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Plot Bunny Threa(d/t) V

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Anyway, silly images aside, here's something completely different and with a bit more thought put into it.

    A dimension!hopping adult Harry from a world where AU Travel is common and regulated by the Ministry.

    He works in the Department of Interdimensional Travel and Research as a Scout. He travels to various worlds to see if they are nice and if they are, he reports back to his Ministry and an official First Contact between the AUs is made, leading to trade and exchange of cultural ideas and of course, tourism.

    This way, there are now hundreds of allied AUs in a slowly-forming Interdimensional Confederation of Wizards.

    Though it should be noted that Harry's universe has the monopoly on AU travel and the method for it is a very guarded secret.

    One day this Harry lands in the canon world, and finds that the date there is 1996. This itself is not odd, as the date can vary between dimensions even by decades.

    What is odd however is this mysterious Lord Voldemort character.

    In all his travels between many alternate universes, Harry has never encountered Voldemort.

    Sure, there have been worlds ruled by dark wizards, even some with a victorious Grindelwald, but Voldemort is somehow unique to this world.

    Upon further research Harry discovers just how powerful Voldemort is and how strongly he has affected the history of wizarding Britain since his rise in 1970s.

    Harry is even surprised by his counterpart's fame due to the whole "Boy Who Lived" business.

    While usually worlds dominated by dark wizards are ignored and not invited into the Interdimensional Community, this time Harry feels as if he should intervene at least a little, for the sake of the other Harry.

    Long story short, he underestimates Voldemort, fucks up big time and the Dark Lord learns how to travel to alternate universes.

    Having no other choice, Harry contacts his superiors in the Prime Dimension and informs them that a super-powerful Dark Lord now roams across the multiverse, probably growing even stronger and no doubt aiming to create a interdimensional empire.

    Because of Voldemort's origins, the canon reality is invited to the AU community as "guests". The Prime Ministry also takes an interest in Canon Harry, given the Prophecy and his status as the Chosen One.

    The story could then shift focus to something like Stargate SG1, with Canon Harry being mentored by his older equivalent and exploring other realities with him, while from time to time encoutering Voldemort's forces.
  2. Peter North

    Peter North Dark Lord

    Jul 10, 2013
    New Hampshire
    This sounds like cross between Noddlehammer's sequel stories and LordSliver's Parabella fic.
  3. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I never heard of them, so I dunno.
  4. Peter North

    Peter North Dark Lord

    Jul 10, 2013
    New Hampshire
  5. cancelled for a

    cancelled for a Second Year

    Mar 27, 2015
    Whatever happened to Harry being a king of some sort? Involving politics mostly, or wars. Doesn't really matter. But Harry as a king of a nation would be pretty interesting to read.
  6. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    It went into the trash along with easy wandless magic and living in trunks.

    Though it can still be found on FFn, in fics that will never have more than two chapters.
  7. Red Aviary

    Red Aviary Hogdorinclawpuff ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 25, 2008
    High Score:
    I had a small Puella Magi Madoka Magica / Harry Potter crossover scenario I was sitting on that I thought I might as well share.

    Basically, it takes the same concept of Madoka's wish resulting in a new world where Magical Girls fight Wraiths instead of Witches. However, it's more than just that: her wish results in creating the whole Harry Potter world. The Wraiths are HP Dementors (or rather, Dementors are a type of Wraith I guess), and magic is now split between Magical Girls and wizards or witches (lower case -- not that anyone besides Homura in the new world even knows about the other kind).

    Magical Girls are only recruited from amongst Muggles, and they're the only ones who can actually kill Dementors. Wizards have the Patronus Charm, but that can only keep Dementors/Wraiths at bay, and it's a difficult charm at that. I've entertained the idea of there being some kind of agreement between the Wizarding World and the Incubators regarding all this, but I'm not sure on details.

    The actual story I also don't have much details on, but assuming Madoka Magica takes place around 2011 or so that makes Harry about 31, so it'd be a post-Hogwarts fic. I'd probably also either ignore Rebellion or just handwave it as taking place between it and the anime. I thought about Harry going to Japan on an Auror assignment or something rather than putting Homura in Britain, but again, not sure. The story would heavily revolve around Dementors/Wraiths, so the antagonist might be someone trying to use them for their own means. Perhaps even Kyubey getting up to something like he did in Rebellion, trying to restore the Witch status quo.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
  8. Rhaegar I

    Rhaegar I Death Eater

    Jul 8, 2013
    Right behind You...
    A small discussion I started in Pet Peeves on Magical Oaths got me thinking: what if there was a Harry Potter world that not only had Magical Oaths, but actually used them in a realistic way?

    I know this isn't a Plot in and of itself, but I do think using this in a World-Building exercise has a lot of potential. The Ministry using them for trials, Voldemort using them to weed out spies and traitors, and so on. How could a world of Magical Oaths realistically develop?
  9. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    There are two possibilities:

    1. The Oaths become outlawed and a massive taboo. Even mentioning them would be seen as distasteful and wrong.

    2. The magical society becomes an Orwellian dystopia with people enslaving others using Oaths.
  10. Rhaegar I

    Rhaegar I Death Eater

    Jul 8, 2013
    Right behind You...
    I would so read a story with the second premise.
  11. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    Mind elaborating how you think it would leads to those two paths?
  12. Puzzled

    Puzzled High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2014
    Knowledge is Useful, But Power is Power goes down the Orwellian oath path. I enjoyed it, but it's not to everyone's taste.
  13. Rhaegar I

    Rhaegar I Death Eater

    Jul 8, 2013
    Right behind You...
    Oh yeah, I forgot about it. I read it once. It wasn't the best, but it had some pretty decent stuff.
  14. Vulcan

    Vulcan Groundskeeper

    Oct 16, 2014
    A twist on HP/LotR crossovers.
    Usually they depict HP emigrant as a game changer, using magic left and right, slaying Orcs by squads. But let's imagine it's Harry from Year II. He is weaker than Hobbit (thanks to Dursleys), and knows only a bunch of spells useful in combat, none of which can do a real damage (like tickling charm). Can THIS Harry make a difference, or he ends up more like a hindrance than help?
  15. Peace

    Peace High Inquisitor

    Aug 17, 2011
    My computer desk
    This isn't a plot bunny. It's a bit of worldbuilding that I did related to a piece of I posted in Fight Club.

    Points of Divergence:

    1. Tom is adopted by muggles and grows into a less homicidal, non-Voldemort adult
    2. Grindelwald shatters the Statute of Secrecy when trying to help the Wehrmacht take Moscow
    3. Tom assumes a leadership role after Grindelwald’s Dark Army murders his adopted parents
    4. After the war new countries develop, combining both the muggle and magical governments

    The Current World:

    The world has fractured into three powerful empires, a number of growing powers and a slew of smaller countries who are allied with the Great Powers.

    The Empires:

    There are three empires:

    The British Empire: large, well-organised and relatively stable it comprises the Home Islands (England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland) and the Viceroyalty of Oceania (Australia, New Zealand and some Pacific Islands and Papua New Guinea), the Viceroyalty of Southern Africa (South Africa, Rhodesia, Namibia), the Viceroyalty of India (most of Southern India with Northern India organised into a series of client buffer states), the Viceroyalty of Canada and the Provinces of Egypt.

    Viceroyalties have representation in the House of Lords and Wizengamot, both are which are subordinate to a ruling body made up of muggles and wizards. Provinces don’t have representation.

    Chinese Empire: an empire under the iron fist of a magical emperor. Once the Statute was broken the emperor took control of the country, killing all muggle leaders. It’s an autocratic government where the emperor is worshipped as a god figure. It also hold Japan, though it killed much of the population in response to repeated rebellions.

    The Caliphate: an Islamic religious empire fighting internal divisions. Wizards are seen as gods chosen and its leaders seek a war with outsiders to unite the various factions against a common enemy and shore up their nation.

    Great Nations:

    Republics of New England and Texas: two North American nations that are expanding their influence over the continent, seeking to reunite the United States which were fractured by a civil war between the various magical states. The British Empire is concerned that they have designs on Canada and is seeking either an accommodation with one republic or to provoke them into war with each other so that they’ll be fatally weakened.

    Grand Duchy of Muscovy: its hold over Russia was shattered by the losses it suffered during the war but it has been steadily regaining its former strength and seeks to reassert its influence over Russia. It seeks to regain lands that are held by the Caliphate and the Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania.

    The Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania: when the Statute was shattered the Commonwealth, always a very powerful magical nation, struck out at German occupying forces, creating safe zones for muggles in their nations. It eventually struck a peace deal with the Dark Army in order to facilitate its war against their common enemy.

    The Story:

    I have no idea. Something involving assassins, lots of fighting, armies of muggles with regiments of wizards and potential global conflict. Harry would play a leading role either as an Auror or, more likely, as a British officer in a wizard's regiment.
  16. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    You have my undivided attention.
    Jibril, get in here and take a look. Nauro, you too.
  17. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    [Historian mode on]Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is the oficial translation of Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów.[Historian mode off]

    As for ideas for the geo-political situation check this two threads.
  18. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011

    Uh, what? I'm alive. I'm alive.

    Er... I don't really know too much on the period, actually, beside what was covered in school and that was a while ago and most of that needs to be double checked anyway. Funny thing is I'm starting a low depth research into 1863 rebellion, but that's after the divisions, not before.

    Otherwise, I can only give you google results of biggest territory after 1619.

    As google gives the statute of secrecy at year 1692, there's time to loose bits and drops here and there. Still, it remained a majorish power until 1772ish, so taking a "screenshot" of borders as their magical countries leaves quite a bit of a powerblock.

    The question is, how do you translate the whole position in the magical world, the questions of expansionism for wizards (and if they actually cared about it as much) and other bits.

    I suppose some pressure could actually come from Muggleborns, especially if born in areas where one would expect Russian/Austrian/Swedish magical schools and learning that you're going to some Polish speaking institute... You know the idea. I think it was mentioned someday before.

    Otherwise, the statute of secrecy pases before the 1791 constititution, leaving a question of governance system. This might sound out of the left field, but bear with me for a second.

    The commonwealth was in decline, as its system, giving the barony (? terms) too much power to stop a decision from passing. It was getting worse, with too many people having the right of vetoing basically any decision, destroying the effectiveness of the sejm step by step.

    Question is - was the magical community large enough to have this problem? If not so, the liberum veto should have remained and be a constant issue in governance.

    On the other hand, the commonwealth tried to move to a more modern mode of governance with the new constitution (actually inspired by the just released USA's one, and having some similarities), but it was already too late and the country was already being divided by external rivals. So the reforms never truly went through.

    If such a rivalry is laxer in the wizarding world, perhaps this constitution, as the muggle and wizarding world gradually went further and further from each other, still could have been implemented in some ways, giving us interesting new structures embedded in the old ways.

    Otherwise can't help you much more. You have to ask your own questions and find your own sources. Then again, from the main post it doesn't seem like the commonwealth is a major focus, so Xandrel basically just summoned me to gush at glorious past where having Lithuanian ancestors was a popular sentiment between Polish nobles, and the Polish (half-elected) kings still carried Lithuanian blood, if they didn't speak the language.

    Otherwise, go with Jibril 's links. Strange that I don't remember reading those threads, but at first glance, information seems to be relevant enough. Gonna read now.


    Food for thought:
    Would writing an original story about some mundane/non-mundane elements having different borders be idea-stealing or is it too general to get sued by Xandrel or Peace?
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
  19. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    On the contrary, my body is ready for such original stories.
  20. Peace

    Peace High Inquisitor

    Aug 17, 2011
    My computer desk
    Nauro - To be honest I didn't even consider dates when I threw in the Commonwealth. I selected it because I like the idea of magical nations having different borders than muggle nations (that's Taure's influenced, I think) and I like the Commonwealth from playing Total War.

    I'm tempted to have France having been completely destroyed during the war, the site of the heaviest fighting in the war. It's slowly recovering but is very much a third-rate nation, though it's basically a protectorate of the British Empire which offers it some much needed protection.

    I think my desire to have France be completely destroyed comes from my English ancestors.