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Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by BioPlague, May 1, 2016.

  1. Tutorial Boss

    Tutorial Boss Seventh Year

    Apr 10, 2012
    What did you do to this poor game D:
  2. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    It looks like observer mode and no fog of war.
  3. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    Nope, was fiddling with the map generation. Science went too far.
  4. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    Well, after playing a multiplayer game for a few hours with a friend and his friends(totalling about 18 players + around 17 AIs) earlier, I'm looking forward to the DLP game. We were on Fast speed, so got about 85 years in, and it was decently active.

    Also, I've been playing an excruciating game with just a single different friend + AIs on Normal speed for the last five and a half hours. Fairly bothersome to hear him still complain about things being too fast sometimes and generally being out of sorts, although it's happening a bit less frequently as time goes on.
    2234.08.25(about three hours, twenty-eight and a half minutes of unpaused time at Normal speed), including several stress-induced smoke breaks for him because he was so stressed at the speed with minimal pausing, and two anxious food/snack breaks for him.

    On a side note, while I did tell him how the mechanic worked before the match, I am not in a hurry to correct his false notion that only the Host can pause the game. >_>
  5. Roarian

    Roarian High Inquisitor

    Jun 11, 2011
    So the other day my proud race of lizard people ran into a pre-industrial Sol system - and promptly started infiltrating the society of the poor Humans. For having no defenses or pirates or w/e, the system was also rather overly rich, with like 15 energy and minerals each. I found some alien tech on Mars & failed something similar on one of Jupiter's Moons... I'm just gonna assume I played right into the Ancient Aliens mythology here.

    Also some of the implants I used on the humans went berserk at some point and they started spouting gibberish in alien languages, so I guess I'm responsible for pentecostals too.

    It's interesting to see what all the various scenarios are based off. The Post-Mugis are presumably a reference to Khan & his fellow genetically enhanced folks in Star Trek, considering their deal was greatly enhanced physical & mental prowess coupled with supreme arrogance and rage.
  6. Hawkin

    Hawkin Chief Warlock

    Apr 20, 2011
    QC, Canada
    I started a new game playing my nifty custom Swarm (Fanatic Collectivism, Militaristic / Rapid Breeders, Adaptive, Repugnant / Dictatorship). Ended up in the worst place ever for 4 arms galaxy, at the beginning of one arm.

    Soon enough, I discovered my neighbor. Some kind of pacifist and spiritualist. I think they were some kind of democratic institution too, as if we weren't different enough. We rushed two adjacent stars with frontier outposts. The one I wanted had a primitive species (Fanatic Collectivism, Militaristic, and Adaptive too!) that was in the atomic age. I really wanted to integrate them into my empire. The one he was aiming for had a +6 societal planet. I ended up managing to finish my outpost first and grabbed both, and so he declared me rival.

    Only one thing was left to do, to grab his territory and expand further. Sadly, their physiology did not benefit in anyway the Swarm and so it was that we consumed them without mercy. Yes, I instantly purged three world as soon as I conquered them to make place for my colony ship that grabbed a tropical world (24 spaces / 90% Habitability).

    My next neighbors, the High Council of Gallifrey, are less than pleased with my recent action. Despite their pacifist tendencies, I see a bright future for the Swarm with the integration of the Time Lord within our ranks. Perhaps by liberating half their empire and purging the other I could make sure to control that species too.

    P.S. The primitive species I started infiltrating went full XCOM on me. I was setback (-20%) thrice in total because they kept finding my spies.
  7. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Played about 5 hours last night. I'm up to 10 planets total I think. I'm not really sure how soon I should be putting new planets in to sectors. Right now I'm doing it after I've upgrade the planetary capital, because I don't think sector governors can do that because they don't get influence power (as far as I'm aware).

    Fleet was maxed at around 12k, but 3k of that is trapped in a spot because I can no longer get military border access. Not sure what the best way around that is. I tried to war my neighbor, but he's allied with 4 other nations and I couldn't take out all of them, so that didn't go well. Later on, I enlightened an industrial era civ and made them my vassal, which was cool. I'm not sure what the benefits are yet, as they're still pretty useless. But, one of the big civs that shares a border with them declared war on them, and in turn, me. This is when I realized that my fleet balanced sucked, because after the first big battle (my 9k vs 6k), all that was left was a couple of my battleships and nothing else, and 4 battleships will not come close to taking out a swarm of 50 corvettes.

    That's sort of where I'm at right now, with my backup fleet unable to help, and the sentient AI tech staring at me as one of the possible researches.
  8. BioPlague

    BioPlague The Senate DLP Supporter

    Jun 22, 2006
    United States
    About to hit 100K fleet power. Dumpstered the Unbidden and took out the nearest Fallen Empire that was sitting on 4 Gaia Worlds. Weirdly enough, another Fallen Empire is just on the other side of them (Xenophiles). Bit bigger of an empire and it's not my turn to be king of the federation just yet, so we shall bide our time.

    The reverse engineering of the Unbidden tech has essentially put us above everyone and on parity with the Fallen Empires. As the Unbidden spawned in a world right next to my capital (which was housing a 50K fleet), I was the only one to get the tech, and they only managed to get ~35K through. So it was a pretty quick invasion on their part :).
  9. Mishie

    Mishie Fat Dog

    Jul 1, 2009
    Odd question, but does anybody know if it's a bug or intended that ships with Jump Drives can be blocked off from moving through a system if the hyperlane is blocked? It just feels a bit odd that they would be connected since with Jump Drive you can go anywhere that's in rang. Kinda thinking that I may have accidentally fucked myself by researching the tech that reveals them as well.
  10. BioPlague

    BioPlague The Senate DLP Supporter

    Jun 22, 2006
    United States
    How is the hyperlane blocked?
  11. Gizmore

    Gizmore Minister of Swedish Affairs DLP Supporter

    Jul 11, 2006
    I got to 260 pop in a ring map. The map type sucks though, had a super powerful enemy to the south so I had to ally the civ to the north to be able to defend myself, then I was trapped. -.-

    Link for people having troubles with wars. Helped me out a ton.
  12. Dark Belra

    Dark Belra Minister of Magic

    Feb 14, 2008
    Dublin, Ireland
    OUt of curiosity, what difficulty is everyone playing at? I'm playing on Normal and the game seems quite easy and I'm starting to get into the late game.
  13. JErosion

    JErosion DA Member

    Feb 14, 2015
    I've been playing in increments, so that each game ill increase either the number of AI or difficulty, in my second game I set it at 800 stars, 15 empires with 3 advanced. I think all the AI are clustered on the other side of the map cause I've only found 1 of the AI who lost half his territory when a populated planet reached the space age, I also had a large fleet run through my empire but I killed them, those could have been nomads.
  14. Teyrn

    Teyrn Order Member

    May 23, 2014
    Frozen North
    I'm finding I really like the 4-Arm Spiral galaxy's with Wormhole FTL. You can jump into other arms pretty easily to claim resources etc, and a lot of the AI (On Normal at least) seem to not have any desire to get to the arm you started on if you piss them off.

    Also, somehow managed to colonise a world INSIDE a fallen empire's borders by not even knowing the FE existed. I'd sent a science ship and scouted a bunch of systems in a separate arm of my galaxy, found a reeeeeally nice planet and sent a colony ship. Apparently by the time the FE noticed I existed the colony had finished building so my border's started expanding...

    Oddly enough, the FE actually started at about 15% positive relations to me, because we're both spiritualist.
  15. Hawkin

    Hawkin Chief Warlock

    Apr 20, 2011
    QC, Canada
    Has anyone ever had an instance of a FE taking arms or sending you warnings? I'm asking because in my first game I colonized a Holy World (it was my first colony) and nothing ever came from it (the FE).
  16. BioPlague

    BioPlague The Senate DLP Supporter

    Jun 22, 2006
    United States
    Had you met the Fallen Empire yet?
  17. Teyrn

    Teyrn Order Member

    May 23, 2014
    Frozen North
    I had a pair of FE wipe me out when I started a new game yesterday.

    I had the bad luck of spawning sandwhiched in between the two. Not sure what set them off though, I'd only had the one colony, and a single frontier outpost.
  18. Tutorial Boss

    Tutorial Boss Seventh Year

    Apr 10, 2012
    I have yet to venture past Normal. Still trying different gov'ts.

    Someone mentioned a DLP Stellaris game. Is this going to be a thing?!

    It depends. THere are four Fallen Empires, each with a "trigger."

    One gets aggro'd by you going after dangerous tech like AI and stuff that might be end of the universe, another hate slavers/xenophobes(I tangle with these depressingly often), one has a bunch of nearby systems that they deem "holy" (they're usually really good planets) and cockblock anyone who tries to colonize them/take them by killing them horribly. The last one... if you're near their border, they kill you.

    I'm guessing you ran into the last one.
  19. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    Yep - on Saturday. Can everyone make 17:00 GMT (13:00 EST)?
  20. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Do we have a player list yet?