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Naruto Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Fluffiness, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014

    That's true.

    Uh. My playstyle leans more towards getting townreads than scumreads, and as such I end up not really pressuring people as much as I should. >_> Oops.

    I think the thing was that it was (one of your) first forum game(s), and fontisian jumping all over you with such a strong scumread didn't mesh with me enough to follow along with it, even if I wasn't townreading you (and I wasn't townreading you because I don't know how to read you).
  2. Pozzai

    Pozzai Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    But then we're back at why would that person vaccinate me of all people.

    I'm guessing you're refering to Newcomb, but Titus was already in chat with him at that point and would've forced him to vaccinate Waco. Titus KNEW who was the real cop, and tried desperately to help me fake cop after I had been way too enthusiastic about counterclaiming Mathblade by talking with me about who "I should check" and the vaccination goes out before the soup, it still doesn't add up.

    Snowvon could you make a case on town!Atum and scum!Kalas for me?
  3. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014



    ---------- Post automerged at 14:42 ---------- Previous post was at 14:40 ----------

    i am once again reminded by how much i hate this site's ISO feature

    pure loathing

    ---------- Post automerged at 15:09 ---------- Previous post was at 14:42 ----------

    These kinds of posts are indicative of town!Atum:

    Playfully defiant, to put it in as few words as possible. Plus his Titus rant was pretty good (and his interactions with her in general I thought were towny -- despite her claim and being [at the time, mostly] townfirmed, he didn't try to buddy or anything).

    And then his interactions with MathBlade point to him not being groupscum, at the very least:

    He doesn't have a lot of interactions with Rubicon or Q, which is eh but not horrible (plus trying to search Q's name is a pain so maybe I just can't find the posts).

    I'll look at Kalas later.
  4. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I am kinda unsure about Atum .. but i dont know him so i cant meta read his interactions. Just one little thing.

    Mafia knew Mathblade was n1 greenchecked as godfather.

    Atum pushing in a way on Mathblade to confirm her allignment either way .. is not allignment indicative.

    As scum pushing there is a good strategy to get reactions from a possible cop.

    Not saying that is what happened, but those interactions with Mathblade are a big bag of nothing, if they happened on d2. And i think they did
  5. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I'm back. Really sorry about the absence, but a Core permit for The Enchantments was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. So, I'm pretty beat after backpacking for 4 days, but I'll catch up on the drive home.

    Saw the extension- thanks! Glad you guys were okay waiting

    I won't be back at my computer and able to do anything beyond phone posting until tonight, but is there anything you guys need from me right this second?
  6. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Was there anything pressing Titus had in your QT?
  7. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I can dump some of her recent stuff though I'll have to redact a fair bit about roles. This is kind of embarrassing but can you tell me how to use Capcha on an iPhone? Like I can enter the numbers but I can't then hit an "okay" button or something.
  8. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Try typing the captcha in then hit "enter"
  9. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    No dice. There's no submit button and "enter" and "done" don't do anything. Looks like I can't access my QT or the shared one I had with Titus until tonight.

    By the way, catching up now, and I'm really townreading Z. People were comparing his attitude to Math and I see it as subtly different - hers was more "I have the answers you're going to look like idiots if you don't listen to me", his is more like "this apathy is killing us, everyone should be pushing SOMETHING, we need to buckle down". Only on the surface did they look similarly reach-y.
  10. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Damn. Oh well, you'll be home soon. Thoughts on Jan and the Night kills?
  11. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I have felt slightly disconnected from Jan this entire game, but I attribute that to the ESL thing mostly. Without access to my notes and with a Brian that's mostly filled with images of mountain goats, tarns, and spectacular views of the Cascades, I will say that I remember more than once he's laid things out in ways where I went "that helped me understand the if/then of this game better".

    The night kills... I went back and looked at the roles and OoO trying to tinfoil a bit, but I really can't see a way where that wasn't a soup attempt that also hit a vaccinated Pozzai.

    I mean everyone who died was confirmed town with outed roles - not hard to read that play.

    Pozzai being a Sakura target... Dunno. I guess I can see Sakura getting cute and thinking that Waco might be NKed instead to be sure, and so to protect a conf town who seems to be a reasonable voice at this point? It's kind of thin, though, especially considering there could be another soup round out there.
  12. Pozzai

    Pozzai Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Problem I have with this. Vaccinating Waco means we'd have either him or Titus alive now, as they can't kill both of them, there's no benefit what-so-ever in vaccinating me, unless they believed I was the cop, or I got a random n1 vaccinate after being on the chopping board all day.

    Did anyone do stuff to you in thhe night ?
  13. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Yeah, I get that, I'm just trying to think of the most likely reason you're alive. None of the explanations really fit the narrative of the game as I understand it.

    Will have to wait until I can acces my QT to see if anything was done to me.
  14. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    I'm waiting
  15. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    As a note this only goes to the end of Day 1 and is the last of these I'm doing. I'm fine for isolation reads but this format is killing all enjoyment I'm getting for the game.


    Post 39. Some fake seer strats which make sense in the context he was talking about. RVS doubtcasting and vote on Banks. Not an amazing first post but nothing terrible about it either.

    Post 42. Clarification post with a little sauce.

    Post 143. Gives first impressions on Newcomb, Fonti, Banks, Von, Atum and Titus. I generally really like posts like this one (and I do like it) but its too heavy on the injokes and banter for me to be completely happy about it. A fact that Jan acknowledges at the bottom of the post but feels a little bit too on the nose.

    Post 145. Posts time constraints and encourages people to interact with him. Null.

    Post 149. Filler post, slight interaction with Mathblade discussing thought process similarities. Could be smalltalk, could be laying the groundwork for when the both 'independently' come to the same conclusion.

    Post 153. Basic I'm here post but RL is RL.

    Post 156. Explains premade post. Fine.

    Post 161. Explaining absence, how he's not sure what to do and gets meta on his own alignment. I don't like it but it does read sincerely.

    Post 167. Not liking Titus, likes whoever mentioned 3rd party TMNT comments (fonti I believe) and Newcomb for classic competent!newb comments.

    Post 180. Very early support for partial claiming. Not a fan in the slightest.

    Post 186. Role explanation.

    Post 360. I'm here but I'm gone post. Asks for questions.

    Post 462. General thoughts post. Pressure on fonti with regards to Snow, liking Newcomb, Titus stuff and a poke at Banks. Overall I like it.

    Post 471. Discussion with Titus, notes Titus seems like she's trying to solve the game but might just be looking for weak town cases to push against.

    Post 649. Promises a rainbow, jokes about finding a mafia role and rolehunting. Really rubs me the wrong way.

    Post 653. Rainbow in a scum Titus world. I touch on this in 3646. On reread, the Pozzai!Godfather/greatest weapon bit reads really oddly to me.

    Post 657. Clarification post.

    Post 661. Hints at knowing Titus' role. Xandiel read and a Pozzai read. Nothing wrong with this post.

    Post 663. Titus stuff and pushing for feedback on his Pozzai read. I don't like how its phrased but language tells have to be less of a thing then I'm used to.

    Post 665. "as i said i can give u reasons for every read of mine. You dont have to like them, but you should ask me about them before you judge. " Really don't like this post. Reasoning, especially if on controversial reads should be provided not withheld.

    Post 668. General post, Math interaction.

    Post 671. Promises an amended wall for Titus. Continues pushing on Pozzai, while bringing Titus in on it. I like it.

    Post 673. Touched on this in 3646. The speed in which Jan puts it together indicates real reads and how they'd impact each other. It also indicates little time for coordination. I find both of these extremely towny.

    Post 679. General post. (50 person video mafia? What?)

    Post 685. Continues pushing on Pozzai. Builds a case for Titus/Pozzai buddying. Reads worse in hindsight.

    Post 693. Xanidel mention and massive pressure on Titus. Reads well.

    Post 696. Vote motivation recap. Don't love how it reads but that may be me looking too much into it.

    Post 699. Confrontation with Titus. I like how it reads.

    Post 711. Further Titus interaction, comments on wagons. I do NOT like his poisoner reasoning.

    Post 717. Continues pushing the Titus case. Reads fairly well.

    Post 720. General post. Fine.

    Post 725. Heavy poke on Pozzai. Gives a decent read of a town!Pozzai universe and throws him some questions. could be reasonable Jan or Jan trying to be seen as reasonable. Wifom.

    Post 732. Post on forum vs. video mafia.

    Post 744. Very sarcastic insult on Pozzai. Fine.

    Post 756. Q interaction, post gives the impressions of starting to come around on Titus. Or at least the groundwork for such.

    Post 765. Might be hindsight talking but I really dislike this post. Just feels like he's extremely underestimating the poisoner.

    Post 774. A not terrible case on Titus. The thought at the start that he shouldn't have to outline his read till someone asks him irks me to no end.

    Post 792. Explains his Mathblade read. Will expand on in a separate post.

    Post 825. Really good analysis with a potential scumteam. I like it.

    Post 831. Town reading Zenzao.

    Post 844. General post, MB interaction.

    Post 863. General post.

    Post 888. Don't like this post, describing your own meta is just wine and ego stroking.

    Post 903. Very solid readwall. I like the thought put into it.

    Post 941. Jan's reasoning amounts to pressuring a policy lynch but I don't like how it reads. Too lighthearted almost?

    Post 944. Interesting that's he's bringing pressure on Banks here but I can't fault his logic in the post.

    Post 964. Asks Pozzai for Q read.

    Post 967. Slight rage on post count/activity discussion. Feels genuine.

    Post 971. Shifts vote onto Pozzai. Doesn't elaborate.

    Post 974. Explains townish read on Zenzao. Based partly on meta from in game players (Von mentioned).

    Post 976. Post explaining where he sits for votes. The Pozzai bit reads weirdly considering the recent vote.

    Post 979. I dislike posts like this. Teasing information to bate a reaction is fine but given the two involved it'd just give them time to react.

    Post 981. Explains the interaction he saw. Was obviously reaching. I don't like how he namedrops Mathblade as being disappointed in him posting that.

    Post 1018. Reposting Xanidel thoughts.

    Post 1020. Joke post.

    Post 1022. The infamous mislynch post.

    Post 1024. Joke post.

    Post 1030. Really don't like how this reads. At all.

    Post 1063. First reaction post to the MB case. Not terrible but not good.

    Post 1065. Here Jan sums up my recent thoughts on why MB did what she did. Except MB would never be that bad.

    Post 1071. Asking Titus permission to roleguess. Reads fine.

    Post 1075. Clarifying mislynch comments.

    Post 1078. Random little post that really sticks out to me. What were you referring to here Jan?

    Post 1088. Hate this post. 'Can't call me mafia fonti. I'm way too much like my town meta I helpfully described to the thread earlier.'

    Post 1098. Prepping for the Titus role guess. Voting comments read a little weirdly.

    Post 1102. Joke post, feels a little on the nose.

    Post 1106. Moves to the TMNT wagon after a lot of coaxing from Titus.

    Post 1119. Handles Zen pressure fairly well.

    Post 1132. Short readlist with little explanation.

    Post 1136. Cleverly attacks/doubtcasts Mathblade's case. Really nicely done.

    Post 1141. Questions Mathblade I think?

    Post 1143. Call to activity. Good. An implication that other people should be posting reasoning? Not so good.

    Post 1149. Vague baiting post.

    Post 1153. Continues questioning MB, I think, with the same line of what ifs.

    Post 1156. Titus interaction.

    Post 1158. Shuts down further Math discussion. Not a bad response.

    Post 1169. Goes back to talking with Mathblade. I don't like Jan's reasoning here, it reads to much like justification for whatever he wants to do.

    Post 1179. Terrible post. The situations aren't accurate and they are worded to give a deliberate narrative. This wasn't about questioning Math this was about dictating impressions.

    Post 1182. Very wifom reasoning. Don't like it.

    Post 1187. Good reasoning, if a little concerning with how much thought has gone into what roles Mafia can safely claim.

    Post 1195. This post is Bad. As in how did I not pick this up earlier bad. Sakura vaccination is on a delay in this game. Jan is actively looking for Titus to claim and kill herself here.

    Post 1198. No idea what this is.

    Post 1200. Rolls with the Titus denial.

    Post 1203. Continues questioning Math on how he and Titus could be scum together.

    Post 1207. Jan explains Mafia Fakeclaiming 101

    Post 1212. More obvious game statements.

    Post 1216. Filler post.

    Post 1218. Implying Titus is scummy for Tsunade claim I think?

    Post 1220. Joke post.

    Post 1227. More in line with what I expected. Talking about how dumb the early crumbing was.

    Post 1238. Still discussing Titus reveal. Good post.

    Post 1245. Again showing a lack of understanding with the roles. Playing dumb, trying to cover up mistakes with Sakura or what?

    Post 1248. Filler post.

    Post 1251. This is big. Mentions no delays noted in Tsunade's power. Jan knows roles are delayed. Been playing dumb.

    Post 1347. Filler post.

    Post 1363. Don't like the Mathblade interactions. Don't like him questioning Banks on how his read changed.

    Post 1372. Filler post.

    Post 1379. Questioning Pozzai on ignoring Rubicon poke.*

    Post 1388. Calls me out. Decent. 'Opinion on the situation' reads weirdly to me.

    Post 1394. Joke post. Don't like the content.

    Post 1399. Strongly buddying Titus.

    Post 1449. Mostly filler, pressing Banks for opinions.

    Post 1680. Extensive post on me. Misses some obvious things like my question. A lot of typing for what is, essentially, TMNT and Kalas are not aligned. Probably not intentional on his part but Fonti and Citrus look like they're being townread for clearing him which is somewhat amusing.

    Post 1708. Filler post. The birthday wishes are appreciated though :)

    Post 1714. Fine explanation of his mindset for Titus. STILL SOMEHOW MISSES THE SAKURA DELAY. I don't even.

    Post 1760. Mostly filler, some valid Pozzai observations.

    Post 1769. Pushes on fonti for a decent reason. I like this post.

    Post 1779. That's it. How can anyone have such a strong grasp of certain roles yet conveniently forgot the one VASTLY IMPORTANT VACCINE DELAY.

    Post 1785. More pushes on fonti. I like it. Pushes Rubicon for opinions. Kind of softballing but Jan had been townreading the slot.

    Post 1808. Critizing Banks thought process on Ino I think. Not sure what post this is refering to.

    Post 1831. Mostly filler post.

    Post 1842. Filler post.

    Post 1858. Basic role info and encouraging Ino not to scumhunt with her ability. It makes sense but still leaves an uneasy feeling.

    Post 1862. Filler post.

    Post 2098. Jan out of nowhere to hammer the No Lynch. I have been.. vocal about why this was Bad.

    Post 2110. Explains the very obvious scenarios for when a lynch target claims Judge.

    Post 2144. Filler post.

    END OF DAY 1

    tl;dr I don't like his big picture interactions with fonti and Banks considering the NK targets. I don't like how interested he is in people's opinions of him, especially after the Mislynch Fiasco. And I am scumreading him because of his 'oversight' on the Sakura Vaccine delay despite a very good grasp of the setup.
  16. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Rubi/Math/Jan/Snow, then, Kalas?

    IIRC DayEnd is 5 pm est today.

    Welcome back New. Please throw up what you can as you can. Seconding Citrus poke on Snow.

    Been up on 4 hours of sleep since 9 in the morning, yesterday was a right bitch on labor intensive work. Gonna catch another too-short nap shortly and try to be up in five hours before DayEnd.
  17. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Damn didn't realize it was day-end already

    What's current vote-count?
  18. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    First up:

    No interactions to report from N3. I was not roleblocked. I'd like to believe this means Qg was Garun, but I'm not that optimistic.

    Titus slugchat thoughts:

    She had a hunch Tobi would flip tonight and kill a confirmed town.

    During D3, she told me she was suspicious of Kalas and Jan. This is kind of funny timing considering Kalas's post above mine, but she thought Kalas looked bad for starting a wagon that had no chance of success.

    She also gave Citrus "MAJOR scumpoints" for the hammer on Qg.

    I'm headed to bed - I'm exhausted from hiking - but I'll be up tomorrow and definitely around for EoD. Right now I have the remaining players in three piles: (no order)

    Not lynching today:


    Have gone back and forth based on other people's cases, but I think they're more likely town than not:


    Want to re-read or come at from some new angle, have some gut problems with, good targets for pressure:


    I've been on Citrus since D2, and a lot of it has kind of been lost in bigger events in the thread, and I've kind of lost the momentum for a real push. Tomorrow I'll try to figure out if it was just a few key things that I was making too much of an issue of, or if I was subtly diverted from being on to something. I'll be interested to see what people make of Titus giving Citrus big scumpoints for the Qg hammer. I didn't make much of it myself, but that could be my inexperience showing.

    Atum I had as pretty firm town earlier in the game, but whenever I find myself thinking about this game when I'm doing something else, his name floats to the top when I think, "practically every Mafia game I've read has had a lurker wolf - the guy who doesn't do any one bad obvious thing, but is just kind of 'around' and on the periphery." Atum really seems like that guy.

    Snowvon was a target yesterday, and the day before, if I'm remembering correctly, and both times Stuff Happened and the wagons got diverted. I like Zen's push against Von, although I agree that the starting kernel of not liking the "meh, looks like some townies died. No worries" is a little thin.


    My plan for tomorrow is to skim through the ISO for all three players and see if anything sticks out.

    One last thing about the Zenzeo / MathBlade comp, for people who want to push against Zen - I mean push if you really feel it, but we don't have much time left, so I'm encouraging what i consider better targets -

    MathBlade, time and again, when she was being all dramatic, and I read her posts, I kept finding myself thinking, "this person can't possibly believe what she's writing."

    I get the opposite feeling from Zenzeo when he gets worked up.
  19. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Kalas is kinda falling into that category for me, from the first quote

    I quoted the second one for the lolz
  20. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I mean, Kalas has been doing work in a way I don't see Atum doing. Like, agree with that big post about Jan or not, it's not like he just pulled that from nowhere. If that's just air or smoke or cover or something, it's a level I really don't see Atum doing.

    If Kalas is a wolf, he's the Deep Wolf.