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Plot Bunny Threa(d/t) V

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. Nogan

    Nogan First Year

    Sep 17, 2009
    Not that it really matters, but you swapped which one is the lower disk and which is the upper one halfway through.
  2. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    HP/ASoIaF crossover only with no limits on Harry's magic (other than his morals when it comes to some more questionable spells) and what he wants to do. He decides he will revolutionize the realm and bring justice and equality to everyone.

    Only it's easier to say than do, isn't it? While he has decent knowledge of politics and sociology (because we don't what him to be completely clueless and can explain it by him wanting to learn things that directly affected his life from his birth), his knowledge of technological progress, which can be very useful in in bringing a change, is very basic. In many cases he just knows that something is possible, but he doesn't even know where to start. Still, it doesn't stop him from trying.

    I would start this fic around the time of the War of the Ninepenny Kings. Harry shows up/wakes up/is reborn years before and using the confusion after the end of the war creates an enclave on the Stepstones using UK and USA as his templates. Of course he is aware that current generation is too set in the old ways and while he setups a democratic structures, they're illusionary and for a time being he's an absolute ruler. What he's more focused on is educating kids and making sure they share his world view.

    Additionally, while considering his magic to be a nuclear arsenal that he can use to easily keep others from interfering with his people, he's aware that ultimately they need to protect themselves. Which is why every man and woman is bound to serve in military for a year after they reach adulthood and the best ones are expected and pressured to stay in it.

    Forty years later, when both Westeros and Essos are in a period of big upheavals, a military nation of the United Islands of the Stepstones is ready to bring peace and democracy to everyone. Whether they want it or not.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2015
  3. IAmJustAnotherGuy

    IAmJustAnotherGuy Seventh Year

    Jan 1, 2015
    Not a crossover but a fic heavily influenced by Jason Aaron's God Butcher arcs on Thor: God of Thunder so it could be laveled like that..

    Harry Potter and The Wizard Butcher

    Throughout the ages, wizards have been vanishing, their friends and families left in chaos. Now, Head Auror Harry Potter follows a trail of blood that threatens to consume his past, present and future. The only hope for these ravaged worlds is for Harry to unravel the gruesome mystery of the Wizard Butcher!

    In a not so distant past, a fresh, just put of school Harry Potter follows the bloody wake of murdered magical creatures across Western and Northern Europe. In the present, the Head Auror Potter discovers a forgotten cave that echoes with the cries of tortured magical beings...and is shocked to find himself among them! And thousands of years from now, the last Headmaster of a ruined school makes his final stand against the Wizard Butcher's mutated legions. As three Harrys from three eras race to stop the Wizard Butcher, the full extent of his vicious scheme takes terrifying shape!

    Harry Potter and the Wizard Bomb

    Somewhere at the end of the time, hundreds of magical beings are enslaved, working to build a machine that will forever change the face of creation. What is the Wizard Bomb? And what can Harry Potter do to stop it? As the Witcher Butcher's master plan continues to unfold, all hope for divinity is lost as Harry finds himself in chains alongside centaurs, goblins, trolls and wizards.

    Three time-bending Harrys unite to lead an army of slaves in the fight to save all of divinity. But will it all be for naught as the clock ticks down and the massive Wizard Bomb is triggered at last? And after the dust clears, what will be left of the Wizarding World?

    Those are basically the summary of both arcs. The story would involve the same plot but in a Harry Potter setting. Changes could be made so that the Wizard Butcher was Voldemort in search of world domination ala Harry Potter and The Other Boy Who Lived by Kwan Li. Not the best idea but Jason Aaron definitely made it interesting. Maybe Harry Potter could as well. Only drawback, time travelling and paradoxes.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2015
  4. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Inspired by that Dark Wizard ideas thread.

    Charlie is actually an under-cover agent of the wizarding equivalent of Greenpeace stationed in/around Romania and calls in a favor from Auror Potter and his young brother to help prevent out-of-control dragon breeding and trade, potion dumping affecting wild life and muggles alike, a resurgence of bridge trolls harassing travelers, and just plain asshole wizards who think they're above the local laws and Statute of Secrecy.

    Build up the threat slowly. The antagonist behind all this is pushing various historical irritants toward a regional conflict, and knows enough to retreat as the British Aurors near, concluding with a ritual sacrifice to keep the surviving underlings to that point from blabbing while the honcho escapes.

    Things seem to cool down for awhile but neither Charlie nor Harry are convinced they've dealt with the underlying problem even after cleaning up most of the messes. Some weeks later, Bill/Charlie is buzzing up Harry about some disturbances around Egypt and Sudan, so off they go - Harry, Ron(maybe), and Bill/Charlie.

    Tribal sheikhs are suddenly dealing in Nundu and desert-fare Acromantula. A local guide breaks under questioning and tells them that the magic emporium sector has been slowly shifting to a more closed-off, defensive agenda, with the poor and foreigners alike no longer able to gain access to certain areas. Wards, ancient runes and ancient curses(biblical kind of curses and plagues) have sprouted up in the areas where the sheikhs conduct their contact, leading to the resident Magi.

    The major difference in this section compared to the other is that none of them can use wands without triggering calamitous results. The sheikhs deal in staves. Bill introduces a few non-wand resources learned from his work with the goblins and Harry turns to potions.

    Finally, after storming the Magi's underground caverns and fighting past the nightmarish settings, they catch a glimpse of the guy orchestrating this but still cannot detain him.

    Now on the alert that there is definitively someone behind these acts, Harry and Ron turn to investigation as they try to put together the why and the how.

    The third arc would resolve around the Amazon. Local baron, in control of the corruption that is found throughout the muggle government. Deep into dark and controlling magic, spying, inferi, forced-transfiguration. The guy's mad but very powerful - but probably suffers from god complex as a result.

    However it is that the Aurors finally dispatch him, they would finally confront the central antagonist. Or not, and the plot carries on to another part of the world yet again. I don't know who it is for sure - that's up to the writer I suppose.

    EDIT: And suddenly two more posts since I started writing this up.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2015
  5. Alpharius

    Alpharius First Year

    Aug 10, 2015
    WTF is the universe's divinity?
  6. IAmJustAnotherGuy

    IAmJustAnotherGuy Seventh Year

    Jan 1, 2015
    Like I said, it is mostly The summary of Jason Aaron's work. I edited it but I missed that bit. Should be fixed by now.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2015
  7. omnipotentatus

    omnipotentatus Second Year

    May 27, 2015
    Aalborg, Denmark
    Well here's an idea I've had for some time now, but seeing as I'm not a fanfic writer, it isn't something I've actually tried to write.

    Tom Riddle died at childbirth together with his mother. The wizarding war still happened in Britain, but it was a different beast than in canon. The organisation was called the Death Eaters, led by the four Knights of Walpurgis. It was an attempt at a revolution by parts of the pureblood elite, the goal was simply to maintain pureblood predominance in wizarding society (no enslaving or imprisoning Muggleborns). The purebloods' influence had been waning during the 20th century, especially after Grindelwald's defeat. The point being that the villains aren't going to be as clearly evil, as Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

    The war ended in 1981, when Frank and Alice Longbottom were killed in their home by Abraxas Malfoy (one of the Knights), who was then subsequently killed by his own backfiring Killing Curse, due to old magic invoked by Frank and Alice to protect Neville Longbottom (there was a prophecy about him, which meant he could potentially be a target). They had been hiding, and very few people knew of their location, Dumbledore and the Potters. The day after Malfoy's death, the home of the Potters was stormed by a large group of Death Eaters and the Potters were subsequently tortured and killed, though this group of Death Eaters was later caught by the Aurors, with their leader (Arcturus Black, another Knight) being killed in the fight. Another Knight of Walpurgis, Sabastian Lestrange, had been captured in the same fight. While the last Knight fled from Britain.

    In the aftermath of these tragedies, the ministries begins to suspect that either of the Potters had betrayed the Longbottoms, since they were among the only ones who knew of the Longbottom's hiding place (Only 4 people knew their location, James and Lily Potter, Albus Dumbledore and Augusta Longbottom). Though they never found solid evidence of such a betrayal, it still painted the public legacy of James and Lily Potter.

    Meanwhile Harry Potter had been born in secrecy, with only a select few of the Potters' closest friends knowing of his existence. When they were attacked, they had set in motion a plan to make sure Harry would survive. Ultimately he was found by muggles in the forest near the Potter's cottage, they handed him over to the muggle authorities, and were placed in the care of his relatives Petunia and Vernon Dursley (various identifications were found together with Harry, and a note from James and Lily describing how they would have been dead, if anyone ever read the note).

    Fast forward and Harry has had a sort of rough childhood, he wasn't loved by the Dursleys. But he wasn't abused, it was more of neglect than anything. He also handled this neglect differently than in canon, he began stealing food from them, over time becoming better at sneaking around in order to get food, water and such things. He became closed off from the rest of the world, valuing his secrets, eventually he had a few bouts of accidental magic, which lead to him realising atleast part of the truth about his 'abilities'. Eventually he mastered his accidental magic to some extent, using it to aid in his sneaking around.

    So Harry is going to be different than in canon, he's going to be a sort of Riddle but not really Riddle, for one thing he's not a psychopath who can't feel empathy for others. He's also going to be brilliant at academics and magic, in time rivalling Dumbledore, Grindelwald and canon Voldemort in power and skill (i.e. he's going to be highly intelligent, and someone who in time will have a truly phenomenal understanding of magic). But he's not going to be well liked by his peers, he should be rather bad at being social, firstly because he hasn't had any friends during his life, and furthermore because the second he enters the wizarding world, everyone is distrustful of him (due to his parents' alleged betrayal). He's not going to be a hero, though he is neither going to be evil, just a somewhat ruthless, unlikeable bastard.

    Anyway I would love to write such a story, and have it focus on both Harry learning magic, but also on a wider conflict between those purebloods and halfbloods who either supported the Death Eaters or were members themselves, and the rest of society. Specifically in a world where the wizarding war, wasn't as much a reign of terror than an attempt at overthrowing the ministry. The Death Eaters went after key political opponents and ministry employees, rather than trying to rid society of Muggleborns and other 'undesirables'. But as I stated I'm not a writer, I wouldn't be able to write a quality story, and english is not my native language.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2015
  8. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    Sesc's Traitor's Son, which you can read in the WbA section, has a similar plot (though he hadn't written enough to know much yet). I generally like these sort of AUs, pity they're few and far-between.

    Anyway, here's an idea for crack. Many years after the war, Harry and Ron go back in time, to the period when Tom Riddle worked as a clerk in Borgin & Burkes. They don't try to kill him or destroy his Horcruxes or redeem him or anything - they just mess with him, trying to make ol' Tom's life as miserable as possible for the laughs. For example, they use Polyjuice to appear as various customers in the shop, asking him annoying questions, trying to sell him stuff like "Salazar Slytherin's Teddy Bear", or leading him on false trails for Founders' artifacts.
  9. omnipotentatus

    omnipotentatus Second Year

    May 27, 2015
    Aalborg, Denmark
    Yeah Traitor's Son was actually the (so far short) story that inspired me, it's really a shame that there are so few AUs around, atleast so few good AUs. It's a shame because AUs give the author the opportunity to come up with an interesting and in some cases original plot, without confined to some extent, to canon's timeline (i.e. Voldemort is ressurected, hunt horcruxes). A good author should really be able to make something unique, a story set in the HP world, but featuring a different world and setting, something that sets the story apart from canon. There are so many things you could do, and yet there are so few good, well written ones.
  10. Swamp

    Swamp First Year

    Nov 26, 2011
    Thinking on the "Harry transported to Ancient Greece" plot bunny, what if Harry became Zeus? I don't know how it would work, honestly. Still, a Zeus-ish Harry would be like a harem with consequences. Said consequences being a vindictive wife who doesn't approve of his dalliances and happens to be inhumanly physically strong (Heracles got his super strength due to nursing from Hera). It could also explore the idea of what happens to the hero of the story once they become king and possess unrivaled power.
  11. Vulcan

    Vulcan Groundskeeper

    Oct 16, 2014
    HP/Naruto crossover.
    -) Pre-Hogwarts Harry ends up in the Elemental nations.
    -) Harry is not related to any of the clans; he can't even use chakra, and nobody in the Elemental Nations know how to harness the strange power the boy has, but he is determined to become a shinobi despite his 'deficiences'.
    -) To achieve his dream, he concentrate on the ninja arts that doesn't require the use of chakra (becoming weapon specialist, for example).
    -) Harry will not become Naruto's best friend or a part of Team 7.
  12. ihateseatbelts

    ihateseatbelts Seventh Year

    Mar 28, 2014
    Where the mandem jam up to no good
    ... I might wanna take a stab at this lol. Would you mind at all?
  13. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
  14. M.L.

    M.L. Groundskeeper

    Jan 28, 2014
    Beyond the Pale
    I've seen a lot of Harry goes back in time fics. A lot that go back to the time of the founders even. But all of them seem to start with Harry as already a practitioner of magic. It would be interesting to send an eleven year old Harry to the first class at Hogwarts. It would focus on the founders and their teachings. I'm imagining it being more like an apprenticeship than a class, each Founder teaching their acolytes something different. Eventually he'd turn out to be the progenitor of the Potters and his own distant grandfather.
  15. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Short Plot Bunny:

    Sorting to houses is randomized and students are re-sorted randomly each year.


    Harry put on the Sorting Hat and thought: "Not Slytherin, not Slytherin!"

    "Not Slytherin, eh? Well then, I hope for your sake that you're lucky."

    And Harry in that moment knew, that his fate was sealed, after all he wasn't lucky at all!

    The Hat was silent for a moment, until it shouted "HUFFLEPUFF" to the entire hall.

    There were boos and laughs all around him. Clearly, this was the worst option. But Harry didn't care, he wasn't in Slytherin. Maybe he was lucky after all.
  16. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    If it is random, why is Hufflepuff derided?
  17. Ash'Ura

    Ash'Ura Totally Sirius

    Dec 10, 2009
    I think someone's already written that story. Harry goes back in time to learn how to defeat Voldemort, knocks up a Ravenclaw, and becomes his own ancestor. It's been a long time since I've read it , but I remember it being a decent time waster. It think it was a Harry/Ginny story.
  18. Varios

    Varios Third Year

    Sep 19, 2007
    Amulet of Time? That ones a fucking oldie. One of the big trend setters I think when it comes to cliches etc.
  19. Ash'Ura

    Ash'Ura Totally Sirius

    Dec 10, 2009
    That's the one. It was one of the first few fics I read when I first started reading fanfiction.
  20. M.L.

    M.L. Groundskeeper

    Jan 28, 2014
    Beyond the Pale
    It might be more interesting if he ended up being the Malfoys ancestor