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New and Almost Recommended Harry Potter Fanfiction

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by Dark Minion, Sep 20, 2014.

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  1. Hush

    Hush Seventh Year

    Jun 7, 2016
    High Score:
    The only way that makes sense in my mind is the name. The pseudonym Werewolf Warrior seems unique enough, coupled with being able to recognise someone's writing style if they're familiar with it would be enough to raise a query. Especially if they already knew he wrote fanfiction. Either that or they went trawling through his browsing history and he kept his username and password saved or something...

    Edit: Ninja'd
  2. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    The Amalgamation Agreement

    So, this fic started about a year ago, and then recently started updating again. I personally liked TUI's main work more, but I've been reading this as well. Very guilty pleasure stuff. Mainly reading this because it's a refreshing take on Daphne's character, and I do find myself chuckling at a couple of the lines in the fic.

    But there's also cringey stuff.

    The whole scary Harry Potter Auror shit doesn't really sit well with me. Nor does the hero worship. Seriously? Having different people buying every single drink you drink in a night five years after the war?

    Definitely not to everyone's taste, but I'd thought I'd leave it here and see if anyone actually enjoyed it.
  3. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    You're shocked that a war hero gets drinks at a bar five years after said war?

    Steven Gerard will never have to buy drinks in Liverpool, ever. And he only won a freaking piece of silverware...
  4. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Dangerous and Deadly Lord Voldemort, by Kevin3

    It's complete, and so's the sequel.

    Basically, the story revolves around a muggle-born who liked stage magic, and wanted to create a persona. As found out in chapter two, he creates Voldemort, and runs the whole thing as a scam to trick the wizarding world. If there was a reason given, then I don't recall it.

    It's an interesting story, someone without the same magical skills that Voldemort has, but that doesn't invalidate the difficulty of what they did. For the most part, the writing is also pretty sound, as nothing jumped out at me as being poorly written.

    I haven't read the (finished) sequel, and I'm not entirely sure I'm going to. The first story was good, but nothing really special - I'll have forgotten the details of it before too long. But given that it's only 17k long, it'll fill a train ride or something.
  5. mistermisstep

    mistermisstep First Year

    Mar 20, 2016
    Off the shoulder of Orion
    High Score:
    Witch Killers by BolteAltamont is only four chapters in, so this seemed like the place to post it.

    The description is fairly lame -- it has the dreaded words "OC-centric" and "read and review" -- but the actual story is more decent than I expected. Essentially, Aurors are after a killer called the "Skull Smasher," but there is a second mystery as a B-plot.

    The writing quality isn't too shabby, though sparser on details than I like. On the plus side, it is readable and generally clear. The mystery in the story actually incorporates magic in a creative way instead of just making it a generic murder mystery with Harry Potter canon stapled on top.

    But as it's less than 20,000 words that hasn't been updated since April, it really needs more to it. I'd also appreciate further characterization on the OCs in the story -- Scarlett was my favorite mostly because I had more of a feel for who she was. The story could use some fuller details on the setting too.

    As it stands, there just isn't enough on the table to judge the full menu.

    Verdict: A promising if lean start.
  6. Rayndeon

    Rayndeon Professor

    Nov 22, 2008
    The Red Knight By: Demon Eyes Laharl Ron Weasley had lived a good life. Having faced Voldemort with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger and becoming an Auror and Unspeakable, he is suddenly reborn in the world with his memories mostly intact. Hoping to do better this time around, he slowly realizes this new world was not the one he lived before. Things were different. And more dangerous. AU
    Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Humor - Ron W. - Chapters: 10 - Words: 31,656 - Reviews: 100 - Favs: 129 - Follows: 224 - Updated: Oct 8 - Published: Sep 9 - id: 12141684

    So, another Peggy Sue story, a trope I have something of a personal weakness for. One unique thing going for this story is that it's a Ron - centric time travel story. Ron - centric anything is rare; Ron - centric time travel / dimension travel stories are, as you can imagine, even rarer. The only other decent / good ones I can think of currently off the top of my head are Gryffindors Never Die, the cost of time travel, and Mirror, Mirror. (I'm not counting Deadwookpecker's Backwards with Purpose because that story revolves more around Harry and Ginny arguably than it does Ron)

    So, anyway, back to The Red Knight. The upshot of the story, as the summary suggests, is that Ron finds himself traveling back in time to his birth. Thankfully, the author skips out most everything there until a couple of years prior to Hogwarts, where Ron forms a friendship with Luna, and current chapters are exploring Ron's first year.

    There are some complications that add additional wrinkles to the plot: for one, Ron doesn't retain a perfect memory of everything that happened, which partly plays into the mystery as to how he even traveled back in time.

    Significant wrinkles also crop up later when people and events aren't exactly how he'd remember them and they don't go the way he planned. For example, Ron ends up getting sorted into Slytherin House this time, forming alliances / friendship with Zabini, Greengrass, Davis, and Bulstrode.

    And by far the biggest divergence is that there's no Boy-Who-Lived in this world. Instead, it's the Girl-Who-Lived. And both fem!Harry (name of Violet in this story) and Hermione are significantly cooler towards him; Hermione in fact is outright hostile. In fact,
    unless the author is doing some serious misdirection, it seems clear that this Hermione and fem!Harry are also time / dimension travelers from an alternate universe, one in which apparently Ron was either an enormous asshole or outright evil

    The author seems to be doing a good job of keeping up the intrigue, so the story is interesting thus far. The dialogue and interactions between the different characters is well done—Ron develops a cute friendship with Luna, an amusing relationship with Daphne Greengrass where they both annoy each other, and an interesting pseudo-friendship with Violet, who's a lot more devious and self-assured than the canonical 11-year old Harry Potter.

    Furthermore, the writing mechanics seem fairly solid with no glaring grammatical or typographical errors.

    There are however a couple of potential red flags present, though none of have become enough of an issue to interfere with my enjoyment of the story thus far. First, there are some hints of something approaching Molly Weasley - bashing, as Molly seems to have a more antagonistic relationship with Ron here: she doesn't take too kindly to Ron receiving "charity" when the Lovegoods give him some expensive presents, she outright berates him when he's sorted into Slytherin, and so forth. While this could be chalked up to Ron ending up in an alternate world with an alternate Molly, it's still a little worrying, though thankfully it isn't a front-and-center issue currently.

    Secondly, magical cores are a thing here. I'm a little leery of the entire magical core concept--outside of the canonical wand cores--but that doesn't seem to be too much of an issue here. Magical cores are frequently invoked as a lazy way to develop a super!Harry story or the like, but here, thus far the author is invoking it to avoid precisely that; because of Ron's age, his core isn't fully developed and certain forms of magic are a lot more difficult for him to perform. So, it does have something of a pet peeve of mine, but thankfully it isn't too big of a deal at the moment.

    Finally, the other significant issue is Ron's character and internal voice. While this is a largely DH compliant Peggy Sue, in this story Ron apparently went on in his career to become an Unspeakable after leaving the Aurors. While Ron obviously matured in his years as seen in DH itself and the epilogue to DH, Ron always seemed to retain a certain quasi-child-like demeanor, a certain bluntness. Ron here is a lot more charismatic and diplomatic, and while he still retains the canonical Ron's sense for humor and sarcasm, it stills reads a little jarring to see Ron playing the peacemaker at times. Again, could be chalked up to differences in Ron's past + decades of growing as an adult, but I thought it would be a fair warning regardless.

    I'm willing to forgive the last bit if only how rare a sympathetically portrayed, let alone a protagonist, Ron is in the HP fandom. Definitely looking forward to more from this story.

    Too short currently (just over 30k+ words) to put into the Review Board, but if the author keeps up the same quality of work, it could make it into the Library, I think. I'd say give it a shot.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
  7. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Recent: House of Shards

    I can't figure out if this is a repost, a rip-off, or something new. I remember a House of Cards-style story, but I dunno if it was this one. Anyone remember?

    Anyway, politics that aren't completely nonsensical (although it may yet suffer from the "making Harry smart by dumbing down everyone else"-problem, cf. that Gringotts plan), the standard betrayal/revenge backstory, future Harry/Daphne marriage of convenience, and House of Cards style narration. I found it entertaining.
  8. bob99

    bob99 High Inquisitor

    Aug 14, 2011
    I enjoyed that one. I don't think its a ripoff. I've seen other house of cards crossovers but they are usually pretty bad, and basically just copy the story line. This seems like its somewhat original.
  9. Peter North

    Peter North Dark Lord

    Jul 10, 2013
    New Hampshire
    I gave this fic a shot even though I've never seen house of cards before. The writing seemed a bit dry to me actually, but the idea was interesting enough to keep me interested.
  10. Euroclydon

    Euroclydon High Inquisitor

    Feb 9, 2008
    Wherever I am sent
    The author's A/N at the start of chapter 1 indicates that it is a leaner re-work of his own story under a new account after he lost the log-in credentials for his old one.
  11. Rhys

    Rhys High Inquisitor

    Sep 6, 2009
    I really enjoyed this. I went in with low expectations and without reading the spoiler, and it ended up being a really fun ride that I'll keep an eye on for the next few weeks.

    With regards to your thoughts:
    I think there is a twist, and Hermoine isn't a time traveller. Violet (fem!Harry) is, and met up with Hermoine very early on in this timeline. Hermoine became super attached to her and learned a bunch of magic from her but is still just a "normal" 11 year old. I think her hatred of Ron can be explained from what Violet must've originally told her about other!Ron, and then paranoia that Ron is going to steal her Violet. I don't think Violet ever dealt with a Halloween troll, and I don't think she ever learned about the map.

    The mysterious third traveler the hat mentioned is actually another firstie, the same person that is trying to kill Ron. Whoever it is has a last name starting with a letter before "W" (man, that narrows it down huh ;)), and is being intentionally subtle so as not to be spotted. They pegged Ron early because he was as obvious as a bludger if you knew what to look for and decided to murder him for good reasons or bad. Why this person wants Ron dead but apparently not Violet is anyone's guess, but Violet is being more subtle than Ron and it's possible the third actor doesn't have perfect understanding of the situation either.

    It's possible Ron would've been at risk in Gryffindor because of Hermoine being an obsessive yandere, or because the third actor is a boy in that house, or even because Hermoine is in double-secret cover as the third actor even from Violet and wants to kill Ron to have an unknowing Violet all to herself this time around.

    Part of what really gets me about the story is how cool that whole mystery is, that I can speculate about it to such a degree and still be really unsure if I'm barking up the right tree.
  12. dhulli

    dhulli The Reborn

    Nov 10, 2013
    New chapter posted for the Red Knight (it really should have it's own thread by now) and who could've guessed:

    It would be Hermione! I always thought it couldn't be her because it would be too obvious but then it is her was a surprise. Huh. Also, the method Harry fuck I meanRon used to determine who she was was ingenious.
  13. TallDarkStranger

    TallDarkStranger Fourth Year

    Dec 4, 2015
    High Score:
    It's not confirmed that it was her. Just that she fits the billing. Could still see twist.
  14. Majube

    Majube Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 2, 2016
    High Score:
    Wow, didn't know so many people were following this too.

    I feel like it's Hermione, but logically I know it must be someone out of nowhere like Neville bewitching Hermione into doing it or like one of Draco's minions.

    Also this should get it's own thread.
  15. Silly

    Silly Third Year

    Oct 12, 2015
    High Score:
    I just read this story. It's been quite interesting so far, but obviously it is pretty unfinished at the moment. I kind of just wish there were ten or so more chapters that I could read right now. I'm definitely excited to find out what happens next.

    Also, Ron is doing pretty well for himself his second time around. Cute interactions with Luna, Daphne (and the rest of the Slytherin crowd), and even probable-time-traveler Violet. I wonder if the author will eventually choose to make his womanizing into something a little more serious down the line, or if the story will stay firmly in the adventure, mystery, and snarky humor camp.
  16. GiantMonkeyMan

    GiantMonkeyMan High Inquisitor

    Sep 8, 2008
    Every time Ron says "m'lady" I keep imagining him tipping a fedora. It's a good fic, though, and I've been following. Solid 3/5 for me.
  17. bob99

    bob99 High Inquisitor

    Aug 14, 2011
    Specialist-of-the-Impossible by LunaStorm

    Harry Potter was 26 years old, rich, famous, and at a loss as to what to do with himself. That was likely why he didn't turn down that odd proposal... Arc One: All in all, the fact that Death had managed to scatter around yet more prized possessions wasn't that big of a surprise.

    I'm enjoying this story. It's light reading, but I haven't really seen many cliches and the plot feels new. Basically it introduces a myth of Death's chess set, and Harry gets hired to track down the pieces. I'm not expecting an intense story, and the chapters are short, but the writing seems decent.
  18. Peter North

    Peter North Dark Lord

    Jul 10, 2013
    New Hampshire
    So far it's been OCs galore and while it's not been a bad fic per se the story has yet to really move forward. It takes place in Bologna Italy and most of the OCs appear to be muggles but they appear to know about wizards although why this is is not mentioned. Also the publish date is 2012 so that right there is a red flag in of itself when we only have thirteen chapters so far and it doesn't seem anywhere near complete.
    My rating is 2/5 for the time being.

    Edit: Majube my mistake about the wizards, but I stand by the rest of my review.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2016
  19. Majube

    Majube Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 2, 2016
    High Score:
    There's thirteen chapters?
    Edit: Ninja'ed
    Also I don't think there's been any dialogue by muggles at all. The Bologna wizards clearly said they don't dress like the British. Ex. Suits an etc.
    In my opinion it seems pretty good so far, I really liked some of the more creative ideas overall I just don't like how they mangled Ron an Hermiones character with the whole pressuring thing but it is a bit realistic/in character nonetheless. Or that H/G broke up over such vapid reasoning without any of Ginnys side. If the plot speeds up I'd give it a 3/5 but I wouldn't say it's anything above almost recommended.
  20. sildet

    sildet Sixth Year

    Apr 10, 2015
    As far as The Red Night goes, I'm thinking that Ron runs into Violet while trying to steal the diary from the Malfoy's. I'm digging the update rate, and the intrigue with this story.
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