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WitchHunt #6

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by fontisian, Jan 20, 2016.

  1. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    Oh, okay.

  2. dLGN

    dLGN Muggle

    Dec 7, 2015
    High Score:
    nope, mechanics are boring

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:46 ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 ----------

    the subtext is it looks like I got back to a pretty dead thread to be the first one since the gravedigger that everybody was yapping about has outed themselves and i am not even sure what that significance is but, hey, look, there they are!

  3. SlipperyAxII

    SlipperyAxII Muggle

    Jan 17, 2016
    High Score:
    Jan is more town for that remark so I am willing to trust his reads on Waco who I don't think I have ever played with before. The reason is he has no need as a witch to try and point out where I am making myself look bad to the other people in the game.

    Lochness is reading me as villa which is accurate for a silly reason but I use silly reasons all the time myself for my opinions. I think the reaction to Plotless's statement is more of a Villa' mindset.

    My independent read on Waco is based on a few things. I think that the willingness to say someone has done nothing to be villa read or witch read is far more honest than most people are willing to be which is more Villa to me at least. I think the immediate reaction to the inclusion of the town portion from plotless as being sort of strange is also a good indicator of being villa.

    I am fine with KaiDash. He, Jan and I are the only ones claiming Priests even though I am really a Ralloy. We are all going to check each other tonight just in case . I forgot to include his fluffiness which means nothing memorable has come from him posting wise.

    Aria is new to mafia which technically doesn't mean anything to me as I don't assume brand new players can't be good at the game even as a potential witch. A day pass has been issued for her from me. If she's a witch I think she will tmi at some point who her partners are this game. If she's villa killing her today gains us a completely inexperienced angel in charge of whom to save which is bad for us

    Prophylaxis I am not sure on at this moment. Asking questions to people is easy to do as either alignment as I have proven in past forum games. I don't have a hard read in either direction at this point

    Prophylaxis Who have you asked questions to this game and what insight have you gained from the answers?

    If Cobalt hadn't posted at all I would have called him a locked witch at this point. Another reason to like Waco comes from him questioning Cobalt. I think I get too influenced by being happy people post at all so give them too much villa credit when its not really merited.

    Citrus says he will post more tomorrow. I am really meh on him at this point.

    DLGN is just awkward for me. I have never actually played a forum game with him before so have no idea how he plays in this format. I am ok with going in his direction .

    Who is left ? Snowvon and his fluffiness.

    his fluffiness has at least claimed priest.

    Snowvon doesn't like to be a witch so long period of silence are troublesome to me. If my opinion on this is wrong correct me now.
  4. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    @ me I concur.

    About Snowvon. Snowvon . I'm really feeling this read of you so prove me wrong pls.
  5. Lyric

    Lyric Squib

    Jan 7, 2016
    High Score:
    Thoughts since my last post:

    I think I still like Jan and LochNess.

    Slippery: I like him a lot more. I think his explanations make sense and he’s been posting more helpful content.

    Cobalt: Still hasn’t posted anything too significant, and I agree with someone who questioned his choice to zero in on me and not really mention anything else.

    Citrus: It’s really hard to get a read on him, but my gut feelings make me nervous about him.

    dLGN: I still don’t want him lynched. He’s contributing, so I’d rather keep him around for info. Also, he’s playing really casually which makes me think he’s town.

    Plotless: Says he’s gravedigger so I’m town reading him. I disagree with the people who say it was weird of him to add town in front of gravedigger. I honestly think that’s probably exactly what I would have done if I were role claiming so..

    Prophylaxis: Can't really get a read on him, but I think I'm leaning towards positive feelings? Same with Snowvon, except I'm leaning towards negative.

    Tbh, I’m super paranoid and I more or less think everyone’s scum.
  6. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Paranoia is a good thing, keeps you on your toes.

    Nothing is worse than a town that does not question the game and goes on auto pilot.

    /waves to all the townplayers in witchhunt 5!
  7. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    I'm glad Plotless is Gravedigger, it's like an extra little townstat boost.

    I thought the push reflected well on Proph, so the second one.

    Mmkay. Just thought you might be down or something. <3

    If any of those townreads aren't Plotless/Cobalt/Slip/? and maybe Aria, I'd like the quick and dirty version.

    First week of school. Trying to feel out exactly how much work I can afford to not do/procrastinate on without everything ending in disgusting failure.

    w/r/t underlined: we'll have to see about that. :p I'm going to wait until closer to EoD to decide if you're town. Third time's the charm!

    ---------- Post automerged at 14:31 ---------- Previous post was at 14:24 ----------

    Actually, hm.

    Tell me more about Waco. Is it mostly hinging on his activity, or specific interactions? I was a lot more certain he was town in WH5, but here his presence isn't nearly as...commanding, I guess I'd say.
  8. Lyric

    Lyric Squib

    Jan 7, 2016
    High Score:
  9. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Currently in the process of rereading the thread.

    What "later content" from dLGN changed your mind? I thought all of his posts up to the LochNess explanation were either banal fluff or easy townreads.

    Similarly, how did you get your townread on Aria? Sure, you're correct that she's a new player, but her only posts at the time you posted were:

    I'm unsure how you could get a townread on Aria given just these two posts - can you explain?

    Aria: I think Jan is town. LochNess is null, and dLGN is a slight scumread.

    And some questions to you:

    If you like Jan/LochNess/dLGN, why are you asking me about my reads on them? Generally, when I ask someone else what they think of another player, I do so when I think that player is scum and want additional input.

    Who do you think is scum, currently?
  10. Lyric

    Lyric Squib

    Jan 7, 2016
    High Score:
    I think they're town but I'm not sure, so I wanted to see some other players' inputs bc I'd rather be careful than not. But more so I wanted to get a better read of you and Snowvon.

    My list kind of looks like this:
    Slippery- Town
    LochNess- Town
    dLGN- Leaning town
    Waco Kid- Null/ Leaning scum?
    Citrus- Leaning scum
    Snowvon- Leaning scum
    KaiDASH- Leaning scum
    Cobalt- Leaning scum

    This is where I’m standing right now in order of strongest town to strongest scum, with mostly gut feelings+reasonings in my former post.
  11. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    I focused on dLGN for a while so I could get a better read on him. Here's my conclusion with what I got about my questioning:

    I'm questioning you right now because your passive commentary playstyle worries me, and I want you to start scumhunting.

    More importantly, why do you feel the need to ask this question? It should be obvious if you're reading my posts to know who I've questioned this game, and while "what insight have you gained from the answers" is a fine question, I just posted my conclusions on dLGN a while back.
  12. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Probing, ignoring, and watching, respectively.

    Jan is a WIP. I spent my last Night alive last game prepping a scumread on Loch, so I'm letting her do her thing for a bit. I'm seeing how the pressure on dLGN pans out here since he was pretty much the top townread last game from the get-go.

    Can you go a little more into your reads on Loch, Waco, Cobalt, and Kai?
  13. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    WIP ?

    Witch in persona?
    Wonderboy in puberty?
    Walrus in prison?
  14. LochNess

    LochNess Third Year DLP Supporter

    Oct 10, 2011
    Prophylaxis - I was giving my read on her based on her limited posts because they stuck out to me. I just felt like the whole " I have no thoughts" wouldn't be such a new scum thing to say- especially when if she is scum she would definitely have people at least suggesting what to say. Maybe more of a "I'm developing thoughts" or "I am working on my thougts.." I dunno just came off as an actual new unsure player.

    The fact that she went from that to giving a lot of reads actually surprised me. She actually seems to understand the game a lot more than she let on?
  15. Lyric

    Lyric Squib

    Jan 7, 2016
    High Score:
    Hmmm.. I’m not sure I have much more to go in depth with.

    Cobalt- Basically, I feel like he hasn’t really posted any content and the post that has the most content is just of him calling some of my statements out without calling them scummy or saying anything else. It came off to me like he was trying to seem like he was saying something new/significant without actually bringing up anything too important game-wise. Idk. I’ll wait until he posts reads and stuff.

    KaiDASH- It’s mostly gut feeling, but his playing style makes me nervous. It’s like he’s posting a whole lot of nothing, esp compared to the number of times he posted.

    Waco- Similar to KaiDASH, except I feel better about him and he’s definitely posting more content/making observations and asking questions. He seems to be asking a bit more than he’s revealing thoughts and stuff, though.

    Loch- I don't get the feeling she's posting for the sake of it and I think she's making good points.

    Basically, I just equate posting content/ content I agree with or that makes me think/active playing/etc as towny. But I think that’s easily faked so I’m still trying to figure my way around that.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:54 PM ----------
    LochNess- I've just been trying.

    I've never actually played forum mafia before, but I'm not unfamiliar with it. I've read a lot of stuff, esp on DLP, and I've been figuring my way around doing things that I saw other people do but never really understood (e.g., how people make reads earlier on). After getting answers on this thread and posting reads for the first time, I've just gained confidence and now I'm like fuck it I'll just post anything, because I know I'm probably going to be wrong but town's probably better off hearing my thoughts.
  16. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    Nope, definitely not still sounding self-conscious /s

    Plotless as top-town from just the claim?? Slippery as top 3 town. Lochness as a sure town? Proph only as a null? I'm seriously considering you the treatment I gave Cobalt in WH5 and just reversing your reads.

    BTW: I think you forget something....
  17. Lyric

    Lyric Squib

    Jan 7, 2016
    High Score:
    No, not sure town. When I wrote town, I mean leaning town.

    Proph is leaning town to me after his recent posts.

    And I'm treating Plotless as confirmed town for now. That can always change, but it's Day 1 and he claimed gravedigger, so I think it's fine to treat him as town for today. Am I missing something?
    Also, I do think it's likelier for town to be gravedigger.

    And tbh, that's fine if you want to reverse all my reads. Do what you need to do. Like I said, I'm trying to be transparent with my thoughts and working my way through the game on the thread.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:09 PM ----------

    Are you talking about his fluffiness? Because he'd be a null too.
  18. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    Hope the interview went well.

    That said, mind answering the question?

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:13 PM ----------

    Every player has an equal chance to be any role. Yes, since there are more town players it's more likely town gets GD, but it's far from definite. He's done absolutely nothing to convince me he's town so far. A GD claim is not a get out of jail free.

    Yes, I was talking about HF, I've noticed in the past that scum players will sometimes leave teammates out of their reads in the past (Newcomb in TH5 for example)
  19. Lyric

    Lyric Squib

    Jan 7, 2016
    High Score:
    Oh, I just assumed game mechanics would more likely be set up so that gravedigger would be a town role.

    And I left him out because he has ...basically no posts. And I'm not a fan of lynching lurkers, just because I'd rather have them replaced than lynched.
  20. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    You could have at least mentioned all the town players in TH5 as well

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:37 PM ----------

    Ideally yes, but I've found in the past that some people tend to lurk more as scum

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:38 PM ----------

    Albeit, I'm not sure if I remember ever being in a game where HF drew scum
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