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TinyHunt #5

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I liked the way he started the game.
    We had a similar thought process about newcombs first post.
    He points out some, weaknesses in Newcombs plan (there are more weaknesses to it)
    His trap felt like something towny to do.

    I hated his first post, mostly because he quoted all of those full posts, instead of just the important parts. Made it look like so much more than it really was.
    The read he was pushing there was ok.
    We are at the point where you switched to Irene as town, but you like Fonti for pushing on Sesc, because you still believe him to be witch.
    You hard aligned them early on, just to silently back off from that read?
    I do not like it.

    All those mistakes in you logic between your post #30 #48 #52 and Citrus post #43.

    Your post #81 is weird. You dodge answering a question and townread fonti for defending you, by pushing on your attacker. Town is more likely to be suspicious about a something like that.

    I like that you reinforced your townread on citrus later on, but i do also think you are kinda commited on that as either alignment, they was it played out earlier.

    Your activity overall looks good, not afraid to post and put yourself out there.

    I liked her first little push on Sesc, and the half joking part about citrus in it.
    I absolutly hated her Vote-post on Sesc, because she did not give any explanation.
    She trolled by writing the same thing that Cobalt wrote earlier, and Fonti trolled all last game when she subbed in a scum slot.
    Her reasons afterwards are tricky :
    I do not like the first part. Just let other people play their game and don't jump into them trying to pressure each other for read.
    I have problems reading that towny.
    I agree with the later ones, about buddying Irene and not answereing the question.

    I do not think that you would just townread cobalt, after him giving such a bad townread on you. And i am curious why exactly you townread him.

    I liked your posts #132 and #136.

    I hate most of your interactions with cobalt, from you defending him thus keeping potential pressure from him, to those townread on each other.
    Split about your push on Sesc, liked parts hated other parts.

    Since I was just talking about him, i might continue here.

    I did not agree for his reason for the first vote, and I do not like that he never explained it.

    I really liked the way he pushed at me for calling out fonti and her vote on him. Seems paranoid why anyone would defend him there.
    (It was not me defending him, but more me pushing on her for being weird)
    The part where he calls out Citrus looks weird, but if he missed a page per accident it is more towny. Since that is hard to know, it is nothing.

    I like his initial questioning of cobalt, he then gets a bit weird and vague by accusing cobalt of not reading the thread.

    That part I kinda like.

    I liked the parts of your play that you explained. I do not like your first post and votes. Liked initial push on cobalt, not sure about your later accusation.

    What happend to you?
    While I was fine with you not posting that much last night, because you had to kill humans. Right now you look really off to me.
    You lack all the fun and esprit that was oozing out of every post last game.
    You have become bland and boring.

    And then there is your early readwall.
    Remember last game when we had similar reads for a lot of the time?

    I agree on a single read of yours right now!

    Citrus is town yes. And everything else is messy.

    You liked Irene because you want to concede as town if she is scum?!

    You like Fonti for the way she pushed on Sesc in her first 5 posts?
    You are normally more afraid of her, and don't townread her because she repeatedly says someone is a witch.
    Here reasoning in post 1 and 3 was ok-ish, while her 2nd post nothing but raising red flags.

    #116 - Odd. I see a lot of reasons why you would be amused as witch, but not that many why town!von would like it that much.

    You haven't done anything today. In your towngame you posted from work, if you could, because you were that much into it.
    This game you do not care, even though u claim to like the people in this game oh so much.

    Hannibalmafia seemed to have way more town in it. This game a lot of people are playing scummy and those are the people that are actually playing the game.
    (will write more, just want to sent this one into the thread for starters)
  2. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Hannibal mafia was more casual and didn't open up with wallposts. :p

    I like your last post, Newcomb, except for you calling Irene the scummiest slot in the game. I don't want to believe it's just because she was attacking you, or because her reasoning seems weird/hard to follow, or something like that. Plus, 'scummiest slot in the game' sounds really certain and already decided, and I don't think that many people were scumreading Irene (I say as I don't actually look back to double check)? Could you explain why you think so? Because I think if this were my first game with Irene, I'd probably be on your side here.
  3. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    I'll be around more later (hopefully a few hours), had a busier day than expected bleh
  4. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    phone posting. Von: scummiest slot in the game for me, at the particular moment in the game. bullet points:

    - her reaction to my Lump post seemed wildly out of proportion.

    - the very first thing she said to me was "you just softed priest/orcale/clown"

    - she then did these mental gymnastics that I still can't quite follow about she's calling me out because she's a natural role hunter, or she thinks i'm either scum or one of those roles, or another town role trying to fake soft claim or something, fuck, I don't even. Like, without going back over her posts, which i've already read like three times, her reasoning for why she called me out for softing is like ???. My theory is she fucked up bad in her very first line of her very first post, then kicked up an incredible amount of dust trying to cover it up.
  5. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    You should probably learn to read me independent of my mood! Unfortunately we can't all be happy all the time.

    I'm town, though! Pinky promise.

    Okay, then let's figure out which one of us is wrong (assuming you're also town ;)).

    I don't think getting Souped really counts as conceding. And I gave a real reason after that joke-y reason. Don't call me bland and boring and then ignore one of my jokes.

    Well, she made me laugh, so yes, I liked it. I thought Sesc was being scummy in his earlier posts, and I thought fontisian made some good(/actual) points once she posted more.

    I think what I 'normally' do is decide if I feel good or bad about her posts and go from there. Right now I have a good feeling. Last game she replaced into a slot that I felt pretty bad about, so there was less fear of the unknown in that game.

    No comment on my nonsense townread on you? You picked on the others that, I'm assuming, you saw as weak.

    So put your money where your mouth is and list them.

    The thing is, there are a lot more serious/star players in this game and I get self-conscious about the amount of non-serious posts I make. And since I don't make many serious posts to begin with, I post less. It happens.

    ---------- Post automerged at 16:31 ---------- Previous post was at 16:29 ----------

    - I'll look at that again in a second

    - eh, I followed /why/ she thought you were doing it as a Witch, so I didn't see it as scummy once she elaborated

    - w/r/t the underlined: yeah, I stopped reading that as scummy after my first game with her. Have you read any of her past games?
  6. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I'm all about that Sesc, Jan, Nae'blis team.
  7. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Well my opinion on the whole matter changed a bit, because i missed out on one important fact or two.

    Lets start with, i do not think your plan is good, in any world.

    Two simple reasons for it.

    A. Lump can die n1, if priest checks them and they are town, that check is wasted. (i mentioned earlier that i thought he had n1 immunity, but it turns out it was d1 and only
    in the old game, not the current one)

    B. You want the 3 roles to check lump, but what if lump is with the priest? do you want the priest to check himself, just to fuck witht he witches?
    Because if he does not do that, witches know that he checked someone else, and he is in a pretty bad spot.

    The second part can be fucked with on both sides, which is a plus. But trying to force our pr's to focus on one target is giving the witches possible information. (Oracle and Clown would not mind self-targeting, priest would)

    That means everyone but the priest should campaign for lump in the first place, which is , again, bad play, and giving information to the witches we do not want to give to them.

    So fuck that plan. Give the lump to someone who is townread overall, and hope it works out.
    Oracle and clown can still target that person, but the priest needs free reign in all worlds. (why would he check the lump if that person is his top townread d1 anyway)

    Those are things i realized a bit later on, and back then i was inclined to agree with the three of them checking lumb.

    I agreed with Irene because while it was unlikely that you prepare that post as scum, because you ask to be checked in the night, which is an odd thing to do as witch.
    I think Irene pretty much dismantled your meta reason and you asking for lump before proving urself to be towny is just useless in my book.
    And your reasoning with the other two games we played together is useless, unless you actually play towny beforehand.

    Is what i told you, right after your first post. And that did not change afterwards.
  8. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Guide me to victory.
  9. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Okay, I still haven't got on the road (fucking inlaws, what are you going to do?) so I still have a minute to explain Irene (lol, like I'm a pro).

    Newcomb, Irene has you listed as potentially dangerous in some pregame QT posting, and like, almost to the word, said that she thought if you were scum you'd push for the lump and try to take control of the game (something that happened in the past, with the legendary demon mayor Jon). Then she rolled town and you did exactly that, and I think she was blinded by her preconceptions to the point that she couldn't see you as anything but scum.

    Not trying to put words in her mouth, I'm sure if she's around post-game she'll have a better explanation. But without having talked to her, that's what I got.

    I see towncomb, because this mechanical stuff is reminiscent of our last game (Narutomafia), and because I don't /think/ you're ballsy enough to think you've read the priest if you're scum, which is the only reason I see a scum player doing this. Because, you know, instagib D2 if the lump gets priest checked and is scum. I'm a little undecided about whether I like the plan or not, personally though. I'll make a decision on that while I'm driving.

    So yeah, the Irene-slot pressure on Newcomb is over. She'll no doubt lol at me if he is scum, but I don't see him as scum right now. About to leave, so I'll catch you guys in a few hours.
  10. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Wait, has Nae even posted yet?

    ---------- Post automerged at 16:46 ---------- Previous post was at 16:43 ----------

    Oh, he has.

    This reminds me of Seratin:

    And then his second post is eh.

    I ship it.

    ---------- Post automerged at 16:48 ---------- Previous post was at 16:46 ----------

    I think the reason the FS plan worked (coordinating PRs N1) is because of how Eido played a la fakeclaiming Priest.

    We probably wouldn't get the same results if we tried the same strategy sans ballsy Acolyte.
  11. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Not even trying to read me, dear?

    Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

    Reasons town you likes it:
    Because a witch calling someone else a witch over and over again is kind of funny.
    [doesn't mean she is a ingame witch, but she is out of game anyway]

    Witch Von likes it because:
    They are both town,and you are amused by such a bad play on her part
    She is a witch and he is town - oh the irony, or whatever, remotlely funny.
    She is town and he is a witch - you claim cred for such a thing, if he dies and we later on realize he was scum. that would be a play without even commiting a bit on the push.

    The point being, i think those comments are more fun if you have more information than the other town have, in most cases at least.
    That is why it did rub me the wrong way.
  12. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Funnily enough, I hadn't read the entirety of Cobalt's posts at that point. "Nope, nope, nope" was just my gut reaction to Sesc. Nice to have my townread of Cobalt reinforced a bit. :cool:
  13. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Fight me.

    That's a good one.

    I think the real reason is just because I think it's funny when a point is repeated at the end of every single post.

    Well, at least I know you weren't blowing a bunch of smoke about having more reasons for Witch!me being amused. So that's nice.

    Do you think I'd openly gloat about something like that itt as a Witch? I know you haven't seen me in a forum scumgame, but I'm curious.

    ---------- Post automerged at 16:57 ---------- Previous post was at 16:57 ----------

    Did she just use a smiley??

    What is this world coming to.
  14. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Do you mind explaining your reads fonti?
    You already talked about Sesc.
    Nae'blis, i guess is mostly because of the lack of content.
    What did I do that was towny or scummy up until now?
    What do you think of the others? Waco or Von for example?

    I am split at the moment, and you putting some quality content out there might help.
    Not that i mind your useless filler content, it just isn't something i will give you a townread off.
  15. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014

    fontisian calls Jan a Witch as I write 'hi Jan, please stop being a Witch' in my QT.

    Confirm mind synchronization on fontisian.

    ---------- Post automerged at 17:03 ---------- Previous post was at 16:59 ----------

    I love seeing so many people reading the thread.

    Hi people.

    Kalas, you're a cool kid but you're also someone I'd probably want to kill at some point. I hope we can still be friends afterwards.
  16. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I know I would do that as scum, as long as it isnt too much in everyones face.

    Blab did it more or less last game with Seratin.

    Your connection with fonti is special enough. The way you work in sync this game without a little bit of suspicion about each other is odd, to say the least.

    I didn't comment on your nonsense townread of me, because you townread me in both previous games, so i am not sure if that is alignment indicative.(He was scum once and town once)

    Also .. do you disagree with the points that made me suspicious of your play?
    Should i not consider those with the history of games between the two of us?

    You trying to ship me as scum just because i question you does not make my gut feel any better.
  17. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Confirmation bias. People remember their successful reads and ignore the twenty unsuccessful reads that are made for every successful one. This creates the illusion of reading ability.

    I think it's notable that much of your post is making reference to other mafia games, information which lies somewhere between "completely useless" and "actively harmful".

    And? This is only a problem if you feel "investigation" (read: spam) actually has some merit.

    I'm moderately confident that a random number generator would have equal success winning mafia to human players XD

    All that said, notice how there's still plenty of content in the thread. Some might say more than enough.

    PSA: I'm much more likely to vote to lynch anyone who uses the following words: towny, scummy, scum, push, hardclaim, softclaim, any "wordword" combination that isn't actually a proper word.
  18. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    I'm confused Sesc, where exactly did I focus on Irene? Because I answered a question she asked me? I had 2 early posts, answered her question and left for work. Not sure what your point is here?

    For reference for all, I am US-EST (gmt -4) but I work overnights so my sched is more like gmt -11.
  19. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Bullshit reasoning. Quoting more stuff than necessary is a stylistic difference between sites, not a scum ploy, and it would never give off the impression of more information anyway, so what???

    1. He never called Irene town.
    2. The Sesc/Irene thing was a general associative read and is not stuck in stone. I actually considering narrowing in on one person in the grouping and not sticking to that associative read to be more towny than not, and I think you would normally agree.

    The "mistakes" stem from one clear misunderstanding which has since been resolved. You should also be aware of this.

    Bzzt. I hadn't defended Cobalt or even mentioned him at that point, just went after someone he thought was mafia. You'll also note that Coblat went after Sesc first, not vise versa. Generally, when I think someone is scum, I like the people who help me attack them. You're implying that Cobalt should be overly suspicious of that, which is insane.

    We've established that I was on Von's phone at the time and elaborated when I acquired a laptop. Further, the vote had an implied explanation of me not likely the post I quoted and said "nope, nope, nope" about and also the previous attack against Sesc that he neglected to respond to.Your point is terrible.

    You've played enough with me to know that trolling is not a scumtell for me and I happily do it as town. You are a witch.

    "Let people play their game" Jan says, about Sesc asking Cobalt about nothing. There's no game. He's not scumhunting. He's a witch. You're a witch with him.

    Please. He didn't give a bad townread on me and I agreed with every bit of logic in the post I quoted when I said that I liked him. I think it's very likely that we're two town in the same mindset (which a space I normally reserve for Sesc, but witches be witching).

  20. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Oh, also, because I'm a petty motherfucker:

    Rescind lump vote.

    Lump vote: Riley
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