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Complete Mother of Learning by nobody103 - T - Original Fantasy

Discussion in 'Original Fiction' started by Betosa, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    There's plenty of the time loops that aren't shown, I'm sure the occasional naughty thought has snuck in off screen. That said Zorian was pretty explicit in taking every loop seriously and not treating any of them as a plaything.
  2. Puzzled

    Puzzled High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2014
    Nobody103 doesn't mention it but every other loop is a month of drug fueled debauchery. Priorities you know?
  3. Mishie

    Mishie Fat Dog

    Jul 1, 2009
    Or maybe he's one of those weird people that focus on trying to not die horribly instead of starting up a romantic attachment that can only last a month at most, and then gets reset back to how it was earlier.
  4. Orm Embar

    Orm Embar Auror

    Mar 18, 2008
    On the shores of Selidor
    I think it's a combination of Zorian's own nature (contrary to popular belief, not all teenagers are lust-crazed beasts), Taiven's traumatic rejection, the fact that building a relationship inside a time-loop is difficult, and the existence of so many other interesting and lethal things to occupy his time. Also, the degrading memory packet has been hanging over his head like the Sword of Damocles for a while now, pushing him to spend his loops in a manner that's at least somewhat productive.
  5. DsRaider

    DsRaider Squib

    Feb 8, 2016
    High Score:
    You all have good points, but it's mostly his thoughts I have a problem with not his actions. I get that he's a serious person with a mission, but no one is that focused or without temptation.

    I can understand why he acts the way he does but the way he thinks just seems sanitized. He should occasionally at least blush or think about what someone looks like naked. His purity of thought just feels unrealistic to me.
  6. Iztiak

    Iztiak Prisoner DLP Supporter

    Dec 4, 2006
    Granted, and he should probably have to take a shit at some point too. It's not relevant to the story however, and so thankfully, the author doesn't write about it.
  7. Anstid

    Anstid Fourth Year DLP Supporter

    Jan 7, 2008
    Yeah, this isn't really a 'slice of life' fic DsRaider, we're reading a story about a time loop with unimaginably powerful enemies around every corner, and the young kid wizard thrown into the loop that starts with threadbare skills and develops into these powerful enemies demise.

    I enjoy the story for what it is, not what it could be.
  8. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    I'm also enjoying the lack of romance, and find it to make sense with the situation at hand. For one, anything he starts is going to be temporary. Now, that in and on itself isn't that bad, you could write a compelling romance angle around that, knowing everything inevitably resets and how he then deals with that.

    That would, however, take up large amounts of screentime. there can't be a little romance, it's either not there at all, or it's a huge part, no inbetween.

    So yeah. Whether it is because he has no romantic interest in anyone, or he simply doesn't want to start anything because of the time loops, I'm glad we don't see him pining over someone.

    I do wish for more social interaction though. So far, his classmates have been fantastic.

    Besides, it's one thing to use the time loop to gain skills, it is something else if he uses that to manipulate himself into a romantic/sexual relationship with someone, via trial and error. That would be distinctly uncomfortable and rape-y. I'm glad that the other people in the time loop are not mere props for him but real people. Real people he keeps at a distance for a reason, so that he doesn't get emotionally devastated every time they die.
  9. One

    One Second Year

    Sep 27, 2015
    So, I had this giant block of text with quotes and references and I was talking about how I was re-reading and found some things that blew my mind, I was about to post it, and then it got erased. So here's the shortened version:

    1. Zorian might have had prophetic dreams (not unusual for those that are Open) before and not noticed, and his offhand descriptions (talking birds, floating pyramids, three-eyed wolves) may be hinting at what is going to happen later on in the story. Are the birds pigeon/eagle-shifters? Are the floating pyramids that key to unraveling the mysteries of the time loop? Is the three-eyed wolf the appearance of the primordial they are trying to summon?

    2. The Dungeon isn't something isolated that only appears near Mana Wells. The Dungeon runs throughout the WHOLE WORLD!!!!! No one knows how far down it goes and what creatures inhabit those lower levels. That fact is suuuuuuppppppppeeeeeerrr scary to me. I would not be able to keep calm if I knew that there were millions of creatures that could easily kill me, living beneath my feet. Are the primordials living in the center of the planet?
  10. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    Lazarus: Form Recovery
  11. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    I know you said you lost your quotes, but I've read the entire story more than once and I'm drawing a blank on the part I put in bold. I'm also not sure if it relates to the next part of the sentence.

    I've no doubt that if Zorian saw such things, even in his mind, that they'd be part of the story later. But I genuinely do not recall when this happened. Can you give me a basic idea? Or even a turn of phrase, so I could search for it.
  12. Edwyn

    Edwyn Muggle

    Feb 15, 2016
    High Score:
    According to Ikosian belief, that is pretty much it. Well, it is hard to say if they are currently underground or in a different dimension, but according to the story of how the world was created, as written in chapter 20. A Matter of Faith:

    According to Ikosians, the world was originally a swirling, shapeless chaos, inhabited only by the 7 primordial dragons. One day, the gods descended from the higher planes of existence and killed all of them save one. This last one they refashioned into the material world that humans now inhabit, turning her body into dirt and stone, her blood into water, her breath into air and her fire into magic. The vast networks of tunnels stretching beneath the surface of the world are dragon veins, now empty of blood that had been turned into the seas but still flooded with magic emanating from the Heart of the World – the fiery, still-beating heart of the primordial dragon that rests somewhere deep underground. Far from being content with her fate, the Dragon Below still rages against her bounds, giving birth to natural disasters like volcanoes and earthquakes. Unable to strike back against the gods themselves, the dragon takes her anger out on their favored creations – humans – by utilizing her heart, the one thing the gods have not seen fit to take away from her. Pieces of it continually flake off from the main mass, giving birth to horrifying monsters whenever they hit the ground, at which point said monsters begin their ascent to the surface to terrorize mankind…

    We can see that all monsters are creatures that originate from the World Dragon's flaking heart. And the primordials are basically the first monsters to ever be created. As Batak (Note: The word 'Batak' in BHS, stands for drumstick, as in leg of poultry, kinda funny) the priest said in chapter 26. Soulkill:

    Primordials can't be summoned, since they're down here with us already. Bound, forced into sleep and locked away, but still with us. What they can be is set loose.

    Which pretty much says they are sleeping somewhere. Deep under the earth would be my first guess if they were bound who knows how many years ago. Also, the reason why they picked Cyoria might be because the Hole (yeah I know.. that's how it's called) is actually the entrance to the resting place of one of those primordial monsters.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2016
  13. One

    One Second Year

    Sep 27, 2015
    "Sympathy for the Spider" Ctrl F "prophetic"

    Also, yak, what is Lazarus: Form Retrieval?
  14. Silly

    Silly Third Year

    Oct 12, 2015
    High Score:
    The plot seems like it's moving along nicely at the moment. We're finally done with invading the mansion in the woods, and now we've brought Xvim into this whole mess. I'm pretty interested in learning more about the mayor, though I fully expect that plot point to be shelved and brought back a little bit later. In my opinion, there is definitely some sort of tragic story here. My guess is that the mayor took up necromancy after his wife died and is trying some desperately stupid gambit to bring her back to life. The Xvim ending to this chapter is definitely really nice though. He's been such a cool character, despite us not being able to really explore his personality up until now. Now that he knows about the time loop I fully expect plenty of interesting things to happen.


    Anyways, as for a full review, I just binge read this over the last few days. This story is great, and I hate that I like it so much.

    The world the author throws us into is simply massive and incredibly detailed, and I am constantly left wanting to know more. The story is pretty intricate as well, and there are so many different unresolved plot points that I'm interested in finding out about. The large plot points are interesting, for example, what is in the Matriarch's packet? When will he meet up with Zach? Who is Red Robe? But also the small plot points that are left as sort of "sidequests". I really want to know more about the witch in the woods. I want to figure out the mayor's motivations and soul thingy. I want to see more interactions with classmates. I want to eventually explore the secret government research facility. I want to learn about the cat shifters. Maybe we'll even find time to go abroad and we can meet Damien. There's just so much opportunity for this story.

    However, the technical aspects of writing leave a lot to be desired from me. The author has a terrible, terrible habit of switching randomly between past and present tense, and it just breaks the flow of the story so much. Some sections also seem to flow poorly to me, but that's a minor concern compared with over forty chapters of random tense switching throwing me for a loop. It just pains me so much that such a good story is marred by this mistake, and if the story was any worse I would have dropped it much sooner simply on principle.
  15. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Really? I haven't noticed. I believe you. But I've seen people complain of this in other stories, but I never noticed it there either.

    Is this something that really hangs other people up when they're reading? Because now I'm wondering how much it would have to happen for me to notice it.
  16. theronin

    theronin Order Member

    Jan 17, 2013
    I tend to notice tense switching, and I don't recall encountering much of it in this story. I find it odd that I would have missed it since it's one of the things that completely drives me up a wall. That said, I actually agree with Silly that the writing is somewhat sloppy at times, and the author would benefit from having someone give it a solid editing pass. I think I've noticed a few glaring mistakes in nearly every chapter, and that was without really looking for them.
  17. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    I'm in the same boat, Ched. I don't think I notice this error often.

    As an example, here's one from the last chapter: Zorian's explanation winded down

    I gave you enough information to google it without going further off-topic. It's the cure for what ails you. Lazarus: Form Recovery is a browser extension that saves and recovers text you've typed. When I hit the Lazarus icon in this text box I'm given a list of the last dozen posts I've typed on DLP.

    If you click away, or close the page, or it fails to send, etc., then you can recover it near instantly with Lazarus.
  18. Silly

    Silly Third Year

    Oct 12, 2015
    High Score:
    It's something that personally bothers me a lot. I tend to notice grammar mistakes pretty easily. One or two mistakes I can dismiss as typos, but when it happens frequently I just assume the author is incompetent (it's not always true, but is much more common when they don't know how to use proper grammar).

    I think it's gotten better in the most recent few chapters, but the beginning chapters especially are littered with random tense mistakes periodically.
  19. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South

    Will edit with thoughts.

    Edit: Well, Zvim remains badass.

    Seems that Zorian is including Taiven in the time loop without the narrative drawing attention to it, much like we can usually assume that he includes Kael when he goes to the Academy. That was mentioned so casually that I almost missed it.

    Some world building too, where Zorian decides to look into politics. Not tons of stuff we didn't know, but several new things, and it's nice for a refresher and to tie things we've heard about together more. Great example of a story that doesn't force feed you backstory until you're interested enough to care... if the author had tried to infodump this in the first few chapters no one would have kept reading, but as it is I felt invested.

    ...besides, it seems to tie into Zach. In an interesting way.

    Spoiler tags for 24 hours after release please!
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2016
  20. Clerith

    Clerith Ahegao Emperor ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 7, 2008
    High Score:
    Well, that reveal sure gave a new spin to some things. The plot thickens! And it's pretty damn interesting.