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Family Pack by TaldMar - R

Discussion in 'Trash Bin' started by TaldMar, Apr 24, 2005.

  1. TaldMar

    TaldMar First Year

    Apr 8, 2005
    Title: Family Pack
    Author: TaldMar
    Rating: R
    Summary: Harry accentently recieves a gift from a ritual Voldemort was performing which sets off some changes in Harry.

    A/N: This is what i am writing instead of that other story(that still needs a title),(Hell this needs a better title also(I suck at titles)). Anyway the pairing will be Harry/a few. And for the Ron haters out there yes he gets his eventually and a few times. For the Hermoine haters she is less bossy and know it all so i hope you tolerate her. This will be rated R for stuff later like language adult situations violence and whatever else i think to add.


    The dark and quiet of night blanketed the all the houses of Little Whinging. Inside the house of Number 4 Privet Drive, one resident remained awake. Harry Potter sat in his bed with his legs brought before, arms crossed with elbows on his knees and head resting on his forearms. He had been back from Hogwarts for two weeks now and for the past week Voldemort seemed to be, of all things considering recent events, in a, for him, happy mood and this worried Harry.

    Movement to Harry’s right side interrupted any thoughts to or why Voldemort would be happy. There beside Harry was Nymphadora Tonks and from what Harry could see in the dark room she was sleeping peacefully. After gazing upon her sleeping form while reminiscing with a slight smile about the events that lead to her tired state Harry let out a sigh and laid back down. Wrapping his arms back around the woman in front of him, bringing her back to his chest, Harry slowly dozed off to sleep for the second time that night.

    * * *

    It was Monday night now and again Harry found himself awake with his thoughts whirling around in his skull. When he had first awoken it was innocent enough he needed to use the washroom and while settling back into his bed had absently noticed that it was full moon that night. This observation got his thoughts on to Remus and then how he was the last marauder, which made Harry think of Sirius. Which brought the fact that Harry had gotten Sirius killed and the same fate nearly happened to his friends and members of the order due to Harry’s misguided rescue attempt. Again Harry was saved from these thoughts, but not from his bedmate of the three nights prior, his scar had started to sting.

    Harry’s vision suddenly shifted almost like it does when viewing in a pensive. The black faded away from his eyes to reveal that Voldemort was preparing some sort of ritual. Based of the fact that there was a stone table with a naked woman laid on top of with a sword sticking out of abdomen. On the left side of the table dressed in black cloaks with the hoods drawn stood three figures and on the right stood another three, all six chanting something that Harry couldn’t make out. This was when Harry realized that he wasn’t looking through Voldemort’s eyes but as a third party because at the woman’s head Voldemort stood chanting. When no one reacted to Harry sudden appearance on the scene he looked down at his body to discover it was there.

    The chanting Voldemort was doing increased in volume as the sword began to glow and to Harry’s amazement blood began to flow up the blade towards to hilt. As the blood crept closer and closer to the hilt a wind began to pick up in the forest clearing and the sword’s glow grew brighter. Harry tried to move, scream to anything but he was unable to in anyway except change where he was looking.

    As the blood reached to hilt Voldemort shouted out something the other six stopped chanting and the wind disappeared along the glow of the sword. After a few moment of near complete silence and impossibly bright light erupted from the about half a foot above the sword and somewhere inside Harry’s head a voice sounded the word “Granted”.

    Harry’s vision changed yet again and instead of the ritual clearing or back in his room with Tonks, which was where he wanted to be, to blackness and two voices sounding off. One being Voldemort raging about “Potter destroying the ritual and stealing some of the power it granted” and the other was Tonks pleading with Harry to wake up and snap out of what ever it was he was under.

    Slowly the voices faded away leaving just Harry looking out in the void in front of him and finding that sleep was a good idea as he drifted further into his mind and dreams.

    * * *

    When Harry opened his eyes again it was not to anything he expected, such as the ceiling over which ever bed the order decided to put him in to recover from whatever the hell had happened. His was seated in a rather comfortable chair that looked like a throne from a prince in front of the Mirror of Erised.

    Unlike before where it had shown Harry him surrounded by family this time it flashed through many scenes of his life and shown people he assumed to be grandparents.

    First was him being held in his mothers arms while she drifted about almost dancing the room. Then it was a woman who resembled his mother and a tall blond man with a rather long neck, Harry assumed these to be his Evans grandparents and behind them the faceless mass of that family. Then in changed to his teenage father between two people he assumed would be he father’s parents again with the faceless Potter line behind them.

    After his father had faded away it was a twelve-year-old Harry getting bitten by the basilisk, which was followed swiftly by Fawkes crying into the wound. His mother returned to the mirror face and with a flash of green changed to Voldemort walking into view. Voldemort just stood there staring at Harry as the mirror slowly went foggy before showing Harry sitting in the chair. The mirror Harry was different though he was bigger and seemed to have this aura around him that screamed caution to those who wished harm and safety to those he loved.

    Slowly Harry drifted off to sleep in that chair by the mirror trying to under stand what he just saw.

    A/N: Same deal as always tell me what you think and no matter what you say you getting atleast another chapter before this gets lost to lack of motivation on my part.
  2. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet
    .. HEY! thats good.. lovely beginning... love the harry/tonks at the beginning.. not really sure about the harry/many .. lots of them turn out kinda bad.. though ill wait to see how this goes.. secretly hoping it does a round about and ends hp/tonks but thats just my personal obsession so ignore me ^_^ ..
  3. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Interesting so far, I await the next chapter. I think the Tonks part is alright, but the ritual and link so far peaks my interest.
  4. TaldMar

    TaldMar First Year

    Apr 8, 2005
    The reason is says Harry/a few is that(*spoiler for next chatper*) Tonks wasn't Harry's first I'm doing a minor AU where Pavarti got to Harry about a month before OWLs. And i'm pretty sure i will have Tonks stick with Harry Romantically till the end not sure how i should handle Pav or any other females and the reason for my unease will be revealed in a few chapters not sure how many.
  5. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    w00t go Harry, he nabbed Parv.
  6. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    lets see where this leads to.i like the ritual part nd i'm iite with tonks as long as it can come of real but update soon
  7. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet
    O_O .. go harry! .. tonks and parv! ... think the only way to get better ish a tonks/non-bubbly-parv/padma/harry scene!..

    but yesh.. very good! ..ritual good.. now.. i, as the supreme overlord of the universe and ruler of all things evil and honks, demand a new chapter!
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    good chapter mate. please be quick to update and put some action in the next chapter.
  9. TaldMar

    TaldMar First Year

    Apr 8, 2005
    Can't seem to get past the conversation between Dumbledore and Harry. I have it the explaination of what is going to happen to Harry out but I can't seem to work it into a format I like. Then I have to get Harry's confession out about what happened with Tonks but I think the next chapter should be out this weekend.
  10. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Conversation with Dumbles:

    "Ah Harry my boy, please sit down. I would like to speak-" Dumbledore is cut off at Fawkes randomly dropped his perch upon his companion's head, sending him into unconsciousness.

    Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

    "Thanks Fawkes, I owe you one," Harry said to the majestic bird.

    Fawkes bobbed his head and flew out the window.
  11. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet
    ... <_< ... somehow i dont think that would work.. dumblie is awful hard headed...

    itd probably be easier to convince hagrid to give up his... cute... animals
  12. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    it would if fawkes really liked harry
  13. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Yes, but the perch must withstand the awesome heat of the Phoenix's rebirth. I bet that would be some heavy duty stuff as any heat shielding would probably be disrupted.
  14. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    it did withstand it in the movie and the book remember
  15. ariannariddle

    ariannariddle Squib

    May 10, 2005
    um its ok just post more soon
  16. ariannariddle

    ariannariddle Squib

    May 10, 2005
    um its ok just post more soon
  17. nightangel960

    nightangel960 Fifth Year

    May 1, 2005
    honestly I don't know why Fawkes is still with Dumbledore, he doesn't deserve a phoenix.
  18. Levi

    Levi Sent Back to India

    Apr 3, 2005
    Mumbai, India
    You, mon cher ami, have read entirely too many Machiavellian Dumbledore fics, to think straight. The manipulative DD is a complete fanon fact. And as much as i loathe to admit it, even I sail in the same boat.
  19. nightangel960

    nightangel960 Fifth Year

    May 1, 2005
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Well its good for a beginning, i'm thinking the perch could nock out dumbledore if fawks dropped it froma height.

    I like hp and harry/tonks but hp/tonks/padma/pav would always work to