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TinyHunt #5

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    Why would he claim MY role instead of something we could have evidence on?

    But no Eido's right it's all my fault hahahahahahahahahaha.
  2. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    As a fellow co-town without any information outside of the game-thread (observer/dead chat info), I think you did alright. We both apparently hard tunneled/gave away town-reads that we probably shouldn't at some points, but we also did good things and town-read each other too so eh well

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:39 PM ----------

    Ok holy shit I'm actually so mad right now. I thought Cobalt was clown when I apparently misread the player list when the game ended.

    Seriously what the fuck Taure. Because we could have probably town-cleared the two of you. Yeah we probably would have still mislynched Typhon, but better then a fucking auto-lynch on Taure for what-the-fuck-I-don't-even
  3. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    The mechanical play would have been to kill Newcomb, because everybody else would have needed to soup within the unclaimed roles to win the game before final 3.
    But that only makes sense if you think Newcomb could be scum.
  4. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Right I literally don't regret any of the lynches this game now. Scum played it well, but town played it more terribly than scum even had a chance of playing it well.

    And by scum I mean Newcomb, because Kalas and Waco slots were fairly lurktastic (and I guess I could throw Riley into this grouping).

    Thanks Prophylaxis for jumping in on a last second replacement btw! Are you going to be around for any more games perchance?

    And of course thank you Eidolonic for hosting!!

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:42 PM ----------

    Yeah this is true, I guess I just saw black-and-white after the fake-judge-claim.
  5. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Listen to fontisian next time and don't lynch her top town!
  6. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    *grumble grumble*
  7. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    It's a soup game, I'm not going to give my actual role. That was the one thing we as a town had complete consensus on at the end game: do not claim. We were all of us shouting it from the rooftops, multiple players posting to warn the rest of the town not to claim.

    I could have chosen another role, though of course there was no way to know that Cobalt was the judge. But in no world am I giving out my actual role at that stage, not unless it guarantees winning us the game in one shot. Which it didn't.

    The idea that I should have claimed clown is revisionism of the worst kind. It's exactly the opposite of what you would have told me to do at the time. The opposite of what you were telling me to do.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2015
  8. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    The Riley lynch was the one that made town lose it, i think.

    Town tunneled on that one a bit.
    The only one defending him was fonti (the conf!town), but even she never made a hard defense case and was mostly throwing one liners day 3 (might be wrong, that is just what i remember right now, and i am too lazy to look it up)

    Why would you think Rileys claim is fake citrus?
    You knew Kalas is a witch becaus sesc got killed (=deathcurse, i think u pointed it out)
    You had to assume I was acolyte to a sesc priest. (noone else claimed, and i was a perfect fit)
    You knew the graverobber didnt use his power n1 (because that was you)

    Town Riley outs the info assuming the gd checked kalas that night, so he is save and not soupable.
    For Scum Riley, knowing oracle and Gravedigger are both alive, claiming like that is so risky.
    He also never got counterclaimed, and you knew Waco was witch, and that was the only unknown person to die before the riley lynch.

    ---------- Post automerged at 21:57 ---------- Previous post was at 21:51 ----------

    All that logic is 10 times easier from the outside tbh. If you have someone tunneling you like a madman, it is always affecting your judgement in one way or another.
  9. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:

    Still, ended up voting for Citrus instead of pushing Newcomb so meh.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2015
  10. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Good game everyone, Newcomb's play was very impressive for a second game.

    Just a question - outside of doing something insane like lie about Riley's checks or something, was there any reasonable way for me to escape the lynch D3? Unsure if I could have done anything about it outside of just dumping walls of analysis (and given my position there was no way I could have done that).

    I disagree that Cobalt played poorly, btw. He was obvious town (even replacing in I could see that), and that's like 50-75% of town play right there.

    Citrus: Depending on what the game is I might replace. I'm still active at my home site.
  11. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    Thank you Proph.
  12. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I think you needed someone to defend you at that point.

    If you had some miracle reads/reasons, maybe.
  13. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    I think if I had trusted Citrus' graverobber claim I probably would have ended up concluding that Riley was oracle and thus defended him harder. As it was, though, my take away from that stage of the game was "I have no idea who anyone is any more".

    I've been trying to think of if there was anything Citrus could have said to make me trust him, but I don't think so. After his priest claim was exposed as fake I think I was going to be paranoid about Citrus for the entire rest of the game.

    Edit: and to clarify, having looked over Citrus' QT, it's not Citrus the person I distrust. I'm sure Citrus is a very trustworthy person in real life. It was the slot I distrusted as a result of the gameplay in this game in particular. Citrus getting a replacement in would have done nothing to change that. Similarly, it doesn't mean that I'm not going to trust Citrus next game.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2015
  14. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Third game i played with citrus, i was really paranoid about him the first two games. This one i had him as sure town so fast into day 1, and i do not know what the difference is. :p
  15. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State

    Anyway. I know it looked like I just cruised to victory there, but from where I was sitting, this whole game was a giant stress ball, from gunning hard for Lump with a pro-town plan that absolutely should have gotten me red-checked, to seeing Kalas/Waco go down D1/D2. Yes, people were hard townreading me, but I had a finite amount of time before people started going "why is the town doublevoter still alive?" If I didn't snipe Cobalt at the end and went with Citrus or Tyhpon instead, I easily still could have lost.

    A few thoughts:

    1. We NK'd Jan because it was the compromise Waco and I could live with. He wanted, um, I forget, Sesc or Tyhpon or something? And I wanted Citrus or fonti. Sorry about that, Jan. Acolyte wasn't a bad N1, but in the future I think I need to put a bit more thought into the N1 kill.

    2. I actually felt really bad for Angels this game. I mean, the entire mechanic exists to keep dead players invested, and because of the hilarious chain of death on D1, this game was always going to be short, one way or another, so there was literally no incentive for Kalas and Waco to not Death Curse D2/D3. Still, looks like you guys had fun in there anyway, so... :p

    3. Playing scum: 3/10 would not want to roll again. It was really stressful, and I find that the parts I enjoy about Mafia are "trying to figure out the game", "building a town block," and "having insights into players." Scum don't really do any of that. When I saw my role PM I was excited and thought I'd really go for it, but man, I now understand why "slanking wolves" is a Thing.

    3. Irene's initial push on me was a Thing. I gather she's got a bit of a rep, but having never played with her before, I found her... confusing. Like - she really, really misunderstood my plan, had a soul read that I'd do that as scum, but didn't also have a soul read that I would have done that plan as literally any alignment / role? I was pretty careful to not let any of it seep into my posts to her, but, uh, "right for the wrong reasons" is pretty accurate.

    Her push never really worried me, because even if she literally divined the entire role list, you still need to be able to convince people why you're right, and from my PoV, she wasn't close.

    4. Citrus's Priest fakeclaim definitely gave me a headache for a couple minutes, as it was designed to do, and if Kalas had been the Demon instead of the Necromancer it honestly might have been a huge problem. Knowing the check was on fonti, though, and knowing it was Sesc claiming Priest there, the odds of town!Sesc fakeclaiming Priest to dodge a lynch were somewhere in the .000000001% range, so...

    Nice try, though. :p

    5. Culture clash - old school DLP mafia vs. current players - was most definitely a Thing this game, and something that I very consciously tried to exploit and I feel kind of terrible about it. I mean, yeah yeah, whatever it takes to win, but I like all of you and I didn't want it to get that harsh. I mean, holistically, look how much fire Nae, Sesc, Taure, and Riley came under, and I got 3 mislynches and a Priest claim out of it. Effective, yeah, but it felt a little bit like dirty pool.

    6. Somehow, I think my days of being near-universally townread are behind me. Next scum game's going to be a whole lot harder.

    7. The TinyHunt setup continues to impress me, as it did all game. For a small game, it's incredibly nuanced, and there are little touches everywhere that make it very fun and very balanced.

    I'll leave you with a few notes for individual players:

    Citrus: As much as you're probably kicking yourself right now, I'm sure you'll return the favor at some point and absolutely roll me as scum.

    Cobalt: Ride or die. I knew you'd re-evaluate on me eventually, but with 4 deaths on D1, it was always going to be a short game, one way or another.

    Fontisian: I think being w/v with you this game gave me an insight into your playstyle. As aggravating as your style can be to town when I'm trying to read you, it's also a bit scary for scum, because as scum to your "give away as little as possible" town, I was never quite sure how much I had you fooled compared to the rest of the game. I hope if I roll scum again, I can be on your team, because I think that would be pretty fun.

    Tyhpon: I actually liked your read on my plan way more than Irene's, because you correctly sussed it out as a pro-town move and townread me for it - yeah, it probably should have sent up bigger alarm bells when Sesc outed with "didn't check Newcomb," but there was a lot of confusion at that point, as well as much scummier people (like Waco! :p). I think you said it somewhere in your QT, but we definitely seem to approach the game the same way.

    Jan: Consider the N1 me returning the favor for Hannibal Mafia :p Well, I mean ideally I'd have been able to soup you and Citrus N1, but... I'll take what I can get.

    Kalas/Waco: y u have 2 be so scummy? Seriously though, was fun to wolf it up with you. I was kinda hoping you'd be more active, but that was true of me as well, so... glass houses and everything.

    Nae'Blis: Everything I said about you on D1 was a lie, sorry about that. I think you were faaaaaaairly obvious town given how you play IRC Mafia, but IRC style just doesn't lend itself well to this format. Thanks for setting up werewolf bot and stuff, I'll definitely be playing that!

    Riley: Every wolf needs a few easy snacks to stand a chance. Thank you for being a tasty snack. Checking fonti N1 instead of me and actually hitting the Priest check made me LOL endlessly when we got the results in wolf chat.

    Proph: Thanks for subbing in - I felt bad when you got lynched. That couldn't have been fun. You were a total pro about it, though.

    Sesc: Your QT and style of play really impressed me. You never let me coast while you were alive, you never lost your cool under pressure, and you were extremely methodical in your reads. 10/10 hope to roll town with you at some point.

    Snowvon: I hope you saw that part in wolf chat where I pushed to grant you your fondest wish and N1 you. I like to think, had you lived, that I would have made it happen. <3

    Taure: You had a few posts where you really nailed the gamestate. Also your approach to D1 was hilarious. I think in a different town environment you'd have been able to swing a bigger stick, but the meta for this game was not conducive to your "lynch all liars" approach. Seeing your play this game made me really curious to see what scum!Taure would look like.


    Aaaaaand that's it. Newcomb out. I need to go endorse 6 beers into my mouth because that game was insanely stressful. Lone wolf against 6 town is daunting no matter what the gamestate is. Seriously, after Waco died I considered YOLO souping, which would have been a hilarious failure.

    Had to get a bit lucky with the way town handled some things, but overall I'd call that a pretty solid win.

  16. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    You should have considered it :p
  17. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    LOL, mine would have been not nearly so impressive.

    Sesc has died in the Night
    Riley has died in the Night
    Newcomb the Witch fails to soup Taure as the Graverobber.

    /kills self

    Seriously, that was my biggest derp of the game. I was absolutely convinced Taure was Graverobber for something he said in response to Riley outing that Kalas was a hit. I forget even what. Obviously something I read waaaaaaay too much into. I kinda suck at rolereading.

    Thankfully I was able to PoE Tyhpon out of being Judge, which made Cobalt an easy-ish kill at the end even if I had him as Vigi and possible Judge instead of, you know, obvious-in-hindsight Judge for his reaction to Taure's claim.
  18. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    I am really sorry Newcomb. D1 was a wash, just felt super off my game. Could have picked it up D2 but.. yeahh. My bad for poking the Dob.
  19. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:


    Citrus whyyyyyyyy.
  20. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    All the congrats to you Newcomb! I had a pretty sub-par game, even if there were things that didn't play out the way i thought they should.
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