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Hannibal Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Koalas, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    No idea! I just lynch non-townreads.

    If fontisian is town I imagine I'd be lynched before anyone would take me seriously so that probably doesn't matter.
  2. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Bad von.
  3. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    8 players still alive. We can assume a 6/2 ratio of town to Scum. If we mislynch again toDay(doubtful but glass half empty approach first) that's 7 alive at DayEnd. Scum shoot one. 6 alive D4. We mislynch again(same approach). 5 alive at DayEnd, Scum shoot one. 4 alive D5. Scum win.

    We're in MyLo D4. Tomorrow. Let's not fuck up toDay or Tomorrow, please.

    Scum are in (Fonti|HF|Waco|Citrus).

    If Fonti flips town Citrus is to be scrutinized heavily. If she flips Scum we have some breathing room.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:32 ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 ----------

    And as a reminder, we have a little over 14 hours left until DayEnd.
  4. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I never actually did, thanks for reminding me.

    The point of it was that EoD1 both Citrus and Rubicon actively played with the thought of not killing conf!scum Seratin.

    Those are Citrus posts about it. #388
    #391 #405

    Depending on Blab/Fontis alignment i felt one of the two would be mafia.

    His first post esp. looks kinda scummy, like he wants to bait someone into switching off of Seratin without being the power behind it.

    The 2nd post is him reacting to Rubicon who actually wanted to switch wagons, mostly because his top mafia at the time was blab, who was the counter wagon.

    His third post is him making the decision in towns name to kill Seratin, AFTER realizing the traction to switch was not there.

    My big problem was, that I can/could see both town and scum motivation for all 3 of those posts.

    Rubicon seemed scummier between the two, because his commitment was higher. Noone else really considered switching as much as they did.

    Switching only makes sense in the first place IF Fonti is town or only vanilla mafia.
    The way the last two days went I do not think the two of them are both mafia.

    I read him towny d2/3 for his level of activity and the push on her, who is likely mafia, in my eyes.

    If Fonti is/flips town he is one of the higher up suspects to be mafia.

    I did not like the fact that he made 2 logical mistakes today, the FBI thingy and he got the numbers wrong before that. Seems off for a player like Citrus tbh.
  5. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Waco. More posts. HF. More posts. Game state in stagnating crawl.

    Waco, why do you try to buddy me? We had pretty much no rapport in Narutomafia.

    Do you have any answer for me on the post I posed to Scott in which he never actually answered, given you should be sharing his QT? At the time I was suspect of Rubicon for omitting so many players from his wall that Scott liked 'just because' and he was evasive in answering.

    I think I know your role from some of the D1 stuff Scott did but I don't want to pull a Mathblade and turn out to be fishing in an empty pool.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:23 ---------- Previous post was at 08:15 ----------

    Also wrt Scott's absence being 'played up' as scummy; he promised responses after a re-read and vanished without a trace, ignoring pings. I don't know what is/was up with that, but it doesn't scream towny to me and the burden of proving y'all's slot is now on your hands, Waco, and so far I'm not terribly impressed by your showing.
  6. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    Bleh, double shifts suck. They suck even more when people call out sick on both shifts leaving a short staff and things get hectic.
    Zenzao, that was mostly a combination of the fact that Newcomb was the one who made the most sense during my re-read (plus how well me & him were on the same page in naruto), and the fact that you two worked together well in that game. Given that, was hoping to find someone to work with here, as there are many I'm less sure about.

    I don't recall the question you posed to Scott, but as he left me a completely empty QT (feel free to check post-game), so I don't have much of a read into his thoughts. If I was forced to guess, he probably froze from doubt after watching the person he was most sure was scum flip town via NK, and had no idea where to go from there, or had RL issues. You'd have to ask him to be sure.

    As per the absence comment. I understand what you mean re: his vanishing, but I don't see how it outweighed his D1, and there's a big difference between giving him a scum point for it, and sliding the slot down to the bottom of reads.

    My reads incoming

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 AM ----------

    The Waco Kid

    Zenzao - A little less of an edge the Naruto but still with the solid analysis. The comment about how he could have slipped a message in a TL;DR post to Vira pretty much makes this a lock
    Snowvon - Playing to his town meta.
    Citrus - I generally have a tough time with Citrus, and note some of the concerns in jan's post above, but I feel that ovewrall his play has been townish, and more importantly, I just don't see him being on a team with Seratin. 1) Seratin tried to link Citrus & newcomb early in D1 when newcomb was under suspicion, and then again in #73 he LS reads Citrus and Newcomb white LT'ing Rubicon. This feeling is confirmed by Citrus' wall #286
    Jan - Torn on Jan as on the surface it looks ok, but style shift from Naruto has been jarring. My head likes his analysis posts (though the repeated vote counts while useful are more IIoA ish), but my guts and a poor voting record (very late on Seratin, bus? & no vote D2 [admitted claimed internet issue late in day IIRC, but had plenty of posts he cold have voted in during day, as wagons were slow in forming), leave plenty of room for doubt.
    Fontisian - The most confusing slot in the game for me. The good: Outside of putting Rubicon at the bottom, the rainbow wall @ #691 on D2 seemed really good to me, and in fairness, we saw in SONG that Rubi & Fonti can go to war as co-townies. Additionally I didn't think the slot was terrible in D1, although certainly suffered from absence by blab. That said, there is a fair bit of bad as well. 1) The last second claim, which screams just trying to survive as Fonti should know waiting that late is anti-town. 2) The inconsistencies in her interpretations of trying to figure out the game/prove her own roles as I've mentioned previously, and the abortive wagon she tried to lead on HF on D2, which she pushes for mid D2, it becomes the largest wagon, and then she comes off of HF back to Rubicon.
    Vira - Another with a poor voting record. Late on Seratin on D1 (it's disguised on the final totals b/c Zen backed off briefly), the vote-parked on Fontisian on D2 from the start, which in itself isn't terrible, but is bad in context that Vira hasn't followed it up on D3 by voting Fonti again. Clearly she hasn't thought better of Fonti from the claim, as vira was on a deadline and did nothing more than act as a clock. So why not come out D3 and vote again? Playing very easy/lack of real pressing since mid D2. Finally, don't like how Seratin after briefly calling Vira an LS read in the beginning, then basically hand waves away that read in #110 for no real reason.
    His Fluffiness - I wasn't as critical about his opening on the question as most, as i didn't feel the reaction was bad, nor the response outside of his town meta. Tha said, he had no vote D1, and then vote-parked on Rubicon early on D2 through the end, and his reasoning on the Rubicon vote was thinner than tissue paper. I don't like that on both days so far he has been up with the leading vote getters and then has seen other wagons overtake him. It feels like there is an effort somewhere to take keep the wagons off him. In addition, his read-wall in #645 feels far too much convenient, as if assembled to avoid scrutiny rather than hunt. his bottom 3 consisting of the two top wagons and a lurker unavailable to defend himself, the absolute definition of safe.


    Vote: his fluffiness

    Unsure if I'll be around at deadline, late getting to bed now after typing this up
  7. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    I only get one sentence of recognition???

    I thought I meant something to you.
  8. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:

    Why do you think Fluff or Citrus could be scum?

    The majority lynch is five and Font is at three. If I vote, I put her at L-1 and there’s a chance she could hammer and end the day early.

    Jan: You’ve made a lot of posts analyzing the vote wagon on D1 and taking your reads from that, but will you ever analyze the D2 wagon?
  9. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Will play around a bit, that one is even more of a mess.

    Day 2 End Vote Count

    Rubicon (5): his fluffiness (443), Zenzao (705), fontisian (737), Snowvon (832) + FBI Vote

    fontisian (4): Vira (721), Rubicon (739), weiyaoli (769), Citrus (827)

    Abstaining: Jan, ScottPress

    Unlikely to be with Fonti, because she voted Fonti when she had free choice to bring a wagon of her choice into the lead (3 fluff, 2 fonti, 2 rubicon - were the votes before hers).
    Possible partner with Fluff for trying to bring the fonti wagon over.

    He was gone because of an exam till 40 minutes before day end.
    Got back right after the pressure on fluff was let go.
    Agreed with fontis arguement that fluff and sera voting that close together at the start of day 1 is unlikely.
    I liked his EoD2 play in general.
    Unlikely to be aligned with Fonti, he only tried to change his vote because Von suddenly voted Rubicon.

    Voted Rubicon at the start of day2 and was the only one to never change the vote, i think.
    Likely partner with Fonti AND likely mafia IF she is town.
    Fonti leaving the Fluff wagon to sway people back on rubicon looks bad for both of them right now.

    Had to leave an hour before EoD2.
    Voted Rubicon way earlier than most.
    Never voted on the Fontisian/blab up to that point.
    Possible mafia with fonti due to votes. unlikely mafia in general because of his play d1/2 in general, i think.

    His late vote on Rubicon, which made the votes a no lynch looks bad.
    Still really unlikely to be with her, after trying to kill the slot all day 1.
    And then still trying to kill her day, AFTER the other wagon flipped scum EoD1.
    He had all excuses to reevaluate there as partner and move in another direction.

    If she flips town he looks weird. I was sure earlier that he is mafia, in that case, but he might just be as missguided as me.
    From my perspective he is likely mafia in that world, because it is unlikely for her to be town and not a single mafia voting on her day1.
    Mafia had all the chances to get the blab wagon in front of the Seratin wagon, if only town was voting on it.
    On the other hand, the way he basically took a big old bath in a tub of scum EoD2 looks not like something he ever wants to do as mafia.

    Myself and ScottPress were afk EoD2 and didnt vote.
    Not voting is never good, but ScottPress got replaced after that, which makes it hard to judge him for being afk here.
    Judge me all you want. My provider fucked up my internet and i had to leave 8 hours before EoD and only got back 1 hour before day 3 began.

    If Fonti is town Fluff and Vira are likely mafia because of EoD2.
    Vira looked towny with her Seratin vote and it's timing in a Fonti town world EoD1, which makes this kinda odd.
    Von and Citrus are the other two people to look into if Fonti is town.

    If Fonti is mafia Fluff, Von and Zenzao look like the most likely partners if you only look at EoD2.
    Zenzao looks more towny if you include his whole gameplay.
    Vons gameplay as mafia with Fonti makes exactly 0 sense, he is more likely just a donkey.

    Have fun with my EoD2 thoughts.

    ---------- Post automerged at 20:54 ---------- Previous post was at 19:26 ----------

    Less than one hour to go.

    We would not even lose a lot of information if she self hammers (and she would only do that as mafia anyway, which puts us in a good position).

    Torn between Fluff and Fonti.

    While i feel Fonti is really likely scum, she is at least fighting.
    Fluff is just there or not, hard to say. 34 Posts up to this point, is as much as ScottPress has, and that guy got replaced because he was inactive.

    Fluff is mostly mafia because of inactivity, he could be aligned with anyone and everyone at this point.
    Which makes him the easiest misslynch IF he is town.

    I feel better about lynching Fonti, because i have actual reasons to dislike her play this game.


    ---------- Post automerged at 21:24 ---------- Previous post was at 20:54 ----------

    Well 6 minutes left and the thread is dead.

    Have a good weekend everyone.
  10. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Holy shit, it's the deadline???


    Hope you're scum fontisian!
  11. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    (Kalas is held up; just call me "Kalcomb" for the moment)



    Verifying votes, reveal incoming.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:30 PM ----------

    Day 3 End Vote Count

    fontisian (4): Zenzao (#873), Citrus (#878), Snowvon (#879), Jan (#989)
    Citrus (1): fontisian (#910)
    His Fluffiness (1): The Waco Kid (#986)

    Abstaining (2): His fluffiness, Vira

    Majority lynch is 5.

    fontisian was lynched! She was... Randall Tier, the Mafia Goon

    Night 3 ends at this time.
  12. weiyaoli

    weiyaoli Third Year

    May 12, 2009
    filler, in case Kalas is still away and Newcomb needs to start the day.
  13. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
  14. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014

    Vote his fluffiness
  15. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013

    Vote Snowvon
  16. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    I'm going to die of laughter.

    ---------- Post automerged at 17:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:36 ----------

    Like I can't decide if it's towny or not that you're pushing a lynch that is 99.99% never happening.
  17. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Why are you voting for Snow?

    Vote: Waco.

    Convince me you're town.
  18. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    It could be Waco.

    Scottslot is coasting hard on Day 1 posts and nothing else, or did I miss a different reason for townreading him?
  19. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Really? No one died? Trying to avoid giving us any more clues, last Scum?

    I am extremely happy that we lynched Fonti yesterDay. Good job this time guys.
  20. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    I'm voting for Snow because I have information that leads me to believe Waco may be town, and Snowvon has had way to many fluffy or contradictory posts for me to townread him.