those two should have the hardest town read of each other on the fucking planet. The only way Jan is scum is if Banks is and that is already ridiculous. Thus she gets my hard firm town read nod.

    Banks alignment sharing posts:

    POST 2716 This. OMG. THIS. This is also for Jan not being scum as well. There is no reason for a Jan scum to EVER help us to determine what was already painfully clear, we hit the poisoner.

    POST 2245 Again. Another post linking Jan and Banks as town TOGETHER.

    Snowvon -- Bunches of fluffy town pride.

    POST 2 At first people thought I was kidding when I town read Snowvon for this but I did. Snowvon knows I look for his fluffiness to try to town read him. By voting me here in RVS it was a strategic signal of hey derpy person who can't read me. Here's your extra awesome of fluffiness.

    POST 1925 Pressurer of the Rubicon. Consequently, the following post of Pozzai sheeping the Rubicon question adds to the 3P.

    The defense of Jan being town. When I was suggesting Jan scum like an idiot, Snowvon as scum would never let a town block form. By saying he would never lynch anyone he's backing himself into a corner he did not do in his survivalist game. He was more open to all the options, but here is taking recordable stances that could then be used against him if he were scum. He probably saw the interactions between Jan and Banks and realized that it was a potential grouping and wondered why they were so tightly coupled. Then again only Von can speak to his epic levels of awesome in Banks and Jan. :nyan::nyan:

    Pride Nyan Cats to the rescue!! :)

    POST 1739 Another post why Snowvon is town. He is building worlds and seeing what sticks. Consequently this is another point why Atum is derp town versus being scum.

    POST 2600 More building of the town circle from awesome or hell depending on alignment. It's even smaller than mine but yet Titus points mine out because she is being very derptastic.

    POST 2620
    While Typhon has had RL he could have at least said "Yo, gut scum read, so and so." He could drop something to contribute and Snowvon rightfully calls this out and explains it to Waco what he means.

    Atum -- The local derp. Every game has one or two. If Titus doesn't wake up and realize I am town then she is the other derp.

    POST 5 Attempts to prevent the derp early. Titus apparently ignored said warning and crumbed. :facepalm:facepalm

    POST 2349 Atum just does not have this many cited sources as scum. He lurks. He has been actively attempting to demonstrate things he believes to be true to town no matter how derpy they are. While it is incorrect, it is factually clear and actually written to town to get people to try to believe him. There are several places in day one where he gave me a "boy he's been aggressive" feel that is so completely different and unique from any scum game he's had. He's way too big a target too awesome to ever be scum.

    My "strong" conversation with Pozzai about being 3P forced people deeper into my circle of hell when I said no touchy the 3P. Atum's joke and trolling vote based on color is just an indication he is an additional indicator he is not scum. This is what made me actually put Citrus more likely scum than Zenzao on my gut 5 minute read wall because Citrus did flinch to the pressure. This is another huge reason that Pozzai is likely 3P instead of group scum else Pozzai who seems like a very strong player would have said "Hey yo! Keep your vote on Pozzai." (Paraphrasing taken here very liberally.) Therefore if I'm wrong about Pozzai being 3P then Citrus is town and Zenzao is likely the other scum. I'm warming up to Kalas but he's not to the level of no touchy yet. Atum if group scum with Waco especially would more than likely advise him not to touch or antagonize the rabid foaming insane chick and especially not to punch what she said right in the mouth.

    POST 1739 Another post why Snowvon is town. He is building worlds and seeing what sticks. Consequently this is another point why Atum is derp town versus being scum.

    Q -- Needs to step his activity up. He's obviously being set the fuck up but come on. Scum don't have any other options. I won't let them mislynch. It will not happen while I am alive. This one is based entirely on meta and what the remaining players are doing. I will have said numerous times I am not open to considering anyone above that line so scum are trying to converge on Q and make a case.

    POST 2411 While I believe him to be very much incorrect here in his assumption, he is standing up for what he believes in a firm but not rude way. This is standard town Q from Batmafia where when he was town he laid things out calmly and precisely even under intense derpage where no one really saw him for what he was. Excellent game that Q did there and I loved being able to talk with him. It's probably my damn fault at the end we lost that game because I advised him incorrectly on a strategy but at least he and I were able to work together in the QT and speak to each other honestly and candidly and I hope that counts for something when I say this is honestly and authentically Q and if he is scum he is a deadly guy. I deserve a little faith here on the Q read. I gave you TMNT and you were wrong. Give me Q and we will lynch Waco today.

    Admittedly Q is a lot weaker of a no lynch read ( based on strategy) but at the same time I am much more sure of Waco scum together with Typhon. I know you don't agree but I'm hoping to yank this thread into voting Waco. Now, can I have you with me or not Titus?

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:44 ---------- Previous post was at 19:42 ----------

    The main thing scum are using against Q is his inactivity comparatively. (Now I understand that RL comes first always..so if you can't then we as townies adjust.) **Sorry that sentence got cut from my notes.

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:46 ---------- Previous post was at 19:44 ----------

    Now this is where I go mic drop and go take a chill pill for about 30 minutes to an hour while Titus reads my posts and hopefully adjusts accordingly.
  13. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    Sorry, I was unexpectedly busy today and Krav was hell. Phone posting but want to address at least the mentions.

    Kalas: I'll have to look up the specific quoted you had questions on when I get back, but as for the survival question, that's an IRC mafia joke kinda but not really. Basically if I detect fonti playing as though she plans on living I take it as a scumclaim. Incidentally, also a reason I asked Titus, since she seems to be playing as though she'll be around for awhile and I don't get why with the whole ~conf!town PR thing she's got going on.

    Titus: I'm voting Pozzai as far as I know. Guess Math can wait until tomorrow. And not sure if it was you who commented on why I'm still on her despite everyone else's townreads, but again AYAW2. I've seen town be collectively wrong before. With the 3p I think it'd be even easier for that to occur. So I'll pressure her until I'm satisfied she's not or she doesn't fit with a scumteam.

    Math: Namecalling and ad hominem attacks aren't going to make anyone change their read on you. Quite the opposite actually. Do you usually react like this when being scumread by one person, with zero votes on you?

    ---------- Post automerged at 21:49 ---------- Previous post was at 21:48 ----------

    Oh and can you explain how and why Q is being set up Math? Or perhaps by whom?
  14. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Your Von read needs to come out.
    Citrus and Z need to be added.
    Typhoon is also town.
    Kalas is actually the weakest but still probably town. I am waiting on him to push actual possible scum.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 PM ----------
    Atum, my thoughts will be around, through my reads, tomorrow because scum are not killing me and my hood mate.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 PM ----------

    Q meh isn't really obvtowning but I am fine not lynching him.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 PM ----------

    I am very surprised that no wagon anywhere is starting.
  15. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    1)Nope. Von is town. Gave reasons. Your turn to explain why because I don't believe you and based on the huge web of interactions and comments probably never will unless it is the Mona Lisa of arguments.

    2) Absolutely not. No one has provided an air tight case why they are town.
    3) hell to the no!
    4) This I agree with.

    And no wagon is starting because I am obvTown trying to save the thread from your derp...Again.

    You can provide reasons for why you believe what you do or you can vote Waco. I am done simply going "Oh conf town Titus" and then following you. That good will is gone.

    Atum -- I am aware. The ad hominem attacks mostly serve to show how angry I am at obvious bullshit and to try to discourage it in the future.

    The reads are mainly what will convince people.
    I have already explained but I will again.

    I outed Pozzai as 3P to get scum pinned in and whenever someone who was very likely not scum was suggested to be, I tried shutting that thing down regardless of the alignment of the person. When I posted a would lynch list scum would have to pick from that. Waco following so close after Typhon is a large bonus.
  16. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Mathblade, Cases are not airtight. Not yours. Not mine. That's just the way it is. Not even criminal courts require "airtight" cases. When you say that's your standard, you're effectively saying, I am not listening.

    Remember when I asked Waco about Citrus or Z, he gave a waffly answer. It is indeed deliberate. He wouldn't mind mislynching either one. Yet, you're so wedded to your own particular universe (whether by PM or by sheer stubbornness), you make working impossible much less reading you.

    Typhon's response to my cases was to figure out what could happen. He owned his actions unapologetically. That is why Fonti town read him and why I do as well. If he was scum, he would have said it in scumchat.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 PM ----------

    *cases should be claim in Typhoon section
  17. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    1) You can either agree to disagree or attempt to persuade the thread about Von.
    Whether I follow you or not is immaterial to your belief on Von's alignment.

    2) I agree it was deliberate. It is just so that way he doesn't have to say which one it is or give any sort of clue at all. Same analysis different spot.

    3) I wholly disagree here.

    Now you have three options:
    A> Post reads and reasons why Waco is scum and we work together to get rid of obv scum.
    B> post reads and reasons supporting your points which I will summarily tear to shreds quickly and efficiently to move on to proper things.
    C> Continue your requests to ask me to sheep you. Because I am going to work a protown agenda towards leaving the thread with my thoughts.

    ---------- Post automerged at 21:03 ---------- Previous post was at 20:56 ----------

    Never did actually. I came to Jan being town based on different conclusions.
  18. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Math, where do you get off stating that you're better than me? I just told you why Citrus and Z were town in a scum Waco world and you're plugging your ears saying it didn't happen.

    Waco avoids the mention of the cop check debacle obvtowning Citrus. He has avoided most commenting on you. Waco, if he's scum with Citrus would likely take the time to reinforce a town read on Citrus. At the same time, pandering to your read of the Z slot would have made sense. If Z was his buddy, I would expect more doubt casting of you by using the whole cop check debacle.

    He's been avoiding commenting all game but for the wagon he wants to push. I doubt, while admitting it is possible that Waco and Q are partners.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:06 PM ----------

    I think Von's assumption that Rubicon is honest in all his town reads is off, since he never pushed anything.
  19. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Titus -- I am done with this. I took your explanation and interpreted it differently. Scum read me for it if you like but I am going to focus on Waco now as our divide has made the thread go quiet.

    I have tried to bring you along to the thread but you refuse so now I move on til you post something with post numbers that resembles a case.

    Vote: The Waco Kid (for emphasis it was already there)

    ---------- Post automerged at 21:18 ---------- Previous post was at 21:15 ----------

    Now this is a horrible post that connects Waco and Rubicon.

    First off if he eats is own pill that is a horrible tactic.
    Give a way pill.
    Give a way pill.
    Means four additional town actions.

    Eat pill.
    Give away two pills.
    Means four additional town actions.

    Plus the scheme of action if he got scum again...blah. Scum is scum.
  20. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    I don't see the point of the pill discussion, or why you would discuss that here.

    That's RVS and frankly weak. Waco's likely scum in his own right but a Waco, Math, Von team doesn't sound terrible to me.