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Stardew Valley Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Maybe a little bit. Being pushes by Math is, ah, unpleasant.
  2. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US

    ....I want a list that reflects the game and not a randomized.

    You can say those words but they are meaningless as I don't agree. I am asking you to read you.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:25 ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 ----------

    ....Wtf is this?

    And why won't you answer my question?
  3. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I don't usually agree with you.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------

    I'm resisting the urge to townread Delphine for this.
  4. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Why? I do for it.

    Do you want her around as a mislynch later?
  5. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    Early Typhon sure is narrator-y about his eyerolling. I find putting so many words to something visceral enough to be best described as an action odd.

    I get the same "I'm trying to narrate my totally town mindset" feeling here.

    I don't like his subsequent discussion surrounding his Q focus because "pretty much" going with mal's premise there, and later to Jan "Does that make sense, or am I not being clear[...]? ring as unnecessarily appease-y though I'm less confident that's alignment indicative.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 AM ----------

    Hey Waco, you should make your avatar's hat hot pink or something so it's less hard to find your posts.
  6. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    It's too easy for her to fake as mafia.
  7. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    In all the games I played in Von was town. Except MM 7 where, admittedly he got steamrolled.

    But I still think he's a good enough player fundamentally that he can not crack under pressure.
  8. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    So you think you can read me well according to the order of names i put in, but are unable to read me based on possible reads on them?

    This is just .. really?

    His Fluffiness


    Mallorean Thug

    The Waco Kid


    Where I am at.

    The big group are more or less null at the moment.

    Got a shitton of towns and not sure about scum at the moment.

    There might be this feeling in my gut that Jari is an evildoer, but I am too lazy to actually follow up on that at the moment.

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:54 ---------- Previous post was at 19:52 ----------

    I think he is a a fine player.

    But if you experience in playing with him then you realize difference between town and scum von.

    I mean there is a reason he said earlier that he is basically unlynchable as town.
    It is true, at least here.

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:56 ---------- Previous post was at 19:54 ----------


    .. really should read over my posts sometimes.
  9. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Who are you and why are you stealing my reads.
  10. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    Vote: Typhon
  11. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    My name is Jan.

    Some friends call me smelly cat, but it is not my fault.
  12. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Do you think there's anyone that fits well with a scum Typhon?

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:04 PM ----------

    Or alternatively, that doesn't fit at all?
  13. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    that's not important to me yet
  14. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Delphine could you explain what you see in that? Because I've read it 4 times now and I don't see what font was going for.
  15. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    "I'm still trying to get my bearings. Math, if I had to pick someone right this second."

    "I suppose since I've laid out my full reasoning for the Q vote at this stage I can swap to somewhere more deserved."

    A good bit of his iso is narrating his thought processes in ^ fashion, which seems forced.
  16. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    I really don't like Corrdorr's opening. He'd clearly caught up, and doesn't seem the sort to post Kai-style, but he only have a meta response on a player he knew, which he even backed off quickly. No reaction to anything from the past 400 posts. That makes me think scum without confidence in a new player group.
  17. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Hello again children, I have returned.

    I will briefly address fonti and Q’s last bits of conversation last night, because they are pertinent to me solving the game, but if there are prods that I missed past the ones I quote here I will not be addressing them unless the askers care enough to repost them to me - constantly defending myself is a waste of my energy and a thread derail.

    I will be solving the game now, because that is much more productive than defending myself against every new thing that comes in. I will do this, and you will townread me for it, because 1) me defending against snarky prods and getting scumread is a dead end - not only does that lead to a mislynch, but when I flip town my legacy will be worthless and 2) I haven't mislynched in literally years and I will not be a frigging D1 mislynch here.

    This post will be long. Read it anyway. I know we're only on page 5. Read it anyway. If I can spend my time writing it, you can spend much less time to read it. If it really offends your gentle sensibilities to read it, then the first bit before the line break is for fonti, and the second bit is for Q.

    I did read your posts. Did you read mine? Will link now for ease. Plz consider and respond.
    Note that I fixed the links from my original post with the second post I made on this - no other alterations to the quote were made.

    Now, on to Q.

    We played in Narutomafia together - I was scum and you were 3P and I tunneled you to death iirc. I don't find that to be terribly relevant, having been years previous and me not being scum here.

    At least, it's not relevant in the sense of what I'm saying, which is for you to have manufactured the reads that you did in a way that fooled practically all of us (even if you had the easy mode of /knowing/ Math and miner were scum), you had to have been capable of making those reads for the right reasons at the right moment. If you are capable of doing that as scum, then you are capable of doing that as town.

    No, it doesn't mean that you'll always be right, but, like I was saying to Jan, that doesn't really matter. I mean, it does in the sense that you can't be constantly wrong for an entire game or we'll lose, but like if you scumread people for good, firm, logical reasons and actively scumhunt in such a way that you're clearly town, then I have faith that you'll sniff out scum eventually.

    Perhaps strong voice was the wrong phrasing (although in my mind it isn't). I'm meaning... like a towncircle voice, I guess. Someone I can trust to to be fully on town's side and competent.

    So far I have not been disappointed in this.


    Okay, so that's done. Let's talk about reads.
    Obviously not a scum team (well, probably), just independent scum reads

    Players who are probably town:
    Fluff, Q, miner, Jan, (probably) Mal

    Players who are probably scum:
    Snow, Math

    Let's start with talking about the townreads:

    -Fluff should be obvious. Like, look at this:
    So yeah, moving on.

    -Q is not Fluff-tier, but looks pretty towny so far - think it was Mal who said he seemed guileless, and I agree with that. Was a little concerned when he came in kinda downing his towngame, but he's doing some scumhunting things I can appreciate. I liked his questions to me as a magnifying glass to make sure I wasn't just trying to spout bullshit to Mal (who wasn't in last game) and sneak away. I agree with him about Math, and had the same reaction to Cobalt doing his thing, although I went back and looked at the TH which must not be named and I agree with those who said he'd probably do that as town.

    -There are a lot of things that I like about miner on the reread. Early, he is actively scumhunting, (notices Jari sliding onto Von without much reasoning, notices Jari making a joke about lynching AFK Delphine after he did that last time as scum) but isn't pounce-y (notices tom made a bad case on Waco but considers tom's meta and doesn't dive on that, despite clearly actually think it's a bad case). I like that Snow, Math are pinging him too. I like that he questioned me about my Jari read (where I was soft townreading someone he was scumreading).

    miner11121 I do actually still want to hear more of your reasoning about why you think Jari would join the Snow "wagon" inside of 100 posts. Do you think they're both scum, or w/v, or? On the reread I like him significantly less (428 was especially bad), but I still don't really see how that was scummy.

    -This game might actually be limbo, as Jan keeps saying, because I do have a townread on him. I liked 93 and the followup a fair bit for the reason I liked miner early - scumhunting without looking to pounce. His questions to me felt like they were coming from a place of trying to figure out where my head was at, not trying to gather ammunition to show a lynch down my throat. The Math bit of 415 and 426 are also showing a mindset that I like and largely agree with (although we obviously disagree wrt Snowvon).

    -mal is a fairly thin read in that I feel good about it, but it is mostly feeling as opposed to firm things to point out? Like, mal does this thing where he kinda hides behind his voting/mechanical proclivities and asking questions and tries to imitate the attitude that comes with them but never quite manages in a scum game, but he feels genuine here. Like, obviously we should keep an eye on him to makes sure he is doing something with the answers to the questions he's asking, but right now mal is promising.

    Oh shit, look, I'm almost done. Just scum reads now.
    -So let's start with Math, because I think this one is easier to demonstrate. Go look at 138, 164, 182, 192, and 300. No, seriously, go look. I'll wait.

    You guys are townreading that? /Seriously/? This is TH mk.2.

    -That just leaves us with Snow. So here's the deal with Snow: he keeps reaching for things. I'm forcing myself to not scumread him for volume and tone because I'm sympathetic to him wanting to change his playstyle a bit.

    But like. Within 31 posts, he's declared a townbloc. And yeah, I agree with both people, and agreed with fluff even then, but that's pretty damn early for mal. He does it again in 206 - going from calling Math THmk.2 Math to part of the townbloc in 22 posts. I don't believe that he changed his mind that much in 22 posts. Then 50 posts later in 256 he seems to relent, and says Math can be in the townbloc, except he's already said that. I asked him what changed for him, but he never answered. Then in 283 he adds Cobalt to the townbloc after Cobalt has made 2 posts, one of which was a claim.

    And then there's 395 - lemme just quote that one for you:
    Do I need to explain the issues here? This is an objectively bad post. None of that stuff is really meaningful besides the reaction to the tom v. Waco case (and maybe the vote on me if you think fonti couldn't fake that RVS shit, which, lol), it’s filled with soft language, it ends in a weirdly “but, lol, I could be wrong” way, and give Math skepticism after Snow has called them towncircle twice.

    So the thing here is that it feels like Snow is aware that he can't maintain his normal level of towniness, so he hits us with some slank cover in his opening, is reaching to build a big town circle as quickly as possible so he can rest on their reads, and then he can sit back and just not fuck up for a scum win.

    So yeah, I'm completely fine with killing either him or Math.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 PM ----------

    Goddamn, there goes half of my day.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 PM ----------

    FWIW Delphine, what you're calling narrator-y is just how I talk/think.

    It's probably not going away.
  18. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Yeah sure, but I don't think he's town this game. So hence, why he's getting lynched.

    Also, I simply do not believe that Von will always be /that/ easy to read. There's going to be a game where he goes deep scum. I don't want it to be this one.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:37 PM ----------

    Typhon, Jari always does this weird thing where he gets these good reads and then spends like forever explaining them.

    I made a note of him moving onto Von because it seemed random at the time, and I disliked his playstyle this game. I'm not going to put him as my top scumread, but I'm noting it down right now, because if it's really town!Jarizok then he should have something to say about that vote.

    So yeah Jarizok. Why Von?

    I mean, personally, I feel like I /should/ be triggered by what tom did as well. He's certainly acted scummier than Von ever did.

    But remembering AYAW 4 and I just don't know anymore.
  19. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    I don't like this wall from Typhon. It just seems like a bunch of different/disconnected reads, where he'd tried to hype it as "I'm solving the game".

    I know its unfair to compare it to TH7, because there he was fastened on a scums tail wind, but that wall was sharp and focused to a point. There was a *reason* to make it a wall.

    This, on the other hand, feels artificial. He was getting scum read so he thought throwing up a wall would help. In TH7 he'd have made most of those reads their own post ss he thought of them. Holding them back for a wall feels a) more reserved, less on the fly confident, and b) see above 're making a wall.

    I'm also not very fond of the individual reads and the reasoning behind them. On phone so hard to quote but they have a lot of what Delphine was pointing out, combined with some "isn't this obvious".

    Vote Typhon

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:03 PM ----------

    It's the scumreads, particularly. The town ones have some thought behind them, but the Math is just #clearly, and I dislike the Von reasoning.

    Which is fine. I dislike it, but whatever. Its like all the components work but when chucked in together they stink like rotten fish. Like I don't see a reason to Chuck in the response to me there with a read wall - he was obviously willing to post separately given Jarizok. To me the only rationale is a desire to have a wall.
  20. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    I mean.

    Idk what to tell you man. I (obviously) feel like there's probably at least one between Snow and Math.

    I've called out 5 people that I have a solid town read on and 2 people I have a solid scum read on, with a lot of reasoning included for each one. If that's not a reasonable level of solving the game from me, then I'm not certain what would qualify.

    I promise making a catch-up/readwall vs. making 10k posts of the same is NAI for me (last game was the only time I'd ever done the latter), but I'm a little stumped if you're looking at that wall and think "nah, this guy is my top scumread". I guess if anybody has any questions about it or anything else, feel free to ask, I'll be around. Otherwise I'm going to take a lap, refresh, and try again later I guess.