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Harry/Fleur Community

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Methene, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. Hawkin

    Hawkin Chief Warlock

    Apr 20, 2011
    QC, Canada
    There's actually this premise in the WbA at the moment.
  2. jedielfsorcerer

    jedielfsorcerer Raptured to Hell

    Oct 27, 2008
    Idaho, USA
    There a link to it?
  3. MoltenCheese

    MoltenCheese Seventh Year

    Jul 20, 2015
  4. Invictus

    Invictus Master of Death

    Mar 21, 2013
    Holy shit I remember when this bunny was suggested on this thread three years ago, quite seriously too.
  5. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    The actual way the fencing comes about is different, though. Petunia certainly doesn't treat Harry any differently from canon.
  6. EmeraldGuardian

    EmeraldGuardian First Year DLP Supporter

    Nov 21, 2015
    London ON, Canada
    High Score:
    I'm actually a huge Harry/Fleur fan and I think have read all the major stories for this pairing. I actually tried writing my first HP fanfic last year and was doing H/F but it was another rehash of the very cliched get together during the tournament thing. It sucked so I abandoned it. Even now I can tell my writing has improved some since then. I do want to give it another try though. I had an idea the other day and was curious if people think it might be interesting.

    I was thinking of having it set during OotP where Fleur (who has wanted to become a curse breaker) has befriended Bill working at Gringotts. He's interested in pursuing her romantically like in canon but she is not. Anyway, he gets her involved with the Order where she sees Harry again in Grimmauld Place. Then probably have some kind of cliched accidentally meet in the kitchen in the middle of the night scene and they talk, getting to know each other better. Fleur ends up not agreeing with how Dumbledore isn't telling him information when he is obviously involved in the war (Order members know they are guarding a prophecy that relates to Harry but not what it says) so she starts telling him everything discussed at meetings. Eventually she realizes that Dumbledore isn't even planning on training Harry with Voldemort after him so she decides to help out. She also has the idea to even the playing field by finding powerful magical objects so they leave and go raiding tombs / temples.

    This is a really really rough idea so far. Let me know if anyone thinks that could be interesting or any ideas of their own. Thanks.
  7. jedielfsorcerer

    jedielfsorcerer Raptured to Hell

    Oct 27, 2008
    Idaho, USA
    That's an interesting idea Emerald.

    Also I thought of two more ideas for Fleur to get together eventually with Harry:

    1) Say, the other schools arrive few days before the selection of the champions. The next meal or so after the night they showed up, Fleur's little sister saw Harry, (she's a fan, but not like ginny. More of hero worship type) and dragged her older sister with her to sit beside Harry and they talk. If Gabby can't speak much english, then fleur is the one who translate for her, and friendship blooms from that over time. Gabby would insist on sitting with Harry at majority of the meals. Fleur and Harry would get to know each other before the champions are picked and all.

    2) This would be a dark romance type of story. Dark romance, has I mean, is someone who is in the dark, and someone of the light brings that person back to the light. along those lines...............

    Harry, even though he is sorted into gryff house, he never really had any friends. He studies with Hermione in the library, other wise part of the time he's alone, with few people picking on him. The night that he was picked to be a champion, the whole house turned against him. That whole night and morn., he is bullied very very badly, beaten up, and all. That next morn., he slowly leaves the house, he decided that he's had enough. He slowly goes to the chamber of secrets, gets a fang of the serpent, and goes outside of the great hall, and attemps to kill himself with the poisoned fang.

    All of the heads of houses, the headmaster, and the healer saw Harry attemping to kill himself. Who stops him? Not any of hoggy people, but one forienge person. The French Lady, Fleur Delacour. Her headmistress, and fellow students, saw harry attemping to kill himself and she stopped him.

    Harry right when the fang was bearly touching his skin on his chest, the fang was spelled away from him, he looks up and sees "an angel" (his thoughts) stopping him. He looks at her and asks in a voice that says he is about to pass out from the pain that his house members did to him, "are you an angle"? then he passes out.

    From then, Fleur tells herself, that she will "heal" Harry from the "pain" that he is feeling. Mostly the pain is emotional and mental pain.

    Throughout all of this, From gryf house to chamber of secrets to where he attemps suicide, he was bleeding from the spells that was cast upon him.
  8. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Not sure if srs.
  9. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    What in the actual fuck is that nonsense?
  10. Hawkin

    Hawkin Chief Warlock

    Apr 20, 2011
    QC, Canada
    First off, can you avoid using 15 dots/periods when one is plenty enough?

    Second, your first idea is alright I guess, but your second is horrifying (not in the sense of "dark", more in the sense of atrociously disgusting).
  11. EmeraldGuardian

    EmeraldGuardian First Year DLP Supporter

    Nov 21, 2015
    London ON, Canada
    High Score:
    First of all thanks. It's just an idea I've been kicking round based off another idea I talked to someone about on r/HPfanfiction (reddit) about a story focused on a Curse Breaker Fleur. I just thought that would be a cool way to get Harry into Curse Breaking and also find some cool magical artifacts.

    Now on to your ideas. I really like your first one. I think it would be cute and might make a good fic. It would probably work best as a oneshot or a shorter chapter length fic unless you have more plot ideas other than how they get together.

    Personally I don't really like the second but I'm not really a fan of suicidal Harry fics and even then I don't think Harry would try to off himself in the middle of the great hall. Harry has always hated attention so why would he try to do that. By doing that it would seem more like a cry for attention than an actual suicide attempt. Idk.

    I'd definitely read a fic based off the first idea though.
  12. Deftex

    Deftex Third Year

    Jan 8, 2016
    High Score:
    I do like the idea of a curse breaker Harry. The whole "dark descent," not into madness or the dark arts but literally into a tomb or temple filled with traps and treasure has always tickled the little adventurer hiding somewhere inside me. A Harry going through the learning process with someone like Fleur and possibly even Bill to teach him the ropes seems like it could be the base for a really interesting story, provided it's done right. Too many H/F fics have turned into abominations like what has been described to us by jedielfsorcerer.

    It's an interesting idea with a lot of potential - I say go for it Emerald.
  13. EmeraldGuardian

    EmeraldGuardian First Year DLP Supporter

    Nov 21, 2015
    London ON, Canada
    High Score:
    Thanks. I'm planning on it. I just have so many plot ideas right now it's hard to choose what I want to write next. I won't be writing anything else though until I finish my current Harry/Ginny fic.

    I have to agree with you there. I really love those kinds of stories but there aren't many. You get a taste of it in Wastelands of Time and Magicks of the Arcane. I just hope I can pull it off. It'll take lots of planning.
  14. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Harry has never ever displayed any suicidal tendencies. When there is a problem in front of him, he confronts it. He does not slit his wrists and cry in a corner, hoping for someone to bloody save him. HE is the guy who Knocks- Uh - the guy who saves.

    The first idea wasn't all bad and provides a decent excuse for Harry and Fleur to talk, if nothing else. That said, she's 17, beautiful, intelligent and popular. The odds of her wanting Harry are extremely low. Odds are good she'd be looking for guys three years older than her, not three years younger.

    As such, a Harry/Fleur fic requires a lot - A LOT - of build-up. That's part of what I like about the pairing, really. You'd need to write them becoming friends first and then, slowly, have that change.

    Preferably, one should have a plot-driven story and let the romance develop in the background.

    jedielfsorcerer : You really, really need to go read Potter Law. It's kinda only half-serious, but it does summarize what you should expect when it comes to good and bad ideas here. Then there's abbreviating that which does not need abbreviation. Gryffs, Hoggy. Stop that. ^^
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2016
  15. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    This is bland. The cliched accidental meeting in the kitchen is boring. Fleur isn't going to go for the angry boy Harry was in OotP. You need to bring him up in her estimation first. Maybe they have an argument/debate over magic, a book, whatever. Something to establish Harry as someone other than the famous friend of Bill's little brother, even if he did stumble into 'saving' her sister the year before. Going off to find 'powerful magical objects' is meh, especially when they both have responsibilities in England that can't be easily dismissed.

    Curse breaking Harry and Fleur could be interesting. Set it after the war. Have Harry take a year to 'find himself' like Dumbledore wanted to with Doge. Harry and Ron find themselves in Egypt, and having always thought of Bill as cool, decide to try their hand at cursebreaking/tomb raiding. Maybe they find themselves in competition with Fleur on a particular site and a friendly rivalry grows. The age gap isn't an issue in such an environment, and time has given Harry to grow into a more obviously powerful wizard. Write off the canon relationships however you want.

    Meh. Slice of life, character piece that could be alright. Sounds a lot like what that one guy Endless7 or whatever writes. Decent way to introduce them without ass pulling anything.

    This is shit. Pure, unadulterated shit. There is so much shit in this idea that I could feed an army of dung beetles for centuries. So much shit that if I could turn it into fertiliser, I could retire. So much shit that if I planted mushrooms in it, I could keep the hippie population of the world satisfied for a good week.

    Look at idea number two again and go think about what you've done.
  16. Lukaskr

    Lukaskr Fourth Year

    Nov 16, 2008
    Chicago, born in Poland
    If I wanted a fairy tale I'd watch a fucking Disney movie.
  17. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    I'm getting the urge to prove you wrong.

    This is a pretty dangerous urge.
  18. Nerox

    Nerox High Inquisitor

    Jan 29, 2012
    Please don't. You'll just get me hooked again...
  19. jedielfsorcerer

    jedielfsorcerer Raptured to Hell

    Oct 27, 2008
    Idaho, USA
    Another idea:

    Harry is a metamorphmagus, only couple of people know this. Gryffindor head of house, and Pomphry the school healer.

    He also took runes in 3rd year.

    After 3rd year, during that summer, he decided to go on a vacation, and went to France.

    He has a backpack that has his new multi compartment trunk (similar to madeye's), and a magical tent. the tent is warded by the goblins (for a fee off course).

    Harry already knew French, before he went to hogwarts, and kept in practice with Hermione over the years.

    So, Harry goes to France for a vacation, saved Gabby (fleur's sister) from being kidnapped. The Father asked him if he had a place to stay, and he says that he has a tent. The Father says he can stay at his place, with some rules off course for Harry to follow.

    I see Fleur's dad has either head of a department in the French ministry of magic. Like Madam Bones is the DMLE head. Like a upper middle class in money.

    So, with the Delacours showing Harry France for the summer. Getting to know the family, and befriending Fleur, and treating gabby has a younger sister that he always wanted.

    Harry would find out about the triwizard turny from the Delacours, and harry telling Fleur to dress warmly since scotland is colder than France.

    How I see it from this, Harry would ask Fleur to the yule ball, and she would say yes.
  20. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Hey, man, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the indy!Harry phase died out here at least 5 years ago. There's nothing appealing about a metamorphmagus!Harry, which is one of the most useless traits people randomly decide to bundle Harry with. Randomly learning French is super heavily handed and is only ever used as a plot mechanic so Fleur can be impressed. Also, random vacation to France is random. Magical trunk is retarded, and the goblin-warded tent is somehow worse. Arbitrarily introducing Harry to Fleur before book four is one of the worst ideas I commonly see people use a crutch. I don't get why Fleur's dad's position is important at all. People always seem to try and make him some prominent figure, which just isn't interesting.