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Hannibal Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Koalas, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Don't like it because it's a summary and doesn't take its points to any conclusions. It feels like he summarized you with the intent of scum-reading you at the end of it.

    You've started doing things/engaging/interacting with people more than doing nothing but the Blabtisian tunnel. However, there's a few town-tells I've been waiting for from you that you haven't done yet, which is worrisome.
  2. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    That was my reaction too.

    Good. I'm bothered by the fact that HF and fontisian are my only strong scumreads, and they're both lurker slots.

    Who would be your next suspect outside the three of us?

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:23 PM ----------

    (looks at tags)
    I'm guessing Luckylee dropped by.
  3. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    more than 23 hours into day2.

    Scott are you in here?
    People are waiting for your reads.
    I think some rainbow wall is overdue
    Im starting to - talk to Von about kittens

    You used to make those long posts,
    but now you're not.
    And I just don't know whyyyy ...

    Do you wanna give a readwall?
    I doesn't have to be a full readwall
    Kay, thanks, bye ..

    Imagine "Frozen- Do you want to build a Snowman" as the background music
  4. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    I may have sung that out loud.
  5. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    I think he dropped by again.

    A big part of the issue is neither of them /should/ be lurking this hard. I don't recall either doing that as town before.

    Fontisian feels anti-town as fuck. Blab did too, and I can't wrap my mind around why Fontisian is continuing that play rather than turning things around after replacing in.

    I understand why Fluffiness couldn't post half of D1, but he's down crap-all today.

    A lot of players are beginning to coast now because the wagons are just sitting still. I feel like the thread is like 3-4 of us and then a few others just pop in every now and then for commentary ex: Vira, Zenzao.
  6. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    fontisian hasn't been lynched on DLP in quite a while.

    Let's fix that.

    ---------- Post automerged at 20:45 ---------- Previous post was at 20:43 ----------


    and all that
  7. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Yay, readwall.

    Citrus: His strong town read on Newcomb looks better now. He’s mostly talked about Blab/Font on Day Two, and he didn’t answer my question on why he thought Scott was slightly towny. Otherwise, he seems a bit passive? He’s asking questions but not directly pressuring his scumreads. Slightly scummy.

    Zenzao: Zenzao’s flop at the end of D1 when Seratin claimed vanilla was fine since Zenzao explained his thoughts well. My opinion hasn’t changed.

    Snowvon: He missed the Seratin lynch yesterday but has bemoaned it multiple times which I don’t think scum would keep bringing up. Out of the fourteen posts he has toDay, only three have content. That’s not good, but he seems to be busy. Still town, but he’s dropped down in the rankings.

    Jan: I like the stuff he’s posted, especially the D1 vote count and Seratin retrospective. He’s scum hunting and has a lot of content.

    Fluff: I keep giving you a pass because you say you’re sick. Are you still sick? You’ve been aloof for nearly the whole game. I don’t know what to make of Fluff’s Rubicon read since that would mean going to find each of Rubicon’s posts to fact check, and I have stuff to do. Was giving the post numbers a way to give proof without actually quoting the posts? It’s kind of weird, but I don’t know if Fluff is still sick. Kind of scummy.

    Rubicon: I agree that Rubicon’s busing of Blab (+ weak reasons) and ignoring Seratin’s scumminess is weird. I don’t agree that Rubicon joining Seratin’s wagon late is particularly telling. Rubicon has been playing for a long time, and if he's scum, I don’t think he’d be that incompetent to be a last minute vote. Those are always noticeable. Maybe he thought he could still lynch Blab, but then why is he so surprised that people are turning on him for it? It’s this lack of awareness and incompetence (if scum) that’s put Rubicon firmly in the null category for me.

    Scott: Since the start of Day Two, Scott has posted twice. His first (#442) was pretty much filler and he promised to answer Zenzao’s #379 post. The second (#450) was a question about what ISO means. I don’t know why Scott hasn’t come back, but until he gives an excuse, it seems like he’s trying to fade into the background and let other people get targeted. So, scummy.

    Font/Blab: The problem with Blab is that I don’t know how much of his strange behavior was because of his role, his RL issues (since he didn’t respond to Kalas), or both. Font is… Font. I haven’t played mafia in a year, but her posts gives me flashbacks of her confusing and unpredictable playstyle. Her content is lacking and she’s refusing to give a lot of details. I don’t know how to judge that, and she’s on vacation, but her sudden vote on Jan makes her kind of scummy.

    Wei: You seem to not like how everyone’s giving you a pass, so let’s see. You haven’t posted much today, but you’re busy and your content is better than Snow’s in that you’re scum-hunting and trying to prove things. One thing that stood out to me:

    Then why haven’t you voted?

    Okay, finally done. For you convenience:




    Vote: Scott.

    Give me a readwall.
  8. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011

    Right, here's the deal. We have this fancy wagon on Seratin and a small counterwagon on blab, who I happen to know was town. Let's start with the basic wagonomics.

    1. The Wagon
    It is very unlikely for a scum to go down without being bussed. This bussing is much more likely to be at the end of the wagon and is unlikely to be a deciding vote. This is especially useful in this sort of game, where we have a soft lynch.

    Seratin (7): weiyaoli (137), Newcomb (143), Citrus (273), Vira (310), ScottPress (380), Jan (407), Rubicon (409)

    On this wagon, Newcomb is town, Citrus is exhibiting paranoia in a towny manner, Vira pushed the wagon into deadly territory, and Scott Press felt like he was deciding the lynch when he voted (and is also a little new to be bussing). Wei's position at the front of the wagon gives him a pass. The wagon also had Zenzao, and his on and off voting pattern is incredibly towny.

    That leaves and Jan and Rubicon, two people who voted Seratin /after/ it was necessary and after opposing the lynch.

    2. The Counterwagon
    One counterwagon as weak as the one on my slot is /unusual/. I intend to look into it tomorrow now that I have a laptop and can stop skimming. The wagon on Blab consisted of Von, Jan and Rubicon, with Von starting it and Rubicon jumping on later. Von is town, which again leaves us with Rubicon and Jan.

    Rubicon spent the entire Day going against blab, but only voted when the wagon was formed. It's odd, and I'm not entirely sure what to make of it. The timing of his vote indicates that it was prompted by the votecount. Jan's vote isn't as bad, but still notable.

    3. Individual behavior
    I've poked Jan and Rubicon toDay, going off the wagon analysis. Where Jan's voting record is slightly better, his reaction are much, much worse. He is self conscious (attempting to prempt a push on him by admitting his record is as bad as Rubicon's), attacked my slot for 1. hard defending Seratin (an exaggeration at best) and 2. no activity (Which, duh, the guy replaced out. Clearly he wasn't lurking.) and his reaction to my vote was to defensively lash out and attack my position first. I slightly liked the way he voted for me right of the bat, and we're close enough that he wouldn't do that for nothing.

    Compare to Rubicon, who reacted to a large wagon with continued poking, finding townreads (on Zenzao) and deliberately provoking me by refusing to provide information when I gave him an out. The three scummy things he's done are to claim that he hopes I'm town, (because if he is town, he should as desperately want me to be scum as I want him to be), continually ask people why he's being townread or if he is (though I think he's selfaware enough to know this is scummy), and poke Zenzao when Zen should be a very easy townread anyway.

    For a while, I thought one of Rubicon and Jan was scum, with the last being a frozen person on neither wagon. I was hoping it was Rubicon, because blame makes him an easy lynch and I get to just about be cleared if he flips scum. Jan's reaction to the Rubicon wagon by making the absurd claim that both Rubicon and I are likely mafia (while only pressures me out of the two of us) alongside his weak language has changed my mind a bit, and I can see them as two ballsy mafia intentionally voting together to circumvent normal vote analysis and unaligned pairs.

    The only other likely Rubicon pair strikes me as fluff, if he was told to bus in mafia chat, especially with the flashwagon on Rubicon.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:35 PM ----------

    I should emphasis that the important part of the Jan and Rubicon's switch to Seratin is that the town motivation isn't clear while the scum motivation is.
  9. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    But I just posted my readwall. :(
  10. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    A fontisian is never late, nor is she early, she arrives precisely when she means to.
  11. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Vira, your read-wall, just what.

    I feel like you wrote explanations for your reads and then pulled people out of a hat for where to put them in your wall.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 PM ----------

    Thank you for showing up Fontisian (I don't understand why you had to post weirdly while you had limited access though).

    I'm not sure where you are at at the end of that wall. You think 1 scum is within Rubicon + Jan? And then Rubicon + Fluffiness might be the scum-team?

    What if it's Jan, who's scum with him?

    Also your distribution of town-reads feels off. You usually have a more concrete reason to give them to people, and you kinda just threw out town-reads on like 5 players just off the Seratin wagon. Like my gut feels kinda weird about it, it almost feels like if you're scum you hand-waved one of your scummates into your townread pile

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:53 PM ----------

    Also, did you read through the thread when those votes were placed, or are you attributing reads and stuff specifically off positions in the wagon? Like can you give me a quote for "Scott Press felt like he was deciding the lynch when he voted" that shows that? Or is that mainly off what number vote he was in the wagon?
  12. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Games are more fun when we're both town.

    In any case, I can't tell whether you're saying I'm scum with Jan, or just Jan's scum, or just me, or someone else.
  13. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    #401 - Jan

    There you have my motivation.

    Voting at the point was 5-3
    I was waiting for the majority to come to an conclusion, when they did (Citrus #405)
    I voted, because i thought Seratin would be the saver lynch. #407

    Voting that late is nothing for towncred. Seratin was dead the moment Citrus said the word, because town needed one spokesperson to finalize the lynch.
    I would have switched my vote regardless of my alignment.
  14. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    What's a saver lynch btw?
  15. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Seratin (5): weiyaoli (137), Newcomb (143), Zenzao (208), Citrus (273), Vira (310)

    ScottPress -> Vote Seratin
    Zenzao unvotes
    Jan -> Vote Seratin
    Rubicon -> Vote Seratin (Hammer)
    Zenzao -> Vote Seratin (Didn't count)

    Seratin (7): weiyaoli (137), Newcomb (143), Citrus (273), Vira (310), ScottPress (380), Jan (407), Rubicon (409)

    That is the important part in the Seratin wagon and the movement it had before EoD.

    The wagons were 5-3 before ScottPress voted.
    Zenzao unvoted after it to prevent a possible hammer, because he wanted to evaluate the claim and talk about it.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:09 ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 ----------

    I explained it earlier, but for you, again.

    2 ppl, both are kinda scumread for a while.

    A. claims vt, thus is either VT or SCUM

    B. doesnt claim, making him VT or SCUM or PR

    When you have to decide between those 2 and you read both of them scummy, who do you lynch?

    The one who will never flip as PR.
  16. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Ah ok, I just hadn't heard the term before.
  17. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    A scummy player that claimed vt will only in rare cases ever die to the mafia, since it is the easiest target to push on later.

    While the same guy without a claim might die, because they are role hunting.

    That is in case they are town.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:13 ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 ----------

    Might not be a real term. I normally use whatever term fits, till someone tells me there is a better one for it.
  18. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Can I have quotes for these? And can you explain how you've come to these conclusions?

    Why is Snow town?

    More quotes, please.

    I decide the wall order depending on what I'm feeling at the moment. Since three of my scumreads might have RL excuses for inactivity, I chose to ignore the excuses and went with my gut.
  19. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Vote Count the First (Part 2)

    Rubicon (2): Citrus (434), his fluffiness (443)
    fontisian (1): Snowvon (523)
    his fluffiness (1): Rubicon (553)
    Jan (1): fontisian (497)
    ScottPress (1): Vira (567)

    Abstaining: Zenzao, Jan, ScottPress, weiyaoli

    Accurate as of Post 578. Majority Lynch is 6. Day 2 ends at this time.
  20. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I just realized EoD is Tuesday night. I am out of the city from Tuesday till Wednesday - job interview in another city and meeting good friends in the that city before that.

    Will try to be here as much as possible at that point, but i can't promiss anything.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:37 ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 ----------

    Vira :
    Don't read me on stuff like posting the vote count. I would do that as either alignment. Providing that is the easiest thing a mafia can do, since it only takes time.