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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    Highlander: The Series/Star Wars

    On a remote planet in the Outer Rim, only visited by Slavers and Pirates, a small society, unnoticed by the other citizens, is almost at its conclusion. Only a few Immortals remain.

    When suddenly however one of the last Immortals gets abducted by slavers and taken of planet he starts to sense new exceptional individuals and realizes, that his quest is not over.

    An Immortal mistakes Force user for other Immortals and hunts them down.
  2. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Doctor Who plot bunny for the whole series.

    The Life Givers.

    In their early days the Time Lords had many rivals, but only one that they would even consider their equals. The Life Givers were the first race to master mysteries of life and death. They could destroy entire worlds and recreate them as they saw fit. They ways of achieving immortality were even used as a basis for Time Lords' regeneration process.

    Why then we never heard of them? Because their lost the Great War That Never Was. In the arm race to master a time travel technology, they were second and the Time Lord simply erased them from the time. All, but one member of their race who they called the Ultimate and who was their first successful time traveler.

    Though it took time, the Time Lords captured the Ultimate and because they couldn't find a way to kill him, they put him in prison. A dead planet at the end of time. There he was to wait for the ultimate end of the Universe.

    It changes when the Doctor's Companion gets sick on their travels. The illness is deadly and there is no know cure of it. It's also very painful and slow. Only person who may be able to do something about it is the last Life Giver and the Doctor decides it's worth a risk.

    To his surprise, the planted he finds himself on isn't dead anymore. Even at the end of time, it's full of life. The Ultimate wasn't just sitting around, but took his time to slowly rediscover every bit of technology that he needed to escape from his prison. He even managed to build a time screen that allowed him to spy his enemies.

    In a little meta commentary, he admits his likes and dislikes of the Doctor's adventures though he's only aware of these happening in XX-XXI Earth because finding him in other times and places is almost impossible. Depending on the incarnation the Doctor may find the fact that his life is someone's entertainment either amusing or annoying. The Ultimate is also aware that he helped destroy Gallifrey, but not aware that it's back. Because of this he feels he's the Doctor's debt and decides to help him.

    Both of them manage to save the Companion, but then it's revealed that the Gallifrey is not destroyed. Though the Ultimate likes the Doctor, he can't forgive his people that they unmade his race.

    The rest of the series is a race to get the DEM (Deus Ex Machina) that can reverse what happened to the Life Givers and made them the winners of the war with the Time Lords. In the second to last episode, the Ultimate manages to use it and we're presented with the world where he replaces the Doctor as its protector in major points of time. Maybe even take his name because he doesn't want the Universe to completely forget its greatest defender.

    The Doctor on the other hand is again last of his race and put in prison where they call him the Other (a small nod to some fan theories).

    The ending would once again reversed what happened to both races, but in a twist it wouldn't be because the Doctor won against the Life Givers. They would actually sacrifice themselves because the True Doctor and not the Ultimate Doctor was the only one who could save the world from unspecific danger. Which means they were a lot more decent people than the Time Lords and the Universe could be a lot better place if they were around. In other worlds it's another thing that the Doctor could feel tormented about in the future.
  3. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    I want to write a Gunnerkrigg Court/nBSG crssover. Something about Kat talking with One about being organic. Probably a one shot.

    He hates being organic and Kat is giving robots life.
  4. Puzzled

    Puzzled High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2014
    I've been thinking about an ISOT into the Force Awakens from the EU, specifically Luke and Mara from the end of the Last Command to Jakku right before the Storm Troopers assault.

    Now you might be thinking, won't those two overshadow everything and ruin the movie's drama by casually smashing Kylo Ren? Yes, yes they will. The two of them go through the invasion force like knives through butter, Ren being casually eviscerated by Mara. I'm half thinking that they might also kill Finn, I think he'd have far fewer moral qualms about shooting at two Jedi slaughtering all of his friends and neither Luke nor Mara is averse to killing storm troopers. Poe lives, but he's already sent BB-8 off, not to mention that there's still a Star Destroyer overhead.

    They track down Rey while in pursuit and she feels familiar to both of them, enough that she gets roped into their shenanigans as in the film and is present when they get the Millennium Falcon. Meeting Han is when the time travel aspect really hits them. They know Poe was looking for Luke, but so many things are different that seeing something half familiar really throws them. Events degenerate rapidly from there, the pirates attack and during it Mara mentions that she killed Kylo, not expecting Han to care. He freaks out and demands they get off his ship, leaving him like he left all those years ago.

    Luke is pretty shaken up by all of this and exits with Mara, Rey stays with Han, and Poe returns to the rebels. Unfortunately with Finn dead, Han not really in the mood and Luke Skywalker clearly back on the scene Hux starts firing the Starkiller. He decapitates the Republic and various planets with wavering loyalty which is enough to get the cold war between the Republic and the Imperial Remnant hot again.

    Past all of that I have nothing really planned. Luke is torn between getting back to their comparatively more idyllic galaxy and trying to help, while Mara is trying to figure out what changed, it's particularly important to her because out of everyone she's ever met she's the only one not there in this new reality.

    I think it could be fun, also I like stories that smash off the canon rails so it has that going for it. Any thoughts?
  5. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    Been considering an Avatar the Last Airbender/RWBY crossover where Cinder Fall is the reincarnation of Azula. It's probably going to be a one-shot story to explore the idea and would work to explain Cinder's story.

    Both of them use fire, are demanding, ambitious, confident and secretive. Cinder's dress seems to have Asian influences. It would explain why Cinder is going after Amber (other than power, it would also be revenge on Aang. In Avatar, Air is representative of the Autumn Season. Amber if the embodiment of Autumn in RWBY). It would also explain her competence in fighting as well as "manipulating" people to do what she wants at such a young age (she looks to be about the age of the main cast of RWBY, so 16-17?).
  6. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    So I found this on DeviantArt:


    Plot Bunny is that during the interrogation scene, Kylo Ren manages to break Rey and turn her to the Dark Side.
  7. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    I'm a-okay with that as long as it doesn't have any Rey/Ben shipping. Christ, it far too prevalent on ff.net.
  8. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Behold, female Kylo Ren.


    Found on google images.
  9. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    Needs to look more like she's one insult away from shooting up a school.
  10. M.L.

    M.L. Groundskeeper

    Jan 28, 2014
    Beyond the Pale
    After reading Traveller, and being distracted during one of the boring bits by an old Naruto Manga, in which Rock Lee featured heavily. I'd want to see Lee with a Machop. No explanation neccessary, for some reason he just has a machop. I suppose it could go the other way as well, with Lee as a Pokemon trainer specializing in the fighting type. I mean, his name already sounds like that of a gym leader's, albeit a rock type.
  11. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Plot Bunny:

    A crossover/fusion of BBC's Sherlock and CBS' Elementary.

    Basically, it replaces the male Watson from Sherlock with female Watson from Elementary

    While the new universe still has BBC Sherlock living in London, he now lives with Dr. Joan Watson who has moved to London from New York.

    Obvious divergences happen, such as Watson not shooting Jeff Hope (given that this version of Watson has no military background).

    Another change that comes to mind is no Watson/Mary relationship and the consequences of that.
  12. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    Why do I get the feeling you just ship Sherlock and Fem!Watson?
  13. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I don't.

    There should be no romantic feelings between them.
  14. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Sorry about the doublepost, but I have given the scenario a bit more thought and decided that I could work out a full fusion of the two settings:

    It's Elementary, Sherlock.

    Sherlock (BBC) + Elementary (CBS) Fusion

    Former surgeon Joan Watson moves from New York to London to begin a new life after a patient of her dies on the operating table.

    She decides to become a sober companion for recovering addicts. Things go well, she helps a lot of people stay on their feet.

    Joan is contacted one day by Mycroft Holmes, who hires her to become a companion for his brother, Sherlock Holmes.

    Ms. Watson goes to meet Sherlock at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. She finds him in the morgue testing one of the corpses for bruises.

    Within seconds and with a few fleeting glances, Sherlock deduces key elements of Joan's life, causing her to become both awestruck and off-put. However, Sherlock also acknowledges his need for a sober companion, as he recently got out of a six-month rehab.

    The two agree to meet the next day at 221B Baker Street, Sherlock's home.

    Upon seeing the flat, Joan learns that Sherlock is a consultant for Greg Lestrade of Scotland Yard. Sherlock requests she come along to a crime scene as his assistant, citing her medical expertise as potentially useful. There, Joan witnesses more of Sherlock's uncanny deductive ability as well as his great respect for Lestrade.

    Sherlock later explains that were it not for Lestrade and his willingness to forget Sherlock's drug-related past, he would not be able to consult with the police. For that, and for the Detective's experience and abilities, he has Sherlock's respect.

    Later, Joan is invited by Mycroft himself to his restaurant Diogenes, where he offers her money to spy on Sherlock, which Joan declines.

    Back at 221B Joan reveals to Sherlock his brother's offer, which does not surprise him. He in turn reveals that Mycroft works for MI6 and his restaurant chain is a front for the agency.

    Unknown to either Joan or Sherlock, there are many parties in Britain which both of them will soon cross.

    The most dangerous of them being Jim and Jamie Moriarty, siblings who are both criminal masterminds. Both of them are interested in Sherlock for their own reasons.
  15. Puzzled

    Puzzled High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2014
    I’ve been thinking of a multi-crossover, I’m a little intimidated by the scope of the idea so I thought I’d share the basics of it here and see if anyone would be interested.

    Indiana Jones and the First Crusade.

    At the moment the rising sun focuses on the Ark of the Covenant's location Dr. Jones is transported in time to 1097. He finds himself suddenly in the dark, a lit match reveals he’s surrounded by snakes. Our hero escapes, naturally, and emerges to find himself in Fatimid Egypt.

    Indy is a resourceful fellow and manages to communicate with the locals who view him as a curiosity. He recognizes the year and era and decides it’s a good time to get out of the Middle East, especially since as a European it’s going to be a hostile climate. He gets aboard a ship bound for Constantinople, assuming that he can get to anywhere from there and that he’d be able to dodge the Crusader armies messing around Jerusalem.

    Naturally his ship encounters a storm, they put into the sleepy port of Lacedaemon where Indy goes ashore to stretch out his legs. Events occur, he’s accused at cheating at dice, his raw animal attraction causes some girl’s boyfriend to get jealous, either way he gets in a scrap and uses one of his last bullets to turn the tables and escape into the street, this introduces our second crossover.

    Hearing the gunshot Pyrrha Nikos and Jaune Arc arrive, hoping to find some semblance of normality. They’d shown in in Mystras, an inland town/city and having no idea what to do and with only Pyrrha speaking the language decided to travel to a large city. Through some mistranslations, Remnant’s Mistralian correlates to classical greek rather than the medieval version everyone is speaking, they were told that there’s a ‘beacon’ in Alexandria. They’d assumed they were in Remnant’s distant past, so when Indy tells them he’s also from the future they accept it and decide they’ve just come back further. Remnant is a Remnant after all, whatever future Indy is from was probably also their past.

    They tag along with Indy on his way to Constantinople, he corrects the lighthouse/Beacon misconception and while they’re let down he’s closer to their world than anything else. There’d probably be some jealousy by Jaune, Indy canonically went for a fifteen year old, but nothing would come of it. Jaune would do something well intentioned but foolish, trying to prove himself since Pyrrha had been carrying the load and now he also has to compete against Indiana Jones, and semblances and their super strength would come out. Indy would be freaked out, but he’s seen some shit so manages to roll with it.

    The three of them make it to Constantinople, and Indy would start to realize something strange was going on. There’s rumors of armies to the east and general unease. Alexios’s troops are in the field, but the city is seething with prophets and madmen warning of a great eye. As an archaeologist Indy knows that this didn’t happen, especially when a massive pillar of light rises from the south.

    He enlists Pyrrha and Jaune’s help to investigate. They move south into the warzone with Jaune masquerading as a Frankish knight, Jaune d’Arc. The pillar of light was revealed to be the result of a genie, a wish spent by a nameless street rat to obliterate the crusader armies besieging Jerusalem and a second eliminating the occupiers holding Antioch just as our protagonists arrive. The third wish is a mystery, but there are rumors about a new prince in Baghdad.

    In the sudden vacuum Fatimid forces move into the city and as Europeans they’re set upon. Pyrrha and Jaune, Pyrrha far more than Jaune, are nearly invincible super soldiers, but there’s only two of them. The party splits up with Indy managing to make it onto a ship, escaping Antioch to the west on a ship bound for Italy.

    Planning to return as soon as possible, he consoles himself that Pyrrha will keep Jaune safe and also through an unwise interlude with the captain’s daughter. Thanks to the daughter proclaiming her eternal love Indy gets thrown off in Crete rather than overboard. A ship docks flying an anachronistic device, three crowns on a blue field. It’s not the Kalmar Union, or a ship from Munster, instead Logain Ablar steps off.

    He’s left a trail of wreckage through Italy, he’d managed to get caught up in skirmishes during the Norman conquest of Naples and events escalated. Logain’s driving desire was for glory and he thinks that he was spun out at a new cycle in the wheel like Birgitte. The whole legendary hero thing implies he succeeded, so he’s pretty much having the time of his life making legends. He’d felt the surge in power from the destruction of the crusaders and commandeered a ship from the grateful/terrified Neapolitans.

    Indy uses his last bullet to prove he’s not from this time. Logain is vaguely aware of the idea of guns from the last Battle and accepts Indy’s help and general knowledge as he continues east, now seeking the source of the magic he senses.

    That’s about all I’ve planned or imagined, there’d be other crossovers sprinkled in but Indiana would be the viewpoint character as various nations and other characters struggle against Sauron who has managed to take over the Ghaznavids and is intent on expanding to rule this new Earth.
  16. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    That sounds very interesting! If it were to be written, I would read it with joy. Too rarely we see good Indiana Jones stories.

    In the meantime, I have a bunch of ideas I would like to share with you people.

    Regular ideas:

    Not Complicated - Naruto

    Orochimaru's plans are a little different and in the Forest of Death he kills Sasuke and takes his eyes. Itachi swears vengeance and suddenly nothing is sure.


    Stargate: A New Beginning - Stargate SG1

    When the Ori start invading the Milky Way galaxy, something causes the Ancients to change their policy regarding interference. They sacrifice themselves to aid the Tau'ri and transport Earth a hundred years back in time.


    District 9/11 - District 9

    Instead of landing in Johannesburg in 1982, the Poleepkwa, or "Prawns", land in New York City mere hours after the attacks on World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. Chaos ensues, followed by accusations, grief and wars.


    Lazarus Triumphant - Casper

    Casper the friendly ghost's father, John Thomas McFadden invented a machine called the Lazarus which is capable of transforming a ghost back into a human.

    He did so because Casper died from pneumonia after staying out too late in the cold.

    In canon, McFadden was sent to an insane asylum before he was able to prove his machine works.

    Here, he was able to demonstrate his machine, by restoring his son back to life. With the media as witnesses.

    While we are never given a date of Casper's death or when his father created the machine, the Whipstaff Manor seems to be abandoned for quite some time, so we can speculate that these events happened about 50 years prior to the movie.

    In 1945, when World War II came to an end.

    What happens when in 1945, a man from a little town called Friendship in Maine reveals he has a way to bring the dead back to life?


    Bright - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

    Tommy Vercetti left the prison a changed man, swearing never to kill again. When the deal in Vice City goes wrong, Tommy must find balance between his new views and the need for surival.


    Also, some crossovers:

    Avenged - Frozen / Marvel Cinematic Universe

    Elsa is unable to save Anna in time. Overwhelmed with grief, she kills her enemies and then freezes herself for many centuries.

    She wakes up on the day Thor is banished by Odin to Earth.


    The Big Sister - The Year 1984 / Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossover.

    War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength. In this world freedom does not exist anymore, but demons still do. As do the Watchers and the Slayer.


    Plague - Twilight / Harry Potter crossover.

    After he is defeated, Lord Voldemort finds himself in a different world. And he doesn't like what he sees.


    Still Here - Blade / Planet of the Apes crossover.

    The world is ruled by apes and humans are their slaves, that much is known. But it wasn't always like that and there are those who remember.

    The vampire society continues to exist hidden, thriving more than ever before.


    Blackened Skies - Captain Planet / Cyberpunk crossover.

    The battle for Earth's survival continues in the dark future of mega-corporations and cybernetics.


    Decanonized - The Force Awakens / Knights of the Old Republic crossover.

    The idea is that the crew of the Ebon Hawk somehow ends up on Jakku. I'll write up a proper summary later. Those on board are Revan, Carth, Bastila, Mission, Zaalbar, T3-M4 and HK-47.


    The Innocent - The Purge / Inspector Gadget

    In a country where crime is legal, one man decides to stand against the madness and protect those in need.
  17. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    I have seen this premise once or twice and so far, all of them have been shit. Unless you found a good one.

    One take that is sorta like that, which I would want to see, is Elsa being frozen after what happens in the movie, maybe a year or five of ruling Arendelle. Then, when she is in stasis/frozen/portal/whatever, she is not happy with relinquishing her claim on Arendelle and joining the Avengers but instead wants her Kingdom back.

    She is still the lawful Queen and has the power to do so. Could make for a nice conflict with the more earthly Avengers (not counting Thor, Hulk, Vision and so on). Elsa, while probably a good, relatively progressive ruler, is still a monarch from over two centuries ago and might not be all that cool with democracy and giving up her kingdom/crown.

    Or have her intentionally freeze Arendelle to save it from some tragedy, and now, 200 years later, Arendalle thaws and the world of the MCU has to deal with that, a small coastal kingdom from 200 years ago, ruled by a powerful mutant/whatever the term in the MCU is.

    Conflict with Norway, SHIELD, the Avengers, her own people who are slowly introduced to modern times, who might like a lot of the newer stuff.

    Find it wasted if Elsa just becomes another superhero.
  18. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    The Marvel universe technically includes the X-Men universe, but I think the MCU doesn't.

    It has potential.

    FA/KotOR has probably already been done considering the size of the fandom.
  19. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    The MCU indeed does not have mutants or X-Men.
  20. redlibertyx

    redlibertyx Professor

    Oct 25, 2011
    Wasn't there an actual episode of Captain Planet that was set in the future? Like a kid plays a video game and relives a Planeteer mission, getting a ring in the process. Something like that? I mean it's been over twenty years since I last saw an episode but I swear that happened.