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Naruto Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Fluffiness, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    Woah, simmer down there Zen. First off, I already posted a correction, i.e. lean town. Secondly, fonti isn't mod-confirmed anything. She's almost certainly town, but there are worlds where she isn't. Whereas TMNT claimed his role and then it was enacted, with no CC. I think that's the more compelling townfirm.
  2. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Math, idk that I follow this

    But my vote is on Qg, and I'm keeping firmly planted there. To me, he's the best shot at hitting scum right now. Not sure, what if anything, I can do to make you see that I'm town, but that's a conversation for later.

    Fake edit: I think I see now. Sorry, little out of it.

    To Zenzao and Banks, I'm on to your stuff now.
  3. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Atum Zenzao -- Are you really arguing about which of the two characters we all assume were town we should assume are more town? Just discuss scum please.

    ---------- Post automerged at 00:32 ---------- Previous post was at 00:30 ----------

    Seconded. Right now the battle is to get everyone to vote and consolidate. Hence why I am making sure everyone's vote is up to date and we can get a lynch today.
  4. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    I'm arguing that we don't know TMNT is the Judge and isn't skating by un-CC'd because of Kabuto(and we're all assuming Orochimaru!Rubicon rather than Scum sitting on souper because of 1-mistake=outed) while its hard to deny Mod confirmed Night-killed Fonti. It's little shit like this, Math, that has be still doubting you over 2700 posts into this forsaken game.
  5. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    There's theories where Fonti (Tobi kill and scum NKed) and TMNT (judge believes in TMNT so much that he does not lynch him despite cc) are scum. Neither are likely.

    Rubicon should not be presumed souper.

    Now I am going to bed. Will read in morning.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 AM ----------

    That being said, any cop with an actual guilty should outright claim. One v one is good for us here and we had a day of talking.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 AM ----------

    If you don't or were role blocked, stay quiet.
  6. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Just got home, catching up before I crash. The Mariners lost but it was still a pretty good game.

    Math, the problem with statements like this is that when you make them too many times, and about things like "using the word 'mislynch' = confirmed scum" and "using the phrase "Mafia game" instead of "game of Mafia" = confirmed scum, calibrating your level of conviction is impossible.

    What I mean is, if you're screaming at me all the time that my house is on fire, I'm less likely to look up, even when sometimes my house is actually on fire.

    Also, two things I would be very grateful for if you'd tone down or outright stop doing:

    1) Lobbing flaming pools of lava-rage and titanic vitriol at Titus. It's been happening all thread and on both sides, and frankly I don't even care who's to blame at this point, I just wish you both would stop it.

    2) Implying or outright stating that your crystal clarity of vision is going to make the town look stupid when we all see the QTs after the game. Implying or outright stating that if we don't listen to you, we're going to be wrong and bad and idiots and "derping" or whatever.

    At this point I can't tell if this is you genuinely frustrated beyond belief, scum!you emotionally blackmailing the thread by playing into their fears of making the wrong choice and looking stupid, or scum/3P!you channeling genuine frustration into something useful.

    I am taking your big reads posts into account, as you're doing an obviously heroic amount of work on them and that's vastly appreciated. I would really love it if you could spent less energy on the other stuff though.

    Anyone not Titus/MB, would still love a condensed / ELI5 version of the scum!Waco case. At this point I'm getting mostly meta stuff, which is unhelpful to me.

    Citrus, still waiting for that reply. My vote's still on you.

    @anyone, did my Rubicon Spew post do anything for anyone? I think at the very least it's decent evidence for Town!Pozzai whom everyone seems to still have pretty orange.

    Am I the only one super sketched out by the fact that TMNT isn't posting at all today? He's supposed to be our confirmed angel town. I honestly can't think of anything or any reason here, but is it possible he's not the Judge? no there's fucking no way... I mean if he were scum he'd be doing something influencing us because he's conf. town. Simple explanation: can't keep up with thread, given up.

    I'm just being paranoid here, right? Considering non-Judge!TNNT worlds is crazy, right?

    Crazier than not being in the thread when there are no wagons with less than 24 hours to go and no lynch / tie is a real possibility and he might actually have to Judge again?

    I mean...

    Typhon I just got to your Qgqqqq post in my catchup and I just can't. It looks like it's super in depth and worthy of carefully thinking about it and my brain is just done. I'll have to pick this up tomorrow.
  7. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    No I do not doubt TNMT judge. Not at all. It is shit like this that makes me doubt you because if I had a 100% known liar about the role I would kill them. Period.

    ---------- Post automerged at 00:58 ---------- Previous post was at 00:57 ----------
    Newcomb finally some sanity. I will take what you said under advisement. Please vote.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:00 ---------- Previous post was at 00:58 ----------

    And yes to me a non judge world is crazy. But then again you want someone else's opinion so I am going to take a nap so I can stay awake at deadline.
  8. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Math I've been on Citrus for like 2 days. I think I asked some valid questions and I'd like an answer to them.
  9. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    Newcomb, can you tell me which parts of Math's Citrus case you found compelling? Because looking at it, I think most of it (read: all) is reaching. A lot.
  10. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Mmkay then.

    Rubicon readthrough commencing.

    Going to do something different yet similar to how Snowvon tallied interactions. + for postive, - negative, | for neutral (V for votes). Giving sarcasm a neutral, because otherwise it might do weird stuff to the counts. These are all direct interactions.

    Snowvon -|
    Kalas ||+
    The Waco Kid +-
    Jan ||+||
    Math |||||
    fontisian |||
    Zenzao |
    Titus +|
    Atum +
    Typhon +|
    Citrus -|
    Pozzai -|V-
    Banks -|-||--
    TMNT |+
    Qgqqqq ---

    Notes for me:
    -Banks was driving the interactions he had with Rubicon after the first post or two

    Notes for everybody else:
    -I am insanely tired, and I could have fucked up in tallying interactions. Think I dozed at one point. Still, those are mostly accurate.

    I'm going to just leave this here for now, although I'll come back when I can think clearly. Hopefully well before we get to a mad rush for the finish.

    Sorry guys, I gotta sleep a bit.
  11. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Not a problem, man. I know the feeling. Just remember that DayEnd officially closes at 12 hours 47 minutes from now, according to HF's link. Get some rest.
  12. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Hey, it's my birthday today. I was hoping I'd be able to get a chance to look at the thread, but I haven't (and won't for at least 10 hours). Sorry.
  13. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Happy Birthday Q.

    Newcomb -- While ideal that Citrus answer you Newcomb I don't want to make a decision about Citrus/Zenzao. The recent exchange has been scummy by Zenzao but not answering questions is scummy.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:27 ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 ----------

    Let's not lynch prob towns on their birthday :D

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:32 ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 ----------

    Not sure how this is calculated Typhon. Please put where you started and ended as I was asleep when TMNT claimed so any interaction other than <none> would raise an eyebrow.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:44 ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 ----------

    Based on how the thread has been I strongly feel Waco is the compromise lynch for everyone. With less than 11 hours left we should move in that direction.
  14. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Going to work and will probably not be home in time for deadline unless my shift ends on time, but that almost never happens.

    Vote Waco

    happy Q day
  15. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Unofficial Votal:

    Waco Kid 4 : Q, Math, Zenzao, Snowvon
    Q 3: the Waco Kid Typhon Atum
    Citrus 1: Newcomb
    Zenzao 1: Citrus

    Abstaining: Jan, Banks, Kalas, TMNTurtwig

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:16 ---------- Previous post was at 05:08 ----------

    Oh and Titus is abstaining

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:19 ---------- Previous post was at 05:16 ----------

    Thank you Von for the vote. Now let's get 8! :D
  16. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    upside i am on sick leave for the rest of the week.

    downside i am sick so i am mostly in bed atm.

    will vote waco for the towncred and then go to bed again for 1-3 hours.

  17. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    I would rather have you healthy. <3

    Feel better hun.

    A little more than 8 hours left and 5/8. We can do this y'all!!!
  18. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    I'm just disapponted with all of you. Mathblade, for someone who's been jumping on Titus for derping hard and wagonning town with minimal reasoning, you're not doing any better. Cause otherwise I don't know why you'd spend half of day 2 wagonning Hinata. Or notice that people are jumping on the wagon for no reason at all, you know, the dropping and scooting thing you accused me of yesterday. Perhaps maybe you should go and actually try to find scum this time, instead of letting you conf!bias get in the way
  19. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    1) I did not spend half of the day wagoning Hinata.
    2) You can be lynched now :D
  20. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    I already explained the first one, that was a direct reply to Mathblade. My comment to Rubicon. My comment to Rubicon in #1074 was a response to #1066

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 AM ----------

    @Math, you think you know the truth, I do know the truth