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Crusader Kings 2

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Coyote, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. Brukel

    Brukel Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Mar 19, 2012
    New Zealand
    it's out from that trial development version think it was 0.9.1 and it's on 0.9.2 now or so, might be a few more numbers somewhere.

    It seems to be a lot more stable as well this time around, less crashes than usual. Or at least that was the case once I remembered to disable the eu4 converter.

    Played a couple more years before I went back to an earlier save where Robb wasn't killed so I wasn't heir to the North. Theon ended up being executed by Robert who had returned to the tourney scene and ruined my perfect season by winning in Lannisport.

    There seem to be a lot more major jousts this version, everyone seems to be hosting them.

    Nothing too weird has happened this time around. I renamed my house to Crovan and the Dreadfort to Ravenholme and changed the house heraldry to a raven but other than that not much has happened, aside from Rosamund beating the shit out of Edmure when he tried hitting on her at Arya's wedding.

    Sansa ended up married to Robert this time around and she hates him for cheating on her, meanwhile Arya's slept with half of the Northern Lords and had children by half of them.

    Non crippled Bran (Tarly died in suspicious circumstances before he could repeat Bran's amazing flying experience, I suspect he was sleeping with Mace's wife but can't prove it) is married to his cousin, the Lady of Riverrun, so that'll be Stark held in a generation while Robb's onto his fifth wife or so.

    The highlight of Jon's rule so far has been going to Thenn and establishing a trade route, of what I have no idea, but he's mates with the Thenn now as well just to add to the weirdness of that whole trip. Also and the priest tried converting them to the Old Gods instead of their heathen Old Gods and got killed for it.

    Ohh and Mycella has been proven to be a bastard and got exiled finishing up as a pleasure slave in Pentos to Dany's husband.

    Ned and Illyrio became mates as well at some point, must have been on a trading trip like mine up to Thenn.

    But my overall impression is this version is running a lot more smoothly than the previous versions. A lot more shear randomness also seems to be a part of it as well.

    Edit: Sam Tarly's developed a ruthless streak a mile wide as well, he's just finished wiping out the Florrent's and taking their lands and is now carving up Oldtown with Edric Dayne.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
  2. Hachi

    Hachi Death Eater

    Sep 5, 2010
    In the Zone
    Yeah, 0.9.1 was a beta. The new 0.9.2 is a semi-beta, and runs quite smoothly. I've experienced only 1 crash for now, whereas it wasn't unusual for me to crash at least twice per gaming session with 0.9.1
  3. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Forgot to ask before, but in which period were you playing, Brukel?
  4. Brukel

    Brukel Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Mar 19, 2012
    New Zealand
    Started one year after the Greyjoy rebellion, I find the dates outside of the scenarios add more variety without the canon wars and events to bog everything down.

    Played a couple more years and saw that Harold Arryn has become a black widow, he marries older woman and then murders them lol. Hasn't worked out you need to have kids with them to get their lands yet though.
  5. Erandil

    Erandil Minister of Magic

    Jul 27, 2008
    Yeah they did...
  6. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Huh, I just tried out a similar period, Brukel, albeit a few years before the Greyjoy Rebellion, and while my results weren't quite as ludicrous as yours, I think they sufficed for some hearty amusement.

    Let's see, I was first playing with Roose Bolton, for a short while, just doing some basic stuff and setting up the infrastructure for Domeric's future fiefs in Lonely Hills and Dawnforest (fabricated claim and won that war), killing off Ramsey, impregnating Bethany on numerous occasions (only 2 stillbirths this time around) and wondering whether one of them was mine (no idea why Roose doubted it, I checked via charinfo 1 and it was his), being the Spymaster for dear old Ned, then finding out I was his champion in trial by combat that Howland Reed invoked, a trial which I amazingly won, and then things started to drag on, so I switched to Domeric right about as he was to hit 15 and got just about the most unexpected surprise of all: a marriage to Daenerys Targaryen. Fuck if I know how or why it happened, but it happened.

    As Domeric, things were more or less peaceful overall for several years as I mucked about. The background was far more interesting than my character's life: Roose took it upon himself and Varys to expose Joffrey and Myrcella. Strangely, after those two were born Cersei gave birth to a boy of Robert's. Anyhoo, Robert refuted those claims, yet all the same Joffrey and Myrcella died under suspicious circumstances before the year was out. Then there was a small rebellion, the Freys rebelling against the tyranny of Edmure Tully, who eventually had more bastards than Aegon IV and Robert combined, which turned out just about as you thought it would: the Freys all but cleansed from Westeros.

    While I was celebrating, as Domeric, the birth of my two sons (twins with silver hair), Bethany died and Roose remarried to Dacey Mormont, who proceeded to give me two half-siblings I really wasn't expecting, as Bethany had given me four before that, three of which were betrothed to Sansa, Arya and Karlon Stark (Robb got killed when he was 16 by some local rebelling lordling, such is his lot in life), while the fourth was betrothed to Shireen Baratheon. How Roose managed to pull this shit off, no one knows, and we're probably better off not knowing.

    Then rebellions. Rebellions everywhere. Manderly, Flint, Glover and Ryswells. Holy fucking shit, poor old Ned had his hands full of shit to juggle about. Granted, Roose apparently lent Ned some money from his coffers, twice, and ended up with the High Lordship of White Harbor and ownership of said castle.

    And then out of nowhere, my mother's sister, Barbrey Ryswell/Dustin, was questioning my legitimacy and raising an army with her new husband (I forgot the schmuck's name) to take all that was my birthright away from me. What's funny about this is that her father, Rodrik, tried rebelling, for whatever reason, against Ned and ended up banished to the Night's Watch, so she should have known better. I ended up capturing her and her husband, had them flayed alive, and appropriated their lands. Thankfully they had no children that needed to be killed off.

    Then Theon Greyjoy proclaimed himself Iron King. While one of Domeric's brothers was still being tutored by Victarion. While Asha herself was a courtier in the Dreadfort. I just... suffice to say, Theon's little would-be kingdom was dismantled swiftly and House Goodbrother (of Hammerhorn), into which both Theon and Euron married into, replaced them as Lord Paramounts. Victarion outlived those two by a large margin.

    Tywin got killed off by the plague, Tyrion died under suspicious circumstances while married to Jeyne Westerling, who'd had two sons by two different fathers while she was still married to him. Poor bastard. Kevan followed his brother into death, albeit his was caused by the bloody flux, so Lancel ended up inheriting Casterly Rock. He ended up being called Lancel the Tame Lion. And then started a war for more land despite Robert telling him to stop fucking things up. He didn't last long, which is what anyone here expected I imagine.

    Save for the incident with my aunt, Domeric's life was fairly idyllic, all things considered. By the time I quit that game, without saving, I'd fathered five children on Daenerys, the aforementioned twins and three girls, whom were all born with the Bolton look rather than their mother's Valyrian.

    Oh and before I forget, I have to say I was surprised to see Renly married off to Arianne Martell and that all of their children were in fact his. Stannis remained married to Selyse, though she'd given him a healthy son that actually ended up being fostered at Lonely Hills with Domeric. He'd picked up my Ambitious, Deceitful, Cruel and Elusive Shadow traits, bless his little heart, and wasn't too shabby of a fighter, though his stewardship skills suffered for it, as did mine.

    I'm thinking going for Aegon's Conquest next and playing as one of the southron Kings, because I want to see if it'd be possible to fight off Aegon, his sisters and their dragons with just regular armies, albeit in great numbers. I'm probably going to choose Argilac Durrandon or Harren the Black.
  7. Brukel

    Brukel Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Mar 19, 2012
    New Zealand
    Durrandon's are fun. That Ours is the fury pop up in duels always makes me smile.

    Generally the background is a lot more interesting in my games as well, probably because i'm usually not too aggressive considering how butthurt family members get about you holding multiple titles (looking at you Kevin Lannister).

    I've found Tyrion usually ends up getting cuckolded by his wife no matter who they are, although Jeyne Westerling seems remarkably unfaithful no matter who she marries. Sadly for Tyrion it seems to be Tywin who's the other man more often than not and Jaime one time.

    That bit about Robb is pretty funny. What happened to Jon out of curiosity?

    I had one game where people got so pissed off with Robb and his whoremongering, (he and Edmure were both trying to make the eight). They outed him for a crippled Bran (Not sure how that crippling happened) before he was ousted for Rickton who was then ousted for Robb again before Jon and his Bracken wife came out of the Riverlands and proceeded to take it all in the name of house Holt. Jon then sent all his male siblings off to the wall and shacked up with his lover/sister Sansa.

    I'm tossing up between having a Blackfish, Roose, or Randyll educated Jon sent to Old Stones and then returning the Riverlands to the Old Gods, but I've finally managed to have a game where I managed to get through Aegon the Unworthy's rule long enough to give Bloodraven a cadet branch so I'll likely play that for a bit. Unfortunately the game is missing the Bloodraven/ Bittersteel rivalry and Daemon is in the Kingsguard after I offered him the position at 14 and he took it up. But there are so many bastards and true born children running around that the inevitable blow up is going to be pretty hilarious.

    So it'll either be that or a Lothson run at Harrenhal.
  8. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Got legitimized at a later period. Which pissed off Catelyn, who was soon after called Unfaithful. Someone arranged an accident for her and Ned married Alys Karstark later on. Jon ended up being married to Wylla Manderly, which was really strange, considering Manderlys held no titles or lands anymore after Wyman's rebellion.

    As far as Tyrion is concerned I've only seen him had an unfaithful wife twice in all of my games - and the first time he had the wife and her bastards killed after which he remarried - the rest was him having a brood of his own. Usually with some no-name wife. I even saw him once married to some Tysha, though the age was wrong for it to be his first wife. Still, it's nice to imagine Tyrion got reunited with her.


    Welp, gave it a shot as Argilac, was utterly hilarious but short. Had a Grand Tourney where a woman-knight by the name of Rhea won it and proclaimed me, Argilac, as Queen of Love and Beauty. Then when war broke out between Aegon and myself, Rhea ended up killing Rhaenys and Visenya in personal duels, despite them having dragons. Makes me think she's some OP past incarnation of Brienne of Tarth, since she also came from there.

    Managed to father two sons on the wife, married off Argella, matrilineally, to the second son of the Gardener King, which ended up as a very nice alliance against Aegon, who was now wed to some two no-name High Valyrian girls, and fucked his shit up all the time he thought to take it out on any of us. I even had Orys Baratheon killed via some plot, but in the end Argilac met his end while in search for his own Valyrian blade. The fucking Septon cunt told me I wasn't worthy of the blade and killed me with it.

    Last I saw of Aegon's dream of Westeros, his borders had been whittled down from all sides: Hoare from the north, Lannisters from the west, me from the south, and in the end he had only Dragonstone, Blackwater Bay and Rosby to call his own. Serves the Targaryen fucking shit right.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2015
  9. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    Horse Lords, anyone?

    A friend already bought it, while I'm waiting for them to at least fix half of the bugs present and then I'll have a go at hordes.

    I haven't yet even looked up on the impact for Game of Thrones mod, but I suspect it's going to be a while again until it becomes compatable. Odran - you're usually the one to know. ;P Will Drogo be able to flay Boltons with the insane retinue of Horse Lords?*

    More seriously, will look it up in the Game of Thrones mod forums, later.

    Otherwise rather excited about this update, unlike with India one.

    *EDIT: Hmm, they promise a fix in a few days. Although I suspect that's without the Horse Lord functionality. Although...
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2015
  10. Genghiz Khan

    Genghiz Khan Headmaster

    Mar 21, 2011
    It's on sale on Steam at 75% off till the 17th of July. The entire collection.
  11. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    Without the Way of Life and Horse Lords.

    At the same time, the individual upgrades are on sale on Paradox website, but when I tried to get a code for a friend, it failed to give me a proper checkout (also, had only United States as a possible country), so I said "screw it".
  12. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Sorry, didn't try it out yet. Probably won't any time soon, given that playing the game that way doesn't do anything for me. I still got plenty of stuff with the regular AGoT mod to play around with.

    This last game I had, in the Conquest period, I had Aegon the Conqueror become Aegon the Scourge of Esgaroth, Rhaenys the Butcher of Felwood and Visenya was responsible for burning the shit out of Casterly Rock after King Loren killed Rhaenys.

    Wish there was more depth to the High Valyrian religion. Or any of the religions, really. Sure, the Drowned God gets the crack!event of summoning Cthulhu, and with R'hllor you can burn people for kindling, but that's very superficial stuff. There's little about Old Gods or the Seven or HV, as previously mentioned.
  13. Genghiz Khan

    Genghiz Khan Headmaster

    Mar 21, 2011
    My bad. I haven't played it yet, merely bought it when I heard of the sale.
  14. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    Been playing the Mongol nomads over the weekend. I both enjoy what they did with the nomads and am irked at the ever-present trouble caused by their patchy job.

    It's been dropping me out of the game more often than the Game of Thrones Mod, which is saying a lot. Then again, I'm playing the beta version with a few untested fixes, so that might be the reason.

    North Korea mode has returned as a viable strategy for nomads, but even without it, things are perhaps a bit too easy after you've climbed the harder cliffs of the start.

    Plundering the holdings after conquering them is satisfying in some sense, even if the meniu for doing so is terrible. The pop-up for available plunder is the same as a pop-up for "Settle down as Feudal", except if you're at war. In addition, the mini menu that pops up has both Plunder and Settle right next to each other - and you really don't want to settle on a holding you mostly plundered to oblivion.

    I foresee myself missclicking the button at some point of my playthough. At Ironman Mode, this might have devastating circumstances, and I'm not sure if I'd be able to crash the game to escape from the consequences fast enough - never had to resort to this so no idea if it's even viable.

    In a word - I have to live on a constant paranoid state to keep myself away from missclicks. This is not helped by the fact that usually there's five or so holdings I'm plundering at one time. (I try to keep some insignificant war going so Settling is not an option.)

    The problem is I'm not sure what I want to achieve with the playthrough, as I've already got the Zoroastrian faith achievement. Perhaps do as others do and find some jewish people to convert the horde for easy Isreal achievement, like all the others have done.

    On further though, plundering as many settlements as exist on Arabian and Persian Empires seems like a terrible chore that will bore me out sooner rather than later. Then again, I might keep some as vassals, instead - although that would be admitting defeat, in a way.

    I'd try for world domination, but I just know that plundering everything would take too long. Already I've taken at least 20 years to plunder a third of the Persian Empire, and another two thirds await.

    9/10 would plunder under constant fear of settling in burning lands again.

    p.s. Not sure what will happen if I become the Genghis Khan by the event, and Temujin arrival date comes up, because it's a couple more hundred years to wait for that. In any case, with the current subjugation rules and the fact that 100k death stack troops seem too much to handle with my current state I foresee losing everything in one war.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2015
  15. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Welp, I did end up playing in the Aegon's Conquest bookmark as one of the seven kings and I just barely managed to survive it.

    I chose the Reach, because I figured they'd have the best chances for actually surviving the onslaught that was to come. I had no idea how right I was, since by the time Aegon turned his eyes towards the Reach he'd conquered everything else in Westeros, including Dorne. So not only did I have to contend with him and his sisters riding their dragons, I had armies invading my lands from every fucking side.

    And you know what saved me? King Mern IX.

    Due to crazy RNG bullshit, I've slain Balerion, Meraxes and Vhagar as Mern IX.

    All of my levies were pretty much demolished by that point, the Stormlands and Westerlands alone were enough to defeat me, and there I was fighting off Dorne, Stormlands, Westerlands, Riverlands and the Vale. I wasn't winning, not by any measure. I was surviving, by the skin of my teeth. Near the end, I was lucky if I had maybe 6000 men in my remaining army, led by King Mern IX.

    Then Aegon came, with Visenya and Rhaenys by his sides.

    I faced the Black Dread. I faced the scorching heat of Meraxes. I faced the jaws of Vhagar.

    And I fucking won.

    Wounded. Maimed. Crippled. But still very much so alive.

    Killing their dragons was enough to sue for a white peace with Aegon.

    King Mern IX didn't last long after the peace treaty was signed, he succumbed to his wounds and was succeeded by his son. But the would-be conqueror of Westeros didn't last much longer after Mern's death. He had failed to produce a son by either of his sister-wives and so when he died at the age of 40, he died without an heir and his sister soon fell into squabbling and kinslaying. That was the closest they ever came to a unified Westeros and once both Visenya and Rhaenys were dead, rebellions sprouted all across the land and the seven kingdoms were once more.

    Now with those AGOT shenanigans out of the way, has anyone played The Winter King mod?
  16. BitMyFinger

    BitMyFinger Banned

    May 31, 2013
    Deep in the Heart
    Aerys Targaryen never disappoints.

    So I was playing as Jaeharys and discovered my son and heir was practicing the First Night on Dragonstone. Being a just King, I decided to imprison and try him for his crimes. Not wanting to be known as a kinslayer, I sent the Prince of Dragonstone to serve in the Night's Watch under a bastard - born Westerman. Now, afterwards, while reviewing the state of the realm, I discovered a bastard born to Joanna Lannister, wife of Lord Paramount Tywin. The father? Aerys Targaryen.

    Fast forward. Jahaerys is dead, and the boy king Rhaegar struggles for power with his regent, Septon Donal. His heir is his own uncle, a son of Jahaerys by his second wife. Suddenly, news from the wall! His father has abandoned the Watch, breaking his oath and gallivanting Beyond the Wall as an outlaw. He leads a band of deserters and rapers to Whitetree, where he storms the Wildling village. He styles himself Prince Aerys, Lord of Whitetree. He crushes countless Wildling revolts until finally they accept his rule. And to top it all off, he sends a messenger to his son, the King of Westeros, in whose lands his life is forfeit, asking if he can remarry his sister and former wife.

    Ultimately Rhaegar denies this proposal for the sake of his mother, but Aerys doesn't dwell too long before he remarries a supple young Wildling lass, fathering a son and heir (who is also Rhaegar's heir). As the cherry on top of this insane tale, he names his son after the father who banished him from the realm. At least the Mad Outlaw isn't bitter.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
  17. newageofpower

    newageofpower Professor DLP Supporter

    Feb 24, 2015
    I'm fairly certain you CAN make backup copies of your ironman saves; I loaded one and got an achievement.

    I did lose a few decades (ingame) playtime from a corrupted save, but that just teaches you to make backups more often and make extra backups...
  18. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    Most uses of this is cheating, same as crashing your game before autosave on purpose. And that ruins the fun of the challenge.

    Hmm, need to play CK2 again someday.
  19. Hachi

    Hachi Death Eater

    Sep 5, 2010
    In the Zone
    So... Good news, I guess.

    With the release of the 2.4.5 patch that fixed what 2.4.X had broken (basically the Horse Lords update broke siege triggers, which are vital event triggers for many mods), modders have been able to update their work:

    -AGOT Mod 1.0
    -Elder Kings 1.6
    -Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht 0.8.1
  20. Blorcyn

    Blorcyn Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Oct 16, 2010
    So, I missed the oct. 1 sale and I'm hoping they have something to the same degree over the next few days - reading this thread and watching a couple of let's plays has made me really want this game, I'm super keen - but I looked at the specs required:

    I'm ok on every front except processor speed where I have 2.1GHz to its recommended 2.4.

    How much will this affect me? I hear it can be pretty monstrous at the best of times and on my 'well, it's got heart' old lappy could I manage?

    How much would lower(est) graphics and frame rates and whatever else that would cause affect the gameplay? Will I even be able to run it?

    I'm not terribly technically savvy.